The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 10, 1921, Image 1

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    Wqt lEuenmg Mralln
Do It
Today News
Member of the Associated Press.
;,Vcw-N."l7 .
HAN KIWNniICO, May 10 Pen
lour.) veterans 'f Houtlmrti I'ailtlc
,.n-,r yartla. locomotive rubs and
..!.... trains mm nt their annu
QIH"" """ . ,
I iaBfhroii here lotlny In celebrate
?. rifly.cwid nnnlvenury of Urn
', n(t f ,(, laat aplkv I'minon- '
i... Point t'tab Mltltrh Joined tlin
0tJ ""' ........ ....,.,
Union 1'aelfle ami murai racmc
ttwt. ml completed tho flfal
iLiCoiitttiriilal railroad
William Hood. 'Inn" ' Amrrlrn
rillfwl engineer, who w. n "I
Ih luntheon spnukera, lulil how he
lwd tlrlvn Ihn lat alretdie of!
Central I'adfle track In record limn
to meet tlm l'nlon Pacific. Mr. Ifoo.lj
r.tlrtd from l'10 Houtlmrn Pacific.
., J lS. after fifty fuur years
tttiUr at tlm ago of seventy-five, ll
Mdff to "-'k more difficult work,
kitlnc tired of III OfflCO routine
h'mil KM N N
hl(b became a part or Ilia W wlieli Ilrr. U'lluiti aicainat the clly was
st railroad Mg outdoor projTciafikil tiUy. Plaintiff claiming!
vr completed
William Hprouln, president of Ihn
company Paul Hhnup. vice preat
dot. B o McCormlck, ilcn prrl
t. and J II 1'yr. general mnna
gtr. re amonic other Houthorn !
rifle man who apoki
Trlbutn to th't 117 rotrratia of Ihn
ttnU- wno la illrd atnro Ihn laat
lanchonn ono nr aa:o, and to thn
"Ul Kour of thn old (Vnlral I'atl
tK, Inland Hunford. Chirlna L'mc
Ur,C I' HunlliiRtun and Mark llP
lloi; paid hy B allrnt atandlnic
Tk KoMcti ilkn. dihon al Ibr
Btrtloc ol thn rail" fifty (n J-ar
no, Ibe ailrr hanunnr which drove
It, tad thn apaite which tuni'd thn
tint dirt at Karramenlo In (tin con
itracuoa ut tho system, wero on ci
Ubltlon !
"II I'm killed all you'll ham to do
li notify my wifo and ae that I'm
Worda nt Ihla effect fell from
laa lips of lln P. Marlln, Kla
Bath agency engineer, at he
Votklfd on thn holatnr and rnvot
m borrow rd from Mark Howard
ol Ihn local tiro department and
H forth to aid In running down
tat ling ut mouuahlncra arretted
Uat werk crar Ilrny. ,
Uit yeirday afternoon Mr. Mar
tit dlod In the IHirrls hospital of
tbt aound rrcnlvod when ho stum
!d In tho darkness and tho gun
Pitted from tho holalor, striking
kunmrr dowtraard on v rock and
'tdlni a bullet through hla
nonlder An artery waa aovered
ad Ihn wounded man blod pro
'uely )iu was conveyed to tho
BMplial Bl orrla and physicians
tbought ho would recover hut gas
Ppmno aot In and tho ond camo
TMltrdsy afternoon with tho
Wow and una son at hla bedsldo.
The decedent waa nearly 41 yearn
M and had been o resident of Kin
jta county for about four ywira.
vt known to many local rusl
wnu and had tho respect of nil.
The body at tho Whltlock
m1' loro ftn'1 Mrrangemonls nro
will made hy frlunds for shipment
,0 loa Anguln, whoro tho funeral
IU ttkn place. j
r, Martin was an officer of tho
"Mrtmont of tho Interior nntl con
noted to go with tho rcsorvatlon
J'Mrlntendont mid nhorltf when ho
nil his senlccw wero needed. Ho
In Klamath Kolls on bualnew
" nd not bin own gun with him.
wn ho went to tho pollco elation
1m w tt '"Pon. Mark Howard
:''"rBq ' Oolts. which U carrlcxl In
fomdor holster.
