The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 11, 1921, Image 1

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    Elv lEtmttttg Herald
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today a New
Member of the Associated Press.
(,Mr .i, 51 1 M
Kia.M.vm I'M.iM, oiti.cjo.v. uldmkdav, mav ii, iikh
mi ran.
Mur I ' 'iTiimiix
I .1 ' 1 1' ' "f ""' ' "
..rations ulllinnluiii wn l
tllllr raMllin umhiiw'mih ...- ,
. . ii.. t l.iv.l llijirvii tiv
i1fri"' ' ' -'.-
Threatens to Call
Troops to Quell
Striking Seamen
I i.lli'il HtNlea nhlpplliK hoard will
it I. Dial fi-ilnrnl t roopB liiko hiirge
of tin. ill nation If there In fur
il, it tinting In tlin Blrlkn of ships
iti hero 'Mils was announced
today by 11 II Wwy. district (II
r(lnr (if tint shipping tuiiiril
I Another Smoker By I
Holy Name Society '
1 To Be Held Tonight
0 11
Mad a mo
(in (I (llw
..r. lirniuiit minuter, to
MM' ' May 11 - Germany's now
wblM'i '"'l" I'"" I'lnpurntlon if
Xl t -t nl l'0" lo ll1" """"" B" i
ttpVUK ' I'"" reirailiu tiinuji
Tim l"el dllinld III brlof w.irn
Psromi r Junn 1 of tho oiiii lillllun
,oId ui'"- .lu.. May J. the trial "I
U i.crx.oii allHtif and soldiers ac-nn-d
of trim'" during llw ar.
rtmp . .l.aarmametil. ami tlm ulll '
Bj,!, ,a .until of UJ.JJ.y.OOU.OOU III1
AiUMrcN. May II Ailmiii
IllriH"" "'fflrlsln eapresaed sails
tul' ' ! onf tlm decision of
an Kuvnrtiliif tit to nrcapl
reparations terms
lie Itl'tnm Hit tfO Uealloll
i(- wa marked relief wa
mi it wan Indicated the
, tlmrtit eipncted to pro
p rapidly llli tlm Oinald
' iiumerotia problem eon
h tlm dntelopltirnl of ll
, ,1, aluliiC III" general
i.a.atenrn upon mual op
ami tlm reronalructlun of i
nrhts throughout th'
ninutunr Went Ivnn. tlm fourth
shipping lioard vessel for which n
non-union crew lina heim recruited
hem allien I tin strike hi-gaii, wan
ready to nil todny
ahsi'mim orrn'i:, x.
Ni:V OIIK. May II The llnv
SI.W ViltK. May II
Curie, iiiiimt
lovnrir of raillurn, wan a paiM.'nK'ir
Tint on the ntcumalilp Ulyinplc, which
arrived today.
Annum Aurio (.urpln whoau dln
(oiiity of radium In IS'jS liun heen
i.illcd ' tliu tualuatlun of thu druaui
o uniiuiu uiLiiuioiatn hum Ituni in
WafH.iw, I'ulalid, on Nov. 7, 1DS7.
I Iff futlit-r. 1'rofi.inor UkloUowika,
un limtrui-lor lu pliynli'n utid
tlicinlatry In thu Unlvurilty of War
hit and fir aumo yuurn buforu vn
i Tho imcund uniokiV to lx Kivun
under tlio uuHplreii of tho Holy Name '
HO'loty of Hatred llourt cliurrh will
bo lidd In tho hall on HiKh Htrut-t
thin nvunlni;. Ho nurctnnful wnn thu
flrHt Hinokor, that Father Molloy an
luff it Jti.t ono darn cl.-ctlon af- U)en ""Portuned for another and It
tor another, according to tho vor- ,M IK-clJ ""t Uo ono thu ovtnlnK
mou of the county clork offlcn. I "1" " '!'- ''-t of a few wck '
Tho noxt onu In Ic-km than a lnonti, ' BO-Tho wrloun pan of tho program
nnv. havlnif l.nnn rhllml t.v ..h i " handled by J. II. Carnahon
i ' " '" " ---.
latnlo It-Klnlaturo at tho lout scisloti
for Juno 7.
