The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 17, 1921, Image 1

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    7 U
A Class Ad Will
Today New
1 - w I
t Member of the Associated Pre.
l'lfntli Viwir No. BUSH
.pnioH five oHirrs
- j-
Councilman from the
Fi'iVup to Hi Old
Tricks, But Makes
Little Headway. ' '
A somewhat amusing Incident oc
curred nt llio council meeting last
nlglit when thu matter of thn resig
nation bf .Patrolman Hilton t waa
dragged in by Conncllinnn Votmor.
He' wanted Mayor WJloy to toll him
wnothor Mr. Hilton wm ntllt on tho
payroll or tlm city. Mr. Wiley stated
that ho had asked (or and rocolvod
Mr, Hllton'a resignation and It wu
submitted to tho council last Mon
day ovenlng. "Woll. whydldn't you
Kot uilo act Upon It?" demanded tho
councilman from tho fifth. Whal.thn
mayor' answer would havo been rd
malm a mystery, for Uogerdus mov
od that llio resignation bo accepted.
t noemtng to loso sight of tho fact that
It , wa no moro before tho council
then than It wai u wook ago, Evident
ly'lt was thought thlfl wa a poor In
atrumont with which to jlln tho holo
thcah counclltnon want to put tho
mayor In, o docldod to postpone tho
taak for a more propltloua raomont.
Hut Volmor was out with hla war
paint on and whon ho could not
"hanit" anything on tho mayor, ho
waa going to put It on tho clilof of
fllnco ho and Ilogardu vero foiled
Inlholr efforts to not Chief Wltaoh's
acalp by havlnic him removed from
tho pollco force, they havo been
aeoutlng around to aeo If thoy could
noVdlg up aomathlnic ols. Tho latoat
.. !.... !.. .IrnrV l thn IIOUIlJ.
f, Tho councilman from tho fifth ward
atatcd tho chief rcruscu 10 mow mm
the" pound book, but whon qucstlhn-
od by tho mayor had to admit that ho
did not rofnao to ahow tho booka
.m T.nn.rv. 101. to dato. For
Information prior to that dato, tho
chief referred tho Invostigntor 10 u
roport on fllo with tho pollco Judge.
Tho iixcltabloJ rcpreaontatlTO from
tho fifth laborod hard to evado tho
facta, but tho mayor lod him gently
i.nt firmiv to tho nolnt at laauo, much
to hla discomfiture, a well a to the
nniiithinnmcnt of tho othor mombora.
Hut Ilka tho ghost of old. Volmor
would not down. Ha wnntoa 10 kiiow
about Wyun wa ho on tho payroll!
When Informod that ho had been
auapondod ae n result of tho Incident
urrouudlnR tho raid of which ho,
VAlmnr. una a Darly. It wa not llko
iv ihtti ho waa drawing any city
nnnnv. '! hnvo very competent legal
authority that ho can collect hla sal'
- nnin hn la trlod." responded Vol-
mcr. "Then why don't you profor tho
chargost" quorried tho mayor, tho
Intonation Booming to aay that alnco
tho fifth 'ward representative wna a
bona fldo momber of tho party that
rUBhcd Into tho room whoro Wynn
wna. It would bo n porfectly proper
proceeding for him to fllo tho char
go. What Volmor thought about It
no ono will oyer know, for for onco
In hla llfo ho waa allont.
Thla Incident seemed to fumlah
tho bolllgoront councilman with suf
flclont oxcltomont for tho evening,
for ho sottlod down In hla aoat aud
permitted tho regular bualnosa of tho
council to proceed In n qulot and or-
dorly mannor, tho momboni iaklng
up tho quoatlon of tho noMlon of
cortaln proporty ownora to poatpono
tho paving of High atreot from Oth
to 8th, 6th Btroot from IMno to High
and 7lh etroot, from Pine to Wash
ington. Tho petitioners woro repre
sented by It. -C. (Irooabrck, who
made an argument In their bohalf.
