The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 07, 1921, Image 1

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    " 'filly Ulmirj
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's News
Today "j
Member of the Associated Press.
Kiriiviilli Ytxir No. MM
DOIUIIH, Mny 7 (Special to tlio
Herald) - Holi Klllott uliil A. 0 My
ers of Klamath Fulls, alleged to have
operated it mammoth distilling plant
cm Aiitiilopu Crook, nvMi mile north
of llrny, wiiro arrested nl H o'clock
thin morning by Walter (1. Went, of
tho Klomnlli liulliiii reservation, mill
Hlurlff l.loyil l,ow, of Klamiilh Fulls.
Ono of thu moil wah rtintiliiK tlio
ntltl nml tho other wim asleep v.ioii
thu officer docnded on thu pluco
thin morning, HI '" barrels of
mash, hnsldo tho distilling equipment,
wan discovered.
Hon, J. Martin, ono of West's party
wnn accidentally shot lant nlKht while
Uin officer worn IryliiK to locatn tho
ntllt In tho ilnrknoiw. Mnrtln full and
hlit revolver wan discharged, tho but
lot penetrating the left shoulder. Tho
wound l not serious, It wan nald at
tho local himpltiil whom tho Injured
man N being treutod.
With Mm Robert Klllott and Wal
ter llylnnd in Jail hero, nml a search
on In tho Cullfiirniu mountain or
"Hob" Klllott, fiunbnnd of tho woman
ruptlvo. and two other nifii. ",1,"K,J
to hnvo boon operating a still of
largo rapacity, local offlconi bellovit
that thoy hnvo broken up cmo of tint
biggest and best organized gnngn of
lKor.. runner that ha operated hero
In muny a day
Mm. Klllott and llyland woro cap
tured Thumdny night near K"n "
Sheriff l.toyd Low and Chlof of 1 1 o
llco Wllnon. acting nn deputy sheriff
Tho officer nay that thoy woro bring
ing n load of liquor from the still and
had hrc ense of quart bottles and
lomo bottlon In a wick In tho ma
rhino llnforn thoy wore arrested on.'
onse wm thrown from tho machine
and H contentn smnnhod.
The operation of tho alleged gang
havo been undo rwny for two months
and they havo been bringing In nn
rlverngo of l&.gMloun of lWllr
liquor dally. It In nniorted. dlspos
Ink -of It to elot cllntolvut pr
nroiind $25 o Kallon.
information regarding Umimt
wan lthhld until today by tho a i
thorltlc.. to glvo time to tnk-UIW
and tw others, who aro believed tn
Vh.Wnns for rounding up the
whole gang wero IioIhk formed yen
Terday. frlendn of tho accused per
ion Vol wind of tho orml ofNy
Inud and Mr. Klllott nnd hired Cecil
CMdwoll. local Jitney driver, to take
warning menwagn to them.
" AcJSrdln? to n npeclnl dl.patch to
tho Herald. Caldwell and a man
fMimiHl K Ijmp, were itrrrMed a
i r ih ir iVopuiV hnr,ff UorMnn
on order, from Hborltf I.ow. and wore
detnlned there lant nlKht
Chief of I'ollco Wllnon m d todny
w,v ,,i .till nn Oru
Kon avenue lant winter The police
leathered evldenco nnd ralilod the
place, but tho nccupantn of the houne
wero Rone, leavlnc behind revenil
ompty manli borreln an evidence i that
tbo offlcom hud not been mlnlnform-
WTlien neon by a Herald roprcnen
tiitlvo In tho local Jnll today, Mm.
Wlllott. a youiiB AMmnn of quiet nnu
attractive appearance, refimed to
mnko any detailed ntatement. Slio
nald nho had no knowledKo of tho I
licit nature of Hylftnd'n errand until
tho ofrlcem ntopped tho car nnd nr
nwtod hereolf nnd companion.
Hhu enmn hero recently from 8e
nttlo with her hunband, nho nald.
