The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 04, 1921, Image 1

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University Library.
lEumnn Herald
A Clan Ad Will
Dolt .
Today b Newt
Member of the Associated Press.
Yir No. MISS
fTho clly'a financial problem wns
tlio tuple of today's forum discussion
at tlio chamber of coiniiiorco. I'nllco
Judjto A. L. I-oavltt nml Muyor Wl
lay woro thu principal speakers.
Much of tlio Inforiimtlon thoy gavo
wan now to tholr hearer nml appnf
ontly iiiikIo u consldcrahln Impres
sion, Judge l.eavltt tnircil tlio growth of
tlio city's financial obligations during ,
tlio pant olovon year until now tlmy I
total, ho nnlil, upward of $800,000
In Rcnornl obligation utitl Improve
mont lion dn, requiring an nnnual In
to rout payment of approximately
Mayor WIlny'H address was nlnng
tho line of suggested mined y for tlio
financial situation. Ho explained tlio
present situation, wherein tho city
lacks somo $18,000 to moot tlio
$47,000 payment on first, socand anil
third unit paving bonds, now duo.
Ha stated that It liud been niig
Rented thai, tlio special funds for
Sixth street ropnlr and flro appara
tus bo applied to tlio payment of tho
bond deficit, tho amount borrowed to
bo replaced iui tlm delinquent at
sessmonts woro collected. This meth
od, ho Indicated, would bu resorted
to only If absolutely nocesiiary, but,
If necessary, ha asked tliut thoso
present support tho plan to prosano
tho city's flnanolal Integrity
Prospective Buyers
Of Dairy Cows Will
Have to Act Quickly
An opportunity to secure a carload,
of ehblcn milk cdws Is" how offered
by tho Klamath County farm bureau.
At tho mooting of the executive com
mittee yesterday this Mas ono of tho
Important matters undor discussion.
A carload of dairy cows has beon
locutod which can bo laid down In
Klamath Pulls at an average cost
not to oxeced $ IOC. 00 per head.
Thoso cattlo woro Inspected hy L. A
West, county livestock chairman, and
tho county agent when In Mcdford
last week. Two dairy herds noir
Mcdford havo just been combined,
and tho present ownor must roduco
this hord at onco to tho capacity of
his barns. Ho gives tho opportunity
-to itolect thoso cows from CO and GO
head, nil of -which nro testod produ
cers. Tho production records nro
nvallablo on practically ll of thoso.
If thin carolud of cattlo Is to bo
obtalnod, arrangements must ho
mudo at onco. Theroforo anyone In
terested In securing any of Hioho
cown should get In touch with thn
farm bureau offlco not lator than
Saturday, May 7.
Suit was begun today In tho cir
cuit court by Fred Duko against
District Attornoy C. C. Ilrowor and
Constable J. P. Morloy to rocovor
$00, nllegod to havo hoon paid by(
plaintiff on defendant's roprosontn-j
lion that It was noceBsnry to insuro
tho return to tho city of Jack lacy,
arrostod on Duke's complaint In
Chlco, California, for larconcy cf
an automobile
Tho wnrront for Lacy's arrost
wa.iUsBUod April 18 mid tho monoy
Is nllogod to havo boon donmudod
April 21, last.
Lacy roturnoa. to this city from
Chlco of his own volition and with
out an accompanying offlcor to
face tho chargo, which has novor
boon pressed. '
Anothor danco with a double or-j
ehostra will be given by ton tocat
musicians' union at tho Scvmdlna
'vlan hall Friday ovonlng. The
danco starts at 9. Two 'orchestras
will play alternately, furnishing
continuous music. This feature was,
prononunced a distinct succoss wnon
It 'was Introduced at the last mus
icians' danco, I
Another Proposal
To Germany Wul
Be Sent Friday
LONDON, May 4. Tho repara
tions committee will send thu (lormnn
government, Friday, n bill of liabili
ties mrlctly In compliance with tho
tortus of tho peaco treaty, Hlmulln
noously tho nlllcd governments will
send another plan ns n modification
of tho treaty, which Is fuvorablo to
Uormnny and which sho enn-nccept
or not.
