The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 20, 1921, Image 1

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    I" I '
STlj? iEuenrng Itoaid
y CaM i4 J Will
Today's JVtttM
Membcrof the. Associated Press.
I'lftvn(li Vrtir Nil. ftVM
Action Held No Reflec
tion on Department
Of Justice, But Docs
Question Propriety
I'OIITI.ANI), May 20 (Special)
Tim Oregon llur association will
lininn IIh desire tn nppenr before thn
mproiun court 11 tln United States
In tho Allien) citnn.
Tim Imr association will pay no lit
tentlon l(i objections raised by Attor
ney General Daughorty nml Kullcltnr
(Innornl Frlorson In 11 conference
with Senator McNnry ut WtmhliiRlciii
J iicr.onllng to announcement made liy
ll.trlsnn (I. I'lutt. pesldclil or thu as-
Dispatches received hero Indlciited
Hint Dnughnrty nml Frlorson protest
Ml liny such proceeding iin cnnloiw
plated liy (tin liar association In ''"
Aiders rasa unit declared that such
appearance before tlm court im nut
lliicil liy tin1 Imr association would be
iintirard-nr nnd Implied reflection on
tlm Integrity ut tint head of tlm ile
purttnenl of JiiHtlni who lind nppi'iin
imI In tlm (lino In tlu highest court of
tlm I'nlti'd Mules
Alders was convicted In tlm tllMrli t
court In I'nrtliiiiil of dilating tlm
espionage nrt for alleged unpiitrliillr
uttcrnnri-H during tho wur II 11 p
IMiilcd to tlm circuit court of nppi'iilii
nt Kan FriincUni nnd the decision of.
tlm lower court wiih uplmld. Sornl
weeks ago Solicitor General Krlomon
ronfcAiii-d error on tlm pnrt of tlm
Gruetter Murder
Charge Dismissed
MEDFORD. May 20. T. W.
Gruettcr, of Agate,, nrrestcd ton
days ugo following I1I11 wlfea denth
on rhrnge sworn to by J. H. Horn
gnrdnnr, former husband of tho
woman HvlnR near Grants Poss,
was released from Jail today and
tho charge dismissed when a tel
egram was rocnlved from thn stuto
hoard of health saying that no
truco of poison hod boon found In
tho nnal)nlK of dead womnn's
Martial Law for
Mingo County
CHARLESTON. W. V.. Mny 20.
Governor Mcrgnn today proclaim
ed martial law In Mingo county,
tlm scene of Industrial Rtrlfo for
tho last year.
Bill Would Hold
Up Slacker List
WASHINGTON. May 20. A bill
under which tho wur ilopartmenl
would ho directed to hub pond pnlilT
ration of n "ulackeni llet" pondlnn
turthor InveHtlRiitlon tin to Its cor
rectneBB, wan Introduced hy Senator
Stunley, 11 domocrat from Kentucky.
Crisis Reached
In Food Shortage
LONDON. May 20. Tho food
HhortiiRo In Upper Slleidn has reach
ed a crlsln nnd Is likely to cnuso
furthor illsordorH unless rcllovod.
AecordliiK to official ndvlcos tho
nlllflil Kovernmonts nro nttemptliiR
relief hoforo 11 meolltiK of tho su
premo council which will talto up
Ilia BllcHlnn question.
A il.OflO ltAKIUIl, WI'.LIi
Mm. J. II. WIho of Fort Klnmnth,
linn rocolved word from hor son,
Claud AnilruwH, Hint tho oil well Just
brought In by his company ut Hunt
liiRton llcach, Cnllf., Is u 3,000-bnr-ml
Rushor. Horhort 0. Oalo, formerly
u retddont of this city, Is president of
tho company.
Horn, to Mr. and Mm. K. WallAn,
who rosldo nt 833 Sargeant avonuo,
ut 1:30 this nftornoon, a baby girl.
Dr. Lamb was tho nttondlng physi
cian, Dr, and Mrs, H. D, Johnson aro bo
,lng congratulated upon tho arrival
of a bapr girl born to thorn this morning.
Korfanty Is Urging
Poles to Surrender
LONDON, May 20. Reports
throiiKli 1'oIIhIi channel Hay that
Adiilbiirt Korfanty Issued u procla-
inatloii urging the people of Upper
Hllosln to surrender their arniH, re
HUinn work nnd avoid ctufllcl with
thn (lonnniiH.
