"V . WKpWtapAV,. MAY IB, 1081 THE. EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH iKALLS, OREGON - r - ' ' """ ii '' ' " ' ' " PAHI BIX , A. .-NEW TODAY FdR 8ALH At ft bargain, n gooil 10; In first class ' Jefferson St 18-19 sowing mncmno; RliApo. Apply '227 FOR RENT Oho or two furnished tonnm. with or 11C0 I'ino street. 1 "W . ..... without garago; ISflU WANTED Pnrties with cars to trav el In .Oregon, Washington, Idaho nnd Nevada. A splondld money mak ing proposition. If Interested, call ltoom 230 Hotel Hall. 18-19 Household furniture for sale: nlso" house for rent. Inqulro 1425 Cre cont Avo. 18-20' yon 8ALU Practically now upright plnno, nt n bargain. Terms If de sired. Iiuiulru Molbr, Winters Jewel ry. 18-20 yon SALE About 30 Mack Mlnor- cha hens, 1 mid 2 years old, nil laying. John Dreher, 1120 Grant St. 18-19 Don't waste nil your evenings this summer. Study prnctlcal bookkcoplng and typing with iih. Night classes start Mny 23rd. Two nights weekly completes our course In thrco months. Positions always open for thoso who know. W. W. SOUTH WEIiU Room 3'l.oomls llldg. Phono 129 or 439. , 18-19 FOR RKNT Tliroo'room bungnloW on Johnson Ave, In first class con dition. Chllcoto Smith, C33 Main Street". 18-19 JP i COlfXTRY 1IOMB Wo offer for quick salo a 280 aero ranch ten miles from Klamath Falls, on good road; 60 ncros under Irriga Irriga teon: 30 acres In alfalfa; 100 acres good dry farming land In crop; bal nnco good posture, adjoining outsldo range; good flvo-room houso nnd out buildings; well fonced; half mllo rlvor frontage Non-rcsldont owner will sacrlflco at $7000.00. Only $1500.00 cash. Drlvo out with us and look this over. qiulceti: & smith, IS 633 Main St. FOR SALE Fordson tractor with extension rims nnd two bottom 14Mn. Oliver plow. Cheap for cash, or will trade for car or city property. Chll coto &. Smith. 633 Main St. 1S-19 Big Dance Tonight SCANDINAVIAN HAIL Good Time for Everybody Tl. la la n flnn ilnv for n nwllll In Uln now Illot Bprlngs Mnlli llo'uso. 18 FOH HUNT Flvo mom bungalow on Johnson Avo. Chllcoto & smmi, 633 Main street. 18-19 I'ltOCIiAMATlOX I, W. S. Wiley, by vlrtuo of tho nulhorlty vested In mo as Mayor of tho City of Klamath Falls, Ore- Bon, -do hereby proclaim, Haturany, May 21, 1021, as "Clean Up, Day." Tho cooperation of all cltUons Is earnestly requested In tho banish lug of rubbish nics on this day, cutting tho woods, and mowing tho lawns. It Is everybody's Job. Dated this 17lh day of May, 1021. W. S. WILHY Advertising pays. Try It nnd ooo. nSII1 I r The Girl Graduate Would bo tickled to death to ro colvo any of tho following ar ticles for her graduation gift: Wnldomar Chain Wrist Watch .1 tarings v Lavallor Droachc I Rings Evorsharp Poncll r. Mako her happy on graduation day. Sho has carnod a boautlful gift. f JIl The Boy Graduate ' Would bo delighted with a Waldemar- Chain Cuff Links .Gold Gift Knives Collar Bar Fins ' Oold Watch Fountain Fan ' Evorsharp Pencil Wo carry tho finest assort ment In tho city of flno Jowelry of every descrip tion. ' H. J. WINTERS . 70fl MAIX ST. X -n--L-y--LfLr n - - -i. " " " ""- '''""' w'- ' - Rowing at the P&L SW IPHOTOj TO-DJIY Enid Bennett "SILK HOSIERY" Sho dlsployod her charms In a templo of fashion. "Modeled" for gorgeous silken things sho novor could hopo to own Till ono day someth ng Impoa slblo bappenedl Something straight from the blue of hor wildest dreams. Tho rest Is a tingling thrill of romantic adventure THURSDAY A GOLDWYN Hl'KCIAL 1'IOTUIIK "THE GREAT LOVER" STAR THEATRE HHMHHE DORRIS, CALIF. , SATURDAY, MAY 21 Charles Chaplin w . i "THE KID" On of tho greatest