V ?
A Dynamiter's
Liberty Restored
'C5 STTW c'-M4y l0, -
tha M'Vna' wa relftaaed from
Y HU Driftnn h... A... mllnm
r drnamitlni tho Wow.llyn Iron
iw lo Lo AnitlH In 11Q,
m Hi's
Negotiations to End
Marine Strike Off;
Delegates Leave
WAHIIINUTON, Mny l -ltp. 1
lronlallrii of (ho marlmi wnrkitrs,
left Washington today, followlm?
'the fallUM of liorotlntloni. to mid I
lho strike Chairman IImwou. all
lli Html conference!, la utnlormuo'l i
' ' reiterated hU aland fur a.
,"l & Per rent r.-dti.tlon
hundred II'mJ marlim strikers ami
aympathlieM atormid U1() m.tnm
huutM. hern today in .-arch of a
lrty of negro atrlU breaker, who
'li,l H.l fnl,. ...I. ..I I .!!..
- " r'i uuiiums
'" 1'iotccllori llovural nti.roes
lw"" aevarely beaten before, tlio po-f
' r" '"""' " "' dotera j
Thn nperted null Of Chief f l'.
I17S aalary from IVbruary II to
May I.
I'lalntlff clalma that during thn
Hum mentioned he ai arrrlng tlm
rlty a imllrn off lrr and I li it ul thu
resutar council mrnting. Mur i. Im
preaente, hla aalary claim, which
aa illaallowrd by a 3 to 2 voto of
tlin council. II M. Manning hi
Thn suit Is thn outgrowth of the
dlapuii Ixilwwn thr-n of tho ro'in
rllmp.i and Mayor WlK-y. whlh
tnrt'il with (tin Incoming of thn
nr adtnlnUtratlon Mayor Wiley
Iim i ihn atand that Ihn charter em-
H,t..-r, htm to orcanlm and ri;-
Ulalf ihr pollen depaitment
Cuunrilmen from the flral. filth
and tlu-il wards formed a combi
nation lu opposition, seeking th.i
removal of Chlf Wllicu They r
fuirj in ratify tho appointment o(
Wltaon and when thn mayor ap
pointed him under an emergency
an emergency
five day. at .
by refusing to
clauan of thn charter, five daya at
tlmn, they retaliated
allow Wllion'a pay, for which ho
la now suing.
Red Cross to Name
Officers Tomorrow
Tho exocutlvn committee of the
lied Croaa chaptnr will mcvt tomor
row aftnrnoon at 2 o'clock In tho
chamber of commerce rooms. The
Chief purpoan of thn meeting la lo
select offlrera of thn chapter for thu
coming year
Transcontinental freight rates, at
feeling Klamuth Fall", will bo ro
iluccxl within tho next, ten ilnys. no
cording lo notlflrnllon recehed by
M A Callaghaii, traffic manager of
tho chamber of commerce, from li.
W. l.ticc, general tnifflc manager of
thn Southern Pacific.
Tho amount of reduction that
might bo expected win not mention
ed lu tho letter of notification.
Ilmluctlon of niton from tho east
has been aought by the local traffic
bureau alnco It. Incopllon several
months ago. This reduction Is u mnv
tor ontlrely liulppondent of loeul
ratM, which will linw hoarlug In
Portland In Juno.
It In a mutter of Kreat Importance
to merchantii and mill owner, wbo
aro conatantly receiving largo con
Mgnmetila of merchandlw and mrt
chlnory from oaatern manufnctureni
and distributors nnd ho amount of
lho reduction that the Southern Pa
cific pnuposcs to nlluw Klamnln
Falls will ho awalled with Interest.
HKNLUV P'r-A Wllib
Thcro will bo a mooting of tho
Henley Paront-Todchorfl aitoclatton
Friday, May 13th at 8 o'clock at tho
Ilepley tchool lh election of offi
errs tor tho ensuing year is tbo oh
Ject of the meotlnr Atlr lho bu.U
adurcM. A toclnl hour will follow nd
r.rrcihmcnva will b "
ypjvjrpf ' 4 'EJatrTl
This la Harry Payne Wiutnoy'a three
'arorltn with Korea or eastern irnrx
(Nrb, at the Churchill Downs track.
