"J I il ll , WKnyKHIUY, MAY 11,1031 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ELEBRATE WITH US! 13 BIG DAYS This Great Eleventh Anniversary Sale C . 5 & li. I bf i-1 ? i n f. i of ours is not especially a money raising sale, but is more in the way of being a celebra tion. We have enjoyed ELEVEN YEARS of successful business in this community and we want to express our appreciation of your valued patronage during that time. Now better could we express it than by INCREASING THE BUYING POWER OF YOUR DOLLAR? By offering you at this time, our entire stock of high quality merchandise, with no thought of immediate profit, at prices that arc as near pre-war level as is pos sible during present day conditions. A great part of our stoclt is priced far below whole sale cost of only a few months ago. We have already taken our losses due to the gen eral decline in wholesale values, but wc arc going further than this for our ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE. Wc arc offering you today, and during the THIRTEEN DAYS of this sale, our entire stock at special sale prices so low that they should be very attrac tive to you. As proof that our prices are so attractive wc beg to call your attention to the fact that the people of this community do appreciate real values and are taking advantage of this sale to supply their present and future needs NOW. Our sale has been a most wonderful one so far and we mean to carry it through to a successful whirlwind finish. It is safe to say that it will be many moons before anyone will offer you equal values at equally attractive prices. It is humanly impossible to show all of our special values, SO, if you don't see what you Want, ask for it, it's specially priced for this sale. Wc are offering most extraordinary values in Men's Women's and Children's Footwear. One lot of Women's shoes and ox fords, on the floor, in plain sight while they last only $2.98 per pair. ENTIRE STOCK INCLUDED. NOTHING WITHHELD. EVERYTHING SPE CIALLY PRICED. COME, CELEBRATE WITH US. SEE WHAT WONDERFUL VAL UES CAN BE HAD RIGHT HERE IN YOUR HOME TOWN. C I d:J D ... Corning Calif Sunday Mr t rait Eagle Ridge Resort Mys ho u roinf, w tan n cuk(0 Will Open May 14 ranch with thit. thoroughbred lg horns Whllo leghorns nro pwpular Saturday Is ttio opening day of tho Eagle lUdgo tavern and past patrons of the popular resort, which baa been closed for sereral seasons, will wclcotnu the announcement that It Is to bo conducted along the for mer lines of blKb class service and convenience. Tho Uvern v.-jll bo un der !" management of Frank S It Fleufcer, an experience California hotel man The property is still owned by Dr. (laddls. Kih are biting now and ar rangements may be mado at tho tavern for boats. Tho fishing Is said to be better this ear than ever. Iloating und motor parties will find the Sunday dinners well worth while, as Mr. Fletcher says that the resort will especially feature this service. o In thhi climate tut they ran Hie In this varied temperature II II. Wilcox, teacher at Miller Hill, Is on tb road to recovery He thinks If he continues to.lmprove h will bo able to fsumu his duties in a short time Mr and Mrs (3 A. Mwukcr and family (n m fihlpplngton. were eurt at Mr und Mrs. William Wanton's home Saturday. Mrs J W Jory u on the sick list Mrs. William Worden. her daughter. from lxKcr Klamuth I-ako. raroe Monday to nurie her. Sho is much better today, Oeorffo Furbcr was a Klamath Falls visitor Monday. Mr Chtchov. whoso home Is near Midland, returned Monday from an extended trip to Missouri. Mr and Mrs C It. Patterson and Trade foun .1 thr l.'al iuui-k ,n' n Frond. r reanii.ltn n a.-.tf a MIU Oltl,. Ns M;N Ms I'JUMtH re-enily inena,l u nrmbiT!i ii,Lo to t& runt .i-i ioirtJ ... . . ' mm. r.icn'Xrn j jnl f (, nn rfmllr 1 uoo and m piann ng t; oi I 2 ) . , ,. ... add tlonal memlrnn o that ev.Ty If B man n. .r,.nt ru i.a ... x I ni..nv ,. i. ... . ,- credit man in northern California J hn nevrr rcr.,mui,, WBlh nK an tl tbo WorK f ,,, tUvt m iifT afi, phr1oligr Kill b In n position U wmist lh Han nxer lie THE PIPE OF SEPARATE PEACE Miuia.M) iti:.ms Martin I Iron, shipped a carload of ron Vernon, wito Klamath Fulls vis. whwt from Midland to Klamuth , itorn Monday Fall. Mrs. William Worden. from I'pper Credit Men Meet Klamuth take, was u luncheon guest of Mn J. W. Jory Thursday. j Jn $. F. June 14 J. W, Jory was a Klamath Putin j Ylsltor Thursday. j baj; FKANCIBCO, May 1 1 With Mrs. Walter Kemp, from Klamuth, delegates ulrttidy registered from Falls, spent Sunday with her parentn. turty f tnil tnajor tU,.M of tho ;lit. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, of Miller Is- J gluten, the complete success of tho land. j tttonty-tdxth annual tonteiilltn of b nnapp. icucner oi anuiann ,,, National Association of Credit Bchoql, Is a week-end guest at tho J I .M(.n ln tlla rUy( jno H , ,7 haa D. Hooper home. Uoan assured, according to tho sup Tlio followInK pupllH aro going toV(,y Ken ou, l0(luy ,)y K H Juffo. tako u part of tho Klghth grade et- Ilt( Becrttan--munagur of tho looal umJnatlon. KUa Dupuy, John Hooper, Orr ILoopor and Mnry Bhulmlro. Henry Cratt who lives two mll east of Mldlund, 'received one hund red Binull White Leghorn chickens trom tho' Mnywood I'oultry ranch UBBOclatlon To ententuln tho dologntes to the lonventlon, which Is n'Kunleil In business uiul f iiauMul drdos oh toe ond only l.i .in;'ortuticu to the unnuul comentlotiH of t'e National For Ign r ymiStoWir r,- 2c - .- wo ..6&. ' br7 3T- t , ' ..... j-s&SIS. -i) K ' 4 C ZZL 'c0s When voRitn Uc t to !' Rtr.cbl t: -4rj 8 ifil'S Knrlulta' c3 1SSWC1 rlrrr h( l 'tbf f thJ P' Bam fried 'in fresh crwrnerybdr Good Coffee with real Pure Cream 5c Povftmrk out PHONE J ! 124 So. Sixth S Lawn and Garden S eed -liirohevli Sew. Starfi J , r