vMm rnnnn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY; MAY 2, 1021 I HELD AS MODEL COHMIN., April 30. A com plctii oulflti n inlnliiturn iirmy oqulppud with nil iiiicuHsiiry sor-vl(-4M, cnpahlo of inking tlio f I old lit !M hours' nollro without thn lis Hlntauru nf liny outsldn (iliiinuntn utiil ono or tlin hi'Ht military units ovnr orRiinlr.oil In tho world's his tory of uriiili'n Hiirh Ih thn dos rrlptlon thut in Hilary mini, nllliul, ntiiitriil utiil formnr nnumlns nppty to thn Amnrltfan itrmy of orcupu 1 l(i 11 an It'lit constituted toilny. That I ho efficiency of tho train In f; it)Hli'lil of thn Aiiiitrlnin forri'i In (liirinuny, thn oxcnllnncn nf thnlr i'iiilpniint mill thnlr fnultloss mill lury hearing nro generally rncog- rlzml throughout Kuropn In shown, hy thn fnrt that mlnnlnnH from var. Inns countries havo nlltior vlsltnd t'nhlnnz during tho pant low in on thn or havo nppllnd for permission to roinn to thin bnsn nml get flrnt hand knowtodgo of how It In tlono. A fnw wooks ngo thn rhlef nf thn Htnff nf thn HwlnH iirmy, iirrom punlod hy snvural offlcorn, spent u wwk In Cobloni nn thn guest of tlnnornl Allen, thn American commander .ultundi'd Inspections, visited thn liarrackn, reviewed thn troop and riiturncit to Ilnrnn to toll thn officers nf thn Swiss nrmy thnt thn American nrmy on tho Rhino was "thn mont up-tn-datn, thn best equipped unit thn best looklnK mill lary outfit nf all tho nrmlen of tho world." j A rommlnnlon from tho Nether lands miiilii u nlmllar vlsl and wan initially favorably Impressed nml now thn Finnish government has asked pcrmlnslnu to nenil n roni iiilnslnn to Coblnnx. ' Should rlrciimstnnres rcipilro thn American nrmy on tho Ilhlno to innvo nRnlnnt nn enemy or to or rupy further territory. 10.000 In- ' f.iulrymen cnmpoied of thn flrnt anil nrcnnil brigades would furnlnh tho ' hulk of tho fighting forcn. I Thnlr advance would ho Riinrd- ed ngalnst surprises nnd nmliuih hy 300 cavalry and 18 nlrplanen, which would do tho scouting hnfnro thn mnvInK Infantry Thren train ed ' pilots nrn available, for each piano In rnnn of n airmen mooting with accident. Ono thounand artillery men, serv ing eight batteries nf flold Rims, would he 'on hand to nupply a ImrraRO, nhnuld It becomn noces sary. 1 Thron hundrod men of tho bIr mil corpn battalion would look af ter tolephono and tolcRrnph Am munlcatlonn with thn liana at Co blent. Thn railway engineer Imttnl Ion, which In recnlvliiR ennntant practical training on a llttln branch lino on thn rlRht hank of tho Ilhlno which they nro oporatlnR would, with thn nsilstanco of tho motor trnnnportn corpn, nttnncl to tho ser vice of lupplloH of tho expedition ary force Thn engineers flrnt hattallon would throw pontoon bridges ovor nuch streams an worn traversed In thn advance Hlx nmbulanco com panion, nnnlntod by n medical corpn of COO, ostnbllBhlnR flold hospi tals, would Klvo first help to tho 'wounded lieforo their evacuation to thn liano honpllal. Only ono nrm used In modorn -airfare. In lacking tnnks. An nun officer rnmnrkod facetieusly: "Wo liavo no tanks of any Bort In thin nrmy." ' Thorn Is n machine-Run section with every company Innlead of ono to every battalion nn formerly. Thiiii whllo tho nrmy of ocru pntlonln Qormnny numborn Just n llttln moro than half tho effectives of ono American .division on" n war footing, It Is, no"vortholoss, a roal army In tho fullest sonso of tho term. MiiiaM m:vh Mr. mid Mm, I.'dgar Kurhor return ed several days ago from lloiiiinzn, wluiro Mra, Furbor stood ut thn iirnvo of her father, Mr. McltoyimlilH, who died a weok ago Thursday, nf heart troulilo. Mr. Mcltoynolda wiih woll known In this part of tho country ns ho used to live on a ranch In tho vi cinity of Klamath Falls boforo inov Jng to A much near Ilonanxa, Ills many friends throughout this coun try mourn his loss and oxteiul