THUIWDAV, MM a, 11W1 rErrmw-oorroN mill nkwh MACDOEL, Calif., May G. Chos. Otoy, of Klnmnth Falls, wns a busi ness caller last Friday niul a din ger guest of tho C. E. Cottons.' Major and Mrs. Geo. E. Mnlln tratt entertained Saturday evening. "Michigan" was played and a de licious lunch wns served by tho oliarmlng hostess at midnight. Thoso present (or tho onjoyablo affair wcro Major "" and Mrs. Mallatratt, .Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cotton, Mr. ('and Mrs. C. D. Plum, Mr. and. Mrs. )A. E, Hum, Miss Gertrude. Drlnt- ,'sall and V. C. 1'cterson. With- work on tho railroad pro gressing nlcoly, Upper Camp oxn nnd crew of loggers busy In tho tim ber, mill repairing being pushed to begin operations as soou as possible, caterpillars bolng overhauled and the Interior of tho fine now coek house being complotcd, every body in this camp Is busy. George Phonegor, manager of tho Crater Lnko Box company was a vis itor In camp Friday. Mr. "U'adsworth. auditor of tho Stato Compensation Fund of Sacrn monto, spent ravoral days In camp last week on business. Mr. A. J. Druco and daughter, Miss Nina, attended tho dance- at Mt. He Iron Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nystrom and iocs aro rocont arrivals from Dorrls. Mr. Nystrom Is a carpenter for tho company. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Plum took ad vantage of the beautiful weather and motored to Weed Sunday. Their son, 'Tod, accompanied them homo, hav ing gono Saturday to attend tho clr us. Mr. and, Mrs. C. B. Cotton spont several days In Klamath Falls last week, on a comblnod business and pleasure trip. Mr.. Gust. Goodstorf spont Sunday la Klamath Fails.-' V. C. Peterson, our genial and dl mlnutlvo ex-watchman, entered upon tils now duty as Btoro-koopor last reeV. Mrs. Oscar Nystrom and two sons, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Hart, xiotorcd to Macdocl and Mt. Hebron Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph TIcc and chil dren spent Sunday in camp, tho guosts of tho It. E. Herman family. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Schetky, ac companied by Mrs. C. D. Cotton and three sons, and Mrs. O. H. Mallatratt nd son, motored to Klamath Falls Jfonday,to attend tho circus. Mr.-and Mrs. E. C. Smith and young son arrived In camp from J. A. Morrison's homo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas aro Mrs. Morrison's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Williams of Berkeley, wern here onbuslnoss Sat urday.' Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Schetky moved Into camp last week. Mr. Schetky will drive one of tho catorplllars. Firemen Mourn For Past When Horses Pulled the Engines 'BAN FRANCISCO, May 5. San Tranclsco vetoraa flromon still yearn for tho old flro horses. They havo mentioned it to tho chlof. "'It's llko this," ono driver said today. "You can't get any compan ionship out of a gasoline onglne You " cannot rub ono ot thoso locomotives ' we havo now on tho tioso or get ono to eat out ot your hand. 'In tho old days when wo had bad dreama about threo. alarm fires, It was comforting to hear tho horses munching and champing in tho stalls below us. It soothed' us. Now wo can dream on until wo kick all tho bed clothes off. Thero's no stamping ot tho trusty hoofs to wake uh up or , the good old nlckor to tell us to go back to sloop again. "Dollovo me it's lonesome In theso big flrohouses at night without the old boys. I wish they wore back. "Did you over see a policeman's torso follow him around llko a dog? Well, take that pollcoman's homo away from him and bo's lost, that's all. It's tho samo way with a fire man." San Francisco's old flrohorses aro "on, pension" on a farm near Marti nez, far from tho maddening Jangle ot tho flro alarm. And report lias It that somo of the flromon "sneak away" from tho houso at times and go up to the farm and talk over old times with the "old boys." The '21 model hammock Is largo enough .for ono and strong onough for two. ItESOLUTION The City Engineer pursuant to tho