?1 TUKHIUV, MAY l, ttUI THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON . SPECIAL ON SILK UNDERGARMENTS INCLUDING , KAYSER'S Real Silk Women say it is the loveliest underwear they have ever seen. It certainly is a delight to those who prize that feeling of comfort that comes with the wearing of silk undergarments. Camisoles will be included in this special offering. Values up to $4.50. $3.95 5th and MAIN LA VOGUE 5th and MAIN Win. W. Abbott if Klamath A mm ey, In In'town on uintlm of lmslne W ! Orl. auditor lor tho iml ard Oil company. I I" tuwii "" m'" lnoon connected with Iho company i..nnrlliitt from his iil custom ' Captain J W. Siemens. I not . it... .........nll.m nf tlm Pa clflo Nurlhwesl Tourist association which opened today hi Vancouver, 'll ( Captain Siemens received Invitation hut lh rw of business , forbade liU nrcnplauro. Jlo U a director of tin association. ' 1 Mm K lllsckburn and son, Shir ley, mul daughter. Mrs lly Rr Moor am hero looking after their properly Interests Mm Moore U the owner of tho building that houses Iho Klamath general hnspl 'lul Mr lllackbtirn la the widow of the. nmn "who found! the Instl Intlon. which was formerly known an Iho lllackburn hospital ' ! I'UM'liMi MONUMKNT I (Imtrge I). (Initio .local marble worker. left this morning for t.n null Valley lo erect a inarbln nionu mont over tlm grave of Mm AIM V llrown. a pioneer of thl sec lion She as the mother of Mm Ted While of this elty. Mr (lrlil lm recently placed two monuments In Iho local tumn lery otlo over thd grave of Iho tutu Henry Hhalloek and oue nmrk. Inic tho resting plsro of the lto l.'uill Pell -4) -Ol T Personal Mention 'Mr and Mm. J J McLaughlin nnd daughter, of New Mcdford. Mat . yhave purchased the Dale homo and Mr. Mclaughlin has accepted a peti tion with the Dinner I'atty Motor company hen?. Ho U a, brother of Mrs. C K llrandcnburg. of this city r J. H. Lcntx'haa taken a position In Dunsmnlr for tho summer Mr Lntx redds here. C O. Twohy of the Chlloqulu Lum ber company, baa gono to Dorria for the day, on matters of business for the company. Mis Julia llrlsnd left this morn Ins for Seattle whero she will reeldo permanently oquln, are In the city for a few days! attending to business matters. Chas Stevenson of the Tinted . State navy, is Journeying lo Phila delphia this morning after n two I weeks' visit with hh brother, JamvV nnd William Stevenwn. of Merrill J Mr Stevenson was a resident of Klamath a few caw ago. I U 1. Wulkor and J. II Wrgbt arc enrouto to Portland this morning, after a abort visit with Mr. Walker's father. John K. Walker, of Alcorn Sidney 8mytbe of the Warren Con 4ructlon company in In town In the Interest of the company Mrs. Annie Wldmaler from Droth era. Oregon, was a passenger on this morning' train for an extended visit to Los Angclen and other southern California points Mrs Jessie McAdams, who has been employed at the Itex Cafe, left this morning to reside In Grunts Pans, Oregon I Frank Ottoman has gone to Port land for a few days on business ttfit Thomas llrady of (.akevlew. Is a visitor hero for a few days Mr. and Mm. Kugene Chltder mo tored from Mcdford yeteritay and left this morning for Fori KLimsth 10 look after their stu.k Interest there. Chaa. K. Cnulur of the Kl.k Hub ber comiany, Is leaving for Bn Prsn clsco this morning by auto after vis iting his agents In this territory. 