rAari nVn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FAlyLS, OREGON TUK8DAY, MAY B, 1M1 uildYourOwn Ho - . ' vB Ip jar r 'ilfJnnliiiJl I II swU TV IKS3P! Mllirinni Mkilv it 1 :'fi,wi Rehearing of the Churchill Land "" Litigation Ordered - i Thii hlnto Biiprpiiiii court, ac cording to a nnlUu Just rmulvotl by Hubert T. MoKImIcI, iliipuly iiltiir liny Riinonil, linn n rim led tlio ap plication for it riilimirlng In the case of Itobort II. ItnynolilH anil W. II. Franklin ukiiIiihi tint Churchill roinpnny, Hiiyit tliu Biicrniiiento Urn. Till) Ihhiiii In tint milts, which Iiiih linen heforii tlio rnurtH for yinrH, Involves tliu rhiiriictur of ami tho tltlo to Hovornl tliouHitnil ncrcs ot land adjacent to Lower Klnmnth Inko In Hlsklyou county. Hocuntly, tlio tlilnl dliitrlct court ot npponl liandoil down a decision denying n , rehearing of tlio cases, mid Mo Klitlck ot that tlmo onnounend tlio supronii) court would tin nuked Jo j itrnnt a rehearing by admlnliitratlon official)! chnrgod with tho manage-' 1 tnnnt of public lauds, Irrespective; of what action wan taken by tint other tltlgnnts. I Tim principal Ibsuci lnv Ived Ik wlinthnr thn Inudn In iiuuatlon Hhould hn proporly clnnitiflcd ax I fLBllzf' tiHByiFjSj38iXLliiiiiiK.te SLlssssssTO iB- The Electric Home In designing your new home provide adequate outlets for the numerous appliances that go to make the ser vantlcss home. The California Oregon Power Co. 126 S. Sixth ' Phone 54 I lit-m J Am- T lift -M FTTl RAM I I HtVL bswmb II "- Ky L l I fs. " UVMQ ROOU etOROOM I HQI I I 0OI " J 1 ' " (REVERSE) SECOND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN CAIF. 9 K t d 99 feet ww"ta-E3 lTlj iiXj lj lTlj u U u U rtfc "recession" or swamp and over flowed lands In tho moaning ot tho statutes, lie statod tho itato Is In toroitod to tho oxtont of about 20, 000 ncrcn. i "KNmrt" i coming noon. Personal Mention Mis Mario Schwab, secretary to ntatp hcIiooI superintendent Chur chill, I horo for a tow woeks and t t 1 r h Are You Waiting For Rents to Come Down? Arc you one of the millions who are patiently pay ing rents tKat are from 20 per cent to 50 per cent too high? If you arc, do you know the facts? 0 Do you know that Klamath Falls is short 250 homes; that experts estimate the United States to be four years behind in building requirements? The law cf supply and demand always fixes prices. So long as there is a home shortage landlords will de mand high rents, and tenants will be forced to pay them. The one way out is to become a home owner your self. You can build now cheaper than at any time in the past five years, and almost as cheaply, we believe as at any time in the next five years. Lumber and building materials have taken a tre mendous drop. The complete cessation of building has caught manufacturers with big stocks which they have been forced to sell almost at, cost. If you buy now you can take advantage of their situation. If you wait, you will buy when everyone else is buying, and you will find the increasing demand forcing prices upward. In our opinion ,right how is a good time to build. You owe it to yourself to investigate thoroughly. Call and see us, or a letter or phone call will bring, us to you at once. ' Build now and use '"'MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS PRODUCTS. LAKESIDE LUMBER CO. "Owned and Operated by Klamath" Falls Business Men 4. KBHSMKI with Minn Head county vchool su perintendent will make a tour ot Inspection cf tho dlfforont schools throughout tlio county. Elton C. Wright a lumberman frotn Dairy la registered at tho Whlto Tollcan hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mltcholl aro In from Dly. ' Miss Elrlno Flury who tcacuos school at Bonanza Is registered at tho Whlto Pelican hotel. Harry llenton has arrived from Itoddlnc and will tako charge- of tho logging operations for Chns. Twohy who has cxpcnslvo lumbor Interests ucar Cblloquln and Dor rls. i Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Drowno