Councilman West waa of tho opin
ion that since thoro waa a decided
dlfferonco of opinion among tho prop-
orty owners, tho quoatlon ahould go
over untll-tho 33rd, at which tlmo It
will como regularly beforo tho coun
cil Ho contondod thatlnco tho work
wis .Inaugurated on potlilon of tho
proporty ownora, which petition tho
protostanta elgned, and tho'clty had
onterod Into a contract with tho War
ren Construction company In good
faith, aubloct to tho aale of tho
' ,. bonds, It, waa only ,falr Jo wait and
s6s whether tho bond were sold or
nqt an"4 If thoy woro sold, then tho
contract cpuld be carried out. It
' wis accordingly put oVr until the
next meeting, . '
'A petition asking for the opening
of Commercial street, from 7tT to
Rice Grower Will
Try Again This Year
8ACIIAMICNTO, Cal., May 17.
Ilollof that tho ndvorso condition of
last yoar will not provall this year
and confldcnco In an Improved mar
kot have led to replanting of rlco
acreage by nearly all tho growora of
rlco In northern California. Hooding
ha commenced, following tho cover
ing of "water, It la Muted, and, ac
cording to authorities tho total aero
ago will bo approximately 12G.000.
Last yoar It wua 172,000 acres. x
Klco growora suffored consldorablo
loss In 1920 duo to early rains which
caught tho rlco In ahock and provont
od harvoatlrig, and also mhch aero-
agodldnotmaturolH.causoof waionjny 8a,Umnn on ,npoctor of lho
.hortago and adverse ruling, by tho yohc(j dopartm()nt or tn0
atato water commission
It la oatlnyUod that tho rlco grow
ers of Glenn, Colusa, Tehama and
Hacramento countloa havo planted DO
per cent of last yoar'a-ncroagu, r
Carrying out tho program laid
down by tho American City Iliireau,
th. n.w of directors of tho
Chamber of Commercemo t lat evo-
nlng for tho purpose of oloctlng out-
cere for tho onsulni yoar. i:. II. Hall
was elected president; J. A. Gordon,
vice president; A, M. Collier, trees-
uror. No action , was taken on ino
quoatlon of secretary, but It 1 a-
sumsd that tho present incumbent
will bo continued.
Iloth lho old and tho now boards
r-nnqueted at tho Ilex Cafo in tho
nvenlng, following -which officers
nnd other hualncsi
The annual meeting oi ino '"-jcanso,
ber will b held tomorrow ovontng!" - "
at tho headquarters of tho Chamber,
ni Willi n lima i.u..v.. ...-.-
wilt 1o submitted.
Understanding May Be
Reached Over SUeia
LONDON, May 17. Tho tension
over tho Polsli revolution In upper
Hlloala aeomod today to havo pnssod
hero. An oxchango of views on tho
aubject has been proceeding between
tendon and I'arls nnd thoro roomed
to bo confldcnco that Lloyd deorgo
and Premier Ilrland would reach an
understanding when thoy mot.
PATHS, May 17. President Mill
orand conferred with King Albort of
Belgium and tho mbmbora of tho
French and tlelglan ministry clor-
day, roachlng n. comploto nRrcomcnt
on lho action Framo and Ilolglum
would take In caao Oormany should
nond troops Into upper Bllosla with
out authority from tho Allies.
OPPKLN. May 17. Tho Polish ox-1
ocutlvo committee In Blleslao which
Adelbort Keefanty Is president, has
telegraphed tho Inlmlllod comm Is-
alon hero atatlng that the ("urRonta
nro ready to -otlro auftlclontly to In
euro tho Imroodlato cessation of hos
tilities with tho Hermans, provldod
tho ground that thoy occupy Is occu
pied by tho Allies and not tho Ger
. ..w.n Ifr.lYll
is unuciv uuin
' " , led that 75 per cent of tho affll-
POItTLAND, May 17. Tho wa- alcd m8 nro now running. Tho
torfront Is guardod following tho iiiroctora yesterday fined six corn
Attack on tho nou union mon hero panic on charges o( paying loss
last night. The atrlkera and tho than tho authorised scale, among
Btrlko breakers had a tight near
tho Broadway bridge. I
Oak, was presented and rotorrod to
tho utrcot commlttoo.
