The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 09, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The Office Cat
Outbursts of Everett True By Condon
Jit Yntitx-lrlirrUml
(By Limerick Lou 1
There once was a young girl In Mar
And alio probably li somewhere thrro
Who was awfully gay.
AlwAy had, her own aey.
And when shn meant jvaTsald "You
Carl Whlllock say somehow or
other the handlo ot a lawntnowcr It
always too short for father, but li
just tho right length tor mother.
Whr U It that tho fellow with the
our disposition generally ha plenty
of "sugar?"
Do careful when you're looking for
a "Oluo Dlrd." You might got a wlto
old Owl."
Dlackle McDonald speaking: " TU
better to havo Jaxxed and lost than
nerer to have Jazzed at all."
Aro'You "On of tbe Squirrel?"
Klamath Falls, Oro.. May 9.
Tho Office Cat:
Whene'er I read your column's wit
It makes me laugh with glee
To think at last Pro found a guy
Who's crazier than me.
A kindly word I wUh to say
'Tl stated for your tool,
l'ro heard that Klamath's
Think you'd bo good food.
Charlfo Loom Is says a man Imag
ines that he baa a pretty good edu
cation until ho has three or four
children In school who do their night
work at homo and want him to help
them. ,
A Hint to Conw or Go
.Mr.- Slow (calling on girl) "You
soem rather-rer distant this even-
Girl "Well, your chair Isn't nail-
cd to the floor, is It?"
j No Hough Talk
"And sow, Johnny," said the tea
cher, "can you tell what Is raised In
il could," ald Johnny, "but 1
don't want you to run me ragged."
fcf IUHV DON'T fflfl
male for tho Improvement of KUkv
rodo etroet from Heplanndit to I'ort
laud -.treat and Molroo iriel from
KIDorodo to Paclfle Terrace. Includ
ing Inlereoetlon, bo nod' tho "
nro herobr'npprovod. . .,..,,
r.D, That the IVmmnn Council her'
by deolnres IU Intention to Improve
said portion of KlUoradn street and
Melrose etreol. In accordance with
.i.i tiinni. iNwUlrulloiu nnd rail-
innlrxii mid Improvement lo consist F
i of paving enld portions of UDorndn;
- - - - -------- -. - - . F
in..... ..
inwi wr Minor will i,
Z !
street And Melrose strict wilh llltull-i JP0, Cotlll
1 thlc. Concrete, Asphnltlc Concrete or. Intnl. Union
Wlllll... Tho rt mm! nx oi
r'Olt IIAt.H- Cole , new rubber,
I too, Chevrolet, new rubber,
Cttrilllan I PI I, I30O. Hen Hy-
TavI. May 0-0
the -
Improvement of iwld pnrtlona of said poll flKNT Hoom for one of ln
street by placing thereon either lil-i gentlemen Hath and phone 10SN
tullthle, concrete, sephnlllc ronereln i Jefferson (IU I'hone 34 tJ 7-10
or wllllte lo be f 1 11.(1 1 3 66, said cost .
Including grading, rolling, curbing WANTKD- Hy man and w(o, year
and cement sidewalk . around Job Address It, M F , llnr-
III). Hy tb Common Council that the . ,.
following deecried property be and WANTED Competent logging con
la hereby declared benefitted by eld i tractor with Ills own etulpmnt
Improvement, lowlt l.ot I. t. S. 4 Apply Chlloijuln Lumber Co, Chllo-
IIHU'IVM tl, .
...... AKTO
prnerrvi 'rr
o i win in
" eaioa.i,i:".'W
... in
Main skl 7f.r "ST
I'hono 66IW "' "l'la.
.. M
iiooMfi rou"7177
light, cln.n. 0 '.,' IM" ir
(0 mnli .i,.i .... ".'""'Ms ).
.... -"". "J llt)tn ii. .-
lllock :. Illock 9 A. Ut X. . 1. nulu. Oregon
lit IS, IS. lllock 3R I. 3. I. . 6. i -
Iflloek JT, I. S . t. 6 T tllork ITMn.NO PMNT Mill MAI.K
IK. I. 17. is. is; tin p rnglne, e-lnch mniriiugai
I , 9. 10. II. I3!r,utnt. Set ft. Inch pipe. 36 ft l'r
. 00 KUn,a,rAW,: "
3. Lots 13 II.
lllock 37. U(
i ...,..u
I f"Mn mi it ni: (iTn
vmi mi i- . ' "'IS
i . .... ...ii.i, inn in
tllock 37. liots . 17. t. IP. 30. 31.
