The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 12, 1921, Image 1

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    A Class Ad Will
Do It
Hi liwir- N 5III
Ell'T. TO
X rt MUtK May 12 A r'jiit-i
init ' " ""'"'"t I"'1" "''r Hie
mann "it "f eatla I' "'' nlflknr rn
(olPl . , tr'urn to wiirk within IK
. .. km ma, nt i;r inn rnrinr i tiaai
tumaMp .Hirnlori. In a telegram lo
jXfrin'r Hoover nnd Chairman lien -
,- H wn announced burn Tim
i.t.cin, urged It.., president lm
litc'' " '
rmoeaind dnflant national
rB,fKri)'r ellsinu in wm mriKfl
POHTt AND Mux IS Til" team
ft f hail departed thU morning
lllh ri'ir " '' Llnnandnr aa
suter i anln Llnnandnr wna given
ftufC" lain tirily hii Captain
X, W WVntterluml refused in go u
m wit bout llir chlnf nnKtlieer The
f. win-h rompmm wimi.ui uij Tnr flr,, ,,,, f rmm,
raH mKltirrr waa IIUIl-Ulllllll Til" ; M,rod. nlP ,,, C,M )y ,..r
JUtOtna officer Mill Ihn r.n jc., rr ,,(,, ,,,,, ,(pfnioll ,
,00M bn "nisi a mammary w i.rH .
ar r
it complete)
Junior Chautaqua
Will Be Feature
Again This Year
0n ' tir intrrrim: f.aiuf. of
tt ba lAuqUR IhU yat Mill l.r lli
gBior tiuaiiUa lr Imur a( I
lofk x-n nttrfiiixin Ttitu 1ll l
rvtdurtn AlnnK tl.x llnr (if Ixarli
IK f.i.ift).hl; ilutx lo Itin chllilrrn
A dlr KK'rrnmrnt will h itartxil
with 'tin loutlKulT olllrnr Rtlil
Uurk lll m tliailn moit lllti-rr-.t
IBC ll'tliir (III, yplla nnil tOIIKi
1I1 tn lauRht them.
Amoni the cram oiwrA tnttn
a l l hnrn with thn Choulail
H t c lauiln Hrhnnll, Irnnr. mIiii Ii
a tin (rirnil of I'rrC) llurkn of tlila
I. 0. O. F., Rcbchahs
Delegates Ready
For Convention
Drlrctlra lo Iho I O O V cranil
Ktf and Itcbokaha aaapmbly at
Albcr nnit week will loava tomor
row ami nnt ilay
Mr and Hm It J Hhnnu onn a
UUtH- to thn 0 O V aoitlon
i Ihn othrr lo Ihn llobokabi
lx tnmurnw h car. Thny will
10 lo Portland biifom Trlurnlnic
sd bn away two wmka
Mr and Mra It K. WaUrnburK
wd ilra Jrnnlo Hum Inavn Hatur
r Thny will ntao drl' li Mm
Wattrnbunc la paat atato prnaldnnt
of Ihn Itnbnkaha and Mrs. Hum aa
I'eun: riiiKrs oimi-laixt
A drmurrxr, bnaisl on Urn Ron
'Ml rround Ihnt thn facia nlleKod
Jo not ronalltutn aufflclont cnuao
'f hna bwn fllrd In Iho
"II of II k Wllaon. chlxf of po
c' "KAlnal thn rlly of Ktntnath
PH. In which ttm pollen offlror
t rollncl 37C. which hit ill
'& it ,u him for aalary nnd Ii
"tthhold br thu city council.
Til Minor nnd Wlnfruc. n Port
l,B'l Iok.iI frm jmv . phiwnii
J rrprnnt ,h(, l)Cn Mnrrmnfn
"urf at the Portland rnt hoar
' In placo of niMmp nnd llohlor
B" KrancUco.
Woi Bandit Who
Wed Country Back;
Hunted By Posse
, JCA,'A (!l Mny 12 Hoy (litnl-
wu mull rohbor who iim'iihmI
j,Bm t,1", "iln nt Portland, On,Kon.
M ' Jj 1920, whllo bolng tnkon to
torm " irl""" ,0 borvn " -5 ',M,r
Ulfk'i "Urroun(1od by n iiomo In n
Folio -i Wt,oU can'on noar horo
to a U, ,vicltl,n Hitrdnor wont
Wo "" r,,,,,1ly rotiimoil
In ana "'form! to cho lilniniilf up.
horlff ll0"" cvvorpiitloii tlio
Ion ro,UH1'l t wmtt miy coiicoh-
Ihn? nt", l,,,r,,T illiiiiinwirrd with
1'Omo ,n ,mnmt
New Justice
llcimrtu fliilti Una ,, ...llrnl.