liWlr heartfelt aympnthy to moinbirs of tho borouvod family. J V. U. Marshall of Klalnath Falls, whh u Midland visitor Sunday;. (lordon Qulmby wany Mldlnnd vis itor fiumliiy. Miss Ha Hooper of this place, spout tlui wouk-ond In Klamath Fulls with hor slstor. Klia Dopuy was absent from school Wednesday boc-.umo ho broku u biuuII II M TO bono In bin hand whllo crnnklnR IiIh niiKlno. Dr. Wright of Klamath KuIIh not It. Kriwst Kolsoin, of Spring Jnk, iiroiio iiin nrm mst Huiiiluy whllo cranking nn nutdiiiohllii, Mr. and Mm. John Dopuy nnd noil, t)ra Mnlvln; Mr. nml Mm, Hurvoy Dopuy, and Mr. ami Mru, Hhrlnor left horn Wuilniwdiiy morning for Horn brook, Calif,, for u nflvonil duyii trip. Thoy wont In automobiles. MIhn tin llmipor wiim n Midland iichonl visitor Tiiiimliiy. Mru. William Worden of Uiwnr Klamath lako, wont to Klamath I'albi Wiidneiiilay mid friinn thnrii wont to Hpeiiil Hovnml days with her iiiotliur-lii-lnw, Mm. Jotili Worden cf HhlppliiRton, Mr. and Mm. (loorgo Kurbn rand elilldrcm, ;uriiiiiNiniittl by Mbw Kuiipp iiindii n trip to tho l.oitt lllvor dam Tlitirmluy. , Traveling Auditor Wilson of Duns millr, elincknil Midland ntutlon Hat urilny, Mr. mid Mru. C. It. I'nllernon and family worn Klnmatli Falls visitors Haturday. Mrs. J, W. Jouy was a Klamath I'altij hunlnesH visitor Haturday. Shn wuh lookliiR after her proporty mid decided to have a ntonn wall built 'to Improve It. Tho Mldlund hcIiooI will rlosn Mon day no all tho children can go to tho circus. Thn flrnt four grades of tho Hld' liunl HchiKil am going to play "Cln dorelLn" thn luat day of school. A. W. Ilradnlmw from Kort Klam ath In hero helping liLrt nonn, putting In thnlr crop, Mrs, llrown wn u Kliimulh Kails visitor Haturday. Street Outfit' Here li a sprliiR oatflt for the street H u of bluo. trimmed In henna braid The hat Is of black tn'lsn, I rim in cd In beuno ribbon JrHKk DOINGSOFTHE"DUFFS Putting One Over But Not If TOM.icAMtovtRTOaeeirvwD Vl helew. mcggm1 wants) At's Aupightj I COME WITH ME TO MV OrlCE AMOBE 'fW''- ME. TO CO DOVJM AMD i. f VJiTH ME. - ft A WITNESS T&AUTUE DU3WES3 ) DO A MTTtE FAVOB r-"T BE HOMa , ' lJssL n " for jj-- I 4W&X r7wv.vcslMRjweis t fjfTfTr'f S-x much! W"X! j ( THIS IS Ml?& GREW SPEAKING' I WISH MKM "i GuESS VIC POV .. aw A 3 f WD TtaVoUR HU5DAND To FIND HB ( omf oiPp ?oUiThT- ) ' LL 6VJ (ft f 50MEB0DV ELSE Tt DRAG OUT N1GHT3 " P wli: Toi WE D,' It , INSTEAD OF MP-GREV f I'M GETTWG ) s WDM T VME. TOM f VV ) Vf: IVTIPEO OF it! GOOD we I -A M X- 2 H1IMMONH VOn I'UriMOATION IN I'oitixii.e.siJiti: or tax mkn IN TIIK CIItCtJIT (JOUIIT OV TIIR HTATIO OF OltlCUON, Kpil KLA MATH COUNTY. William .1. Dovaul, I'lalntlff, yh, William 1', Leo, Defendant. To William 1. Lno tho nbovo nam- ed (lefendnnt, In tho Namo of (ho Btato of Orn Ron: You nrn hcroby notified thnt Wil liam J. Dovaul tho holder of Certifi cate of Delinquency numbered HOB Issued on tho Kith day of November, 1 01 K by tho Tax Collector of the County of Klamath, Btato of OroRon, for tho amount of Four and (M.M) r4-100 Dollars, tho namo being tho amount lliun duo nnd delinquent for luxes for tho year 1914 together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon tho real property assessed to you, of which you nrn thn owner nn appears of record, slflluted In said County nnd Htato, and particularly bounded and described an- follows, toi wit: Tho North Half of tho North Half nf thn North Kant Quarter or thn North Kant Quarter (NV4 N',4 N. K. Vt N. U. V ) of Hoctlon 3B, Town Hlilp 311, Itimge ir, Hunt Wllllamotto Meridian, You arn further notlflod that said William J. Dovaul has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subno ijuonl yearn, with tho rato of Inter est nn nald amounts nn follews: Ycn'rs Dato Tax Ro- Am't. Hntn of cnlpt No, i, CO 1918 i, r, 7i 191R ;. en 10m , 222 1919 Said William P. I,"o as thn owner nf thn