VMM HKVKN THE EVENING HERAIP, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, MAY 1C, 102t ams- I y VAAAAMVMVWMWMWyvwWWWWMWMMWWVMVWVMWWW dASHEDADVERriSEMENTJ WAAAWWvWywww WANTED MISCELLANEOUS wA I KOll HAI.IO-Nottou (Join noml po, tlltOOH, J. II. Hitmen, It, r. 1), No. 1. 14-19 WANTED Position In store by young moil, Iloforoncc. I'liono1 4B0J. 14-17 KOll . HALE Onn Oorman Lugor IiIkIiiI. Imiulro Mnk Klvor Ilnllnry billon. 14-10 KOll HALE Olio good work liormi, two fi-ycmr old geldings, uiiliroke, weight HIM) pounds ourli, nml ono 1-yiuir old filly. I), W Oi.orgo, plionn I2K13, or call at the old Ky Taylor plnco, 14-17' Dnmly Chevrolet to trade for Kord runabout or ilallvnry. Nothing shod dy. also KOll HAM: (Jooil 3-niniii Iimihii, 2 InrKo comer lot, plenty garden ' space, hoiiiii pianlml, 11200.00, luilr mull, halnticn tiirmii. Krank (Irlffln, Villi mid I'phnm. M-17 WANTED A position fin hoiisekeep- or In Hinnll family. Mot (I, II., Ifornlil officii. H-1C Competent, experienced lady book keeper and Htenngrnphor seeks ponl tlon, Ilox 43, llornld offlcn. 10-1'J Kino punt urn, plnnty of wnter; ttirvn to four miles from Klninnth KuIIh. thin Hlrto of Mlllor Hill. Ac oommodntlonti for three or four hun dred brad of llvo stork. Call nt 133 Tenth Ht., Apt. 1. H-17 Tim Turner ApnrtmonlH, 812 Oik St., ltoomx and npnrlmnntH to Int. Undor now mnniigomcnt. Plionn 283. 13-19 Young couplit, ninn experienced In wooiln. wlfit Reed cook, or an wnlt roHH and helper for lumber tominny. Can give, reference . Oeo. Itedtior. Hod Uluff. Calif. 12-10 KOll HAI.K CHEAP Httidobnkor truck. Apply HblpplnKtoti Peel Room. 11-17 Hhasty Daisy plants at Murphy's Heed Htorv. 11-17 KOll UI:NT lloom with board. In prhnte fiiinlly. for four gentlemen Hot water nml plionn. Clem In. 3or Pine HI. Phono 3IK. ,12-18 PISH SH Admiral Benson Says America Has Made A Place for Herself And Will keep it. LONDON', April 27 (Aiunclalcd I'riM correspondence) Admiral lle'minn, rluilrnuin of tho I'nltnd HtnteH HhlppInK Hoard, wtIIIiik on tho future of the American Merchant Marine In the publication "Knlrplay," nnyHi "America Ih upon the hcii to Htny. Who can doubt that nhe ulll, after wltnemilnK the wonderful, nl liiont umlrenliied of, iiccompllHliuientB durlni: tho World wnr? 'America him expended $1,000. 000,000 to mnko n place for hernelf upon the xenx, and luin inndo that place, uiul will undertake oarneHtly to retain It. there Ih sufficient commerce for nil the niitloiiH to thrlvo upon. "It Hhoiild not be forKotten Hint the ruthleHH enemy practically wiped out a Reed part of the mot efficient typo of our ororHciiH HhlppliiR. If America had not by ItH HhlpbiilldliiR mndo up for thU lack In world Hhlp pliiR ocean rntoH would be HoarW to day. 'I, for one, nm optlmlHtlc n to the future of tho American Merchant Ma rino. Tho HhlppliiR of the entire world Ih now In n period of depression, but I bollovo that wlthltvn abort tlmo wo Hbnll sou u turn for the boltorj In fact, oven now there are Indications of n rovlvnl, "Wo aro now HhlppliiR Independent I RETAIN DOINGS OF THE DUFFS When wo can no longvr Miiiiio tliliigM tin liquor or wiir'H reactio nary Influenro, mo mny lity?"1 o HiLsKH-t that hu man nature it. ncK U a lit t lo faulty. Now Ioiulnn Dally. KOll MALE Kim flana piano, roan- otiahlo. Inqulro MolbyWIntorH Jow- olry Htoto. 