The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 30, 1921, Automobile Section, Image 7

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    rSH Tiiiiomobile
Evening Herald
LAv !?!i
M u mooting with I'rivil lent Hurtl
ing recently, llio official)' o. tlm uu
tomotlvo Industry, lod by Key D
Ohapln, chulrmun of tho highways
commltteo of tho National Autumn
blln Chamber of Comiiiorcn. advocat
ed rotwcrvatlon of Kedoritl li'.ghv.ny
itxpomlltuivN through concentration
on roads of Intor-srnto Importance
under tho direction of FVderuI High
way t'ommls-iloii
Attor tho fault hour setwlon with
tho president, tho roprennntatlveM of
Din Industry film! n memorandum
showing tbu position of tbo motor
cur iuiiI (ho motor truck In tbo trans
portation ityntum of thn Nation.
Tim Induntrlnl represonuitlvm
wvru Intloduced to tlm protddnnt by
Henator Charles K Townwmd ,of
Michigan, Chalrnuiu of the, ft nnte
'Uommittoo on Post Office nnil Tout
Tbo presentation wmi divided Irro
wotlonM, tbo first being prow-ntod by
(leorgo M dnihnm of tho Motor
Truck committor of tho Nutfonnl Au
tomobllo Chambor of Cnmmnrcn fol
lowed by lUiy I) Cbnpln, chairman of
tho Highways committor,
l'rrlilent Approvy
Tho I'n'itldont nowod u high int
ort In roud muMorH, doclurlng that
In lino with tbo jKillcy of tho Chnm
Ixt, bn would decline, to luliocato
Kinloral expenditure for roads nnlnsi
tho maintenance feature, wns proper
ly ,mrod for. ,
, Tho following wun the argument
for "tho reform deslrod, miulo bV thn
nuto men to Jhu lfrosldout,
An reprvHontntlviti of nho socond
lurgosl Industry In tho t'nltod Btnte
with hiiIivh of cars, trucks, parts, tire
n n (I uccewiorloH In 1020, amounting
to ii wholosulu vuluo of $3,594,000,
(100, wo vuluo thu cbunco to direct
your attention to ftlio commundlng
pluco our Industry linn assumed In
tho nutlon'K transportation.
Thi'ro u ro flvo muln kinds of trons
porlutlon, steam railway, electric
trolley, Inland waterway, motor vo
hlcltm and homo-drawn vohlrlcH. Wo
hollovo that their liftonmts uro com
mon, not opponnd, and that tho bent
window Invplviw allotting to each
medium Iho typo of hnulngo It run
bet perform. "Wo bollnwi that nil
should havo equal opportunities for
development, and tlutit all should
stand equal bofom tho law.
Our ponhlllrieA extend beyond
national boundaries, for wo now ex
port earn and trucks to 114 coun
ties. Includltjg rirtyslx motor vehi
cles to Ireland In 1920.
Welrome Help
ls than u deendo uko Iho Kurn
jHMin ear wait Uio ntundnnl of tho
world qutnlde of tho I'nlted Htnten.
Toduy Amorlcin earn nro prjferreil
to all other American mnnufuctur
erii mimt now moot tho nKKrewilvo
iii'hh of tho French, Ilrltlxh nnd ltnl
ln jrovirnmcntii who nro MtrhliiK to
win (kick their uutnmotlvo exvort
trado by llbornl credit exlenlnnB.
Tho cnmpllcatlonH of cxchunKo fur
ther luindlcap thn American manu
facturer. Wo. welcome tho efforts of
tho Btatn, Treasury and Commorco
DcKirtment to ovorcomo "theo ob
htacton and will co-openito In every
v.ny potuilblo.
