The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 05, 1921, Image 1

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mt lEunfng Herald
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today News
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth Venn No. mill
51 T ICE
(By JikIko Stephen A. 1,0 well)
PENDLETON, Oni., May B, -
'Itoiilily speaking, two-thirds of tliu
wariHi of Oregon In either urtil or semi
tx arid In character, yet ttio ho 1 1 In gen
erally of rumnrkuhlo fertility, tho
cllnuito equable, mill productivity
nlmmliint whenever nml wlwrevor
sufficient wnlor for Irrigation la
- nvnllablo.
Tho slali) In not among the yontifp-
ur commonwealths of tho union.
Moro limn sixty yearn hnvo olupsod
nlnrn It ontoroil tho sisterhood of
state. Nevertheless tho population
la numerically mnall nnd lla vant lint
ural resources, outside tlmliur and
. fisheries, remain substantially un
developed. It potmen but n single
largo city, nnd tho promise of com-
. pcnsnllon on that scoro In not brill
, Innl untU, some comprehensive plan
, la ndoptod whoroby'our spoelous un-
. occuplod acres go may bo rodoomod
from wlldoroos utul brcomo popu-
Vlntod. Bomo day, porhnpa, along tho
........ ..I.I..... Il.l.l..l.1 K-... ....! '
IUUIII, VlbllVr III iilWIltlllllTlll, tiiTVruih
or Aitorln, another mtroport of
trade may bo dovolopod. No city of
'any conaldornbln magnitude soman
4 likely soon to appear In tho Intorlor.
Therefore consideration of Internal
" Improvement In thin ntata must ul
wayn bo approached with rnforoneo i
Mo tho current statu. With tho ex
ception of pusslbly Iuko, Klamath i
uml Curry counties, which npponrj
' upon occasion to Ixi natural trlbu-
tnrlo to San Francisco ns a cotnmor-.
clat center, nil of Orogon l securely
tlol to Portland for another genera
tion, pnrtinp for another half contUM
Rivalry I Xmlftl
Thl l not presented na tlio best '
possible condition. Indeed It It very
vrobablo that, tho atatc, and Ha mo-
-tropolls na well, would both bo hot
,tor off wero there ontnhllshod rlml
comme-rclil towns, restraining pollt-,
!lrnl contora nnd collaborating flnnn
wclal and n.rlaLJnnui' such na
oxlst In tho alnto to tho north of inr,
whoro Tneomii. livorett, llolllnKhnm ,
Ynklmn nnd Rpokann hold tho bal
ance oven with tho potent and ng
' grcsslvo Hinttle.
Tho foregoing suggestions uni ml
. vanccd solely that tho rending pub
' ' lie mny jcnllzo how closely tho dostl-
ny of Oregon la wedded to ltd ono roal
city, nnd how surely I'ortland'a pros
' porlty la linked to tho development!
. of tho ontlro atnto. Indeed It la pat
ent tlmt property owners of that
Hamburg of tho Pacific might well
afford to dovolo for n decado one
. half of each annual Income to tho '.
aurvoy nnd tho roncrcto unfolding of
tho magnificent polonllnlltlr of tho
commonwealth. In tho end thoy
would ho the galnom, hocnuso most
of tho wentth nrlnlng thorofrom fU ,
nally lamia in inn lap or rnninnn a
markot, mJd promolPM tho growih of
I'ortland'a trndo nnd Portlands pop
ulation. Oregon Interest In lmlro-iloctrlc
dovolopment' mny bo aummurlied In
threo brief phmaoH, (1) opening of
free navigation or the Columbia and
Bnnkn rlvnra, (2) aecurlng nt low
cost tho electrification of the three
railway Hystonm upon which ho
nlntn la chiefly dependent , nnd (3)
mwiurlng nt moderato oxjxmao electric
Kwor with which wnter mny bo
pumport for tho reclamation of landa,
ltl-r Triulo PonmIIiIo
Toclmlonl onglneorH often proclaim ,
tho doctrlnn that the Columbia river
nbovo tho Cnacudea la not n nnvlgn
bio stream, nnd that It never enn bo
mich. They aro entitled In nny opin
ion which they choose to osihiiiho,
but thoy nro listened to by nn Intolll
gent public with ImiIIi nmiisemont nnd
quoMloii It roqulros no export trnlo-1
Ing to be ussured that with u cbnn-1
nel cleared or n few natural oiisiruc
tloim to low draft atcninoni, tho wiholo
rlvnr la tinvlgnblc to n lwlnt well lnv
yotid tho mouth or tho flnnko river,
while tho Inttor atrenm ItAelf mny bo
mndo auscoiptlble of ensv navigation
'. " to iowlulon In Idaho. Uvon In Uio
. fnen of hostile trnnHportotlon mo
nopoly, thoMo facia havo boon dom
onBtrntod ovor nnd over ngnln for
moro than sixty yonnt.
