HAOW TfflWH, Letter From The People w0 winli lo fiprM thn aentliiiimisj f ouwlr'" il """ of ull",r "' !- nmronilnit Hi" vnrliiu report hlrh rn lM,lK 'Irciiimwl Or "mn Zllclo'i". nmnji-iiplrlM Itiftlvtililnl to hut really look plnco ul the V.n w Rlvn ly J ' H''l '"' County J"rm on Hnturday r.lrlit.' April Jm. I981 Hveryotio wl'" '" '"'"'I "'' n" know" why Hi"""' tlaweww worn elvon, niittelr. '" "" benefit of Hin In-, Lie. of Hi" County hospital, mm .bit ' "i" proceed 'f Hin dances, r Hlmrt ha purchased a phono b tK"' uM" ni1 ,,l,rlMir cbslr nd iflAiiil. Tim nro Ihlnic which Hi" tnmntvM of the rounly lnm )WI noTi-r lforn enjoyed and win! lu only " v" ,,,n ""Hliitlon n fair noura to renllin how hcmi their enjojrnwinl l , The flrvt threw daiirc which worn (Ircn "i"'" "t't ",mn ,,,r "",w1 ,,rr' ,t na Mn " HiorouKhlr nil iortl of any dance they bad at Undnl this ""i Tim fourth dance promtrl to hi JuM as auociw.ful for those who wr-M there wnrn haVltlK vry pleasant evening until near mldnUht. when thirty or morn hood umi from Klamath Falls mmn out ,t it wolhlnls of their party-'-toe nrratly under tho Influence of .otoeones rotten moonahlne. Mr Hhort did what any "H""" I0-' tittiie.l individual would harn done, for after half an hour or o lent In trrlnc to Impress upon th mind of tho maudlin hunch that they muit conduct thamlrs In deietil man Br and then realising that said batith " "" drunk lo lllen to what aald. Mr Hhort very quiet ly but very effectively called the dine off and ordered thn drunken tnob out of the house and they, real ftloic y hl attlludn. that J II Bbort would permit of no fooll.h Br. very quickly mad their lla pa ranee rnriherniorti, wtlhln two or thrr dir after the dancn tho namr of tboui who werw woil Inatnimrntal In dldurbinK thn tH"rn wp"" '""irfd hy Mr Hhort and handed over to the dlitrlrt attorney who waa aVed to brlnr tbo jcutltr onea Into court a oon ai oillilo Jut why thla ha not ben done can ha ex(lalnrd by tha dMrlrt attorney only. If there li a pron In Klamath coanlif who I In doubt aa lo how Ihe county hoiplUl la helna; mn. all he ueil lo do li to make R !!' ' Hi" lulllutlnn Vou orn alwaya made wtlcomo by Mr and Mm. Hhort and you are at liberty to riurallon any In mafe there aa lo the treatment ho CtltM Wn would watcer our lal do! Iir that thn anawrr Klm would Im. aonvwhal aa follow. "We otd tropin are treated heller than n hato oyer Now we y to you jx-oplo who know nntblme about thn management and what la belna; dona out at the county farm, no and aen for your ultra Ix-toro you icIto errlll to any of the Klandcrlnc rrporta which aome peopln would tlko to havo you lie. Um Aa for wn ptople who havn been nul them and know what l be ins done wn want tho mnnaKn mnt to know that wu are nry ap preclatlvn of thn nffolt they am tut linn forth lo timko thn counly farm n crtdll to tha county nnd we wlah them ory uccm In lliolr work Hlnned- N J CIIAI'MAN, I'HAB l'UMAN. C W. MII.1.KK. MIIH, C. w Mii.uyt. OIIAfl, IC, HMITII. MIIH, CIIAH, II. HMITII, - J. W. Htll.l.lVAN, KIIANK 8KXT0N, MltB, KIIANK HKXTON, 1UHUV I100TII, ciuuuis anAY. DORUIH PKRHONAI DOIHlIfl, Cnl., May 9. Chnrles HurIi nrrlvod Saturday evening from Itorkoley whero ho han been nttond Ing tho University or California to spend thn summer In Dorrlo. Mr, Hugh Is nn oicoptlnnnlly good Imse oU playnr nnd will mnterlnlly trengthon itho local aggregation