The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 18, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Secretary, of. Agricul
ture Say Alaskan
i Commission Would
Lead to Exploitation
Of Territory.
i Horiild Wiuliliitftoil llurrnil
Thoru will bo no Alaskan grab of nil
tho resources of llio territory If tlio
administration enn prevent It, 800-
relnry Wnllnco of tho. agricultural
department lilt llio project of nn
Alaskan commission to tnku tho on
tiro rosourcon out of tliu control of
tho foilornl government squnroly bi
twoen tho oyes whan 1m donouncod
tho plnn to Chairman Curry of tho
committee on territories' of thn houso
In concluding, tho Hocrotnry'snld!
"for tho reasons tttntud It soctui (o
me that tho mmctmcml of tlili moanl
uro would tin highly prejudicial to
national Interest and, 16 Alaskan In
(orenlM nn woll. It would rornoro
wholcsomo chocks ncnlnitt oxpiolta
tlon of our vast national resources
and would doprlvn Alaska of tho
technical help fur Iho fodornl agen
clou which cniiblno lung oxjierlonce:
and tho bait sclrntlflc knowlodgo
In studying and developing specific
natural roaourcca, Tho pcoplo of
Alaska nro entitled to tho snmo iiort
of help from tho federal government
that nan boon to freely granted to oil
other states and, torrllorlos.
How It Could lift Dono
"Kurthor, bncatino of tliolr romoto
nets, thoy nro entltlod to liavo on thn
ground fedora! representatives who
uro thoroughly familiar with Alaskan
condition and clothed with thn pow-
er to act promptly. Ily creating an
Alaskan board composed of repnv
MintatlVPrt placod there, by each of
tho'fodural agencies now active In tho
torrltory and ono or two permanent
resident of Alaska, every purpose
nought to bo accomplished by this
moastirn could bn brought nbout,
by Jeopardizing national and lorrlto-
rial interests.
Commnntlng on thn proposal at tho
tery outset Secretary Wallace said:
"I havo your letter Inviting my con
sideration of II. II. 5094. a measure
which provldo for the creation of .an
Alaskan development board to tako
over tho activities now carried on In
Alaska by tho dopartmont of agri
culture, tho department of commerce,
tho federal water power commission,
and. to a largo extent, tho depart
ment of tho Interior.
Would Hamper Pireldciit
"Apparently tho enactment of this
moaauru would evict from Alaska
theso departments of Hio fodcral gov
ornmont nnd set up thorn n form of
administration wholly dlfforont from
anything wn ha'vo over had beforo In
any stato or territory. An Alaska
Includos mora than onffslxth of tho
total area of tho United Htutcs with
vast natural resources, this unique
proposal challenges attention. Kven
tho president could not disturb tho
boardoxcopt for neglect of duty or
malfeasance In otflco and congress
Itself would havo over It only such
control as It might oxorclso by with
holding appropriations or by ropeal
ing tho law.
In offect, this measure proposes to
so'ttup brnnch fodernl government
having Jurisdiction over certain prop
ertles nnd functions In tho territory
of Alaska making It practically indo
pendent of tho fodorat authorities at
Washington. Although It would con
1st chiefly of monitor appointed by
tbo prosldont, tho majority would not
bo subloct to his control ovon in mat
tore of national policy or (as In their
administration of tho migratory bird
act) in mattors -which concern treaty
rights nnd Involvo quoatlons of for
eign pollclos. Tho dogroo or Its inuo
pendonco of tho prosldont Is Indicat
ed by tho rather extraordinary provi
so that tho board shall submit an an
nual mossago to congress. "Heeontf
mending such legislation as It may
deem advisable"
Forests Considered '
Secretary Wallace rnvo special at
tention to tho Alaskan forosts. On
this subjoct ho said:
"Our mot Important work thoro Is
In connection with tho forests. There
are In Alaska somo 20,000,000 ncros
of national forcsta, croatod between
1002 and 1908f Up to tho prosont
time those forests have not been uti
lised extensively because of tbo dist
ance from market and tho rolatlvoly
nominal local demand for lumber.
