The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 02, 1921, Image 1

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fltBiM m SSJSfc '
A Class Ad Will
Do It
guje ittumouj
Today's News
Member of the Associated Press,
Kirirxmlli ViMir No, nllll
Will Take 12 Days to
Complete Military
plans For
Hon Say
Germany Must Answer
Yes or No In Next
12 days; England
Will Take Part With
qiJAUTKIIH, Miiyonco, (I or many,
Mny 2. Ono division of llio black
Moroccan Infantry nml ono dlvlilon
l tho nivalry, loft toilny for
Ruhr district
PARIH, May 2.- Tim French gov
itrnmnnt In proceeding with the pm-
llmlnarle tiwewuiry to the orcupa-J
Hon of tho Ilillir valley
LONDON, Mny 2 (Ireat llrl'iiln
Mill inuki a nuvnl demonstration If
(lerniany refuiMit the nllli'H' repuni
lions turniH. A (Icmoimlrntlon. which,!
howovor, vtlll not lako the form of u
blockade will prolxibly occur In the
North Ken .
(lortnany must give, by May I 'J, n
rnlt'gorlcal ausnur- -yen or no to
the allied demands or suffer the mil
itary and naval penalties. This Is nc
lording lo tho ultimatum drawn up
by thn ulllud foreign minister and
approved by tho supremo council.
Tho Ifitrval bfnot allowed for in'
gotlatlons but the (iermnn govnrn
inent will bo given tlliui to reflect,
tho negotiations being considered nt
un nd I'mmlor llrlnnd said It would
lake twelvo daH o tomplrto the
French military preparation for tho
occupation of thn lluhr district
Ono of thn stlffent gales of long
duration ever erperlenced horo, nc
cording to old (timers, started early
yostenliiy morning und lasted Into
tho afternoon. Thu wind was accom
panied by a thick sand storm In thn
valley About I o'clock snow started
und almost mi Inch fell.
Among damage reported from tho
wind was tho wrecking of tho big ad
vertising sign board nt tlin Dream
land dancing pavilion nf Klnmiutli av
enue nnd tho walls of tho Kwnlina
Motortt company's now building at
Hovonth and Klamath. Tho gnrngo Is
under construction mid tho rear wall
nnd ono bIcIo wall, ot tile construc
tion, wero up. Uicklng tho bracing
that comes when thn building Is tied
oguthor by tho wull connections, and
roofing, tho two walls wero un onBy
jiinrk for tho gale.
Tho loss In broken tiles, nnd tho
cost of replacing Hi" walls. It wiih
oHtlmaited today, would run from
?1C0 to $ 1 7 r, .
Tlin lovol of Link river was lower
ed about twio feet' when tho wind
forced tho wator In tho nt reum ImcU
Into tho uppor lako,
IHacklo McDonald roported at noon
that his lgn wuh up again nnd
soctiroly braced this time. IHacklo
claims tho local rocorif for restoring
ntorm damago. Hud tho,brncs been
on tho bIkh Saturday, It would not
liavo collapsed ho wild. Ho estimated
tho wind cost him M00.
Home damago through tho un
covering of seed grainy by tho wind
Ih expoctod In grain growing dls
trlcts, nnd shoopmon roport that tho
cold weather Is tutting down tho
purcontago of lambs considerably.
No novoro Iosbos In oUhor ot theso
directions hnvo boen roported, how
ever. Painters and Sheet
Metal Workers Out
TOrtTLAND, May 2 Tho lwlnt
ors and Hhcot metal workors union Is
- '?-rWMMS(6l- . X- POLAND
This in n ti Indicates Bteps thnt ngo, following tho Herman rcfuial
limy lin taken by the nines 10 on-iio
--.. 11... ....M..H
of Uerinan ro-
turtu mil ifuiiiuii, wt uutui"n i
parntlons. Tho shadod area shows
tho original tone of occupation
v.omI of tho Hlilnu whero tho Url- soldorff (Clrclo 1.) Tho allien aro
tints. Kri'tich, IlolKlan and Amerl- now prepared to extend thin occu
enn armlm havn been In ccntrol patlen to Includo (Clrclo 2) tho
thn urmlnllcu Beveral vn-okn
WASHINGTON, .May 2. 8blpt-
lug board officials said -today that
fow.vessols had Iwon tied n n - . i., . i-i il tu.. -. n a
uil ui.iiin'iriuMi ill lun muiii ,. .
