ryiflKFlVH OTIS SKINNER K SCREENED "KISMET" iiiniiiA'H mih:mokt niAitAO- Till M.K HIH HI.M IIKIII1T T IN NOTIHM'iaV otU Hkiiiii'tr, Kri'l ;f American .s.rarter actor, nmki'M hi debut u ' hU of llw lw continent, nt Itict ,1 ii-riv Theatre on Wednesday ami iiXrtKon coin il'er-pocll KrVr.,,1 by luta J lnlr and I. onfl of ii moat nrllilla pholo-play ;'r prr-rnlrcl jhe public, ill Hkiiinrr. ho, on tho, loglll' ', ,tK,. lii IhU country, croatnd T. Prlnll "'' ' "'"r"'!".. U."t If Hill Hi" I"!'"', mull played It bo fare huiidrnd nf Ihmmand of eo 1 I ViwimiiI lo believe Hist HI rrfMlon if Hi" Prt- AlM' Mr Hhln .7hM drrlarert llml hi "" lor triril l lil I1 P'rn I" '" CbVhiloroIwiy iimlntMlnlnic n high Ismlard in nil ilrlur roiwod, iiolrlwn ln ha. In Hi preaonla. ion or Klml " uiillrlpHl ll tr iloui rffurt I'laced III (till Turkny .' i.i. in thn cllr of )lR'til, Ihn """""j ,,T,,inc;,',.rn"!n,rth'::,,,'n MnK ,,,m,",, " -'-" rl'l-'T. '!' rMJ Z".T.K- t'i: I bu.lirl. I t durllc'" n,l otdo the itnun ver iloa of hUmrt" It wai necnuary In n thn limit ami emurncn nacn ana ,,r uiie of tlieo opjortunltle, kondrrdi of thouiandi of dolUm vtre "I-m In obulnlnc niartltudo ot iJHill nd i-rfnctlnR of iMtlnc rot many yam Olli Hklnnnr wan utrte lo appMrlnic on Ihn ullvnr U HI" "' "" """ "" ,,,r tt fl'"matn irtR alonn and wh ntnr tr of Ihn- nildlbln dramAjMartli 4, I IK! I ...L. . .k.i. mttritirm in Ihn realm ef Ihn film. Mr Hklnner remained ob Tlfnn I ...-...- .- -.-- - ' iOfil' Kinaiiy. wnnn nn w run- ttncr.1 ibil a crin temlon of "Kl i" .mild tmriMitualn lotli thn play ' 7 ..-. ..... ... i- r inj million nn cuiiiniiimt """Vtof Junn, 1V20, Hill amiRivn uinwury io in It lif" inrnuRii ion iim-miuhi Hon pirturt An miniordlnarr flnn eail aieam It mppnri of Mr Hklnner Includrd irt llimlltnn llnvnlln, who ntpamd la the onillnal pHnluellon of "Kli mot Hh llm tr; llommary Theby. Kllnor Kur Minn (Vimont. Nlcholnn 1sbiv HerM-hanl Marall. Kril U tuUr li Mary. Hldnny Hmllh. Than Knnrdr Ham Kaufman, Kmmrt' h'OR mid 1'annr Krrrarl ii.M.i . M.tiiiti.t tiv llm kfiwn from ih'e original inrr by Kd. ,, nti KnoMixk Thn extllnRi wnr" dnltnfd and rrrrlrd Undnr thn illrrc llon of Kranlc t Ornwton Oanlnno (liudk) the fanioui rainern man. had chirtn of the photoplay while Mm. i M KllnR had eharRo or thn ward rob drpartmnnt IlwrvMl rala'arr) now on anl at thnlbnlre . 10-lt ' rtrtnl niii for "KUmrt" now ea Mln at llm Mlx-rly. NEW TODAY -o roil HKST C room mitdern hou 1021 WaihlnRlim HI 10 14 Younc lady with trachlnR eiperl tote wlilint iwmlllon a bookkeeimr or clerical toltlon In offlcrt or atom. A C Herald office. 10-14 Vilun for thn price la what we rlt you when you buy i1kt at our itorr Ilradley-Kvaua Hhon Co 10-14 Two buiirhr nf keya havo lrin loan,) and brnuRht to IhU office. 0Ben mar havn rninin hy Identify Infind paylnR fur thla nd. mil roil Ill'ST Nlrnly furnlihrd room Uh Iwlh 513 N, 9th Bl. 10-11 YounR man etpnrlencod InMikkeep jr JnlriTt n wt of hooVn lo krp n ! hnum iarh ilnv Aililrrat. II. II ,C, Herald HM4 1 1 Vlll mil. . . ... .. . wimni.r, a inum itoai. nrnnicni- Irnow biiilt of iho 1h( of material., ill ""'" "iiiri, raninoi oei ann leaiy of chwiita, n dandy home Tor J?kA,l,0,mo ,0 ' launch, uqulppcd bSH. J n '' -cyclo HorsI anRlna. r'JJI'l ll at harnnlii. Addrww K (1 H tare llcrnld offlco. 