THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALIS. OREGON ' T7--L"0 ... TUKS1UY, MAY 10, lll!l iR The Evening Herald .....VMItor CUT Ktr J. MURRAY- FUK1) BOUJ.H , v ruoiisnoa iaujr except ounur, or Tho Hornld Publishing Company of Klamath Kails, nt 119 Ktfthth 8trt. Entered at tbo poitotflco at Kla math Fall, Oro., for trammUiloa throosh tho malli aa aocond-class matter. MKMUtfl OK Till) ARSOCIATKO t'Rt&H Thn Ansoclited l'rM It excluslTely entitled to the uto for republication of all now dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In this panor, and alio tho local nowa pub tuner herein. Tl'llAY, .MAY t. Ml Mi'L I UllGWCU I f SCOUT UIX)t;HKH IN AMj COMHW I I $2.95 I . . AT TIX MEASE ONE-FIFTH FOR STATE IN YEAH At the Theaters body else's collarette, and but see tho whiiln play, 'Talr and Wanner, at thn Liberty Thealro tonight. May Alllmw In the star; and It'it Avery llitpnooil'a (tinniest farce, l.iKe a romance from the late ot on tbo roll of 1919. was I33.59C. 693.03. Tbo Increase i f S, 530. 673 In addition to tho regular total U an addition of M6.fi8:.61 for fire patrol In many counties. An a&iMimcnt for thl service Ii lerled on those timber land owner wbo do not provide patrol for their lands. The assessments made by tho county court on the basis of data fur nished by the state department of forestry. Ten Count lr High Ten counties now bare assessments of more than $1,000,000. Or this number, threo counties. Jackson. 1.1 nn and Washington, hare Jumped from below tbo million mark to above $1,000,000 this year. Klamath county's 1930 ajmwinient was $769,548.70. The 1931 asscm ment was $979.540.61 a gain of J319.993.91. Patrol Ievki Heavy THK STAH Ia)vo loiters of another man. slol ' en Jewvts and a bride of n day who Is heartbroken because her liulibrt,w Ar-bUl, NUhu U the story of presumably has deceived her. and Man,lnahi ,h(, daughter 0f beggar other amusing developments contrlb, who m n ft nmn wnw of , uto to make Itryant Washburn 1st- j cy (,f ,U.iUa TnrollKh ,hc , 0 J est Paramount pbotocomedy. A w fMw pw mfl wh h(J CM,h Pull House." which show, at the Star. Hh nI(H, lttpWBlls ,,, who ,iromll. theatre tonight, a delightful enter-1 pi lta aho g,loul, bccomo n( MAr talnment for any audience Th(,n ,nr0ll5h ,ho eMaxaTr ct a Mr. Washburn Is Irreslstlblo '.,, . ,,. ,hn w. .. nlo Oeorgo Itowwll. n newb'wed Ho hmm ,hfr( ,0 a , b,Unw gvts In and out of trouble In a uian-,()( h(T ,f, ner that makes the laughs contlnu-, , . . Ih- worM .. .. hll mrer ''"'"of thn wlrktHlrit man In the Orient as tho oung no W)1i, h-f(1 bMm gwep, ,n0 ob. broken whn fc... , .., i - w,.i n. poets call "Kismet." Tbore In her htirLvat hnur but (hit motion I) lev Practically all of the action taVsl ,. . ... ,hin ...... .& I ' - 6S Place in tne live rooms oi mo ncn..lfoJ ,m Ml h ofy of ,ho l Ing home. "Itapia,flre" would be thel t 0,a q ..K,inwl.. lbo obel tcrnir sP'ewiir wnen tno ioiicn take a hand with an Irish cop at the door who nays "You can como In but you can't go out!" Herald Salem llumui SALKM. Ore.. May 10. Oregon's total tax tor this year Is an Increase of more than 20 per cent over last year llecords of the state tax com mission show that the total tax for the vear. which l the assessment ou the rolls of 1920. Is $41,117 367.71.1 he discovers that her husband of I Im innsenntlii tm m (SImF whllo tno tout for Usl year, tne levy j ki " - ous white he is on tho screen. Wilson Is charming brldo whoso heart Is maid llobertson Coin super-special picture at the I.lbertr Theatre Weduwday and Thursday, wltb Oils flklnner In the leading role, will live long In the In minor characters Ouy Mllhan. , ,,.