" ,.
accept thu fifteen por cent wage ro
NKW YOIIK. Mny 2 linden
predicted that thnwnlkout of tho ma -
i,ul"" . ..... .- ". "
reduction, would rvsult In 24 hours
nmtniit nirnlnAt-ilm lb nor crni wniru'uiu iuuuvu wuu
In n complcto tleup or American
shipping. It Is estlmnted nlwut 2f..-
000 aro airooten oy mo news oi w
Iwtilkmii decision which . was wire
lessed ull ships flying tho American
PORTLAND, Mny 2. Tho steam
er West Nlnrod has a crow signed
hero and Is oxpocted to leave to
night. Three other vessols aro tied
up. Ono is tho shipping board
stoamor, Rolback,- hold at Seattle
Kfforts aro bolng made to get a
crow for tlio stoamor, eastern
Sailor, at San Francisco.
"Remember May First," Mnmped
In red Ink nt tho top of I.-W W llf
oraturo, distributed about town In
tho last fow days, failed U produce
nny May Day demonstration hero,
Tho I. W. W. orgnnlzeru aro said
to bo busy, however, and steps to
quoll tholr activities nro being cod-the mortar for building, aro skilled
Bldnrod by tho authorities. It Is said crnftsmnn. Mortar mixing requires
that thero am a couplo Ot scorn oflonu oxporlencn, nnd upon tho
avowod I. W. W. hero.' They .knowledge of tho mlxor, It Is nrg
havo n rendezvous ofi1 a vacant "fl. depends tho strongth of tho
lot on Muln street, nonr Ksplnnndo. finished structure Tho opposition
whom tho nassod out to was centered, against tho T6.60 a
thn workers, who distribute It along
tho stroot, placing It In omsrty auto
mobiles. Somo bold workors ontor
stores and loavo papers 'and potters
on tho countors.
Pollco woro cnllod by John Thor
son, contractor In charge of wok on
lho Kwnuna Motors company's gar
ugo hist wook. yhen vornl I. W. W.
nppoarod on tho Job during working
hours and Interrupted tho work with
tholr arguments. No arrests wero
T -
out today, and rofusing to'accopt tho
ten por conl wago reduction. Other
building trndw unions nro working
ponding tlio 'doclslon of tho contrac
tors as In whother thoy will mnko
ngrooiiient with tho utona ns rocom
mumlod by tho nrbltrntors.
ngrwi 10 inn auiuu uemniiu iut
total reparations of D5,uou,uou,-
,000, tho allies crossed tho Ithlno
tin iloccuplcd thn arra anoui uus-
cntlrii lluhr mining valley and tho
Say 8 California
Fruit, Except Grape
. ,, . . I'
' Kropt is unmjureay
I ' - I
Mr nnd Mrs Oeorgn Humphrey'
I returned Hnturdny night from an;
automobile trip through northern J
nnd central California. They wtjroj.
nearly as fnr south as Fresno. '
Urapes hnvo been Injured by!