Klvo rnfanuron aro to bo voted
on, Including tho utato aid fund lor
world war veterans .offorlnc cholca
of a ciiah lonun or loan
utner rciercnuum mcaRurex aro
lit '
Okl "
if '
10 Iff
At tho mooting of tho American
Society for tho Recognition of tho
Mnti Rcpuhllc, hold at th city hall
last night, an organization wan ef
fected by tho election of If M. Man
ning, president; K. J Murray, Tlco
prosldont, and J. F. Magulrc, secre
tary and treasurer Tho meeting won
woll attendod and tho addressen of
tho various speakers found a rcspon
r.lvo sympathy In tho oudlonco.
Tho meeting was called to order
and won presided over by II, M. Man
ning, who briefly dwelt upon tho
rights of Ireland and the Justice of
her demand for tho recognition sat)
asks from tho United States. Ho was
tt . J t- ranlailB T IT a, am f V
rr .Sobtd pni., for cbemUitry In 03. ncl ,.xtnndlng tho period of leg- tho furnishing of an evening's enter-; " " ' ' . ' '
lirufrsMr ot general physics In the nm, ncr(.as,nK legislator's pay frcm tractive, frco from obligations, cot- J " "" "'"' "" "T" "rf " "
and Jamcti Htephurui, president ot ,
tho Labor council of this city. Doth
will discuss subjects of llro and IU1
Interont to tho men or the city.
On the program will also bo vocal
and Instrumental number that aro'
suro to bo both entertaining and
Ihn act empowering tho fovernor surprising, ono numnor in particular
to veto tho omergency clauso In Promising to surpass anything of tho
IfitUIotlon. an act rooulrinr hv-! kind ever heard in mis city.
l)r William T MsnnltiK was today "'""K ul'"" hr profeaalonal career ,KPnIc quollflcatlons of marriage op-' Thwe smokers aro not sectarian In
roiiarrrnted an tlm tenth blahop of a" " c-niit. she worker In his t)cants; establishment of tho right, their charaetor and aro open to the
tl... J'roteatniit Kplacopal illocnso of ""oratory. Mine. Curio received thu of womctI to ,, M iurorM. nnd men of tho city, the purpovi being
Nnw York amid Impolitic
Hhe iiiurrled lu 1bC rierro Curio, 'uiatlvo session from 40 to 60 days Ulnment both recreational and ln-j
i mtnralty of rarls, wiiu nud snar-3 t0 5 n ,ay. 'lections, admission fees and ro-
ed with her tho honor of collabora- , Tlio county clerk's offlco Is start-' stralnts, whero tho men of tho city
ion in Kivitig her great find to tho Bn t0 prcparo tho registration lists aro welcomed and not bored
ni'l'l.l s M
I'tlKAf.ed In an at
Inaurgelit I'ulea
alxiut all
I I Kri ! ti lii.i m
illt r ilu I i(h tin-
m r . r.i Iiiimik
ml lea unu'h of tlila rll
Ttli- I'ulea to the
I'relirh rin with ainall field pleena i
A number of (lightly wounded),.
world Home yeura later I'rofes-
aor Curie wan struck by a wagon In
I'arln and killed. His widow sue-
tied to his proleuorsblp Madame
' urie han two children, Irene, 20
eurn old -ho. Ilko her mother has
inKi ti up aclentlflc research and
iiiiutht r daughter of 16 )ears
The diarotury of radium enrich
ed mo'i, pi-ions throughout tbo
orld It lias been estimated that
and make other arrangements for
tho election.
City Flection Also
Notices havo been published by
tho city council, calling a city elec
tion, at tho samn tlmo and plao.-s
us the statu flection, at "hlcu thu
proposition of Issuing refunding
bonds to tako earn of tbo delin
quency In Improvement bonds will
bu toted n.
nt pronnmlata profraaed
tiermany's ilerialon tho
' an economic revival
d rsuan a happy rrartlon
I'renrh ixildlers have
to lioapltula hotn
been brought
LONDON. Mar II A Warsaw)
dlatteh aays negollatlona bnlwe-n
not leas than 0U.900
Hounded men. Notwlthatanding tho
fart that Madame Curio hai do-
toted morn than half of her 03 '
yearn to tho study of radioactive '
Dr rtobert Parker Miles,
lectures hero on the opening night (
ot Chautauqua, was an Intlmato
friend of tho great Hoosler poet. Jt ofmaUy .
jamL'ii vwiiLcomu iviiur. jLr. silica ... . ...
