The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 11, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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wkovkhdav, may m.imi
The Evening Herald
K J. MimilAY.
rRKI) .
City Alitor
Published jally except Sunday, by
Ths Herald Publishing Company ot
Klamath Kails, at 119 Klghth Street
,W - . i .... - - - ... r " m
Personal Mention
Entered at tho poitottlce at Kla
math Fall. Orf , (or transmission
through tho malli us socond-clss
Tho Associated Press U exclusively
titled to tho uhp for republication
A U. Johnson, luuitxjr buyer, In In
town on business (or a few ilayti ami
loft this morning (or Sotior
Mr nnd Mtn C II Onndonnlng,
who h n o been vlnlt liti; hero for,
n bo ut trn da). returned to (heir I
hoinn In I on Mollnos, Cut , on thin
morning's trnln. I
Mm T M Cunningham ami little!
grand daughter, rvililentn of this I
city, loft thl morning (or .shlandJ
on account of Mr'1.' NKV OM.KANH v May io
, hrnllh iMomorlo of oM lUyn on tin MU
i .......... ..k i. . .lalttitl tohiiH irttilv itackrtit fill ml 1 1
. fl'Ult.-ri III) I'll I VllilPIM I1M , ffnT- .,,.,. ....., , .- -
Villain! iu mi' uhy iui iiijiuumniiiui i . i
o( All new (lUpAtchpsi credited to It., llrnndonburg stock p(t thl morning) In tho passenger truffle nro revised
or not otherwise credited In thl tor Sail Kranclsco. by thx resumption of traffic be !
paper, and also tho local nows pub- Mr M K IVtlKO nml ,,fttwoon Pittsburgh. Pit . nn.l Oil city i
Hsnor herein MAY II, 11W1
(Vivian W llpwlburg In Pnlon. N Y
There are thrtv most potent (ac
low In the ll(p. growth nml dovolop-
mont o( a community They arp. tho '
Church, tho School and tho Newspa
per, and this U In tho order of Im-'
portancv. '
It Is not our purpose hero to oulo-
thls morning (or n month's Intt with by way o( tho Ohio
trlends and retail en In San Fran I Purge have carried freight trot
Cisco, (tic on tho great river (or many
Mrs U K Wlllll loft thU morn, i years lnro tho packet worn driven j
Ing (or Talent. Oregon, on matter of out by railroad competition In thol
bualnces and cxpvcU to return Sun-'day of MnrK Tnuln tho Mllnli
Wo lll t oror tho flmt two of! hou' Kloctrle Supply company
thcto (actor, and porhap trout of
thorn later If tho churchra were
I day.
Mm C A. lWnnltiKhoff o( IVirrl.
ho ha Ihwh upending . (o day
vltltlng her hunbaud. who in cotiftn
ivl In a local honpltal. retunuM to
DoriiA this morning.
1' P. Light, a (ormrr hotel ownorl
o( IjkptIow. I enroutp to Sn Kratt
cbco (or an eitcnded vacation
It S Prucsla. C II. Nelson and II
C. Hopklna who huve Nsm holding
an plectrlcal ilUplay (or tho Vrtlng-
on thU morning' train (or San Kran-clco
thrown out o( thU community no' ll l"rl- lumberman or hwnn
seK-pcctlng H'ron could tay ,-nk'- acvomjunle.1 by Mm lavl. 1
br. With all our materlat prop.r-1 P,niJlni: a (ew day here on bu.l-
llv Ma, wnlllil innn ilmn t tn mn. W1.
dltlon-t uch aii ancient Home w1t
nmd And If Ihp tchool were dl
continued material progres would
also stop and wo would sink beyond
The church Is a public Instlltutlon
and U supported by voluntary con
tributions Tho school Is nWo a pub
lic Institution nnd Is supported by
tho state through taxation The news
paper I a semi-public Institution but
recti! res no public support but has to
earn Its livelihood through the reg
ular channel of compolitlvu bus)-
It I o( tho newspaper that we
wish now to sHsjk
I( all the newspapers and other
periodical were discontinued today
tho effect would be somewhat similar
to a mighty plague swooping over the'
land Darkness would creep la. the
darkness of intellect, as people would
remain In ignorance of the happen
ings in localitim only a (ew miles
distant Hhslnc would slow- down.
5th and
Charles Caddo. Mn of Or Raddes,
owner o( Khglo llldge. arrived on
lust night's tniln (rum the t of O
O V Myers of Matin. U In town
on business (or the day
V. K O'Neill, connected with tho
Pacific Coast Mint company. I down
from tho ut'tn-r marsh on buslneM
Prank Cramer of Kirk. Ore . u In
town (or .i few days
L. I) ltorkncr of tho I'nlon Oil
company o( Sacramento, t in town j
hn buslntx In connection with tho'
firm I
J. M Iledford of tho rhtloquln
Lumber company. Is a business vis
itor here for a few day
T. llonragault of the W. P luller
Ialnt company, accompanied Mm
Ifervngault and daughter, who mo
tored from Sacramento In Interest
of the company, left this morning
I.n tleull. merchant of likcrlew.