I frost In California, said Mr. Hum-'
, 1
phroy. but othor frQIt crops aro un -
Injured and promise , exceptional
ylolds. Oraln nnd alfalfa Is In
inTritllnnt rnndlllnn. Thn wet wln-l
-.-... ... .wn... . - nv - .-
, . ,
jier ua prouucea
exceptionally flno
"'"" i Kra'i.
no"U , 0dcd , w ,h our-
". ho snld. In nil varieties ot vo -
Holos. Thoro Is apparently groat
,. ., .. , l,. .u li i l
beating olr Y. whllo the h gh-
""'"' """ "" j
Contractors Are
Dissatisfied With
AJ 11 C 7
new Wage ocaie
Contractors will opposo tho pay
ment of tho wago scalo fixed by tho
rocently organized ho'l carrlors and
cement workors union, and endors
ed nt tho last mooting ot tho cen
tral labor council, said local con
tractors today, Indicating that tho
opposition would bo organized and
Tho scnlo Is JS n day for hod
carriers and 10.60 for other labor
In tho building trades, Thoro wns
opposition to tho. endorsement In
tho central labor council, the vote
standing 8 for tho scalo and 5
against It.
Contractors will nttend tho next
meeting of tho labor council Fri
day night to iIIscubs tho situation,
anil neok to hnvo tho council res
cind Its endorsement.
Insldo tho council tho opposition
was not directed ngnlnst tho hod
carriers scale, It Is undors,tood, thn
dolegntos, In tho majority nt least,
holding thnt hod-cnrrlera, who mix
'ay domnndod by tho barrow mon
and others, whoso labor Is not
skilled, It was said.
Contractors claim thoy cannot pay
the higher wago and mako a pro
fit, and In consoquonco building op
oratlgns will bo greatly rotardod
It tho scalo stands. .
Aged Folk Guests
Of Barnes Circus
Probably no ono onjoyed tho circus
this afternoon moro thnn tho patlonts
nt tho Klamath, county hospital.
Through, tlio offorts of tho superin
tendent, J. H. Short, nnd tho kind
ness nf tho muungemont of tho A ft
Uiirues circus, ovory pen.on nt tho
hospital took In tho circus frco ot
rich Wcstpballan Industrial dis
trict. Occupation of tbo Frankfort
area (Clrclo )3 Is being considered.
If theso steps do not bring tho
Germans to time, noliuro of tho
great seaports and shipbuilding
yard of Hamburg, Klol and Stcitln
(Circles 4 and S) and tho occupa
tion of Ilcrlln may follow.
Snv-t 4 VlffMl- UHO VU IJ MV
1 aUiib fpAlnkt mLiii an lnir tin.
tw(Mm Klamath ,u Bntl iortlandl
announcC(1 Saturday, do not solvo tho
probJom o deposition of the hay
. . ... n
i .itFftliiu fta lrwnt cr4-kttAi nVi Crtn
Aont Thoma!I tt,,, new , wl
(not bocome effectlvo until May 27,
when there will bo a 11 cent roduc
., Qn each hundred pounjS( mak.
a u ccnU a hunilred or
statistics or mo lann nurcau snow
o mluMm and ba
Statistics of the farm bureau show
iDK n tho Merrill and Malln districts
thU year was approximately 18.00 a
ton, said Mr. Thomas. Add tho
freight, without consideration ot tho
cost of locul haul,uK from farnl t0
ralroajt aai th0 i,ay taid down in
Portland would have cost tho former
$16.80 a ton.
Present quotations run from 6
to fl8 In tho Portland market, do
ponding on gTade. Vory little ot tho
local hny would bo top grade Fur
thermore tho Portland market 4s lim
ited. Had tho reduced rate been effeo
ilvo two months ago. said Mr. Thom
as, when prices wero higher, It might
hnvo holpod. Then, too, fnrmors woro
not ns busy ns at present and might
havo given somo tlmo to ridding
thomsolvos of tho hay surplus.
Tho solution of tho hay problem,
depondablo under all conditions, says
tho county agent, Is tho ono upon
which tho farm bureau Is working.
tho Introduction of n sufficient nuirt-
bor cf dairy cows to change tho hny
Into milk, cream and dairy products,
easily transportable and for which
there is alwnys a ready markot.