AVASII1NGTON, May 4. Tho off
icial statement of tho American po
sition on tho Invitation to havo an
American ropresentatlvo on tho su
premo council will ho made when tho
Invitation Is formally recohod horo,
It was announced today.
scientious objectors to war service In
Ouriiinny havo formed a union with
mora than 10,000 members, each nt
whom has slgnod a plcdgo that they
will nolther carry arms", produce war
material, glvo monoy or aid In an
way In what they charactorlzn as tho
"organltod murder of subjects ot
other countries or of our own coun
This Information comes from How
ard H. Ilrlnton, a member of t e So
ciety of Friends from West Chiititf,
F., who recently attended a publl"'
meeting In llorlln hold undor tho au
spices of tho "Herman Union of Ob
jectors to War Service."
'I expected to find n doion or so
long-haired persons sitting about n
tablo, and Instead found a h.ill,
Jammed to tho doors with nbout SOP
people, I ho nlr loimo with supprcuid
'oiithnaUBin," said Mr. Ilrlntnr
Ono of tho speakers snld tho or :i
nliatlon wus formed by flurman war
prisoners In England utter they wrw
permitted to return to (lormuny
A student who was n speike nt
the mooting, declared that tho'ii w.-is
groat need In the unlvorsltlei f .r n
spiritual awakening, since tu? o,l
military party was still stronr Ihom
nnd demniided rcvengo on tho "lomj
Another sponfcer said thu I tnu '!or
mans who had permitted flwrnsolvoi
to bo driven Into this war had brains
that woro nothing but soup poured
Into tholr heads by othors. "Mll'tn
rlsni, mammonlsm, ogolsm nnd all
that goes with tho Wllbolm Idea must
disappear," ho said.
Dr. Holeno Stoockor, of tho Vern
on's International Loaguo for l'oion
and Freodopi, said that tho oducat..n
supplied by tho Oerman state Is drill,
not education. "Instcod of brlnglr-R
hidden qualities to tho surface It
liammors llos Into tho brain," he said
"If tho 'oducntod' uro taught only
how to oxplolt humanity, It woro hoi
tor that mankind remain as Ignorant
as tho Russian iwasant."
Legion Will Observe
Memorial Day Here
Discussion of tho proposed bonus
moasuro nnd plans for Memorial
day obBoryanco woro features of last
evening's Legion meeting. Tho bonus
bill, placod on tho ballot by tho last
loglsloturo, will bo votod upon nt thu
stato oloctlon Juno 7. It gives ox-
sorvlco mon nnd womon tho option
of receiving $1G a month cash for
tholr torm, of sorvlco, or socurlng n
loan from tho stato, not to oxcoed
$3,000, for homo building or farm
A straw oto tnkon at tho mooting
ehowod tho fifty 'mombora prcsont
unanimously In favor of tho $3,000
It was roportod that tho flying
squadron, which Is dotallod to glvo
aid to ox-sorvlco mon tn claiming'
tholr bonoflts from, tho govornmont,
will ho horo May 19.
Tho ontortalnmont commlttoo was
Instructed to proceed with tho plans
for sultablo Memorial day observ
ance. sis
WASHINGTON. May 8, Senator
McNary and Representative Blnnott
have been named the Oregon mem
bars of the executive committee ot
western congressmen to dpal with
tho Japanese problom.
' Mint planting stnrtod on tho KlaJ
math Mint company's land on tho
Caledonia marsh Monday, It was'
'announced today, and botoro tho
season ends 200 acres aro oxpoctod
to ho planted. Tho planting la be-
,lng dono for tho first tlmo by ma-
'chlnory. Tho machine Is of tho
'grain drill typo, speclaly built, how-
over, for mint planting. It exca
vates throe rows, plants tho mint
und covers II at ono operation.
Throo mon nro required to feed tho
mint roots Into tho planter.
Three tractors aro working on tho
Klamath Mint company's land at
prosont and 1800 sacks of roots
nro on hand for planting. Tho land
has been drained and Is In ex
cellent shape for cultivation.