They woro HvInK hero nnd vIhUIiik
fcor moUier nnd other rolntlven.
She nald her hunbnnd win not
irorklnK- Tho pollen nay ho posed nn
u civil onKlnoor nnd hlrod n car at n
local Karaco almont dally, claiming
that he unml It ito rldo to the mirvoyv
''ItiB work on Toy grade.
Two Macdoe Lads
Held For Burglary
DOIiniS, CM., Mny 7. Harold
Hiiriifa and J. IYnzler, two younK men
from Mncdoel, were taken Into cuh
today horo Thurnday ovonlni; by Dep
uty Sheriff Kd Hopklnn to nnnwer
chnrKi'H brought In Mncdoel nccinlnt!
thorn with Iiouho robbery. Their
theft Ih nlloged to havo coniilHled or
$200 worth of clothlnB nnd Jowelry,
which has been cached nwny nnd hnu
not been locnted by tlio offlcorn.
Tho two younK men woro lodged In
tho Dorrla Jnll Thurmlny ovonlnB. and
woro tnken to Mncdool for honrliiK yeH
teiilny morulnB by CoiiHtnblo H. O.
lllflHCll. The HurIioh Ind l the non of
Jnck IIUKhen of Mncdoel, and In on
purolo for former mlfidenioanora.
MKUHIMi, May 7. Tomorrow tho
Cathollo cliurch at Merrill will culo
bralo Hit fliHt nnnunl pntronnl Twist un
der tlio tlilo of Holy CroHH chuich,
Father Mullry will offleinto nnd tnlto
ni Ida Huln.'t "Our Mother"
Mrx. (Ilncomlnl nnd hot choir hnvo
ptoparoil munlo fo rtlio occhhIou that
will long bo remeniboied. Tho pies
ideiil or the nltiir nooloty, Mih Hum
moiid, cordially luvlten tho Klamath
fiilkn to woiulup In Merrill tomorrow.
Friends of Irish
Republic Plan
Meeting Tuesday
Tuendny ovonlni; In the council
rhiiinber In the city bull there will be
held a mciiliiK of tho local brunch of
the American Hoclety for the Hccok
nltlon of the rlnli Itepubllc, nn orKiin
Itntlon that Im non pollllciil and noif
nnctnrlan. tho tiurnotn of which In to
bring nbout the recognition by tho
I'nlled Hlnten of Irlnh Independence. ,
Thu inembei-Hhlp of tho local briincb lit
very large. !
Tho meeting Tuemlay evening prom-"
Inen to be n notable one, an It will be
addrojincd by three of the ablent upciik
In the city -Horace M. Manning.
Mnyor W H. Wiley nnd Hev. J. V. Mol
loy, the latter enjoying nn Interna
tional reputation an an orator and ,
cnninpion oi ino irmn caune.
Klvo new nlreet mall boxen were In
ntalled onterdny under the direction
of the local pontofflce, giving the city
eleven deponltnrloH for mnll and con
nldiirnbly extending the tono of nor
vice for the public
Thu new boxen arc located at Cres
cent nnd Cnnby, Southern 1'uclflc de
pot, Klnmnth General hospital, I'ron
lect nnd t'plinm and Third and Jef
fernon. Thu boxen at Fourth and Main nnd
Seventh nnd Main have been moved to
ntiindnnln on tho odge of the nlduwnlk,
the ono at fourth and Main having
been moved to thu opposite Bijo of thu
Tho total list of locations In nn fol
lown: Southern I'nclflc depot, Cres
cent nnd Cnnby, Mnln nnd Ksplanade.
Ktumnth General bonpltal, Prospect
and I'phiint, Ninth nnd Jefferson, Mnln
and Sovonth, Third and Jefferson,
Sixth nnd Wnlnui, Fourth and Main,
Wrst Mnln near Hotel Ilnldwln.