33 lllock 36, lots I. 3. 3. 4, 6.
lllock 33, IX 6 and nloek 19 and
ll I and 3 In tllock 4., all. In MM
Bprlngs Addition to th CUy of Klam-
prvM launch. 16 II I1, angtnn I lfo ' mk
M r Cappock, MAlln. Or"
He motor, electric light and lot
equipment Will sell or eichange for
aouth.w.ioffoming c.llf uT
od soil, ham ,m,ii k.. '' "
WO house. 100 ,., rh Jt
t of! ,,r,,M ' " im slmoe,!,,.
abnul J crr l(.lf. ... ... . "
. munt
Ak. IFalla AenvnM ft H ri ITlstl sialri T tlks as IaiisIhm a s Isih. Sfttl tttttl tl
property abve listed and .te.crlbd Mo,or Co. T-I0, , lrrtg th ,,Ufo, .u.,,!:'"?'1
be and hernbr Is declared to be ss', nmfn.M- u. . ",U-
seassd for the espens of said Im-' ,)UT A small jacKsa- containing ' ,,-rn ,'" , ' ",'1 lf ".
prorement I 4& 00 In gold, wrapped In a 16 00 ,ltr,r" H.3I0 U,r I. inn Ad4rtw
AND HM IT rmtTIIKlt ItKHOI.V. W .bral rrd If rrturued In J " rrt, Cnrnlng Caji "j
KD. That Monday the 33 day of Mar. u n . ii.rald otflen T-10 MeCort. lloi l: m .'..
------- .. --- INI. IIBUII
! . j CTallf , owners Vi
KOH HIHK Cars without driver
Klamath fall Auto Co, 334 Main
Cartl and rugs rlnaned to your
satisfaction Wm Lush, phone IsQW
' v... ... ..... .nlin..) ik. i wm street and Meiro Mrwi rrom i;iio-
You aro hereby notliled that vm ........ .,.... -r... i.i....i.- i.
lesa Devaul the holder of Certificate of !"'-' ":'""' ''!'"". "":?" "'?'"
. at i Delinquency nuwbere,! 1147 Usued '"TT""' ""'1!!.'" J ,n" ''"."
of on the !7th dar ot October. ll "-T"'""' r"""""?"'' -"
nj or mo v-iiy r.nsinrnr
1931. at the hour of s o'ttoch P M
at the Council Chambers at Ike City
Mall, be filed a the time and plar
for the hearing of objection and ri
monstranreacalnst the said propos
ed Improvement and the Pollen Judge!
i nrreuy airecn-M iu rn.i.n imiuiw wi
said hearing to be published as by
Charter provided
County of Klamath. )
Cllr of Klamath alU.)
i . i i, I... ii.. i... i.. nr
the City of KUmath Palls Oregon. 'TOn iiAt.t:labr cJilcks. IX 60 r-r
do hereby cortlfr that the foregoing j Joicn llarred lUKk and Whtl
li duly enrolled copy of a mulutlon tjhorn Hot 1013. city 7
adopted by tho Common Council on .
tho 36th day or April. 1931. JMlsr-l
Ing It Intention to Improve KIDrado
street from KsolAnad to Portland
lain Vtvi .UbMj rMMiasbl.rrussi.i
7.14) lowest of terms lUil h.kVirV,
roil HAI.IJ- Hr owner, 6-nKim. mod
em house, cloao In. Hot 1000, llnr-'Auto Co. 311 Mala
aid office 9-14
lUtl llhepktr. C
KOIl IIAIX-r-ord louMif N
lisw UphoUtarlagt, BIS pit), u'
uioior ovsrbauled Klttaitk r.iu
t'nllre led
than 14.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A.
to tho blghoat bidder, but at not
II.. on tho 11th day of June, next,
this offlco. the following tract
land: 8Vi 8EU Soe S. T. 3SS..,by tho Tax Collector of tho County!
ii, 7 t... v. n. or Kiamatn. Htain ot uregon. tor tnei
mo saio win noi do aepi open, oui Amount of ronr snd (14 41) 41
will be declared closed when those . 100-Dollar. the same being the
prrsent At tbn hour named have ceas-' amount then due and delinquent
ed bidding. The person making thei(0r taxes for tho year 1914 togethar
highest bid will be required to tmmo-1 with penalty. Intorest and costs
dtatolr Par to tho Ilecolrer the'ih.rnr, i,non i. .! n,nn.ri. ...
amount thereof I .! to vou. of whlfti vou r. ih Jalo of the Snd day of April. tt.