1012 Bivn by havlnic yournhoea repaired "radley Krnn HIkmi Co. 10-14 011 RA1.K One milch wll. 738 California - cow. Mm. 10-13 Ave. JtopuMIe Hpeed truck, 1910 model, " Hoynl cord llron. npeclal !lepul- motor. ,i,M'trlo light and lot of Wpmonl Will mill or echaiiRo for M2! TTUtVT or tourlnK car. Acm lu0rCo n 10-12 ml!? ut'"'l furniture for alo and !;, no"A.r"r rol- Cull H2G Crorf lw". or Kliiinuth Nomh AKoner. 10-13 , 8NAP T1IIH HNAP Inc rrct. complnlolv rurnlhed. cleiA V ' ompioioiv rurninen, 'to hviw"n Mvmiiont. Ownor koIhb In.,, "' HVAN IU3AI.TY CO.. , 613 N. 0 th Bt. h'ote,!.f1Von,.l')n-,",ven to ",k,n -BrartiI'4inK lotWrt' heavy ahoe. J!lyKvanii Bhoo Co. 10-14 ,Rtt m KENT-AU room, are nu a ne,,,n, P,e"nt outilde lI Hen..'il " UP- "" HOOBV- i. ---.. uu KiewiBik aa,. f lira -- ttii4Bf,,u ., iu,u- JobB.a",'w"o.vJh 0a rail i.... '"" '"' "rouno II. V rftnc'i. AfldroM r, M. p.. Her year around THE KOIt IIALH OH TIlAilH ifijn I'ord touring ear, lf.7r, 00, i)20 Allen 4, lir.011 00 Tliem. ear urn In llrnt cUm roiifllilmi and mn bn milil for omi-tlilrd ilown and thn bnlnncn III 12 moiitlity imymiMitn win l.iko "" Purd In on All.m i;wiunm Mm lorn to., 123 Ho Kourilt Hi 10 M Wi give iwlnl itttriiiiori order Minn riimlrlni' Trv to mull tu mill sen -HnidloyWCvuii Hlioo v 10 14 4'ITV I'MNMNO IOI IIMIW IV (MI.II-UIIMA riTIIW OAKLAND. !nl Mny 10 - flly planning courses, whlrli wr Kvm, recently In aih Aligulx nnd Hun 1)1 ego liy llm ('nlvondty of California mill thn California lira I I Vital., Ann elation tin to ,n given unit in Hacrn miinlo, Hnn I'rmirliiro nml Oaklnnd Tim Hncnimnnto roiirm, will bi-ijlii Mny 13, nml llm Onklnml nml Hun rranelro rourao on Mny ic ami ron llnilo fornix week 'lint roiirm-x ion lt of Ireture given III tin evening liy Ihn niithorlllm on city plntmlng Knghifer. nrflilliTix, ri'dl minte men nml otlmm nttnndwl (lit rouriHi Klrn In th ii ninth Winter Wheat Crop Forecast la Greater WAHIIINUTON. May 10 Thn In jur whaat rro U forrrnut at hIrIiI million Imnhclrt liinro til nil wan MV- malrd n month ur.o. tho tolnl produc- llmnrtnl rw fur "KUiiwl" now on tutln at the l.llx-rty. IUJ ' --..- i . NOTICK I'Olt I't'lll.K'ATlON (I'IMII.IHIICIt) IIKI'AIITMKNT OI Till. INTKIttOlt U. H. l-nd Offltn bl lknvlow, Oro Kon Not CaJ Ind I . Nolle li hereuy rJnu that Hoy V !urbtn wboio poit-otflce addreu li rare K K. K. Hlorn, Klamath Katla, OrcRou. did, nn thn 2Clh day tile In IhU office ;-'Hworn Hlatnment and Application, No 01 Mil, to purchase the t.V, HKU Hec 12, T 3"n . II 11H. Iita J. 4, Hnctlon T, Tonihlp 3i KnnRe UK, Will. Marldlan, and th timber Iheron. undnr the provlilnni of ihn act of June 3, 1 87 B. and acta amend atory, known a the "Tlmbnr and Htnnn Ijiw " at aurh valun ai mlRht tn Mied hy appraliemnnt and thai. eunuant to luch application, liml and timber tberron have ben an'"lid. four-hundred -twentr-dol Chart r No 7167 iiviwiiit ni' rM)rTIOV OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Klamnlli Pnll.. C KUmntli Kalli, In Iho B(i of Orron of llulnr on April a". nl. IlKBOUHCIH 1 lini and dlicounta. Inrludlnr d Nolra and bllU rndUcounted eral Ilnaervn Hank (other acceptance iold( n Notea and hlll redlicounled with Kmlrral Hmervn Hank hank arcnplanci! old) .. 