i.sr!VK-J,-Wt C' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAaa four WKDNK8DAY, MAY IS, 1021 -MKJ.I f I II T HELP INDIGENT l.OS ANOELHS, Cnl., May 17. Actors, writers, producors, sportsmen nnd civic officials nro cooperating hero with Daniel Frohmnn, thoatrl cnl magnate, In plans for n hugo out door benefit festival Juno 4 at the Los Angeles Spoodwny to raise funds for Indigent nnd disabled actors throughout tho country. Tho affair Is scheduled to consist of n rodeo, fashion show, bathing girl review, theatrical . porformanco and nlhlollecarnlvnl. Y Daniel Frohmnn, who will super visa tho porformanco. Is In California ..lttl. itfliiii h n t.s.n ja nf anmrt YlsmilK u.iui .... u .... time. Ills last, work day visit." ho Bays, was flftocn years ago and, bo foro then, forty years ngo. Then, ho told mombcra of tho pro fession hero recently, ho was "barn storming," and making $35 a week, ilr. Frohmnn, who Is now In his six tics, and ono of tho best known thd . ntrlcakmcn, In America nnd on tho continent, Is president of tho Actors' Fund of America in tho namo of which organization thrboneflt is be ing undertaken. No Argument Wanted r By This Bootlegger JACOMA. Wash.. May IS. It was a brilliant plea an attorney wast tanking for W.A. Huston, 70, charg ' cd beforo Judgo John W. Link with possessing Intoxicating liquor. Tho virtues ot tho defendant wero bolng ) extolled to tho skies, when Huston blurted eut: 1 ' 'Let's cut out tho argument and t let mo go to Jail." Tho abnshod al ' I torney sat down and tho Judgo grant I cd tho reuuost. Tho sentence was 60 i i days and l8o fine. m Citizens Urged to Go to Crater Lake Tho following Is from tho Mcdford Mall Trlbune: rThoro is an acuto situation con froritlngtho pooplo of Oregon as re . gards their patronago of Crater Lake ' this year. Tho new Crater Lake com I pany has taken an option of purchase from A. L. Parkhurst of his conces sion ."and unless this season is' a pro fitable ono for the Investors they will I, 'not mako tho purchase next March, i ' Should Crater Lake show a profit I this year, It Is the Intention of tho I now company to expend $100,000 In permanent Improvements., It this is dono, then tho government will bo called upon tq spen a similar amount ' on additional roads and trails as well as Improving the proscnt roads, I therefore. It is up to each Individual of this state who has nover visited Crater Lake National Park to do so this year and thereby giving his aid to mako Crater Lake National Park ot as great lmportanco as are tho other national parks In tho west. This is tho time to plan a trip to tho lake and beforo going overy one should post himself ot 'what Crater Lake roally. Is and what other attrac tions are to be found in the tfark. A government pamphlet, giving a de tailed description- ot this wondor, will be given to all who sign and mall tho following plodgo to the Medford Chamber ot Cemmerce: ot ... ........... .. ..., Oregon, promlso to visit Crator Lake National Park during the summer ot 1921. I have...- visited the park boforo. Thoro will bo. ..membors In tho party who will go with me At the Theaters AT THE LIBERT Y Threatened with death by a band of blackmailers using a Cblneso character in purple Ink, Leonard Stauuton'-nt first tries to run down tho criminals. News ot tho death ot ono ot his. friends and tho sight of anothor dying boforo his eyes after thoy had received' "purplo cipher" throats, followed by an explosion at tho homo; of his tiwootheart, Jcanno Baldwin, -iWfhllo ho Is calling upon lier, causes" hint to' alter his methods. The story of "Tho Purplo Cipher," orlglnallywritten by Will F. Jenkins, has been visualized by Vltagraph and will bo shown at the Llbertv theatre tonight. Earlo Williams, as Leonard Staun ton, Is given-excellent opportunities to display bis talent and ability to good effect in the many sensational situations which arise, La- " The BUb' quality r uccew that follows (advoWUIni la ta clMilfUd column TJi Herald la'elaa t the Intelligence ot Ita readers. i:aom: mnciK tavuhx notks Tho following Is n list of tho pco plo who took advnntngo of tho won thor, good ronds nnd dipt. Calkins' boat sorvfeoto visit Kaglo ltldgo Tav ern on Its opening dnyi-Sundny, Miss Hetty llrey, E. J. Joffory. Portland; John Krlcson, Itnlpli 11 Stoolo, Miss Lola Sailor, Mrs. B. W. Do Lapp, Mrs. Geo. Egollno, Mrs. L. E. Thayer. Mr. rnd Mrs. II. A. St. Clair, W. I. Brush, Qco. L. Drltt, C. Tinkle, all of Modoc Point; Miss Florence Porter, .Mrs. Mahol Weo don, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Endors, An drew McGeo, llrlck Moody, Klamath Falls; L. J. "Vrny, Portland; Miss Ilollcn Allon, II. 13. Calkins, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Bellman, Dr. nnd Mrs. F. It. Ooddnrd. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. A. McCarthoy. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Hell man, Klamath Falls; Miss Carmcl Miller, Miss Wllda Smith, Hnrvoy C o, .If ml ""''""". ' ' """" """",. inniiiy, nauiiwr ui v.uiuu:.u, ,. ... nenckworth nnd wifo Dayton, Ohio; Marshall Hooper, Hanker; Miss Lydln L. Frlcke, Klnmnth Falls, Mlsa Allco A. Blackford, Klamath Falls. All enjoyed a wonderful day. Good dlnnor. Tho tavorn Is suro to mako n wondorful roputatlon this year If tho food nnd general mnnngemont main tains its present standard. Calcutta Is said to bo tho greatest rat exchange In tho world, tho ro' dents finding their way to and from tho point In vessels. : Tho ccntor of population ns shown by tho 1920 consus Is located in thol by tho 1920 consus is located In tho southeast corner of Owen county. In-1 dlana. It has advanced 9.8 miles west ward in the last decade. Get results by using class ads. RESOLUTION' A Resolution Declaring tho Intention of the City of Klamath Falls, Ore.. gon, to Change tho Grndo nt the InU-roection of ScTcnth Street nnd Walnut Avenue from Elevation l-IO to Elevation 148. WHEREAS, It Is doomed expedient to chango the present grado at the intersection ot Seventh Street nnd Walnut Avenue from olovatlon 146 to ciovatlon 148. DE IT RESOLVED, That tho Com mon Council hereby declares Its In tention to chango tho grado at tho Intersection ot Seventh Streot Walnut Avenuo from olovatlon and 146 to deration 148. STATE OF OREOON, ) County ot Klamath, )ss. City of Klamath Falls, ) TAT. T.anvltt TVitlrn Jltrlpn nt said city abovo mentioned, do hereby cerury tnai mo roregoing is a uuu enrolled copy ot tho resolution passed by tho Common Council on tho 16th day ot May, 1921. A. L. LEAVITT. 17-27 Police Judge. RESOLUTION The City Engineer pursuant to the Resolution of the Common Council heretofore adopted, having undor1 date of the .2nd day of April, 1921.1 filed Dions, specifications and esti mates of the cost of improving Jeff erson street from Third street to Fifth stroet. Fifth streot from Jeffer son street to Lincoln stroot, nnd from Fifth street to Sixth stroot on Lin coln stroot. Including Intersections; nnd tho Common Council having ta ken tho samo under advlsomcnt nnd finding said plans, specifications nnd estimates satisfactory, IT IS HERERY RESOLVED. That sold plans, specifications and esti mates for the Improvement ot the aforesaid streets, including intorsec tlons, bo and tho samo are heroby approved; AND DE IT FDRTHER RESOLV ED, That the-Common Council hero by declares Ita Intention to Improve said portions of Jefferson street, Fifth street and Lincoln street In accordance with Bald plans, specifi cations and estimates; said Improve ment to consist of paving said por tions ot Jefferson streot, Fifth streot and Lincoln street with Concrete Wllllto or Bltulithlc. Tho estlmatod cost of tho Improvement of said por tions of said streets, Including Inter sections, by placing theroon olthor Concrete Bltulithlc or Wllllto, or other hard surfaco pavemont to bo $21170.35, said cost Including grad ing, rolling, curbing nnd cement AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, by the Common Council, that tho following described property bo and Is hereby declared benefitted by said improvement, to-wlt: Lots 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Block 48, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9. 10 Block 41, Lota 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Block 47, Lots 6, 7, 8. 9, 10 Block 42, Lots 5, 4 and wostorly halt of Lot 3 in Block 46, Lots 5, 6, 4, 7. and tho westerly half or iois 3 ana in uiock ij, iois i and 2 and tho easterly half of Lot 3 in Block 42. Lots 1 and 2 In Block 43, Lots 1, 10, 2, 9 und eastorl half ot Lots 3 and 8 In Block 36, and Lots 6, 7. 8, 9, 10 In Block'35; all In First Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; nnd that said property abovo listed and described be and heroby Is declared to bo assessed for the exponso of said improvement. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That Monday, the 6Hi day of Juno, 1921, atitho hour of 8 o'clock P. M., at the Council Chambers at tho City Hall, bo fixed as tho tlmo and place for tho hoarlng of objec tions and remonstrances against the said proposed improvement and the Police Judge is hereby directed to causo notice ot said hearing to be published as by Chartor provided. STATE OF OREGON, ) County of Klamath, )ss. City of Klamath Falls, ) L A. L. Leavltt, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby. certify that the foregoing is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu tion adopted by the Common Council on tho Oth day ot Mny, 1921, de claring Its Intention to Improvo Jot fcrson streot from Third street to Fifth street, Fifth stroot from Joffor son streot to Lincoln street nnd Lin coln street from Fifth streot to Sixth stroot, Including intersections, and approving tho plnns, specifications nnd estimates of costs submitted by tho City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT. 12-23 Pollco Judge. NOTICE OF HOND OFFERING Sealed proposals 'will bo received by tho Common Council for tho pur chaso of an lssuo'ot $3,019.00 apo dal lmproromont bonds, authorized by Ordlnnnco No. 649, for tho lm provomont ot Washington stroot from First street to Ewnuna boulovnrd. Proposals to purchase snld bonds will bo rocolvod up to nnd including tho 23d day ot Mny, A. D. 1931, at tho hour ot 8 o'clock p. m., and oponod at tho regular meeting of the Council to bo held upon said date. Said bonds to bo dated as ot April 10th, 1921, nnd Issued In tho sum of $500.00 each, maturing In 10 yeara from data ot Issuo optional at nny coupon dnto on and after ono year from dnto ot Issuo nnd bearing Inter est nt tho rnto of six por cent per an num, payablo semi-annually; princi pal and intorest payablo nt tho Ore gon Fiscal Agency In Now York City. Proposals to purchase must bo ac companied by certified chock for five por cent ot proposal, nnd bo uncon ditional. A. Ii. LKAVITT, Pollco Judgo of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oro. 7-18 NOTICE OF HOND OFFERINQ Scaled proposals will bo recolved by tho Common Council for tho pur chaso of an Issuo ot $31,916.29 spo clal Improvement bonds, authorized by Ordinance No. 548, for tho Im- lirnvnmnnt nt Tfll-h .twin frftm fllvtfi . t , Eighth street: and Sixth stroot from Pine to High street and ooYunui ircci irum i iuo siruvi iu Washington Proposals to purchase snld bonds will bo received up to nnd Including tho 23d day of May, A. D. 1921, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M and opon ed nt a regular meeting of tho Coun cil to bo held upon said date. Said bonds to bo dated as ot April 10th, 1931, and Issued in tho sum ot $500.00 each, maturing In 10 years from date of Issue: optional at nny coupon dato on nnd nfter one year from dnto ot issuo, nnd bearing Inter est at tho rato of six por cent por an num, payable semi-annually, princi pal and Interest payablo at tho Ore gon fiscal agency In Now York City. Proposals to purchaso must bo ac companied by certified chock for flvo por cent ot proposal, and bo uncondi tional. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oro. 7-18 EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION! Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion meots at tho City Hall on tho first and third Tuesdays ot each month. Ex-sevlce men aro invited to at- tond tho meetings. vnr mimhershln cards or Informs- . -.,. t n on " -- "-;--" see or wme mo ioiiowiub u.i.... J. H. Carnahan, Commander, noy v Fouch. Post Adjutant. Vnr rollof of omDlorment seo or wrlto tho Chairman ot Tho Relict and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, caro Lakcsldo Lumber com pany. Klamath Lodge No. 137 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night or each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 6th and Main streets H. H. Oglo -N. O. Chas. Nowman ... .....V. O. O. B. Manguo ................8ocy. W. D. Cofor Treas. ENCAMPMF.NT J. H. Houston .. H. V. Brown ... L. J. McClnre B. J. Mayer .0. P. ,.n. w -Scribe ..Treasurer BEAUTY PARLOR Shampooing, marcellng, massag ing, manicuring. For appointments, phone 366, White Pelican Hotel. 'Tho Best Insurance for Every Need' CALKIN8-DONELBON INSURANCE AGENCY First Stato Bank Building Phono 650-W. Wo can sorvo you InBurancowlso. CLARA B. CALKINS. MOLLIE 8. DONELSON. 