Tho Klamath Mint company has
somo 1000 acres of land on the
Caledonia marsh adapted to mint
culturo, besides somo 900 ncres ot
hilt land Plans aro being made
for a colony ot homes on tho Skill
et llundlo, a narrow tonguo ot land
about two miles long which runs
between tho lako shoro nnd tho
marnh tract that Is being cultlvatod.J
Thrco families have alroady se
lected homo sites on tho Skillet
Handlo, which Is high, dry ground,
und tho sottlomont ot others wilt
Lbo encouraged. It Is oxpoctod that
oventually n largo summer colony
wilt bo established. Thoro Is spaco,
It is estimated for 250 homes. With
in two or throo yoars tho company
I hopes to havo developed tho mint
'industry to a point where It will
glvo employment to at least 40
families dnring tho summer' season;
Thorns -employee wilt undofrotcdly
tako homes near tholr -wotV, and
Investors and others will Join tho
colony until It is hoped a largo
community win no csinoiisneo.
1'lans aro being made to connoct
vtlth tho power lino that serves tha
Wocus marsh, to secure elcctrclty
for operating tho mint distillery,
dralnogo pumps and other machin
ery, and to furnish lighting for
Tho cultivation of mint has pass
ed tho experimental stago, tho com
pany announces, and from now on
It will bo dovclopcd as a commer
cial entorprlso which, Its promoters
oxpect, In a tow yoars will bo ono
of tho best paying Industries of
Klamath county.
Soil, quantity of molsturo and
climatic conditions aro all exeep-'
tlonally favorablo to mint. Tho
wlntor cold Is apparently no draw-
iback as last yoar's planting shows.
Last spring's planting resumed
growing with tho first warm weath
or nnd tho shoots aro now two
Inchos nhovo tho ground, It Is re
ported. Tho fall planting has just
startod growth and has a most
healthy appearance.
Miss Jesso Mcdulro, chlof nurso nt
tho Klamath aonornl hospital, re
turned from Portland Sunday even
ing, accompanied by tbo Misses Cut
lor, Laslott nnd flllbert, all graduato
nurses from somo of tho best hospi
tals on tho coast, who havo taken po
sitions on tho hospital nursing staff.
Tho addition to tho Btatf give tho
hospital a sploudld corps of nurses.
Many Improvements havo boon nmdo
recently. In equipment, Including tho
Installation of n powerful X-ray ma
chine, und Improvements In tbo bull
ding aro contomplatod.
Tho physicians connoctod with tho
hospital havo slgnod up tbo annual
contracts with tho mills and box fac
tories for medical and surgical treat
ment for disabled employees, the
management announced today.
A marriaf license has been
issued to Maude Or ay of Tort Kla
math and .Fred R. Moffat of Kla-
math Agency. The wedding will
tako place today nt Klamath
Agency, 1 I
PAHIS, May 3. Tho French gov
ernment has warned tho Polish gov
ernment of tho grave consequences
likely to result from tho Polish up
rising In upper Silesia.
Unrest In reported from this ro
glon as tho result of a rumor bo
lug spread that tho allied decision
gava Poland only two districts
thoro as tho result of tho rccont
ploblsclto. A mining strlko Is also
In progress. '
Tho French troops ot occupation
havo clashed with tho Polish In
surgents. Tho Insurgents blow up
tho bridges between Ilrcslau and
tho Sllcslan mining regions, cutting
off communication with Qormany.
French Infantry, by using tanks,
ban succcoded In clearing Ileuthcn
nt d Kattowitz of rioters.
OPPELN, Uppor Silesia, May 4.
Twenty thousand Poles havo occu
pied all ot Uppor Silesia, south ot
Kosol and Tarnowltz, with tho ex
ception ot a few largo towns and aro
moving furthor northward.
Old Portola Mine Is
Again Gold Producer
PORTOLA, Cal., May 4 Oold
quartz onco mora la being taken
from tbo Jupiter mine, located In tho
Sierra Nevada mountains near here.
According to recently-discovered rec
ords tho Jupiter waa discovered by
missionaries joara ago and was oper
ated tor somo tlmo before It was clos
ed down.
f- After a long period ot Idleness, tho
payMroak In tho mlno was discovered
accldently about thrco years ago and
n modern reduction plant Installed.
