The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 20, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    I'AOH F1VM
13 Days- Our First Great -13
mashing and Give Away Profit
StartsSaturday 9:00a.m.
This is our First Big Sale. We are not in the habit of running sales,
and our stock of high grade men's, women's and children's shoes
are not of the sort that is usually found at a sale. But we are going to
give the people of this community one grand and glorious opportunity
to buy shoes that are new "and up to the minute in style. Very desirable
at even our regular prices. At such drastic reductions as to startle
the buying public mto a realization that here is a real long wait
ed for time and place to get just what they want in footwear at prices
that will astonish as well as please. -We have priced these shoes with
but one big object in view. "To sell" and we mean to do it regard
less of cost or former selling prices. Buy your shoes now. This sale
makes your dollar do the work of two.
Bring Your Friends and Come! Sale Prices for Cash Only!
Let Nothing Keep You Away!
Ono Yry nlco iimurtiinMit if Men's
lllnck Cult English lt RALHTON
Dr.'HH hllOPH, Mil ItlXOH til chooso
from. Values to $14.00, lit this
Hulo, pur pair
Onu lot of Miti'H Cordovan English
Lust Droit HIioi-h, u very nifty shoo
for thn youtiK man who can-,
worth wry hit of 16 00, nt thin
Hiili. Pr pulr
Mini's llliirk Klk Hkln Hhix's, will
regulurly for $3 60. cut for thli
300 pairs of Men's Dross Hhoe. nil
HlylfM. lilnck or hrown. cult skin or
kit), English or broad too lout, val
ues to J 10.00. at thlH Halo, per pair
Ono lot of Men' Drown Work
Shoo, value to B 60, ut tliln Hulo
por pair
Ono lot of Mon's 1 6-lncli HlKh Top
Light WiilRht Klk Shoes, formorly
mild an high as 120.00 pur pair,
Halo pur pair
Men's lllnck Calf Hkln button IIAI.
HTON shoos, values to $12-00, at
thin Hale, pur pnlr
Mi-n'H (Jhlppirwn, 16-Inch Hrown
Packs. Formerly prlccil nl -$22.60,
ri-ilucixl for thin Halo
Mon's lllnck Kit! Lacu Dress Shoos,
liroml or narrow too, value to
$10. CO, nt mis nam
Woimm'ii Hrown "John Kelly"
llranil Kl.l Hhoon. French Hools.
valui-H to $18.00, rcilucuil for this
Halo to
Mon'H UAUSTON'S Hrown Kill
Hrouil Too Dress Shoo, values to
$10.00, ut this Halo, por pair
Men's $9.00 Tan Army LubI Shoes,
whllo thoy Inst
$13.00 drey sueflo TonKU, ,
Pumps jo.uo
$12.00 Hrown Suodo Strnpi
1'urapH ; H,0;'
$11.00 Hlack Hueilo Strop
Pumps 7''K'
Tnblo 8yrup, 24 lbs. can . 33c
Tablo fiyrup, 61b. enn 64c
Tnblo Hyrup. 10 lb. can $1.23
Urunulntcil Sugar, lOlbs for ....$1.00
Orunulntcd Sugar. 100 lb. Sack $9.49
Funcy Jap Rice. 121b $1.00
Carnation Milk, pur enso of 48
cans $6.39
91bs. Imperial Itoltcil Oats for
"Cosmos" 2'. 4 size Puro Toma
toes, per caso of 24 cans ..$3.19
Treo Ton. Coylon. India, and
Kngllsh Breakfast, per lb. .39c
Solid Tack Peaches, per caso
of 6 ono gal. cans $4.49
I'umpklns, por caso of 6 ono
Kill, cans - $2.99
Pelican II rand Cafteo comes In 1-lb.
