THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREQON i MONDAY, MAY l. IUJI The Evening Herald n J. MUIUtAY rilKI) KOUI.K r5ir .Kdltor IMltor Published Jally except Similar, by Tho HcrnlJ Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 119 Klghth Street. Entered Ml the poitottlco nt Kin mth Kalis. Oru.. (or transmission through tlio malls ns second-clast matter. MKM1IKH OK THR ASSOCIATK1) I'llB&H. Tho Associated Fret It exclusively entitled to tlm uto tor republication ot All now dltpatchet credited to It, or not othcrwlto credited In tblt paper, anil Uo tho local nova pub tlaner heroin. MONDAY, .MAY V, HUI 'Fishing At Crater Lake Better Than Ever This Year o nml doled tin men whoso soul were fired with great purpose Tim dancing girl was Spanish nuil Irish nnil loved alike by soldier ami Uioso who hated soldiers tho revolution lt. Ami tho (mirth w n daring, reckless, dior-tlli Yankee Theao (our rv tho trlnelHil char J nctoro In "Iingue ami Homnnce." the MiptT-aneclarlit coming to tho Liberty theatre tomorrow, cowlarr- , lng June Cupricu nml tlcorgu II Sells. wRH n east Including Margu erite Courtot nml Henry Hemela EXPECT TIFF BILL TO BECOME Li against tho Inml nml pre ml or nbovo named, Tltl iitmmumi It puhllthoil by onlor ot tho Hunurable I). V, Kuy kendnll. Judge ot tun Circuit Court of tho Hlnto of Oregon for tho Coun ty ot Klamath nml salt! onler was mndo rim! dated thin 4th day '' April, IDS! nml tho Onto ot tho flral pulillrntton of thin summons I tlm 4th ilny ot April, 1PU1 All proccM nml ikiihtm Iii thin pro tvedlng may be served uiniii tho uiv dorslgned residing within tho Hlnto of Oregon l tho address hereafter mentioned. W M Dl'NCAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address 30 Oilil Follow' llulldlng, Klnmnth Valid. Oregon IWIN2M0NTHS SUMMONS Uw No. IUNO in tiik cmruiT contT ok tub BTATK OK OHKUON FOll KLA MATH COKNTY. Lower Prices ON TIRES Why experiment with inferior tires, when you enn MOND, the tire of proven quality, nt these prices. ALL NEW STOCK; Adjustment basis; Cords 6000 miles. Kct a DIA, 8000; Fab, riC4 Hentlil Washington lUmviii WASHINGTON, May 9. Accord- D T Clodnll. plaintiff. r Murlr Quintan IIiikIi Falvoy and Dan Hutll ' i van Defendant To Dan Sullivan. IWendant 1 IN TUB NAMB OF TUB HTATH, OK OHKOON: You nro hereby re- i quired to appear and answer tho com- Itmilil Washington llurvau WASHINGTON, May 9 Oregon lng to Information notching th na- "IU havo moro to do with tho final tlonal hurvau of rKis (bhlnic will duurc-a In tho nsrlcuttural tchedulo1 piAnt ti Kan,t you In tho abo bo botlor than trcc hfor this year " tno pormanem tarm man any enime) couri anu anion on or op at UVo and on the famoua other .tato. ConKreMman W. C j ?tT?,V-Lhri.ih-.1,KrfMih,i fKoKUo rlvor. ami It It Mpoctol that Hawley, a chairman or tbo tub-, mo prMCrl0(, br tm, ortlr of put,.1 Uiey vm bo Timteti durlnff tho ca commuieo on uio nf:ricuuurni Mention of tho aboro entitled court 'son by anfilcra from all orcr the chixlule of tho way and mean within which you may appear and country. committee. ha completed hit work "". " If T ' " ""w' Trolling I. the method omplonJd at nd retried tho tlnJ!nK. of tho ukSaln"! you for ho tbo lake, and with tho rlRbt kind oritubcommltteo to hi anoclate an .fu ,um $S000. with Intnrott tncklo tbo limit of flvo a day haajthe Kcnoral commtttev. (thereon at tho rato of 1 per an- bevn lly caujcht In jvul teoaona. , It U reported tho expectation of!n1um, f"m K'bruar7.;i 1,,?J Bn,J m. . . i ... . -n ik. ... ik ,. .