13-10 1 KOll KENT - ". room modern hoUHqi I I'nynu uiul Klumntli Avo. 13-11 KOll BALE- Dry limb nnd body wood, cut In lfl-ln. longthn, or nny ItiTiKth, $7 r.O pur rord, nt Pine Orovo. Kwi 1)r (Initio, 1313 Mnlu. Plionn LTi3M. 1M7 KOll HAM: CHEAP Unriirnlnhod C room Iioiibo nml largo garage, dnrv iiko mulct bo fliilNlind up to mnko 3 upitrtimmUi. I'rlro much liis than (out Hnn Dr. (loblo, 131.1 Muln Ht. Phono 2C3M. 11-17 ItOO.MH KOll RENT All rooms nro lllllit, clean, pleanntit oiltnldc rooniH, r,0 cntitHnnd up, Home Ilooia- IniT House, 920 Klamath Avo. 10-10 ' OL'AHANTKK.D AUTO IIAIUMINH 1 1918 Dodge Al condition. 1 1920 Hpoclnl Hlx Htudolmknr Uunnuttood 1 1018 Itulclc now car, guaranteed. Kour now cord Jlrcs. 1 1920 Ilulck A real bargain. Ilun only 1000 miles MtllCK NAM NCIlVICi: CO. l'lionn 17HW. 7th nml Klnnuitli Arenun Used Plnnos. reasonable prices and (lowest of torms. Karl Sluiphord Co. in Used Htnndarjl Phonographs, lib eral reductions, lower terms, Karl Shepherd Co. C07 Main fit. 12lf CITV OAIIIIAOI' When yon mint unrhaitH rrmnvori. til 1 01' mi. MinrriMi it. p. . i:. A Hpoclal meotlnK of tho II P O I J. will ho held Wednedduy cvenlliR j at which bnllotlriR on caudldateK will I Ih) held. H-1S and wo tnUHt, and wilt ntrlvo to main tain that Independence." MOTiicit si:i:kh ni:v aimu't licit aiisknt hoys I'ontninnter Delzull Is In receipt of a letter from Mrs. Hone Klnmey of I.) onn, OreRon, nnkliiR aKHlittnnce In locatltiR her two young sous, aged 10 and 13 yoam, who left home, or my torloualy dlsapMnretl on March 2 Stir". The boyn had been sent for Rrocerlen and tho lant neen of them wax whllo they were nuitliiR on the road. home. They aro described as follews: Donald Klmsey, okciI 10; five foot 4 InchfH, welRht 110 lln, llRht hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, bad on black hat, blue shirt, blue bib over alls, low top IlerKormnn hIioch. AnRiin Kltnso), ORed 13, small for his (iRo, not HtrotiR looklnR; 4 feet, G Inches, wolRht about !)r lbs.; me dium complexion, chanRonhlo Krey eyes, Homotlmes look brown; brown hair and nllRbt senr over left eye. Wim wenrhiR a scout hat, bluo shirt, bluo bib overalls nml low shoes. A sIlRht clue leads the mother to think they may have come tl this sec tion or 'to Weed to work In the box factory. Any one who can rIvo the mother nny Information, write to Mrs, lloso Klmse l.yoiiH, Orf., Ilurnl Itoute 1, llox 49. MIDIiAND XOTIJH The followliiR pupils took HlRhtli Rrndo exniiilnntlonH Krldny: Alice Mario Hhulmlre, Ouldo A. Hob ustelllnn, Mza Dn Puy, Orr Hooper nuj John Hooper. Allco Hhulmlro nnd Ouldo Itohustolllnn nro pupils from Mlllor bill HChool, but took tho exam ination In Midland bocnusu their ten chor, .Mr. Wilcox, Is still 111. IIohcoo l.nrRunt nrrlved horn from Medford to spond tho suminor with fiMGUESS IT AIL OFF-BCTWeoTl faMABLE AMD I TOOK HIS " f JJStrJ. HE WASN'T J CTrS V. HV , TZH f MADLE AND ME ! HER DAD ) . 0 CAR OUT THE OTHER MpID V0U A5K I THEPIE ? 7,J8 U1 ( l "JP2P u ) 1 I FORDID MW CALLING OH HER jTyr I NIGHT AND HE G&T )i HlW IF V nV Lrfl( VoifIo ) L ERHlM! M fchrJIlAK0CE'fpii ' rrTSl s hiI cac? prr" ' JflKSJi---:'f& Sr-EdESJ -sir JSs&i JESS, : !salli2i2.' WEATHER RECORD I o o Hereafter Tho Herald will publish tilt) moan and maximum tomporn turon and precipitation rocord as Ink nn by tho U. B, Itociamatldn norrlco (ntlon. Publication will covor tlio dny previous to tho paper's issuo, up to I o'clock ot tho day. Pre Max. .. 