The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 18, 1921, Image 1

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A Clan Ad Will
Do It
rxf yv
Member of the. Associated Press.
Flftwntli Ycur No. Mai
S lEuewtttt IJmtla
Secretary of
Interior Dies
i .Following Operation
t- .
i ror Appendicitis.
KOOHEBTBR. Minn., May 18.
Franklin K. Lane, Connor secretary
of tho Interior died horo UiIh morn
Ing from nn ntlnck (if angina pec
toris, which developed following nn
nporatlon for null stones nnd ap
pendlcltls, IIo cumo horn to ha un-
dor llin cnro unit to rocolvo tho ox-
Port nttontlon of Dr. Mnyo nnd his
It wait oflon eiilil of Franklin K.
Lane that If ho had been born In
tho United Stolon Imtoad of Cana
da, ho would havo boon presidential
timber. Attor curving savon years
Id PrcsldenT Wilson's cabinet as sec
retnty of tho Interior, ho resigned
hls'f i:,000-nycnr pool In uxponslvo
Washington; early In 1930 "In Jus.
tlco to his family ' to becomo Tlco
president and legal advisor of tho
Mexican potrtooum companies con-
trolled by Edward L. Dohony.
Horn noar Charlottotown, I'rlnce
Kdward Island, July 16, 1864, tho
son of u Canadian doctor who ro-
moved to Cullfornlu during tba
boy's childhood, youiiR Iiiio was od-
ucutod nt tlio University of Cali
fornia from which hu "was gradu
ated in 1886. Ily rvusou of his
scholastic nchlovonients tho honor
ary degroo of LL. 1). was conforrcd
upon him soniu years lutor by his
alma mater it ml by Now York and
Ilrowu unlvorsltios and tho Uni
versity nt North Carolina..1
Upon leaving collcgo lo onsagod
In nowspupor work, hncomlng part
owner and editor of tho Tacoius,
Wash., Dolly Nows. In 1889 ho
was .admitted to tho bar of Califor
nia and from 1807 until 1002 uurv-
od as 'corporation counsel ot Ban
Franclsto. In tho liiltor your ho
was tho democratic candldato for
nnnnnnnnnnnnlnnnnnWitjHBnnnnnW v-'', a1 vt nnnB
nnnnWpWLukr'l Yi5B
K.Ci HF nw (HEjjH
govornor of California but was not
elected. IIo rncelvod tho party voto
( of tho stnto legislature In 1003 for
United Hlutos nonator. Appointed a
innmbnr nt tho Intorstato commorco
commission by President Hoosnvolt
In 1005, lator becoming' chalrmnn,
Mr. Luna "wiis serving In that ca
pacity whon ho was mado socrotary
of tho Intorior.
During his sorvlco on tho Intor
stato, commorco commission ho
earned tho reputation of bolng a
progressive.. Ilia .decisions in tho
railway cases wore said to have boon
almost invariably pleasing to mon
of ndvnucod Ideas, IIo favored for
years a national corporation com;
mission Hlmllur to tho Intorstato
commorco commission with power
to regulate all buslnoss ontorprlses
ongugod In intorstato commorco as
tho most offoctlvo romedy for trust
oylls. IIo nlso advocated n commis
sion form ot govornmont for Alas
ka. Ho was oloctod a' mombor of
tho permanent International railway
commission) organized "in 1910 at
the International railway congress
In Home, Switzerland.
In 1916 Mr. Lane headed tho
American delogotos ut a Joint con-'
ferenco with high commissioners
from Mexico, as a result ot .-which
a protocol was signed,., at ,AtlantIo
City' and United States troops wore
withdrawn from that country.' -
v Whon, tho United States entered
tho war In YM7,' Secr'etaryLabo'in
--ravnumber of 'public epeochespuV
the country's purposes and
"urged business men to show sac- Washington and Lieutenant Frank
rlflces ns worthy as thoso of thollln K. Lane, Jr., U, S. A. ot Los
men on tholr way to tho trenches," I Angeles, Cal,
Boyd-Wagner Concert
Brilliant Success
Mnmlo Doyd-Waguor gave liar
friends ample reuson lu bo proud of
lior last nvonlng mid Jn turn, her
frlonds toudored her u most hearty
nnd enthusiastic welcome.
Tlio roncort wns ono of tho most
cnjoynblu over heard In Klumnth
Falls, ovory number bolng of nn ox
callonco which merits special men
tion. Mrs.' Zumwnlt Introdurcd Mrs.