Aay rMsnwns claiming ndvereelr the. owner as Appears of record, situated m' n'- specification, and rail
ADOTCdescrtbed land are advlsol toli ..i.i countnaml Riate ami n.r. mate, of the cost of Improving High
file their claims, or objections, on or i tlcularly bounded and doscrlbed as
Deiorn mo urae ocignaieu lor sair , follows, to-wlt; The Bouth Half of
.uuco win uv (iudiuucu lur n'o no North Malt
consocutlve weeks In the Klamath , o.r. ,. .,.
Nle four-room hou.
furnUhe.1, closo In on Ninth trti.
Prim 11400 Ownar going away. The
Hyan Unity Co. II J N Ninth IU
Ctmn to my plaro nian lima ago.
a MoUtrln hvtfer brsndnl II on right
i rib. Owner mar have same br cell-
ItKMH.trriON ( nc ,t llullivan isneh Mnill. and
The City Kngler purauant In the tuivlng rcta
llesotutten of the Commnp Counclll DAN AND JACK HI'I.I.IVAN.
heretofore adopted, having urdrl7-9 Mrnll Or
Ooo Chandlsr -huiatai. lloUilir,
1)1 1 Mudnl. lusrsatrtd tosllllt.
One KofJ Tourlftr. tit, si Utf.
uphulitsrtng snd MKhulutl;
txrf.ct llulck HsIm a knit.. Ti.
phone I7CW ((
POrt llllti: Poid cats wtlkffw 4VIT-
rs KUuistb Auto Co lit Kits.
FalU Harald.
JAS. F. DUnOESS, Itegister
2. 9-16-13-30
NOTICK OF H.S.I.E OF ltfii. PftOP.
:i.Kf tti:ntim
Yours'M and ladle are lnvle In
8t. from 3d at to th H( and Fourth! attend an Informal :!' Dsnclng
street from Pine iS3tc4 to Jefferson ' party at their trmpt V'rdntar
Including Intersections, and! Mar llth, 1931 Tlckit. 1100 tat
Includeii lunnug i n m uring your
nt Ik. d...,k..., street.
NnrihM.i o..,,!.; h" fnmmon Council having Ukn
""""" --- " i, --. .,.!. .l.lMt -. 1m.I
Uli A'li O M It V I' U --!..-. I TH
36 TAw.hln 3 .Ami IS K., Wll I ,n " ''.. SPeClflrAlion. and
. . r - ., ....,w .v ... .... , t.....
A Detroit man has invented a Ut
which run without air Mo may think
ft's something new. Hut wo'vo got
two of them.
No matter how courteous and ef
ficient an undertaker may be, his
customers never come back.
Kducation a La KxrrUlor
Each day a thing or two I learn
ny carefully perusing Kwli;
Spsne morning to that page I'll turn
And find out -aiiat an umphU Is!
Or virtue ot a warnnt lisui-d by
tho Police Judge of ;bo 'M'.y of KIniu- Tax Paid
ath FalU. Oregon, dated tho 18th.
day of April. A. D. leil. and to me lIG Oct
directed. Notice is hereby given that!
I have levied upon tit) following .H-I19U Oct.
scribed real prop?y. lo-wt-
Beginning at a peln: In tho south 1 1917 Oct.
rlr line of Klimitn strcu' or an-
nue, In tbe .-! of Klamath Fntlt. Or ; 19 IS Oct.
egon, let loot raitorly of the cait
erly line of Payno nllir. extended.
thence 'at right 'ingloi with Kl.imath
llamette Merldlsn.
You sre further notified that said
Wm Devaul ha paid tax on said
premises for prior or subsequent
year, with the rate of Interest on
said amount as follew:
Yea'rs Data Tax fie- Am't. Tlate of
27. 709
!7. 937
27. 7229
27. 8202
14.41 12
S.7 12
2 60
tlmatrw satisfactory. IT IH MKIIKIIY
HE80LVKD. That said plan, .pa
cification and eatlmate for the Im
provement of High stmet from Third
street to Hlxth street snd Fourth
street from Pine atrmt to Jafferann
atreet. Including Intersection, ba
and the same are hereby approved;
KD, That the Common Council hero-
by declare It Intention to Improve
( said ortlons of High streot and
, Fourth street In aecordanc with said
I plans, specifications and eVtmales.
w said Improvement to consist of Im I
Klk friends 7 lo
4eeee -
Hate Yuw fv-n Krllr; lodfff
t'aad lllandsrd I'husocrtvkl, UV
ral (cductluaa lot titns. Bid
llhepherd Co 607 Mais lilt
CITV MIUJ.(.I-ha (
gellMgri rrtnuial. rl 10,'M,
"! ' ' ' .11 J SI
The biga quality ef a (. tsst'
followi slvartlilag In Ik (tsssHM
column of The ll.rsld It ttt U tk
Intelllgrne of Hi r4fi.