07 Mln. 3R 21 48 27 27 38 36 29 34 34 34 40 3r 30 29 cipitation May 1 , Mny 2 G3 Mny 3 G2 May 4 C7 Mny C C8 May 0 02 May 7 00 May 8 70 May 9 . . . 08, May 10 07 May 11 70 May 12 ... 81 May 13 82 May 14 . .70 May 1C 74 02 MWVWWWWWMWMWWIMMNfVWMWSAAMM his brother, Hllbert, of Miller Inland. Mr. and Mrs. OoorRo Kurbor and family loft Tuesday on n camping trip to Medford, traveled by automobile. Thoy expect to tny a wcok. MIsh l.llllun Knapp was a Klamath Knlbt visitor Haturday J, W. Jory wan a business visitor nt Klamath Kails Thursday.. T. D, Young, local merchant, wnn n business visitor at Klamath Kails Haturday, Ho also called nt tho homo or I). O. Davis, of Klamath Falls. Mr. Davln wok formerly a resident of Midland. Mrs. J. W. Jory Ih still on the sick list. Mrs. J, I). Hooper, who has been on tho nick list for tho past week, li Improving rapidly. Mrs. William Wordcn loft Lower Klamath lako Wednesday to nurse Mm. O. A. Motskor. of BhlpplnRton. Mlssen Allco and Henrietta Owens, of BhlpplnRton, nro BpcndlnR the wcok-ond with their sister, Mm. Har vey Depuy. Mr. Del Knttl was n business visi tor nt Klamath Knlls Saturday. Mr. nml Mrs. C. II. Patterson nnd fnmlly and several friends motored j to lower Klamath Inko Saturday. i A. P. Davis of this place, left forj Stockton Sunday to visit his fumlly i for sovornl days nnd to attend to 1uh- , Iness mnttcrH for his company. I Hl'MMONH KOll KUHMCATION IN ioiii:cisuiti: ok tax mkn IN TUB C1IICU1T COUIIT OK TUB STATB OK onF.aON, FOU KLA MATH COUNTY. Wm. Dcvnul. Plaintiff vs! Walter S. Johnson nnd Oscnr O. Williams. Defendants. To Walter S. Johnson nnd Oscar n. Williams tho nbovo named dc- ik'fcndants. In tho Namo or mo buuo ui u--gon: You nro hereby notified thnt Wm. Devnul tho holder of Ccrtlflcato of Delinquency numbered 1147 IsHUed on tho 27lh dny of Octobor. 1919 by tho Tax Collector of tho County of Klamath, Stato of Oregon, for tho nmount of Four nnd (14.41) 41-100-DolIurn, tho snmo beliiR the nmount then duo nnd delinquent for tnxes for tho year 1914 toRCincr with penalty. Intorest nnd costs tunmnn nnnn ihn renl nronertv as- sessod to you, of whlcli you nro the owner as nppoars oi reenra, biiuuk-u In snld County nnd Stato, nnd par ticularly bounded nnd describe ns follows, to-wlt; Tho South Half of tho North Half of tho Southeast Quarter of tho Northeast Quarter (S'AN H. K 4 N. B. ,1 . of Section 3.1 Township 38. ItniiRO 11. l.'ast Wlt llnmetto Morldlan. Vnu urn fitrtlinr nntlfleil that said Wm. Dovaul has paid taxes on said premises ror prior or miiisruueiii years, with tho rnto of Interest on snld amounts ns follews: Yen'rs Doto Tnx Ho- Ain't Tax Paid colpt Unto ot IntoroHt No. 191C Oct. 27. 70G9 1919 1910 Oct. 27. 0987 1919 1917 Oct. 27. 7229 1919 1918 Oct. 27. 0202 4.48 12 3.67 12 3.33 J 2 7c 2.00 12 ?o 1919 Snld Wnllor S. Johnson nnd Oscnr O. WIlllnmB ns tho owner of tho lo Ral tltlo of tho nbovo described, pro perty ns tho gamo npponre of record, nnd each of the other por Bona nbovo namod nro here by further notified that Wm. Devnul will npply to tho Circuit Court of tho County nnd Stnto nforesnld for n do crco forocloBlni; tho Hon npnlnst tho proporty nbovo described, nnd men- Caugh tloned In said cortlfionta. And you nro horoby summoned to appear within sixty dayH flftor tho first pub lication of this summons, oxcluslvo of the