-AMHTi:itlAM, May 2(1. Ae
cordltiK to thn llorlln Kreu-Zlelung
a liirifo nuinbur of Poles am mov
ing toward Danzig nnd 11 nuinbur of
bridges over tho VlHtula river hnvn
been blown up. Thu Gormnus bo
llnvo that tho Poles Intend to raid
Danzig. '
I'AIUH. Mny 20 Premier Ilrlnnd
told tho correspondents that Franco
Insists upon tho execution of tho
Versailles treaty In drnwlng the linn
between Gormnny and Poland In
Upper Kllosln.
President has signed the Immlgra
tlon restriction hill
A meeting of committees repre
senting thn Women's Itellof corps.
Women's Auxiliary of tho American
Legion. Spanish War Veterans, In
dian War Veterans, Army Nurses,
Daughters of tho American Itcvoltl
tlon and the American legion was.
held yesterday afternoon, nt which
plans wero tentatively arranged for
the Memorial Day exercises that aro
to lm held on May 30th.
It Is tho Intention of tho commit'
too In charge of tho plans for the
exerclMis to reinvest this day with
thn solemnity Its lmxrtanco Justi
fies and muko It commnmoratlvo of
those who laid down their lives to.
preserve tho nation nnd restore
world penco.
Tho Hoy Scout entertainment giv
en last evening In tho Prcsbytorlan
church delighted a largo audience.
Following tbo affair, refreshments
nere served to tho boys. It was their
turn to hnvo n good time and they
enjoyed themselves to tho limit.
Driver of Wall Street
Is Held Without Bail
Ji:ilSi:V CITY. May 20 (lulHep
pe De Klllppe, charged with conspir
acy In connection with tho Wall
street explosion, Is held without ball
for tho hearing May 2C. Ho was Iden
tified yesterday by fho pontons us
tho driver of thu wngon containing
tho explosion material. Ho said, "1
know nothing of It. 1 never heard of
tho explosion. I don't know where
Wall street Is."
Promoters Incorporate
Bly Rodeo Association
SALHM, Mny 20 Incorporation
paporB have been filed hero with tho
Corporation Commissioner, Tho In
corpointors of tho association aro J.
N. (llvnn, Murvln Cross nnd 1J. 11.
Henry. Tho capital Ib fixed nt $5,000.
Tho Illy rodeo promises to bo ono
of tho Institutions of thu county. Its
beginning wis bo modest that It whb
thought It would bo but a ono-senson
affair, hut success seemed to Blilno
upon it from tho stnrt aud eo encour
nged tho promoters Hint they havo
determined to muko It 11 permanent
Institution, and with Hint ond in vlow
havo incorporated tho nssoclatlon.
This yoar It will bo hold on July 2,
3 nnd 4.
Radium to Be Given
Madam Curie Today
WASHINGTON, May 20. Madam
Curio, tho ominont Polish scientist,
camoto Washington today from Now
York"to rocolvo from President Hard
ing tho gram of radium purchased for
hor by tho woman ot Amorlca,
Tho presentation will tako placo at
tho Whlto Ilouso this attornoon.
!ARR1GIN6 for
noRi DM
Annual Charity Enter
tainment Is Opened
And Fun and Frolic
Hold sway.
With n alp and a bang that
brought to tho minds of many of
those present cherished memories
of the good old days when a man
lived a man's life nnd honor wns
the law of the land, thn Klks' West
ern Night opened nt tho Tcniplo
Inst evening. ' Tho stnrt was aus-
plclous and Indicated Hint tho en
tertainment, which Is nn annual
event, will surpass Its predecessors
nnd set a pace that futuro Nights
still find difficulty In hllttlng. Tho
entertainment Is not confined to
members of tho Klks, but Is open
to everyone, and ovcryono should
attend, both for tho good tlmo ono
can huvo and to glvo what llttto can
be spared to swell thu fund, for all
of tho money realized goes to carry
on the chnrltuhle work conducted by
the Klks.