- i" mm s
. .- I proving said portions of High trr4
T'snd Foerth street
with bllulltblc.
Ttia etlmsted
. rnnpnil. r .11111.
BJIJ!,...W,,er "Jon.MB and Oscar cost of the Improvement of sold por
O Williams a the owner of the Is- Ham nf uM .ir.i. . nt.rin. ii,..
m. tw ssnnvsas) iiTinsiosiaiPiv 1111 a a a as s a, a ..
J .T ,Z' ;. :.h .. i- ; ". u" "" J' aoscrioea pro- on either bltullthlc. concrete or wl
f'.e.lJ "" ""f'howlerlr Psrsllcl perty as the same sppesrs ot record., lit to bo 130.301 36. said coat In
with VAfeim.Iti .truf fir nvfiiiA r I .. ...u .w. ... ' .. .. .7. " -"-
. -"" "-""V - ,.ng u m uie oioer per, ciuamg gracing, rolling, curbing and
feet; thence northwestetly at right, .on above namerf r. v.,.'Mmnr.M..w.iL ' "
vsw1 fllK ITInmnf K Bfrsi1 nr vfilt a . v .. .n asati. . .
i5 . 7. .V --". ...-.- uy luriocr nomiea lOBl wm. UOVaun A.NIJ IIK IT Fl'HTIIKll ItrTHOLV
200 feet to the southerly Uno of sn -! will apply to the Clrsult Court of the1 ED DY THE COMMON COUNCIL,
street or ven": len1" te,rir.i County and State aforesaid for a de That the following described property
following sajd eoutberly line 64 fe-it cree foreclosing tho lien against th!be and U hereby declared benefitted
to the place of beginning, Abova property abovo described, and men- by mid Improvemfot. to-wtt; Iota 6,
described property abutting on I tloned In ald certificate Anri 6. 7. ft. liirwk t. nHrinl rn t.
trt. ,..!. .... ei ... i . . .... . - . .. . ".'-t : -"-"- -""... r-,
rviauiaiu i ut not, sre nerenr summoned in nnrvnar
I are herehr atimmnn ffn
Taken And lorled upon as tbe prop within slur J v. after the rim mil..
erty of B. St. George lllshop. In it ' llcatlon of this summons, oxclualroof
Isfaetlon of a certain lien created and tho day of said first publication, and
docketed by the city of Klamath defend this action or pay the amount
FaIIs. Oregon, for a proportionate due , ftboya shown, together with
ahnro of the cost of Improving I costs nnd nccrned Interest, and In
iviBniaiu utbuuo or airiwi ui- " . caso or your failure to do so, a do
Center street and Payne alley, which rr-- win i. rnn,i,r. ...i.i
said lion Is docketed In Volume (1) I ii.n n,, nf .,i,i .... ,a ...
of tbe Hond Lien Docket of said city J against tbe land and promises Above
I ai puftU i .ufJiuui uu .ins uaifj ui flamed
"You Beautiful Doll" and "Kiss October 10th, 1910, In the sum of This' summon Is published by
Ma, Money, Ktaa Me." Aro piano a- '1'2'.'8, ..... . .'order of tho Monorabto D V. Kuy
lections; not exorcises Ho be tried on l,.! '? j, J1.?,',?. S,, y. aIJ- JdK', of ,ho clrcult Cou'
I . .? . .i . .if i. . ol lna nia'e or uregon ror tno uoun-
oi May, a. u. ii, Bl inn nuur ui
' 2 o'clock P. M.. of said day. at tbe
tbo typewriter.
Everybody Is ready to follow tho ' front door of the City Mall In said
.mI in ik. tmni -.i, , v , city, sett at public auction to the
gonoral In tho front rank, but nobody hhfl bmvt cash ,n h,n(1( tnH
wnuui o irau mo sirasKiar mjuum Aforementioned and. described real
ly or Kiamatn and said order was
mndn And dated this 4th day or
April. 1921 and tho date of the first
publication of this summon Is the
4th day of April, 1021.