-. Mh further turn of $500 bit at Tho trout raniro In welht from one all the member of tho way and lnrnB,., fpi on Mg tttt eau, 0f nnd one-Tialf to (our pound. 'maana committee that tno com "Mlo Reed results ar aim often pleted tariff bill will bo reported to obtained by ho um of the fly. the the houk tomo tlmo thl month. anclon who al-ny cet the limit cenemlly uto a number fln hook with apoon or iplnncr. copper on one side and alitor on th other. The Rojcuo river enjoy national lion, and tho full turn of $1703 l rlth Interest thereon at the rale of $ per annum from June I. 1I9. and tho further um of 1300 at bit attorney feci on hi tecond cau.o, ot action, and for hi cotti and dl bunemont hcraln to b tatod. and aUo that any money or property bo lAakBlaa S mW anm mM lakfdkVttjV tbo aonato arly In Juno. rrlhK j;nny of th.m wh,chnay be V wldo dlicrcpanclea between tho ac-uched In tho nboto entitled action ...j. dA.H.dK i annii rk nnni bti.i aiim nnif in., nrm ' .i wumri ! "- .... . w. M. -. ,-.w- l'nte there fljht on the tho houte. It sure will bo I tomo unfortoen bill on tbo floor ot, It expected tho mca-i pitsed and tent to. ;ceed applied to tho tatltfartlon of renown as a fishing ttream. for It It one of the exceptionally few ttreamsi Hon of tho houwi and n tho world where stee head w Itho permanent tariff could be In " i "'"'"' "' "" -;;-" " ...... r.v w i . ... . Ituch Judcment a plaintiff may ob- Htrlko at a Or tho hands of tho prealdeat for ilt ,a,n (l hr (aw ,,rotlded. ' in anticipation ot tne nrnn ot tour nature uy mo niiuuio ot juiy. Iiji to Crater take thl year elabor- For the tint time In many tariff Mo preparations art? being mado for bill the agricultural ichedule will .ecommodatlng and entertaining be almpllfled and concentrated In them. The hotel at the lake It being 'itandard classification aa nerer be FAIIUICH ' COIUI li'iifn Kmooth H'jucego lllhlmd or Win Cato t!a H'Urr (f, 30x3 $12.50 14.00 . 2.25 30x3 m 15.35 16.60 25.85 2.65 32x31'- 18.90 21.00 34.15 3.00 31x4 21.45 23.25 3.55 32x4 25.15 27.95 43.45 3.65 33x4 26.40 29.40 44.75 3.85 34x4 27.00 30.00 45.90 4.05 32x4 Vi 37.40 49.10 4.65 33x4 V 3855 50.25 4.80 34x4 Vj 39.80 51.55 4.90 35x4 Vi 41.00 53.05 4.95 36x4Vt' 42.25 54,15 5.25 33x5 46t10 61.15 5.75 35x5 48.85 64.25 6.00 37x5 51.80 67.55 6.25 There is a Diamond Dealer in your locality. III.Y MBIIUA.Vni.K (X). Illy Or. MAI. 1,011V U.IL(ll;. Kl enlarged and put in first elas condl; fore For Instance, In tho rao of acquired the concession. Its capacity Is being doubled and when complete it will provide accommodation for as many a 300 !eople. An entirely new ocenic feature In connection lth'tho resort will be tho new automobile driveway around tho rim of tho lake. The new man agement. ha- also acquired launches and otbor boats (or operation on the lake The hotel will open July 1. through tho agricultural lire swlno and awlno products, the new tariff live awlno on hoof will bear n certain tariff and Immediately following that will bo all of the awlno products with their relative tariff rate The same cla. flcatfon has been devoted to the entire agricultural acehdule, making It moro easily grasped and sim plifying It to a great degree. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of six uccesive and ronecultvn weeks (7 Iniertlons.) pursuant to an order by Hon I). V Kuvkendall Judge of tho above entitled Court which said order Is dated March 36 1931, tho lint" of tho first publlca- fllnn nf aalit lumfunni lrtlnff Marrh sehedutoj; jjjjj In AII process and papers In thl pro lboicccdlng may be served upon the un ilertlgned residing wutiln tne mate of Oregon at tho aildrest hereafter mentioned. If M UANNINO Atiornoy for Plaintiff, whose bud nets and pottofflro add rem I I.ooml Illdg. 109 Main St. Kla math Fall. Klamath County, Oregon. Y. llltOAimVOHI). !tnAfll. Oru. CIIIMKjUIN MKIU.'ANTIU: CO. Oilloquln. Orn. J. M. M'Cl.t:i.UN, XI. lkl. Ore. TIIM). D. KM 2.75 3.20 3.40 3.90 4.10 4.25 4.45 5.15 5.80 5.50 5.70 5.95 6.35 6.70 7.10 KUawtlh KIU, r .MHItltll.l, OAlUUi:. Mrrrll th. HUtrrV NKHii:, iuetf, Ore. I. II. WIMBIt a M)Nft. ,, KlaiiMlli, Ore. YOl'NO, Jll-IUn.l. Orr. C.llll, I'HBI.KH. Vr., Cl. Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Co. 707 So. Sixth St. nihntiiitum Phone 167 imitmmmsmm At the Theaters Oreeco recently held IU flrat wo- man suffrage convention. The l era enlarged on tho part that women 1 had played in the history of Crercn. departed I ancient and modem, and their rlicht! TIIK STAH Cecil U. Do MIIlo has from his usual society background to political suffrage on an equal harts tor his pice In "Something to Think ( with men. About." and. though the picture un-i foM. n Tlri! atorr of nlaln folk. In SUMMONS FOR PUIIUCiTION IN arn hereby tummnnrd to appar. within atxty day after the first pub' llcatlon of this summons, eiclailrn of tliM ftn nf at lit flaMl hit Kll I IttM aasa.t March 3 April t-1 1-18-3S -M. 3-ld.(en1 ,h, ,elon r ,y ,h m'un, - I duo aa abovo shown, logethsf with HCMMONS FOll VIIUCTIO.V IN eo,U MA accrued Inlareat. and In. KOIlKCIX)SUItB OF TAX I4BN case ot your failure to do so. a dc! cree will Ik rendernl forec lo.lng ' IN TUB CIRCUIT COUItT OF TUB' tho lien of said taxes and roata gun, lloraco IlunUpM Frank Ward. J It WlUon. all ot Klamath Fall. , Orrgon Notice Uue and will m puhllahed for flvo runseciillva wrnka In the Klamath Herald JAM F III Ur.BKtf. It.trtr M-Ji.J 9 14 3J )k .i. . in.j.ctit for Eitrj X"f i .1 klH IKIMXSOX INhI j mj; AfiRMT First n .V tllUtlJ I'hro K.r; Wn can f J09 IsitrUMSk. H.AIIA II CAULM Mxl.UK D0.SDJC1 SUMMONS FOR FOIIKCIiOSUltK OF T,X lii:n tho country Instead of a sophltlcat ed drama of married life. It la char-"IN TUB CIIIOUIT COUIXT OF TUB actcrlred with the same artlstrr and STATB OF OREGON, FOIt KLA care of production that Is expected I MATH COUNTY. In a Do Mllle photoplay, to Think About1 "3onnchlng . t ,., . ... nl..l t.rromtl.1.. "".", I iaian.1, TS. J. , .. , nrrne uerondant. dlenco nt the 8Ur Theatre lost even-. To J W. Keone. the abnvH mm.H lng and will remain there tonight. I defendant Jeanio Macphcrton. who wrwto thoi ' tho Nmo of tho State of Ore continuity for auch Ie MIIlo "-- fYou aro hereby notified that Wm sea as "Male and Female and "Why Devaul. the holder of Certificate of Change Your WlfoT". Is tho author t Oellnquency numbered 1H3 laund of tho story. Tho thomo deala with on the 37th day of October. 