Tho first cleanup ot the new plant,
which was made recently, showed thu
gold oro to bo as rich as It was -alien
tho mlno was first operand.
According to Superintendent J.
Olllinan, who has traced tho history
of tho mlno, a party ot missionaries
camped on tho stto In tho early days
ot California and In enlarging a
spring to procuro water, discovered
tbo gold-bearing ledge.
Another Coast Boat
Runs Upon Rocks
SEATTLE. May 4. Tho 8teara-
or Santa Alicia, bound from San
Francisco to Seattle wont aground
oarly today near Port Townsond,
owing to a break In tho steering
gonr. Llghtors havo startod to tako
oft tho cargo ot copper oro.
C. of C. Adopts New
Constitution, By-Laws
Constitution nnd by-laws of tho
now Chambor of Commorco wcro
adopted at a membership moctlng
last ovonlng. Ono ot tbo provisions
of tho now regulations Is tho elec
tion ot directors by mall, thus giv
ing each membor a chnnco to voto.
Dallots containing tho names ot
overy member ot tho organization
woro mailed cut yostcrday. From
this Hat 12 directors will bo chos
en. Tho polls closo next Saturday
At a mooting of tho city park
board, with representatives of tho
city council, Chambor ot Com
morco and county aulomobllo asso
ciation yesterday afternoon, tho
board passed a resolution agreeing
to tho uso ot tho west sldo park
site tor an auto camp ground this
summer. Tho slto will bo Inspect
ed this afternoon and plans mado
for its uso as a camp ground.
OREGON Tonight and Thurs
day, generally fair.
PORTLAND, May 4 -Cattle
steady, hogs 60 per cent lower;
prime light $9.00 and $9.35; sheep
stoady, oggs 2 conts lower, buying
prlco 16 nnd 18, butter stoady.
Body of Van Allen i
Cornish Nears U.S .;
Burial At Ashland
Tho body of Private Van Allen
Cornish, killed in action In Franco,
will arrive In Now York City May 7,
nnd will bo shipped to tho burial des
tination designated by relatives, no
cording to a telegram received by
tho widow, Mrs. Vcr Loralno Cor
nish ot Mcdford.
I Mrs. Cornish communicated tho re
ceipt ot tho tolcgram to tbo dead sol
dier's mother, Mrs. Clara D.iviion, of
this city. Mrs. Davison said that tho
war department would bo askod to
ship tho body to Ashland and tho fu
neral would tako placo thoro upon
Its arrival.
The April lasuo of tho Coast Dank
era ot San Francisco and Los Ange
les contains a two column article- on
tho reoponlng of tho First Stato and
Savings bank, which was an "unlquo
ovent In tho history of Oregon bank
ing." Tho article Is Illustrated with
a portrait ot Capt. J. W, Slomens,
president of tho bank, and a sccno
showing tho street demonstration on
opening day.
A largo part ot tho article Is a
quoted interview with Robert S.
Howard, vlco president of tho Ladd &
Tllton bank, Portland, who was an
observer ot tho occurrences sur
rounding tho reoponlng ot tho bank.
Ono paragraph says:
"To my personal observatlpn camo
Instances In which pcoplo ot largo
means offered their entire posses
sions to. Captain Siemens for such
uso as bo might deem prppor,for Uio
reopening of tho bank. Without 'tip-,
llcltatlon ofany character, an In
crcaso ot capital waa volunteered
nnd had to bo prorated when the mo
mont arrived subscriptions which
bad to bo returned coming up to tho
very last momcntOne merchant, at
tbo closing of tho bank, tendered his
business block, which was unincum
bered, and wanted to deed his pror4
orty for bank purposes. Examples
llko theco woro so frequent that tho
effect producod on tho outsider bo
camo almost overpowering. The
spirit ot loyalty and confidence ran
through tho entire community, ro
gardlcss ot -whethor tho Individual
had been banking with tbo First
State and Savings bank or not. On
tho day of reoponlng; there camo to
no notlco tbo case ot a doposltor who
had a balanco with tbo bank who had
beon unablo to draw funds for bov
eral weeks. Ho borrowed $150 from a
friend to liquidate somo personal ac
counts, rathor than draw upon tho
First Stato and Savings bank, be
cause ho folt It would bo a reflection
upon Captain Siemens and his Instl"
tutlon." Tho conclusion drawn from tho re
opening Is oxprcsscd ns follews:
"From tho largo crowd gathorod In
front ot tlio bank at tbo reopening I
could not but bo Impressed that out
ot tho ashes ot tho closed Institution
had risen, Phoenix llko, a spirit of
Klamath county nnd thnt wonderful
country etinnot holp but advance nnd
dovelop undor such dovotlon."
