The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 03, 1921, Image 1

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oftie lEumttn IteraU.
i4 Com i4f IVi
!i i. ,
Today? a News
Member of the Associated Press.
li'lfuimtli Year No. nil I
paying POLICE
Obstructionist" luetic wero again
displayed by thu flrs. fifth nnd
third ward ruuncltinen at last
night's round! meeting, when po
llen department mutter1 came b
(ore tho mooting. Although tho
council liml previously authorized
tho purchase or n flush light far tno
pollco dcpiirtmant tliuy refused In
pass thn lilll of W, C. Davenport,
who Riippllod tho light, because the
hill had tho, endorsement 'cf Chief
orj'ollco Wilson. Tho tliruo soem
0(U to feci thnt If they rocognlxcd
tho! chef's niithorlty In this minor
ili'UII It would ho construed an u
general, recognition that ho Is pro
perly ncllng an head of tho pollco
dorWfinmt. '
Tho council tundo n hair splitting
dlsttnitlon again In thn salary
award to Patrolmen Durham and
McDonald, both appointed of Mnor
Japanese Diplomat
Says Differences
Not Irreconcilable
oncon between tho United HtntoH
and Japan "call for adjustmont,
but their oxlstanco doc not Justify
apprehension or a pessimistic foro
casl," Ilaron 8hldcharn, JapunoNO
ambaxsudor, declared today In ad
dressing tho Cleveland Chambor of
Hn doclarod tho stability of ovory
human Institution about tho shorn
at tho I'nclfle ocean depended upon
harmony and good understanding
between Japan and Unltod Stolen
nnd thai n gravo responsibility rests
upon tho United States and Japan.
Harding Presents' Scholarship
siisiiiiiTvm,''SH shksjbbsih
9Krt?E HsHsiH
I lisisisisisisikliiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiK
of tho
Tho President
LONDON, May 3. Comploto
Agreement has boon reached by tho
Wlluy as temporary officer. Dur- Im on measure to bo talcon In
ham's salary was allowed on tho connection with tho Gormnn ropnra
regular basis of patrolman's pay of. "on" 'luestlon, It was announced
ft 40 a month, but McDonald, for tonight at the conclusion of tho
Idontlral service, was allowed session of tho supremo rotmrll.
only p a day.
An emergency ordinance, calling LONDON, May 3. Tho nuprcmu
a special tlectlou for the purpose of council clodded today to tako no
voting rcfuudliiK bonds to tako cam naval action against Oormsny with
of 'thn ilnllii'iilciiry on Hut first, soc out consulting tho Unltod Hlutes.
otid and Ihlril paving mills, was In-' Preralor Drlsnd road n nolo son!
trndured and passed. If thu refund r Hocretary IlugheH to aormaiiy,
lug baud Issuu I auhmlttod to voto nrglng Oomiany to mako clear, dot
It will bo at tho special statu aloe- '" ud adoquata proposals to tho
Hon June 7. alllea. Ho said ho was greatly
It wiih hoped, howovur, Khat by Phmsed with thn noto. Nino days
tukliiR actlvo step tuward onforc- romiiln for Germany to Inform tho
lug rollccllun of di)llniuout nsscss-.alllcu of her Intentions,
mollis that thu mouoy to pay tho I ' . .
bohds might bn uvallsblo without -,- l,;. tfl TTjt
rtcpucao lo tbK.r.fundlng -rem.dy. . f fmCr ClaimS8f7S0H
Mayor Wiley Indicated that ho
would consult with tho city uttor
noy and seek to map out a pro-
scr, Idaho, a M.000 wcholarshlp off
ered by a lending tiro manufacturer
for tho best ossay on good roads.