8. J. Colahan of fori Klamath, I In town for the day. Mr. and Mm. II J ioff of IMrris. aro visitors here. C 1L McCutclun of the Hlandsrd Oil company, who has been In the elty for the past several dar. left this morning fur Hacramento Weather ProbabiUlie The Crelo-tllormsKraph I'nderwood's Pharmacy record etl n rising barometer during the early hours of the morning, but slnco II o'clock the press ure ha been steady Condi tions favor a continuation of the present unsettled coudl' tlons with alternate, winds and calm Forecast for thn next :t hour' flenerally fair with brisk winds: Probably rooler UIMTIlUt HKIIMIT OltKOON Toiiiftitt and Welne day. orroslnnal is u A classified ad In The Herald will find what Too havo lost. MONDALE THEATRE JtMhur Dean Mntlcal Director Ted White Manager Ed. F. Crawford Cnlaf Operator The Beat for the Beat THE WORKINGMAN'S THEATRE 5 Big Features TONIGHT! THREE VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND TWO BIG PICTURES This Is the best combination cf pictures and vaudeville over seen In Klamath Kails, THE VAUDEVILLE FEATURES NO. 1 MISS EDITH SNYDER TIIK VIIISTI.I; HONGIIIItl) AMKKICA'S OnBATKST WOMAN WHI8TLKK NO. 2 LAWRENCE AND H AR,VEY AUHTitAMA.V .VOVKI.TV COJlKDIANH AM) DA.VCKIW Featuring hard and soft shoo dancing, also thero own original norelty dancing oh pedestals. This act Is n real novelty. NO. 3 DEAN AND DAVIS CHAKACTER AUTI8TH IN A NOVKLTV SKIT A DKHATK OX WOMAN Mr Dw-.Is' rube character Is a wonderful ploco of acting and you will laugh until you cant laugh any moro, Don't mis It, NOW COMES THE PICTURES"" No. 1 The Incomparable Screen Idol Charles Ray in "THE CLODHOPPER" A study of homespun, of silk and of-callcccs: a breath of new. mown hay; a breeze from Ilroadway, a story of team and chcors. What "would you do If you were uuddculy thrown into tho midst of a bevy of Broadway chorus girls? Beo what Charles Itay did in vTho Clodboppor," produced by Thou Inco, und NO. 2 WEBBER AND FIELDS -IN- 1t "WORST OF FRIENDS THE WOBLD'g GREATEST COMEDIANS A 'CYCLONE OF LAUGHS' AtlD A MACK SENNETT COMEDY Show starts at 6. is sharp. Don't miss (t. Doom open at 1C. Como early and see It oil. Rowing at the e&h i PHOTO! DAiny TO-DJIY IUIVANT WAHIIIIUIIN "A FULL HOUSE" A gambler In love, he tried to discard a queen Hut sho wouldn't quit tho game And when ha won an. other heart and was Just about to flash a diamond Well, you'll say the queen Jaxie his cards. A picture that deals to all a royal flush of laughter. THURSDAY Billic Burke "THE FRISKY MRS. JOHNSON At The Liberty The House of Personal Service TONIGHT CIIAHMINO MAY ALMKON IN fair; and warmer f This plcturo was to huvo been shown yesterday but owing to the Into arrival cf tho film, it will l, shown tonight instoad. "",ww,wM,, - ,- -t-i--i-r WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TUB MIIIACLB OF TIIK TIIEATHK'H AIIT Otis Skinner in "KISMET" This stupendouH ten-reel productlcn, costing half a million dol tarn to prnduco Is oven creator thun tho play. SPECIAL PRICES FOR "KIBMKT" N Rcitorvnd Boats COo and tax, General Admission 3So, In order that ovoryoiio may sea "KISMET" tho raatlneo prices will remain regular 10c and 26c, Reeerved seals aro now on aalo at tho box office. .,.,, ,,.,.,.....,,,., .,.,. ., . r , n r . .,., FRIDAY Frank Mayo in "HONOR BOUND" I $ 10 $ Will Drill 4 Feet i It has been estimated that the first thousand feet in our well wilt cost $2.50 per foot and that that depth should be reached in one month. All the machinery and equip menl will soon be on the ground and active drilling will commence at soon as it can be set up. We hope to have our well down 1 000 feet by July 1st. As soon as the money is in sight for thai Much work our tloch will be withdrawn from the market and no more will be sold at the present PRICE. Every day may be your last op portunity to buy at $1.00 per share. Don't Wait Sign This Coupon Today! Jipim lirUcoll. Heey. Wlllltl Wd. Kiswslh rIU Unclosed eheok for f lor Mh pleas Tfwrrt for ru. srrs Crater Oil and 'I""" ii! , per share, for which I agree Co subrlie upon rw of subscription blank. Name ..... .. - - ' Address nii...w"'""' " IIUllALl) Oslo .........- - SEE KELLEY TODAY Mail all checks and direct all inquiri- Crater Oil & Gas 0 . Off ice:-622 Main Street f I Op4n Evenings 1 1