On tholr trip last week to tho
Rogue Rlvor Valley. Mr. Thomas nnd
L. A. WmI. fnrm bureau livestock
director, found an opportunity to se
euro somo good gradn cows nl rens
onablo prices, nnd tho Importation
of a carload or so of this stock Is be
ing considered.
MIDLAND, May 2. The wind
blow with such n great velocity In
Midland yesterday that tho S. P.
windmill fell to tho ground. Two
section mii left tho mill Jutrt two
seconds boforo tho crash came, thoro
by saving tholr lives. They woro vory
much frightened by their narrow es
capo. Tho mill and water tank were
smashed to kindling. Tho pump is
also very much damaged. Just ubout
a year ago tho wind damaged tho
mill nt tho same hour 11 a. in. It is
75 foot high.
COLUMRUS May 2. A quiet May
Day has, given assurance of tho ror
turn to normal conditions, snld At
torney Gonornl Dougherty.
Newberry Decision I
s Reversed By the
U. S. Supreme Court
WASHINGTON, Mny 2 - Tho con
viction of Cnltud States Bonator Tru
man Nowborry, of Michigan, by tho
federal courts for conspiracy to vio
late tho f (id oral corrupt practices act,!
was not nsldo by tho supromo court. I
Tho conviction of nlxtccn other do-1
fondants wsw also not asldo, The
court hold that congresB wan without
it ho power to regulate tho primaries,
and that tho lower court erred In dis
missing tbo defendant's demurrer.
How tho pollco force surrounded a
building In which contraband liquor
was hidden and staged c thrilling
capture ot the contraband but, with
a John Dee warrant In hand, allowed
tho beautiful horolne ot tho intor
stato smuggling to cscapo, Is tho
story being told along tho streut to
day, as tho result of the arrest of
Frank Miles, sign painter, Saturday
As Mr. Miles has eschewed tbo uso
of spirits for tho past 20 years, as
all men know, tho situation Involves
much mystery.
Saturday night, however, tho beau
tiful femalo stepped oft tho evening
train. She was met by a jltnoy driver,
Anothor jitney was also on tho Job.
I Perhaps Jltnoy No. 2 wns feared to
.contain a "spotter" or to bo a pollco
car, or perhaps not. It Is said that the
woman sought refuge In tho first
convenient shelter, -which happened
to bo the Mlics paint bo op and cached
tho cargo of whisker and gin. Sho
Is said to have bad nough to-art
f.llr n.lfllfl.
Patrolmen, Hilton, Durham and
McDonald threw a cordon around
tho building, whllo Patrolman Dur
ham wont to secure a warrant. Ho
got one of the John Dee variety,
good for the arrest ot any one. Mr.
Miles was nowhere In (the neigh
borhood, but tbo booze was In bis
shop and eventually tho pollco ar
rested Miles.
iNo attempt was made to arrest
tbo woman, who stayed at a local
hotol overnight. Yesterday sho re
turned to California, Tho result is
that prosecution ot tho in tor-state
smuggling chargo collapses and It
will bo hard to convlnco a. local
Jury that Frank Miles Is a bootleg
ger, oven It tho charge against him
is pressed. Ho bad a hearing be
fore U. 8. Commissioner Thomas and
was rcloased on $250 bond.
Miles friends are characterizing
tho comedy of errors as a willful at
tempt to Injure him, whllo tho neu
tral observers ore calling tho whole
affair a pollco bungle.
Tho seized liquor was taken to
tho pollco ntatlon and locked In a
coll by Patrolman Hilton. Acting
Chief Keith Ambrose, in chargo of
thn pollco department during Chief
Wilson's absence Insisted that tho
vault whero contraband Is customar
ily stored, was itho propor placo ot
keoplng. Tho Judgment of Ambroso
finally prevailed and tho liquor now
reposes In tho vault.