Hereafter thero will bo four collec
tions from tho boxen dally, Imtoad of
two an formorly, Tbero will bo tho
regular morning collection In tlmo
for dispatch by train: tbun a collec
tion vrhon tho carriers mako tholr
distribution rounds. In tho afternoon
thoro will bo a. rolloctlon nbout 4
o'clocK lv rollovKnho" Congestion In
Main ntrvot boxon, that haa caused
criticism In tho pnnt, nnd tho usual
collection nbout C 30.
Auto Association
Getting Ready to
Erect Road Signs
A meeting of the oxccutlve commit
tee o the Klnmath County Auto Asso
ciation wan held )rsterday afternoon
' In tho offices of II, C.Oroosbeck for
i the purpose of passing upon tho rec
'ommendntlnns of the committee ap
pointed to survey Klnmath Fnlls pre
ipnrntory to beginning tho putting up
I of signs,
j It wild decided to at onco begin mnk
j Ing Inquiries concerning tho ptfo to
; bo used for the sign poita, and !ou
I Arenn wan appointed to Interview
IMirsoiiH or firms who might rtaro used
2V'lnch Iron pipe which they would
I lie willing to dlaposo of or donate to
tho association. Immediately upon
getting tho pipe, the association will
begin tho erection of tho pests.
1 President It. C. (Iroesbeck reported
that nothing further hnd been heard
from tho emblems, but he believed they
would bo hero very shortly. Anyone
having 2".i -In. Iron pipe which would
bo sultnble for sign posts will do tho
nsiinclntlon a fnuir If they will report
at onco to I.ou Arens.
I m
Electrical Show to
Be Held Monday
Klectrltfnl dealers and usern cf elec
trical oqulpmont aro expected to bo
Intorontod In tho "Hcttor Mcrchandla
Ing 8how" to bo held at Whltn l'oll
rnn hotel Monday, whon a domonstrn.
tlon of kloclilcnl motho.H will bo giv
en. Tho VcllnghouRi compnny fur
nlshc thu rxlilbltH nnd "lomoiiHtr.UorH,
und promises that eveiy denier, ton-traclo-
and Interested per4ou will ac
quire Idenn Hint will bu worth dnllnrs,
and moro tuan componn't'o for tho
tlmo taken In nttendlnt. the show.
Copco Officials on
Inspection Visit
J. 1). Grant, chnlrmnn of tho oxecu
tlvo board of tho Cnllfornln-Orogon
Power cempnny: I'nul I). McKce, gtn
oral mnnnger, nnd A, S. Holmes, ill-'
reotor of tho compnny arrived horo
last night on a visit of Inspection.
Knrly this morning they took a
launch nnd will circle tho Upper Lake,
viewing cnndltlonri In which tho com
pany Is Interested, such na lUio Indian
lands recently tensed by tho corpor
ation nnd IuuIh which will bo affect
ed by tho I.lnk Hlver dam.
Thoy will icnvo for Copco nftor their
return heio Into thin afternoon,
C. V. Wngitor reprosonllnic the Ht.Ue
Insurance intlng bureau, Is hero to
ronduct prossuro testn of the local
water Hystom. Tests will bo mmlo to
inonow mornlni; by Mr. Wagner mid
1'lro Otilr r Ambi-iMo, Tho losult of
tho tests will affect tho local Insiir
imco rating,
N W 1
Option on a nlto Kan boon secured
nnd 150,000 has been nubscrlbod for
tho new box factory thnt small mill
ownors, represented In tho Cnllfor-nla-Oregon
I.umbor club, nro orga
nizing, according to Major D, I).
I fall, who Is engineering tho project,
and at tho mooting of tho owners of
small mills nt tho Wlittn Pelican to
night organization of tho box facto
ry corporation will bo completed.
Tho factory will start with com
plete equipment says Major Hall. In
stalling six cut-oft saws at once. It
will liavo Hi own planning mill In con
nectlon nnd will maintain n clearing
bouse for tho disposal of upper
grades not used In box manufactur
ing. Tho factory will bo built In this
city, nnd will handle tho lumbor pro
duct of all'tho members of tho small
mill's organization, which takes In
tho majority of small producers be
tween Dorrls and Kirk.