picture ever njade and the best the popu- l8VnlsraepIctU8n8rbroke1e.n records ltt Klamath Falls haylwr been run for threo day. and to the largest number of people that have ovor witnessed any ono plcturo In this city. THE NEW SPRING FASHIONS How youthful and smart they are The scant, short skirts, straight lines twinging from the shoulder, the wonderful colors, the rich materials. But these new fashions make excep tionally difficult the task of choos ing shoes and hose to complete them. Shoes especially must be exquisite in line and beyond criticism in fit and quality. We have a number of styles in white kid pumps with Hi and Low heels. We invite your inspection. Take a; "Hunch" ; from William Timms . '; 100 PERtENT UNION rd-s MONDALE THEATRE TONIGHT 3 BIG FEATURE PICTURES TIIOH. II. INCH rilODUOTIOX IDOL OK T1IK HCRKEX Charles Ray with Bessie Barriscale in "THE HICK" There's many a slip between a hired dress suit and a good tlma. Do you know how many girls nro In love with youT Boo Tho Hick" and find out. ALSO ROSCOK FATTY AUBUCRLK "FICKLE FATJY'S FALL" A OYCLOXB OF LAUOIITKB AXD A MACK HKNXETT COMEDY C11A11LEY MURRAY AXI LOUIHK FAZEXDA IX "MAGGIE'S FIRST FALSE STEP" IT'S A SCREAM TWO 8HOW8 6:46 8:45 ADMISSION ADULTS 28C CHILDREN (jOC CSralng Friday tho big Alaskan plcturo, Hazel Daly in "THE WILD GOOSE CHASE." At The Liberty The House of Personal Service UN TONIGHT "THE PURPLE CIPHER" WITH KAHLK WILLIAMH Ho had brokon Into n secret room In tho underground dens of San Francisco's Chinatown to rcscuo tho girl ho wos about to mar ry. Ho found hor bound and gagged In Wang Foo a apartment and ho resolved to put this Chinaman whoro ho would do no moro harm. But ho was mistaken. "Tho Purplo Clphor ' bocamo aetlvo and threo men liccumo Its vIctlmB. Thon carao tho surprlso. ry,.,.,. ....................... mmm. m MWWiWWWIO TOMORROW Bebe Daniels in "She Couldn't Help it" '"' ' Adapted from "In Tho Blsbop'i Carrlago" A battle picture tho most thrilling kind of battle In tho world a battlo of wits. , ( ' ' COMING-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "KAZAN" Tho greatest JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD story over told. i There are a lot of white folk in Klamath Falls who would be mighty proud if they had done as well in Klamath as this old colored man. Everybody knows William: He shines most everybody's shoes. By continuous honesty and integrity he has earned the confidence antl re spect of bankers and business men. No one ever caught William in their cornfield, and no one ever caught him sitting down, or asleep. For the past 15 years he has worked 24 hours a day. (Watch him yourself if you don't believe it. All day long you'll see him in his shine parlor; No matter what time you go home at night, you'll see him scrub bing and dusting in the First Nation al; Before breakfast in the morning you'll see him slicking up the La Vogue.) William owns his, home, has bought and paid for a ranch, has a son in the University of California and has a new baby almost every year. 0 WILLIAM HAS MADE TWO PURCHASES OF CRATER OIL & GAS STOCK, AND SAYS HE IS GOJNG TO BUY MOR NEXT WEEK. Get busy now and sign this Lucky Hunch Coupon Jamoa Drlscoll, Bocy. Wlllltts llldg. Klamath Falls, Ore. Enclosod chock for I tor which pteaso resorro for mo shares Crator Oil and Gaa Stock at $1.00 per sharo, for which I agroa to lubscrlbo upon rocolpt of subscription blank. Namo - Address .......-. 1 1 Kit ALU Dato . ........ .. SEE t K-ELLE Y TODAY Mail all checks and direct all inquiries to Crater Oil & Gas Co. . Office:-622 Main Street Open Evenings. i