"In 1906 the lumber snipped .Into
Alaska compered 86 nor cent of the
total lumber used there, and hut U
par cent was cut from the national
forests, In' 1918 these percentage
jfjir exactly revmed fl per. cent
of lumber used In Alaska bolnc pro
duced locally nnd but It per cent Im
ported, this lumbor being cjilofly
Douglas fir for special construction
"Wo havo In Alnnka thn opportu
nity to crentu n second Norway, Un
der Intelligent inaiirtKoiiioiit theso
forests can bo made to produce for
all time to cotnn n quantity of paper
equivalent to one-third of tho present
annual roqulromontn of tho United
Mate. When wo nolo what has hni-
ponod In the past to our groat forests
not undor govornmont control, ouruly
thn Importanco of retaining control
of thosn national forests In Alaska
and of maintaining them on a safo
producing basin must bo evident, Tho
tlmu Is not far distant wbon tho In
creasing scarcity of lumber and of
paper and tho consequent high prices
will makn It necessary for us to draw
heavily upon our national forests In
Alaska, If wo nro to profit from past
experience, wo must not permit thorn
to bo exploited, but rnther so ad
minister thorn nn to maintain their
'Need for Htudy
"Tho national forests hnvo been
and nro being ndmtnlsterod on a ba
sis of national and local co-nporntlon,
with constant study of development
and uso of tho plan worked out by
tho dopartmont Is bolng accepted ns
fair by a number of substantial buslr
ness Interest) engaged In the raunii
factum "of paper. In January last a
small pulp plnnt began operation In
Alaska undor a national forosi pur
chase. Two largo tracts of timber nn
now being advertised for sate upon
application from Interests which con
template tho building of complete
nows print paper mills. Other applica
tions nro ponding and thoro scorns n
fair prospect that tho paper Industry
will bo established In Alaska Just ns
rapidly is market and transportation
conditions Justify. Tho purposo Is to
put tho making of pnpor In Alaska
an a sound nnd continuing bnnls, do
voloplng a perpetual Industry by lim
iting manufacturing capacity to tho
raw material which tho forest will
continue to produce,"
HOOD HlVEIt, May 18. During
tl.u psst weok many thousands of
people havo visited this valley for
n gllmnso or tho applo blossom
which hnvo novcr beforo been In
such profusion as this season. While
tho demands of tbo multitude for
food and accommodations tins tax
ed tho city and valley to tho ut
most, everybody has gono away
ploased, having suffered no creator
Inconvonlonco than having to wait
porbapa an bour for a moal.
TUB DAIiUES, May 18. Umatil
la dclegato to tho grain growora'
convention here, whon thn national
pooling resolutions wero consldorod,
left with tbo determination to per
fect nn Independent organisation
when tho Oregon grain growers' co-
oporatlvo association voted against
tliolr prdposod plan of wheat salo.
sixth annual
Or. May
18. Tho
of tho
southern Orogon district fodoratlon
of women's clubs mot in Ashland
rccontly. Tho stato prosldont, Mrs
Ida (Jnlnhan, said hor bonrt swol-
od with prldo at tbo -work bolng
dono, In spooking to tho enthusias
tic group of moro than 100 dolo
I108EIJU110, Or., May 18. Iload
travel In Douglas county Is becom
ing difficult and tourists oro begin
ning to muko a big kick against
conditions. They claim that thoy
are hold up for hours nt a tlmo
north of Oakland, whora paving op
erations are In progress, and in
many cases aro not permitted Jo go
through until oftor work is stopped
in thn avonlng.
8AL.KM, May 18. A total of
700 traffic law violators woro ar
rested and flnos aggregating
17789.70 woro colloctcd as a, result
of tho activities of stato, county
nnd municipal peaco officers dur
ing tho first threo months of 1921,
according to figures compllod by T,
A. Itnffoty, chief of tho state's traf
fic law onforcorn. '
MAUHIIFIKM), May 18. Labor
conditions on Coos lluy aro improv
Ing slightly. Ilcsumptlon of tho
mills and road work, wblch favor-
nblu wcathor -will permit, will call
for moro mon. Tliooo in chargo of
tho labor situation say that thoy
can tnko caro of tho' unemployed
hero, but that conditions do not
warrant men coming boro with tbo
expectation of finding work.
PORTLAND, May 18 Portland
friends of Cornollus Vanderbilt Jr.
nnd Mrs. Vanderbllt received word
from thorn last wook that tbey ore
soon to conio to tho Pacific coast
again nnd will spend part of the
summer on an Island In a lako on
Vancouver Island, whore tbo Van-
dorbllts are building a homo. Thoy
will como by way of California and
oxpect to visit Portland.
Don't worry and complain about a
bad back, dot rid or III For weak
kldnoya, lamo and achy backs, your
nolghbors rocommond Doan's Kldnoy
Pills, Ask your neighbor. Ilead this
Mrs. M. K. Sovlts, 1001 Prospect
St., Klamath Falls, says: "I wis
moro or loss subject to kidney dis
order for somo time. About six years
ago I bad qulta n spell with my kid
neys. I had a dull acho across tbo
small of my back and could not stand
on my feet very long at a time. My
kidneys woro In a very weak condi
tion nnd tho secretions passed too fre
quently, I was so norvous and rest
less at night that I would havo to sit
up for hours at a tlmo. My root and
ankles swollod and I. could hardly get
my Bboos on. I doclded to uso Doan's
Kidney Pills and tho first box gave
mo roller. About six boxes curod mo
entirely, and I have onjoyod splen
did health over slnco." , (Statement
given March 3,-1016).
on March 16, 1920, Mrs. sovlts
said: "I novcr miss a chance to rec
ommend Doan's Kldnoy Pills. When
over my kidneys troublo mo and my
back gots soro nnd lamo a abort use
or Doan's are sure to glvo mo prompt
COc. at all doalera. Foster-Mllburn
Co., Mfrs., nuffalo. N. Y.