Wagner In a few words, and may well
feel satisfaction In what her old pu
pil has accomplished, Mrs. Wkignor's
volco Is beautiful, and Is best describ
ed by tho word sllvory. It Is clear,
resonuut, flexible, nnd possesses n
thrilling sweetness which renches tho
heart, especially In tlio dear old song,
"Whon You and I Wore Young,
Magglo'' was enng In responso to In
sistent rn;crlng of her latest n'imbor.
and movod her listeners dcoply Her
most brilliant songtf. "Uuu Voce
l'oco Fa," and Jenny Mud's old fa
vorite, tlio "Norwegian Mountain-
Hong" dlsplsyed a wonderful rungo
and perfect scalo In tho most rapid
pnssagos. Mrs. Wagner's volco Is very
even, her low tones bolng ns lovely
as tho high ones, and there Is not tin
sllghtost hint of a break anywhere
throughout Its ontlre range. Abo un
doubtedly has a future, and a year or
two of further study In New York
should make her ono of tbu Heal
Onos. i
Mrs. Coter showed muslclunly skill
In the rendition of hor piano num
bers, and In responso to an encore
played Tschalkowiky's "Two Larks,"
which proved a greater favorite oven
than her other numbers.
Mr. Ilorol Is a violinist whose work
would bring him recognition In n far
greater city than Klamnth Kulls. Ills
bounty ot tono and expression were
brought out n tho Ferrari Aria, nnd
his tcfCnrkHnx, pizzicato In Damn's
cnprlclt-'i 'Clmnsonotto. In 'responso
,tp wcl,fyis PP','.)'P P'Vfd ah
enticing Serenade by Plofnp.
Takort ult In alf. tho concert was
an unqualified success, and will Iour
bo remembered as a musical treat.
The pupils of tho Sdcrod Heart
Academy wore to havo had n picnic
yosterday, but owing to tho stormy
wouther wore prevented from doing
so. Howover, thoy found tho silver
lining to tho dark clouds and discov
ered there Is moro than ono way of
having a picnic. They spent tho af
ternoon ptaylng games lu tho school
court, after which bountiful refresh
ments were sorved to them In the din
ing room of tho convent, which had
boon appropriately decorntod for tho
, John Jackson Hay, a ranchor of
Kirk, and Orpha Culy, also of Kirk,
wore married by tho Justice of tho
I'eaco this morning. Mr. and Mrs.
Ilay will rcsldo on tholr ranch near
umrijru" -i--i---i---------
In numerous addresses In bohnlf
ot the Liberty loans ho doclarod tho
dofoat or tho United States was
"unthlnkablo" and that tho govorn
mont was dotonnlnod to sou tho
war fought to a" finish-When poaco
cumo ho dovlsod plans for tho om
ploymont of returning troops, urged
congress to foderallzo tho Ameri
canization of tho foreign-born, aid
ed In tho reconstruction of Franco
and other war-torn nations and ad
vocutod Immodlate passago of a bill
to glvo funns to soldiers. Ho was
also nctlvo in the council for na
tional defonso and tho Amorlcun
Rod Cross. ,
1 Socrotary Lane was a keen sup
portor of the leaguo of nations cov
onunt annd advocatod ratification of
tho poaco treaty ot Versailles.
In tho summer ot 1919 Secrotury
Lane rocommondod to tho president
tho calling ot a conference of rep
resentatives of American capital, la
bor and Industry to discuss econ
omic problems. The national In
dustrial conference, of which Mr.
Lane was mado chairman, was the
result., As chairman ot the rail
road wage commission in 1918 sho
helped to settle a number ot strikes
find,' aveVt threatened walkouts;
Mr.. LJtjne married in 1893 Miss
AnmrWlntormuto of Tacoms,
rWs.b,. Two children, weretiorn "to.
them, Mn; Nascy, Line Xauftman
Twenty millions of Dull Coin has
Just arlved from tho mint for uso
of thn Klks Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of this week, at tholr nn-
nual Woslorn Nights. Thoso ore all
now, crisp bills ot 1921 colnago and ,
In denominations of 100 bucks each.j
u taxes a 101 or money wnen tneso
Hills on co get startod spending. -'
T. II. Wnttors Is to havo gcnoral
nnnrvliilon of nil ramus during!
Western Nights and ho haa a largo
oorps ot experienced assistants.
Thoy are holding dally sessions in
order to becomo proficient in that
great art ot tho early western fron
tier. . I
Frod Houston and Guy Merrill
havo boon making dally trips back
Into tho mountains, where in tho
solltudo and great outdoors, thoy
nrn (rslntnr tholr valcns for tholr
groat auctioneering stunt daring
Weslorn Nights. Thoy claim that,""" rrca nauocK.
th.v m color to b abtn to last Tno following officors wore olocU
tho tbroo night, but Major, Under-' 0,u- c,mrlc "" President; A. M
wood Is taking no chances snd JiasiCo,llor nd - Bnrke, .tIcw pre
boon quietly warming up a few as
slstants to bo ready to slip la
should occasion demand.