Tho following pormlts wero grant
ed; C. K. DUmarck was given permit'
alon to hang an oloctric algn Iq front
of hla placo of business at 1010
Main atreot. At tho roquoat of John
Collman tho tabornaclo wlllbo al
lowed to stand until attorthe Chau
tauqua, Wm. Barker will eroct a framo
dwelling on lot 617, block 102, In
Mills addition and I, D. Rumer was
given permission to build a $3,000
residence on lot 6,' block ti Hot
Spring Addition, and Mrs. Peck -was
given permission to tear down
wood shed and build a new one In the
rear ot the Colonial Rooms,
llll IhIiIIII !!! '
1 1 1 I I HI 1 1 1 1 1 HI 'I L
U lLI ll U U Lill'l'u
Owners Who Have Fail
ed to Get ' Vehicle
License for 1921 Will
Be' Arrested.
"Haltzmau will , got you It you
don't watch out," Is a warning that
owners of autoa and trucka who
havo not aocurud their 1921 II-
--. . thA .in .ht.iH iiakAfi
Btnto. is noro ior ino purpovo oi
. . M ..
rounding up thoso who havo not
aocurod their llcenso, and ho has
already gotten busy, throo victims
I. i ., if .b ... ...
inaTing iroun am iuii mr jnwru.;.
Thoro' Is a largo numbor In
thin rmmtv filllnr to ret their II.
eonso for thla year," aald Mr. awarding tho contract to Mr. Lor
fialtxman today, "and I am hero to' nr. because his bid waa above tho
find out tho why of thla failure, cellmate, and It was this phaso of
and to rectify tho ovorslght. Under tho situation that received the
the law It I posslblo to compel the ' most .attontlon. , f
owner of n rehlclo that Is opor-' Ono of tho causes for tho hlgU
nllng without n llcenso to let hi,
tnachlno stand right on the apot'
w),ero It la found without tho
...... nnrmii. Thtu wnnfii wnrir
BOrou- hardship on truck ownors.l
j,ut unless thoso who havo not ae-
curoo their llcenso mako Immodlato
application for one thoy anllablo
to nnd thcmMlvo In Jut that ll.t
jmp0 tlmo haa elapsod to cnaWe
CToryono to get their llcanse. I era
'going to tag every machlno I find,
without ono. Thla will moan, i
no on top of tho foo."
i Mr. Bailsman Is going to visit
ovory section of tho county, and I
w)n not leavo hern until ovary tna-
chlnn haa secured tho neceasary II-
je 'Ammriean
Say U.S . to Russia
WASHINGTON. May 17. Defi
nite, though Informal.' notification
haa been nerved on tho Sovlot by tho
atato department that ao long as
Amorlcana woro held prisoners in
Russia thoro would oxlut no chanco
of recognition or ttio Soviet govern
ment In any form by tho United
Staton. A acoro or mom of Americans
aro still undor guard In Itussla and
tho'stato department la convinced
tbnt Ilusslan authorities havo not
concornod thomaelvcs ovon with tho
amelioration of tho conditions of
thoso prlsonors.
Martial Law May
Not Be Declared
federal government la not disposed
to declare martial law or employ
sIia (iniilnii rinnai In tfin Waq) Vlr
e r Mmltm lmU m
authorUMi Bocro.
tM n,go
Jalogt ,nt,ca.
tho situation la moro qulot.
PORTLAND May 17. Tho direc
tors of tho Loyal Legion of Loggers
nml T.ilmYiArmnn nrn inflow rnnnlHnr
v '
jnK wag0 revisions. Tho report sta-
tho companloa fined was tho Coos
Hay Lumber company ot Marahflold.