The plan Is opKsed by tho local
box fnctory operators, said Major
Hall, it his morning, but ho declared
that It would go through In splto of
nil opposition and tho Independent
box factory would bo running this
At tonight's meeting It Is expected
to perfect all plnns. Another $25,
000 will be raised, giving tho con
cern n $7.5.000 capital. Major Hall
said until tho option on tho 2S-acro
slto won exercised ho did not caro to
announco tho location but It wilt bo
In tho city, with n spur track con
necting with tho railway.
"The output or the small mills In
thin territory Is about 1C0.000.000
feet a year." said Major Hall. "Our
organization represents it big Klam
ath county Industry. Wo nro orga
nized to protect our colloctlvo ontor
prlses In relation to choice of mnrkiAs
and prices."
Tho mooting tonight nt tho Whlto
PoJIcnn will bo proceeded by n ban
quot, which starts at G:30 o'clock.
Tim president of tho California Ore
gon Lumber association Is Marlon
Nino. Alfred Collier Is secretary.
Major Hall, who Is promoting' tho
box fnctory organization. In ansocla
tixl with tho I.angoll Vnlloy I.umbor
Club Meeting
The recently organized Huslness
Women's Club hold a meeting last
night In the Chnmber of Commerce
rooms. Then? was a good attendnnco
nnd n grent deal of enthusiasm was
shown, A drive for membership Is
being planned nnd tho staging of an
operetta has been suggested as a
means of raising funds, but no definite
step was taken.
J. II. Hlackmore. representstlvo or
tho American City bureau, who s horo
In connection with thn Chnmber or
Commerce, g.tve nn Interesting talk.
An yet n club-room has not been se
cured, nnd tho next meeting will be
held Friday evening at .7:30 In tho
Chamber or Commerce rooms.
Tnnlglt Is opening night nt the
nrenmlnnd pavilion on Klnmnth ave
nue, nnd Hert McDonald, owner or the
dancing platform, promises that It will
bo a memorable evening for all pleas
ure sceken). From 9 o'clock until mid
night thu merry whirl will be on.
Cochran's Jazz orchestra will furnish
tho music, nnd It will bo of the sort
Hint -berits tho big occasion.
To ouvlnto rowdyism, special po
llco will bo maintained by Uiu man-
agemout. Even tho mildew, forms of
"rough house" conduct will not be
tolerated, says Mr. McHonald.
How shall wo honcr you, mothers of men?
Ilow shull -wo speak our prnlso
Of you whoso tenderness follows us
Over tho wldo world's ways?
For pain you sufforod that wo might Hvo
For strugglo and sacrifice
How shall wo pay you, mothors of mon,
For things beyond all pricot '
",Wo sook no glory, children wo lovo,
What payment could you mako
3o awoot to'us as to know our gifts
Can still bo yours to take?"
So Wo glvo our faith nnd our lovo and trust
And ask no moro than this
A smile thnt shows you undorstnnd
And, now and then, a kiss!"
Oh, 11 woman horo tho Son of acd
Tho world or mon to save; I
And Ills Heart was tho heart compasslonato
That Mary, his mother, gnvo. '
And tho nearest lovo to tho Savior's lovo,
Wlilnli changes not nor dies,
la tho lovo Hint leaps In n mothor's heart,
And glows In 11 mothor's oyes!
Reciprocity between Mcdford nnd
Klamath Falls In handling summer
tourist traffic to Orator I.ako seemn'
fairly accomplished an tho result of
a conforonco botwoc 8, V. Hall,1
Medford transportation managor of '
the Crater Lake Park association, I
and local representative. Meetings'
woro held yentorday and today and
this afternoon It was announced that
a schedule had bcon arranged that in
satisfactory all around.