- of .n wh iH, ,b. IcrMn rer. Hazel Howell. Vera Iwls. Catherine ( ion of ,ho M,ebret, pUy Will lace, little Williams, jonn uu. Z. Wall Covington and Prank Jonas son do work that splendidly supple ments the laugh-making efforts of (he star Tho picture finely di rected by Jame Cruxo. MO.MUI.K THKATItl-: Ono of Ibe best combination pic ture and raudevllle shows ever seen In Klamath Falls wilt open at the Mondale theatre tonight. There will LONK PINK NKWH The entertainment at the school house April 30th was a grat success, The botes and other things sold brought a total or $X3 33. which w be used to send delegate from the boys and girts clubs to Corral I Is to summer school Mr Krtion acted a auctioneer for th boira Klmer llur, sine sold voles on the ugliest man The Liberty WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MAY 11TH AND12TH $ ... be fire big features, three feature , and the prettiest girl The prues were vaudeville acts and two feature pic-1 two boxes of randy and were won by l tnrM? lu. a Slsek K-nnotL roniedv I lr. tjoerlson ami inanoiie wren Tho additional amounts that are levied this year for tho patrol In those counties where such levies are made arc' Baker, $965.09; Denton. $3084.13; ClackatnM. $1728.45; Clatsop. $3, 383.1C; Columbia, $1679.96 $3709.35; Crook, $415.03; Keaturo No 1 Is Miss Kdlth Snyder.lson Mrs. lluesslng ana .mim iKiisn tho whistling song bird. In songs and. kept the Ice errant stand whistling. MIm Knydcr Is considered Ituth Purdsr of Merrill, spent sev America' greatest woman whistler ' eral days of lail wwk with Agnes Kn and Is also a beautiful singer ' man. Feature So. 3 U Lawrcne and Ha Mrs. natllff of Merrill. Is visiting Coos ' er. the Australian duo. who are now i a few das with her daughter. Mm. Curry, on their last lap around the world 'Jim Hlevenson $3423.60; Deschutes. $1118.52; They havo appeared In every large Clyde Klgor Is plowinr tne m Douglas, $5936.23; Grant. $2544 66; I and small city of the world and sail' Heat ranch for Dr. Pslterson Hood Itrrer. 1134.34: Horner. $82.44 ! from San Krsnclsco In June for their1 James Stevenson's mother. Mrs Jackson, $6256.56; Jefferson, $ 1,-1 home In Australia. They do a wonder-189-45; Josephine, $1869.S7; Klm- fU novelty singing and dancing act, ath. $2535.04; lake. $1271.33; Lanohhclr dancing being above anything $5565.18; Lincoln. $1138.22; Linn, erer seen here. Their hard shoo and $3437.50; Marion, 792.68; Morrow. (loft shoe dancing, and also dancing $936.36; Polk. $339.80; Tillamook. i on pedesUls 12 feet, high. Is some $3013.98; Umatilla, $1045.92; Union! thing new and original. Feature No $2787.41; Wasco. $973 67; Wnllo- 3 u Dean and Davis in a comedy wa, $1440.81; Washington, $3287.52 Isklt. called a debute on women, which Wboolcr. $1599.63; Yamhill, $1. 002.03, total, $66,583.61, total last year, $59,684.94. Government Wants Names of Disabled Who Need Treatment Mrs. William Canong has received request from division headquarters of the Red Cross for the names of all disabled service men In this territory who are In need of hospital treat- j ment. Tbo government Is establishing hospitals for disabled veterans of the World War and the division managerl urges tho importance of securing a full list of all who are entitled to treatment. Mrs. (ianong said she considered It probable there wero men In Klamath county wbo needed the hospital treat, ment, and were entitled to It, who have nover reported to tho Ited Cross and asks any one knowing of such cases to notify her. The division headquarters Is anxj- Iouh to havo the Information at once, so any information should bo placed with tho Ited Cross Immediately, is a scream. Mr. Itarls' character aa the Rube Is side splitting and tho act Is a riot. Plcturo festure No. I is the Idol ot tbe screen Charles. Itar In "Tho Clodhopper," a study of home spun, calico nnd Broadway. This I picture Is Mr. Ray's best picture. Feature No. 2 Is tbe world's greatest comedians, Weber and Field, In 'Worst of Friends." and you will