1919 by Jtuth Anderson, pretty daughter of a ' . J" Cg1.,0,ct,)r,oJ, lho Co;n,'f. of t. ....... . j Klamath, State of Oregon, for tho country blacksmith. Sent to a board-, amount of Four and (14.41) 41-100 lng school by tho rich young man of Dollars, tho same being tho amount the neighborhood, David Markloy. It t then duo and delinquent for taxes is understood that she Is to marry f,?,r'h",y"r,19'4 together with pen . . . . .. , . . ,, .1 ay. Interest and costs thereon upon him. But at tbo lart. moment, Iluth , tno roal property assessed to you. of elope with Jim Dirk, a product of which you are the owner as appears tho village. Tho latter Is klllod In an t record, situated In said County and accident. Bbo returns to her natlvo5ia!.",ftn,(, PJtlrularly bounded and ... , . . . . .,, . I described aa follows, to-wlt' The village, but hor father, gone blind North ,, of tbe Haf,or the and enraged at her Infidelity toward . South Vcst Quarter of the North- Markley, drives her from the house, "t Quartor (N H 8. W U N. Through a dramatic turn ot events!' J of Section 23 Township 39, . . ,, ,,, . .. . .. , iiange IS, Bast Wllllamotto Mori- sho und Markley aro brought togclb- jcjinn. or. I You are further notified that said Contrasts In settings are a feature V'm. Devaul has paid taxes on said of "Something to Think About." The I Er!m,,w,.?r. J'r,or. . uequont VAftn 4af It i Ilia asatjh aaiAB&a Plcturo mark, the return of Klllott, ..Tj.'n,." 'm,"'""" "" uqxtcr, last jteen in "ror uetter. ror Yea'rn Date Tax Ito- Arn't Jlnto of MATH COUNTY. STATB OF OUBOON. FOIt KI.A-' n,Jt hn 'n, n, P"mlra abovej fjjftCr EVCtlV MC3I WR Sealed Tifit This aummona I puhllahe,! by , order of the Honorable D V Kuy I kendall. Judge of th Circuit Court (of tho Slate of Oregon for the Coun i ty of Klamath and salil order waij ! made and dated thla 4th day of April. 1931 and the date of the first I publication of thla summont la the ! 4th day of April, 1931 All proceta and paper In thlt pro ceeding may be terved upon the un ilnmlmed residing within tho Slate of Oregon at the addreta hereafter mentioned, W M DUNCAN. Attorney for Plaintiff Addrett 306 Odd Follows' tlulldlng, Klamath Falls, Oregon Wm Devaul, I'lalntlff, va 8. F Creltx, Defendant. To S. F. Creltx, tho above named dufendanU In the Name of tho State of Oregon- You are hereby notified that Wm Devaul tho holder ot Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1114 lamed on the 37th day of October. 1919, by tbo Tat Collector of tho County of Klamath, Hlatn of Oregon, for tho amount of Four and (14 41) 41-100 Dollars, tho same being tho amount then duo and delinquent (or taxm for the year 1914 together with pen alty, Interest and coats tbnroon up on tbo real property assessed to you, NOTICi: FOll I'lMH.rt'ATION of which you aro tho owner as at t v... ...... ... a:x?r0,..ra.;LKri?,rr!jjw-8 ,-,''" ';;;-. ?;-? lTLMTV.'l.?: Notice la hereby g,,en . i 1 W I Half of tho Southwest Quarter of the I "; ""on; of"nna. Oregon, who Northeast Quarter 8!4 B 8 W V, t''S,ruS" n,r.n r' V. 'i0?,",1.?1 N B. ) of Section 33, Township KJff Vi lr ' ?! W 39. Ilango IB, Bast Willamette Mori- ,?hV4. H: 3 T " " U " Kl "n.H ,..ui ., nncimn i, lownanip aa m. Ilangn 13 B. Wlllamuttn Mnrldlan. ha filed notlco ot Intention to make final throe-year proof, to eatablUh claim to the liml above doaerlbed, before C. It, ImUii. Clerk of the f'mmtv ruir. l 1 1 ....