Bankers Discuss
Bend Payments
With the Council
No definite discussion In regard to
tlio mothods to bo pursued In meet
ing payment on tho first, second and
third pavomont bond Issues was
reached by a conference of bankors
with tho cltycouncll Saturday aftor
noon. It was announced today. It Is
oxpccited'somo definite step mny be
taken at tonight's meeting.
Tho proposal to temporarily tldo
ovor tho situation by borrowing from
tho Sixth streot repair and fire ap
paratus funds was discussed and mot
somo opposition as a diversion of
funds not warranted by tho charter.
An altornntivo proposal was tlio
calling of a special bond election to
issue refunding bonds.
In tho moantlmo about $28,000 of
tho $17,000 due fiom the throo units
.has boon collocted and can bo appllod
to payment of tljo bonds us thoy nro
probontod, and in tlo moantlmo n so
lution, It Is expected, will bo reached.
National Federation of
Bureau Holds Pro
vision Unfair in Face
Of Falling Costs
Tariff on Food Pro-;
ducts to Be based on
Relative Expense to
Market Is Also
, Recommended.
Herald Washington Boreas
WA8HINOTON, May 2. With
tho adjournment of the executive
committee to the American Farm
Bureau federation after a two
weeks' session, somo deflnlto recom
mendations ot groat consoquonco to
tho agricultural Industry havo boon
placed before the administration
and congress.
Tho commlttecro commends the
abolition ot that section of tho
transportation act designed a min
imum return to the railroads. Tho
fedoratlon demands equal protec
tion by tariff on agricultural pro-,
It Is opposed definitely and ng
grcslvelr to tho general sales tax.
Ak Free Lumber
The bureau demands free lumber
and free fertilizer and greater lib
erality In tbo matter of credit to
tho1 federal rrescrye', bank. ;t v
Among these who co-operated with
tbo American FarnT'bureau, during
the executive commmittee session la
forming a legislative policy was
Secretary Hoove, Secretary Wallace,
Governor W. P. G. Harding, ot the
Federal Reserve boards; 8. F. Lev
er ot the Farm Loan bank; Thom
as McDonald, chief of the bureau
ot public roads, and Edgar E.
Clark, chairman of the Interstate
commerco committee
An authorized summary ot what
was accomplished at this confer
ence Indicates among other things,
the follewing:
Falmc-w Is Urged
"Tbo American Farm bureau fed
eration believes that railroads must
render adequate service, but thoy
should recelvo a reasonable rate ot
return based upon fair and Just val
uations. Wo realize that the farm
ers' Intorest depends upon abso
lute fairness to tho carriers and
wo deslro to call attention to tho
present situation.
"Tho transportation act of 1920
contained a provision which at
tempts to compel tho interstate
commerco commission to mako ratos
sufficient to produce a minimum
net return of 5H, 6 per cent or
more above nil expenses and taxoa
on tho present value of Araorlcan
"Tho American Farm Bureau fed
oratkn believes this provision la
paternalistic class legislation, as it
attempt to mako a government
guaranty on tho cost plus basis.
This provision has caused tho com
mission to establish excessive in
creases In rntes which have serv
ed to paralyze American Industry.
HltH At (iunrnntco
"Thoy havo corao nt a tlmo when
othor lines ot business nro reducing
tholr charges. Tho fodoratlon there
fore petitions congress to repeal Im
mediately tho guaranty provision In
section 15A of tho transportation
act, and to Instruct the commis
sion to make readjustment of rail
road rates back to pro-war basts In
harmony with othor business.
"Tho fodoratlon recognizes that
In revising our tariff laws tho 67th
congress will levy duties upon Im
ports, net upon n revenue basis
only, but with a view to tho pro
tection ot American Industries.
"Tho American Farm Bureau
fodoratlon urges and demands for
ngrlculturp treatmont that will af
ford tho American farmor a pro
toctlvo tariff upon farm products
ot tho factory, whether such tar-
(Continued on Pngo 6)