Is In town on buslne!
A I.. U'ornton and Meredith An
demon nre visitors from lkerle--
pl packets oro ndobraled ( r
their "est." tholr fatnnu raooi
their pilot und even lor thet'
jHikor game
It uaed to bo no uncommon sight
to see from 15 to 30 passenger ve
sol, from tho palatial packet to th
weather beaten tramp leave the
New Orleans landings dally (or up
river points
Coming o( the railroad with
quick service (or perlshabln rargn
many linos almost paralleling the
river between the tnoit Important
landing, cauoed rler traffic l
loto Its prestige .Shipper began
sending cotton and other non per I -
Inhabit, (rolght by rail ami the harking in Mississippi worih a
river packets were (ewer and fe plantation lth S0O negn and
or a the years went on dUembsrklng at the I anal tirwii
Plantation landings rotte.1 away. Uniting In New Orleans with nly
planter began to buy railroad tic '.ome Mil of lading (or lomethliK
kets Instead of atejiner pas.ago and he no logger onil
made their plans to spend the dlf-j Hut those ds are gone It pln
(erenco In time In New Orleans In- of thoo Interested In rltrr IrsflU
stead of on tho boats Planter ibesr (rull the modern steamers will
Real Silk
Women any it is the loveliest underwenr they hftVe
ever seen. It certainly in n delimit to those who prize
thnt feelinK of comfort tlmt comes with the wearing of
silk undergarments. Camisoles will be included in this
special offering. Values up to $4.50.
I lllsr t Ms M MIIIIW
(Union stuilrtlta will If rlln itl!..
iho In the first graduating its nf
Ihn I iilum l high rtiiM I "1 Jun
3 All rlprt to elllnr tho t nKrrsitr
beil r j II
w !
5th and
U 1Miui,W,n
irre8 a,. ,, , .t
ri'l lurh i .
moved to town, social life In the j eliminate gambling, carry wrtl drill
country began to -are-ln short. sl cre-s and furnlih modern weals
country dwellers became farmers! at modern prlrr
and plantations became farm H ! .v
Is In
and telegraph conunnnlcatlon weuld:
noon fall into dlsuso became no ntlm-l fo" n tew 17-
nlns would come from newntKiDor. w A Pnder of Silver l.ako,
dom. len tho pottofflco receipts tov t" '' r:
would dwindle, for much of Its rev' - A McCarthy nnd (S. A. Ilellman
returned this morning after a tbroo
cnue comes in direct response to ad
vertislnK. Tho newspaper is tho thinl great
agency In the advancement ot civili
zation, yet it 1 underestimated more
often than the first two It I too
often treated as merely a buslnw
proposition Few people seem ever to
get the vision that tho truo-hlue edi
tor has of using business to advance
tho Interest of a whole community
Tbu preacher has ono Job- to
preach; the teacher has ono Job to
toaeh; but the editor. ,lf ho bo true,
lias a triple Job, and hat Is to preac
und teach, and hardest of all and
with It all. too. to meet hi weekly
pay rr II. pay tho othnr rests cf pro-ilin-.L.j.
and try to got a cumforUbl
IIt rr and we all ds.e a r!T'' 'o
Omitting the church and the nehool
we can tnako claim without exag
geration, that a true newspaper li of
inoro real importance, dots more
Kood with less money, gives more for
lew money than any other businrss
In a community It Is truo the?, romi
will pi Int to large Industrial plants
that flourish in tho community and
say that theso concerns with their
blK pay rolls form tho llfo of the
community. Tills we answer Is only
apparently so. This appears to be so
from a superficial (naturalistic sur
vey of tho field. Hut the life h mor
than food and the body than cloth-Iiik-
Tho big Industrial plants deal In
wealth, that is produced by labor,
but tho nowupapcr besides In dealing
In news, deals In blpgcr things '
"Our thoughts aro things, and a
smnll drop of Ink, falling lIVo dow
upon a thought, produces that which
makes thousands, perhaps millions,
hi 1 .i v-- ' I
No Gas Shortage ,
Here This Summer
I days trip to the Illy country
J. Urlscoll and Captain Siemens
left this' morning for tho Oraham
Mill near Dorrls. on business.