logal titlo of tho nbovo des cribed property nn tho namo nppnars of record, and each of tho othor per sons nbnve Tiamcd arn horeby furth er notified thnt William J. Dovau! will apply to thn Circuit Court of tho County nnd Btntn aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing thn linn against the property nbovo denrrlbed, and men tioned In said certificate. And you nrn hereby summoned to nppenr within slxtv dnys nftor thn first pub llcatlon of thin summons, exclusive of tho day of nald first publication, nnd defend tbln.nctlon or pay tho nmount due as nbovo shown, together with costs nnd accrued Interest, nnd In lease of your failure to do so, a de cree will be rendered fnrecloslnn thn Hen of nald taxes and costs against the land nnd premises above nnmed. This summons Is published by ordnr of tbe Honornbln D. V. Kuy kcndnll. Judge or tho Circuit Court of thn Statu or OreRon for tho Coun ty of Klnmatli and said order was made and dated thin 4th day of April. 1921 and tho datn of tho first publication nf this summons Is tho 4th dny or April, 1921. All process nnd papers In this pro ceedlnR mny bo served upon tho un derslRned residing within tho Stntn or Oregon at tho address heroattor montloncd. " W. 3K DUNCAN. ' Attornoy for I'lalntlff. Address 20G Odd Follows' Building. Klniimth Fnll Oregon. T SUMMONS FOR. PUBLICATION IN KOIlKChOHUKK OF TAX I.IKN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK STATK OF OREGON, FOR KLA MATH COUNTY. n. A. Mcllroom. Assignee of Gil bert C I-Jiphnm. Plaintiff, vs. Ocorgo Reck, Defendant. To Oeorge Hock, the above named defondant. In tho Namo of the Stato of Oro Ore Oro eon: You nro hsroby notified that E. A. Mcllroom, Asslcnco of Gilbert C. Lap- ham, tho holder of Cortltlcato of Do illnauoncy numbered 1060 Issued on ' tho Cth day of April, 1918 by tho Tax Colloctor of tho Coilnty of Klamath, Tax Paid cnlpt Inferos! No, 191 r. Nov. 1C, C071 13.99 12 1918 191C Nov. IH. f.7C2 $3.39 12 191 R 1917 Nov. IH. C1C2 $3.03 12 191X 1918, Apr. G, 2229 $2.60 12 (Unto of OroRon, for tho amount of Thrort and ($3,72) 72-100 Dollars,! tho same being tho amount then duo nnd delinquent for taxnu for tho year' lain toRirthar with penally, Intorcnt nnd costs thereon upon tho roal prop orty nnnonsod to you, of which you orn tho owner as nppnars of record, situated In said County nnd Statu, nnd particularly bounded and des cribed an follows, to-wll! Tho South Hair of tho South Ifnlf of tho North Wnst Quartor of tho North West Quarter (B'j H NWVi NWVi) of Suction 25 Township 39, Ilango 15 Uant WIlllamettQ Mnrldlan. You are further notlflod thnt nald (lllbert O. !npham, Asslgnor.of M, A. Mcllroom, has nald taxes on sa d pro mises for prior or subsequent years, wt,th the rato or Interest on said amounts an follews: Yna'rs Datn Tax Ro- Am't. Rato of Tax Paid cnlpt Interest No, 1917 Apr. G, 3602 $2.75 $2.50 $2.50 12 12 12 1918 Mar. 13, GC9 1919 May 22, 4093 1918 1919 1920 Bald fie ergo Hock nn Inn owner of tho legal tltlo of tho above describ ed property as thn same appears of rocord, and oach of the other per sons abovo named aro horoby forth or notified that K. A. Mcllroom will apply to thn Clroult Court of tho County and State aforesaid for a do -J croo foreclosing tho Hon against tho property abovo described, and men tioned In said certificate. And you nro horoby summoned to appear within sixty dayn nfter tho first pub lication of this summons, oxcluslvo or thn day or said first publication, and defend this action or pay tho amount due as nbovo shown, togethor with costs and accrued Intornst, and In case of your failure to do so, a do er eo will be rendered foreclosing tho Hen of said laxns and costs ngnlnit tho land and premises above named. This summons Is published by ordnr of tho Honorable T). V. Kuy kendall. Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho Btato of OroRon for tho Coun ty of Klamath nnd said order was madn and dated this 4th day of A-prll. 1921 and tho dato of thn first publication of this summons Is the 4th day of April. 1921. All process and papers In this pro f,:o',,'iB..mn.:!rv,:,,!,,rihoc ?: dnrslRtied residing within the Stnto8troct anc Klrth street intersectiens: oi wregnn ni mo auuross norcaiier montloncd. W. M DUNCAN. Attorney- for PlalntlfL Address 20C Odd Fellows' Ilulldlng, Klamnth Falls. Oregon. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX MEN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREOON. FOR KLA MATH COUNTY. William J. Dovaul, rialntlff, vs Lion R. Wasson. Defondant. To-Leon R. Wasson, the above named defendant. In tho Name of the Stato or Ore gen: , You aro hereby notified that WII-, Ham J. Dovaul. tho holder or Cortl tlcato of Delinquency numborcd 1109 Issued on tho Sixteenth (16) day of November, 19.19 by tho Tax Collector ot tho County of Klamath. Stato of Oregon for the amount ot Flvo and ($E.0C) 06-100 Dollars, the namo being tho amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1913 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the roal prop erty assessed to you, ot which you nro tho owner ns appears ot record, situated In said County and State,! and particularly bounded nnd des-' crlbcd as follows, to-wlt: Tho South Halt of the North Halt of the North , West Quarter ot tho North East Quartor 8tt N NWVi NEW) ot, Section 35, Township 39, Range 15, East Wllllamotto Meridian. You aro further notified that said William J. Devaul ha paid taxe on J said premises for prior or subse-, quent years, with the rnte of Interest on said amounts as follews: BYALMAN ong Dato Tax no- Am't. Rate of Paid colpt ' Interest No. Nov. 10, GD41 $4.04 12 1918 Nov. 1C, 0909 $3.99 12 1918 Nov. KU07G3 $3.39 12 1918 Nov. 15, 0153 $3.03 12 1914 1915 191C 1917 1018 191 Apr. G, 2230 $2.50 12 1919 Bald Ucoa R, Wannan, as tho owner of tho lognl tltlo of thn abovo describ ed property as tho sama appears of record, nnd onch of tho othnr pornons riliovo namod are horoby fur ther notified that William J. Dovaul will apply to tho Circuit Court of tho (county nnd Btato aforesaid for a do- croo foreclosing tho Hon against tho proporty abovo described, and men tioned In said certificate. And you nrn horoby summoned to nppoar within sixty dayn after thn first pub lication of this summons, oxcluslvo of tho dny of said first publication, nnd dofond this action or pay tho amount duo ob abovo shown, together with costs and accrued Interest, nnd In enso or your falluro to do so, a do croo will bo rendored foreclosing tho Hen of said taxes and costs ngalnnt tho land and promises abovo named. This summons Is published by order of tho Honorablo D, V. Kuy kendall. Judge or tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho Coun ty of Klamath and said order was mado and dated this 4th day of April, 1921 and thn date of tho first publication of this summons Is tho 4th day ot April, 1921. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may bo served upon tho un dorslgnod residing' within tho State of Oregon at tho address hereafter mentioned. W. M. DUNCAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address 20C Odd Follows' Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon. ItEHOLUTION Thn City Engineer pursuant to tho Resolution of tho Common Council horotoforo adopted, -having undor dato of tho 9th dny of April. 