Tlio rnllronda havo fallod, nnd aro
now fnlllng, to proporlv or offlclont
ly moot tho noedH ot tho country In
tho transportation of freight, nnd tho
tlmo ,hn now nrrlvod when their
mnnngomont mtiKt not oppose, hut
mnwt co-oernto with, the rlvor bonta
wherever It Is possible to utlllto tho
' Inttor. Thero will ho In tho fiituro a
plethora of business for all nvnllablo
meana of moving products, nnd hos
tility, elthor onen or secrot, on tho
pnrt of the rnllwnys to wnter trans
portation will bo both peurllo nnd ro
nctlonnry. " Tho publlq demnnda, nnd has n
Tight to domnnd, that every .avenuo
, to ninrkot ho oponed nnd kept open.
Continued hostility Is likely
' to menn Increasing patronago on tho
"part of farmora and country mor-
" chants, of truckn and boats. Tho
farmlne clai.p has bon. long suffor-
inc. but that bodv. of our cIUiodb Is
lntfllllgnt and Is awakening, and'
when aroused, to thlr organized In
fluenco tho fnrmors will domlnnte tho
Induatrlnl, economic! nnd political
llfo of tho nation.
Hope of Agrement
On Marine Strike
Seems Abandoned
WAMIINdTON, May fi. Itepre
Huntntlves of tho mnrluo workera
fnllod to moot with Bucrotnry of In
bor Davis today to contlnuo tho con-
fvroncos thitt hnvo In view agree
mont that will end tho seameu'H
(lovernment officers, from oxprcs
slons mndo today, have upparcutly
abandoned hopo for n actlloment of
tho controversy ut this tlmo.
CINCINNATI, Mny B. The execu
tive council of tho American fed
eration of labor today began a ten
day conference hero for tho con
sideration itt Important labor prob
lema. POUTLANI), May 6. Tho ateam
or Kastorn Guide toft this port to
day with u non-union crow. This Is
tho Hccoml boat to leavo hero with
non-union seamen slnco tho mnrlno
atrlkn started.
WKKt), Col., Mny 6.- Tho Wood
Lumber company ha been making
material reductions tho past few day
In tho forcoa omployod In the woods.
Tho mon havo boon loliL. off nt tho
rale of about twonty-flvo a day until
nt present tliuro nro very few em
ployed In tho logging department.
On Mny 1st aovoral Mlarlcd mon
connoctod with tho sawmill woro
laid off. Those mon had been coutlit
uoit on ho payroll In spite of thu fact
that tho, mill had beon shut down for
some tlmo nnd wero tho only mon
employed around thn mill with tho
exception of thn watchmen.
Monday morning tho box factory
chut down for an Indefinite period
The snub ami door factory Is still
i uniting, hut with a greatly rodurcd
'Bnmo time ngo tho veneer plant
started up nnd cut n few logs. It,
hownvo". has done, no wrurkrfor-sovvj
oral dujn
Klvo clerks nlso hnvo been laid off
In tho Weed Mercantile company, thn
Weed l,umler company storo.
Provnlllug business conditions nro
given as tho reason for these shut
downs nnd reductions In forco.
Ball Tossers Will
Limber-Up Sunday
California Oregon Power company
ball toviers will cross bat a with the
Dorrla team at Dorrls Sunday, If
nothing nrlsca to prevent, says J C
Thompson, manager. Dorrls has n
husky aggregation nnd hna been
training for several weeks, but tho lo
nil Juice Jugglorx nro not afraid says
tho manager.
Practice gnmca between tho Hoy
Rcoutd nnd ITwnuiin and between tho
PlumbnrhK and Jewels, postponed
Inst Sunday on account of tha wind
storm, will bo played fiundny, If
weather Is favorable, tho first ntnrt
Ing nt 10 o'clock, tho Inttor nt 2.