,,, .fMn, ,,IIK ,,, ,,,,,,
1 Frank lliirrl lli-. k thief juatlc
"' "'" N"w Vurk ntate rnurt of u
! jr',1" J," "'," I'IIW"'11"" H.ipremr
Uourt llntirh ii win Hi retirement n(
ftiinf Ju,u,,. vj,ii,.
,,, ,,,,.,, .,,) , j j0 -rork
Tn rU w, ,,, iy ,,,
llalli ii. Ihn rlaaa hlalory by I'uul
Knllnr, ami tlin rlaaa prophif)' wm
xiiaclnl iiy ltla Haylur uml William
Valf Clua i lira nni oltnr fxatun
flllntl thn pror.ratn
At a aluilnnt timl) mrxtlDt; )
txrilar offlrrra for thn roinltiK 'r
orrn xlrrlrcl u fiillirw'a Murtlii
Ailanii. wtilur nrit yrar. prraiilrnt ;
T"'l M"'iitKoiiuT) Junior tint ynar
fltat Urn prrtlilrnt. KrntH'th Malrr.
anphomarn nnt xrar. anronj tIco
prralili-nt; Vrra Ttiutnpaon, M-nlor.
aorrrlarx tmaaurxr A thin! rlrn
prnalilnnt rnmalna to tn ch'acn from
thn Inromlne frnahinrn claaa
MniilnTa of Ihn atuilcnt council
In tlm hlr.h achool for Ihn comlnK
)rar In ailillilon ic thn cifflcxra arr
K rrnal Cooprr. Vrra Thompaon.
Ilnllani! Cantmlt. Itnhnrt Milam.
Tana? llohnrtaon. Ilufon! Ilarcui.
Kranrla llumphrn) anil AUnrtlna
Buried Booze Found
On Dairy Ranch
AllnKnl flndlnc of anTrral bottlo
if moonahlnn liquor and 40 callona
of it a all on Ihn Warmn lllakn ranch
nnar Dairy. Ind laal nlr.hl to thf
arrcat hrrn of lllako'n brother And
rarch for thn ranchnr. Port Hum
mora. Indian policeman, and M l
llartii'tt. hla deputy, repo't thn
flndlnK of tho liquor
Hull ha been commenced In Ihn
circuit court by thn Kwaunn Mo
tora company npalnit C A Klllott
to collect f 103 60. nlleRed to bo
duo for repair work on nn automo
bile done during April
T. J. Jnckion of Kort Klftftiath
la aiilnK Chnrlea I. I-'iii for I372,-
Mi. alli'Kt-d to he duo for inerchan
illao aold defendant while plaintiff
wo riinducInK a a'ore nt Kort Kla
ninth In 19S0
Knrly not week tho Khinmth Kalla
cruninury will l' settled nt tho now
plant on Main atreet. formerly oe
ctiplml by Iho Whllo Pollcun KaniKf.
ItoniodelliiK mid eqiilppliiK tl new
bultdliiB Ih complnled nnd tho womt
of tho iiiovIiik In over J. J. Kurbor.
iiiiinuKtir of tlio concern, In M.illsfled
Unit tho now plant Ih ii model of mm
Itntlon nnd uii.toilfttonefi.i uimurp.iMi-
od by any of tlio munllor creameries
oil the t-iant
Tho equipment U convonlently nr
ranicod nnd Improved ho that four
men enn Imndlo tlio outlro syntom.
Tlio plant linn a monthly capacity of
50,000 pound of butter, and a dally
cupnclly of 400 RalloiiH of Ice cream.
UofrlRorntliiK, HlorllUliiK '"id Hanltii-r)-
oqulpmont aro modern, adequate
nnd convenient.
Wllthln it few days, when all In ar
raiiKod. Mr. Kurhor iduttn to Ihn w
tho plant open to public liiHpeetion.
OHKUON TonlRlit and Krldny.
fair anil wiiriiier Hi nout(i nnd ottHt
aaHai-H r.B aflRVrfl )
i f ij f I II r
ii fill imv n i
imttttg HmtUi
Member of the Associated Press.