of toiscrs. Uo plays equally woll pitch ing or roculvlng. Mr. nnd Mrs, Krank Harr nru tho Proud parents of a six pound bnhy Irl, born early yealorday morning t tho llarr homo on California street. Both mother and bauo aro doing tokcly. Mr Uarr Is factory mnnnRor 'or the Associated Lumber and Hox company hero, Mr, and Mrs. WlUUm a. Hagol lln motored to Klamath Falls Bat Urdy ajtomoon to ipend Bunday W frlsndi and relatives. Roy Tsber of the Taber Drup Co., tetomed froni tt few days busl n visit to Ban FrancUco.' '- Ha", "TT ,U!'",K mti" '"" ,,or rl- ymlnrdny for tho d.iy In ((. motitUiiltiH mm Hi mill mi n, KlHiiiiiih rhnr. Trout urn liltliu; Amnion.. z?Zz ""; r: ur- iiiat vitinlly. (loud ciitclidii of rlvi.r trout hnvo Imwui niiulo in u,,, Kinnmiii rocuntly nUo. fir. i:, I. Johnaoti of Klmmitli Knlln rnimi down on yimterdny motn alclnn. In thn cn.n ,f . j. Mnrlln. who waa nrrdititnlly ehot Krldny iikiiiIiik rinir llrny. wliil'- ai'iircliiiiK for iiKonahlner 1 WEATHER RECORD I t ) llnrnaftor Tho llernid will pulill.li Ihn mean and mm I in tun lempnrn lure, and prnclpllntinn rernrd aa ink en by thn II II lliirlnmntlori erlre latlon I'libtlcatlou will rovor Hie day prerloua to thn paper' lirnun, up to 6 o'clock of thn day I'm Mm Mln riltntlnn May I c,7 jf, May 2 . 65 21 May S 12 in May 4 f.7 27 May B ... t 27 May 4 C2 38 02 May 7 0 3S May K . .. .. 70 2'j To avert the dnnr.r of fore', fire caiikod by apark from Iokoihoiiw Ihn official of the Ktilntiu Mall niad of I'enniylvnnln, ntinounrx Unit no train will bn run over that rond durln'c dry weather Inhabltntit. if Ihn danicer latin wnlcomu thii ilcrle Ion " " IIIXOM.'TIO.V The City l.'uclnonr pumuant lo Ihn mitt for Ihe Imprnvemenl of Vh Ington rlrent from Third slreel to Fifth l-et. Including Inlerveellona, Im nnd thn ulna are hereby approv ed .Nt UK IT KCRTIIKIl IUOLV KI. T" t the Common Council here by iirire It Intention to Improve aid :-nr"nn of Washington lre In acr.'.anre with eald plan" pee- llrallon t nd eUmatrt laid Im nrnTMnent to ronulM of mvlng nald portion of Wanlilnrlon rtreel with concrete, bltullthle or wllltle The (tlmnte.1 ro.t of Ihe Imnmvemenl of atd portlona of eald nUrt by plae- Ing thereon either concrete, hliull- thlc or wlltltn to ln 110.998.75. said ml Including grading, rolling, curb- Ing and cement ddewnlk AND Hit IT Fl'RTHBR IIKSOLV- P.D. Hy the Common Council thai Me following drurrlbed pmperly b nnd ,hrtrlr ded.red l-nefuied by said Improvement, to wit Ixil f. Illock 1 Iit and 7 Hlock 7 Bwnuna ....'...- iaa' it. t o 10. aa 1..11... .- a. .- -... trr jaajk i.iiiiniMn e nun rm mrtn t RUJ&$ruri' ?,$ XXnXZW0"1"' CMK 'mANDr?JBnt,V KPRTHBR nMuW&FSSU ntoX ffita iV fl'Sltatt'S .Vi m m h LirnM imJL. i.ia AND IIP IT VV'RTIIBR ItPROI.V. nn. That Monday the 23 day of May. . westerly lino of Codnr atreet nnd Ce- summons Is the 9th day of April sfisHHsr1312 -IHrH-S? rr? sas 3 -assr ? sa;arsatar jfss. sssm- saswr b,'.rrf js : "stik;s s. ,. v r vHlv ' : ;""-s a: fsisrs,?.' 'x"- .. ,,, ss? ass." " " '" oald Plan. peclflrntlona and tail 0. 6 and 4 of HloeK 4, Ixita 1. I. 3 4 . r. ..,.., . ..,. .i fc... tj- i t n nnnKORKTW, Til nek t and lta 1 and 2 Hlock ton ndople,l by the Common Coun 19 In Flrsl Addition to the City of ell on tho 2nd day of 'May. 19 J Klamalh Kail. Oregon Ila I 2.3. A . L LBA ITT. ,... , -. . -- rf I. 6. Illock BO. anil l.u 6. ,. . . in lilnrk 47 In Klral Addition to Hi City of Klamnth Kail. Orvgun nd the HlKli ncnooi pmi nnd i... -nl.l ,.mtwir(r nlMivo listed and lencrlbejl be nnd hereby 1 declared heretnfont adopted, having under nR ,,ald plans, specifications nnd on- to be assessed for lhe uxpenso of said ((lte of thn Second dny of April, tlmntc Ratlsfnctory. improvement. 