Clydo W. Jouea, 26 years old, rail
wuy oxprcsH moHHonger on tho Weed
Klamath Kalla-KIrk run, died last
evening nt tho Schubert homo, Ninth
nnd High streets, whoro ho had boon
rooming. Ho hnd Ixjon 111 tor about a
weok. with malaria, nnd tha dlseao
avor-taxod n weakened hoart, both
rnusoH combining to bring about his
Tho father of tho doml boy arrived
horo Sunday and his mother enmo
Monday, Thoy will tnko tho body to
tho family homo In Alameda, Cal.,
whoro tho funeral will bo held.
Tho docodont had boon omployod
on tho local run for about three
Discuss Fourth of
July Celebration
Tontatlvo discussion of a Fourth
of July colobmtlon took plnco lant
night at tho MorchantH llurenu moot
lug. Hoprcsontatlvea of tho Amorlcan
Legion woro present nnd woro nsHur
cd that local morchants would sup
port any Legion plans for a colobra
tlou. Tho mutter will bo tnkon up nt
tho next I-oglon moating, said tho Lo
glon mombors.
Bishop & Dalilor, Ban Fraoc-lsco
rata attorneys, were officially doclar
oJ to havo authority to roprceont the
!o$al orsranltatlon at the me,otlng of
tho Merchants' bureau, last ulght.
Tha' firm wma retained by tho old
Jtuslnevfl Mon's nssoclntlon, and still
claims nn Indebtedness of $800 ex
Ists for lt services,
riiTTiuf ranee
A. J. Jnonlcko, who has been hero
looking Into tho plno bootlo situation
for the Forestry department, prelim
inary to tho presentation of nn omor
goncy appropriation bill, to como up
before tho departments of agricul
ture nnd Interior, loft for Portlnud
this morning. I
Mr. Jaenlcko says that tho flold
work ho hna Just complotod shown
there aro several thousand ncreo of '
yollow plno on tho reservation, Fre
mont natlonnl forest and tho Oregon
California land grant that aro suffer
ing severely from depredation by the
vvicsiorn piun ncotio ana mo uopro-,
datlons nro not only causing losses
to fedornl lands but aro Injuring tho
ndjacentprlvately owned tlmbor. '
An attempt will bo mndo to securo '
legislation by which tho pest on tho
federal lands ran bo eliminated. Tha
prlvato owners aro planning an ox
tenslva campaign on tholr holdings
nnd during tho prcsont summer a
moro Intonslvn survey will bo made
to determine whoro tho control meas
ures nro lo bo concentrated. Tho con
trol work consists of foil Ing. and peel
ing thn bnrk from the Infcsted-TreM
nnd burning It.
Tills enlarged control movement Is.
tho result of tho conforenco, held
hero April 4 and B, at which repre
sentatives of tho privately owned
lands, departments or tho federal
government that aro Intorcstod nnd
stnte and university officials woro
present. ,
Mr. Jaenlcko will return tho last
of May nnd will spend tho summer
horo In connection with tht,s work.
TWO HTILL muht plead
Harry llrown pleaded not
n charge of burglary whon arraigned
In tho circuit court lata yesterday of
tornoon. Fred Hwngcr plc.ijod not
guilty to a chargo of Indecent expo
sure. i,
Fred Kemjiko nnd Arthur St arm
wero given until 2 o'clock this after
noon to enter n pica to a chargo of
burglnry. Starrs also will plead on on
assault with a deadly weapon charge.
Quito a deputation, composed of
chamber of commorco, automobllu
association nnd park board members,
Inspectod tho west sldo park slto.
which has been offered ns an auto
camp ground, yesterday afternoon.
Mayor Wiloy looked tho ground over
for the city nnd J. C. Thompson,
powor company manngor, wns on
hand to explain lighting needs.
On account of oxporlcncos of other
cities thnt hnvo installed electrical
cooking facllltlcfl, Mr. Thompson did
not strongly favor tholr Installation.
Tourlots nro too ofcu given to tamp
ering with tho motors, lfo said, to
make tho Barvlco self-supporting, un
less u costly protective system for tho
motom Is Installed.
Tho majority sccmod of tho opin
ion that tho park alto would bo suit
nblo for n temporary automobile
enmp. Tho park board has formally
offered Its uso for this season.
Machinery for Oil
Rigs Is Coming
According to a tologrnm received
from W, C. Lohmnn, managor of tho
Crntor nnd Northorn California Oil
companion, engines, boilers nnd tool
will bo 'on tho wny within ton days.
Mr. Lohmnn wont to California to lo
cnto tho outfits, and his tologrnm
means thnt within u fow wooks work
will bo undor way.