O. L. Williams and W. T. Leo of
tho Metropolian garago, will hnvo
charge or tho Klamath Falls cud of
tho transportation, as agonls of tho
nowly organized Crater Lake compa
ny. It Is agreed, and Mr, Hnll said ho
would InBlst upon full observance of
tho agrcomont from tho Mcdford ond,
that tourlHU will bo routed In from
ono sldo and out by tho other. That
Is, tourists ontorlng from Klamath
Falls will lcavo via Medford, and
those entering from that sldo will
lcavo via Klamath Falls.
J. A. Gordon nnd K. I). Hall, rep
resenting tho chnmber of commerce,
nnd II. C. Groesbcck, president of tlio
automobllo association, took part In
tho conferences,
Tho aim of all concerned Is to heal
tho breach botweon Medford and
Klnmnth Falls over tho Crator Lake
development, and to unlto to advance
tho general gain that will como to
both communities through stimula
tion of tourist traffic.
Subject to approval of tho South
ern Pacific company and tho CraUjr
Lake company. It Is proposed to es
tablish a stago and boat lino to and
from tho lako via Hocky Point. Sta
ge will lcavo hero at 8 o'clock. Pas
sengers will transfor to ono of Cap
tain Calkins' launchos at Shipping
ton, orrlvo at Rocky Point at 11:30.
Taking tho stago again after an hour
for luncheon, thoy will roach Crater
Ilaio at 3. Stages lcavo thn lako noxt
morning at 9 for Medford and Klam
ath Falls.
This gives tho visitor part of tho
afternoon and all night at tbo lako,
obviate' early rising nnd glvos vari
ety In tho way of boat ride, with
plonty of tlmo for lunch.
Tuntatlrn rates, fixed subject to
approval, aro $16.50 for tho round
trip from Klamath Falls and return,
or $17.50 via Medford. Arrange
ments will bo made, to Includo this
faro on tho railway ticket, so that
tourists from the most distant point
mar flguro tho cost of tho trip bc-
, foro leaving homo ana Know tno ex
act schedule thoy will make.
Local Twirler Solid
With Northern Fans
Karl Hilton, local twirler, who start-
I ed tho season with Oakland In tho
, Coast Loaguo and was farmed to
Vancouver, In malting a hit with tho
northern fans, according to tho Van
couver Sun. which In a column wrlto
up of tho club given tho following par
agraph to tho local pitcher.
"Then thero in Hilton, whose per
formance ncalnsl the New York Col-
' ored Olnnts. mndo him solid with the
1 local fans. He has a heap of class and
' Is In shape right now."
I -m
A ,r,,lfnf t fvTnhn T.lnmtln who oo-
! erates tbo ferry detourlnpf road con
1 Htnictlon between Harclny Springs
, and Lamm's mill, no loadod trucks or
I wagons can bo carried on tho ferry.
Judge KuykendalVs
Mother Dead At
Home In Eugene
Nows was received last night by
Judgo I), V. Kuykendall of tho doath
at Kugcne, Ore, of his mother, Mrs.
William Kuykendall, wife of Dr. Wil
liam Kuykendall, plonoor physician or
Lane county.
Mrs. Kuykendall has been In 111
health for some time, and for vevcral
weoks lior condition has beon precari
ous. With her husband, nho had been
a frequent visitor nt her son's homo
horo In past years, and hnd a number
of personal friends In Klamath county.
Judgo and Mrs. Kuykendall left this
morning for Kugcno to attend tho
An Inkling of what will happen
whon oil Is struck, was gained today
In tho sky-rockotlng of tho stock
of tho Klamath Oil compnny, Iho
T,!!,Jrll!l 8itm chant' nnl th8 concensus of opinion
I! ' .S.??"ed. at. .h0l that the traffic bureau must be
r. .-. 1. ia , r,tl . ' maintained, as It is tho ono thins;
"'"''""S h0 ln,B'dc"- Wm at is ,hat ha8 rfa a BUmmer of bonoflt
Z I0.... '" nU?rl,ty ,w",1 ,'K' t0 PPl0 ' no county, as a m-
t,'t.sU.e', U. ga..d?at 0f laJki Auction In freight rates will roach
1 ,,' 't?1 lhat a. B!,8hor everyone. Tho opinion of every mer-
?i" J?0 ' iFr 8voru,,i houra chant seen was .that tho contributions
i.i"?n. 11 a?U,?r 0f "ltemc"; agreed to In their contract with Mr.
stirring tho downtown section. All Callaghan would be continued and
?.L! I Mcltoment Is presumed to tho amount deducted from the sum
hove been duo to tho quantities ot piodgcd to the service fund.