day of said first publication, nnd dofond thin action or pay tho amount duo as nbovo shown, toRathor with contn nnd nccrund Interost, and In case of your falluro to do ho, n do crco will bo rendered foreclosing tho Hen of said taxes nnd costs ngalnst the land and premises nbovc named. This summons Is published by order of tho Honornblo D. V. Kuy kendall, JuiIro of tho Circuit Court of the Htnto of Oregon for tho Coun ty of Klninnth nnd snld order was madn nnd dated thin 4th day of April, 1021 nnd tho date of tho first publication of this summons Ih tho 4th day of April, 1921. All process nnd papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon tho un dersigned residing within tho Htatf of Oregon at tho address hercaftel mentioned, W. M DtTNfAV. Attornny for Plaintiff. Address 200 Odd Fellows' Building, KInmnth Falls. Oreeon. NOTIOK KOll I'UHMCATIO.V Not Goal Iuiil IJ. H. Land Offlco at Itkevlew, Ore., April 13, 1921 Notlco Is horoby Riven thnt Will O. Wilson, of Honanza, Oregon, who on Juno 3, 1910, mndo homestead entry No. 08G90, forNoW, SoVi WW SB "4. Sec. 3G, T 37 8., II. 13 K., and Lot 2, Hectlon 2, Township 38 S, ItanRo 13 K, Willamette Meridian, hns filed notlco of Intention to mnko final three-year 'proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo C. It. DuLap, Clork of tho County Court, nt Klamath Kails, Or CRon, on tho 28th day of May, 1921. Claimant nnmes as witnesses: O. C Harrison, of Honanza, Ore gon; Horace Dunlap,, Krank Ward, J. If. Wilson, all of Klamath Falls, OreRon. Notlco Issued and will bo published for flvo consecutive weeks In the Klamath HeraM. JA8. K. HUROESS, IlcRlrtor. 18-2G-2-9-10-23 NOTK'K OK NAM-: OK 1113 t. I'llOP. KllTY KOIt IIL'LINQUI T IM. i'Hovi:.m::nt ashkssmi:.nt Ily virtue of a wa'r.int Itsued by tho Pollco JuiIro of tho '':y if KInm nth Falls, Oregon, dated tho I8th day of April, A. D. U'2l, and to un directed, Notlco is hereby Riven Ihut l havo levied upon ills following di sc rl bed real property, to-wlt- HcRlnnlnR nt a po-n: In tho xouth crly line of Kl.imiin strci. or an nuo, In tho . I of Klamath Knlls. Or eRon, tCu le.it emtcrly of Ihe cuit orly lino of Payno nlliy. oxtqn'led; thence nt rlRht 'tngloi with Klamath street or avenue, "jutheiistorlv, 200 feet; thenco nor'huitleilv parnllcl with KInmnth strem or aenuo M feet; thenco northwcstcily nt right angles with KInmnth street or r.venue 200 feet to tho southerly lna of sal'! strcot or nvcnuo; thenco westerly following snld southerly lino G4 feat to the place of beginning. Abova described property abutting on Klamath streot S4 feet. Taken nnd levied upon ns tho prop orty ot II. St. George niehop, In sat isfaction of a certain Hen created nnd docketed by the city ot Klamath Kails, Oregon, for n proportionate shnro of tho cost of Improving Klamath nvcnuo or street between Center street and Payno nlloy, which raid Hen Is docketed In Volume (1) of the Ilond Men Docket of said city nt pago 43 thereof on tho date of October 10th, 1910, In tho sum of $192.78. Notlco Ih also hereby given that tho undersigned will on tho 28th day of Mny. A. D. 1921, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. of snld day. nt the front door ot tho City Hall In snld city, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hnnil, tho aforementioned nnd described renl property or so much thereof as Is nocessnry to satisfy the sum of $192.78. together with Interest there on nt tho rnto of 0 por cent per nn niim from tho 10th day of October, 1910. and togother with tho costs and disbursements of sale bnroundor. H S WILSON, Chief of Tollce ot the City of Klamath Kails, Oregon. 