A r - - . .. . . tho Ilcpubllc or irciana, as mis noa
America Lessens treasure, ono o mi.,-, books par- I th0 lMt
tlcularly. It Is an autographed I "
Foreign Trade of
' ernment. Ho statod that It has alwayn
been the policy of tho United StAten
I to recognize republics oa fast as they
1 havo been formed. Ho cited tbo c
amplo of tho United States recognis
ing tho various South American re
publics over tho protest of tho wild
government of Spain, and It was
pointed out that had It not occn for
the recognition of this republic by
the government of Franco, wo prob-
1 nblv Would have been subjects ot
whO rtrnnt tlrllnln todflV.
Great Britain could not Justly laxo
exception to tho action ot the United,
latouib -ut tho world
jauliauncea, ho Is a comparatively
poor woman and lives when at
homo at tho Institute Curio In i'arls
on thu salary of a teacher at the
Tho discovery of radium camo
In this wise- Professor Hocntgen, a
Herman scientist, announced his thin in
X-ray In 1895. j
WASHINGTON, May 11. Tho na-'copy of "Oreen Fields and Running,
tlons foreign trade continued to II rooks," on tbo fly leaf of which !
had written tho following
rt'r ami roil lit y taxation was
Us ma.t) topic of dlaruaalon nt the
Climber of Commerrn forum to
iV 'he utirrt being preaented by
W T I county aaaeaaor Mr '
le ' arks nro supplemented,
b s 'li-'ted diagram showing the
ISrr or n tales In Ihn past tell
)tra a i li a printed summary of
ho r ills dlatrlbuted at each
Place about thu tabid
Aa all d inward adjilatlng laiea
ha incite led tlm appointment of a
cid of appraisers lo assist In fil
ial es nett year There Is no lo.
Cl suthorlty for such n board and
Iti ,u would bo Informal, but tho
sun. r thouglit that In council
b.,i . uladnm and said Itn !
lltvrj n,,i (),,,. naalatnnco would
ts V jat'le
T)t Ihttn had been n tax In
trae ,.f in lM,r c,,nt lu Klnmath
0unit during tho past deendo was
oo -f the starting facts proaented
Nl' I.e. tulk was clear ntul ho
'" ' tmled exposition of tho
' I" t.1.01 as It nffecls Klumiith
'0l" Ho Indicated that nnxt
far t.i prnsxnt it heavier prob
''in nti'i sought to Impress his henr-
' ''i ti u seriousness of tlm sit-
The autnmnry of tax rolls show-
'h" 'lnef sniirco of Incronso hnd
,fa Hi llu. stain's nllotmatit of
"Utinn ulilch -wmm rulscd $89.
37JO over 1919. Tho total lit
'" of Hint,, uritl ciiunty luxes
"' 1920 over 1919 Is 1110,141.
tho Industrial . fa" po,1'M-,,J ,ho Proporty nivn,OVKIWV OVKIl IB.K'H
JgM, overrun l"f ,""m""C ra,1U,1"n" ot Ptla' NAMK IS 8KTTLKD
fall off In April. Department ot Kilcy
commerce figures showed exports of verse:
$313,000,000. compared with $387,- ' "" ",
000.000 for March and $018,000.- "Tbero aro many sorts of measures
000 for April. 1920 I For our Joys and for our pleasures.
Imports were $211,000,000 less And tho changing years still bring
April. 1920. Ui newer styles;
So wo hazard the conjecture
That tho test of a good lecture
May best be measured off by
'Miles. "
120 years.
Ho stated that tho movement
not a sectarian or religious move
ment, but wa spuroly a political one.
citing tho fact that some of tho great
est martyrs of Irish freedom In tbo
past had been men ot Protestant be
lief and that the sanio conditions
prevailed today. I to stated that It thp
thirty million people of Irish descent
In tbo United States today should
unlto In a demand for tho recogni
tion of tho Republic ot Ireland, that
WASHINGTON. May 11. The!