The idea carried out In tho af
fair has It foundation In thu wide
open town of the early days tho
dnys when the crept hanger nnd
lllue Sunday pest wero unthought
of Those wero tho days of real
sport, when the gambling Joints,
dunce hulls, and other, sources of
amusement held sway, without leav
ing lasting Influences upon tho
strong characters that demanded
vigorous sources ot amusement and
pleasure. Many today dream ot
those times und, as they listen to
porno old-timer toll of tho happen
ings of frontier days, -wish they
lived or could experience lomo ot
thu exciting episodes that havo gotto
forever. '
Well, hero Is thn chanco. For a
few rents ono can feel like a "Coal
OH" Johnny or a "Death Valley"
Scotty. He can try and buck the
tlcer, break tho bank, experience
the hold-up guy tho cxhlloratlng In
fluencen of danco hall follies. Kv
orythlng Is there everything ex
cept tho bar. That is conspicuous by
its absence .but tbero is enough
left and It would bo wise to get
out this year and enjoy It, for
thero Is no telling what may happen
during tho next 12 months. Per
haps oven this empty shell may bo
burled and tho one chanco of tho
present day lifetime may escape
your grasp.
Millions of dollars ot bull coin
can bo bought for a trifle $1,000
for ono dollar of tho current coin
ot the realm, nnd with that thou
sand ono can havo a million dol
lars worth of fun. You can drive
Into tho mysteries of tho roulette
wheel, under tho master hand of
Nelson Itouus'ovcllo you ran cross
swords In tho Klondyko gnme with
Sam Walker, you can rattlo tho
hones with Itoss Nlckerson or Glen
Jester, play fan tan with Dr.
Lamb and Frank. Andrews or sep
urate yourself from your last cent
by nintchlng wltB with Harney
Chambers in chuck-luck. In any
case you get n run for your money
nml a good tlmo. '
Tho old familiar chink Is thero
In tho person of John Foster, and
thoso who know decluro he has it
over tho real John ot old. Ho Is
nhly nsslsted In u "Velly 8o,uureo
O-niueo" by Mrs. Wlllard N. Smith,
nnd between them they make lit ' In
teresting" for their visitors.
Then thero nro Guy Merril nnd
Fred Houston well thoy nro tho
regular Kutxenjnmmer kids of tho
show, always good, hut surpass
ing thomsolves on this occasion.
Tonight la tho "wostorn night"
of tho Wostorn Nights, when west
ern tngB hold tnvay and big prizes
nro glvon for tho best costumes.
Thero la auro to ho a night full
ot fun and frolic for thoso attend
ing. Merrill Oil Company
Is Incorporated
SALKM, May 30, (Spoclal) Tho
Merrill Oil company Is tho latest
Klamath county oil company to file
Incorporation papers with the corpo
ration commissioner, IU Incorpora
tors aro F, N. Moyor, It. Anderson
and B. M. Smith.
Everything Is
For High
Commencement Ex-
I ercises.
All arrangements for tho Com
mencement exercises for tho Klamath
County High School havo been com
pleted, tho final numbers having
been filled when a wlro wob rccolvcd
today from Professor Gootz announq
Ing that ho had secured Prof. K. K,
HuCau, professor of mathematics In
thn I'nlvcrslty of Oregon, to deliver
tho address, Tho exorcises will bo
held next Monday evening In the
Presbyterian church. Tho program Is
as IoIIewb:
March of graduates
Orchestra (a) Melody of Ivo... N. E. En
gclmann. (h) Sourenldl Koahow Julius
Address to graduating rlass. by E
i:. Do Cau. t
Mixed Chorus
fa) Son Lucia Neapolitan Iloat
(b) Ilendemlem Stream Irish
Folk 8ong.
(c) I'll Take You Home Again
Kathleen Thomaa Westcndorf.
Presentation of, diploma to grad
uating class, by Chairman of Hoard,
It H. Ilunnoll.
Girls' Glee Club
(a) Nightingale's Song Nerln
(b) Gypsy Song Iloumanlan
Folk Song Arranged by Clifford
I "age.
(c) Tho Dancus Lncomo
CUm Itoll
Frances Honzlk, Ernest Iroy Mil
ler. Clatus Clifton Meredith. William
Vale. Grace Hoagland. Kenneth Twl
chell Caso, "Florcnco Ilradley, Alice
Dorothea Uerllngs, Pearl Iona
nenle, Frieda Oeorglana Illehn, Jes
slo Paulino Jobcs, Hazel Annie Con
nors, U Fcrno Hanks, Gerald West.
Paul Joseph Koller. Lotta II. Cald
well. Lola Margaret Bass, Carl Itob
ley, Lois II. Sailor, Dorothy O.
Elliott, Aard A. Ady, Norma Gr
trudo Adams, Norman A. Mann. Paul
Jackaon Dalton. Mary F. Smith.