-Hi Cam. Up vli!lho rea.m,jr' Another phase of the case that Is
cecb tlmo It was withdrawn from equally as threatening to the succoss
ho holo. This showing continues or the trafHc bureau Is tho orrort of
Ati .1.1 . . .. t . Secretary Stanley to direct Its actlr-
,, Lth. t,l!k nn.d ""ene'n had meg. His contention Is that Mr. Col-
a llghtnlng-llko crrect on tho stock laghan Is tho agent of the Duslnesa
1.1 tbo company, tho demand for Men's association, while he, as soc
wheh has been Increasing as tbo rotary of tho Chamber, Is manager
casing contlnuod to go doepor nnd of tho bureau. Already this has ro
doeper. Very few shares nro out of suited In serious damago and If con
tho hands of tho original owners, tlnuod must rosult in wrecking the
but thoso few certainly cllmbod to work that has already accomplished
dizzy heights today, $1000 a share so much and which. If continued, trill
aT,n1L.bcen refuBe1 Dy tho own- bring about a radical reduction In
?7 ". p?r !a,U0 of thls p,ock ,s freight rales.
JI22 1" u. ha8 bcen "elllng for Tho one hopeful sign In vthe entire
$500. Todays quotaUon, howiror1(de))Iorahle situation Is tho apparent
Is tho record. -U MWetermlnatlon 6t the hustness men to
Silesian Frontier
Opened at Request
Of German Gov't.
OPPELN, Slleein. May 7. The
Gorman request that tho frontier utiiwiiu uuu oiiesia do
opened and that all of tho polltl-
prisoners hold by tho allies In
upper Silesia bo released, has boen
granted by tho Interallied commla-
slon hero. Tho allied authorities
have equipped an armored train to
Tun from Broslau to Krouzborg, In
iu ui me reports tnat me Poles and with tho Idea ot making a pot
havo plannod to attack Kreuzborg tlon of tho park sultablo for an nuto
today. A decision as to whether tho camp ground. Tho question Is ofton
uorman government troops would bo .asked why doesn't Klamath Falls,
permitted In Sllosla was expocted to- havo a park!
for- It now has tho park. .hut thero are
City Will Keep
Mother's Day
' mont day on noxt Thursday ana Fri-
Local churches will obsoire Moth- day. May 12th and 13th.
or s Day tomorrow with approprlato I Frank Morris, who Is omployed at
sorvlces and special music. tho postofflco. has consented to take
At tho Mothodlst church tho pastor charge of organizing tho work to be
will preach, a Mother's Day sermon done. Teams aro wanted ror work on
at tho morning sorvlco and In the scrnpors and Individual volunteers
evening L. L. aaghagon will tnlk on aro needed ror work In connection
tho subjoct "Tho Mothor or Jesus." with drlvo-ways and to assist In
Prosbytorlans announco a special t handling tho plows nnd scrapora. It
program In honor ot tho day. At tho 1 Mr. Morris has not alroady seen you
morning sorvlco tlio now pastor, tho ' and mado an nrrangoment for your
Hev. Arthur L, Rice, will preach his services on tho days mentioned, and
first nermon, his Uiomo being fn 1 yon feol that you can sparo your team
kooplng with tho day. I for a day or can sparo yoursof to at-
Tho Sacred Heart congregation I Mat with pick nnd shovel, you aro ro
wlll listen to a sermon by tho Hov. quostod to report to Mr. Morris aft
Father Marshall at 10:30. on tho tho postofrico not later than Tues
subject. "God Hless All Mothors." It I day. Mny 10th.