1921. filed plans, specifications nnd jT IS ifBRKnY-RESOLVED. That AND UK IT Kl'RTHK.R UF.BOLV ostlinale of tho cost of Improving " DOINGS OF THE DUFFS BY ALMAN TOM WAS WORKING FAST I miuiA i wamT VOU TO COME INAID . . w "'"''. J ".. . . 7.-rx MEET MN fHltNO MKntw - KK AUACHCl0a-AUTTl.COl.n is a a m. ntiiWnf Cnl I rtO fi0HBS 30MU CATCH FOR j ... -oci miNCS. I BCMEMOER. THAT WAS ALOMG T1MC AGO-I . t n7f 1 I I tt3f HAVEH T OCCN r.e- , filMCe! THAMK6QOPNES3; a girl! ' j: .jyi k rrzm iiil '' " I jVbsoi UILA' .atCaff fVf it "I fJ ssotaw THE EVENING HERALD. ' ""ml Monrtay thn 2.1 dny 'J May 1021, n. thn hour of S o'ffi " K ?.1 p' Council Clinmlwm nt tho City . "'.. " ,.Uwl M Ul" Hmi nnd plnce "SswAntra s f'""d linprornmniit nnd Uio Police 'M,,K" I" hnrnliy dlroclod to cnuai no- "" "' .""''I h'mriiiK lo Iki iiuhllalied nil by thn ClmrtiT prorldnd. HTATIi OK OHCflON, ) f!!n""y ' KlnrmUh, )OT. II... City of Klmnnlh Knlla, Orojson. J1" hnrnliy mrllfy Hint tho forojtolfiK la n duly nnrollo.1 copy of n ronolu Hon nilor-lid by thn Cotninnn (Vitincll 111 tho 2 T, I J, dny of Atirll. 1921. 1n. cnlrinit Ha Intonllon to Imnrovc WaaliltiRton atrent from thn onetorly Inn of Third alrwt to Iho imatnrlv linn of Fifth atrwt, IncIudlnR the Kourlh atreet and Klfth atrrct Intysr M-rtiona, nnd ntinrovlne thn nlnn (ipnplftmllnnii nnd r-itlrnntm of eoata aubmltlod by Ihn City Knitlnnnr. A U. I.KAVITT, " 9 I'olfrn Jodro uroi.t'Tio.v Thn City nnnlniinr puraiiant to the Henalultori of thn Common Council liiiroioforo adopted, hnvlnr: undnr dnln of Ihn ICth day of April, 1921, filed pinna, apecirirnllona lyicl eatl mnteii of thn riml of Improtlnr; Klnir. nth Htn-M from Main Htroet to Klnmath Avnnun. tnclnillnrr Intornic llrtna. nnd Iho Common Council hny Iiir lakeu ihn rniinn under ndvlomnnt nnd flndlnK anld plana, apoclflcatlona and i.atltnali aatlafartnry, IT IH IIKHKIIY IIKHOI.VBI). That nli pinna, -rlfcntlonii and -"M-mntixi for thn Imprnvnmnnt of Klnr nntli Hlrent from Main Street to Klnmnlh Ayenun, Includlnr: Interane linn'. Im and thn anmo aro hcroby approved; AN'f) UK IT KI'ItTIIKIt IIKSOI.V t'.l). That thn Common (Council hero by deelnren It. Intention to Improve aatd portion of Klevc-nlh Htn-et In nrrordanrn with aatd plan. xclfl- cation nnd e.tlmnlen. anld Imprnvo ment lo conilat of pavlnc ald ior- 'lona of Ktnvenlh Blreet with Aaphal- up concrete, oituinnir. wiinin or con- P - tll.t .11 I.. r..1 1J.I linn ; 'r'lf KUn hVlU 0 nnd I-nt 1. 2. 3. , 10. 11 of Tllock 43 of Nlchnla Addition to tho City of Klamnth Fall. Oregon, and that ..ia ... ... ii.i.j .r. - riilll l'i.t.J IIIM11 lieirn aim "- srribeil bn ond Is hereby declared to i.VTTA P Ba,rt do horeby certify that the foregoing improvement 1 a duly enrolled copy of a renoln- AJSI Ilr. II. rl llTllr.u illui.v.,, .,.,,. ,,- .. r-mr r...nii KI). That Monday the 23d dsr of May. 1921. at thn hour of 8 o'clock J' M , at the Council Chambers of ihn City Hall, bo flxd an the time and place for the hearing of ohjec- Hon and remonstrances against tho said propo'cd Improvemenl and