Resolution of tho Common Council .heretofore adopted, having under date of the 16th day of April, 1921, 'filed plans, specifications and esti mates of the cost ot Improving Elev enth Street from Main Street to U 3 Lawn and Garden Seed Klamath Avenue, Including Intersec tions; and tho Common Council hav ing taken tho samo under advisement and finding said plans, specifications and estimates satisfactory, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED. That said plans, specifications and esti mates for tho Improvement of Klov onth Streot from Main Street to Klamath Avenue, Including Iitfowec tlons, bo and tho samo aro hereby approved; AND UB IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That tho Common Council horo by declares Its Intention to Improvo said portions of Eleventh Street In nccordanco with said plans, specifi cations and estimates; said Improvo mont to consist of tmvlnc said por- itions of Eleventh Streot with Asphal- tic concrete bltullthlc, wllllto or con crete Tho estimated co9t of tho lm nrovemont of snld portions of said street by placing thereon either As phaltle Concrete. Bltullthlc. Wllllto or Concrcto to ba $G3-tr.t'r, said cost Including grading, rolling, curbing and cement sidewalk, AND DE IT FURTHER TtESOLV ED. Ily tho Common Council that tho following described property bo nnd is horoby declared benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lots 5, C, 7, S. 9, 10, 11, 12 of Dlock 2. Lots S. 7, 6, 5 and 4 of Dlock 4, Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, of Dlock 3. alt In Canal Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregen: and Lots 1. 2. 3. 9. 10, 11 of Dlock 49 ot Nichols Addition to tho City of Klnmnth Falls, Oregon; nnd that said proporty abovo listed and de scribed bo nnd Is hereby declared to bo assessed tor tho oxpenso of said Improvement. AND DE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED. Thnt Monday tho 23d dny of May. 1921, at tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M., ot tho Council Chambers or tho City Hall, bo fixed ns tho tlmo nnd placo for tho hairing of objec tions and remonstrances agnlnst the said proposed Improvement and tho Poltco J ml go is hereby directed to eauso notlco of said hearing to be published as by Charter provided. STATE) OF OREGON, ) County of Klamath, )bs. City of Klamath Falls, ) I. A. L. Leavitt, Fotico Judge or tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is n duly enrolled copy of n reolu tlon adopted by the Common Coun cil on tho 2nd day of May. 1921. A. L. LEAVITT. May 3-13. Pollen Judge. RESOLUTION Tho City Englnoor pursuant to the Resolution of tho Common Council heretofore ndorfced, having undor date of tho 9th day or April. 1921. filed plans, specifications and esti mates of the cost of Improving Wash ington street from tho easterly line of Third street to tho easterly lino of Fifth street. Including tho Fourth street and Fifth' street intersectiens: 4 and the Common Council havlnc taken the samo under advisement nnd finding said plnns, specifications and estimates satisfactory. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED. Thnt said plans, specifications and etl mrttes for tho, improvement of Wash ington street from Third street to Fifth street. Including Intersections, bo and the samo aro hereby nppror ed: AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That tho Common Council here by declares its intention to improve said portions ot Washington streot In accordance with said plans, speci fications and estimates; 'said Im- provemeni io consist or paving sniu portions of Washington street with concrete, bltullthlo or wllllto. The estimated cost ot the improvement of said portions of said streets by plac ing thereon either concrete, bltull thlc or wllllto to be J10.996.7G, said cost including-grading, rolling, curb ing and cement sidewalk. AND DE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED. By the Common Council thnt thnj following described property be ana ts heroby declared benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lot G. Dlock f. Lots c and 7, nioek 7 Ewauna Heights Addition, Lots 7, 8. 