To win tho scholarship, Miss Hut
Htntcs Is deeply Intorostcd In throo
things that aro of vital Importance
to national welfare youth, oduca-J
tlon and good roads. This photo ' rflold surpassed 224,999 other ax
ffrapli, takiui recently In Washington, ixrsnts for tho prlro, for 225,000
bIiohs I'resldont Harding handing' young people In nil parts of Amorlcn
Miss Calherlua nuttorflold, of Wil-J uutcrod tlio cuntctt
I JmSfTA tasttM t .s
MfMMgi,, irvin bvt;uc
r Irrigation District
tr.r.r wii 'l' I
gram of collodion, Including tho' Wt.- ,,. ,,, ,. , , .,
foreclosure and sale tf Iho pri-' J 'J" J "Ba'h Irr,wt,0tt d
perty whero owners cannot pay. I ft m.s rl .rnoon. monK
Tho Mills addition sewer matter "hTt?K ,' "T'0"
writ lengthily discussed. Hy mod- O'Connor ITS ,, ff . '"7
.fy.,.K the plans for ,ho Improu, rf"T' ," S"
ment It Is expected thut thu cost fnni, ', hl. T ." , , ,uu" w,,1,
r;.n l. k ,h, ir.o . f,00dd hl" ,n,, ""J ""ncd his
ran bo reduced so that tho JGO,
000 bond Issue will rorer It. Snlo
or (ho bonds Is still pending, a ('
lor'eni lust week submitted thu
lowest of two bids for tho work.
crop. Hn placos his total dnmago
nt itf,7G0.
Trotests of faruiurs, over high
taxes resulted from tho $2.00 a
III. bid was approximately C6.000: ZL TZ , ,"" raUcd U' ro,
Tho council will tako another ,?"" !,""'". .nd tt..may COrao ,n for
nk In ron.l.lnr- I.I. I.I.I mk. I.I.I M,"vu"",u" """ ""OrnOOII.
or '. J. Tobln, mi Oakland run-
lllernld Wruhlnffton Ilurcau
WA8III.NOTO.V, May 3. Solici
tor General Krlorson today order
ed a retrial In tho lower Unltod
States courts of J. Henry Albers,
Portland miller, whoso conviction
nu a charge, of violating tha
flunaga- act was -recently reversed
by tho United States supreme
This Information was given Sen
ator Charles Mc.Vary, who ropre
hunted the Portland liar association.
Albers conviction was ravorsod
when Solicitor dcnornl Krlorson
confessed error In tho highest
President Cautions
Departments to Keep
Within Allotments
WASHINGTON, May 3. Prcsl
dent Harding today cautioned cab
Inot mombcra against tho danger
ous tendency of government depart
ments to llvo beyond tho means
provided by congress, and submit
requests for deficiency appropria
tions to cover deficits.
Ho called attention to tha fact
that approximately $216,000,000 do
flclency appropriation are pending,
and that tho estimated deficiencies
will run boyond that.
Sea Shipment of
California Citrus
Fruit Is Success
tractor was dollnltoly rojocted and
his check returned. '
Indication that this year's paving
program will bo restricted appear- '"." '' '""
l In tho request of W. T. Leo for """"""" ,,,8mcl' ,oaul,,K
Hearing or tho application lo con
firm proceeding)! of tho ImtorprUo
up to tf
permission to gravel a' portion or!,,,,M0 b?nd JBSU0' ,s BOt for
Fifth atroot, In tho city hall unit, In
vluw or thu llklhood-that that unit
will not bo paved this year. Tho
roquost was laid over for further
A. WIckHtrom was grunted per
mit for construction of a nlno room
houso, nour the Upper Lnka land
ing. Tho Klamath Tails Music
houso wus glvon permission to hang
an electric sign, A. II. Dowers to
move n dwelling In Hocond Hot
Springs addltlcn.
afternoon In tho circuit court, boforo
William tlanong, roforoo.
Adoption or constitution and hy
laws for tho now Chambor of Coin
morco will bo considered at tho
mooting of tho chambor toulght,
tho flrnt membership mooting under
tho expansion plan. Suggostlon
will bo askod from tho mombors
and tho mat tors favored by'tho ma
jority will form the program of
work for tho yoar.-
A draft of tho constitution and
by lawa has been proparod by a
commlttco consisting of Frod A.