Ono would think that Major Un
derwood was starting a general mer
chandise storo by tho loads ot goods
bo has. boon hauling through tho
streets tho past week. Every trip
ho makes down the street his auto
Is loadod with every imaginable
thing from ladles "waists to gro
ceries and moats. Thoy are all be
ing taken to the Elks building to
bo used us prlzos on Western
Following Is a progrum ot tho
recital given by tho Junior mout
hers ot Sister Angelica's music class
at tha Sacred Heart Academy this
afternoon. All the numbers were
beautifully executed and showod the
result of capablo instructions.
Uoautlful Kastcrn Morn ........ Ourlltt
Francis Albert
Stella and Francis Albert
A I'lcasant 8tory .....Hurzog
Stella Albort I
Song What I llko
Intermediate Uoys
Uarcnrollo .............. Ilohr
Certrudo Magulro '
A Joyful Messogo Qodowsky
Mlnnlo Iluhmo
In tho Month ot May Uohr
Kolth Ruconlcb I
Kolth Iluconlch and Hubort Tottcn
Song Tho Elves and tboShoomaker
' Intormodlato Qlrla
Tho Smllo ot Spring Oestcn
Hubort Totten "
Sonnet In O ......Rolnhold
Allco Thackpr
Songs -Mlschlovous Drownlcs
Tho Winds. '
Trlmary Class
Alsalctenno .....t-...................Tliomo
Catherlno Colwell
Swedish Folk Songs
1 Margaret Uall
(a) Slctllonno Schumann
(b) Echoes from tho Thoatro
Maryollyn Bradford
(u) Italian Song ....Tchaikovsky
(b) Dolly's Funeral
' Harriot Huntor I
Hymn Mary Dearest Mothor
Patrick McAullffo
Slumber Song ..,:. .-. Ourlltt
Kdna Vaughan ,
Orazlella Walts Schmoll
Francis Bonnet
Waysldo Flowers . Engol
1 Irono Lowls
Star Spangled Banner
School Two recitals 'will be glron by tho
advanced classes, on Friday ovenlng,
May 27 and Wednesday evening,
T.ima 1t r
UU 4Bt. . - . I
.BEND, MayU A .new bakery
building (n being erected 'here for
the' American bakery, to cost 15500.1
The oven 'and wholesale department
will be conducted there, the retail
store being uptown,
Thi) first regular meeting of tho di
rectors of tho First National bunk
since tho consolidation between It
and tho Klamath Htata bank was
held hist ovonfng, and out of It
oinnrged the now bosrpVand officers'
who will direct,!' tlio' dostlny of tho
institution ror mo ensuing year.
Tho following-' membors of tho old
Board rcslgned: J. O. Ooldlhwaltb,
ijesllo Kogo'rs, A. M. Collier and
K It. Kcaincs.Thelr places woro
'"led by tho election of C. D. Crls-
ler, S. K. Martin, J. A. Cordon nnd
O. I). Ilurko. Thcso four were di
rectors In tho Klamath fljnto bank
nnd will roprcsont on th'ilicTV boarft
tho Interests of tho stockholders ot
that Institution. "
The now board of directors as
now constituted is: Charles Hall,
O. I). Ilurko, J. A. Gordon, Ci B.
Crlslcr, S. K. Martin, Silas Oben
cbiilu. II. N. Moo, K. W. Vnnnlce,
chnrlc Mo0-. CUaric K
Idcnts; Lesllo Itocors, cashier,
Through courtosy ot United SUto
National bank ot Portland, thesor
vlccs of A. E. Doyle, ono ot the
bent known architects' of, tho coast,
will bo at disposal of tho local bank
and ho Is expected hero In a few
days to offer suggestions aadto tho
remodeling of tbo Klamath State
bank quarters, which will be used
pending tho construction of tho
magnificent now building that is to
bo erected by tho First National on
tbo slto recently purchased by It
tpr that purpose at the corner ot
Main and Seventh streets. Whllo
hero Mr. Doylo "will also offer somo
Bjugeations and skotches for tbo
new building. ' i
Tho new directorate Is n particu
larly strong one. Every member but
ono Is actively engaged In and lypt
calty representative of business In
terests that havo been a ccnstructlvu
force In the county. United ns they
now are, It must result In bottor
toam'work for tho ultimata good of
tho entire community.
