JP IMC1B MVFl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON '. -1 " i . ' "" ' .' THURSDAY, MAY 16, loisi l'KIDAV AND HA-UltDAY HPIICIALH FRIDAY AND HATl'llllAY HI'IK'IATH FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS NOW IS THE TIME to make your dollars do more work. We'll help you. 'Sec our window display. The prices are right. K. SUGARMAN n I AINT MAD AT NOBpDY it A SAVING THAT IS YOURS. Glance over the limited list we are showing here and get here early, while choic es are good. TWO DAYS OF INVITING SPECIALS And Work Shoes at unusual prices. (See fKlUAl AND UHi I UliUl 1 UlJUllALlJ And Work Shoes at unusual prices. (See our windows for more prices.) A Chocolate Calf English Bal No. 439. Special Friday and Saturday, a $12.00 value $5.85 a Pair- A heavy Tan Work Shoe Special .$2.85 Munson Last Army Shoe Special ....$4.85 Hi Cut Elks , Special $3.45 Iff ' V?4m?S!HL Boy's filack Bluchers, Sir( ze 2'y to 6. & v $ Special $2.35 l ll Vx-7 Every pair in the house fli V r ' JeS& Reduced Prices. Suit Specials Every Suit in the house REDUCED. Your pick of the stock. All values up to $35.00. Friday and Saturday Special $24.85 For Styles and Colors we have them and any values to $50.00. Friday and Saturday Special" $34.85 K. SUGARMAN Home of Hart-Schaffner & Marx mm&m'ZZ2 ygaJwK 1J y fettEdfW Rs toWamLlB? jAyi iy&.w!m tmmmmim i mm 1 IWli fa mm I ffi i 111 ' S.'yTJum. j 2 a w a Q 3 3 a Muleskin, cial WOWC GIOV5 Short and Gauntlet. Spe- 95c A Heavy Work Glove, wrist length. Horse Hide. Special $1.35 Kid's Koveralls Some buy, Levi Strauss & Co. Khaki Blues and Browns. Friday morning Special 69 c v pair, 3 pairs for ... $2.00 FOR IRRIGATING Rubber Boot Specials U .S. Hip White, Special $5.85 Rhode Island and Empire Black Knee Length Rubber Boots Friday and Sat urday $3.85 Black Hip Rubber Boots, Bay State Brand $5.65 HATS! FELTS and HATS! PANAMAS Any Value in the House to $8.00 Malloy, De Lux, Rotchschilds and etc. All Colors and $4.85 Styles. Special Friday and Saturday $4.85 Union Made KHAKI PANTS Union Made Boss of the Road, Ironalls, Stag and Dreadnoughts 100 Pair in Lot No. 1. Special $1.75 Lot No. 2 Sizes 32, 36, 38, 40, 42, Waist Khaki Pants Special $2.55 Lot No. 3. Whipcords, Moleskins, and Gaberdine Pants Special $3.35 OB a a "r. a 3 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HPIU'IAKH FRIDAY AND SATUIUUY SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Yearly Report of Chamber of Commerce (OonUnuad from Page 1) of Entomology of Pacific const to Htmly control of plno beetle pest. Hold conforoncH of men from all .,v,.r tiin coast, resulting In nn ac tual program of extermination bo lng Blurted. ItarommondPd n niodorn standard, of street lighting for Main stroot.. Prepared Information for tour-, iHtn; mnrkod places of Interest In luvu lieds; preparlnK publicity to bo. issuoil this yenr. Information gnthorod and compll-J id relating to tlio roclamntlon sor-i ylco, historical locations, schoolu,, mills, factorloB, livestock, tlmbur.j etc. T1Ih lias boon filed, i Orgnnltod tlio Morcliants Uur- eau; rogulated soliciting, fako ad vertising Bchoniesj pstubllshod traf fic dopartmont; solved many tors rolatlng to bottor and clicap-j er merchandising mothodBj ondnrs od tho Klamath Credit, Rating bur eau. Rorommondod tho Market bill; held hpiirln&'on-Jho ciirnrBoniont of Crater I.nko National 'pavtt; ucted for county on many bills boforo stato and national loglalatlvo bodjes. Investigated conditions In public schools; iiBBlBtod In Inculcating In tho votora a doraand for bottor schools J asslstod in tho salo of school bonds; promotod Idoas and plans for play grounds; startod tlio dowlopment of n city plan by ox perls, recommended u cominuntly building Secured n threo-month Coinmnn Ity Service pastlmo program under direction of 11 trained director. Worked with local Rod Cross; recommended co-operation In so rurlng Boolal "worker for county; furnished quarters for county nurso. Orgnnlzed tho women of tho community Into tho Womon's Aux lury; solectrid 'tho Shasta daisy us tho official flower and distributed plants; furnished tho rest room In tho chamber. Secured $C000 from forest sorvlco I to bo used with $14,000 from Lane I county and $0000 from Klamath I county In building road ovor sum jmlt ub a northorn onternnco to Icrator I.ako. Coopornted with suporlntondent of tho park on mattors of Import anco to Its succers: worked to In- .cludo this city on pajk highways; coopornted In jnattor of hotol at nnrk- . Secured tho mnkfng of 2000 feet of plcturo films of aconlo and othor rosourqca of county; answered 1400 luqulrlos; rocolved 7B80 column Inches of publicity In local papers; Hocured sovenil wrlto-ups In maga zines and mony daljy papor re ports. ' Candloa are used for llgbttng pur pofloa In tho gold, diamond and other lolnou of South Africa. Elks Offering Fine Prizes (Continued rroin page 1) of block wood. ' Link River Electric Co., electric Iron. Pord Oarage, Stewart Vacuum System. Klumath Palls Creamery. 