2r.-2.9-l 0-28 NOTICE OK SALE OK REAL PROP ERTY KOIt DEMXOI'KVr IM PROVEMENT ASSESSMENT By virtue or n warrant issued by tho Poliro Judgo or tho City of KInmnth Knlls, Oregon, dated the ISth day of April. A. D.. 1921, nnd to mo directed. Notlco Is horoby glvon that I havo levied upon tho following described roal property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In tho south erly lino ot Klamath nvcnuo or Btroot, 124 foot oastorly of tho oastorly lino of Payno alley oxtcniU e; thenco nt right angles with Klamath streot or nvcnuo southeast erly 200 feet; thenco northeasterly nnd parallel with Klamath streot or nvcnuo 41 Vi feet: thenco northwest- With the Goods " - - "V !H..ri i ,1 .(22. nr te '-""n- "l of lmi. fto.l benrtng Inter southerly lino of said ntrcot or avo-',,,. n. ,, ,-,. , '. . ., " n. ihimc. wn.lnrlv fnllnwlntr .nl,1 CSl ftt UlO Mlo Of six por OPnt pof at- outhorly lino illA foot to tho placol of boglnnlng, Abovo doscrllmd prop erty ubuttlng on Klamath atroot 41 fcot . Taken nnd lovlod upon nn tho prop orty of II. Ht. Oeorgo Illshop, In satis faction of a certain Hen created and docketed by tho City of KInmnth Kalis, Orogon, for a proportlonato shnro of tho cost of Improving Klam ath Btrcet or nvcnuo botwoon Center street and Payno Alley, which said lien Is docketed In volumo (1) of tho Ilond Men docket ot snld city at pages 43 and 44 thereof on tho data of October 10, 1910, In tho sum of $148.20. Notlco Is nlso horoby glvon that tho undcrslg I will on tho 28th day of Mny A II 1921. nt "he hour of 21 o'clock p. m . 'f said day. at tho front door of tho city hall In said city, soil alio 23d day or May, A. D. 1921, at at public auctlr-i to tho highest bid-, tho hour of 8 o'clock p. mi, nnd dor for rash In hand, tho nforomen- opened nt tho regular meeting of tho tlnnod nnd ('escribed renl p-opcrty or Council to bo hold upon said date, so much thereof oh Ih necesiary to,HaId bonds to bo dated as of, April satisfy tho said sum ot $148.20, to gether wKh Interest thoreon at tho rnto of 0 per cent per annum from tho 10th day of October, 1910, nnd together with tho contfl and disburse ments of salo horcundor. II. S. WILSON, Chief ot Pollco of said city. 20-5-9-10-23 NOTIOB KOll I'UHMCATIO.V IHOLATKIl TrtAOT (PUIIMKIIKH) I'UIILIO LAND HALK DKI'AltTMIINT OK TUB INTKIHOIt (Not Cool Lnnd) U. 8. LAND OKKICE, At Lokovlow, Oro., Apr. 29, 1921 NOTICE Is horoby given that, as directed by the Commlwlonor of tho Oenoral Land offlco, under provls lonu of Sec. 24SS, R. S., pursuant to tho application of Herbert L. Arnnt, ot Dairy, Oregon, 8erlal No. 011400, wo will offer nt public salo, to the highest blddor, but at not loss than $2.