2 overdraft! unaecured 4 U. H. vrrnment eccurltlm ennl: nnailted to incurn circulation (Hindi par valuo ..- h All olhrr United Blair Oovernmonl curlllm Tolal - - - n lliT IhiihN, lK-k, Mfurlllm.: C Hanklnc llouio Purnllurn nnd finurea ? iit ritatn ownnd other than bouin - g -Caih In vault alj.wf.il rr.oro v.lth Pedernl Heanrvo tl V.'.. I .mniinl. illln (rOIII llnllonal 14 Check on ether bank In Iho Iomii a reportlnR bnnk Tnil nf lli urn 9. It. 16 Check on bank located outildo iwn nt rnnortlnx bank and Hunts 16 Hedemptlon fund with U B. Treaaurer and duo from V H Trennirer 17 Olher mI. Accrued Inlereil Tolnl MAIIIMTIEB 18 Capital elock pnld In 19 Hurplu fund 20 Undlved profit a Iteaurved for Inlorfil li lti-erved for c !. current epene, nnd tnxTacerued Intoniitt and toxe paid - 21- ClrcutallnK note oiitnUndliiR . v..i .,..niinia .inn io nntlonnl bank ii "v..i nmniinl dun to Htllto bailkl and truat compmih' In tho Uniieu countries (othor Blate nml forniKii Minn Included 111 Item S3 25 Certified check outstanding -- ...i.i..-u i...oIm .in nun hank SO v.uaiiiri.." - - Detnnml d.w.i.lt (other limn bank droalU) euhjoct I" Uwervo (ileponll lay"lo Mltliln H il)")! . , 27 Individual deposit uhject to chock . .......... s Certificate of ileifo I due In lot than 30 d) (other than for money borrowed 29Btato ecu, iy. or municipal d-P"" er"ri"1 X Total of demund deposit (olher thun bank deposll) Hiibjoct to Ho- .j-CerKe1 of" doiiu; 'Uloi money borrowed --. IK nihnr limn dOPOHltH 3t rostal suyliiK deposit Tolul of limn deposit .... 11 .IK nml ..i'KVXlu'roIhor aavluga) Including Wr l.oan account and deposit of United DlaburelnK offlcorn ,. . i.i.iii.i.- ntimr I linn tnoso nmx" "-"'""'ul.count collecled but not Tolal Stalo of Oregon, County of Klamoth. SB. CjabJer of I, Leslie nojere, swear that tho above Matomeni and ballef. Correebi-Attest: CHAfl. U MOOKB, G. F. STONE. ' II. N. MOE3. Director!. mm B wmm0w. Notary Public (My conunlfBlon expire! Nov, 14, 19Z) ' EVKNiNQ HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON m tho tlmhfir nstlmntod 260M tioird '" t fl.AO por M, nnd thn land 1100.00: that nnlil pplleanl will of fnr final proof In npport of his np Plication nnd nworn tnlimont on tho 20th day of May, 1021, hofor Bert 0. Tltomof, U. H. Commlnlonar, at Klnmath Kalli, Oreson, Any pririon U at llhorty to protMt thla purchiuo heforo entry, or Inltlatn n rontnit at any tlmo luforn patont liiuo. hy rillntr corroborated affi davit In thl office, alloulnit facti which would defeat tho entry, Notlen will t,n pulillihed for nine rnnaeeiitlvQ wenka In Thn KronlnR llnrald, at Klamath Knltn. Orfiton, JAR. V. iumnroH IloicUter . -U-22-2.l!.n.l9-2rt 8 .XTICK OP HONI) OKKKHINO Hraled proponal will lo received liy thn (Vimmon Council for the pur rJinnn of an Imiun of 131,910 29 apo dal Improvement bond, nuthorlted hy Ordinance No G4K, for thn Im provement of Hluh nlreet from Hlxtli itrmi to Kliclith atnW: and fllith itroel from line li Hlrh ntreet and Hnvnnth Mreot from Pine ittrmK to Wnnhlnicton. l'r(;aU to purchane aald bond will he rpcelvd up to and IneladlnK Ihn 23d day of May, A I). 