Tho resignation ot E. It. Itoumos
from tho directorate removes a fig
ure that has been an nctlvo factor In
tha banking ot tho county for aver a
quartor of a century. It constitutes
bis retirement from nctlvo buslnoss,
It being his Intention to dovoto his
tlmo to travel and recreation. Mr.
Ooldthwalto has been conncctod with
the bank for but a brief period and
nevor took an actlvo part In Its man
agement. Mr. Rogers has boon with
the bank ror nearly fifteen years,
during most ot which tlmo ho has
been cashier, and will still contlnuo
In that capacity. Mr. Collier will con
tlnuo tia vice president. IIo has been
with tba bank tor about two years.
MEDFORD, May 18. Tho Trlgo
nla Oil company oil well bolng drilled
noar Mcdford Is' now down 1 ISO feet
and Is penotratlng a changing forma
tion showing considerable gyp send
and shale, containing much llmo and
with somo oil and gas. Tho gas is so
strong now that It can bo lighted on
tha top ot tho bailor ns It comes
from tho woll.
Chief Justice White
Is At Point of Death
WASHINGTON, May 18. Chlof
Justice Edward Douglas White Is
near doath rollowlng an oporatlon
which wns performed Friday. IIo had
postponod tho operation bocuusa bo
felt his presence on the bench waB
Word has boon rocetvod horo ot the
death ot O. 6. Wilbur at Turlock,
California, Mr. Wilbur was engineer
for the Pelican Bay Lumbor company
last year and mjado' his homo at Ship
plngton. Loal) BOY AWARDED MEDAL '
, CORVALIS, May, IS C. V. Mont-
gomery of Klamath Falls, was among
the ninety-four ex-eervico men .who
were given state medals here yester-
Boy Scouts Will
Entertain Tonight
Boy Scout Troop No. 1 will glvo
nn entertainment nt tho l'roabylor-
lan church tomorrow ovenlng. It
will bo in charge ot M. L. SUrkoy,
assistant .scoutmastor. Tho program
will consist or two reols or moving
pictures, recitations, .musical.'' num
rbnrs nncL first ajd. work. Thoso In
forested In tho' Dor Scout k move-'
ment and friends or tho boys' are re
quested ;tonattend and .show them
thoy haro tho support ejt their eld
ers, ' i
Tho program follews:
Song "America" by Troop;
Ffrst, Aid Whon Arm Is Broken
Merrill and Edward Swansea.
Rocltntlon Dick Duke. 1
Piano Solo William Totten.
Onoj reelmovlng pictures.
Rocltatips Eda Jones. , ?
.(Vocal -ijot Dorothy Elliott and
Lola Bass.. ' . A '
First Aid, Broken lg Hugh
Currln'nna Weaver Soloman. .
Song2JonnIo Delzell.
OnofTcet moving pictures.
Violin Trio Dave. Tttn. Mtf-
rill Swanson and Gordon Smith.
1 Firenian Drag Frank Upp and
Mediation Marjorle Jobcs.
Song "Star Spangled Oannor"
by Troop. i
,Rcrreshmonts ror the boys and
frlonds. t -- -1
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Slormsgraph at "Un
derwood's Pharmacy ,has re- .
cordod but llttto change, In the
barometric pressure? since' thV
report yesterday,' bat the tend
ency Is slightly downward. As1
wo are within the "storm
area" n continued fall' wonld
indicate another disturbance:' r '
Forecast for next 24 'heurs:
Cloudy, unsettled weather. ?i
In responso to a (olographic n
quest recolvcd by Shorlff Low yester
day afternoon, Jess Villa, his wire.
Flora Villa, and Mubol Ragman are
bolng held on n chargo or bolng lm
plicated In tbo murder ot a China
man In Colusa county, Calif. Villa
camo hero from La Molno a short
tlmo ago, accompanied by tho Rag
man woman, ahd was soon followed
by his wlfo, at whose request ho was
placed under arrest.
Tho murder chargo Is believed to
bo tho outcomo or tho bitter feud that
has sprung up between tho two wo
men. It has for Its basis tho death of
a Chinaman In Willows last winter.
At that tlmo tho authorities wore
looking ror two men and two Indian
women, whom thoy believed were Im
plicated In tho killing. About this
tlmo Mrs. Villa and tho Ragman wo
man reached Willows nnd were nr-j-osted,
bolng later turned loose by
tho police. Tbo local officials bollovo
that tho story now told by tho Rag
man woman wns Inspired by this In
cident and was told with tho hopo It
would tako Mrs. Villa out ot tho
country and loavoier and Villa freo
to go on their way.
Shorlff Low has wired to Colusa
for full Information.