Ii - ii -nni of M-rloua qii'-HtlonH by
Ji .. .phina and A I. Wlabnrd.
ripriMiiiitiK the local labor council,
ntul J II ( iirnuhan. romiiianikT of
I'm liinl Ainitrlcuii IKlon poat, In-tnrapi-raeii
lth aonKa and atunta,
Mintrll.iiiid to an Inatructlvo nnd
(UiJiiyuMi. nviinlnK under tho nua
pin a of tho Holy Namn nocloty last
nlRht Tho affair wa a amokor
'nnd liiuny bualnena men worn
am-nr the irowd that atlondnd
Mr Htephena explained that Iho
dnalrit of oricanlznd labor wan for
peaceful aettloment of problem" of
labor and capital, and that any Im
rraaion uini nut local council wn
radlrnl orKanliallon n..klnic to
r Mont alrlfe hern waa n mlataken
onn i
He inalnlulnii tho rlKbt of labor
to unite and thn rlicht of collective
lurnalrilnc, hut auld Ihern would b
no attempt to dlctato to the employ
er that be ahould employ only
unlimited help Neither did Ibo fed
nratlon of labor countenance or;a
nlritiK on tho Job and Interference
with men at work The aim of or-
Kanuation wna prolerllon of the
-oininon Intereati of labor, he aald.
ibo maintenance of the et;ht hour
day and the educatkn nnd better
ment of the worker Renernlly.
Mr Wlahurd'a addreaa waa a de
tailed confirmation of Mr. Stephen'!
Mr C'ornnhan oiplalncd tho pur-
poaea of iho American I.oRlon as a
b.indlnK locitber to foster tbo aplrlt
of patrlatalm and to aolldly aup
port iho American Kovcrnmont and
Ita tradition". Ho aald tho Lotion
had neither military, political nor
lertarlan purpOm-a, that thoy wero
allied with no claaa or creed but an
orKanlzatlon of men who had served
their country In war lo keep alive
tho American spirit In time of
peace '
He made It clear that It waa not
a mllltla orcanlration to be used
.ia a Mrlke-brcakinc tool In tlmoa
of labor tTouble, and that Ita atti
tude in all queatlcm that did not
advoriely affect the American na
Mon na n wholo waa one of strict
and Impartial neutrality.
I.lrhter feature of Iho, evening
raa a blindfolded three-round box
Inr bout, marked by heavy slucKlnR.
lld swlnr." and considerable bit
tlnjc In tho clinches. M. A
"allaRhon referred tho battle nnd
had his work cut' out from tho Ron
Ted White and Jimmy Downoy
sanR. both being heartily applauded
and llert ObrR, formerly on the
PantiiRcs circuit demonstrated that
ho accordion In tho hands of a
skilled performer is a wonderful
musical Instrument
Baptists Report
Good Convention
The doloRatoti und visitor vhc re
turned from Medford, where the
ltoRtie Itlver Ilnptlst association con
vention Wiis held, reiKirt ail excellent
Then1 were large delegations from
all Ibo churches In this district, four
Stnto workers, two national worker
and it returned missionary from Ja
pan, who all riivo reports nf tholr
work. All thn churcho reported Reed
work done on tholr various fields.
Tho Klnmalh KnlU ileleR.ttlon wns
OHsiired by Dr. 0. ('. WrlRht. socro
Inry of tho utnto board, that tbo
board will stand by the Hmmunuol
DnpllHt church with men nnd money
to any amount netHled.
Ashland secured the nHsoclntlon
for 1023.
j-,t w a .
Llina IS Against
ReneWal of Anglo-
Japanese T reaty
NEW YORK. May 12 China Is
seeking tho support of public opin
ion In .the United States nnd tho
British dominions to prevent tho ra-now-ill
of tho AngloiJnpnnosu treaty,
llortrnui Lenox Simpson, ndvlsor to
tho president of China nnd statli-
tlclnu of Iho Chinese) government, do
rlarod In n statement today.
Most newspaper readers aro fa
miliar with tho recent big oil dis
coveries at Huntington llearh, near
l.os Angeles, hut It will bo nows
lo many that former Klamath coun
ty tnon nro to profit hugely In the
liquid wealth tho drills haro tap-
A lelngram rocently received,
however, slates that tho Toxical
Oil company, which brought In a
gusher on May 9 that ntartlod tbo
coast, has as Its president Judge
Herbert Gale, former Klamath
Kalis attorney and partnor of C.
K Btono, and as Its secretary C II
Andrews, son of Mrs. J. II. Wlio of
Kort Klamath and also a former '
resident of Klamath Palls. j
The Toxical Oil company, as Its '
name Implies, operates In fwo
states. It controls about 6000 acres
or oil land In California and Texas.