We7 Known Stock
Grower Is Dead
Jack" Pellon, onn of tlio IiobI
sn!in cal,,"mm, of rloullmrn Oregon
'J at tlm Morcy hospital In lloso-
""fK lUHl Hllnilm- VI. ,u u II.. .i.i
"'"j to tlm Institution tho provlmui
uaay, Huffnrlna from peritonitis.
operation on Tuosdtiy falliM to
tn'i! U' pro'fr,'1, of tho dlmiasu
J01! ho cotitinuud to sink until Sun-
; wll0I 'li'iith rollovtul htm of IiIh
frlnK. Ho uurvlvod by his
. ono daughter, Mrs. Ouy Jtv
y of Aflhiand, and two hrothtint,
R, Pdton of Kort Klamath.
"o "omco Poito,,, 0f (lold Hill.
unoral soryloon woro hold In Hoao-
the Interallied COIIItlllsaton In I'pper
Hr-,u and Adabelt Ke.rfunly. Polish
Inaurgent leader, resulted In the
auapenalon of hostilities Innt lit K lit
Tho report said tho insurgents
would uceup; tho line t-f demarcation
agreel upon and n-maln In otipulat
.., ...., --.a!.-.-...... nf '
el poaoeaaion unui ui" " ' "'.discovery of thu
the upper Hlleiian question
t nder theiH terms t
,.T, ,,..!, -. ....-, irhnrnetiir ulileh anm nblu to Bono
i iMln. would remn.n under t'l",rill0 ,hroU.h mutu.r op.,quu t0 .
o cupatloll Unary llrht. '
A )ear Inter II. Ilecqucrcl, a
Kreiich phslclst. observed that cer
tain uranium preparations omitted
rns resembling tbox discovered by
Ia I nflflr fllPl ""''"'K"" nes'iuerci rays uucuuiu
IM mill It I llnr ,l" '"'" wondl'r "ml by dl'llcale
ll nllllr llnilL l,B,n Mt'r'' liruwtl "' U' '-'lectrlcul
! UUUUU UIIU- ... ,, .., ...arch for tho new
"" element and every form of uran-
Introducing his client lo tho Jury um , iauor3toru. wus tested.
,is man who was "not a prohlbl- Mm turi0 at this point diverged
Hernial but it teetotaller. Attorney,. ., .enrch of other chemists.
Ueiiner openo.1 it defenm of Frank ,j.1o wt,nt , onrUbad whuro pitch
Mllis. local sign painter, that ro-,,,,mt, Maj !,,, mcd for a ccnt-
Kil,...l voafnrilav llfllinilion lu Itn ..... ... it,.. .t.(r,,rllnti nf omnium
aciultlal l.y a Jusllc court Jury on ... m:lk,.. n0hcmlan glass and J nJ fe ''rinks cf firowator. York Journal commanded national nrail.f tho .'fighting parson of Itko-
..... ,f ...irmittine. his shoo ..i .i.... h.. .!.,. !ni4 hecomo so nlunble that n tiny attention nnu no was urgea to pre- ,..... ..... nov. J. V. Molloy. Tho
to beaum. n nuisaiic.. nft ti place for ',. fimm, 60 tons of refuse, an l't stretching onl 31 feet along tho story of his Intorvlotvs on ,ocal mombershlp of tho society U
for tho peak In Wajhlng-
: recognition would bo granted by oar
Dr. Miles has had an unusual Ufa .. ti i,whp tntn.i thnt
National Geographic board today exper,cnec. He camo t0 AmerIca on, country ,nnabu.
voted to retain tho nam of Mount at tn0 B of I8 a pCnne Eng. ed wh,0 ,0 wn)ej. u now .
llsh lad. Ho lived for tho first i rujej Dy n foreign government
i seven uas ana ntgnts on ao cents.
