0kB TWWW The Office Cat IIV JUNIUM 01 lit n Helf.nimln tlmimlm llrlnic on IIicm, llttltt maid, With thy rlifflk of dnejKtr nlimln Thn perlmpa HiV ""Kl't ' ptlll re mlirhty strong fur limn. 6lr j recently aw mi ' "P ID" for fln mlnutm (appro. (Ik) to HkM t tnstch by flicking It with hi thumb sll. when H could have bu'nn dorm, by Ibnolit fashioned method. In Ihreo dibit of onn oecotid. Trusting that tblt will help I" strengthen your man tn, Constantly thlun, CUItl.V UcCUi: Turn backward, 0 Tlnio, by hook or lijr crook, t And irivn u unn thoughtful, cornier tlm look; The ecaln commonly uarnt br I hi CbtoriHi, (hi vro Informed, ronsleta of only flro notes, which urn called soung. chine, klo, tntil nml yu. Will oar cdUI friend and adviser, Jawn Hlankenehlu klnilly chock thU ui sad, If found corral, slip us itm pitch Wn'ro trying to pick out thn Poo III Wugn on our ukn unit wish to Itt started rliht Our Own 1111 or Ynr O. II Young Uvea at TwoU.i Mile, lail IJltlo Violet Hurlneona In a cIm. flH ad which run (hualy. to. wit: WANTKl) Man to drlvn ford track mul b a Christian. Apply at onre 141 Nawau HI. "Tls tho work of thn ilnrll'" she UMCt flow Much? A KM Illuff man waa flnrd ISO for ralllnc a woman ft 'chlckrn " Doc Johnion rlc to atk "How much would It havn rod him had hn tticd thn torm "old hrn!" Mf Hilly Htuff A column a dar, It's that and no pay, A column and not a Una lent, Thcrn may lm no nnw, You may want to anoom. It's a column, or change of addrru Krril (iartch aayi innrrlaao Ix-nlnn In court I nit and nnda In court. That U Iotn Jim Drlicoll rlaca to rninnrk that ' vtrn a Klrl linarlnnn that bin IkkiIi , with brUilr on hla chin and a breath , Ukn an old plpn la "Thn Ornalcit ThltiK In thn World" that la lov, I lln Knew What Hn Wanlcl UanxInK thn door abut Ulilu.l him. Mr I'll Consumer (hlmanlf) entnritd the florist' shop and ttlamd nt thn cirk ' "I noticed your alcn, 'Bay It With rownl. out In front and thoucht ' I d xlrn you n trial ordor," hn aald "Wnll, wn havn roaea, carnations hyacinths and most nnythlnic you do- sirs. Now what" "NothliiK llkn 11," growled Ult. 'What I wnnt la h couple. ' doien kunk cabanns to aend my landlord; He's raised md nt okiiIiiI" A I.HAIHNd CITI.KN (Forest City (Ark ) Tlmeitatornld Mil Nail had him n big old Arknn. M chill Saturday, hut ho wm nhln to ('o t court Monday. Thoy enn't lnuo wurt without Undo Mill Is thero. I Onn prnfcHsor nnyn hlnh hools fiio nuiny dlvorrH. Yoh, a wlfo n't do intictt manual labor In tlio thlng tj WiSK 1'lNK ITKMH The nnlnrtalnmont and box aoolal '"n at tho achoolhouao Baturdoy llit noltod $82.35. Tho prnrcods mounted to 80;00.. Mr. Bnxton, "unty club leader .acted an auc tioneer, An Ice cream parlor wan tnntnlM "i one of thn nnto-rooms, and Ico "cam and aundaon woro sold. f Mr Biutou ami Mr. Lambert snnp fluot, and responded to nn encoro. Miss Frlcko, county nunc, lav or. the gatherlns; with en Inter 'Hoe talk on hwUno .