The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 02, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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t ot
(Continued trom pngo 1)
tft(VWVlll,tlll' ! "
Iff lio Imposed upon a specific or
ndvnlorom basis, nnil wo urge that
no olluslvo shuffling rt rnto sched
ulrs or other methods bo employ
ed to obscure this general prLuclpto.
"Wo recognize thnt 'In arriving at
n fair measure or protection, me
tllffercnco In cost of production be
tween this nnd foreign competlnK
countries must bo tho primary fac
tor In tho process.
"In arriving; at tho American la
bar cost of food and other farm
products, wo demand an hourly
wngo basis both for tho farmer
nnd Ills help that shall" comport
with the hourly wago ot equally
skilled labor In manufacturing nnd
other Industries,
"Wo further call attention to tho
Important and differing factor that
must be considered affecting food
products trom tho American farm In
their relationship to Imports of like
products from foreign countries.
"Our center of production from
tho farm ot food products Is some
whero in tbo Mississippi valley,
while our center ot consumption of
food products Is in tho populous
aroas of tho east, many hundreds
of miles away from tho centor of
"Ocean rates from competing
countries aro so much lower to our
consuming centers than arc tho
exhorbitant and Increasing freight
rates from our own consumers, that
wo urge a consideration ot this
very Important condition- now men
acing tho farmers ot tho south,
west and mlddlo west.
Snlra Tax Opixwcit
"Agriculturo neither asks nor de
mands any special favors In the re
vision ot tho tariff, and will toler
ate no unfair discrimination against
It, for the benefit ot other branch
es of Industry. I
"Tho c:ramittco highly commend
ed tho section of tho president's!
messago in .which ho said, 'The
country does not expect or will It
approvo' a shifting of tax bur
ens." The committee recognizes
very little value in the great
amount ot propaganda that has
Ing such a measuro as will moot
tho flunnclnl needs ot ngrlculturo
as outlined In those resolutions.
"Slnco It Is reprosonted thnt vari
ous publlciitlllty corporations such
as tho American Tclcphono & Tele-'
graph company by use of subsidiary
corporations are enabled from tho
'public, whero subsidiary corpora-;
'tlons operate, excessive charges for,
service, in such a manner that tuo ,
public servico commission Is unnblo
proporly to regulato rates, wo roc-'
ommend that our attorney bo ln-
structed to tako such action In all
cases as lu hta opinion will securo
relief for members of tho farm '
bureau and tho public gcnornlly.
J "Tho American Farm bureau fed
eration, believing It is contrary to
public's interest Is opposed to pine
I Ing a tariff on lumber, cither rough
I or dressed. It Is committed to n
definite, conBtructlvo forest pre
servation nnd reforestation policy,
"Tho federation nlso declared
ngatnst taritt on fertllltcr."
Meat Regulation Asked
A committee appointed ot John
Drown, Indiana; W. 0. Jamison,
: " Tiger " Welcomed Home
Ifcx-Premlor Clomcncoau, "Tho Tlnor" of Franco, recolvod a
Joyous woloorao homo whon ho .returned to Paris from a six mouths'
taunting trip In India. Ho Is Indicated by arrow
cgon, ICS loot rastorly of tho eui.t
orly lino of Payno alloy, oxtondod;
thencn nt rlirlit nnuliti with Kliimnlli
Colorado, and Chester II. Gray, Mis-1 street or avenuo, vjuthenstorty, 200
sourl. to make n study of Musclo feet: thonco norUiuutorlv parallel
Shoals nltrato project In Tonnes-lw,t,h Klamath stroot or nvonuo f.t
,o tn. m . ..... -i . fcet thenco northwostoily at r g it
roe. to hire necessary engineers. anK,ea wth KlamMh 8treo- or nveiiuo
and report their finds to tho ex- 200 foot to tho southerly lino of sal-J
ocutlvo committee streot or nvonue: thenco wciturly
'That federation recommends that following said southerly line 34 foot
there should bo necessary leg.s.a- SMprSttl-f
tlon concerning tho meat packing Klamath street 5 1 foot.