Hot Waiter Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
8 - I l1-!' " ' ii.;.,irii.T.u gj Vl''VIM.""-" WTI K
! P,W' JCU.. sssssssHHbIssW. -WC!
i Kv-WV. ,').( .B - ' S
i R''t' '' " iaslssssssssssssssssssW'Hv I
..'- .K v-j $L '.ssssssssssssssssssssss1SJlnP 2
' IssasMaHsk y y lsA 1bs1ssssBsbsssssssssbs1mS
1 BbBPaSI'''' vvS yBM ?' bsissssDssssssHIsssssbbIs
rLBIikksjsirr.- 'sMFT '"'L4sssslssHfissssBssssskBslB ?
sssBlssssssJr i;;sBaOliiMlsr Vtl ;
To look one's best and fret one's beet
Is to enjoy an Inside bsth each morning
tt flush from the system the previous
day's waste, sour fermentations and poi
sonous toxins before It Is absorbed into
the blood. Just as cost, when it burns,
kaves behind a certain amount of In
combustible material, in tho form of
ashes, 'so the food and drink taken each
day leave in the alimentary organs a
certain amount of indigestible material,
which if not eliminated, form toxins and
Poisons .which are thtn sucked into the
lood through the very ducts which are
intended to suck in only nourishment to
suitajn.tbe body.
If you want to see the gow of healthy
bloom in your checks, to see your skin
get clearer Jjd clearer, you are told to
orlok eyery uamjiig'upon arisjpg, a
glass of hot witter with a teupoonful
fff HroiipU phosphate in it, which Is a
.harm lest neass of washing the wsste
material and toxins from the stomsoh,
llvrr, kldnrys and bowels, tbtis cleans
(eg, sweetening and purifying the tmUre
alimentary tract, before putting more
food Into the stomach.
Girls and women with sallow skins,
liver spots, pimples or pallid complex
ion, also those who' wake up with a
coated tongue, bsd taste, nasty breath,,
others who are bothered with hesdscbrs,
bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa
tion should begin this phoiplisted hot
Uater drinking and. are assured of very
pronounced results In one or two weeks.
A quarter pound of limestone phps-
Chatd costs very little at the drug store
ut Is sufficient to demonstrate thst iusb
o sosp and hob water cleanses, purifies
sjid. freshens the ekln on the outside, so
hot water and limestone phosphate act
on the inside orcsns. We must abrays
consider that InUrnaJ sanitation la vast
ly more important mui ouuuae cieson
ness, because the ekln pores do not ab
sorb Impurities into the bloed, while ths
bowel pores do.
Women who dsslre to enhance the
beauty of tbsir complexion should Jus
try this, tot ft week, and, notice rsultj
Kindness Rewarded
By Half a Million
L09 ANOBLB8, Mny 18, Hnlf n
million dollnrs, described ns n "ro
mombranco" to his friond for hor
"many and grntofuily appreciated
kindnesses," is provldod to bo trans
forrod shortly from tho ostnto of
John M. Ollbort, former Duffalo, N.
Y polnto doalor, to Mrs. Mnry K.
Illgglns, wife of n Los Angolcs trav
eling man, under tho terms or tho
lata merchant's will,
Tho document, mado public hero
after his death rocontly, boquoathod
anothor quarlor of a million dollars
in annuities to frlondn and to em
ployees or a hotel to 'whom ho ac
knowledged sovoral "kindnesses and
Ollbort was n widower, and for tho
last twenty yoars had lived In Los
Angolos, Ho gavo up tho po'tato bun
Inoss sovoral years ago for roal os
tnto activities horo.
In his will ho bequeathed to his
chauffeur, $125 n month for tho re
mainder of his lira, undor tho pro
vision "If, and In tho ovont ho shnll
bo In my norvlco nnd employ (ns
cbauffour) at the tlmo of my do
mlso," .
Thn chauffeur had quit his Job In
a quarrel with bis employer a weok
bofore tho dealer's doath.