The winner of tlin 110 ooo purso waa
Whitney and his frlniB had tho courago of their conrlctlons bctoro tho
-sen wus run however, and It Is snld
lastcrn favorlto
Mills Addition sower construction
n laid oer for another week hy
thn city council laat evening Tho
thn city council laat evening Tho
beat bid for the 150.000 boml Inuo
Is aomo 1C00 Mow par. P'o council
thought Mills addition nwldenta
might comblno and mako up thodo -
flclt and by modlf)lng tho plans
slightly a bid for construction within
too ionu amouni migni no itcuicu
Councilman Ifuwklns agreed to In
terview property owners beforw tho
next nmatlng and get their Iowa.
t i
... M . . .. - ....I.. ..-'
.M r i.rann, mu r.vaun, ioiun
Mc An drown nnd others asked that
(ho paving on Sixth, Seventh and
High streets, which Is ono of lho con
templated Improvements this year,
bo allowed to lapse. The council laid
, tho problom over n week. Contract
for the paving has lunm nwnrded tho
Warren Construction company, sub
ject to tho solo of bonds, which nro
1 now being advertised, and should tho
paving company desire to hold tho
city to lln bargain obsoncw moo In
I tho eltuatlon a chnnco for n costly
I lawsuit If tho petitioners ploa Is
grouted and tho work lupiios.
A resolution for paving the east
sldo of F.lghth street, from Main to
High, was Introduced. Abandonment
of tho stable yard of tho Q. 1C. barn
wna ordered, with tho bearing down
of tho yard fence and clean-up of tho
Tho resignation of Jiimcu Hilton na
patrolman wan rend nnd accepted.
There ws no Jnnglo oer pollco af
fnlw. Tho nearest approach to it
camo when bills of two apodal pa
trolmen for circus day worn present
ed. They wero allowed for $5 n day,
tho councilman from tho Fifth wnrd
voting No.
MONTi:nBYCal., May 10. Mrs.
Juanltn Fielder, who dlcnl horo ror
contly at tho ngo of flft5lx, lived
all her life In tho samo houso. Sho
died In tho room In which sho was
SANTA ORUZ. Col., Mny 0.. "For
Rtlo" IJT haw been banned from
SjnU Cru. Thn Sapta Crux realty
board took this action at recent
mooting, on tho ground that tho signs
cheapnort tto city la the eyei o vW
w. i io iiroaenieu j-oimuu ir,,tUllonl bouy oy mo scnooi aumon- Jury conUr for larceny of an au
macadam l.iement on parti of Fifth.! tic. marks tho mlddto path of com- tomohll, which ho wa buying under
Oak and Walnut In tho city hall unit. , promiso through tho obstructions ' a,,,,, Ho ls aiieKed to haTe start
No action was taken and tho matter hat havo gathcrod slnco all school, C(, t0 ca,,,, wlth hls fttmr ,n
went over a week. nctlvltlcs wero banned by Principal, ,ho Cflr M Uny ho 8tr,ppeil tho
- year - old "Tryster," who waa tho
rollovers in uaiuraay s fti'r
lulsvlllo Tryster finished fourtn. '
iieiiavo Yourself, a rieniucxy com
that heavy wagors wero lost on tno
Something In tho naturo of a now
cr - lho ...iabllshlng of n now
,ci,00j rauitlon. goes into effect at
tn amnih county high school
, Klinlh couuty high school
ThuridBy lf tho fctudents take tho
lojKo ml nBI ,een propartfa for
.,ncm0 ,,romso to so guard their. m
conducl ,nBt lt wm BrnB no dls- , ..
iErftCP upon tno CUool, to aeok ioDOCk trom Calif,
kocp others from doing any dlscred-j With Prisoner
Uablo thing and. If nny wrong is
committed, to uto their efforts to
bring tho wrong doer to Justlco.