thn Pollen Judge Is horeby directed to cause notion of said hearing to bo published a by Chnrtor provided. BTATB OF ORBOON. ) County of Klamath. )s. Cllr of klamnth rail. I I. A U Ifvltt. Po Ice Judge of thn City of Klamath Kalis. Oregon. do hereby certify thai tho foregoing U a dnly enrolled copy of a reoolu- May 3-13 Pollen Judge IlKMOI.t'TloS Thn CltV Council pursuant to tb Resolution of tho Common Council ' I i A" mm OLIVIA. I WAUT VOU TO MtET Mf rOtEWD MR. MERCER! ,. - ncj OUTHU 1 LtAO M IDONTKNOWJ LA i 1 r I CAN T 5TAN0 THESE. . VERS aEVEC VWMEM ! I COULD NEVER- i MARRN ONE! HER! D0rVrV0Uo LIKE HER! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Hotith Rlvoraldo atrcnt from Went Main atrcot to tho City Umlt ,nnd Wont Main atroat from ond of pavo rnnnt nt Conicnr nvotitio lo tho wait orly lino of Houth Itlvornldo ntroot. Including Intaninctlotig; and tho Common Council having tnkon anmo undnr fulvloomont nnd finding anld plnrm, poclflcatlon nnd catlmatoii antlnfactory. it ih iii:iti:nr itBsoi.vni), That anld plntiii, ajMjclflcntlonn and eatl- innt'-fl for abo Irnprovomtnt of Houth itlvornldo ntrot from wnat Main1 atrcnt to tho City Limit and Main ntroot from ond of pavnment nt CoiiRor nvnnuo lo tho wonterly lino of Houth Itlrcnildo ntroot, Including iKtoraoctlons, b nnd tho nnmo nro hereby appreved: Ann illy 11 ru11111r.il nr.ownv . o IZ0,12K,1U, mill com inciuuinK i;i). Hint tan Common Council horn- nnnllnc, rolling, curbing and cement hy dentnres lie Intention to Improve sidewalk. anld portions of Bouth Itlversldo and' AND HK IT FUIlTIIBIl ItBBOLV Wit Main atrcot. In nccordnnco wlth'KD HY TUB COMMON COUNCIL, tAld plnns, specifications nnd cstl- That tho following described proper-mnli.-df rmld Improvement to consist jty bo and Is hereby doclarod bcneflt of pnvlnr; sold portlonj of nald atreota.od by nald Improvement, to-wlt: Lota with Concrete Wllllto or Illtullthlc. 1 1, 2, 8, 4, C Illock 6 Bwaurui HoIrMs. Tho tlmatnd coat of tho Improve-1 iota C, 0, 7, 8 Illock 6, Original tnonl of aald portions of said streets Town, Lots 6, 8, 7, 8, Woek B. Orl hy placing llwimon either Concrete, tnal Town, I.ota 1, 2, 3, 4, S niock Wllllto or Illtullthlc to bn $37,618 10,; 5. Bwauna Helehts, Ix)tn 6, 7. 8, said wt Including gradln;, rolllnR, niock 4 Original Town. Lota 1, 2, 3 curbing nnd cement sldnwalk Illock 4 Bwauna Heights, Lot 3 and A.-X11 nig ii nmiiu.K 1u-.nu1.v-14 BD, Hy thn Common Council that thn, 2 rAHniin- ..M.piiu.,1 t.Mh-f. hA n It I hereby declared benefitted by(2. 3. Block 1. Bwnuna Heights, Lot sold Improvement, to-wf 1 I-ot 1 and 2 Illock 20 Original Town, Itn 3 and 4 In Illock 27. Orl- glnal Town. Lot 2. Hlk 2. West Klam- nth KalU Addn. IxiU i. 2. 3. 4, C. 0, 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IB. 16. 17 1. 13. Z0. 21, Z3, Z3 in IIIOCK 3, Wvnt Klamath Kail Addition and iy,i. i 9 s i b r 7 o in. ll.l -"' -, - . - " - ". - - 12, 1.1. 14, IT,. 10, 17, 18. 13. 20. Zl. at tho Council Chamber, at tho City ; nereoy .ammo-ru '"?""