The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 03, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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.PBFilT'.JJ ! fAQW rotmc
jrujaw.vy, . may ,i, inat
PORTLAND, Ore- May 3. Tho
Oregon Tourist anil Inforinntlon bu
i call, created by mo Inst legislature
for tho purposo or fostering tho do
volopinoiu tf 'tourist travel In Oregon
will begin Its activities this M-eok.
Governor Olcott 1ms appointed tho
following rommlttco lo"dlrcct tho
work of tho. 'bureau: Lesllo Ilutlcr,
Hood , River, chnlrman;v Cameron
Syulres, Portland, vlco chairman, and
treasurer; Oeorgo T. Collins, Med
ford; George Lnwrcnco, Jr. Portland
and Will I. ico C. Illrdsall, Bend.
Tho commlttco Tins solccted ns
manager of tho bureau, Sydney It.
Vincent who has mado a study of tho
development ot tourist travel, nnd
who, during his reglmo ns manager
of tho publicity bureau ot tho Port
land chamber of commorco, furnished
numerous articles descriptive ot Ore
gon s scenery to various magazines
throughout this country and abroad.
I Tho commlttco has established an
oftlco In tho Oregon Building In this
dty, in connection with tho State Ex
hibit. Tourists and others Booking
Information regarding Oregon will bo
supplied -without char go completo In
formation, maps and other data, to
enable, (them better to know Oregon
and Its unmatched scenic resources.
Tho committee has already arrang
ed for the production of toad maps
covering tho southern Oregon terri
tory, and another giving details of
tho road system, between Portland
and Salem, and tho territory tribu
tary to tho stato capital. Additional
maps will bo Issued from tlmo to
time, so that eventually tho' entire
stato will bo mapped for tho purposo
of tho bureau. Theso maps will bo
distributed froo to Inquirers.
Tho bureau has taken up with the
State Highway Commission tho mat
ter of detours around work progress
ing upon tbo main highways, and has
received a'ssurnncQ thnt all detours
will bo plainly marked, and that tour
ists will bo put to tho minimum ot
Inconvenience. It la tho Intention of
tho Stato Highway Commission to
abandon detours as rapidly as con
'dltlons will permit.
' California News
Southern Pacific Itallroad company
has notified the ton classes of Its
subordinate officials and employes of
Its'dcslra to negotiate a revision of
other Intcrcoast freight rato war
among tho stoamshlp companies op
erating between hero and tho Atlan
tic. Is forcshadowod In tho slashing
of freight rates hero.
8AN FIIANCISCO, May 3. A writ
ot habeas corpus ad tcstlfl candum
(for the purposo ot taking tho testi
mony), designed to rot urn Thomas J.
Mbbney, convicted of a bomb mur
der,, to this city to testify In an ac
tion seeking his releaso from tho pen
itentiary, was Issued by tho Superior
i0S ANGELES, Moy 3. Tho so
caUed bluo laws of Pomona, closing
on. Sunday all places of nmusemont
where admission Is charged, went
Into effect flvo days nftcr tho olec-;
tloti of April 4, when thoy wcro
ed, Judgo Charles S. Burnell of tho1v
Lbs Angolcs County Superior Court,
ruled In setting aside a tomporary
order ho recently Issued, preventing
Pomona officials Troth enforcing tbo
SUSANVILLH' May 3. With tho
arrival ot scontoen carloads of logs
this week from tho Lassen Lumbor
and Box company's camp at Facht,
camo word that tho company will
soon havo its mill In full operation.
This was tho first shipment from tho
timber bolt this season,
flnod sugar -was quoted at $7.25 a
hundred at tho refineries, a drop of
26 cents from the previous quota
SHERIDAN, 'Wye, May 3. So
that futuro generations may know
hbv ibe first mall flyers orossed tho
continent Just as the present genera
tion knows much about tho men. and
womon who crossed In '49 In 'prairie
Lawn and Garden Seed
schooners," n, history of thnt tlio first
nlr mnll flight 1ms licou written by
K. II. Allync, oiio of tho fliers who
mntlu tho itrip. Tlio history tins boon
'presontoil to tho Wyoming Stnto Hls-
Uorlcal society by MnJ. Kd. 1. Taylor.