YKKKA, May 18. C. K. Hardor
and O. V, Moynahan of tho stato
motor vohlclo dopartmont havo
lico-i acttvo In this section for tho
past weok chocking up violators ot
tho stato law, Slxty-thrco machines
woro tagged. '
A numbor or poo pi o in Siskiyou
county havo been purchasing cars
from Oregon doalors, principally
used cars, nnd havo boon unablo to
opnrato thom until a clear record
mm w m w . -"i"ii.-wAnru-Lfr.aAAAruuuxrifrvvKAi
8 Sold
a Last Week
Wo rind that pianos
tnd phonographs soil If
Jio prices and terms
iro right.
Wo still havo n numbor or oxccllont vnluos in trad-ed-ln
pianos from 112S.0O up sold on 24 monthly In
stallments. Also thero -are special values In lato model Druns
wick, now Edison and other makos of phonographs
Just takon in exchange Full cnblnot modols from
I6C.0O up, sold on convenient torms.
Hi h t 5tBiiiiiiHRm
HI QfessJliEiysiSl
Earl Shepherd Co.
Klamath's Only Ex
clusive Music Store
C07 Main St.
Phono 282-J
awwaKiaia.iaia 'J'----nnVsVuTlVllVuVtanjUU
Mentho-Sulpbur, a ploasant cream,
will sootho nnd heal skin that Ii ir
ritated or broken out with ecicmo;
that is covered with ugly rash or pim
ples, or Is rough or dry. Nothing sub
dues fiery skin eruptions so quickly,
says a notod skin specialist.
Tno' moment tnls sulphur prepara
tion Is applied tho itching stops and
after two or thrco applications, the
eczema is gono and tbo skin is do
llgbtfully eloar and smooth. Sulphur
la so precious as a ekln romody be
cause It dostroys tho parasite.! that
causo tho burning, Itching or disfig
urement. Mentho-Sulphur always
heals octoma right up.
A small Jar ot Mentho-Sulphur
may be bad at any good drug store.
can bo furnished to tho department.
Sinco tho California and Oregon
laws differ, this Is often a tedious
and time-taking procedure.
When Mixed With Hulplmr It
Ilrlngs Unck Ilt UcauUful
Lustro At Onon
Gray balr, howorer bandsomo, do
notos ndvanclng ago. Wo all know
tho advantages ot a youthful appear
anco. Your hair Is your charm. It
makes or mars the face. When It
fades, turns gray, and looks streak
ed, Just a fow applications or Sage
Tea and Sulphur enhances its ep-
penranco a hundredfold.
Don't stay gray I Look young!
Either proparo tbo recipe at bomo
or got from nny drug store a bottln
of "Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," which Is meroly tho old
tlmo rcclpo Impro cd by tho addi
tion ot other Ingredients. Thou
sands of folks recommend this ready-
to-uso preparation, bocauso it dark
ens tho balr beautifully; besides, no
ono can possibly toll, as It darkens
so naturally nnd ovonly. You moisten
a sponge or soft brush with It, draw
ing this through tho hair, taking one
small strand at a tlmo. Dy morning
tho gray balr disappears: nftor an
othor application or two Its natural
We Eat too Mach Meat Which Cloeja
Kidneys, Then the IUck
Most folks forgot that the kldnoys,
like the bowels, got sluggish and
cloggod and need a flushing occa
sionally, else wo havo backache and
dull misery in tho kidney region, se
vero headaches, rheumatic twinges,
torpid liver, acid stomach, sleepless
ness and all sorts ot bladder disor
ders. '
You simply must keep your kid
neys active and clean, and the mo
ment yon feel an ache or pain In the
kidney region, get about four ounoes
of Jad Salts from any good drug
storo here, tako a tablespoonful In a
glass of water beforo breakfast for a
few days and your kldnoys will then
act tlno. This famous salts Is made
from tbo acid ot grapes and lemon
Julco, combined with llthla, and Is
harmless to flush cloggod kidneys and
stimulato them to normal activity. It
also neutralizes the acids in the urine
so It no longer irritates thus ending
bladder dlsordors.
Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpen
sive; makos a delightful effervescent
llthia-wator drink which everybody
should tako now anjl then to keep
their klndneya clean, thus avoiding
serious complications.
A well-known local druggtat says
color is restored, and it becomes ho sells lots ot Jad Salts to folks wko
thick, glossy and lustrous, and you bellevo in overcoming kidney troti-
appear yoars youngor. Adv. bio whllo it Is only trouble.
Goodyear TiresThatAreEven
Better Than Before
H f
)vfm i n
ssstBassiV ' iDSsislJsNsOfSh V- lfraSV
9sf li ii " '! Urn nil'" ii r i tfiilll
We are building better Goodyear
Tires for passenger cars today than we
have ever built before. In the past
few months we have added to their
value time and time again making
them larger, stronger, heavier, and
even more durable. We believe "we
speak truly when we say that no
where in the world will you find
their equal in endurance, mileage,
and sustained economy. You can
get these tires from your Good
year Service Station Dealer now.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
of California