..;""" 22, 23 In Illock 4 Wnt Klamath t ir.il. bo fixed a tho time and place sixty days after the first poblleaUM Knlls, nddUon to the city of Klamath for tho hearing of objections and ro- of thl summon, exclnslve of tfce flay Kails, Oregon; and that certain aero- monitrances agalnat the said propos- t oald first publleaUon. aad deleBi age property In Lot 2. flection 32, o,j Improvement and the Police Judge thl action or pay the amount dae m Township 38 Bouth, Range 9 Boat, i B hereby directed to cause notlco of above shown, together wiin ceeU aai Wllllametlo Meridian, lying south- nald hearing o bo published as by. accrued Interest, and In case of yomr crly of I)t 23 In Block 3 and Lot 23 Phaser provided falluro to do so, a decree will be rea- In Hlo-k 4 Went Klamath Falls Addl. RTATB OF ORKOON, ) "lewd forecloslnc the lie r ! lion ml that part of Lot 11. Section .County of Klamath. )sa. Im and cota against the land ana 32 Ivlng noutherly of It 23. niock!ntr 0f Klamath Fall.) promises above named. went Klamam r"nll Aiidliion to , "".""J "Id hearing to bo publUhed a. by ATF OPOIIFGOV ) ST"' f KimSh S If KLm.tSila I "llr of KlamaUi Falls.) ). I. A. L. Lenvltt. PoJIee Judge of ; the City of Klamnth Falls, Oregon, Hon adopted hy Ihe Common Council on tho 2C day of April. 1921. declar- Ing Its Intention lo Improve Bouth Rlverntdo street from Went Main street to the City Limits nnd Wmt Main rtreet from end of pavement at uiirLirii au uiuaii iiuiiiu i , i-mirn .siiiiarw it, ia a m - ?' S""l.h. "!TP""d0 Mroet' ,ndnd,BBIThiffi,X"1rl!lSi lnirreceiiuiia. A. L. LEAVITT. 2S-P Police Jndce. IIKSOI.CTIOX Thn Cty Knglneor pursuant to the, Resolution of tho Common Council heretofore adopted, having under date of the ire day or April. 1921. f lied plans, specifications and -. matm of the cost of Improving High street from Third street to tho west- or y lino of Codar etrwt and Cedar street from High streot to Pine Mreet, Including Intersections; and ... Pnmmnn Pnnnrll hnvinr taken ,),n unin linrtor ndvl.nniml tinA flnil. BEUEve 1 MET MR. , MERCER ONCCBtFOBe' MIS5 GRCN INTHODOCED ME. ReMEMDER? LOOK OTOPIO, LOOK STUPID' Ti ' rs m : 1 anld plnrw, "pcclflcntlona nnd wtl- 04) Dollnrg and four ennta, the Mm mates for tho Improvement of High lining tho amount then duo and dalln atrcot from Third ntroot to tho worttr niiont (or true for tho yoar 1914 to nrly lino of Codnr street nnd Cedar gotlicr with penalty. Intoroit n4 atrcot from HlKh ntroot U I'lno ntroot, coat thorcon upon tho ronl property Includlnp; IntonwcUona, ho nnd tho , anaeaiiod (o you, of which yon tr a&mn nro horeby npprovod; , tho owner n appear of record, ill AND UK IT FlIlTHBIt IlEH0I,V- untod In isld County and State, an1 KI), ThM tho Common CouncJI hero- particularly bounded and described by declare Ita Intention to lmprovol followa, to-wlt; Lot 2, Section 30, anld portion of High atrcot nnd Co- Townahlp 38 South, nanus I B. W. dnr ntroot In nccordnnco with anld m nnd Lot S, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11 and Diana. HDeclflcatlona and estimates; 12. Rectinn 9B. Town.hin an (tenth. said Improvomont to consist of pav- WoatinK anld portlonn of Mail street nnd Cedar atrcot with Illtullthlc, con- crotu or wiimo. ino nminmuai cwi ttt thn ImnrOVSmOnt Of Said portions of said ntroot by placing theroon olth- or Dltullthle. Concrrte or Wllllto to ijiock 3, unginni Town, ixiia 1 una: mock 3. Bwauna Height, Lot 4, r T,.i. r.iMfH.i I-..... f nt m i 1 and 2 Illock 2 Original Town, Lota i nnd 2 In Hloek 3 Original Tewn: nnd that snld property abovo listed nnd described be and heroby Is de- cared to bo tmsossod for the expense of nald Improvement. . AND HB IT KURTIIRR REHOL.V. KD. That Monday the 23 day of May. i -. i.. ,-. a 'ninb n t kki n