Tho 8 'Itntsh
Tho ntnto historian Is collecting nil
available, material on .tho snmo sub
ject. Wll.1i TEACH GERMAN
TACOMA, V.'nsli., May 3. Study
of Oerinnn has boon resumed at tho
collego of Puget Sound hero. Tho
replacement was In rcsponso to n de
mand from tho student body. I. 11.
Todd, president of tho college, said
- (lormau soon would bo nil-led to tho
courso ot study In tho high schools
ot Tacomn, according to II. F. Hunt,
mexuun AltMY Kt:i)L'Ci:il
KIj PASO, Texas, May 3. Infor
mation received hero from Mexico
City quotes General Enrlquo Estrada
socrotary of war, as saying Mexican
fedoral troops will be, concentrated
In tho Interior and soldiers used
along tho border only as needed. Tho
army has been reduced to S 1,000
with 51,000 ns tho goal. General Ab
clardo Rodriguez, commander In
Lower California, has boon ordorcd
to tako hts 64th battalion to Mexico
Crowds Plate
Chica Fowster. star Yankco !
fielder, who wis hit by o bean
kail last year. Is crowding the
plate as much as ovor L.-itt
spring at Jacksonville, Fla Few.
ster was beaned by Jeff Pfcffer,
Brooklyn pitcher A piece of his
ikull was removed Now just In
lido of his cap Is a steel plate
which protects the spot whero tbo
portion of skull was taken nway.
Illustration rbows how ho chokes
bis bat and crouches over tho
Plate, making his head a targcl
(or pitcher.
Tho City Council pursuant to tho
Resolution ot tho Common Council
heretofore adoptod, having under
data of the Socond day ot April.
.1921, -filed plans, specifications and
estimates ot tho cost of Improving
South Riverside street from Woat
Main streot to the City Limits nnd
West Main street from end of pave
ment at Congor avonuo to tho west
erly lino of South RIvorslde street.
Including Intersections; and the
Common Council having taken samo
under' advisement and finding sold
plans, specifications and estimates
said plans, specifications and esti
mates for Itho Improvement ot South
Rlvorsldo stroot from West Main
Btreot to tho City Limits and
pass-'Main street from ond of pavox
pavement at I
- onBr nvcnuo 10 mo
westerly line I
of South Rlvorsldo stroot, Including i
Intersoctlons, bo nnd tho samo aro
hereby appreved: -
ED, That tbo Common Council here
by declares Us Intention to Improvo
said portions of South RIvorslde and
West Main street. In accordance with
sold plnns, specifications and esti
mates; said Improvement 'to consist
of paving said portions of said streets!
with Concroto. Wllllto or Bltullthlc.
Tho estimated cost of tho Improve
ment of said portions of said strcots
by placing tberoon either Concroto,
Wllllto or Bltullthlc to be $37,018.10,
said cost Including grading, rolling,
curbing and cement sidewalk.
ED, By tho Common Council that thn
following described property bo and
It Is horoby declared beneflttod by
said Improvement, to-wlt: t
Lots 1 and 2 Block 26 Original
Town. Lots 3 nnd In Block 27. Ori
ginal Town. Lot 2, Blk 2, West Klam
ath Falls Addn. Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5, C,
7. 8, 9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. 17,
18. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 In Block
3, West Klamath Foils Addition and
Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, E,0. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, IS, 16, 17, 18. 19. 20, 21,
22. 23 In Block 4 West Klamath
Falls, addtlon to tho city of Klamath
Falls, Oregon; and that cortoln nere
ago property In Lot 2, Section 32,
Trains for Mt.
.- .J MT. EVmt3T h
Captain Ocorgc Finch famous Alpine climber has been selected
by the Koya) Geographical Society to lead the attompl to reach the
top of Mount Evorcst In the Himalayas, the world's highest peak '
He Is shown resting for a meal on the way up Mount Illanc. luropn's
nigncM mouniain in n training
icxi-eetrd to take two years
Township 38 South, Range 9 East.
WJlllametto Morldlan, lying south
erly ot Lot 23 In Block 3 and Lot 23
In Block 4 West Klamath Falls Addl.