Industry and livestock producers Taken nnd levied upon as tho prop
against unfair practices. Wo. reaf-'or,Jr of B- st- George Ulshop, In sat-tV-
our previous resolution. ..k-SiatrTS
Ing for fair and Just packing leg-ipniig, Oregon, for n proportionate
share ot tho cost of Improving
Kiamam nvcauo or street between
"Wo bollovo any regulatory con
trol should be vested In tho United
States department ot agriculturo
rather thhn In a separate commis
sion. '
Tho federation reaffirms our
former stand In opposition to tho 1
per cent federal excise, tax on land.
formerly known as tho Nolan bill.
and Instructs our Washington of
fice to make our action known to
Centor street and Payno alloy, which
said lien Is docketed In Volume (1)
ot tho Dond Lien Docket of said city
nt pngo 43 thorcof on tho dato ot
October 10th, 1910, lu tho sum or
Notlco Is also hereby given that
tho undersigned will on tho 2Sth day
ot May, A. D. 1921, nt tho hour of
2 o'clock P. M.. ot said day, at the
front door of the City Hull In said
telty, sell at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash In hand, the
aforementioned nnd described real
proporty or so much thorcof as Is
necessary to satisfy tho sum ot
$192.78. togothor with Interest there
on at tho rato ot C per cent per nn
num from tho 10th day ot October,
1910. and together with tho costs
and disbursements of salo hnreundor.
Chief of Police of the- City
of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
"Tanlac has made a. believer of me,
fOr I tlAl-fl nlntfftfl tin Mntnn,AAn
been carried on during the last year! nounrt. i,v i.Hn. it ,i.. i r. .
frwn the shifting of taxation fromir, 228 Hall street'. Portland. '
?.? V C0Mump! on ,ax oa,d H "About two years ago I was taken
lleves it economically unsound, so- down with rinin. , .-,. . i,..
' evnid.en"1 an'1 sovcrnraen,a"' ,n- for over a month. It left me with no
..Th ,,, . . , I appeuto and my stomach was all out
.1!"!?! ,ef...t?.X. W.0.l"!-f order nnd I'began to fall oft In
. MU muiucu ui laauuu i rum
incomo ana excess profits to a tax
on fundamentals such as food, fuel,
clothing and shelter.
"A strong effort has been made
to repoal the excess profit, but as
not better way for raising an equal
amount of revenuo has been found
tho federation opposes Its repeal.
Farmer NcctU Aid
"More than $16,000,000,000 In
weight. Whon I ato anything It would
sour on my stomach and I would
bloat all up and get short of breath.
I wai troubled a lot with heartburn
nnd dlzzlnees. My norves finally broko
down and I becamo so restless that I
could hardly sleep. I was Just about
all in and so weak that each morning
I didn't know whether I could hold
out through tho day or not.
"Well, I hadn't boon taking Tanlac
securities now ripjiim n rwiAoii .
Tho federation recommends to coni ,ou dar8 ,b!for? ' felt a sreat rel,cf'
gress that It submit to the several Bnd T" J d.on l bollovo ' eTor folt
bettor In my life. I cat llko a lumber
jack, am not troubled with nervous
ness or dizziness and sloop like a
baby. I am back to my normal weight
I and, knowing what I do about Tan
lac, I am moro than glad to itell oth
era about It.'
states a constitutional amendment
prohibiting tbo Issues ot all tax free
"Itecent experiences havo demon
strated that the farmer is not being
adequately financed through out
prosent system. When he avails
himself of tbo present short tlmo NOTICE FOIt PUHUCATIOX ISO
commercial credits he Jeopardizes . IiATKI) TRACT
hla welfare. (PUISMSHKH)
"To linnmvn I),Im ,uJ PUHMO LAND SALE
.,., .. .."...::,"' . " I DKPAIITMEXT OF THE IXTEUIOK
v. "'V ""u leuuraiion' (Xot Oml Iind)
urges legislation which will provido V. S.X.AND OFFICE at Lakovlow,
tho proper authorization for com-' Ore., April 29, 1921.
modlty financing based upon ware-' N0.T!C,K ' h"obr B'ven that, os
house receipts also for cattle flnan-' V iSB-S?.SnI"l252r '.Lh
cing based upon tho propor pledge Ions of Sec. 2455, It. S., pursuant to
and for personal rural credits so- lll application of Oscar Peyton, of
cured by the propor Insurance fea-1
tures. It also asks that tho profits!
derived from tho federal reserve
banks be made a revolvlnc fund
which may bo used to provido work
ing capital during tho Interim be
tweon the tlmo when requests for'
Klamath Falls. Oregon, Serial No.