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M on (tho 11th day of Juno, next, at this offlco, tho following tract or land NE NE4 SEC. 29. T. 38 8., II. 11 E., W. M. This tract Is ordered Into tho mar kot on a showing that the greater portion thereof Is mountainous or too rough for cultivation. This salo will not bo kept open, but will bo declared closed when those present at tho hour named havo censed bidding. Tho porson making tho highest bid will bo required to Immediately pay to tho Receiver tho amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely tho above-described land aro advised to fllo their claims, or objections, on or boforo tho tlmo designate ror Kile. Notlco will be published for flvo consecutlvn wcoks In tho Klamath Knlls Herald. JAS. F. nintGESS, Register 2-9-1G-23-30 NOTICE lXIIt I'UIIMOATION ISO LATED TRACT (PUnM.SHKR) VUI1MO LAND SALE DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR (Not Cnnl Lnnd) V. S. LAND OFFICE at lokovlow, Ore, April 29, 1921. NOTICE Is hereby given that, as directed by tho Commissioner of tho Oenoral Land office, under provis ions of Sec. 24GS, R. S.', pursuant to tho application of Oscar Poyton, of Klamcah Falls. Oregon, Serial 'o. 011381. wo will offer nt public salo, than $4.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. to tho highest bidder, but at not less M on tho 11th day of June, next, at ,?"A. tSSf0,:!n5 r'lnnd 12 and. the easterly halt of Lot ? land: SWU SEtf Sec. S, J. 3SS.,' R. 9 E., W. M. -n...ii.iii'. . v n hn Tbo salo will not bo kept open, out 11 k ,i.,.in-.i -io.i . .),. ' will be declared closed when those present at tho hour named havo ceas ed bidding. Tho person making tho 1 highest bid will bo required to imme diately pay to tho Receiver tho , amount thereof. 1 Any persons claiming adversely tho ' nbovo-dcscrlbed land nro advised to fllo their claims, or objections, on or , boforo tho tlmo designate ror Kilo. ; Notlco will bo published ror flvo ! consecutive wcoks in tho Klamath Falls Herald. I JAS. F. BUROESS, Register 2-9-10-23-30 NOTICE OK BOND OKKERINO Scaled proposals will bo received by tho Common Council for tho pur- Iciuiso of nn Issuo ot $31,910.29 spe cial Improvement bonds, authorized by Ordinnnco No. B48, for tho im provement of High streot Irom Sixth ; streot to Eighth street; nnd Sixth street rrom Pine to High streot and ' Seventh streot IrOm Pine street to 1 Washington. Proposals to purchase, said bonds I will bo roceled up to and Including I tho 23d day or May, A. D. 1921. nt 1 tho hour or S o'clock P. M and open ex! at a regular meeting ot tho Coun I ell to bo hold upon said dato. Said bonds to bo dated as of April 10th, 1921, and Issued in the sum ot $500.00 each, maturing in 10 years from dato ot issue: optional at any num. payable semi-annually, princi pal and In to red payable nt tho Ore gon fiscal ngoncy In Now York Cltjr. Proposals to purchase muHl bo ac companied by certified chck for flro per cent of proposal, and bo uncondi tional. A. h. MSAVITT, Police Judgo'of tho City ot Klamath Falla, Oro. 7-18 t Nenci: ok iioxi) oftukino Scaled proposals will bo rocolvcd by tho Common Council for tho pur chase of an Issuo of $3,019.00 Hpo clnl Improvement bonds, authorized by Ordinance No. B49, for tho Im provement of Washington otrcot from First strcot to Kwnunn houlovnnl. Proposals to Proposals to purchase said bonds will bo rocolvdd up to nnd Including; 10th, 1921, and Issued In tho sum of JT.00.00 each, maturing In 10 yenra from date ot Issuo optional nt any coupon dato on and after ono yoar from date of Issue and bearing Intor est at tho rato of six per cent por on- jnum, payable semi-annually; princi pal ana intorest pnyanie nt tho uro gon Fiscal Agency In Now York City. Proposals to purchaso must bo ac companied by certified chtck for firo por