Hon nnd that part of Lot tl, Soctlon
32 lying nouthcrly ot Lot 23, Block
3 West Klamath Falls Addition to
tlio City- of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
nnd oxtendtng to tho City Limits; and
mat said properly ubovo listed and
described be and horohy Is declared
to bo assessed tor tko exponso ot Bald
EU. That Monday the 23 day of May.
1921, sA the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. at
Council Ohnmbors at tho City Hall,
be fixed as the time and nlaco for tho
hearing of objections nnd rcmon
straneos agalne: the said proposed
Improvement and tho I'ollco Judgo Is
horoby directed to cause notlco of
said hearing to bo published ns by
Charter provided.
County ot Klamath, )ss.
City of Klamath Falls.)
K A. L. Lcavltt, Pollen Judgo of
the City of Klamath Fnlls. Oregon,
do horoby cortlfy thnt tho foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of n resolu
tion adopted by tho Common Council
on tho 25 day of April. 1921, declar
ing Its Intention to Improvo South
Rlvorsldo street from Wet Main
street to tho City Limits nnd West
Main streot from end of pavomont nt
Congor avenuo to tho westerly linn
of South Jtlvorsldo street. Including
28-9 Police Judge
Tho Clfty Engineer pursuant to tho
Resolution of tho Common Council
horetoforo adoptod, having under
dato ot tho 10th day of April, 1921,
filed plans, specifications and esti
mates ot the cost of Improving El
1 Dorado street from Esplanado to
I Portland street nnd Melrose street
' from KIDorado to Pacific Terrace,
Including Intersections; and tho Com
mon Council having taken tho samo
undor ndvlsomont and finding soldi
plans, specifications
and ostlmntes
said plans, specifications nnd esti
mates for tho Improvement of EIDo
rado street from Esplanado to Port
land street and Melrose stroot from
ElDorndo to Pacific Terraco. Includ
ing Intersections, bo and tho samo
nro heroby appro vod;
ED, That tho Common Council horn
by declares Its Intontlon to Improvo
said portions of ElDorndo stroot and
Melrose rf.rcot, In accordance with
Ha Id plans, specifications and esti
mates: said imnrovomont in rnnnlut
of paving said portions of ElDnradn
streot and Melrose street with Illlull.
thlc. Concrete, Asphnltlc Concroto or
Wllllto. Tho estimated conti ot the
Improvement ot said portions of said
streets by placing thoroon olthor hi
tiillthic, concrete, asphaltlc concrcto
or wllllto to ho $10,013.55, said cost
Including grading, rolling, curbing
and cVmont sidewalk.
EiVltjr the Common Council thai tbo
following described proporty bo nnd
is horoby declared benefitted by said
improvement, to-wlt: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4
Block 26. Block 39 A, Lots 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, Block 38, 1. 2, 3, 4, C. 0.
Block 27. 1, 2, 3, 4, C. 6. 7, Block
28, Lots 13, 14, 1R. 16, 17, 18, ,19
Block 37, Lots 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Block 37, Lots 0, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22 Block 36. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. C, 6
Block 29, Lots G nnd 6 Block 49 and
Lots 1 and 2 In Block 48. all, In Hot
Springs Addition to the City of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon; nnd that said
proporty nbovo listed and dosrrlbod
bo nnd hereby Is declared to bo ns
sessod for tho oxpenso of said Im
ED, That Monday tho 23 day of Mnv,
1921, at tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M
ut tho Council Chambers at the City
Hall, bo fixed as itho tlmo nnd placo
for tho hoarlng of obloctlons nnd ro
monstrances against tho snld propos-
od Improvement nnd tho Police Judge
- Everest Climb
cnmu J lie iuouni uvoreil climb If
Is horoby directed to causa notlco of
said hearing to bo ptibllshod ns by
Charter provided.
County of Klamath, ).
City ot Klamath Falls,)
I, A. L. Lenvltt, I'ollco Judgo of
tho City of Klamath Fnlls, Oregon,
do horoby cortlfy that itho forugolug
Is a duly enrolled copy ot a resolution
adopted by tho Common Council on
tho 2Sth day ot April. 1921, declar
ing Its Intontlon to Improvo KIDorado
street from Esplanadn to Portland
stroot and Melrose stroot from EIDo
rado to Pacific Torrarn, Including In
tersections, nnd approving tlio plans
specifications and estimates submltt
ed by (ho City Engineer,
28-9 I'ollco Judge.