' m
PORTLAND. May 17. Cattlo 25c
lowor, cholco atoera $8.00 to $8.25,
hogs 25c lowor, $9.25 and $9.50.
Shoep 50c lowor, prlmo lambs $7.00
and $7.50.
(WASHINGTON, May 17. Richard
Washburn Child, author and tho for
mer editor ot Colliers Weekly, has
boon aelected by tho president as am
ba'ssador to Italy,
I JaHICAdo. .May 17. ent "con
cessions as an inducement to pros
pectlto teauU. to; neat n apart-,
turotum ajfttmat la Chicago today
for the tint time In sovaral rturi.
Local Man Secures
Contract for Instal
lation of Mills Addi
tion, Sewer. -
Once moro tho Mills nddltlon
sower problem Is under way, and
If too bonda that wero votou tor
that work aro sold, thoro Is .
1 . ..... . .. . . -
airnnr nrnrinnmiv mat iniu mucn
needed and much wanted Improve-'
ment wlu g0 through. At tho coun-
All && I..I MafAMlMM IHn OhlAr
wtou '"'
of police quostn "waa sidetracked
long onough to give attention to
tho aower matter. O. C. Loronz ap-
mimmJ k.fA,n ttiA miffill In hnhttlf
."" ww. .uw ... . -..
of ( his bid for tho work. JTboro
has been some nosltancy , over
hid waa the requirement that tho
contractor furnish a Surety corn-
ncc-ipony bond, Instead, of a personal
s'ono. This Drovlslon waa waived, m-
suiting In a. redaction of oao and
half per cent. Other ehaugea
ero mado and the prlco finally
decided upon waa 146,792, Council-
Hawklna moved that tho con-
tract bo awarded to Mr. Lorenz at
thl ilguro, contingent upon tho
aalo ot tho bonds, securing of tho
necessary rights ot way and the
submission In writing ot a detailed
bid. '
At the present tlmo tho question
ot tho validity ot the bonda Is In
the handa ot tho attorneya for Dur
feflfNIlca & Company, ot Toledo,
whoso- bid was accoptod by the city.
Judgo Learltt Is In rocelpt of a tel
egram asking that tho city glvo Its
reason for passing an ordlnanco
....... . . :
proviaing .or z year oonas, wnen.tho Pregbytor,an adUorlum -to-ho
people vo cd for "ond. payable , nIght nt 8.00 0cock- Fonm,lng
jalsalon ot tho 10-20-30 yoar pro
vision was an oversight, but Judgo
Leavltt contends that It does not
Invalidate tho Issue, basing his opin
ion upon tho caato ot tho City of
Denver vs. Hallct, In which prac
tically tho samo question aroso, and ,
bo haa so wired and written tho
bonding concorn.
It tho Toledo company rejects tho
bonds, Mr. Lorenz Is qulto confident
ho will bo ablo to placo thorn with
a Portland bank. Aa matters now
stand tho only thing In tho way ot
the sewer Is the sale of tho bonds.
Pernicious Foreigner
Kicked Out By Mexico
MEXICO CITY. May 17. Frank
Soaman, an alleged American agi
tator,, another Amorlcan whoso
name waa not announced, two Span-
tarda aud lour othor forolgnors,
woro ordered oxpcllod from Mcxl
co last night aa "pernicious for-
clgnora." Tho chargo proforrod
against thorn Is a result of tholr
participation In tho radical Invasion
of the Chambor ot Deputlos last
NEW YORK, May 17. Tho natlo
nal labor agreomonta on tho railroads
waa urged hero today by Stophen C,
Mason, president ot tho national As
sociation ot manufacturers, In hla
annual moasago to tho associations
Emma C. Bergdoll wua sirntonced to
a year and a day In tho Atlanta pon
Itentlary and fined $7000 for conspi
racy to aid hor eon In deserting the
army. Judgo Dickinson said tho prist
on aentenco woud ho remitted if the
tlno waa paid boforo Juuo 13.
senate flnan'co commltteo favorably
reported the nomination of David H.