Last Night Bad
For Automobiles
Last night was n bad ono for au
tomobiles. Tho light shower put
tbo pavements In a very slippery
conditions, with tho result that
threo muchlnea wero dumagod on
account of skidding. One ma
chine, n Ford belonging to a man
nnmnd Smith, turned turtlo at tho
corner of Eighth and Klamath av
enue, but was but slightly damaged.
with tlm nsslstanco of somo pas-
sors-by tho machlno wa8 righted and
continued on Its wuy, without tho
onglno missing n stroke.
Tlm imichlnn driven Ty Jolin Sie
mens. Jr., skidded nt Elovcnth and
Vuln streots. timashlng ono wnooi
and breaking tho wlndshlold. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Siemens
nnd somo friends. None of tho oc
upants wuh hurt.
Tho most serious accident was
at tho Whlto Pelican hotel, whero
tho Dodge driven by Arthur Leav
ltt was comnletely wrocked. He
wns tuklng somo frleuda home from
tho Elks' entertainment and was
traveling nt n fast clip when tho
machine began to skid. Ho ovl-
dontly becama confused and stopp
ed en tbo accollorntor Instead ot
tho brnke, for tbo machlno booto-
od to shoot ahead at lightning
speed und smashod Into tho hotel
building. It was miraculous that
tomo of tho occupants wero not
killed, Leavltt suffered tho Bover-
est Injuries, olght tooth being
knockod out and several cuts nnd
bruises Infllctod. Tho other occu
pants cscapod with minor lnjurlos.
Tho car was a complete wreck, the
whools bolnc crushed. tbo top
smashed aud body and Boats al
most torn oflunder.
President Hnrdlng boa written
Governor Olcott that ho will bo una
ble to aocopt an Invitation ot the fat
tor to accompany a largo party ot
governors on a orulso to Alaska In
Juiy. Tho president, however, hopes
to visit tho coast and make tho Alas
ka trip later In tho your.
Injunction to Be Asked
To Prevent Picketing
PORTLAND, May 20, Marino
strike sympathizers lioro last night
attacked tho members of tho crow of
tho steamer Coaxet, which Is loading
hero, and throw somo Filipino mem
bers of tho crow Into tho Wlliametto
! river, according to the affidavits and
verbal statements presented to Unit
ed States District Attorney Humph
reys by J. H. Plltz, the floct captain
of tho shipping board. Attorney
Humphreys said that on the basis of
tho affidavits, ho would ask an In
junction In tho federal court this af
ternoon against tho picketing ot tho
water front.
Fourteen affidavits from the sail
ors, shipping board officials and the
other federal officers wero In Hum
phrey's hands telling of a series ot
waterfront clashes. Ono declared that
several Filipinos returning to tho
Coaxet last night were attacked, and
tbo officers said that they had Infor
mation that some wero thrown Into
tho water.
Circuit court will convene next
Tuesday, May 24, at which tlmo
trial of the cases on tho Jury cal
endar will start. Following Is a
list of the cases to be tried and
thn dates upon which the trial
starts: '
May Uf
State vs. Swager.
L. Kresso vs. Cumlngs.
Stato vs. Drown.
Statu vs. Jackson'. '
Stato vs. Patch.
May 31 ,4
Stato vs. Starrs. . .
& Job ' 1 iJ " HI 1!C3
Stato vs. Rodrlqucs.
Stato vs. Kemko. '
Stato vs. Starrs.
Stato vs. Johnson.
Tho members of the Jury list)
from which tho trial Jurors win bo
drawn, are: '
Otto Heldrlcb. James Blair, A. M.
Sutton. Peter Dour, W. S. Slogu.l
T. M. Cunningham. Geo. Durton,
Ed. Jacobson, Ed. Smith, Herb.
PhlllDS. H. P. Dow. O .D. Cozard,'
J. I. Johnston, Chas. Gray, Bob
Robertson, Raymond Hlcke, Z. J.
Powell. Leo Bean. Henry Grimes,
Austin Haydcn, A. B. Collins, O..
Larson, L. L. Brownell, Harry Acic-,
lev. N. J. Chamnan. J .H. Martin.
R. C. Dale. Ed. Propst. Horaco Dun-
lap, John Enders, Jack Slater.
Willamette River
Is Still Rising
PORTLAND. May 20. Tho Willa
mette Is 18.2 ft. hero today. It Is
dropping nt Eugene and at Albany 1
wbllo at Salem and Oregon City It Is I
stationary. Tho rise horo Is duo to
tho back wator from tho Columbia.