Cans 3-lbs. for
Packed Apples, per enso of ono
gal. cans $3.99
I'cars, packed solid, per caso
of 6 ono gal. cans ...$5.49
String Beans, very ' exception
al quality, per case, 6 ono
gal. cans $3.19
These Are Caso Prices Only
Potatoes, Fancy Netted Gems aro
being sold at this sate 100 lbs. for
$2.00 '
Specials for Saturday Only
On Saturday, May 21st, to the first 100 customers making a pur
chase of a pair of women's shoes at $8.00 or over, sale price, we will
sell a pair of Phoenix pure thread silk hose for the small sum of 49 C
One Pair to a Customer
EXTRA SPECIAL, Women's Hlack
Kid Tin Pumps, como In Military
Heel, values to $9.00, offered at
this Sale, per pair I
One nlco selection of Women'
Dlnck Kid Oxfords, very latest In
style, como In military and French
Heel, values to $8.60, por pair
Women's Dlack Kid Tonguo Pumps,
very btyllsh toe with French Heel,
worth $10.00, offered at this Salo,
per pair
Wo are offering Women's Whlto
Kid ono strap Pumps, with French
Ileols that aro worth $10.00 per
pair, at this Salo
Ono Special Lot of Women's Dlack
Kid, ono strap, very dressy Pumps
with French Heels, worth at least
$9.00 per pair, being priced at this
Salo at
Ono lot cf Women's Drown Kid
Shoes, "John Kelly" como la Mili
tary Heel, ull sizes and widths to
choose from, values to $18.00, re
duced for this Sale, per pair
One lot of Women's Drown Kid
Open Work Oxfords, "John Kelly"
Drand, ccmo in French' Heels and
range In values up to $13.60, re
duced for this Sale, por pair
One nlco selection of Women's
Drown Kid 'Oxfords, como In all
sizes and widths with Military
Heels, values to $S.00, reduced for
this Salo
Ono lot of lloy'B Hrown hnKllsh
Last Dretm BIiouh. Values to $7.00,
at this Halo, por pnlr
$4.95. '
Wo huvo put on display, ono na
Hortmont of Hoy'B Drossy Lngl ah
Walking LaBt Dross Shoes, values
to $4.60, at this Salo. per pnlr
Our ontlro stock of Trunks. Rugs,
Suit (Junes, nro being offorud for
this Salo lit u discount of
' 33V3
Saturday Only, May 21st. To the first 100 customers making a pur
chase of $5.00 or over in Grocery Dept., we will sell one Tall Can
of Lilly Brand Salmon for q
One Only to a Customer
Saturday Only, May 21st, to every purchaser of a pair of Men's Dress
Shoes, we will sell a pair of Men's $1.75 Silk Hose for the small sum
f 89c
One Pair to a Customer
25 Reduction on all lines of Boy's, Misses' and Children's Shoes
not specially priced.
Ono lot of Women's Dlack Satin
, Opera Pumps, cannot be excelled in
'style, French Heels, valued to
$11,00, reduced for this Salo to
Hero Is a lot of Women's Drown
Kid Dress Shoes, Military Heels,
Stylish lasts, values to $9.00, re
duced for this Salo
Ono assortment of Women's Drown
Calf Skin Shoes, "John Kelly"
Drand. Military Heel, values to
$16.00, reduced for this Salo
Ono special assortment of Women's
Hand Turned Dlnck Kid Dress
Shoes "John Kelly" Drand, French
Heol and Stylish Tog, values up to
$17.60, reduced for this Sale, per
Women's Dlack Kid, Serviceable
Street Shoes, with military Heels,
values to $S.0O, cut for this Sale,
per pair
Hero Is a "John Kelly" "Lady
Walker" Comfort Shoo, values to
$11.00, reduced for this Salo '
Misses' Extra Dressy Dlack Kid
Lnco Shoes, sizes 114 to 2, very
rensonnblo at $5.00, offered at this
Sale, per pnlr
Ono lot of Chlldron's Dlnck Kid
Laco Shoes, sizes 8 to 11, and
values to $4.26, oftored per pair at
this Salo
Misses' Dlnck Calf Skin Dutton
DresH Shoes. 'Sizes 11 to 2 and
values to $4.25, offered at this
Wo nro offering Womon's Fancy
Drop Stitch, Puro Silk Hoso with
Doublo Too and High Heol, como in
Hlack, Whlto or Hrown, worth $2.50
por pair. Salo por pair I
Ona lot of Women's Puro Thread
Hllk "Phoenix" Hoso, regular $1.65
Hoso for, por pair at this salo