9, 10, Olock 48 and Lots 1 and 2 Dlock 19 In First Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Lots 1, 2, 3, I, 5, Dlock GO, and Lots 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, Dlock 47 in First Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, nd tho High School preperty: nnd that said proporty abovo listed and described be and hereby Is declared to bo assessed for tho expense -of said 'raprovoment. AND DE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED. That Monday tho 23 dny of Mny, 1921, nt tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M.. at the Council Chambers at tho City Hall, bo fixod as tho tlmo and placo for tlte hearing of objections nnd remonstrances against tho said pro posed improvement nnd tho Police hludgo Is hereby directed to causo no tlco of said hearing to ho puuiisneu as by tho Charter provided. STATE OF OREOON, ) County ot Klamath, )3. City ot Klamath Falls,) I, A. L. .Loavltt, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. do heroby certify thnt tho foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu tion adopted by tho Common Council on tho 25th dar or April. 1921. do calrlng Its Intention to Improve Washington streot from tho easterly lino of Third street to the oastorly lino of Fifth street. Including tho Fourth streot and Fifth street Inter sections, and approving tho plans, specifications and estimates ot costs submitted by tho City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT. 28-9 Pollco Judge RESOLUTION The City Englcer pursuant to the Resolution of (Uio Common Council heretofore adopted, having under dato of the 2nd day of April, 1921, filed plans, specifications and esti mates of tho cost of Improving High St. from 3d st. to 6th St. and Fourth street from Pine rttreot to Jefferson street. Including intersections; and the Common Council having takon THE EVENING HERALD, ClASinEDMMENTC VVVVVVVVVVMVVVVMVVWWWWWWWWVAWMVSMVN'VAAWMVW WANTED ' MISCELLANEOUS vmwCv" AVt' I WANTED To buy timber claims not over two tulles from railroad Address II. C, Horald. office. 4-0 FOR SALE Ono 26-tt. launch, 7-ft. beam, 6 H. P. FrUco standard en gine. F. C. DoChalno, gen. dollv, 4-0 FOR SALE Ily ownor, Gproom homo, modorn, on pavomont. Dot 911, Herald. 4-7 SEWING WANTED Plain sowing preferred. Prlcos rcasonnblo. 538 N. 10th St. 4-10 Cnrpots and rugs cloanod to your; satisfaction. AVm.Lush.pnono loo w GAUDEXKU Exporlonccd gardener will work by tho hour. Phono 14BW. 4-5 CLEANING AND PRESSING Plain skirts 75c; plain drosses, $1.25. C. E. Sparks, tailor, 80G Main. Phono GG2W. 3-9 Hnvo You Seen Kelley today? FOR RENT Threo Toora house Call 933 Waslngton at. 3-6 FOR SALE Good touring,' G-cylln- dor car for salo or trado. "What havo youT Syd. Evans. 3-G FOR RENT Mostly furnished apart- monts, 2 rooms 120; 3 rooms $25. Inquire 10 Main, upstairs. 3-5 Hino joii seen Kelley today?. ROOMS FOR RENT-All rooms aro light, clean, pleasant outside rooms, GO cents and up. Home Rooming Houso, 920 Klamath Ave. 3-9 "Kismet" 1st coming mxh. FOR SALE Ono chlffonlor and drcssor, 1 largo dining room table 2 rockers, Toledo steam cookor, two heating stoves, Whlto rotary sowing machine, ono cot, pillows, small rugs. Mason Jars, etc., vory reasonable 1413 Oregon. Phono 504M. 3-5 I IIAIIGAIXH ! r-t ntitmr oli.H 1 Vnrt nnn.tnn . rsib w.v .- - .. . I truck. 1 Ford dollvery, 2 Ford I touring cars, 1 oak roll top desk and chair, 1 largo Burroughs adding ma chlno nnd stand, 1 Underwood type writer nnd 1 F. & E. chcck-wrltor. Inqulro offlco of Klamath Packing Co. 3'5 "Kismet" Is coming soon. ESTRAY Strayed from my place, one black horse, weight nbout 1400 lbs. Big whlto star on face and whlto spot on nose Harvey Putman, Shlpplngton. Phono 82M. . 3' FOR LEASE-r-300 acres ryo pasture, on Caledonia marsh, until about May 20th. Sheep preferred. Soo or wrlto Pacific Coast Mint Co., Room No. 6, 8wansen Bldg. 2-C A girl wishes any kind of work, Box L. B., Herald office. 