i II TUIvHDAY, MAY il, 1UI8I The Evening Herald R A 'XIunilAH.-iu , Editor mKD SOULK .. City Kdltor Published Jally oxcopt Sunday, by ThoItrald .Publishing Company of Klamath' Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot. ...J .t .. ...... !.... ... Ifl.. matft Falls. .tttCll., nr.1 fn. r.n. n,lp. Inn Ore, for transmission through too matter. malls as socond-clnss member of ran associated i f press. Tho Associated Prow Is exclusively entitled to tho uso for republication of nllows dispatches crodltcd to It, or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also tho local nows pub ilshor herein." XIMCNDAV, MAY 3, 1021 LOST GROUND (Oregon Journal) Until churchos In somo way of for attractive relaxation thoy enrtnoe hope to compoto with pool halls, mov ing plcturp 'theatres and other places of amusement Is tbo opinion of Mu nicipal Judgo Hossman, who deliv ered a sermon Saturday attornoon at tho close of ithe trial of two pool ball operators of Alblna. Tho remarks were directed to a bench filled with members of tho Church of tbo Brethren in Alblna, who bad attended tho long-drawn-out trial and testified against tho pool hall men. H. F, Valkontseln and J. H. McNamara, charged with allow ing minors In their places and ob tructtng tho entrances. Tho chargo of "obstructing tbo en tranco"was dismissed. Tho court an nounced a decision would bo ronder d Wednesday on tho other chargo. "In olden times the church was about tho only Institution wlilch ad vertised," said Judgo Hossman. "Now It Is hundreds of years behind the tlmos. When" churches wore new, thoy erected Imposing buildings and developed architectural stylo that called attention. Thoy reared high spires that might bo seen from tho fields, thoy Installed bells and chimes to call the workor to services. ' "ilut, co'mpare tbp-churches of to day wlti tho modern, well-lighted, properly ventilated, cheerful pleasure house, either pool hall or theatre. "Legally the factH of this case can not bo disputed. There has been tes timony (hat minors entered these pool' halls. True, they were asked their age, and true, they lied about their age. nut the law does not ex cuse tho manager 'on that score. ''nut that Is not the question be hind this case. The question Is In the homo and the church and the other Institutions which should prevent tbem from desiring to' go to pool balls. "Until you mako them contont with othor things,' they will go to pool halls and lie about their ages. and all tho police In Portland work ing all the tlrao cannot stop them. 'If thoy" do not find recreation In one place they will hunt for It In an othor." Lou Wagner, counsel for tho pool hall operators, bitterly denounced the church people of that district, who, ho asserted, 'appeared In court with a special prosecutor for tho solo purpose of having revoked and driv ing thorn out of tho district. '"Kismet" is eVrnilng soon. THE FLY IN THE OINTMENT A United States senator has just finished a night's work on a Hpeocb for tho Congressional Itecord on tho agricultural tariff measure, "You havo convinced mo," said his aocretary, aa bo pulled on his coat, "except; fqr ono trifling detail: Where do I. the. man who baa to buy 'meai'and Vead', get off?" Tho senator, it 1b reported, touched his nose with his finger and replied sagely: "Well; no legislation Is 100 per1 cent perfect." Tbo Nation's Business, " m FUNXIESX RAIIiROAD IS .. OK IRISH "WEST COAST NEW YORK, April 3. Tho fun niest railroad In thp world is loca ted, on tho west coast of Ireland aayi.o, writer in, tho April lesuo or Tad' Wrltor Magazine. Twirl cars, balanced on a slngla rail throe feet above the ground, ?. trove) tho 13 miles between Bal ' Jyfcunnlon and Llstowel tit the mag nificent speed. pf four mle an hour TherJ, are no crossings en tbls Si t" rttJJrpulj when a farmor vimis on . ouUC.tirupfl " the.rallxoud, ho euts fld hlngtd ft soctltn or me ran. Fieauently.thU Kt '. '?'' 