1921, fllod plans, specifications and esti mates of tho cost of Improving Wash ington atroot from tho oMtorly lino nt TtifrI atmnl In ).a amb.amTv 1Ia . j. . urt ,and lho Common f-oiincll hnTlnir taken tho sama undor advisement and finding said plans, specifications and estimates satisfactory. Yca'rs Tat LUMBER FOR CASH ONLY ANNOUNCEMENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS! Our pay rolls have t be met with spot cash. Wholesale credit! have ben tightened and curtailed and in man Instances entirely withdrawn. A large portion of our purchase are now spot cask. Our creditors rigidly require Immediate payment ot accounts u they tall due. ' Our owa collections nave become more and more 'difficult from month to month until our bills receivable now amount to prac tically so much Dead Capital. In order to eontlnuo business on anything like a sound basis It has become necessary to SELL FOR SPOT CASH ON DELIVERY ONLY, BEGINNING MAY 1BT, Contractors nnd others requiring frequent deliveries may avoid tho Inconvenlonco ot dally cash settlements by making credit de posits In advance., We greatly regret our Inability to longer continue credit accom odations to our customers and trust tho public will appreciate the conditions which have made tills change In policy necessary. BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. LAKESIDE LUMBER CO. KIRK-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE LINE Stage leaves The Smoke daily at 2 p. m,. and the Central Hotel a few minutes later. We use a large, easy riding, comfortable automo bile, in thorough repair. Stage leaves Kirk at 8 a. m. daily. Tickets $3 each way; round trip $5.50. Phone your reservations. i; Central Hotel 155-W, f4$444W. IT IB 1IJ5REDY RESOLVED, That said plans, npeclflcatlonfl nnd ostl mntB for tho Improvement of Wash ington stroot from Third slroot to Fifth strcot, Including Intersections, bo nnd tho namo nro horoby opprov ed; AND nB IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, Thnt tho Common Council horo by declares 1U Intention to Improve nald portions or Washington street In nccordanro with said plans, spocl flcatlono nnd estimates; said Im provement to consist of paving said portions of Washington ntrcot with concrete, bltullthlc or wlllito. Thn estimated cost of tho Improvement of Said portions of snld rtrocts by plac ing thoreon olthor concrete, bltull thlc or wlllito to lie $10,990.75, said cost Including grndlng, rolling, curb ing and coment sldowttlk. AND UK IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, Hy tho Common Council that tho following described proporty bo nnd Is hcroby declared benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lot 5, Illock H, Lots 6 nnd 7, Hlock 7 Ewauna Height! Addition, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 48 and Lots 1 and 2 Dloclc 19 in First Addition to the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, Lotn 1, 2, 3, I, G, Hlock GO, and Lots C, 7, 8, 9, 10, Hlock 47 In FlrBt AdiJItlon to tho City of Klamnth Falls, Oregon, ind tho High School proporty; and that nald oronortr nbovo lliited and Mencrlbed bo nnd hereby is doclared to be assensed ror the oxpenso or said 'mprovemont. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, That Monday the 23 day of May, 1921, at tho hour or 8 o'clock P. M., at tho Council Cham born at the City Hall, bo rixed as tho time and place for tho hearing of objections and remonstrances against the nald pro posed Improvement and the Police Judge Is horeby directed to cause no tice of said hearing to be published as by tho Charter provided. STATE- OF OREOON, ) County of Klamath, )ra. City of Klamath Falls,) I, A. L. Leavttt, Police Judge ot the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hcroby certify that tho foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy ot a resolu tion adopted by tho Common Council in tho 26th day of April. 1921, do calring lt intention to Improve Washington street from tho easterly line or Third street to tho easterly line of Fifth street. Including the Fpurth street nnd Fifth street Inter sections, and approving tho plans, specifications and estimates or costs submitted by the City Engineer. A. L. LEAVITT. 28-9 Pollco Judge. The Smoke 175 t u 0