832 Main Stroot Phono 91-W Upp's Auto Service DAY AND NIOHT SERVICE Experienced Drlvors New Cars Klamath Falls, Oro, ROCKY POINT STAGE LEAVES DAILY Beginning Sunday, May 8th. 6TH & MAIN ST. Mako Reservations at - Eagle Poolroom. Phone 870 or 54E-M. GEO. A. BELL &- I WILL Take out Cellars or Fill In IjoU CON MURPHY B17 Mortimer Ht. Phono HU-W G. E. WASHBURN m Contractor and Builder Construction Work ot any kind, No Job too largo or too small. Estimates furnished (roe ot chargo. PHONE 8U7-J Excavating Teaming Lot us make you a price on dig ging that basomont, or othor ex cavating you contemplate. Wo also do team work ot every description. Phone 426-J CHIROPRACTOR Dr. LoU C. Bridge Over First Stato and Savings Dank 8ulto 10b Phono 103-J PELICAN DAY DUB Faro 25o each way Leaves Rex Cafe Leaves Pelican City 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 13:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Rcckard Rcmt Service Phono 77 26-tt Let Your GLASS trouble be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo aro hero to sorvo you, and aim to sorvo you right. Motorcycles and Dlcyclos. Parts and Acessorlos, Tiros and Tubes, that- will stand your Inspection, as wo carry the best In our line. Repair shop In connection with Uarley-Davldson Service. Phone 878 1010 Mala St. KUsnatb Fails d. K. BIAMARK irvinrarsrvvvvrvvrsnrsrsr-sri snrsnnr i min n num Office Phone 177W Res 177R Dr. FL D. Lloyd Stewart Phyatdaa sad Bargeo) White Building Klamath Falls Orsgoa SVMWWMMMWWWWVW'VWMMWMWMXKWMJ DR. & A. MASSEY Fourth and Pine 8U. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 47 Res. Phone 8U HAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers sad builders of saoo era saw mills, planing callls sjmI bos plants. Dredging. Pile dfistag. Phone 466.W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near 8. P. Depot Klamath Falls Plumb ing &' Heating Co. ssaassaa- 1178 MAIN ST. PHONE S48.W DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, BSM LET UH DO YOUR COLLECTING A numbor of business , houses oro saving the tlmo ot tholr bookkeepers and individual collectors by letting us collect their monthly Wlls. It Is the modern method. It cuts down your overhead. Got your bills ready and we will do tho rest. MRB. T. H, JOLLY ..6th and Main Over Bugarman'a store. Phone 320W L. D. Gas's. M. D. JEYE, JJARV.NQB AND THJtOAT GLASSES FCRNIfiHED Warren Hunt Hospital Phone4T Res. White rellcao Hotel. Phone S MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud Ingersotl Hawley Cblropractlo Fhrslciaa Fliat National llank Dulldlng Entrance, Room ASHLAND, ORHQOlt CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVKR UNDERWOOD'S Phone U80-J. Seventh HOUSE MOVING Havinsr bought the moving outfit of True & Failing, we are now prepared to move nouses or other heavy articles. Washburn & Houston rnONK 40O-R DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wiaecanrwr PHONBJ SM Dr. P. M. Nol FbWNB 4 Over Pa4iasjoo4s sveatk aad Mala Btrssts L NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Dud la Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Concar E.D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Pnoaes 17W 17R Rooms t amd S White Bnlldlag Household Furniture GOODS OP ALL KINDS OUR PRICKS RIOHT We Buy, Sell and Exchanio. Cor. Sixth and Klamath Ave. DICK'S A CO. I iQGAgSTAWliy 1 r f V . o o p . - p E The E N CENTRAL N HOTEL a L L L GUY GARRETT, Mrv L Steam Heated M I RATESi I n Transient' $1.00, up r Weekly $5.00, up. u H H T T i f NEWSSf ANLYl i all the latest news ' ZI f I m LESSONS lastraetloas la Maao magi of Haay Yew MM. OSBOHlf A. St LO.O.r.BalkUag FkeMMO , RtsHanee White Pslleaa Hotel .. Residence Phoae I. MVVVVVVQ'VVV'"''''1 DR. a A. RAMBO Dentist i. o. o. r. PHONK 1 iMWSWWXSMMMMVMXIAaM Klamath-Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLHANINO, PREtUUNO AND HUFAMINQ WILL MAKK IOCH CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATH HEULOCXKD Goods Called for aad Delivered 481 Mala Street Klamath rails J. O. OLKOHORN CIVIL ENOINEKR AND SURVEYOR Phono 1IIJ IIS B. Riverside FRED WESTERFELD Daurnirr Phone 4I4W. X-Ray Labarasoc Loosals Blda. i nmj GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Time. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls PAINTING Practical paluuuc, r.tldlnc, brons log, enamollng, kalsomlnlng, wall paper cloanlng and general con trading. II. C TUTUILL Phono 183 C25 Oak St. t FACTORY SHOP Mattresses Made and Re. paired, upholstorlng Cratlag, packing. ' J. K. lUlA'rrON, PROP. 107 N. 4th. St. Phono 1BOW