All process snd papers In this pro
tho mess wagon all creation crou-Jproperty or so much thereof ns Is' ceodlng may be served upon the un-
ches at tbe feet of tho
stands for something,
Llttlo by little the
dence Accumulates,
man who I necessary to satisfy the sum of
ri.z.78, together with interest there
on at tbe rate of C por cent per an
num rrom the 10th day ot October,
1910, and together with tho costs
and disbursement of sale hereunder
Chief of Police of the City
Damning Erl-
derslgned residing within tho fltnte
of Oregon at the address hereaftor
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address 201! Odd Fellows' liulldlng,
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
No matter how good a b uffer of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
man may be he has to give In when . 2E-2.9-H-28
ni money iiimuui,
(Not Coal Land)
U. B. LAND OFFICE at Lakevlow,
Oro., April 29. 1921.
NOTICK Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of tho
General Land offlco,' under provis
ions or Sec. 2465, R. 6., pursuant to
the application of Oscar Peyton, of
KlamaAh Kalle. Oregon, Serial No.
011381, wo will offer at public sale,
SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN' . Tho City Engineer pursuAnt to tho
FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN i Resolution of the Common Council
nerotororo Adopted, having under
date of tho 10th day of April, 1921,
Hied plnns, specifications and esti
mate)) of the cost of Improving El
Dorado street from Esplanade to
Pnrtlnnrl tttrr.nt nnf Iklnltvuin ntrnAt
Wm. Devaul. Plaintiff vs. Waltorlfrn,n Pinn,Hn m in.m,. nrr.r
a T.U..M .... r . vif.,11 ,-..,. ...wv.m.w v,..w .va.M.u,
" ,""""" " "cor j. viiiiudib, including intersections; nnd tho Com
Defendants. nton Council having taken tho same
T?,w.a,ler ?.' Jon nd O"01" under advisement and finding said
O. Williams the abovo named do-, plans, specifications and estlmatcs.
defendanU. satisfactory.
In tbe Name of tbe State of Oro- IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED. That
Ken: jgald plans, specifications and cMI-
. 7, . 9. 10 lllock 49. First Addl
tlon. Lot 5, . 7. , 9. lllock . Ori
ginal Town, lxt C. 7, I, 9, 10
lllock 60. First Addition, Lot 6, II
7. 8, Block 9, Original Town and
High School property, also 1x4 I
2. 7. . Illock 7. 3, 4, 6, , Block 8
Original Town, Lot 4, 6, 6, 7 and
westerly half of Ixit 3 and wrterv
hulf of Lot 8 In Illock 60, First Ad
dition, Lota 4, C, 6, 7 and winterly
half or Lot" 3 and westerly hair or Lot
8, Illock 47, and Lot I. t, 9, 10
nnd easterly hair or Lot 3 and east
erly hair or Lot 8 In Block 41. and
Lot C, 7. 8 In Illock 42. of Fir Ad
dltjon to the City nf Klamath Fall.
Oregon; and Uini said property above
listed nnd dcacrlbcu! be and hereby Is
declared to bo assessod for tho ex
pense of raid Improvement
ED, That Monday, Die 23 day of
May. 1921, at the hour of 8 o'clock
P. M at the Council Chambers of
tho City Hall, Im fixe as tho time
and place for tho hearing of objec
tions and remonatranrrs against the
said proposed Improvement And the
Police Judgo Is hereby directed to
cuso nollrn ot said hoarlng an by
Charier provided
County or Klamath, )s.
City or Klamath Falls.)
I, A. L. IjoavIU, Police Judge of
tho Ctty of Klnmnlh Falls, Oregon,
do hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolution
adopted by the Common Council on
the 26th day or April, 1031. derlar
Ing It Intention to Improve High
street from Third street to Sixth
lAreet and Fourth street from Pine
street to Jefferson street, Including
Intersections, and approving the
plan, specifications nnd estimates of
costs gubmlitftil by the Cltv Engineer,
. . A. 8. LEAVITT.
2M .Police Judgo.
Stage leaves The Smoke daily
at 2 p. m. and the Central Hotel a
few minute later. We ue a large,
eaay riding, comfortable automo
bile, in thorough repair.
Stage leaves Kirk at 8 a. m.
daily. Tickets $3 each way; round
trip $5.50. Phone your reservation!.
Central Hotel 155-W,
The Smoke 175 t
i L'U i.ju.e.u.sLi I -U 'i-s-m t.s..
Phone 531-R
We give all our work personal attention Use nothing : bat "r
das material. Let us give you figures on your palatini.
133 N. 4th St. Res. Phone 531-
. .-wr-1 . r-jn 1 1 vTfrr n I ' L-Lss1
have juit received a
carload of fine monu
menta and marker a, all
new deaigna. Stop and
look them over.
Klamath Falls Marble
and Granite Works
.1040 Main St
Lawn and Garden Seed Murphey V Seed Store
KsbbssbGbsssVs! bsLssssssssssssssssbI
124 So. Six St