The talo of good fortune Is not
completely told as far as Mr. Aa
drews Is concerned. Kortuno smiled
twice upon him In the samo day.
for whllo Iho oil was spouting over
the Huntington Ileaeh derrlckj, ho
received a gift from
ectlon that he would
for a doien gushers,
bnlted his flight that
Andrews homo long
leave a fine lusty boy.
another illr-
not change
Tbo stork
day at the
enough to
Bank Force Will
BanQUet Tonioht
All tho men associated with the
First National baak. as stockboldeni.
dlnrctors or employees will bo the
guests of Charles Hall, president, at
a banquet at tho White Pelican ho
tel this evening,
Tho affair Is arranged to bring
Into closer touch tho human element
In tbo Institution, and to further
mergo tbo personnel of tho consoli
dated forces of tho First National
and tho former Klamath State bank.
8ALKM. Ore.. May 12 There are
approximately 7000 Idle men In Ore
gon at tho pnsent tlmo, as compared
with 12,000 last January, acconllng
to n report by C P. Oram, htnte la
bor commissioner. for transmission
to tho federal labor bureau at Wash
ington. D. C Of the number of Idle
men now In the t-tnte Mr ('.rum esti
mated that IS 00 wore in Portland
IlnMd on the decrease of 10 per,0000 al lho "lnRham Pataw
cent In tho number of unemployed
mon In Oregon since Marcn 1. the 7eri Thousand Homes
dale of making tho pn'vlous report; Seattle MahintZ
to tho government. Mr Gram today! in "fCaWie IViaRing
predicted that the total number of LiqUOT, Say rolice
men out of work on May 31 would
not exceed G000. This improvement! SEATTLE. Wash, May 12. Seat
In tho labor situation, ho said, would . tlo'peoplo nro Retting tired of trying
bo mnde possible by tho resuming of tc mako homo brew, wines and
road work In various sections of the "moonshlno" according to Matt Star
stnto. ) wlch. shorlff of King county. Ama-
Thu approaching hnnrost of small, tours can't make Reed alcohol drinks
fruits and borrlo-4 nl.o will have n ho said.
tendency to take euro of Idle men. ' Despite tho sheriff's stntoment,
Mr. Gram said. Whllo there Is no1 Lieutenant of Pollco John Hna,
way to estimate the crows for the. head ofitho pollco "dry squad" do
proont year, Mr Gram said that clared recently that homo brow,
under normal agricultural conditions wliother vinous or mult. Is being
practically all of the Idle men nt made in moro than 10,500 homos In
present unemployed would have Jobs I Seattle. Tho percentaRo of homo
early In July. This, ho said, was con- brewora is Increasing dally, ho iKv
dltlonnl, howvvor. upon tho workers clared.
nccoptlng work on tho farms and in
tho berry field If thoy im tintiblu
to get work In thotr accepted profes
nlon. i jur. urnnvn report io uiu ruiuui-
Imont showed that the atorage wage
! now being PIJ " on farms is 40.
wliilo n year ago tho samo men wore
rocoivinR a hich m $75. nespito
Lthls reduction in wngoti, he said, tho
demand for farm labor was fur less
than It was a year ago.
NEW YORK, May 12. Goorgo.wlll hold Its next meeting Septem-
Kelly mndo
his eighth homo run
Ho Is still two bohliid'
hero today
Uabo Ruth, who at Detroit today,
got his tenth for the season.
New Cardinal?
l KSR jj
AH.LI.U L-.I.u. . t
an Kranclsco, nay bo appointed car-
uinni to succeed tbo lato Cardinal
(Slbbons according to the latest re-
port, from tho Vatican In Home.
At tho meeting of the Hod CroM
, cxecutlvo
committee yesterday af-
ternopn MIm Twyla Head was select -
ed as president for the coming year
Kred Ilakcr was selected as vice
president, Mrs. M. A. Callagban as
secretary and Leslie Rogers as treas
urer. Tbero wan considerable discussion
of tho year's program of work. Reg
ular meeting dates were abandoned
and hereafter tho meetings will bo
held at call.
Tho cxecutlvo commltteo of tho
chapter Is: Leslie Rogers, Miss Twyla
Head. Father J. V. Molloy, Mm. Wil
liam Oanong, Mrs. Thos. Campbell,
Mrs. Callaghan, Marshall Hooper, E.