2-7 tho eamo undor ndvlsomcnt and find ing sold plnns, specifications nnd es timate satisfactory. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, That sold plans, spe cifications and estimates for tho Im provement of High tfreot from Third streot to Sixth streot nnd Fourth stroot from Pine stroot to Jefferson streot, Including Intersections, bo and itho same aro heroby appreved: AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That tho Common Council horo by declares Its Intention to Improvo said portions of High street and Fourth streot In nccordanco with said plans, specifications i'nd estimates; said Improvement to consist of im proving said portions of High strocft nnd Fourth streot with bltullthlc. concroto or wllllto. Tho estimated cost of tho improvement of said por tions of said streets by placing thero on ellhor bltullthlc, concrete or wit- lrto to bo 130,301.30, said cost in cluding grading, rolling, curbing nnd cement side-walk. AND nE IT FURTHER RESOLV-J ED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, That tho following described proporty bo and Is heroby declared benefitted by said Improvomont, to-wlt: Lots 6, 6, 7, 8, Block 7, Original Town, Lots G, 7, 8, 9, 10 Block 49, First Addi tion. Lots 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, Block 8, Ori ginal Town, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 60, First Addition, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 9, Original Town nnd High School property; also Lots 1, 2, 7. 8, Block 7, 3, 4, 6, C, Block 8, Original Town, Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and wostorly half of Lot 3 and westorly KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I FOR KENT Furnished four-room apartment. Telophono 273J. 707 Washington 8t. 3-6 TEAM FOR BALK -Inquire D. K Rulntul, Lnngoll Vnlloy. 3-D TOCUH YOUR KVK ON T1I1H FOR SALE Ton acres, 3 miles south-west ot Corning, Cnllf., lovyl, good soil, house, smnll barn, chicken homo. 300 bearing poach troes, SO llartlott pear trees, 100 almond trees, nbout 2 ncrcs alfalfa, good electric pumping plant, moro than sufficient to Irrlgnto tho placo, electric lights. A profitable placo nnd n ntco home. Prirn IS.SfiO. Eiuv terms. Adrirnaa W. Harris, Coming. Calif., or II. C. McCopt 1B03 B , Bacramont0i I Cnllf., ownors. 2-9 FOR SALE 1 1950 Chevrolet one ton ttruck, good as now; 1 1930 Dodgn sedan', Itko now. Exceptional prlco and vnluo. Let us demonstrate thorn. Contra! Garage. 30-6 FOR SALE Franklin touring car, 7 passongor, tlno condition. A snap for a quick sale. Soo nt Imperial Gnrago, or phono 3G8. 28-4 FOR SALE Two room houso, $1000 Call nt 711 Main St. 29-S Hnvo you teen Kelley today? FOR SALE 1075 gallon gasoline tank with fittings. Imperial Gar age 29-5 ACCOUNTANT Auditing, systomutltlng, saw mill accounting and general practice, Ivnn Livingston, Incorporated Accountant, 115 A St., GrntUU Past, Ore. 28-28 Used Pianos, rcasonnblo prices nnd lowest of.torms. Earl Bhophord Co. 12tf " Hnvo You Seen Kelley today? FOR 8ALE Fora touring. New top, now upholstorlngs, now paint, nnd motor ovorhnuled. Klnmnth 1'nlU Auto Co., 224 Main. 23tf Ono Chandler Chummlo Rondstor 1918 Model, guaranteed condition. Ono Ford Touring car, now top upholstering and paint. Mechanical!) Perfect. Bulck Sales & Sorvlce.. Tel CDhono 17CW. 21tl FOR BALE Tho undorslgnod offers for salt 1 lots 8A nnd 8R ot Block 7, railroad addition to tho town ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, facing Spring streel and near tho Southern Pacific depot For particulars reply to James D Falrehlld. Yroka. California. 2E-7 Havo You Seen Kelley today? ' DRESSMAKINO First class work guaranteed. Mrs. Jejforson, No. t Main 8t. 27-7 FOR HIRE Ford ears without driv en. Klamath Auto Co., 224 Main SOU navo You Seen Kelley today? Used Standard Phonographs, lib eral reductions, lowor terms. Earl Shophsrd Co. G07 Main St. 12tf CITY GARBAGE When you want garbago removed, cull 10128. FOR SALE Fifty A. Stretch and Gabriel Stretch roll off wagons. Some now, Also about fivo hundred 33-Inch Iron plpo rolls. Priced according to condition ot equipment. Brooks-Scan Ion Lumbor Co., Bend, Oregon. 