-..i m- Ml I'll B Lawn and Garden Seed f(Sf fflSl illlU..h. "" 'iijurou nit ntlilren on flu vniun oi in,, coopornlloii out 111 Club work. t tnr JlfliOfll wnn illmiilMnil Monday nn I ml tlm pupils roulit nltixid , iircim iik, W, nlti,ni,j from TiLiiiujr went worn. Illlmlllic. Al lllllitinll. J, Annual Htt'Vmt. -mi, Mr. Klwr ,,ri. rnmlly, m.d IIukIi O Connor IXKMAriK.YIJO.V lIll"ll,"l,."I", ,"'1,", "r" lnv'""i o M.iy ,1 .""iV. .Inm",n Wednesday Mliy 1 lh. 1 111 Tlrl,.J- tl ... ..J lnlii.i...i !....,.. .TV'"' "" '" ,'ili-IK i, II Klk frlnnds Hrlng your 7 10 Wllh women who tike up nthlntlm thn tendency M to ovunlo It. tmyn W U rjnorgn, KtiKlmnt f.in.mnin nu Khorlty on athlnllr upon. MniCU I'Oll IMIIUVON ihoi..ti:i 'utter (I'oldUlirr) I't'lU.KT .. ham: lKitiiiM iii f , ,.,'r,ir Nut Cinl Irfiml I' B Land Offln, n( Uki.vii.w, or.. May (J. HCI Jwillro U hurt by :Ivmi thnl, n i. rivtd by (In, Commlulriiifr of thn tlntifral Uml offic-, uiiiir provlilona of Hrr 2tBr, It H purmiiint lo'tlin application of C IVd I'lillnimi, of Klamath Kulla, ()rKOti, Hnrlal No 0I07, n will offi-r nt public aalo, to thn hlKlint blddnr. bin at not li ban i: f.o pur acri', nt 10 o'clock A II . on thn 17th day of Junn, unit nt thU offlco, thn folliiwliii; ructof! land- HH UKVt Bur. 21, T. 37 H, It ! 9 J . V M Tills tract a ordcrr-d Into thn mar krt on n nhowlnr that thn nrrnln-l portion tlmrnnf la mountalnnui or ion rouith for ciiltlrnllon. I Thn aln will not bn ki'pt oiwn. but will bn ili-rlnri'd roPil wln-n tlunnl prrmt at lb hour ilatiiod hnvn r.-nt-) rd blddltitt The prraou liinkltu: thn, hlr.hhl bid will tw riMUlred to lu mrdlalnlr pay to thn ItncplTnr thn amount throf Any pnrunn claiming advnninly th nborn dnacrttml land am adrlnvd to flln llirlr clalmi, or obJiTllntin, on or be fur i, thn tlnm dnalc' at"d for al,t. No II en will Ih publllir.l rr flrn conarrutlrn wmka In thn Klamath llrrald. . JAM lit V IIDIKIHHH. ltKiMnr A 3:MS Bo Cake& .ike Mofief lord jo nuke! anf (py ! how defcious- with 9 Pfpfqd hot CVp of tbfae and pure cream 7bke Homea Dozen Ibigfhnufs 30f Lolf of people who lalic the care to buy we iiiiw "-it". ..t nnu liind Ot tea. Yet there i n flrcat a dtf-J fcrencc between oroin and fine tea m there t with . coffee. I tin... t i n rcsMv tine vrtny . v- ::.:.".', -r.,! i i,Ka nnd cmoy u wuii.-i'i -bouquet and Jiavor. THE EVENING HERALPf KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON CLASSIFIEDADVEfiTISEMENTS www WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I'Oll HAI.Ii Nino cow. llirw Jcr ' ruiyn, nli hroodn, Jnriioy nnd roan Durlmm rromn All younc nnd mlllc. Iiik now 1,1, Hulton, Mlllor Mill fl-10 iKxtroom for rnnt for rjonllnmnnj bVI.""'1 ,,l""", l,m ,u!"' "r I,1n" 1M. 7.10I Colored woman wanta bundlo' I'rnnch Hand laundry. 