Dakar, chairman; B. S. Veatch, It.
o. oroosbeck, H. N. Moo, W. A.
sWicat.i Mrs. O. W. Eberleln and
'TJarobaH 'Hooper. ' I
Making Ready to
Start Irrigation
Water bus boon rturnod Into tho
Klamath Irrigation Project's main
canal, and whllo Irrigation has not
yot started, tho ditches am being
primed nnd water Is avallublo for
uso. Tho reclamation office stilted to
day that tho ground la Browing- dry
nnd fnrmors will probnbly slant us
ing wator within u fow days.
Duo to tho wottost wlnlor for sev
eral ywrs and heavy snow on tho wa
tershed, It Is bollovod thnt the water
supply this year will bo moro plen
tiful than for aomo yours past,
"Work was begun thla morning
on tho Iraprovomont of Pine stroot,
botwoun Eighth and Elovonth, by
tho Warren Construction company.
Excavation for tho oarth Is being
mndo. About 20 men aro employ
Suit was filed today In tho circuit
court by Emma, Jackson against John
- &
WASHINOTON, May 3 William
M. Htow-art of Michigan, assistant di
rector of census, has boon nominated
by President Harding for dlroctor of
J.OS ANOEI.ES, Cnl., May 3. Sue
cossrul shipments or citrus fruit
from Southorn California to tho At
lantic seaboard by boat, formed tho
first commercial tost of tho Panama
Canal a a connecting link botween
tho oaHt and west coasts, according
to u Btatomont by Lostor W. Collins,
rofrlgeratlon technologist of the
United Slates Department of Agri
culture who arrived hero recently.
Collins accompanied tho first ship
ments from Los Angolca Harbor to
Now York City for tho purposo of
mnklng tests, then roturnod for fur
ther Investigation.
"All shipments from tho Pacific
coast to thu Atluntlc coast havo boon
commercially satisfactory," ho said.
"Tho government is satisfied with tho
tests and It Is now n mnttor of work
lag out rofrlgeratlon' systems for tho
boats which will mousuro up to tho
standards of tho railroads. Tho
porlshablo fruit shipments by wator
hnvo been successful, hut thora Is
still work to bo dono to mlnlmlzo loss
In transit."
Tho Dopartmont of Agriculture,
Colllus contlnuod, watched tho cllurs
shipments a a general commercial
test.,8lldo In1 tho Culobra cut short
ly uftor tho completion of tho canul
hampered traffic until shortly boforo
tho war and during tho European
conflict thero was llttlo commercial
shipping, ho said.
Lottors havo been sent out by C
tH UndorWood, chairman of tho nr-
rangomonts commlttoe, apprising all
momboni ot tho Elks order that May
19, 20 and 21 nro tho dates tor tho
annual western nights and advising
I'vory member of itho untlorcd herd
AltlUn a radius ot ISO mUc to bo on
hand. Which does not mean that
thoso from moro rcmoto parts of
tho rango aro barred, simply that all
wlio aro conveniently closo to tho
sceno of tho big- fcillvllliw must be
"And," says thu Invitation, "you
can Invite your frloncls to come
along. It has been decided to follow
tho plan of last year and allow tho
momboni to bring their friends."
Elks know, as do many who aro
not members of tho order, that tho
proceeds from tho annual affair are
dovotod to charity, and all uro ox
pected lo contrlbuto something to
ward Its success.
Tho costumes, games and general
atmospbero of tho Western nights
rovlvo memories of tho old west, pro
vide a lot of clean rovelry nnd nro
hoavlly patronlzod. Tho arrangements
committee this ear hnd a mark sot
In uriaslu tho success ot last
yesr'a cntortalnmqut. This Is admit
ted by tho chairman but ho udds,
"wo'ro going to try our darndest to
beat It."
POIITIANI), May 3. Survivors
ot tho Japanoso steamer, Tokuyo
Maru, which caught flro 60 miles
southwest of tho mouth of tho Co
lumbia yestorday, wero taken
aboard tho transport Iiuford. Tho
riro, Btartlng In tho hold yesterday
afternoon, burned so quickly that
tho vossol had to bo abandonod.