2-7 half ot Lot 8 In Block GO, First Ad dltion, Ldts 4, G, G, 7 and wostorl) half of Lot 3 and westorly halt of Lot 8, Block 47, and Lots 1, 2, 9, 10 and easterly half of Lot 3 and oast orly halt of Lot 8 In Block 48, and Lots G, 7, 8 In Block 42, ot Flrrit Ad dltion to tho City ot Klamath Falls Oregon; and that snld proporty abovi llstod and described be and hereby li declared to bo assessed for tho ox penso ot said Improvomont. AND BE IT FURTHER RE80LV ED, That Monday, tho 23 day o' May. 1921, nt tho hour of 8 o'clocl P. M., at tho Council Chambers o tho City Hall, bo fixed as tho timr and placo for tho hoanng of objec tions and remonstrances against thr said proposed Improvomont and thr Pollco Judgo Is horoby directed' tr causo notlco ot said hearing as b; Chartor provldod. STATE OF ORECION, ) County of Klamath, )ss. (City of Klamath Falls,) 1, A. U. I'Oavm, ronco juuk " tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, do horoby cortlfy that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolution adopted by tho Common Council on the 26th day of April, 1921, declar ing -its intention to Improve High street from Third street to Sixth riiwot and Fourth Btreet from Pine street to Joftorson street, Including Intersections, and approving, tho plans, specifications and estimates of costs submitted by the City Engineer. A. S. LEAVITT. 28-9 Police Judge. Murphey's OREGON AGR10ULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvnllls, May 4. To moot tho growing ilunuinil for qutll'ud tonchore of vocational subjects in tho gnnlo and high schools ot Oroirun, a now dogreo courso In vocntlnnnl ed ucntlon at tho stato ngrlcuHurnl collogo has boon nutlwrlioil by tho statu board of hlghor currloula tt 111 mooting In Portland April 28 WEATHER RECORD n Iloroattur Tho Herald will publish tho moan nnd maximum tempera tures nnd precipitation record as tak en by tho U, 8. Reclamation sarvlco tntlon. Publication will cover tho dny previous to tho pnpor's Issue up to D o'ciock ot (no (iny. Max. Mln. May 1 ......... 07 3G Mny 2 63 21 Mny 3 G2 48 Mny 4 67 27 We Repair Recharge Rebuild All Makes of Auto Batteries Magnetoes Generators Starting Motors Reed Auto Supply Co. Phono 808-J. II tli. Ht. Near Main oflpa klATTIM!!i AlWtVI Vv wt If Phone 531-R W. E. and J. E. PATTERSON CONTRACTING PAINTERS Wo glvo alt our work personal attention, Uso nothing but first class matorlal. Let us glvo you figures on your painting. 133 N. 4th St. Res; Phone 531-R tmm4 ALGOMA STAGE STARTING APRIL 30 Leaves Rex-Cafe 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Leaves Algoma 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. RECKARD AUTO SERVICE CLOTHES OF REAL DISTINCTION must bo tundo for the wearer Individually. Let uio tnako your bow spring suit and enjoy uearing really distinctive clothing tailored to fit you perfectly and to retain Its Mtra-nmartneM during long constant wear. CHAS. J. CIZEK, Merchant Tailor 018 Mala Ht. It Cant Be Done! BUT- It Was Done They used to say thoro was no other bread llko mother used to make. That was true bofore BAKE R1TE was put on the market. BAKERITB OVENS AND BAKERrTE METHODB did the business and today you can got a loaf of broad possessing that delicious, lasting, uppotlzlng flavor heretofore found only in bread mado at home. This broad Is sold exclusively- at the Rex Cafo and' The Maize. It la also sorvod oxcluslvoly la Tho Rex Cafo. Seed Store FAua roun TluTMontntm uonnlo 1ms piissocra bill providing for a npoclnl tax of 1 3 annually on all bachelor residing In that Mlato, tho proceed ot tho tnx to bo paid luto tho widows' pension fund, Tho host thing nbout n limn is tho Influence of n good woman. m "Kismet" l eontlng soon. 25few fited in fash cmmeryMkr Good Coffee with real Pure Cream 5c Take Homed Owen i'i f.: . .-. PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St &m, Pro- VrifO tP AS s clpltatton S T S" "! rfcr.TT;nitta.,