Tho City Engleor pursuant to tho
Resolution of Itho Common Council
horetoforo adopted, having undor
dato ot tho 2nd day of April, 1921,
filed plans, specifications and esti
mates ot tho cost of Improving High
Rt. from 3d st. to 6th St. nnd Fourth
stroot from Pine iltroot to Jotforson
street, including Intersections; and
tho Common Council having taken
tho snmo undor ndvlsomont nnd find
lag said plnns, specifications and estimate-)
satisfactory. IT IS HEREBY
RESOLVED, That said plans, spe
cifications and estimates for tho Im
provement of High rtroot from Third
street to Sixth streot nnd Fourth
streot from Pine stroot to Jefferson
street, Including Intersections, be
and itho samo nro hereby npproved:
ED, That tho Common Council horo
by declares Its Intention to Improve
said portions of High streot and
Fourth streot In acrordanco with said
plans, specifications and estimates;
said Improvement to consist of Im
proving said portions of High ntrcrt
and Fourth street with bltulltblc
concroto or wlllltn. The estimated
cost of tho Improvement of sold por
tions of said strrots by placing thoro-
on olthor bltullUilc. concroto or wll
llto to bo $30, 301. 3D, said cost In
eluding grading, rolling, curbing and
comont sldo-wnlk.
That the following described proport
bo and Is horoby declared benoflitcd
by raid Improvement, to-wlt; Lots 5
6, 7, 8, Block 7. Original Town, Lot
fi. 7, 8, 9, 10 Block 49, First Addl
tlon. Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Block S, Or!
glnol Town, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9. 10
Block RO, First Addition, Lots S, 6
7, 8, Block 9, Orlglnnl Town and
High School proporty; also Lots 1
2, 7. 8, Block 7, 3, 4, C, 6, Block 8
Orlglnnl Town, Lots 4. C. 6, 7 and
westerly half of Lot 3 and wostorly
halt ot Lot 8 In Block GO, First Ad
dition, Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and wostorly
half of Lot 3 and westerly half of Lot
8, Block 47, and Lots 1, 2, 0, 10.
and cnstorlr half of Lot 3 and east
erly half of Lot 8 In Block 48, nnd
Lots 6, 7, 8 In Block 42. of Flrrtt Ad
dition to tho City of Klamath Falls.
Oregon; and that sold property above
listed nnd described bo and horoby Is
doclarod to bo assossed for tho ex
ponso of sold Improvement.
ED, That Monday, tho 23 day of
May, 1921, at tho hour of 8 o'clock
P. M at tho Council Chnmbors of
tho City Irnll, bo fixod as (ho time
and placo for tho hoarlng ot objec
tions and remonstrances against the
said proposed Improvement and the
Police Judgo Is hereby dlroctod to
eauso notlco of snld hearing as by
Chartor provided.
County of Klamath, )bs.
City of Klamath Polls,)
I, A. L. Loavltt, Police Judge of
tho Ctty of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolution
adoptod by tho Common Council on
tho 25th day of April, 1921, declar
ing Its Intention to Improve High
street from Third street to Sixth
tAteot and Fourth streot from Pine
stroot to Jotforson stroot, Including
Intersections, and approving the
FOR KENT Nicely furnished room
with bath. G12 N. Dth Ht. 2-3
FOR HALE (lond house, closo In,
on pavement, well furnished. $500
down, hnlunco easy to rum, Phono
2BSJ. 3-.1
FOR LEASE 300 acres ryo pasture,
on Cu Union In marsh, until about
Mny 20th. Hhoop proforrod, boo or
wrlto Pacific Const Mlut Co., Room
No. 0, SwuiiHon Bldg,
FOR SALE About 15 tons second
cutting nlfnlfn hay two miles from
Midland, nt $12,50, You con make
good money by hauling this to tho
Falls. Chllcoto & Smith, 683 Mnln
street, 3-4
WANTED Job driving truck. Box
II. B., llornld office. S-4
A girl wishes any kind of work.