1 Up to that tlmo he bad received
'no schooling and could not read
Yet In his thirties he had gono
through a great university and was
rated as ono ot tbo leading Jour
nalists ot New York. He twlco
circled thu globo Interviewing tho
great ce'cbrltlea ot tho tlmo. In-
1193 ntm run
against its will, and that Iroland Is
tho only country In tho world, out
sldo of tho United States, whero tho
Jews have never been persecuted.
Ho cited this ns on example to prove
that should Ireland succeed In en
tabllshlng an Independent govern
ment no other religious sects or
other organization, would need to
'eluding Illsmarck. Gladstone. Popo f DOrsecutlon or discrimination
NKW YOUK. Ma) 1 1 - Manhattan Leo. tho German Kaiser, etc. His 0tncr paker 0f tho evonlnK
Island, once sold by an Indian for stories of theso men In tho New wtjrt Mayor W. S. Wiley, Itov. T. J.
the distribution of liquors
Mllus was urresled lint
I lino patrolman, ana parunpni.-u
1.. I'.t ru linen McDonald and Du
... m i flirt tt1n t fttpn. lli ivrtd nn Inst nntn n
iiliuDsIs of which proved It to b. nroatlwny rvceniiy was leawu tor nn ,""
week lnjf0llUlll nH ,tronK , i.eciuerel annual rental of about $133 a square cou. success and I for SO years now
f.ol Heal estate men said this was "" "' '" "
ovor two hundred.
n raid led by James Hilton, nt that r(1)!) (l!( ,ni, dranlum which had
rn)j fipiinw fnr ii!eh i jml ' lecturors of tho country For tc
111 been taken from tho ore. Mine tlio highest ftgwes lor wnirn ". , ..ii,.. ,.,
r. . . ... .. ,.o ...... k,i,i ),.,,., years ho has been In "Whos Who
r, Curie by long and tedious proccs4 was otcr routed bore. "
til .... .. .. , ....... ...... I. ...' ,1.1.1 TI. Ir- ' "
I...... l-le-I.t lintlles ot Kill, several ,,i .,,. rnrtlin- l,-nl. h tin. his- I
bottles and n keg of whisky tvoro mtllj, n, other metallic silbstnnces
alleged to hato been found In tho fruu, tbo pllo cf refusn dissolved
shop A woman who arrited en tho lH0 ,,,,, mitu ,no r0slduo was 60
eteiilng train unit drotn to tho shop t,m., Wronger than urnnlum. Dr.
in a taxi Is supposed to havo' ,i, mxia f thU: '
brought tho lliiuor. Tho raiding "This small remnant glowed In
;is not ,, ,1,,,-ij, (Xu i, t0 inutau had
Tho slto Is ut llroadway and Thir
ty-Fourth street, and extends about
fiO feet along tlio latter. Several
)oat ago n department store wished
to buy tho corner lot. liaflng procur
ed tho land on both sldej as tho slto
or ii skyscraper. Hut tlu owner would
not soil, oven for 11.000.000. ami
sonato today passed tho emergency
tariff bill.
1 NT T
mirtv urresled Miles, "whn wa
on tho premlsns when' tho woman 1)(,m lliiilnnted Theso ttoro known tho big store had to erect its homo
and tho llijunr arrhed. selred tho ot , lmVo tho Hllghtost radio nc- around the small building.
lluuor. but lot tlm woman go. She llvy. Thnreforo, there could bo ; A four-story Rtructttre. housing on
.... . ...' ... .... . .......
returned to California. ' i but ono conclusion Mine. Curio the ground lioor a ousj cii,.ir mure, inver dtvorsion dam, nour .Merrill, a
With tho woman out of tho ease xuls fCB ft mysterious
W. D Miller, local contractor, was
awarded tho contract for tho Lo..t
POltTLAND, May ll uartos k.
now ' Mill remains on the valuable corner ow govornment construction project Oyroa of Seattle and Join W. Todd
"" ......o -- - .-- M ,. ..., ...