Milton P. Porter of Woodland, Cal
ifornia, and Mlsa May Hlckoy, or
Bturge), South Dakota, woro married
this morning by Justlco aughagan.
Mr. Portor has boon omployod by tho
Chelsea Box company horo but will
roturn to Woodland vory soon.
One of Earliest
Westerners Dead
ALBANY, Oro., May E. Cyrus
II. Walker, aged 83, prominent
ploncor died horo today.. Ho was
tho second whlto child born west
ot the Rocky mountains. '
Ho van born at tb'e Whitman
mission, now Walla Walla, soon af
ter tho arrival -of his- parents
there, die was. froftlnont In
Grangn and O. Jy. K. circles and
was one ot the organlzors ot vst
ornns ot tho Indian wars,
Herald Washington Hurcau
WASHINGTON. May 0. "Tlio
navy In our first lino of dofunso, nnd
lionco It Ih of vital Importance thnt
wo maintain powerful fleets, and nd
o'ltinto shoro facilities on both
oceans," declared Itopresentatlvo C.
N. McArthur today In announcing his
Intentions of ronowlng his fight bo-j
foro congress for ample naval protec
tion for tho Columbia river.
"At tho prcsont tlmo thero aro am
plo short facilities on thu Atlantic
const, but tho yards, docks and other
shoro accommodations on tho Pacific
aro cntlroly Inadequate," continued
Mr. McArthur. "Tho government has
spent much money In tho develop
ment or fortifications and equipment
nt 1'oarl Harbor and In tho Hawaiian
Islands, and this, of course. Is a
point of tremendous strategic Import
It would bo tho koy to tho Pacl
f c In tho ovont of war with Jnpan or
wVh any foreign powor thnt might
' uk to attack' us from tho west.
Ilromcrion Nrrdn Aid
"Tho navy yard at Bremerton,
Wash., should bo enlarged and mndo
oqunl to tha best yards on tho Atlan
tic const; It has tho best depth ot
water of nil ot our yards and many
rthor natural advantages. Congress
has already authorised largo expendi
tures for tho dovolopment of an avi
ation base, a destroyer nnd torpedo
station, training school and marino
barracks at San DIogo, and much
money has beon spent In tho develop
ment ot tho Maro Island yard, but
owing to tho shallow wntor botweon
Maro Island nnd San Francisco Bay,
thorn has been mnch ngltntlon for n
yard nt AInmeda for tho accommoda
tion of battleships nnd other large
sized craft. It Is qutto apparent that
congress must either establish this
proponed yard or expend largo sums
of monoy In tho improvement ot the
channel to Maro Island.
"Tho last congress authorized tho
location of a submnrlne nnd destroyer
baso and nvlatlon station nt tho
mouth of tho Columbia rlvor, nnd
mndo tho Initial appropriation for be
ginning tho work. This action was
taken with ho understanding that
thu peoplo of Astoria would furnish
tho necessnry slto free of chnrgo to
tho government. This wns agreed to,
but thoro has been a tedious delay in
tho matter of conveying tho property,
nlthough It begins to look ns though
formal conveyance nnd acceptance
will bo nn accomplished fact within
n fow days. Tho buroau or yards nnd
docks announces that tho work will
bogln Just as soon as tho property Is
formally accepted liv the government
Fort ir-ll Xwslw!
"Tho mouth of tho Columbia river
Is unprotected oxcopt for a tow nntl
quntCKl guns at Fort Columbia and
Fort Stevens. Thero has been nn urg
ont need tor better rncllltle for many
years past, but congress did not roc
ognlzo this neod until Inst year, whon
Iho now nnval establishment was nu.
thorlzed. The mouth of tho Columbia
Is tho koy to tho great Columbia rlvor
basin, nnd It Is of the upmost Impoii
Unco that It bo amply fortified nnd
"I am not n Jlngolst, nor nm I un
noccssarlly nlnrmed about wnr with
Jnpan, hut I wish to play safe, not
only with tho Japanese but with nny
othor poBsllilo enemy that might at
tempt to nttnek nny portion ot our
coast lino or sook to land nn army on
our shores. Wo nro not going to lew
son tho prospocts of wnr with Japan
by heeding tho lamentations of tho
Pitlo navy follows."
May Hold Season's
Chautauqua In Pine
Street Tabernacle
W. S. Slough wis elected chair
man, and M. P. Evans secretary.
of tho organization, un
dor whoso dlroctlon tho Ellison-
whlto bureau will stngo this season's
Chautauqua during tho weok begin
ning May 24.