Submission of thla pledgo to tho,
. . . . . '
(loetx following tho book stacking , Rcan Md thea tho machne to ulnntnt brough't f0rd
oplaodo isirly In tho lonn. i s m rvjster. assertlnir that ho m . i-j .i. J
Th0r8a"' '" "" 2 ?! oed It, Tho car waa rx-covcred by Uoyd.WaKner who ,a to ring la
comes within tho ' tho Wood & Markwardl garage, from , Klamath Falls on the night of Tuoo
llegea denied. Tho passing of tho h ,t m ,, bo h, but ,,atch , PrcbyterUn
school enr without Class Day ob-l. rmllp hai, cono , Fortunll i a' B ', .'? "' " ?r
sorvunco was tho unhoard-ot
In or-1
But authority was obdurate.
body must take tho pledgo. wlpo tho
slate, which In tho last few months
hna ben marred by suspensions,
expulsions, threatened walkouts and
resignations among ho student
body, following tho book stacking,
and Bturt anuw with tho pledgo.
Tho obligation tho students take,
antd Principal Ooeis today, la a
promiso of each "upon my sacred
-word of honor" to do tho things sot
out nbovo. '
All tho classes will bo required
to tako it now, and In yoars fol
lowing each Incoming class will bo
required to obllgato Ita mom bora by
tho samo formula.
Tho timo set for its administra
tion Is Thursday morning, preced
ing tbo Class Day exorcises.
Commencement wook at tho local
school begins Muy 23. Tho baccal-
roato sermon will bo preachod
Sunday evening, May 22.
Suit has boon filed In tho circuit
court by lho First National Bank
ngnlnst tho Langoll Lumber compa
ny and O. J. Hawklnson to collect
$4,600; ngalnst Waltor Fnhrlg and
Jack O'Connor to colloct $G0d;
against 8 C. and Mollssa llamakor
to foroclo&o a real ostato mortgago
for $11,000. and agaJntt Waltor
Fahrlg for 200.
Lllllo J White. Is plaintiff agalsst
I John M. White for divorce, alleging
cruelty They havo been married 34
years. Vlolst Mumay soeka n divorce
from William, Muujuy for cruoUy.
President Would Not
Obstruct Reparations
Agreement By Haste
WAflHINaTO.V, May 10. Proal-
, dont Hardlnc U not anklnc any do-
Iny In too adoption by thn houio of
tlm Knox pcaco resolution, It wan
Bald today In high administration
On account of tho reparations
nltiintloti In Kuropo, hownror. It
wna nxplalncd that tho president In
not Insisting upon any has to In
puttlne tho measure through. '
Tho president tpday asked Attor
ney General DADgherty to Inrcstl
gato cbnrces of profiteering In con
tractu and purchased made hy tho
j war department during tho war.
Toutatlvo plans for tbo now
school building 'between Shipping-
ton and I'ullcan Hay and for two , J. V. Simpson and J. K. McCain
room additions to the Kalrvlow and today f lid suit against the William
Mills Addition schools wero dN- KQ River Logging company for al
cusicd hy tho city school board lat.t logod breach of contract, asking
night. Plans for tbo building and compensating damages of $2,425.
additions wcro submitted by thrco Plaintiffs assert that they bad a
local contractors. J contract to get out logs for do-
A IGO.OOO bond issue vraa recent-
i, TOtcd bv tho dlairlet for thn now
.... . BTnBn.lon n. ,hn ...
, " "' . .
listing schools. Tbo board last
night docldcd that the bonds would
bo offered and If they find a ready
,salo tho construction work -will go
Inhrail Immedlntnlr.
The new school, it Is estimated.
Including tho alto, will ccst approxi
mately $33,000. Tho Improvements
at Mill and Kalrvlow will cent about
112.000 each.
Knights of Pythias Initiated four!
candidates In the rank of osqulro
last night, tho work being con-J
ducted by officers of the lodge I
,'" ".. ,;,. A T.f
"'" ! ? J J
""?! .t 1
Next Monday night tho rank of'yIew Cwh Btoro on Uphftm atnt)U
ConsUbIo Frud Morley roturned
,a8t oroBlng ,rom California with
n G. ,,,rh. iHirti i,v ih., mn.i
- " ----"- - -w o.