Is n subjoct on which Father Mar-1 Captain O. C Applcgato, suporln-
sunn can no most eloquent as tnoso
wno navo nonrit mm on former annl-
vorsarico. Know,
Other churches will hold sorvlcos
In keeping with tho thought upper
most In all minds on Mothor'H IJav.
besides tho individual and social ob
servances throughout tho country.
Behave Yourself
Is Derby Winner
LOUISVILLE, May 7. nehavo
Yoursoir won tho $50,000 classic,
tho Kentucky Dorby, hero this at
tornoon In 2:24 1-5, Hlnck Sorvant
was socond nnd Pruaory third.
Weather Probabilities
Tbo lino of pressure on tho
Cyclo-Storrangroph at Undor
wood's Pharmacy, continued to
rise until about 7 o'clock this
morning, slnco when thero has
bcen a gradual fall.
Tho weathor will probably
contlnuo na It has been for tho
last several days, although tho
falling lino would tndlcnto moro
Forecast for next 24 hours'
Cloudy uiisottlcd weathor with
brisk winds.
Not a llttlo surprised was manifest
ed throughout tlio uuslncss district
yesterdny whon It was learned that
tho traffic bureau of tho Chamber of
Commerce Is not to bo supported out
of tho sorvlco fund, but must secure
Its finances from the nuslness men
direct. This camo In contradiction ot
tho pledgo, mado prior to tho rocont
drive that If a sorvlco fund of $7.
000 was secured, It would bo suffi
cient to caro for all of tho civic ac
tivities of the Chamber, Including tho
traffic bureau. For this purpose $4,
000 was tentatively promised.
Notwithstanding tho fact that over
$3,000 was subscribed to tho service
fund, tho traffic bureau must go beg
ging. This was tho ultimatum handed
to M. A. Callaghan, manager of the
bureau, by E. D. Kali, president of
tho Chamber, and In accordance
thorowlth Mr. Calllghan has been In
terviewing the business men to ascer
tain tho(r attitude. Tho Herald also
finn IntaralAntAfl n nil rrtkjis ef -n At
continue the traffic bureau, tbe work
of which Is recognized an so essen
tial to tho development ot tho county.
Volunteers Asked
To Aid In Getting
Park Into Shape
The Klamath Falls Park board,
with the assistance of the city, tho
chnmber of commerce and tho nuto
association, Is endeavoring to do
some preliminary work on tho park
nlln nn thn wutt slrfn of the river in
tho way of cleaning up and leveling .
no funds available from other nocosr
sary work to ennblo tho park board
to Improve the property. Appeal Is
mado to the public to unlto in &
goneral clean-up nnd park Iraprovo-
tendent or tho park, wilt navo super
vision or tho operations
Weekly Publication
Will Bare Hypocrisy
Declare Its Editors
"Tho Hunk", avowed champion of
truth and foo of hypocracy, publlsl
od by O'Dowd and ZIoglor, advertis
ing agents, mndo Its Initial appoar
anco today. Tho odltors announce
that It will bo Issued weekly hereaf
ter. "Tho Hunk," says ono paragraph,
"was concolved In Innoconco and Is
printed In defiance to all, the lawn ot
good Judgmenft."
Anothor paragraph Invites thoso
who liko not tho paper's policy to
move to Dorrls, as tho nunk proposes
to stay right horo.
Attention Is callod In sornt-sarcastic
nnd humorous Btylo to alleged de
fects In fho community and sovoral
locnl celebrities rccelvo notices, not
altocUhor complimentary.
Not nil tho odtorlal expression Is
vliriollcally tlncturod, however Tho
nunk has discovered a wultross with
a smllo, nnd features tho smllo, nnd
a von- beautiful irlbuto Is paid to
motherhood under tho tUlo "God Can
! Glvo Us Hut Ono Mothor."