J J Stelgor. lumberman of Chllo
q,uln. Is hero f i r a few days Investi
gating the lootl lumber Industry
James Dixon of Kort Klamath has
1 returned from San KrancMro where
he has marketed several head of fine
Thb ladles of the St Pauls Kpls
copal Guild will meet at tho parlors
of tho Pn-sbytortan church Thursday
afteni'-oa at 2.30 p in
A Is Jtnnlson. foreman of Ack
ley 11. -os- sawmill, has returned
from San Francisco wboro he un- i
derwent a serious operation for
stomach trouble recently Hi
health li trroatly Imoroveil and he
will soon bo at worx again.
was romantic to he a planter, but
much more profltabtn to bo a farm
er All of tbi directly afferted
passeuger traffic
A river voyage In tho olden day
was a ploasurtblo affair If the boll
em did not blow up or the rol
hit one of the shilling sand-bar.
muA-luinp or hidden mag A
comfortable berth, wonderful meal
dancing at night, watermelon par
ties, well stocked bars, stud and
draw poke' game f r the patrons
of that form of amumitit. wnd
last, but not least the ar.t r of tr.n
nepro roustabouts all comMnid to
make things pleasant for the trav
t'cfdo In bed Hi Un rub -
n btrnkfasi of lta;u. vsr.t. wsl
('-.. iancakis at irtel -iff tin u
Al U'cn there was (ml t .h ...
Vegetables, the eve proton! c iff-
and hatever desert the rok l.s.i
In ralnd for the meal Th.- f.-i.'
of tho day came In the 'lr n
Ing with creole gumbo (if ih- -n
hnprsned to hall from New urlraa
as most of them dldi frlrd f,i
roast fr.wl. with baked or ati.l I
yams, beef or pork, fruit in atmnd
anci'i desert and "small black" of
fee with brnndy It wasn't van.-',
but quantity that made tin .i-j .,
or bill of faro famous
In the heal (( tho afternoon -bind
shielding mosquito liar Hi.
porsoriser. If hn o derd ",,' i
ejaff mint lulepo nr l.i "irn v.
key CO' k tail, not to mi'it ..
'Id flat-bottom toddle made ith
i sugar, water, pineapple and urim.
Weather Probabilities
Tbo t'fi lo rt'urmatr 4tti at
I'nderoiHid Phartna r ha
rrfirdr( a fairly lra! tr
metrlr irraiure during thr lot
II hour, the inndmry Ixilng
lightly upward Thl Indlrate
a rontluuanre of plestanl tun
ditlan l'oreait for nrt St
Continued (sir with light
wind Cooler.
Julco and. of con me. hik" 'in.
IVl7:iUTlM. COOK Itl''i:i 'iri .old timer here, -with Niat.i) ii.k.
Ono of the most Intorestinr rerentjot liquor and facing the n.inwif
additions to the University of On- jyears with visions of nut mnulm-
gon library I "Old Tlm-KcIiwjU and "novor lire of telling tin- y.auft
8chooJ "ooks," which gives plrturrslgnieriiiloti of the old "hard lltinr
o( text hooks, school rooms, tearhi-rsidays of the river steamboats
and -pupils, dating back to th begin-1 Tho card games were fur t.ig
nlng of public edurjtlon in the I'nll- stakes Veteran vouch for ih
ed States 'truth of stories of a planter m
jj Mr. Auto-Kno Says j
Makes of Auto
Reed Auto Supply Co.
I'tioilo 'JUM-J.
Ilth l ,M.iln
On the 16th of May I am uoing to open
the general automobile repair department
of the White Pelican Garage. This will
mean something to the automobile owners
of the county, because it will be equipped
with the best there is in tools and ma
chinery. The two main features, however,
will be those which cause the automobilitl
the greatest trouble carburetor and igni
tion. I will have the finest electrical testing
equipment in Southern Oregon, and will
thus be in a position to positively locate and
remove your troubles. It is needless for me
to tell you what poor ignition and battery
troubles arc every owner Itnows them too
well. Let me reduce them to a minimum.
The next difficulty is your carburetor.
I am going to handle the Rayfield carbure
tor. That means 1 will have one of the best
carburetors ever devised. I will also have
a carburetor expert, and if you ever had or
ever have any carburetor difficulties let me
get rid of them for you.
Everything else in the repair depart
ment will be on a par with these two special
features. Your worh will be guaranteed.
The price will be reasonable. The service
will be prompt. Let me have your next job.
I ftnow I will have the rest.
U I) Ilcrker, dlntrt'i Kilos munu
gor of tho Union oil company. Is
hero from Sacra nun to oil ono of his
regular Inspection vIhHm. Thero will
bo no shnrtugo of gasoline hero this
year, ns far a the Union Oil com jin
ny is concerned, said Mr. Ilorkner.
Tho company hits added to Its local
Btontgo capacity and expects to ho
Vou need not i onsult tim
OulJi Imiiii-iI in find out ir
Plillailelplilit Diamond (irlii
iliittcrli-M lire bolter. Ask
mi) of tin liumlrciU of wit-
Nfllll OMIH'l-tt.
jj The Electric Shop
121 fio Sixth Bt.
Ac A
We have today Reduced the Price on 100 Pairs
of Children's Shoes. These reductions range from
50c $3- It will pay you to look these over before
buying the next pair.
100 Par of Men's and Boy's shoes will also be in
cluded in the Price Reductions.
MEWS SHOES, $2.50. and up
BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, $1.90 and up
amply ublo to take earn of nil Its old , t
JL lojrii
. t
customers and lucrc.ucd uc')i.:inds
won. I
- r"s-sJ r?!Si-