123 N 4th wnnhliiK or amnll fnmlly wnhlnKa to 01. 7-10 tnko boirm I'hotm 00M, or call 221 ' - H 3rd at root 9.nifOll KENT Iloom for onn or two -" I fntlomnn. Hath nnd phono. 1028 Itnptiulln apmil truck, 1910 modnl, ! Jof fonion BL 1'honn 218J. 7-10 flllW llfllrnl Mi9i lr,.a .i.l1 ,,....,. . . flood Mirvlrn rnr to oxchnnKn fori vacant lot Irnjulro Arcndo llotnl 7-13 KOU HAM:--to ncrna: rood wnll cabin, cnllnr, barn, ntc. In oil bnlt.' 2 '4 jnllnn from Mnrrlll Will trndo. Whnt hnvn youT Addroiui llox 164. Klamnlh I'alla, Orn 9-10 . ii;.it..NTi:i:i auto iuiuj.vi.nh 1 1518 Pod K.i A I condition. 1 1920 Hpnclal fill Btudebaknr (luarantcnil 1 101S rtulck nnw car, Kuarnntl. Four now cord llrra. 1 1920 Ilnlck A rval barxuln. Hun only 1C00 mllci IIUICK HAI.li At HKUVICi: CO. I'luino 170W. "tit nnd KLaiiintli Awnun lU-OTnrO MvtA ror "KUmnt" on nnln nt thn Mlxtly. KOU BAM A No. 10 raodnl 12 KauK HnmlnRton hammorlnaa pump ron Inqulro Aucuat Munroo, S34 Walnut, aftvr C tht ovcnlne 9-10 WANTKI GOO iM'oplo to try our Ico I cmam and (lilt KdRn buttor Hol- romb &. Hlrhardaon, at I'alace Mar 'kct 9-I0 Try our Ollt IMcn buttnr nnd Pur ity len ernnm mndn dally at Palaco Market . 9-10 iHi ssWssWnmaMssssWJUjkf kzlkm t. r irw vnuiA m m mAfm m mrm-mmm m MmmmwsM sasrs r . k sasKiiuuisisiir at m Colonutr$$2' ortue 11.18 li n unparalleled spcucl a sight never to be (auolen one of nature's most stupendous wonders. The Qrsnd Canyon Is about 2J0 miles lom- with a width at the top varying from 5 to 12 miles. At some places It descends to a aepin oi a mue bIow the plateau surface. Its best ef pUc.slldcsc.ndstoadtpthofamlla K)fo jrOSOlWC fect, as revealed by estremedeplhand brilllsncy of coloring, Is from a point opposite tho Kaibab Plateau about 63 miles noilhwest of FURsurT, Art ion. Motor rosdsleadtothtOlsnd Can yon through Ashfoik, Williams and KUgsUff, Arliona and all tho way you can get "Ked down," the all reflneiy gasoline.. You'll bo glad If you make your (hand Canyon trip a "Rod Clown" trip. Look for tho "Red Crown" sign on service stations and garages. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaUotoia) 1 MAWVMV I IUmviuiI mhiI for "Klunirt" now on miIo nl ho Liberty. DroHimoklnK first rlnmi work ijunronlowl Mm. Jcffcrnon, 2 Mnln dtrcnt. 9 H FOK HAMV -Kordiion truclor wUh 1 i In. two bottom OlWnr plow nnd ox i tcrmlon rltnn, nlmoxt icood m now Chimp for cnuli, or will trndo for nuto or Klnmnlh Knlln proporty Chllroto & Hmltli, 033 Mnln fit, a-ll IWAriTKi) Wonuin for waati room In I'l'MI'lNO l'I,ANT roil HAI,R 16 II P nnrlno, 6-lnch cnntrlfurnl pump. 3r, ft . 8 Inch pipe, 2G ft. Cy prnni launch, 1G If. f oniplno tIBO i r unpnocK. Ma In. Oro. C-10 ,i Mr motor, rloetrle IlKhta and Iota of noulpmnnt Will nnll or eichanitn for ! llieht roadirtor or tourlnc car Acmn Motor Co 7-10 i LOST A amall jiantaitn contnlnln I4G.00 In Bold, wrapped In n $G 00 . bill Mberal rownrd If rtturnod to J I M. II , Hornld otflco. 