In hasto, somo of tho sailor Jump
Ing Into tho sea. '
Tho Tokuyo carried 73 porsons
whon sho cloarod from Astoria.
Thoro wore 67 of the ottlcors and
crow nnd six pasvmgors, a Japan
cso corroo merchant from Valpar
aiso, his wlfo and four children.
The Iluofrd rescued 65 persons.
Ono of tho rescued Is dead on tho
lluford, leaving seven missing. Of
ficers of tho steamship company- to
day corrected an early teporC thai
eight aurvvlora had died on board
Jho Bufecrf. v. . f
Tho Iiuford is taking tho sur
vivors to Seattle Tho llghthouso
at Tillamook hoad reported seeing
tho hull burning 0 miles off tho
coast this morning.
Somo Tokuyo aurvlvora
WASH1NOTON,, May 3. Chair
man Ilcnson of tho Unltod State
shipping board will look to tho
naval reservists and discharged
navy seamen to keep American
trans-Atlantic mall ships In oper
ation during tbo present wago dis
pute. If their servlcon aro found
necessary, ho Indicated today.
With tbo owners of vessols de
clining to submit to arbitration and
with Denson opposing a compro
mise on the IS per cent reduction
ordor. Secretary Davis today ar
ranged for conferences botwoen own
ers and leaders of tho anions.
POHTLAND, May 3. The steam
er West Nlmrod left this port last
night, carrying a crew of which tbo
majority wero non-union crew for
tbrco other United States Shipping
board vessels hero. '
HANTA CLAIIA. Cal., May 3.
Unlrorslty of Santa Clara will do
honor hero May 30 to Kathor Jororao
8. Illcard, its "padro of tho rains."
In commemoration of bis SO yean as
a mombor of tbo Society of Jeaua.
Father Itlckard, a noted astronomer,
has attracted much attention by fall
success In forecasting weather condi
tions, which, haascrlbea asAelng fa
Vlralr.duo to spoUpbn the s"un. ssarth
quakes, bo believe, are duo to tha
samo causes.
Tbo colebratlon wilt begin with
athletic gamos and end with a ban-
were 4U0t nt "hlcb, It is expected, speeje-
trnnsrerrod to tho cutter Snoho- on wl" D0 l'alnor "icura, Airnbiah-
mlsh. hcadod for Aberdeen. X v K- J 'nn11. Father Timothy L.
Marshtiold wlrolesa said a tug waa JIurPu-. president ot tho university;
standing by tho Tokuyo today and Jo,in J Dr"rot'- James Smith, for-
that tho vessel mar not ba a total raer governor of the Philippine:
loss. i Colonel Chaa. E. Stanton, ot "Latay-
m etto, wo aro hero" fame and others.
Fnrmtn'm fCiL Father Illcard was born In South-
a urmcrs iVICfT orn Francc Junci, ig50. Ho Joined
At High Costs the Jesuit order at Turin, Italy,
I whon 21 years old, and began to
A deputation of farmers attend- loach at Santa Clara In 1873. He waa
od tho moetlng of tho-Klamath Ir- ordained a priest by tho lato Cardl
rlgatlon district dlroctora thla af-lnal Olbbons In 1886. In appearance,
tcrnoon to protest contlnuanco ot he Is short and stocky, with a ruddy
worK upon replacement of tho
Henley flumo. '
They based their protest on tho
Tho Ladles Auxiliary of tho Pros
hytorlan church will hold their reg
ular mooting on Thursday afternoon
of this wcok nt tho church parlors.
Thero will bo an oloctlon of officers
followed by a soclnl hour and re
freshments. The following ladlos aro
hostesses for tho occasien: Mesdames
Qorber, Slough, Worden, Wilson, Ab
bott, and Mlsi Maudo Carlton.
OREdOy Tonight and Wednes
day," probably fair,
ukv: r. v, uwnimct: leaves
Tho Itor. B. P, Lawronco will leavo
tomorrow to tako charge ot his now
pustoralo at Medford. Ho will bo
succeodod In the local Presbytorlan
pulpit by tho Rov. Arthur Rice, who
comes here from Uitah.