Lloyd George Clarifies
His Silician Statement
LONDON, May 18. Lloyd George
Issued a, statement roltcratlngj tho
British attitude toward tho upper Si
leslan question as exprcbsod by him
lu a recent speech, and to disclaim rcr
sponslblllty ror "distorted reports"
In French newspapers. "Tho fate ot
Upper Silesia must bo decided by the
Supremo Council and not by Kcrtan
ty," ho said. "Children or tho treaty
cannot bo allowed to break crockery
Europe with Impunity. Somebody
must placo a restraining hand upon
The case ot T. J. Powers and Ai-
,tbur Worth, who were arrested at
Dairy last Friday for having Intoxi
cating Itquor in toojr possession,
was'tried before Untttd States Coov
,ra(ssloner JTiomas this afternoon.
Worth -was 'acquitted- d Powers was
.bound'over to await the action of the
federal grand Jury. His hond was
fixed at 1760, which he furnished.
1 I inpiPT
W iM .1
Local Post of Ameri
can Legion Will Join
In SeryiceiJVyitft Re-
lief Corps and Aux
iliary -
At tho meeting ot Karaath Poet No.
8 last night tho'.Pott .votod to parti
cipate with the Women's Relief Corp
and tho Women's 'Auxiliary Is the
memorial cxorclseo on May 30th. Aa
Arrangement committee waa appoint
ed consisting of Captain Nine, Dr.
Westerfleld and Frank Bell, They
will' arrange for a speaker to repre
sent. the7 American Legion and they
wfll also mako arrangements to co
opornto with tbo Women's Auxiliary
and the Roller. Corps. r
On tho night of the 19th tho so-.
called Flying Squadron of the Ameri
can Legion will bo In Klamath Falls.
Accompanying them will be E. J.
Elvers, tho Adjutant of the Ameri
can Legion, Department of Oregon.
Tho members ot the Flying Squadron
will take up all questions affecting
ex-eoldlers, sailors and marines, such
an travcl'pay, compensation, rajurlee.
bonus, and all matters of a kindred
nature. 'All os-serrlco men with rny
claims whatsoever that remain unad-
us ted should brail means appear be
fore this Flying" Squadron nnd pre
sent their claims' ror action. '
All'tho World War veterans. Span-ish-Amjcrlcan"Wr
veterans and ladt
an War veterans' are Invito! to parti
cipate In tho ceremonies on May 30tb.
Players Gather At
4 cugeneror ienms
KUOBNK, Onu May l.tmmU
players representing tho largcrr!-.
versltles or California, Oregon and
Washington will compete la' the PJ
cirio Conference Tennis Meet to be
hold on the Unlvorslty ot Oregon
courts hero May 20 and 21. On the
twonty-llrst, tho annual conference
track meet will bo'beld.
Detlnlto assurance . that tennis
teams will bo entered has been re
ceived from the University ot 'Cali
fornia, Stanford University, tbe Unl
vorslty ot Washington and tho Ore
gon Agricultural College. Wbshlng
ton Stato College Is expected to send
a team. The University of Oregon will
bo represented.
California's entries will be Wallace
Bates and Edmund Levy, who recent
'ly defeated Stanford and won tbe
California Intercollegiate doublet ti
tle. Ncer and Davtea will represent
Stanford. Prom the University of
Washington wllLcome Marshall Al
ton and ono other. Ken Smith and
Harry Wosterman will play for Ore
gon. Tho O. A. C: team has not yet
been announcecLT
Tho meet will be ono event on tho
Junior Woek program at tho univer
sity. High school students from all
parts ot Oregon have boon Invltod to
witness tho tournament.
A very successful picnic was held
at tbe Lone Pine school yesterday.
An entertaining program was given
by tho Industrial club members, in
cluding a demonstration In sewing,
homo making and gardening. The
clubs of this district, under the di
rection ot Miss Marie Dolan, have
dona very excellent work and tho
parents wore delighted with the
demonstrations. Sufficient funds
havo been raised to send a dele
gate to the two weeks summer
co u r bo given by tbo Oregon Agri
cultural college.
Personal Mention
Tho Tea Cup club will hbld a meet
Irig at tho homo ot Mrs. H. E. Pelts,
804 Walnut street, on Thursday af
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All members
aro extended a cordial invitation to
be present.
Tho pubiio Is cordially invited to
attend tho box social and entertain-'
ment to bo .given by the Pelca'SUy'
school ortFridayievenlngY at the dln-
lng hall.. The' proceeds will, be., used
to send .a delegate to. the. summer
course at Comllli 'on poultry .and
rabbit raising.
M f