Blair, of Wtnston-Salem, N. C, as
comlmJ&eJoncr ot lntornal revenue.
OREGON Tonight and Wednea-
day showers. Cooler tonight In tho
I eastern portion.
Carpentier Earn
$200,000 Since War
l'AUIS, May 17, dcorgoa Car
pentier, who cmergod from tho war
ruined and practically penniless, Is
now reported to bo worth moro than
3,000,000 francs, or a Ilttlo over
$200,000 la real money, all of
which ho has made slnco hla fight
with Joo Iiockett.
All hi property In Llevln, Just
outldo of Lens, was destroyed
during tho war and whllo mobilised
ho apent what aavlng ho had to
keep hla mother and family, oven
Kcttng into some debts, which hi
Bhnro of tho purg0 for Mh j,Bht
with Dick Smith In Juno 1919, Jul
.. .... r---.-!-- i. H
lourinK Doglum, Holland. Denmark,
8woden Norway, BwlUorland.
. . ... .
wortnern Africa. soain and. un
der tn8 keen business management;
0f Decamps, haa been raking In tho r
pBper franCg, Descampa Is working
... n . . ..
wun uarpeniicr on a 50 per conci
CHICAGO, 'May 17The United
States railroad labor beard an
nounced lato thla -afternoon that
without 'n fnrthar MBiUmuVui
of tho caao now bcore It. it nadbut ""' couM not, bo """mod,
decided "aomo revision downward! p. ., g
ot tho railway wage, , waa oeces-i"
aary,' tho decision waa entirely un
i " w - i
Local Song Bird
Sing- Tonight
Klamath Fall .music lovers are.
anxiously awaiting- .tba.aaag. -ra-j
cltal to be given tomlght by Mamie
Bo)d-Wagner, 'coloratura soprano,
aaslsted by Mrs. Fred 'Cofer, plan-
18(, uqu iiarrjr uuici tiuiiuibv, h
tho program which will be given
(a) My Mother Bids Mo Bind Shasta county. The proposod dam
My Hair .. .. Hay don I would creato a reservoir ot 50.000
(b) Caro MIo Bon .... Giordan! ( acres, tho water being taken from the
(c) Ave Maria (from "Othello") watorshoda of the Pit and Fall rlv
...... . Verdi ors, which extend Into four counties,
Mrs. Wagner Mtodoc, Shasta, Slskyou'and Lassen.
Una Voeo Poco Fa (From "Bar- "
ber of Sevlllo") Rossini prea;jent Harding
Mra. Wagnor ! a w r i
(a) Prelude Opua 3, No. Z.lTalks to Anaheim, Cal.
C Sharp-Minor Rachmaninoff I
Three-Horso Sleigh ...--.
......... Tschalkowsky
Mrs. Cofer
4. (a) Who'll Buy My Lavender?
........................ Edward German
(b) The Little 'Dustman ........
....................... Brahma
(e) Tho ShI-LIu Tree (Chi-
neso) ............... Pasmoro
(d) Bon Jour Ma Bello
... .. . Behrcnd
1 Mra. Wagner
5. (a) Norwegian Mountain Song
.......... Thrano
(b) Oh Sloop, Why Dost Thou
Loavo Mol .. .............. Handel
(Violin Arranged by Fasmore)'
Mra. Wagnor
1 Obllgato by Mr. Bore!
6. (a) Aria for Violin, (Adapt
cd to Prelude In C Minor by
Bach) .... Gustavo Ferrari
(b) Chansonette .-. ...
................. Maurice Baron
1 Mr. Dorol
7. (a) Gentle Annie ...... Foster
(b) Tho Kerry Dance (by ape
clal Requost ...... .... Molloy
Mrs. Wagner
Tickets onraalo at the music stores
Prosldent also nominated Dr. Jacob
Gould Schuman, mlnlstor to China.