laugh until your sides ache. With the Mack Bennett comedy It will be hard to beat tbls show, so don't miss it." k THK MIIKItTV alio had never mixed a cocktail. Never tasted 0110. And then one nlghl Jack went to thn lodge at least he said he did and Hlanny found some- Oleson, of Omaha, Nebraska, and brother, Charles Stevenson, of the U. 8 Nary, are visiting him for sov eral days. Mrs James Stevenson and Mrs Anna Ratlltf entertained the Merrill Library club at Mrs. Stevenson's home Thursday, May 6th Mr. and Mrs. Sam Knman and C W. Jwls were Klsmath Fall vlsl tors Saturday. Clydo Bradley visited Lone Pine friends severs! days last week Dr. Suit and family and John Ham non and family of Merrill, spent Sunday with the Klgor family. Mrs. J. K Knman visited the school Wednesday afternoon MIIXKIl HILL KXAMH POSTI'ONKD A MONTH Owing to tho Illness of tho teacher or Miller Hill school, the KUlo exam inations of the 6th, 7-th snd 8th grades wtll not be held until June. School will probably start next Mon day and contlnun until thn regular 8th grade examination In June. Rrsorved seats for on sain at the IJlMWty. Kismet" now ART NKKDLKWORK CLUB KKKI'H 17TH A.NMVKRKAKY Tbo Art Noodlework club met with Mrs, George WIrtz last Wednesday aftornooon to eclebrato tbo 17th an niversary of its founding. Officers wero elected as follews: Mrs. 11. K. Wattenburs. presldont; Mrs. Prod, fiocllor, secretary. Tbo committee on book selection la Mrs, K. G. Cum mings, Mrs. Charles Martin and Mrs. Fred Goellor. Members present were 'Mesdamcs R. If. Dunbar, E. S, Phil lips, Charles Martin, Caroy Ramsby, Jennie Hum, K. O. Cummlngt, Fred Goeller, ,6. C. MarUo, Ellen Piel and R. E, TVattenburf. Mrs. Cbsrl6 Moore -was a guest of the club. Re freehments were served at the egd of the pleasant afternoon, Charter No. 249. HKIOKT OV CONDITION' OH THK MALIN STATE BANK of Malln, at Malifl, Ore, in the Htate of Orrffop, at tho close of business April 2M. Ifttl. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts -- .' $47,604.92 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 64.81 Bonds and warrants ..... 1,786.38 Furnlturo and fixtures - ' 4,688.36 Due from banks (not reserve banks H3.71 Due from approved reserve banks 2,189.22 Checks and other cash Items - . 88,47 Cash on hand .................... . 4,094.41 paid Total .... LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In , Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes' Due to bunks and bankers Individual deposits subject to chock t Cashier checks outstanding Time and Savings Deposits ., Bills payable for' money borrowed .,'...,'. $60,690.31 1 16,000.00 ' 4UV.61' 32,096.18 72.66 2,16.34 ' lll.OMO.UO .$60,600,31 Ol&l f sfff i State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss. I, Louis Boldlscbar, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. LOUIS DOLDI6CIIAR, Cashier Correct Attest: -A. KALLVA. E. M. HAMMOND, . ' NED O'CONNOR, Directors. BubtcrJbed and sworn to before me this Cbt day of May, 1921, M, M. BTAflTNY, Notary TUbllc, (My commission expires Marco fl, 1923.) OTIS SKINNER -IN- "KISMET A PRODUCTION DE LUXE A MIRACLE OF THE ART OF THE SCREEN ulnnj-j-L-L-.-j-Lru-i.-Lrij-inru"ii-s-- -I-,--"'---------------" SPECIAL PRICES FOR "KISMET" Reserved Scuts 50c and tax. General Admission 35c. To enable everyone to see "KISMET" the matinee prices will remain regular 10c and 25c Wednesday and Thursday, May ll-12ili mrm&tiia jxjxruTj-uxnnj'L'Lni"Lnj.n.iiiii,s - - - - - jyj"1 "i"i " - -i-- -- -- ELKS' WESTERN Bigger Than Any Circm May 19, 20 and 21 NIGHTS and the money all stays at home tor the assistance ot our poor and needy THEY'RE ALL COMING Merrill Dorrif Lakeview Fort Klamath Bonanza Alturas Chiloquin Bly Malin If s Going to Be Some Show - General Admission, 25c AA"""f "," r Tinriruij tf-ruxruyiAi" u"7" "' ' ' )sssMtssslSslf