left this mornlnc for Portland nnd from thonco to MIsAoula, Montana, where tlioy will mako their future home. Ocorgo Gannon from Camp 3 of tho Wood Lumbor company, was ono of tho "youngsters" who took In tho cir cus yesterday. Dan and Uavo Llsky woro In from tholr ranch near Dairy cs torday tnklug In tho circus nnd at tending to business matters. J. L. Ilockloy and J .T. Dixon, two well-known stockmon, loft to day for a week's business trip to Willows, California. James Dowers and Herbert Davis drovo over from Itoguo Ktver ral loy yostordny. E. W. Wllkorson is In from his ranch nt Langell Valloy on busi ness. ' Mlko Doalor n)io resides on a ranch on tho Kuno road Is an out of town visitor. Tho paasongora on tho automo bllo stago for Mcdford and Ash land this morning wero Miss l'lury, Goo. Evans, J. h. Durkhaldcr, G. J. Gallghtly, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pursoll and two children and II. II. Kalsor. Mrs. Paul Uroltstoln who recent ly undorwont an operation Is vory much improved. Mr. nnd Zlm Ualdwln aro horo from Lakeview visiting with rola- Mvoa and attondlng to business affairs. Mrs. Itoynolds was shopping In tho city yostorday and returned to her libmo nt Odessa this morning. Chas Lewis and family woro among thoso who wero up from tho Lost Illvor country yostorday at tending tho circus. ' Curtis Ileldrlck and family of Cblloquln wnru visitors yesterday. Among thoso up from Malln yes terday woro Mr. and Mrs. Brand- hall, and Mr. and Mrs. Crandall and son. Louis Hoagland loft this inornlug for San Francisco and, as ho usually does, will drlvo n Dulck back. Mrs. O. S. Harris, wife ot ono ot tho Southern Pacific engineers, who has boon horo on a pleasure trip for a few days, returned to Dunsmulr this morning. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brown of Ban FranelscpWno haye beon visiting at tho horns of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dennis, returned 'to their home this morning, 0. V, Foil, auditor for tho Califor nia Oregon Powr company, left tot 44H'"4 G. C. LORENZ for Sanitary Plumbing and Modern Heating Plants PHONE 216-W 123 N. Sixth St. Klamath Falls Phone 531-R -W. E. and J. E. PATTERSON CONTJRACTING PAINTERS Wo glvo all our work personal attention. Uso nothing but first, class material. Let us giro you figures on your painting. 133 N. 4th St. Res. Phone 531-R Phone 336-R 503 Tooth SCret Geo. R. Wright Registered Architect t H Designs and estimates furalsnsd for gangs, rMitMSM, schools, churches, farm buildings, factories, apartmMt koosesj, etc. I CRUSHED ROCK, SAND, GRAVEL AND CEMENT Delivered Anywhere W.D.Miller GENERAL CONTRACTOR 224 South Sixth Phone 293 COFER BROS. Contractors and Builders j wj A'. a- A f Mado ot brick or made ot wood we build It., i Sixth Mic? XUsiath (W operU oor own brick plant b4 olt fMtesy Yreka this morning'. Mr. Foils ex pects to return tho last ot tho month. O, D. Williams left this morning tor a fow duys business trip to Port land, r Mr. and Mrs. Floyd I). Miller are down from Fort Klamath for a tow days. Alfred Caste! returned last night from Portland where ho haa been for tho last woek. Ho will leave for his home at Fort Klamaith today. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilde who' run the hotel at Malln Are in town for a tew days attending to" business affairs.. Mr. and Mrs, M. J, Clnggott who bavo been vliltlng hero at tlw French and Moroland homos, returned in their homo at Dotrott this morning. Mrs. Rudolph Kattenborn and two children from Merrill were passen gers for Oakland, California, this morning where- they expect to remain sometime for the health ot the chil dren. Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Stout left , for Dorm this morning where they ex pect to make their home. 5 Mrs. L. C. Boyles and Mrs. Otto Beck". who wofo up for th circus 'and attending to business returned Co thefrrhomi at Mt. HtebTqn th'iiTnorrf-Ing. "KUnict" Is coming soon,