81 Henrr, Dr A- A- Soule. Rer. c. r.
i inmoie, r rcu a. uaner ana juuge
D- v Kuykcndall
Body of. Officer Is
Taken to California
Tho body of the lato Ben. P. Mar
Un' K,nmath "Bency engineer, who
died at tho Dorrls hospital on Mon
day, was shipped to Los Angeles this
morning. Tho remains were accom
panied by Mrs. Martin and ber son.
It is not definitely known whether
tbo burial will take place In Los An
geles or Long Beach, but probably at
tho latter placo. Mrs. Martin at this
time has no plans for the future but
may return to Klamath agency to
mako ber home.
C. T. Darley, county engineer, has
purchased a 120 acre ranch from M.
P. Wight, about four miles out on the
Midland road. Ho expects to develop
and Improve tbo property.
LONDON. May 12. Colonel Oeo.,'
Harvey, tho new American ambassa-
dor, was recolved today by KlnR
Tho pollco, Lieutenant Hang ex
plained, aro working under an old
ordinance based on the former stnto
law allowing householders to havo
twelve quarts of bcor and two quarts
of hard liquor In their possession.
Persons who aro obviously browing
at homo for tholr own use, nnd not
for Balo, nro rarely molested by tho
pollco, ho said.
GENEVA, May 12. Tho as
sembly of tho leacuo of nations
ber 5 In Geneva. ,
President Da Cunlm of tho
leaguo's council today Issued
call for this session.
Today 8 News J v
Today i
Itoport today to tho Herald, con
flrmtMl at Weed, stntes that on Mon
I day morning the Wcod plant will rn
i aumo operatlonswlth one shift, and
I by Juno 1st will hare two shifts run
; nlng.
Tho Weed . plant has been run-
nlng nt reduced capacity through
out mo winter, but a week ago there
was a further lay-off of labor and
I onnounwmcnt WM m0(,0 th,t ,
plant wan getting ready to cltwo
down entirely.
There has been no sudden chango
In market conditions to explain tha
resumption of operations, said J. M.
White, general manager of tho Weed
company, over the telephono today.
It Is hoped, however, that the market
will grow better with tho resumption
of building and that wago condition.
will bo adjusted so that the compa-
' " cn run thuRn '" season with
out loss.
Thero is little chance for mora
than an oven break between Incomo
and expense at present, said Mr.
White, and .tho start Is in the nnturo
of an experiment, undertaken In tho
expectation that better times aro
ahead and the plant can bo kept
Tho operation includes the entire
plant, mill, factories and logging;
Lindsey Pays Fine,
Ends Contempt Case
DENVER, May 12. Judgo Ben.
D. Llndsoy of tho juvenile court, paid
x five hundred dollar fine and costs
today, ending a court controversy
that has been hanging tiro for over
tire years. Tbo case originated over
Judgo Llndsey'a refusal to divulge
Information Imparted by a boy pris
oner. Ho was charged with contempt
of court.
Klamath Falls was temporarily
deprived of ono of its well-known
characters yesterday when Commo
dore Noslor, left for Ashland for
an Indefinite stay, hoping a change
of climate will benefit his health.
Tbo Commodore Intends to return
but does not know how soon. Itu
Castle St. Cloud has long been a
resort of dancers and merry makers
and his hospitality has made htm
known to many who will hope that
his health may bo speedily Improved
and his return will bo soon.
Rail Unions Admit
Letter Is Doubtful
CHICAGO, May 12. Railway la
bor today formally admitted before
the railroad board that it had failed
to prove tho authenticity of a lettor
alleged to havo boon written by a
Pennsylvania railroad officer order
ing "tho condemnation of labor orga
nizations If necessary." in obtaining
the desired Information. Thoy re
quested that tho letter bo withdrawn
from tho board's records.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., May 12.
Tho claim of Clara Snlth Hamon
against tho estate of Jake L. .Hamon
whoso nlleged murder she wan nc
qultted of in Oklahoma, was being
sottled satisfactorily, said her attor
ney. Tho negotiations, ho said, pro
cceilod on a basis of paymont of $10,.
000 cash and tho recognition by tho
cstato of certain assignments and
contracts which Hamon was declared
to havo transferred to Clara Hamon
during his llfo time.
CHICAGO, May 12. Flvo bandits
today held up a bank messenger and
a uniformed policeman who waa es
corting tho messongor. Ho escaped
with $7,000 after forcing tho police
man to walk away a block. Ha
threatened to shoot It tho officer
turned around.
Hl'NTSVILLE, Texas, May 12, -
Ovor a scoro of sUto convicts, many
of thorn armed, mutinied horo to-
tho'dny, Thoy stormed the arsenal, shot
I two of tho guards and fled.