20 pounds of butter. ' Hales Moat Market, slab of bacon. Acme Oarage, auto robo. Hlrvl Ilaklng Co., all bread for Western Nights. t Hnvn Konyon, Inner tubo. Central Oarage, Spot light, $10. Klamath Superior Laundry, $10 liiumlrv ardor. ' Whlto Pollcnn nottllng Works. $10 order. Hotol Hall, box of CO cigars. Roberts & Hanks, $10 Electric Iron. Anderson llros. order. Star Drug Company, 3 toilet sots. Squtiro Deal Drug Storo, tollot sot. dim Storo, fishing rod. Swiiusens Ilarber Shop, $5 ordor. McDonalds, box of 50 cigars. O, h. Larson, $G shoo repair or der. ' Orogon Harnoss Co., suit enso. J. 13. Knders Co,, box 'of grocer ies Jowol Cafe, 2 meal tickets. Star Theatre, run slldo, advortls Inc. " ' 1 Coatrnl llu-bor Shop, $C order, Rex Cnfo, French pastry. K. Sugarman, hand bag. I Crater Lake Oil Co.. $10 oil stock certificate Andross-Olover Stylo Shop, ladles' blouso. Tho Uluoblrd, two boxes ot can dy. Mason. Khrman Co., 1 sack of sugar. First National Rank, $10 savings account. ' Tho Smoko Shop, $10 plpo. Shephord Piano Co. rocords. Hotol' Hall Darber Shop, $5 or dor. Henllno; Thoto Shop, $10 ordor. Van llollens. pair of $10 shoes. Earl Fruit Company, six loads ot blocks. Swoot Shop, box of candy. Medford Orocory, coffoo. .Martin llros,, 6 sacks 501b and 6 ct 251b flour. Mallory Oarogo, $15 labor ordor. 1 Tho loctrlo Shop, $9.50 Eloc- trio toaster. Oortrudo & Co., 1 smock. Reckard Auto Sorvlco, $5 auto son Ico. Whitman Drug Co., Olllotto ra zor. . ' II. N. Moe, $10 pottlcoat. Raldwln Hnrdwaro Co., dishes. Ooldon Rulo, $15 skirt. i 'Chas. J. Clzok, $15 pants pat torn. ' Club Cafo, 3 moal tlckots. W. O. Davonport, Elka ombfem. Loron Plumbing Co., boiler. ' K K, K. Store, ladloa riding suit. Alnut &. Moody, box of cigars. American Natlonnl Hank, $5 sav ings account. ' Klcen Milk Dairy, cream. Jpbnstono Furnlturo Co., 1 rug. Sixth Street Uakery, $2.50 tlc kots. Geo. A.' Wlrtz, $C Ukulele. Wood Curtis company, box of cranges. Mecca Pooi Hall, box of cigars. Klamath Dya Works, order, nig Ilasln Lbr.. Co., 4 cans of paint. Perkins Furnlturo Co., $20 com fort. California Oregon Power Co., 1 toaster. Rainbow Confectionery, box ot candy. Ico Plant, ico ticket. Klamath C.ash Orocory, 2 cans of coffee. Harry Poltz, 4 boxes of cigars. Whlto Pelican Hotol, 100 cigars. First Stato & Savings bank, $10 savings account. Klamath Ico & Storago Co. $10 ordor. ' , Margaret Calnhan, $8.50 order. Dicks Place, Butt cuso. Doughnut Shop, 30 dozon dough nuts. Lakesldo Lumbor Co., Cedar chest and'tnblo. Porcy Evans, G pounds ot coffoo Conolly Dros., 3 $2,50 hat bands. uYowno Paint Shop, 2 cans of paint. McDanlola EloctrU Shop, eloctrlt curling Iron. Jack McAullff, 3 hams. Tho Runk, 5 one year subscrip tions. Evans & Ilalln, comforter. Underwood Drug Co., Crater Lake picture. Klamath Packing Co., 2 hams, 3 slabs of bacon. Charleys Place, $30 tiro. Diamond Tiro Co., $5 tubo. Howlo Oarago, $5 auto mirror. Whlto Pelican Oarago, $5 can teen. Roy Call, $3.50 flash light. Imperlad Garage, $10 spot light. J. H. Qarrott & Son 5 gallon can ot oil. ' Wlllard Battery Servico, $5 mo- tormoter. L. a. Hoagland, order. R. R. R. Oarago, $5 hand klaxon. Army goods storo, $5 bacon. In addition tho Elks will supply about $1000 worth ot miscellaneous goods, Including ladles waists, dolls, candy, etc. ' ' DBATT1 dUIMM FATlIEIl OF A. D. EPPERSON A telegram recolvod today from A. D. Epperson announcing tho death ot his father,' which oc curred this morning in Eddyvlllo, Iowa. Ho bad been Buttering from cancer for a long tirao and death had boon oxpoctod for soveral KveokB. Mr. and Mrs. Epperson wore at ms oeasiaa when death came. The deceased was engaged In the banking business la Hddyvllle. T-jp- KtjEUr "vS