Frank M. Whlto, representing tho
Elll8on-Whlto buroau, wns present
to aid tho organization ot tho lo
cal commlttoo, which will havo
chavgo ot all mattors pertaining to
tho Chautaqua, In tho way of so-
curing a slto, arranging publicity,
etc. -i
Tho temporary tabernacle on Plno
stroot Is being considered as a tboa-
tro for tho performances, In place 4ot
usual tont. Tho tabornaclo was
purchased by 'John Coleman, who,
it Is understood, Is willing to dofer
wrecking It until after Chautauqua
weok If tho city authorities consent,
A mooting ot offlcora and guar-
antoru will bo held this afternoon
at 4 o'clock at tho office of Bert
C, Thom'as to natao the different com- f'e authority for ellctlnstlon of the
miM.r.i,.v,.,..n ki.i. , clause under rrotest. but the eomra
mlttoea through which tho business . hRg TOtt4A t0 turn on the cur-
of tho organization will bo transact- ront, and crops aro said to bo suffer
ed. I ing.
Lives of 88 Persons
Imperilled When
Ship Catches Fire
FALMOUTH, England, Mny B.
Tho Harrison lino steamer, Ingomn,
badly afire, dnshod Into Falmouth
hnrbor today after a hundred milo
raco to save tho lives of 88 per
sons, passengors and crow.
Tho flra was discovered whllo tho
passengers wi;ro oslcop. Tho Fal
mouth was on route to tho West
Indies. Tlio captain kept tho pas
sengers In Ignoranco of tholr grave
dangor, but propnrod tho llfo boats
for Immcdlato launching In caso tho
raco for port wns unsuccessful.
Completo figures on Oregon pop
ulation havo been Issued by tho U.
S. bureau of census. Tho state's pop
ulation is given as 783,389. Klamath
county's total Is 11,413, dlvidod by
precincts as follews:
Algomn precinct 306
Dairy precinct 21B
lllldebrand precinct, exclusive
of part of Klamath Indian
Rosorvatlon 1B2
Klamath Lake precinct, exclu
sive of part of Klamath In
dian Reservation 84
Langcll precinct ........................ 181
Llnkvlllo proclnct, Including
Klamath Falls city , 8,316
Lost Rlvor proclnct. Including
Bonanza town ........................ 275
Matin proclnct - B24
Merrill precinct, Including part
of Merrill town 321
Midland proclnct . . .. -.. 276
Mount Lakl precinct ............ 310
Odolt precinct .. 102
Plno Grove precinct 268
Plovna proclnct . 116
Poo Valloy proclnct ....... . . 182
Spraguo River proclnct ..'....-. 190
Swan proclnct ............... .... 109
Topsy precinct S9
TuloLako precinct. Including
u-JSl?rr?tIvrr'rI1!..t0rTn "i ISS'lnight tendered Its resignation colloc-
Wood River proclnct U. 21,i" i- i.,. .., I in- i
Word en preclnot ......................
Klamath Inldnn Reservation, r
" comprising Yalrrar proclnct -nnd
part of Cblloqutn, 12
lllldebrand, and Klamath
Lake precincts .... 1 .547
No population reported for Chll
oquln precinct outsldo limits ot Kla
math Indian Reservation.
Forty acres ot land and tho build-
Ings thereon, bolng tho old govern-
men I oxporlmont station near whoro
tbo railroad crosses tho straits will bo
sold nt public auction by H. D. New
ell, Klamath project manager, on
Juno 18, noxt, according to notlco of
tho sale published by tho department
of tho Interior.
Should a bidder not appear on tho
first day, tho projoct managor Is au
thorized to contlnuo iho bidding from
day to day until tho land Is Bold
Thn nxtMrlmental farm wns started
about 12 years ago, nnd abandoned j Hon ot contractors, who have agreed
after two or three yoars operation, to submit to tho award of arbitrators
TTntlt VAPAnllw It U'n Im'iinQalhla tft'tfca miMiflMl nt WAfA rAdtlftlOll- ThO
sell tho land, and no purchaser could
bo found to tnko tho buildings and
romovo them. Lately legislation has
been obtained authorizing tho salo of
land and buildings togothor.