.... ,.r . . . . .... i . .. , i, ......... ...,.' i.i . .. ..... .. nr x nnrm vi.r. .viihiiiiiuliiii. wmu
thorn was neter it iiuiiue . f0rco." Two years liner sno was lot. on nil siuen iouy uuim"iii -", wiitcn wilt supply tno tuio tawo lanus - j
01 able to announco Its discovery and i their bullcs of steel and stone. TiioWth water. Ills bid wtis $2S.11S.50. P'cu unuer urrest, oi OUOi. , -
!hor method of extracting It from now lessee, who will pay $3.500,000 , considerably beneath tho engineer's 'dlctmonts, in connection with nl-
Well Known Couple
Are Wedded Here
convicting Miles mid tho verdict
tint Jury was no surprise
Tho tlefenso Introduced but ono ,0 oro
witness. Chief of Pollen Wilson. Tho
. 4 . l.. '
chief was In Portliintl at inn umu
.... . . I .....d Anlli.,1 t.H
of Miles arrest aim ."
ii character tvltnmw. llu nld that
ho hnd novor known MIIph to bo In
troubln during his long acquaint-1 pm c LnnBl,Ui HOn or Ai T,
nncn with him. ami hurl novor hoard UnB( a prominent stockman of
complaint of his plnco of business. SprlK0 ,Uvcr ulul MlBH i,aurn wol
Tho Jury was composed of Joo f()rl nWefi o( wolford of
Posplsll. W C Dnveuport. Nato yamXi woro miurei horo at 5
Ottorboln, A. 0. Honllno, C. J',0ciock yesterday afternoon by tho
Ulcharda and K. J. Shoots. !jlov H j cimnoy.
I' Mr. Lnugoll formerly attonded
T.. it,ivn lltV'I'l!
Henley folk aro planning a donro .ho county l.ltth school horo. Ills
Henley roiii nr" , , , , ,0 cnmi) , this county from
next Saturday ovonlng I the ' b . h
-. I.MnrV. ROUtll OI till' IIUIUO;, -
Mloo.nd expect n lrBo crowd. moon Mr. and Mr
1 . .... , will bo fumlHhod by turn to tholr ho
mo nt SpraRim
I for rent, taxes nud othor exiwnses
1 over a twonty-ono year period, plans
to orect a narrow skyscraper on tho
triangular plot. A candy-making cor
poration will occupy tho building. .
Twenty yearn ago Robert S. Smith,
who owns tho property started n
ty men by paying $3S7,000 for tho
land, which has only 1.250 square
feet of area. Ho bad come to Ameri
ca with $5.7C from his native Russia
1S80. Wiien ho bought tho property,
ho was told such a small strip w.ia
not worth tho prlco anil could novor
' KA n-fltntitn
Within a fow hours after tho $3,
000,000 loaso was drawn up. another
candy concorn offered $10,000 moro
u year for the land, but, it was too
ostlnmto, which wits approximately I & utls ln making locations ot
$47,000. land lor Clients, tiyron .vas nrrcsi-
.' . ' , ,. , od at Seattlo today and Todd was
P. L. Uurr of Portland, mado tbo . , 4 ,. , .
I In.-, l,M 1ft1S(!?r. !..!. I rru"ou uv ,""luu",r jrt-'-toiu-.
District Attorney Humphroys
said that 38 Salem residents had
hiuin ,1nf,nii,1flil tt Pfinlnililf t.V
. i a .rt i.r .... mnt haa . I ww., uuttwuuuw u., wm.hv.w
utnu, Old HK,yuu uuu fdo.suu, ru-
noxt lowost bid. $36,356.20. Ltnd-T
strom and Carlton and tho Inland'
Tho bids must go to tho Donvor
ottlco and Its approval must be se
cured bo f oro tho contract Is defi
nitely lot. Genorally this Is a formal
ity, howover, and Mr. Mlllor will
doubtless got tho Job,
Tho local reclamation office said
today that It would tako soveral
tveoks bofom tho execution of tho
contract and work on tho dam would
probably not start bofore Jnly 1.
which Byron agreed to obtain loca
tions on valuablo timber land, i
Humphreys said he had informa
tion to strengthen ,tliu belief that
tbo accused men had obtained 132
such contracts, tho total losses ag
gregating $20,000.
It was said that Dyron bad been
convicted twlco betoro of land
frauds. In a statement made at
Vancouver Todd said that ho bad
merely Introduced Dyron to hi
friends, '
i I1U PM'1'
tbo ludlos.