fc,l3 (IVU, v. w v.,wv a.., I. a L. Lsrv1tt. Police Judge or r- Sl'MMOXS Vfl IMTlf.lCATlOV IN f-ORBCIX)SimB OK TAX MUX IV TTTT rtRCTXIT OOlinT OF T1TK RTTK OK OROKONTOIt KLAM ATH COUNTY. tf.," ,..', ".', " ?"V' JiTiJ V ' I w'..ili.. Krank H McCornaek. Plaintiff vs. Devisees and descenrtanlsj Nlchol. Mrs. Lorcna niavispna aa n r inprr Wilson McMlchael. J. J. Hogan, C. A. narncb-urg, Alerlek Rarneburg, A. M Goary, B. A. Geary, It. E. Geary and The Holrs and Devisees and des-1 Icendanls of holrs and devisees If any there .bo of W. I Nichols. Mrs. Lor ena Wilson McMlchael. J. P. Hogan, , C. A. Rarneburg, Alerlek Darnebnrg, lot defendant above named I In Hie Name of the State of Ore- Bon . . .... . ,. , . , To are hereby notified that Frank I ;, Mf Cornack Is the holder of Cer- Hflcato of Delinquency numbered ?" '".uei1 n ne "tl?. day of ". i91C. bjr.th.8 Tl CU.eior. f lhe -" w u ii". """" ' ui"u for the amount of Forty-one (41,-' LUMBER FOR CASH ONLY ANNOUNCEMENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS! Our pay rolls have to be met with spot cash. Wholesale crsallU have been tightened and curtailed and In many laatancea entirely withdrawn. A largo portion of our purchase are now epot eaak. Our crodltors rigidly require Immediate payment ot acteunta aa they fall due. Our own collections nave became more and more difficult (rem month to month until our bills receivable now ameuat te we ttcally so much Dead Capital. In order to continue bu sines e anything tike a sound basis It Has become necessary te SlUU 6 SPOT CASH ON DELIVERY ONLY, BEGINNING MAY lit. Contractors and others requiring frequent deliveries nay avoid the Inconvenience ot dally cash settlements by making credit de posits in advance. ' We greatly regret 'our Inability to longer continue Credit accoas odatlona to our customers and trust the public will appreciate the conditions which have made' this change in policy necessary. BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. LAKESIDE LUMBER CO. MONDAY, MAY 9, iMl rinnrn X K W. M nnrl that of oald property luit described. Lot 6. I. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Section &. 1 Township 38 Bouth, Ranne 8 B. If. If. rnmnln nnnitumait f.nn rrin. cto Norf 837, and Iaxm, Interest and I P0naltle nnld subsonnent thereto. You are further notified that said Frank II. McCornaek or his naalgner R, S. Moore ha paid Uxm on said premlsos for prior or subsequent yean, with the rate of Interest ea nnld amounts as follews: Yonr's Dftto Tag Re-Am't Rate of Tax Paid 1315 Apr. 11 cetpt laterest 2103 121.81 1916 2218 rit.24 1917 3837 I27.4B 1918 2967 $20.40 16 1916 1917 1918 Apr. Apr. Apr. 1S 12 12 1919 ' naid uoinnaania I Bald Defendant as the owaer of Hie legal title of the above daeerie property as inn same ippnn i oi or ar e"h l.ntJ ?tJiEZ2? "bo1,rl vna.md "SVl 2m "ed that V 'rank K. MeCornaMc will PPlr to the Circuit Court of tte vonnir no. hum Morewa ior - creo foreclosing the lien acalast tfee property above described, and men . tloned in sal tioned In said certificate. And yon are ..,k,. mi auramon yuuuauou u Attorney for Plaintiff. Addrew Klamath Falla, Oregoa . Apr. . 16. 23. 80 May 7. 14. 21 832 Main Street Upp's Auto Service DAY AND NIQHT SMIYlCal Experienced Driver New Cara Klamath Falla. t. -- BLOCK WOOD $6 A LOAD PROMPT DEUVE9UB FRED II. HKtXMMNHaaK Mioao 19S 9, or KvrauBA Uox Co. V - iii