WASHINGTON, Tho shipping men
aro reported to havo rctusod to
yield on tho wage cuts and othor
questions at tho conferoncca today
with Socrotary Davis and Hoover.
The shipping board Is also firm
on tho 15 por cent cut. Secretary
Davis plannod to moot tho union
leaders later today.
Charles J. Ferguson, who re
cently purchased tho R. E. Alford
home at 636 Conger avenue. Is
making many Improvements.
SYGAMORE. May 4. The rice
flslds. In the tules west 'of this
place, are one cloud of" e'ni ok from
tbo rice which la being burned up
so tho rlco men can plant another
Herald Washington nnrcnu
WASHINGTON, May 3, Every
fighting ship and all tho supply
ships ot tho United States navy
-will bo massed together on tho Pa-
iciflc coast within tho next four
mouths. This statement Is mado
on tho authority ot ono ot tho
highest officials.
Just how long this mobilization
In tho western ocean will last no
ono can tell but It Is likely to be
I for most of tho summer. Tho man
euvers may colncldo with the pro
posed visit of President Harding
to tho Pacific coast and Alaska.
If the concentration ot the naval
forces In western waters comes
slmultaenously with the president's
visit, ho will revlow on the Pa
cific coast tho greatost national
pageant ot any prolod In tbo his
tory ot tho United Btatos.
Farm Bureau Offers
Government Harness
At tho regular monthly meeting ot
tho exocutlvo committee ot tho Kla
math county farm bureau, which waa
held yesterday In the county ngent's "
office, the mombera of tho commit
teo bad their first opportunity to In
spect tho U. S, war department har
ncss which is being disposed ot
through tho county agents and farm
bureaus throughout the country.
This harness -will make an excel
lent farm harness. It Is made tram
jtho very best leather, and the con
, tract prlcco to the, government waa
$136.00 a sot. It Is now being dli
posed of at $39.75 f. o.. b. govern
ment wareUouso Ransom. West "Vir
ginia. If tho harness comes by ex
press It makes tho prlco here ap
proximately $55.00. A sample set
, can bo Inspected at the farm bureau
office, Room 2, Swanson building.
I .
, Ninety Moro Fanatics
! Killed In Battle
With Constabulary
MANILA. May 4. Ninety Moros.
ineludlne Maharajah Untonga, re
ligious fanatic leader, were killed
Sunday by a detachment of Phll
'ipplno Constabulary In an engage
ment near Tagllllbl Island of Salu.
according to reports rocelved hero
The slaying ot tho Moro follow
ed tho murder Saturday ot Lleu
tfiinnt Follasauea and threo con
stabulary troopors.
WASHINGTON, May 4. Senator
Uorah rolntroducod a resolution to
authorlzo and request the president
to call the representatives ot Groat
Ilrltaln and Japan Into a disarm
ament conference.
This forecasts a tight, as tho
president desired the disarmament
question not to be agitated In the
prosont stato ot International rela
tions. '
NEW YORK. May 3. Tbo Amer
ican Railway Express company has
notified Its 80.000 employes that It
contemplates a general wago revi
sion Juno 1. '
Weather Probabilities
) o
The Cyclo-Stormagrapb at
Underwood's Pharmacy showa
that tho barometric . pressure
has romalned practically sta
tionary during tho past 24
hours, and no marked change
In woather conditions may be
looked for tomorrow. While,
the present high temperature
prevail.'" light "Bhowers are
likely to occur. "
Forecast for next 24heur:
Continuation of present un
sottlod condition's. Probably