0I"n and. the engineer, Ifl foreod to stop ..J'mhutin until aomeon appears At the Theaters THK STAR Tho Now Orleans Manll Urns In realistically produced In "A Romnu tic Adventuress," tiro Paramount production, starring Dorothy Ualton, "" OV11VMU.VU IUI IVlllb'lt U Star tllCAtrO. JUm Dnlton wns never moro boau itlful tluin In hor magnificent cos tumo as Tltnnln, Queen of tho Night, In which sho wins tho lnurnl wreath. Sho says sho novor enjoyed n scene more than this cno In nil hor career as a motion picture atar. "A Ilomantlc Adventuress." which was adapted from "A Winter City Favorite" by Charles llolmont Davis show .Miss D.tlton as Alice Vnnnl, daughter of nil old dancing mastor of New Orleans, whoso mother deserts hor In Infancy to go to Now York ami live a life of ease, after her father's death, Mrs. Vnnnl, now known us Mrs. Martyn, takes her daughter to Now York and exploits hor beauty and talent an n dancer. White visit Ing In Monte Carlo Mrs. Vnnnl en deavors to blackmail on Italian Ira.o marrying hor daughtor. THK MONDALK 1 promised tho thoatro going pub lic of Klnmath Falls nothing but tho best In vaudeville and when 1 can't got that I don't play any. Tonight 1 m going to glvo you two standard high class 1U21 vaudovlllo acts, not acta that wero done 25 years ago, but acts that I -will recommend ns I had tho pleasuro of working wtUi both acts on tonight's bill and know what thoy can do. Mlchclson and Leo In n comedy singing, talking musical and Juggling act, Is a positive riot and tholr Juggling Is abovo anything you havo cvor seen or will sco tor a long tlmo. Act No. 2 Is Miss Dolllo Barl, that cntortalnlng girl In songs and character-quick changes. Wearing a dlttorent gown for each change nnd her cbangw aro dono so quick that you think It Is Bomo ono olso ovory time sho makes her change. Hor songs aro all hor own and far abovo tho averago as thoro la a different song for each chungo of costume. With tho following picture this show will suroly please. A gay, reckloas Irishman, war cot respondent for a big London nows- paper, Is tho part played by William Desmond In "Paddy O'Hura." pro duced under tho supervision of Thom as IL Ince, will be shown at tho Mon dalo tbcatro Tuesday and Wednes day. THK MIIIUITY Have you ever slept In a haun'od house? Uaye you ever felt the gooso flesh creep over you nt somo weird, mys terious sound? Have you evor felt that someone was watching you or have you ever seen a shadow move when you knew perfectly well that no one was In the room except yoursolt? Ono does not havo to bo a coward to feel this feor-lt Is tho fcar'of Iho unnatural, but' a bravo man Is going to try to find tho cnuse. Hero is a man forced tp spend a year In a bouso of mystery. Thoro Is a hidden treasure a charming sprlto of a girl and crooks who nro after tho treasure all woven Into n tula of hlddon purposes. Tho man Is II, n.- Warner and tho atory has been mnde into ono of tbo most delightful pictures of tho year. You will bo missing ono or tho treats of tho season It you fall to neo "Haunting Shadows" at the Liberty tonight. "Kismet" Is coming soon. ItODK 100 MILKS TO TESTIFY FOR H FEE ALBUQUERQUE, N. M May 3. Several Navajo Indiana recently rodo 100 miles on horseback to Albuquor quo to testify against n man'accuscd of theft of tholr horses, and all they got out of tho trial was S8 and n few ft You'll Always Find" says' the Good Judge ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tobacco1 taste gives, a long lasting chewing satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put ut in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-'cut tobacco - RIGHT CUT is a short-cut "tobacco THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON cents each a, u witness. Tho man was acquitted. During tho trial. It wan necessary to translate nil conrt proceedings from English to Spanish, for the lion otlt of tho prisoner who was n Mexi can, and through an Indian school In terpreter to tho Navajo language. KKIiLKY GETS HKVKNTH HOMER; KUTU HAS 0 NEW YQJIK, May 3. Ueorgo Kolloy of tho Now York Qlnuts, hit th o seventh homo run today in tho gamo with Boston. BOSTON, May 3. llubo lluth, of tho Now York Ynukoos knock ed tho sixth homo run In tho gamo with tho Hod Sox today. ' KKHOMITIO.V The City Huglnoor pursuant to tho ItcNoltttlon of tho Common Council liern'oforo adopted, having undor dato of tho 16th day of April, 1921, filed plans, specifications and esti mates of tho cost of Improving Elev enth Street from Mnln Street to Klamath Avenue, Including Intersec tions; nnd tho Common Council hav ing taken tho samo undor ndvlsemonit nnd finding said plans, specifications nnd estimates satisfactory. IT IS UKIIUUY UNSOLVED. That said plaits, specifications nnd esti mates for tho Improvement of Elev enth Street from Main Street to Klnmath Avenue. Inclmllng intorHOC t ons. bo and tho samo nro horoliy approved' AND HK IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That tho Common Council hero by declares Its intention to Improve said portions or Klovcnih Street in nccordanca with said plans, specifi cations and estimates: said improve ment to consist of paving said por tions of Elovonth Street with Asphnl tic concrete, bltullthlc, willlta or con crete Tho estimated cost of tho Im provement of said portions of said street by placing thorcon either A phaltlc Concrete, llltullthlc, Wllllto or Concroto to ho fi3t.r..fiC, said cost Including grading, rolling, curbing and cement sldownlk. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, By tho Common Council thnt tho following described proporty bo nnd Is hereby dortnred benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lots 5, (1, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12 of lllock 3, Ia4.i 8, 7. 6, G and nt lllock 4, Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, C. of Block 3. nil In Canal Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; and Lots 1. 2, 3, 9. 10, 11 of Block 49 of Nichols Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; nnd that said proiKrty abovo listed nnd do scribed bo and In hereby doclarcd to bo assessed for the expenso of said Improvement. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, Thai Monday tho 23d day of May. 1921, nt tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M.. at tho Council Chambers of tho City Hall, be fixed ns tho time and place for tho hearing of objec tions and remonstrances against tho said proposed Improvoment and thai Pollco Judgo Is hereby directed to causo notlco of said hearing to bo published as by Chnntcr provided. J STATE OF OREOON. ) County of Klamath, )ss. i Cltr of Klamath Falls, ) I I, A. L. Leavltt, Pollco Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, ' do hereby cortlfy that tho foregoing Is a duly enrollod copy of a resolu-. tlon adopted by tho Common Coun cil on tho 2nd day of May. 1921 I A. L. LEtAVITT. May 3-13. Pollco Judge, Just because its belter tea qour en joyment in partaking of it is complete HrlftfiSSll- fV , -' ri;iiQtter-jit:a. .s-f?, ir. $& That you get moro genuine satisfaction at less coot when you use this class of ' tobacco. A small chew last so much longer than a big chew of the A I ft wy ;; flv '-&? - " - " iS2aiUcoitSJ f NEW, ARRIVALS IN ' OJIILimEN'ri IV.VfH 4H KIRK-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE LINE Stage leaves The Smoke daily at 2 p. m,. and the Central Hotel a few minutes later. We use a large, easy riding, comfortable automo bile, in thorough repair. Stage leaves Kirk at 8 a. m. daily. Tickets $3 each way; round trip $5.50. Phone your reservations. L Central Hotel 155-W, The Smoke 175 J.toiiows advertising in th. ciusitM I1 column of Tbo Horuld Is duo to t&a 44"f4"f-t-'i'4"t"-l"4"444"444'l-'t"4'44'4'-t4-1 nt0lllCenco of Us readon. !? iT ??? ' i .'-' ,. W 832 Main Stroot Phono 91-WiJ Upp's Auto Service DAY AND NIOIIT SERVICE Experienced Drivers Now Cars Klamath Falls, Oro. , , , ., . ; i Make Hie OREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND POPULAR SPACIOU8 LOBBY At the Center of Everything BROADWAY nt STAnK ST, Wo suggest yov write, phono or wlro for reservations Arthur H. Meyers, Manager IIiiibbbbbbbbbbbTbbbJbbbbbbbPIiiiiiiiKbbb!bbbbbbbiiiH' iR 1 Jl '',7 yjir g . 'ssfc. .KtKL 'tTO,'Ai.. YQj JBfVl . - - - CLOTHES OF REAL DISTINCTION must bo inmlo for tho wrnrrr individually, tat tun mako your now spring suit nnd enjoy wearing really dhtluctlvo clothing tailored) til fit you perfectly anil to n't n In Its CAlrn-munrtiH'ss durln long 4 conitnut wear. CHAS. J. CIZEK, Merchant Tailor MH .Main HI. I H Can't Be Done! BUT- It Was Done They used to say there was no othor broad llko mothor used to mako. That was truo bqore BAKE RITE was put on the market. BAKERITE OVENH AND BAKERITE METHODS did the business and today you can got a loaf ot brood possessing that dollclous, lasting, appetizing flavor hjrotoforo found only In broad mndo at home. This bread Is sold exclusively at tho Rex Cafo and Tho MaUo. It Is also scrvod oxduilvoly In Tho Rope Cafe. It l.J-ffo MVV'MMAAAA WWWVMMMrrrVW WOOD We w Biaktof qnlo fl liveries oai dry. SLAB and BLOCK WOOD w - I'MCVS IllOHT O. Peyton & Co. O. THYTON W. PEYTON 419 Main Phon ESQ bvwWWVWWWWWMAMAMMMMAM BLOCK WOOD $6 A LOAD PROMPT DKMVEItlFJ' I'ltEI) II. IIKIMUlONNF.il rimnn IllftkJ, or Kumuut Box Co. Tho high quality ot success that VAC1J4 M . nd cUoes tbo P lo the track. uttssmxmEBmL L-i-irj. vfwrfsnutA