Tho Btago ot 20. 8 ft. was predicted
hero Sunday. Tho Columbia contin
ues rising, Tho Dalles today report
ed 32.4 ft., a rise, ot 2.4 ft. slnco yes
terday. It Is also rising nt Wenntcheo,
Washington and tho Umatilla squat
ters building la flooded nt Tho
Malin Commencement
Exercises Next Sunday
MALIN, May 20. Commencement
oxerclses will be held by tho Union
High School In tho Mnltn National
Hall, on Sunday ovenlng. May 22.
Miss Myra Turnbull will bo tho only
grnduato this yoar.
Dean M. Elwood Smith of tho Ore
gon Agricultural College will mako
a talk on "Where Do We Go From
Tomorrow, Saturday ovenlng, tho
pupils of tho Summer school will
glvo a splendid entertalnmont at tho
County Infirmary. Everyone Is In
vited and It Is oxpectod that every
rosldont ot tho district will bo pres
ent. Many excellent numbors will bo
given by tho pupils and Miss Apple
gato will tako her chorus from tbo
public schools ot this city as nn add
ed feature, A very entertaining pro
gram Is promised to those who at-tendV
Asks Federal Commis
sion for Permission
To Construct Power
Herald Hnlem Bureau
SALEM, Ore., May 20. Prelimi
nary to petitioning tho federal power
commlsiton for permission to add
another project on tho Klamath river
to Its giant system, tho California
Oregon Power company has filed an
application with tho stato engineer. -'
It calls for tho appropriation ot
2100 second feet of tho stream, which
it is estimated would develop 70,000
Tlio company already has flvo pro
Jects, and It desires to add another in
order to meet tho steadily increasing
demand In Oregon and California for
hydrq-clcctrlc power.
Four In Oregon
One of tho five projects Is located
In California, and tho remaining four '
are In Oregon, one on the Klamath
river, ono at Copco and two on tha
Roguo river. It also has a prelimina
ry dam on upper Klamath lako.
According to the state engineer,
tho cost ot developing tho new pro
ject, for which the company has ap
plied, will be several million dollars.
The company, he said. Immediately
will file Its pctltllon with ,tho federal
power commission, and when tho
commission Is ready to consider tho
application, representatives of tha
state engineering department will
confer with It.
California Officers '
Come After MmxicqM,.
tftv . J- y . "-- $L'rj'
DUtricf AttorneyCharles' KTAt "r
ran and Sheriff C. D. Stanton," ot
1 Colusa, Cal arrived hero last night
to rccelvo Jesse Villa, Flora VI1U,
and Mab'el Ragman, suspected ot
having murdered a Chinaman at
Williams, California, returned thu
morning with their prlsonors.
Circumstantial evidence Is verr
strong against tho suspects. Tho
murder ot tho Chinaman occurred
last October and was supposed to
hove been committed by a Mexican
and a Jitney driver ot Williams.
Two Indian women were also Im
plicated. It is claimed tho four
had been buying liquor from thn
Chinaman for which they had not
paid so ho took possession of somo
ot their baggage. That night nn at
tentat was made to murder tha
chinaman and ho was found badly
beaten, cuts about his clothing In
dictating that they had tried to Btab
him. Several days later ho was
found dead In tho woods near Wil
A pistol was found In n local sec
ond hand store which had been
sold by Villa nnd which Is claimed
to bo ot tho samo caliber as tho
ono used In killing tho Chlnnman.
Villa had also disposed ot a watch.
' None ot tho parties would admit
any knowledge of tho crlmo.
Southern Pacific
Trains In Bad Crash
EUGENE. May 20. The passen
ger train G02, of tho Coos Bay lino
of the Southorn Pacific, crashed head
on Into a freight train on a siding at
8:30 o'clock this morning. C. Grif
fiths, tho mnll clerk, was seriously
hurt and several passengers wore In
Jurod. Weather Probabilities
Tbo Daromotrtc pressuro, as
recorded by tho Cyclo-Storm-ngraph
at Underwood's Phar
macy, continues to remain In
tho storm area and there has
been little- chango slnco tho re
port ot yesterday. Slnco 3
o'clock this morning thero has
been a slight fall, Indicating1
a contlnuanco of present con
ditions. Forocast for next 24 heurs:
Cloudy unsottlod weather.
Probably cooler. I
OREGON Tonight and Saturday,
occasional rain. '