--- - --
cllr"Ia' whoro h0 ha8 a brothor -
awu muuo ouiuv i'i " -
toy, causing delay In his trip. Ho was
away about ten days.
Accused Slayers of
Taxi Driver Held
SKATTLE. May 10. Four nllcg
ed many deserters from Camp Lewis
wanted In connection with tho
slaying of Karl A. Timbs, Tacoma
tnxlcob driver, wero arrested at
Snoqualmlo pasa this morning, ac
cording to a messago to tlio shorltf.
Thoy woro driving Timbs' automo
bllo In which they wero alleged to
havo tied attar tho killing. Timbs
loft hla stand Ins Tacoma Sunday
night, and was not again soon until
his body was found yestorday, six
mllos north of Seattle, robbed and
with tho skull crushed.
TACOMA, May 10. Two young' "'"""" ',"" "','" ," '. " "Zl"
women 'havo boon arrested hero In Thero nre, f W P !" iTJUmn
tho belief thoy could disclose t y ut In one-haU much Ume In
identity of Timbs' murdered.. Tlu,1"." J 2
girls, tho police said, were recently
passengers In the Tlmba car with
tho soldiers.
V1SALIA. Cal., May'4 U. Rangora
In tbo Sequoia National Forest near
here, are at preeent engaged In
stringing telephony VJrc-s to remote
sections of the. park to fire patrol
rartlea thlt-tunnn can get into In-
rartlea thl-numman can get
stant communication with headquar
ters when necoesary,
HHKLI.S", Mny 10. Acceptance of
tho allied ultimatum rclatlro to rep
arations wan expected In tho Ilolch
stag whenjt conroned today.
Tho Conteriirts and majority 6ocV
nllsts wcro belloved, aa the reeult of
conference ycaterday, to haro defi
nitely aligned themselrca In favor of
tho allied demands.
It soemod yesterday that thoro was
consldorablo competition among tho
various parties as to which should be
first to Uko Ita placo In the column
assenting to tho acceptance of tho
fondant, which waa terminated by
f..j.m K.f,. u .. ,nmMti.
'" ., " . . . ' ...
'"" "u"" '""-' s
against Andy Volltch to collect
1202. allexed to bo duo for labor.
J Johanoa of San Francisco has
purchased tho stock of tho Brand
enburg store and la arranging for
Ita transfer to that city A sign on
tho building announces It la for root.
Mr. Brandenburg has not yet an
nounced his plans for tho future.
Stock Is being arranged today
on the shelves of tho new Fair-
Vlew Cah Btoro on Uphftm t",
VrWch W,U 0PC0-f0r bu,neM wlth
l,n a te dJt-
It is eoldom that people glvo
thought to the time, hard work, and
trying patience necessary to unlove
HiAa tti t latllioll In mitalii Tkla
kuuuui aJiiMuiu u;u uv&au Ml BlUUf
1 yoIco production whon sho vu a
1 vBrv vounsr eiri. sno nod too eanr
of Mrs. Zumwnlt, who Is pronounced
far superior to tho avorago vocal
teacher found in tho larger cities.
After bolng with Mrs. ZumwaK for
several years, aho studied In San
Francisco with Mrs. Coplln, and then
in turn with Mr. 8hakespvaro and
Mr. P&smore. Whon sho waa not
under tho Immediate direction of an
instructor, aherwas nevertheless de
voting her time to her music. Her
hard work entitles Mamto Boyd to
become one of tho great American
singers. Not that studying music it
drudgery to her she enjoys it, Uvea
on It but nevertheless the boa
worked hard and sacrificed much to
got whero sho is today..
Now, boforo ehe tools that sho ls
really fully prepared to demand tho
place to which sho la already entltt
ed, aho expects to study at least two
.. .aa .nnw.. map. In Mnur Ynrk.
J ?"; .rTr.ter a.
Is great and will be far greater as
tho years go by.
ROME, May 10, Frandseo Ted
o. former minister of finance and
treasury and vico mww -
rhatnber of dearies, today, eomlt.
ted suicide by jumping from win-
treasury and vico preside of the
dow. JIo Til lUlffruf irom pfi-
m i