All transportation rtumiindK n pro
por inonmirn of credit At presont tlio
railroads nro otiibarrussed boratiso of
difficulty in raising money to enrry
on IcKltlinalo opunitlons MukorH of
motor vchldoH and tholr distributors
nro entitled io Just nnd llbnrnl troul'
nioiit both on jmrt of the Federal
Iteservo bunks and financial Instltu
tloiiH In tho iirloiis states
Happily, our Hktiiutlon Is much Im
proved by tlio fail that wn am one
of tho first Industries to experience
symptoms of returning 'prosperity, u
result wo attribute to the fact that
business and Individuals must have
cam and trucks or bo handicapped In
l-isy Tnrnet for Tnxex
At the present .time our Industry
Is so much exposed toltlie application
or State rlKhts thnt It jocularly
needs Kederal consideration. Bvory
state, throuch' control of Its IiIrIi
ways, can forco motorists and truck
operators to pay whatever portion of
Its total taxes may bo desired, re
Kurdtes of equity.
Wo comedo tho necessity of rev
enue, Mtnto and nntlonaly, but urge
that our burden should not Im out of
proportion to that of other forms of
At present, wo nro the most taxed
of Industries Wo now have" flvo muln
levies us follews:
. Notional nnd State Incomo tnx,
common to all Industries. Sates tax
es, limited to ourselves und a few
other industries. Taxes on ropalr
parts, a prnmnent cbnrRo on tho llfo
of nil ohlcles, a tax specific to our
Industry State license nnd rcRlrTU
tiou fees, r. ilrtuul monopoly to us
ScattnrinK municipal nnd personal
property tnxen
There uro no federal sale taxes on
other units of transiortutlon, as for
examplo nteumshlpi, locomotives,
trolley cnr and horse-drawn ehl
It 1 bolluM'd thai' tho exoerlmon
tnl camphor rroves"w hlch have liocn
phinUSU in FI6rfdu will b (terlOpcd
to commercial importance soon.
In tho prlco of eastern and mlcicon
tlnont crudes, leaving a prlco bal
ance favorable to tho Importation
'of petroleum products from other
stut"s, and r n almost complete
shutdown ot weitern copper fur
now whldi i lnrRe i;u.r titles of
California fuel oil.
This docs not mean that Califor
nia prodil" s will not be ablo to
find a market for eeiy barrel ot
oil they can produce, but that they
SAN KKANCIBCO, April 30. may not bo ab to tini tt marJ,et
1 r'r.Hffirntn'i nil nrnrtiirtlrin Murine M. . . 4 1
u...w.... .. w. , nur it at uiuiiub uriwn.
tho present year will approximate
120,000,000 bbls. This Is the opin
ion of It. K. Collins, State Oil and
Gas Supervisor. This is an Increase
or 14,000,000 barrels over tbo 1920
Collom says bo bases his predic
tion on tho output In the Elk Hill
district and other Heidi throughout
thn state.
A rapid decline In thn fluih pro
duction of present welli In the Elk,
Hills district and smaller Initial pro-
Tho Standard Oil company of
California started drilling opera
tions on six new wells during tho
week, according to Collom's week
ly report. 1
General Petroleum and WIN
shlro Oil company. Inc., tied for
second with three wells each. Pan-
1 American Petroleum company was
third, with two wells.
Week's Report
His report for tho week ending
April 23d shows 36 new wells
jductlons In additional, new wells started, compared with 23 during
may couse production to ran snort the previous week. New wells to
of his estimate, ho says, but if the.jate this year total 477, compar
now wells drilling, or planned by )C(j Wtn 273 during tho corrcs
the nnvy department on Its reserve ponding period last year.
In that tract, are as successful as Tnj, tor water shut-off last
wolls now producing on other cc-jWcek were 29, compared with 30
tlo'ns of Elk Hills, the 1921 produc- .during tho previous week. Yearly
tlon may greatly exceed 120,000, to date. 452; to sara6 date
000 barrels. Continuing hq said: last year, 383.