- I. ...ll n. ,tn T IJ. A,'l tl... !"."" r."' """"""" """' ,7 ,:, "" rr,u "'legon, on inn zstti day of May, 193 Id eelpt Intorett Claimant namea a witnesses! Worse." to tbo screen. Oloria Swan-i Tax aoa playa tho rolo of "Iluth." TJico- , 1910 Paid Interest dore noberU is the old blacksmith, and Monte Ulue, Mickey Moore, The- odoro Kosloff and Julia Kayo aru also Included in tho cast. Paramount. Tho picture Is a, celpt No. Oct. 27, 706G 1919 Oct. 27. 6983 1919 1917 Oct. 27. 7225 1919 1918 Oct. '27, 6191 1919 Bald J, W. Kcono as tho owner of the legal title of the abovo described 14.48 13.C7 13.33 12.60 12 12 12 12 TIIK IJBKIIT Y Don't treat your wife too well. No, that'e not advlco. It's the policy tbutPrf""'ty as tho sanio appears of re Jack Wheeler pursued In regard to I "I"', pacn J lno olnef ?' U. Ingenuous and adoring llttlo helv-1 SSr" ZlX That" Wm.'Dov. meet, nianny. And, oh, what u com- will apply to the Circuit Court of tho motion It caused. See (or yournolf at (County and Slate aforesaid (or o d- tbo Llborty Thontro tonight. The'""; fiJLci2"'nK iho ,.tB-'B"!f,t ,hB . ' . . . . . nroporty above dotcrlhed, and men- nsmo o( tho picture is "Fair and(tioned ,n Bad ccrtldcate. And you WarmJr," Hb Avery Hopwood'a most jaro horoby summoned to apprtar hilarious (arce, and May Allison I w,"l" ir nay attcr the first pub thenar. Tho rogue was the leader ot a band of revolutionists a rather bold In dividual was he, -with a prleo on his bp), Tho Amorlcan girl was an heir- j llcatlon of this summons, exclusive of tne day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount duo as abovo shown, together with costs and accrued Interest, and In ease of your failure to do so, a do. crce will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs dlnn. You are (urther notified that said Wm. Dovaut has paid taxes on said promise (or prior or subsequent years, with tho rate of Interest on said amounts as follews: Yea'rs Dato Tax Pa No. 1915 Oct 27, 706 14.4 1919 1910, Oct. 27, 6984 13.67 1919 1917 Oct. 27. 7220 13.33 1919 1918 Oct. 27. 6192 12,60 1919 Said S, F. Creltx as the owner of tho legal tltlo of tho abovo doscrlh ed property as tho samn appears of record, ami oach of tho other persons abovu named nro horeby furth er notified that Wm. Dnvaul will apply to tho Circuit Court of the County and Btato aforesaid for a do croo foreclosing tho lion against tho property abovo described, nnd men tioned In said certlflcnto. And you 12 12 12 12 I O. O Harrison. of llnnanxa, Orn- I'l. '.. Right fa im &m wnrwr ROCKY POINT STAGE I.KAVKS DAILY Beginning. Sunday, May 8th, 6TII & MAIN ST. Mako Ileaorvatlona at Kaglo Poolroom. Phono 370 or S4E-M. OKO. A. IIBI.L 'mwwmmmmmmwmmma Klamath Lodge No. 99, K. of P. Meet Mon day evening, April 9, I. O. O. F. Hall At H O'clock. Installation, rehearsal, and Initiation In ranks of pago and cs fjulro. - , Members are urged to- attend. Visiting knlgbts welcome. CHAB. F. -D'ElAp, Chancellor commander mbtz, K. of n. tc n. OKOnOE u. M Still 5c WRIGLEV'S hw steadily kept lb ttof twwtr price. Ax) to the umt bUh un' ard of MMllty. No other oody luts so loM-costs so little or does so tioch for you. Htndy to carnr-oeneflclal In ffcffa of flivor-a solace and comfort for young and old. THEFLAU0R LASTS !,