7-10 KOU IIIIIB Cars without drivers Klamath Kails Auto Co.. 224 Main 7-14 Carpot" nnd runt elinnnd to your Atlnfactlon Wm. I.uh, phono 190W. 7-10 KOU HAI.fv Ily ownor. 6-room, mod ern houie, clooo In. Dot 1000. Her ald office. 9-14 fli.WINO WANTKO rialn owln proforrod. I'rlces roajonablo. G38 V 10th Bt. 4.10 Uftod Planoi, roaionabls pnena nnd lownit of tcrffii. Earl Shophnrd Co. i2tr FOU BAMJ rora tourtne. New top, now upholatarlnci, new paint, and motor overhauled. Klamath Knllt Auto Co.. 224 Main. 23tt KOU HinE Ford cam without driv er. Klamath Auto Co., 324 Main 2Ctr Ifted Standard Phonographs, lib eral reductions, lower terms Kftrl Shepherd Co GOT Main St 12tf CITV OARHAOR When you want KartMKo removal, mil lOP'it. AdrcrtlslnB pays. Try It and eo. m'm&me2S3BZ32!am I I., !!! lii .I -rf - M m W - . of yurtilj rwH 3P Murphey's Seed Store itjwjfi&jsutftBftj LLBIbLLLLv xVfiAvTSkaBpRflPLLLLH 7"OU don't have to defend thn wia- cl W JL t 'orn ot vour 1 Bclcct the Sonora. Your friends know that it is reputed to he The Highest Cln38 Talking Machine in the World aud aflcr they have seen nnd heard it, they aie convinced that it lives up to its reputation. Superb styles $60 to $2500 H EARL SHEPHERD CO. I , 'Time TclU the Truth" I Itj 507 Main St Phone 282-J I t T . V LUBBSBKMSBSllBBaSBBSaiaSHBBJJBJBJBfJBffffJJBffJJBJBfyBffJB ...itinuunt.tiiti It Cant Be Done! BUT- It Was Done They used to say there was no other , brooal like mother used to make. 'That was true before) BAKE RITE was put on the market. BAKHRITE OVEN! AND DAKERrTE METHODS did the btulnese and today you can get a lost of bread possessing that delldotia, lasting, nppctlilng flavor bcretofora found only la breat made at home. ThU broad Is sold exclusively at th Rex Cafe and Tho Maize. It la also sorted exclusively la The Rex Cafe. 4-4S-4'MM4eM X CLOTHES OF REAL DISTINCTION roast be made for the wearer Individually. Let aae) spring salt aad eajoy woartng really dlssiaotHSj to fit you perfectly nnd to retain constant wear. CHAS. J. Merchant 81S Main M- A- -- - -- . -SL A ML .4L - St fc J, A A A J. J- J - Don't fail to read the Vaamaa)WavwaMeiiesjrwa t ft KIRK-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE LINE Stage leaves The Smoke daihy at 2 p. m. and the Central Hotel fc few minutes later. We use a large, easy riding, comfortable automo bile, in thorough repair. Stage leaves Kirk at 8 a. m. daily. Tickets $3 each way; nound trip $5.50.' Phone your reservations. I Central Hotel 155-W, fttTt?HcvWtTttfHHttMt -V.' ' 4C 'WKL TWWDAY, MAT 10, 104M o defend the wia- choice vfhen von n4naaswmi lu eitra-ssaarfe dartsaa CIZBK. Tailor St. - J- J isH 'iiiii0im0m0000tntU0s0i Herald Classified Ads. The Smoke 17S PHQNE 6r7 124 So. Sixth St; 4 ??' 'rftw n r? n . n if"' ,; h& II 4t? m n