Mr, Lawrence will be accompanlod
to Medford-, by Mra. Lawrence and
thoy w(ll endoavor to secure a suita
ble home. Mra. Oia-wrence -will return
here, and the .family will not, juovo
myi-jn'tatjjuont'b, after th close of
IK)WNIEVILH:. Cal., May 3
Pralso Is heard on all sides horo for
tbo good work at roadbulldlng dono
in this county by crown or honor con
vict from tho stato ponltontlary at
Folsom. During tho last threa years
thoso crows hae built approximate
ly fifty mllos of roadway, much of it
hown through various solid forma
tions. At this tlnio moro than 100. nro
ongagod In completing tho last unit
of flvo miles botwoen Downlovillo
and GoodyonDar.
During tho thrco years only about
firtoon men huvo attomptod to escape.
Of theso all oxcopt ono -woro recap
tured boforo getting out of tho Immo
dlalo country and thu one who, suc
ceeded In getting away was later ar
rested in a distant city.
complexion and his teniporament la
friendly and genial..
Father Illcard became interaatcd
ground that the work would far, i astronomy In 1890 and ton year
excoed tho estimated cost of 80..;iatOr began, to pa particular atten
000 and that present charges had t0n to sun epots?After !- Tears of
careful study of tho spots and corn-
created a tax rate that could not
bo borno bjr water "users.
They nskod for immodlato re
duction of tho $2.00 an aero wa
ter charge.
Prooot Manngor Newell was call
od In conference at 3 o'clock to
doal with tho complaints of tho
wator users, and furnish Informa
tion that they asked.
Viligilantes" Formed
To Aid L. A. Police
PORTLAND, May 3; Cattle and
sheop, steady; hogs weak; butter trig tho law and In apprehension of
teady. criminals."
LOS ANOELES, May 3.--Modern
"vigilantes" to tho numbor of '8.000
hnvo boon organlzod In Los Angeles
as an auxiliary police forco In an of
fort to suppress crlmo. With nn ultl
mnto gonl of 25,000, tho organla
tlon plans to back up tho peaco offi
cers twenty four hours a day In ov
ory soatlon of tho city.
Tho vigilantes plan to organize
ovqry one of the nine hundred blocks
In tho city and watching questionable
character. Each block'wlll havo from
flvo to ton duly registered mombors
and wtll bo undor direction of a cap
tain. Sanction of Mayor M. P, Snyder
and E, Clem Wilson, hoad ot tho
pollco commission, has been glvon
organization, Tho slogan, "Got tho
Criminal," has boen adopted.
Women win cooperate in the work
but wtll not bo included In .the mem
bership, It was apnouncod'by'Cbsrlos
H. De Lacour, ''owing to'tho'pos'sible
hazards to be encountered in en fore
parison with tho earth's weather, he
bocamo convinced that by noting the
position or tho spots, forecasts could
bo made more accurately than by
uso ot tho elaborate system employ
ed by "tho government weather bu
reau. For yoars ho has Issued wea
ther predictions from thirty to forty
day in advance nnd with high aver
ago success, although his ' theory
cannot bo said to havo been accepted
unlvorsally 'by others.
C. E. Rally, Ashland, ..
Starts Tomorrow
A Christian Endoavor rally Induct
ing all soctoilos in Jackson, Jose
phine, Klamath and Lake counties, is
to be held in Ashland May 4-5, 1921.
Tho mooting on ,May 4 ,wHl( be held
in tno congregational, cnurcn, anu
those on May 5 at the Prosbytortan
church, j
Weather Probabilities
Tho barometric pressure as re
corded by tha Cyclo-Stormagraph
at Underwood's Pharmacy, fell
slightly durfng the early hour this '
morning, but has .remained almost
unchanged glne then. Conditions
favor more wind this ovenlng, and :
If temporaturo. does.noffall, uoa
elbly light rain. 4
Forecaat'f or, nt 34 heurs:
Cloudy, unsottled -weather witty
brisk winds, which will diminish.