Boy Injured By
Skidding Automobile
An accident occurred on Sixth
street last evonlng about 9:30 when
an automobile driven, by Charles Dir
ndl collided with a milk wagon drlv1
on by a couple of boys by the name
of Poole. The street 'waa slick owing
to the recent rains and .the automo
bile 'skidded In trying' to pass tho
wagon. The two bftys'ue're throws,
irom'the vehicle. Beth .received sev
eral bruises about the face a'pij chest.
Dr. Lamb -was called "and the boy
were taktn to their home.
Manager of Crater Oil
0 and Gas Company
Wires the Immediate
' Shipment Will Be
Jamos H. Drlscoll, secretary of
tho Crater Oil and das company,
la In receipt- of a telegram from
W. C. Lehman, manager of the
company,- to the effect- that ho baa'
purchased alt tho machinery, tools
and equipment necessary lor the
first thousand feet of the well that
la to be drilled by this company on
its holdings near Merrill. Mr.
Lehman states that ho will bo hero
Thursday. '
Tho oil showing in tho Slemona
well j waa tho talk of the business
district today, with tho result that
tlia 'demand for stock In both the
Crater and Klamath companies waa
brisk. Aa there Is. no stock In tho
latter company for aale,- those hav
ing tho few abarea that baVe been
pried looso were being Importunod
to '.'split up" with (the outsider,
but the appeal twero In vain. It
waa reported that one offer of
$1500 -waa refused for one share.
' iiuiniii
ar.a) eBh
irrigation froect
SACRAMENTO. May 17. Appli
cation has been Hied with tho atate
water commission by tho Glenn-Cb-
lus Irrigation district for penala-
alon In hnIM
which. If bulK.
I -" - w. w.
would carry-watar for Irrigation Into
theitouRtlea-of Olma.jColaaa, Batten k
omicr, uiu,.isu:ruiiiui(i inn sviisd
counties-and; Incidentally would In-
undate tho sites of three town Mc
Arthur.Fall River Milts 'and Pltvllle.
Tho plan Is to construct the dam
In the Pit river a halt mile helow Ita
confluonco with tho Fall river. In
ANAHEIM, Cal., May 17. Pres-
Ident Harding telephoned from the
White House to Anaheim today,
whon he opened tho first annual '
California Valencia Orango ahow
here. '
The president, took up tho tel
ephone at 3:13 p. m. and delivered
a message to the apoaaora-ot" the
show, his volceT being- - heard at
12:13. -Tho measago waa read to tho
patrons ot tho show.
Tho show la planned to do for
the Valencia orange Industry, what
tho annual National Orango ahow'
at San Bornardlno, Cal., doea for
other varieties ot the orange. The
Valencia orangea do not ripen at
tho tlmo the San Bernardino ahow
la hold aud so their growers cannot
exhibit there.
The ahow will close May 32.
Hostess House for
American Towritt
(By Associated Press)
LAON, France, May 17. An
Amorlcan hostess houso for the
convonlenco of Americana planning
to tour tho battloflolds ot the Alan
and tho 8ommo will bo oponed here
In May by tho American committee
for devastated Franco. For 52
montha the mansion It will occupy
was the headquarters for
tho German command and It baa
now boen remodelled for the Amer-.
lean traveler. ' '
From thq hostess bouse special
motor trips under .the direction ot
American girl chaufteura will be ar.
ranged to the centora ot the Amer
ican committee at Solssons, Bleran-,
courtt Anlsy, Vic' ajjd Coney. t
The hostess puse la near . the,
Cnoraln des Dames," t' region watch
saw' aeme'Jof 'thaotteat fighting
c.f the war. Jt.laron the , rouU to
the battlefield where Atttrlttna of
the lsL 2nd and, 3rd arla fogghV
under Oeneril Mtngia-