Box L. B., Herald office. 1-7
FOR SALD Fifty A. Strelch and
Onbrlol Strolch roll off wagons. Some
new. Also about flvo hundred 33-Inch
Iron plpo rolls. Prlcod according to
condition ot equipment, Brooks-Ham-Ion
Lumbor Co., Bund, Oregon. 2-7
FOR SALE Ten acres, 3 mllos
south-wost of Corning, Calif., lovol,
good soil, houso, small bant, chicken
houso, 200 bearing poach trees, GO
Bartlett poor trees, 100 almond trees,
about 2 ncreo alfalfa, good oloctrlc
pumping plant, morn than sufficient
to Irrlgnto tlio placo, electric lights.
A profltnblo placo and a nice homo.
Prlco $3,250. Easy tnrmH.ddrM W.
II. Harris, Corning, Calif., or 11. C.
McCort, 1603 Eyn St., Sacramento,
Citllf , oliers. 2-9
Regular band rnhnnmnl, Tuesday
evening, May 3, 8 o'clock, nt tho Elks
Tompln. All bnnd men nro roquestod
Ia Iia nmMf.,it l.v rtrilnp nf f lui tllrpntnr
v v.v ..., y
FOR RENT Now 3-Toom
1021 Washington.
WANTED Position ns cook; prefer
hospital. Inquire Box B. P., Herald
oftlco. S-4
FOR SALE Rofrlgarntor, almost
now. Mars Confectionery, 1022
Main. Phono 34W. 30-3
LOST Bunch of keys on April 27.
Return to Herald oftlco and claim
rawnrd. 30-3
Modorn otfleo system; Financial
statements auditing; bookkeeping
classes. W. W. Southwoll, Loomls
Bldg. 30-3
FOR SALE 1 1920 Chevrolet one
ton truck, good as now; 1 1920
Dodge sodan, llko now. Exceptional
prlco and value. Iot us domonstrntn
them. Control Garage. 30-6
FOR SALE Franklin touring oar, 7
passenger, flno condition. A snap
for a quick sale. Bee at Imperial
Garage, or phone 358. 28-4
plans, specifications and estimates ot
costs submitted by mo uuy Knginoor,
38-9 I'ollco Judgo.
Tho Cty Knginoor pursuant to the
RnHolutlon of tho Common Council
horetoforo adopted, having undor
dato of tho im day or April, 1921,
filed plans, specifications and esti
mates ot tho cost of Improving High
stroot from Third stroot to tho west
erly lino of Codnr stroot nnd Codar
stroot from High stroot to Pine
stroot. Including Intersections; nnd
tho Common Council having taken
tho samo undor ndvlsomont nnd find
ing said plans, specifications and es
timates BatlrX-.clory.
said plnns, specifications and esti
mates for tho Improvement of High
stroot from Third etroet to tho wortt
erly lino of Codnr stroot and Codar
streot from High street to Pine street,
Including IntsrsccCnn' bo and tho
same nrn'ho?ohy unpriced;
ED, That tho Common Council horo
by declares Hi imtontlon to Improvo
said portions of High stroot and Co
dar stroot In accordance with said
plans, specifications and ostlmates;
said Impiovnmont In consist of pav
ng said portions of High street and
Codar stroet with Bltullthlc, Con
crete or 'Wllllto. Tho CAtlamtod cost
ot tho Improvement of said portions
of said stroet by placing thnroon eith
er Bltullthlc, Concrcto or Wllllto. to
bo $20,125.10, said cost Including
grading, rolling, curbing and comont
ft Id (iwaIIc
That tho following described propor
ty be and Is heroby doclarod benefit
Seed Store
FOR BALE Two room houso, $1000
Oullnt 711 Mnln Ht. 20-G
Hnvo You Been Kclley today?
FOR BALE Parlor suite gwnutuo
solid mahogany 8 pieces. luqulro
A, L. Fortson, 803 Walnut Avonno,
0 . m. to 6 p, m, SIM
Have you sn Keller odaT ,
FOR BALK 1076 enllon gasollun
tnuk with fltllnes. Imptrlul Oar
ago. 29-5
Auditing, systoiuutlzlng, saw mill
accounting and general prnctloo. Ivan
Livingston, Incorporated Accountant,
IIS A St., aranbi Paw, Ore. 28-28
Used Pianos, rnnsouablo prices nnd
lowost ot terms. Edrl Bliophord Co.