. 011381, wo will offer at public Balo.
1 to tho highest bidder, but at not less
than $1.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A.
M., on tho 11th day of Juno, next, nt
this offlco. tho following tract of
land; SWU SBU Sec. 8, T. 38S..
, It. 9 E.. W. M.
Tho salo will not bo kont onen. but
monoy are received and the salo of will bo declared closed when those
tho debentures. It Is suggested that l"res0'lt ot tho hour named havo ceas-
theso debentures bo mado eligible ' ?T Z. , ft l,poraon,ln!lk.ln? tixn
, i i ,... """?.. VS,T.WKhMt bid win bo roqulrod to linme-
.-. -.w ... .vUC,. ,osur0 oanKS'diatoly pay to the Receiver tho
er on tho open market. It Is also amount thoroof.
suggested that tho foderal reservo ' Anjr Por80nB claiming ndvorsely tho
board be given proper authorization ovo-descrlbed land aro advlsod to
in. .i.o.i -l,t wMiiuu fllo tboir claims, or objections, on or
to so classify rediscounts that prl- before tho tlmo designated for salo.
mnry production may be given ade- Notlco will be published for five
quate consideration. The federa-iconB0Cutlvo weoks In tho Klamath
S mra0k0DWrl8h!'at,H0n h'Ch ' Fa'U """A- P. DUnOESS, Register
will mako It possible for the federal 2-9-10-23-30
farm Ioans banks to Incrcaso their s
-B,000 and it urges all tho coun-. PROVICMKNT ASSKrtSMHXT
Iry banks to Join tho fodoral ro- Rr vlrtuo of a warrant lisueil by
sorvo banks. 'the Police Judgo or the ''I'.y nt Klsm-
Pliono Increase Hit Is"' FallB- Oregon, dated the 18th
a ,,?i, 1"rc08 "" , t 'day of April. A. I). U21. and lo me
A committee has been appointed directed. Notlco is horobv given thut
to co-operate with tho Washington) I have levlod upon tin following de-
offlco of tho federation In making scribed real property, to-wlt:
rnrnful utiidr eettinr data seeurinir' ""BlnnlnK Ot a point In the south-
caroful study, getting- aata, securing ljr no of KIlmUlt troo, nr BVP.
tho odvlce of experts and formulat- nue, In tho .-! of Klamath Falls, Or-
tt'm. Uovnul, Plaintiff, vs. 8. F
Creltz, Defendant.
To S. F. Creltz, tho above named
In tho Name of tho State ot Ore
You are hereby notified that Win.
Oevaul the holdor ot Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 1144 lasuod
on tbo 27tb day of Octobor, 1919, by
tho Tax Collector of tho County ot
Klamath, Stato ot Oregon, for tho
amount ot Four and ($4.41) 41-100
Dollars, tho same being tho amount
then due and delinquent for taxes
for tbo year 1914 together with pen
alty. Interest and costs thereon up
on the real proporty assessed to you.
of which you aro tho owner aa ap
pears ot record, situated In said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
wlt: The South Halt of the South
Half ot the Southwest Quartor of the
Northeast Quarter 8 8 8. W.
N. E. Vi ) of Section 23, Township
39, Range 1C, East Wlllamotto Meri
You aro further notified that said
Wm. Ddvaul has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent
years, with tbo rato ot Intorest on
said amounts ns follews:
Yca'rs Dato Tax Ro- Am't. Rate of
will npply to tho Circuit Court ot thu
County and Stato aforesaid for ft de
cree foreclosing the lion ngnlnst tho
proporty nbovo described, nnd men
tioned In said certificate. And you
nro horoby summoned to appear
within sixty days after tho first pub
lication ot this summons, excluslvo of
tho day ot said first publication, mid
dofond this action or pay tho amount
duo ns nbovo shown, togothor with
costs nnd accrued Intorost, and In
case of your failure to do so, a do
er oo will bo rendorod foreclosing
the lien ot said taxes and costs
against tho land and promises abovo
This summons Is published by
order ot the Honorablo D, V. Kuy
kondall, Judgo of tho Circuit Court
of tho Stato of Oregon for tho Coun
ty of Klamath and said order wai
mado and dated this 4th day of
April. 1921 and tho dato of tho flrat
publication of this summons Is tho
4th day of April, 1921.