cent of proposal, ami bo uncon ditional. A. L. M3AVITT, Police Judge of tho Ctty ot Klamath Falls. Oro. 7-18 RESOLUTION Tho City Engineer pursuant to tho Resolution of tho Common Council heretofore adopted, having undur dato ot tho 2nd day of April, 1921. tiled plans, specifications and esti mates of the cost of Improving Jeff erson street rrom Third Btrcet to Fifth streot, Fifth street from Jotter son street to Lincoln street, and froia Fifth Btrect to Sixth strcot on Lin coln street, including intersections; and tho Common Council having ta ken tho same under advisement and finding said plans, specifications and estimates satisfactory, IT IB HEREBY RE80LVED. That said plans, specifications and esti mates for tho Improvement of tho aforesaid streets, Including Intersec tions, be nnd the snmo aro hereby approved; AND RE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That tho Common Council horo by declares Its intention to improvo said portions ot Jefferson strcot. Fifth street an Lincoln strcot In accordance with said plans, specifi cations nnd estimates; said Improve ment to consist of paving said por tions ot Jefferson street. Fifth strcot nnd Lincoln street with Concrcto. Willlto or nitulltblc. The estimated cost of the Improvement of said por tions of said streets, including Inter sections, by placing thereon oither Concrete, Bltulithic or Willlto, or other bard surface pavement to bo $21170.35, said cost including grad ing, rolling, curbing an cement sltfo waIIc AND RE IT FURTHBR RESOLV ED, by tho Common Council that tho following described property bo and Is hereby declared benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lots 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Block 48, Lots 0, 7, S, 9, 10 Block 41, Lots C, 4, a, 2, 1 Block 47. Lots 0. 7, 8. 9, 10 Block 4,2, Lots 5, 4 and westerly halt of Lot 3 In Block 46, Lou 0, 6, 4, 7, nnd tbo westerly halt or Lots 3 and 8 in iiiock 13, ixhs x In Block 42, Lots i and 2 in Block 3, Lots 1, 10. 2, 9 and easterly half ; , '. , , ' , J. ,' n,-,i, or . i t.,. of wts 3 nnd 8 in Block 36, ana ixju 1 0, 7, 8. 9, 10 In Block 35; oil In First Addition to tho City ot Klamatn Kails, Oregon; and that said proporty " abovo listed and described bo and hereby is declared to bo assessed for tho expense ot said improvement. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That Monday, tho Ch day ot June. 1921, at tbo hour of S o'clock P. M., at tho Council Chambers at tho City Hall, bo fixed as tho tlmo and place for tho hoaring of objec tions and remonstrances against tho said proposed improvement nnd tho Pollco 'Judgo is horoby directed to cause notlco of said hearing to bo published ns by Charter provided. STATB OF OREOON, ) County of Klamath, )m. City ot Klamath Falls, ) I, A. L. Leavltt, Pollco Judgo ot tho City of Klamath Falls, Orogon, do hereby certify thnt tho foregoing Is n duly enrolled copy ot n resolu tion ndopted by tho Common Council on tho 9th day ot May, 1921, de claring its intention to Improvo Jef ferson street from Third streot to Fifth streot, Fifth street from Jeffer son street to Lincoln street and Lin coln stroet from Fifth Btreet to Sixth street, including intersections,, and approving tho plaiiB, specifications nnd estimates of costs submitted by tho City Englnoor. A. L. LEAVITT. 12-23 Pollco Judgo. BY ALMAN 4 'A -ty,T7,6ut..- . ,J$VW "-