1921, nt thn hour of 8 o'clock I" M , and open rd at a regular meotlnr of tho Coun cil to bn held upon nilil date Raid bond i to ttn Anfnd aa of April 10th. 1921. nnd Imurd In the aum of 1500 00 rich, malurlnr In 10 yeari I from dntn of Imuo, optional at any coupon date on and nfter ono ymri I frrittt ftitjk sf lamia tA li&& ! IhIi.. ' iml nt Urn rAto of lx per rnt wr an ..tosses .vihSes: H nRency In New Tork City ! rrotxnala to purcham muif. be ao companled by cortlfled check for five tr cent of propoial, and bo uncondl tlonul. A h T.BAVITT. 1'ollcn JudRn of the City of Klamath Palbi. Orn. 7-18 NOTICU FOll 1'UIIMaiTlO.V. (Itiblbbor.) Not rl land IIKI'AHTMKNT OP Till-: INTKIUOIt U. H. Land Office at Lekovlew, Oro Ron. March 23. 1921 Notlco li hereby Riven that Klla M ! McMillan, whom poit-otflon add r mil li 217 I'lne HI. Klamath Haiti. Ore Ron, did. on the 24th day of June, 1920, file In thU office Bworn Btate-I ment and Application, No 011479, to purchase tho BW. BKK. 8EK Htt' Bee 6. NH Nft'K, Section 8. Towmhlp 318, ItnnRO 12 K. Willam ette Mnrldlan, and the timber thoro nn. under Ihn nrovlilon of thn act of Junn 3. 1878, and acta amends-1 tory. known ai tha "Timber and' thntHtone lw." at aueh value aa miRm bn fUed by appraliemeni, ann mm. puriuant to mch application, ine t tlM clOM rrdlicount tl,S14,&7b o with fed- than bank 276,273.30 olher than (other than 370.82011 967.481..66 B.9U9.44 (U. S. 100.000.00 27.300.00 , J 127.300 00 Bo- 96,960. B0 26.000.00 10,464.86 36,464.86 banktnK 300.00 47,606.73 88,061.40 106.764.U4 Hank bank amo city ...... and 14 . 3,324.38 197.139.82 of city other c or caih 4.025.77 5.01)0.00 34.482 44 ...$1,621,660 21 200,000.00 30,000.00 I 78.448.83 . 4,198.19 82,647.02 38,518.36 44.138.67 92.400.00 2,386.01 1 hanker. 1,716.17 I 1,008.33 3,193.76 outstanding , ,B 8,303.26' 846.879.14 61,337.99 15,000.00 922,217.13 40.482.29 166,639.16 11,314.66 Hiibjoct to ' 30 318,236.11' than postal postal deposit ' States stuted, 3,123.63 4.343.43 earned $1,631,650.31 the abovo-nsraod bank, do aolemly Is truo to the best. of my knowtadie LESLIE ROQBW. CasUIer. m Down Comes This is the startling announcement that comes to us by wire. This is the most astounding reduction ever made in the history of automobiles, for it does not mean any change in the perfection of America's pre mier car The Oakland. Perfect in construction, so evenly balanced that it runs like a watch, so wonder fully equipped as to be a -marvel for speed and endur ance, you can now get The Oakland at a price that places it in a class all by itself. We have a Sedan and a Roadster on the floor now. You can get them at the reduced price $250 on each. We have a carload coming. These will be finish ed in two colors, Brewster Green and Dark Maroon and will be here in ten days. If you want to get in on this carload, place your order at once. MR. R.R. GARAGE 831 Klamath Avenue The Home of America a Premier Automobile land and timber thereon navo been kon Fiscal Agency In Now York Citr. apuralied. Four Hundred Twenty i Proposals to purchase must bo ae Dollar. tho timber estimated 300 M ,companll by certified check for five hn.rrt fMt at 11.00 Dor .M. ana mo land $120.00. that said applicant will offor final proof In support of his ap plication and sworn atatement on the 4th day of Juno. 1921, before Bort C. Thomas. U. 8. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any porson Is at H6erty to rroteit this purxhaso beforo entry, or Initiate a contest at any tlrao beforo patent (sauos, by filing a corroborated affi davit Ir this oftlxo. alleging facts which i ould defeat tho entry. Not la. will bo published for nine consocu.lvo weoks In tho Evening Herald, Klamath Falls. Ore. JAS. F. UUROESS. noglstcr. 29, Apr. 5-12-19-26 May 3-10-17-24 NOTICK OK HONI OI-TKU1NO Sealed proposals will bo received by tho Common Council for tho pur chase of an Iksuo of $3,619-00 spe cial Improvement bonds, nuthorlrod by Ordinance No. 649. for tho Im provement of Washington street from First street to Ewauna boulevanl l'roposala to purchase said bonds will bo recolvod up to nnd Including tho 23d day of May. A O. 1921. nt tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m.. nnd opened at tho regular mooting of tho Council to bo held upon sold date. Said bonds to bo datod as of April 10th. 1921. and lwiued In tho sum of $500.00 each. maturlPK In 10 yearn from dato ot lesuo optional nt any coupon uaie on nun unur - ironi aato oi isauo .uiu uvjmiuh -ost at tho ralo of nix por cent per an num, payable semi-annually; prlncl- pal and mtereet payiiwo nt uio wro- We Repair Recharge Rebuild All . Makes of Auto Batteries Magnetoes Generators Starting Motors Red Auto Supply Co. phoe saa-J. 11th. St. Near Uln IgS$B3 .BATTIIHBy Vv uvivi , 1TAIT X,rM THE OAKLAND $250 per cent ot proposal, and bo uncon dltlonal. A. L. LEAVITT.. Police Judgo of tho City ot Klamath Falls. Ore. 7-18 832 Main Street Phono 91-W. Upp's Auto Service i DAY AND NIQUT 8EHVICB Experienced Drivers New Cars Klamath Falls, Ore. make The OREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND W2SIk.s3 m'.r , " BTaTaTaTaV v.- ' -..' roruLAit spacious loddy At the Center of Everything BROADWAY at STAUK ST. Wo suggost yox wTlte, phono or wire tor reservations Arthur H. Meyers, Manager MKrtjMOfltgijgrQilf 1B Phone 531-R W. E. and J. E. J)rTERSON CONTRACTING PAINTERS Wa give all cur work personal attention. TJsa nothing but lint class .material. Let us, glvt you figures on your pauUog. 133 N. 4th St. TUIMDAY, JUY 10, IM1 M iH M Canadian business and professional women residing In New York City now havo their own club. ----.-... n- - -i-i-ini-inru-iftji Short Season For Sawmills Wo muit look tho situation of Iho lumber buslncm squarely la Uio face. Thero will be a short aeav. tfcn, how ahort we do not kaow. One thing U certain, when thai niHU shut down there will bo no 3Mro cluap wooL O. IVyton Co. are dellrorlaaj reen slab, sixteen inch length, low ot $.1.50 por cord. Tho wiso buer will lay la hta ninter'a supply now and take no -linncCSi nn Uio mills closing down. Kvcry customer who bought rreen lab curly last year and had t do when winter set in, la plea. d. .Many hate placed their orders already, lluy early and placo yow ordeis now and bo sure. O. Peyton Sc Co. o. pbyton yr. nmM 419 Main PkoM PM WWWWWMWWWWMMMA 'Tho Host Insurance for Every Nted CALKIN'M-DO.VKIiSON IXSUR-VNCK AOKNCT First Stato Dank Building ' Phono 560-W. We can sorvo you lnsurancowUa. CLARA 0. CALKINS. MOLLIK S. DONELSON. BLOCK WOOD $6 : A LOAD 1 PROMFV P4BlJvTaTanM ! fkkd h. nmummnttm ' Ptione IBS J, or t Evaumal BojOo. j Res. Phone 531-R ! I M n a l Sfc I 10