A. Mlllor, J. Ktlno and Axel Bogron
arrested last ovontng for drunkness.
appeared beforo pollco Judgo Loarltt
this morning and woro tlnod 17. B0
each, . h
Power Company Is
Ordered to Vfater
Grants Pass Crops
SALEM. May B. Tho California
Oregon Powor company was yostor
day ordorod by tho public sorvlco
commission to furnish current to the
(rants Pass irrigation district so that
wntor mny bo pumped onto 'tho dla
trlct's crops, which nro suffering for
lack of moisture. Tbo ordor Is tho re
sult of tho refusal of tho company to
furnish current and ot an appeal to
tho commission by tho district, rep
resented by Wllford Allen.
Tho commission ordors that cur
rent bo supplied pending nn lnvocUr
gatlon by tho stato department.
According to Mr. Allen's tolegram.
tha district has slgnod a contract
with the Callforola-Orogon company
for current for tho season, seeking
the lowest possible rate, The compa
ny declined to sign wJth tho so-colled
clause. IncludodJn the contract. It Is
wld Utfs has'spmo shorts
term Provisions. Tha district then
German eon.
LONDON, May G, Tho allied ultl.
malum to Germany was signed today.
It summons Germany to reply cata
gorlcally yos or no by May 12 at
tho latest, as to whether she will pen
form hor unfulfilled obligations un
dor tho treaty.
Should Germany fall to reply ns
roquestcd, tho allies glvo notice that
on May 12 thoy will proceed with the
occupation of tho Ruhr valloy. They
will alto undortako othor military
and naval measures.
Tho text of tho notlco to Gormany
recites that tho alllod powers havo
decided to proceed with alt necessary
preliminary stops for tho occupation
ot tho Ruhr vafloy and havo Invited
tho alllod reparations commissions
to notify tho German government of
tho tlmo and methods that Germany
Is to follow1 In the discharge ot her
Germany will be required, as se
curity for tbo reparations, to Issue
thrco series of bonds, aggregating
132,000,000,000 marks, yielding five
per cont Intorost and secured by tho
wholo asset ot tho Gorman empire.
Thoso bonds are to bo delivered to
tho keeping ot'the reparations com
mission. Until tho redemption ot the bonds,
Germany Is required to pay yearly
2,000,000,000 gold marks and 26
per cont of tho value of hor exports,
with nltornato conditions to be de
termined .later by the reparations
Formal Invitation to tho United
Btatos to appoint representatives to
tho supremo allied council, tho coun
cil ot ambassadors and the alllod rep
arations commission, was cabled to
tho American state department by
tho supreme allied council last night.
BERLIN, May B. The cabinet of
lively, continued functioning today.
In compliance witn tne preaiaem re
qucst'that It reraajn ljofIce" until a
new ministry Is'organnHa.
Local Soprano Will
Give Concert May 17
Tuesday ovenlng, May 17, In tbo
Presbytorian churoh, la tho dato set
for a musical event ot Interest to tho
public ot this city. On that dato Mt
mio Boyd-Wagncr, coloratura sopra
no.aaslstcd by Mrs, Fred Cofer. plan.
1st, will glvo a concert in tne rreeoy
terian church. Ticket will be placed
on sale early next week, and Judging
br tho Interest already manifested,
J theso musicians will be greeted by a
largo and enthusiastic oudlenco. KlaV
math Falls always docs Itself proud
whon artists ot merit appear here.
and tho fact that they may lay cuira
to theso ladles will tond special local
Portland Builders
'Agree to Arbitrate
I PORTLAND. May B. Ponce In the
I liulldln? trade hrforocast In the art-
' wngo cut hnd been fixed nt 10 por
cent of the prcsont scale.
Tho high school and olghth grade
rooms of tho Sacred Heart academy
hold tholr annual picnic on tho
shores of tho Uppor Klamath lake
today. About a score ot young folk
onjoyed tbo occasion. Today was a
holiday at tho acadomy for all grades.
Waltor M. Bunting, moll aviator, was
burned to death whon his airplane
crashed to tho ground early today,
whllo taking off for Cboycnne with
tho mall.
cation ot tho national slackers' list
wns ordered published In the con
gressional record by tho houso ot
representatives today.
Weather Probabilities
a r r-
Tho Cyclo-Stormagrapn at
Undorwood's Pharmacy baa
roglsterod a sharp drop In
baromotrlc pressure since
o'clock this morning, and
should the fall continue it is
probably that- we shall hve
more Wind, with, light showers
If te'mperatufe , e'cntlnueshlgh.
Forecast tor next 24 heurs:
Cloudy unsettled weather;
cooler. '