Ilocords of production and con- 1 Deepening or redrllling Jobs wero
sumption for 1920 showed that 12. compared with 17 during the
about 8,000,000 barrels of oil were preceding week. Total to date this
'drawn out of storage. This amount, year, 251; last year, 275.
added to tho production ot 1920, ,
was necessary to satisfy market CHAIMJEIJ WITH 0O.NBrm.lCY
requirements, which were closo to I TO RESTRAIN nUILDINO
114.000,000 bbls. Posslblr the stnto, CHICAGO, April 30. Seventy
can handle an equivalent amount ono Indictments charging the cor
In 1921 without seriously altering porntlons, contractors, unions and
prisont economic relationship. I Individuals with conspiracy to rev
I Ijm Consumption train the- building operations In
Threo factors of tho moment, 'Chicago was returned by the fed-
j which may cauno a less acuto de- eral grand Jury today,
mand for California petroleum than I
tthat or 1920, uro relief of the hy- j A French aviatrcss wax the tint
il wftrl. nnudr altifntlnn r.v unmnn In flv nma ftA An4n Ok..
abundant snow fall with a concur- recently nvado tho flight fro"m Mep-
!rent release of petroleum products doza, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile,
'tor substitute power, the big drop In four hours.
HUENOS AIRES, April 1. (Ur,
Mnll) American, merchandise that
has been refused by importers be
cause of unfavorable exchange aqd
tho slump In world prices con
tinues io pile up on tho wbarvM In
Buenos Aalrcs. It Is now estima
ted that the valuo ot tho goods
laying In the warehouses and, on
the quays amounts to 150,000,000.
Th warehouses under control ot
the customs house have long sinco
overflowed to vacant lots and rail
road sidings whero valuable mer
chandise is heaped up ' protected
only by tarpaulians.
Passenger ships that' must be un
leaded Immediately are forced to
transfer their freight to lighter
whllo freight ships often are forc
ed to wait several weeks In tho
roads before getting a berth front
which to unload. In aomo Instances
It has taken as long as six weeks
to get discharge!!. ,
Marriage will be made an obligation
In Turkey, If the law proposed by
Sallh Bey, deputy from Erzeroura,
pascos the Angora parliament. Tho
depopulation ot Itho country is cfucb,
according to Sallh Boy that the Turk
ish race will shortly bo Inferior to
the number or Greeks and Armeni
ans. Ho declared that while the old
time Turk was willing to tako as
many as rour wives, .the modern ono
Is slow in taking one.
, In Nationalist Turkey the police
now- !ftrpose'fines-)nf-baplos llWng
out of wedlock.
The Insulated Cord
The Accomplishment
ot Super-Mileage
When subjected to the unmerciful torture of
the rugged highway Fisk Truck Cords prove
their strength by giving unfaltering service.
The ceaseless battering of the most cruel road
surface has little effect upon the invulnerable
In these Cords are concentrated the finest, the
most costly of mileage materials, each part
staunchly braced and reinforced as only the
most experienced of tire builders are capable
of arranging.
In selecting Fisk Truck Cords you are guided
by the Unreserved endorsement of a great
army of motorists whose demands can only
be satisfied by the best. ,
vilUULuuI u
mStimtt JSs til I
' UvVVnW H'MK "XS 'j.V
wwsmr. .J:sar-ra
The Insulated Cord
The Cord Construction
The Fisk tread offers greatest resistance to
skidding, combining the vacuum principle
with the squeegee. The scientifically ar
ranged design, plus the suction pockets per
mit the tread to grip and to resist skidding in
every direction forward, sideways and di
agonally. The thick thread which assures added mile
age and guards against puncture trouble.
The special breaker strip impregnated with
soft gum gives cushion foundation to cords.
Eight plies of tough cords, evenly laid in al
ternating directions, held firmly in place by
anchorage in rubber, makes its wonderful
Eswh individual cord is insulated the same
principle as high voltage electric wires to
protect from exposure. The fine spiral
strands that make up each individual cord are
insulated with a triple solution of rubber. This
exclusive Fisk process guards against mois
ture disintegrating the cords.
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