All procoss nnd papers In this pro
ceeding may ho served upon tho un
dersigned residing within tho Stato
of Oregon at tho addross hereafter
Attornoy for Plaintiff
Address 20G Odd Fellows' Uulldlng.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
FOIt HAMO -Refrigerator, n' 'test
new. Mure Confectionery, ,022
Mnlti. Phono :ilflW. 30 3-
40 lie roi iniiioIi Unit In Union Co.,
2 Vj miles from l.iv (Iriunlo, Will
triulii for cur In good condition.
Address 3ufi Pine. Plioiin 3B8. 28-1
I.O.ST lluneli of krwi on April 27.
Return to llornld office nnd cliilm
rowan! 30-3
Modern officii system; Financial
atiitttmoiitn auditing ; bookkeeping
cIiihhkm. W. W. KlllltllWI'll, I.ooiuIh
llldg. IIU-3'
Have You Seen Keriejr tmliiyV
FOR HALM I'ora touring. Now top,
new uphiilHturliiKH, new paint, and
motor overhauled. Klumiitli I'nlU
Auto Co., 224 Main. 23tf
WANTED Woman to keep lioumt j
for widower on ranch, (loud wiikch, i
light work. Iiuitilrif "Housoki'iMir,"l
Herald. :tu-:
FOR BALE 1 1920 Chevrolet iim
ton 'truck, good us new; I 1920
Dodge Hodaii, llko new, Bxreptlomtl
price nnd Milue. Let us demonstrate
them. Central Oarage. 30-C
WANTED- llox fiirtory foreman.
Must bo familiar with pine shook
and competent to dike entire chnrgn
of operation of small factory. For
ward application, giving previous ox
porlnnco, references and salary ex
pected, to Tomlln 'llox Company,
Modfurd, Oregon, 29-2
FOR SALE Two room house, $1000
Oall at 711 Main St. 29-0
llnvo You Seen Kellry today'.1
FOIt SALE Team, wagon and har
ness, cows, mitveH, pig, etc. Will
trade for houso or ear. Address C. C.
Toovreu, .Merrill, Ore. 29-1
Olio Chandler C'liiimmlo ItimdHtor,
1U 18 Model, guaranteed condition.
One Ford Touring car, new top,
lipholntorlng and paint Mechanically
perfect. Ilulck finles A Service . Tel
ephone 170 W 2ltf
Tell your troubles lu the Furniture
The undemlgned offers for sale
lots 8A and 811 of llluck 7, railroad
addition to thu town of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, facing Spring street
and near the Southern Pacific depot.
For particulars reply to Jamnd 1).
Falrrhlld, Yreko. California. 22-7
Havo You Hccu Krlley lodny?
l)lth-S8MAKIN(l First class work
giinruntcod. Mrs. Jeffersou, No. 2
Main St. 27-7'
FOR RENT Pnstiiliil. fur about
300 head of cattle, (looil food, good
waiter. Phone 121 W. sa-3'
FOR 1IIRK Ford oars without driv
ers. Klamath Auto Co., 22 4 Main.
Furnished 4 -room apartment. Tel
ephone 273J. 707 Washington. 29-2
SALE Hnrtz
S. Cth St.
Ijuv Xo. lt!HO
FOR RENT Furnished npartmentM
and sleeping rooms. 100S Pine.
Phono4 48W. 29-2-
I). T. Oodsll. plaintiff, vs Maurlco
Qulnlnn. Hugh Falvey and Dan Sulli
van, Defendants.
To Dan Sullivan, Defcndnnt:
OF OREOON; You nro horoby re
quired to appear and answer tho com
plaint filed against you lu tho nbovo
entitled court and action on or be
fore Thursday, tho 12th day of May,
1921, that being the last day of the
tlmo prescribed by tho order of pub
lication of tho abovo entitled court
wuuin which you may appear anui
answer, and If you fall so to answer.. .' ,- . .
for want thereof, tho plaintiff will J VOTlri. nl, .,,.., .,., ,,,.
take Judgment against you for tho '.l. VL.H, , '!': Ml. wkV'1 ' U)l
FOR SALE Parlor suite genuine
solid inuhogany C pieces. Inqulro
A. L. Fnrtnon, 803 Walnut Avenue,
9 a. in. to C p. m. 29-4
llnm You Hwli Krlley Imlny?