40 seres poach land In Union Co.,
2!i miles from La Grande. Wilt
trade for a car In good condition.
Address 005 Pine, Phone 358. 28-4
Iln'vo You Keen Kclley today?
FOR HALE Font louring. New top,
new upholsterlngs, now paint, sd
motor ovsrhaulod. Klamsth. Falls
Auto Co., 214 Main. 28 K
One Chandler Chumrals Roadster,
1918 Model, guaranteed condition.
One Ford Touring car, new top,
upholstering and paint. Mechanleallr
porfoct. Bulck Bales A Ssrvlos.. Tot-
ophoue now. am
Toll your troubles In tho Para I tare
. i i
roit SALR
Tho undersigned offers for oalo
lots 8A and 8U ot Block 7. rallro4
addition to the town of Klaniatk
Falls, Oregon, facing Spring street
and nosr the Southern Paoltlo depot.
For particulars reply to JataM D. '
Falrchlld, Yroka, California. I(7
Havo You Been Kclley today?
DRESSMAKING- First class work
guaranteed. Mrs. Jefferson, No. 3
Main lit. ST-T
' FOR RENT Pasturage for about
nan i.-,.,i Mnt,i. r.,4 mu,4
I uvv ,i,u hi WHIIini www, iiviii (vii
water. Phono 121 W.
FOR HIRE Ford cars without driv
ers. Klamath Auto Co., 2S4 Mala.
Have Yoo Been Kelk-y tods)!
Spring Is coming on and you havo
the houso clearing bug. Welt, I havo
got It. tool let's cot togethor.
"Tbo FttmJihec of llapvr rtoBseo"
lUvo you soca Kclley today?
1'isd Standard Phonographs, lib
eral reductions, lowor torms. Earl
Shepherd Co. 507 Main M. lZtf
CITY (MURAGE When you want
garbaxo removed, eall 10FiJI.
Baby chlx, T-A-N-OR-E-D-8, 301
egg Wblta Leghorns, Golden Doff
and. Brown Leghorns, Anconao, Black
Mlnorcss, Baft Orpingtons, R. I.
Reds, Barred and Whtte Rocks.
Enoch Crows, Boabrlght, Cat. S2-3
ed by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lot
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 Block 6 Ewuuna Heigh.
Lots 6, 6, 7, 8 Block 6, Original
Town, Lots G, 6, 7, 8, Block 5. Ori
ginal Town, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, G Block
G, Ewwuna Holghts, Lots 6, 7, 8,
Block 4 Original Town, Lots 1, S, 8,
Block 4 Ewaunn Heights, LoU 3 and
4 Block 3, Original Town, Lots 1 and
2 Block 3, Ewauna Heights, Lota 4,
6, 6, Block 2 Orlglnnl Town, Iots 1,
2, 3, Block 1, Ewauna Heights, Lots
1 and 2 Block 2 Original Town, Lots
1 nnd 2 In Block 3 Original Town;
nnd that said proporty above listed
and described bo and horoby la do
cared to bo assossed for tho oxpenso
of said tmproromont.
ED, That Monday tho 23 day of May,
1921, at tho hour of 8 'oclock P. M
at tho Council Chambers at tho City
Hall, bo fixed as tho tlmo and placo
for the hoarlng of objections and re
monstrances against tho said propos
ed Improromont and the Police Judge
Is horohy directed to causo notlco of
said hearing ito bo published as by
Chartor provldod,
County of Klamath, )ss.
City of Klamath Falls,)
I, A. L. Loavltt, Pollco Judgo ot
the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do horoby cortlfy that tho foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of a Resolu
tion adoptod by tho Common Coun
cil on tho 25th day ot April, 1921,
declaring Its Intontlon to Improvo
High stroet from Third street to tho
wostorly lino of Codar street and Co
dar stroet from High stroot to Pine
otroot, Including Intersections) And
approving tho plans, specifications
and estimates of costs submitted by
the City Englneor.
28-0 A. L. LEAVITT,
Police Judge.
124 So. Sixth St.
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