Spring Is coining on and you havo
the house clearing bug. Well, I have
got It, tool let's get together.
PKitKLNs ruuxrnmi: house
"The I'llrnltlirr of Happy Ifunim"
ll;i oii wen Krllni' today?
FOR HALE -107S gallon gasoline
tank with fittings. Iir "trial Oar
age. 2'J-B
Auditing, syHtoiuutlzing, saw mill
accounting nnd general practlre. Ivan
Livingston, IncortKirntod Accountant,
MB A St., Oranitii Pans, Ore. 28-28
Used Pianos, reasonable prices and
lowest ot terms. Earl Shepherd Co.
IIjuo joii hern Ki'lley KmIii)'.
Usod Standard Phonographs, lib
eral reductions, lower terms. Karl
Shepherd Co. C07 Main St IZtf
CITY (i.MtllAOl! When )ou mint
gnrlMigo tvmovot, ciill I)l' 11:1.
Ilaby chlx, T-A-N-O-R-II-D-S.SO
egg White Leghorni. Ooldon t Uff
and llrowri leghorns, Anconas, HUrk
Mlnorcns, 'Huff Orpingtons, R. I.
Reds, llarred and White Rocks,
Enoch Crows, Heabrlght, Cal. 22-3
FOR HALE Franklin touring car, 7
passenger, fine condition. A tump
for n quick sale. See at Imperial
Uarage, or phono 3C8. 28-4
Tax Paid
Said S. F. Creltz as tho owner of
tho legal tltlo of tho abovo describ
ed property as the samo appears of
record, and each of tho other persons
nbovo named aro hereby furth
1015 Oct 27, 700G $'4.48 12
1916, Oct. 27. 0984 $3.07 127.
1917 Oct. 27. 7220 $3.33 12
1918 Oct. 27. C192 $2.60 12
full sum of $5000. with intorest
thereon at tho rate or 8 nor an
num from February 24, 1919, and
tho further sum of $&00 as his at
torney's fees on his first cause of ac
tion, and tho full sum ot $1702.44
with Interest theroon at tho rato ot
8 por annum from June 8, 1919,
and tho furthor sum ot $200 as bis
attorney's fees on his second causo
of action, and for his costs and dis
bursements horoln to bo taxed, and
also that any moneys or proporty be
longing to tho abovo nnmod defend
ants or any of thorn which may bo at
tached In tho abovo entitled action
shall be held and sold and tho pro
ceeds appllod to tho satisfaction of
such Judgmont as plalntltr may ob
tain, as Is by law provided.
This summons Is sorvod upon you
by publication thereof for a porlod
of six succcsslvo and consecutive
weoks (7 Insertions,) pursuant to nn
ordor by Hon. D. V. Kuykondall,
Judge of tho nbovo ontltlcd Court,
which said ordor Is datod March 26,
1921, tho data of thn first publica
tion of said summons bolng March
28. 1921.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may bo sorved upon tho un
dersigned residing within the Stato
of Oregon at. tho address horcaftor
Attornoy for Plaintiff, whoso busi
ness and postofflco address Is
Loomls nidg., 409 Main St., Kla
math Falls, Klamath County,
the Tax Collector ot the County of
Klatunth, Slnte of Oregon, for the
amount of Four and ($4.41) 41-100
Uy vlrtuo of n warrant Issued by. Dollars, tho samo bolng the amount
tho Pollco Judgo of tho City of thon duo and delinquent for taxes
Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated tho' for tho year 1914 togothor with initi
ally. Interest nnd costs theroon unon
tbo real property assossod to you, ot
which you aro tho owner ns apponrH
of record, situated In said County and
Stato. anil tmrtlcularlv tmiinilml ami
Klamath avenuo or . rinncrlliml n fnll.w. tn.wit? rri,.
fwrt easterly of tho .North Half of Urn Houlh Ilnlf nf thn
South West Quarter of tbo North
cast Quartor (Ntf 84 S. N.
E. U ) of Soctlon 23, Township 39,
Rnngo 1C, East Wllllamottu Meri
dian, You nro furthor notified that said
Wm, Dovaul has paid taxos o said
promises for prior or subsequent
years, with the rato of Intorest on
said amounts ns follews:
Yen'rs Dato Tax Ro- Am't. flnto of
Tax Paid celpt Interest
191G Oct.
er notified that Wm. Dovaul March 28 April 4-1 1-1 8-215 M. 2-9
Some Bull!
$ 'Jy.'i ssMfssssAflsssssssssssHis HHHHgttHnHM
v2 jL.. jzL -,Jlg... ..: . i . '".ft
This bull from tbo Carnation Stock Farm of Seattlo was sold
for $27,100 at an auction of blooded cattlo in Philadelphia recontly
Ills nnrao is Pletertjo Prospect Colantba and he won tho first prlzo In
Uio two-year-old class at the Pacific International exposition In 1920.
18th day of April. A. D 1921. and
to mo directed. Notice Is hereby given
that I havo levied upon tho following
described roal property, to-wlt:
Heglnnlng at n nolnt In the south
erly lino of
street, 124 '.4
eastorly lino of Payno alloy extend
xl; thenco nt right nnglos with
Klamath street or avenue southeast
erly 200 foot; thenco northeasterly
and parallol with Klamath trtreot or
avenuo 41 foot; thenco northwest
erly at right angles with Klamath
strcot or avenuo 200 feet to tho
southerly lino of said strcot or nvo
nuo; thenco westerly following said
southerly lino 41 feet to thu place
of beginning. Abovo described prop
orty abutting on Klamath etrcot 41 ji
feet .
Tukon and lovlod upon an tho prop
orty of II. St. Uobrgo Ulshop, In wills
faction of a cortnln lion created nnd
dockotcd by tho City of Klamath
Falls. Oregon, for a proportionate
share of tho cost of Improving Klam
ath nt root or nvonuo between Center
strcot and Payno Alloy, which said
Hon Is dockoted In volume (1) nf tho
Ilond Lien docket of nld city at
pagos 43 and 44 thorcof on tho date
of Octobor 10, 1910, In tho num of
Notlco Is also horoby given that
tho undersigned will on tho 28th day
nf May A. D. 1921, nt Ulio hour of 2
o'clock p. m., of said day, nt tho front
door of tbo city hall lu said city, sell
at public miction to tho highest bid
der for cash In band, tho nforemon
tinned nnd described real property or
so much thoroof as Is necessary to
satisfy tho said sum of $48.20, to
gothor with Interest thoroon nt the
rato of C per cent por annum from
tho 10th dny of Octobor, 1910, nnd
togethor with tho costs and dtshiirso
menu of salo hereunder.
Chief of Pollco of said city.
Wm. Dovaul, Plaintiff, vs, J. W.
Kcono, Defondant, '
To J. W, Kcono, tho nbovo nnmod
In tho Namo ot tbo State ot Oro
gon: You nro horoby notlflod that Wm.
Dovaul, tho holdor of Cortltlcato of
Delinquency numbered 1143 Issued
on tho 27th day ot October, 1919 by
27. 706C $4.48 12
1910 Oct. 27. C983 $3.67 12
1917 Oct. 27. 722C $3.33 12
1918 Oct. 27, 0191 $2.60 12
Said J. W, Kcono as tho nwnor ot
the legal title of tho nbovo described
proporty ns tho snmo appears of re
cord, and each of tho other nnr.
sons nbovo nnmod nru hereby fur
ther notified that Wm. Dovaul
will apply to the Circuit Court ot tbo
County mid Stato nforosald for n de
cree foreclosing thn lien against tho
proporly nbovo described, mid men
tioned In said certificate And you
nro horoby siimmnnod to appear
within sixty dnyH nflor tho first pub
lication of this summons, exclusive of
tho dny of said first publication, nnd
defend this action or pay the amount
duo nil nbovo shown, togothor with
costs mid nccruod Intorest, and In
enso of your failure to do bo, a do
rrco will ho rendorod foreclosing
tho lien ot said taxes and costs
against tho land and promlsos abovo
This summons Is published by
ordor of tho Honorablo D. V. Kuy
kondall, Judgo of tno Circuit Court
of tbo State of Orogon for tho Coun
ty of Klamath and said ordor was
mndo and dated this 4th day of
April, 1921 nnd tho dato of thn first
publication or this summons Is tho
4th day of April, 1921.
All process nnd rmporn In this pro
reeding piny be served upon tho un'
derslgnod residing within tho Btato
of Orogon at tho nddross horooftor
Attornoy for Plaintiff,
Address 206 Odd Fellows' nulldlng.
Klamath Falls, Orogon,