1 xi s - T rAOH TrWlWIO not bath is ' " I GEHMANLUXUHVI V THE EVENING' HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATunnAV, APnnj no, imi 1IKIIMN, Mnrcli 20 (Uy mull). Tho hot biith linn liowmo iilich it lux. ury In (lormmiy owltiK to Hh'n short ngo of cout fttjil Ilia rimiitier In wlilch tlio Kovornmnpt roKulutuH tlui dlntrl tiutlon of fuel tlmt many pontons have ceiuietl ImililtiK, Otliom lutvo Kntliored foliniito for nn ley spnnKO dally, but tliln Is not popular for tlm IioUim)( ro Kotiarully cold iiiul oxjxm urn In fold rooms iiftor n chilly tub invo (ho way for colds, nmt ptiminio piii. Ordlnnrlly n family enn afford hut wator otico ovury two wooks. Hotoln whom tmtloimls of ltatenln tuitions rofildo supply running hot wntor. I'llhllc linthn, whom onco n pluiiKO or n tub whh uvnllnlilo for it few pen nies, bnvo born forced to close or rnlso prices boyoml tho ronrb of wor king mon nnil wilnrlcd workers. Only ox pons I vo hnlhlnt plnccn rontnln opoti for tho pntroiiago of tho profiteers In llorlln nix of rlRbt bnlthluK estab lishments lutvn Keno out of business, Tain situation linn produced hyisl nnlc comlltlonn -which bavo caused much discussion iimoni; health au thorities anil ntiKKcstloiis bnvo been mado that tho nornral clllos assume tho tank of providing proper public bathing facilities. Howovur tho elllixi nUo aro hnndlrnppcd by Inrk of fundn, shortage of coal, and tho nov um mon t rationing regulations. Noarly nil (loriimn ho (men In tlm cltlon aro oiulppod with modoni plumbing and numerous ImtliroamH and before tho war thu (Jonimtin wero Insistent on thn dally hot bath. AT THE CHURCHES No chsngos will b mado In thli column union tho copy la at Thn Evening Herald office by S o'cloitk Friday evening"., HACntl) IIKAHT Cllimctl, cor. of Eighth and Illih, Iter. Hugh J. Mar shall, Iliir. J. V. Molloy. t a. m, ehlldron's lorvlco, Adul'a art requested not to nttond thl servlca. 10:30," high mu and normon. 7:30 p. m., rosary and benediction. CHIUHTIAN HCIKNCK socloty of Klamath Kails hold scrvlco In tho lower room of tho Library building, sorner of Third and Main itrooti, vory Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and evory Wednesday ovonlng at 8 o'clock. Tho Sunday achool sosslon la from 9:46 to 10:40 ovory Sunday morn ing. Tho subject for Sunday l. "i:or lasting Punishment." The froo reading room and freo loading library la open from 2-30 to 4)30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturday. FIIIHT HAITI8T CIIUIIOII, corner Wanblngton and Eighth. Sunday achool at 10:00 a. m.; preaching aorvlco at 11 a. m.; n. Y. P. U. at fl:J0 p. m. Tho Hoy; 8. 13. Milam will preach ovory Sunday orcnlng at 7:30 until further notlco, Tho public la cordially Invited. .VlllHT PIUCHI1YTKMAN Clll.'HCII eoruor 8lith anil Pine streets. Hoy. K P. Lawrence, minister, 37 Third atroot. Phono 420. CHIUHTIAN CJIUHC1I. corner nth and Pine atreets, C. V. Trimble, pan tor, 1107 Wantland Ave. Phone 189-11. htiVKNTII DAV AOVKNTIHTB. Bight street, Uaptlat'n church, ,JJabbath achool ovory Haturda) morning at 10 o'clsck. Preaching at 11 o'clock by Evuu gellit L. I. Wade. - Prayor mooting evory Thursdu night at 7 o'clock. Everybody welcome. MKTHOniHT KPlHCOPAIi OHUW.'II Tenth and High, Ilov. 8. J. Cbnne) pastor, 1006 High St., Phono B3T-W i KMMANUKI IIAITIST.. Church Hlovouth St. Tho hand of fellowship -will bo ox tended to now members next Sunday morning, also tho Lord's Sup'par will bo obaorvod afior tho normon. Don't forget tho Sunday School lit 10 a. m. You. nood litis Borvlco, Elato Ml'silon ary O, L. Hall will tako fpr, hln thomo "Two-Milo Ilaptlsts." Your prosonco (s nDnroclatod. Wo dlsmlw our ovon lng sorvlco for tho purposo of unit ing with tho Prosbytorlan church In n farowoll eorvlco for Ilov. Mr, Law ronco. . A ORODND HOG PABE v You've got tho raopoy; I'vo got the furniture. Lot's swap. PKHKINH I'UHNlTUIti: HOUSE 'iTho furnisher of Happy Homes" 17tf TOO YOUNO TO HHKVIli .luiton ih Exctmni) ANAOONDA, Mont., April 30. Kcntt A, Ilmlcluii, up, urt ic, of Aim rondn, responded to n summonn to norvu nn Juror In dliitrlct court hero recently but wits promptly excused burniiau of hln yowtlifulncsn, Ho In duclarod to bnvo boon thu younBont limn over cnllod for Jury mirvlco horo and wan fully qiiulKled nn it property owner. r Outbursts of Everett True By Condon ItllHOI.UTlON Tho Cty Englnonr purHinint to tho ItoHolutlim of tho Common Council horotoforo wloptod, having uiiilor date or tho li(t, day or April, 1021, filed plans, specifications and ostl muton of tho cost of Improving High hlroot from Third street to tho wint erly lino of Cedar ntruot and Codiir ntri'it from High ntrcot to Pine Hlroot, Including Intnrsoctloun; nnd tho Common Council linvlng taken tho same under ndvlsomont and find ing said plans, specifications und es timates satisfactory, IT IH HUrtEIIY HEflOLVIM). That said plana, sperlflcnttons and mil mnten for tho Improvement of High stroot from Third fttroot to the weifl erly lino of Cedar stroM and Cudnr slrrat fnmi l(lgh stroot to Pine street. Including Intersections, bo and tho same are hereby approved ; AND HE IT FIMlTHEIt HKHOtiV ED, That thn Common Council bore by derlnres Its Intention to Improve said iortlons of High streot nnd Co llar street In nrrnrdnnro with said plans, specifications and estimates; said Improvement to consist of pnv ng said portions of High streot nnd Cedar street with Hltiillthtc, Con crrfn or Wllllto. Tho ootlamted cost of thn Improvement of said portions of snld streot by placing thereon eith er Hltulltblr. Concrrfo or Wllllto to tin J20,12r. 10, said cost Including grndlng, rolling, curbing and cement sidewalk AND HE IT FIMlTHEIt HEHOLV ED IY THE COMMON COUNCIL. That thn following described proper ty bn and Is hnroby declnrnd boneflt ml by said Improvement, In wH Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. C Illnck t EwTtuna HnUICs. Iots B, (I. 7, 8 Illock fi, Original Town, IOts 5, 8, 7, R, Hlock B. OH glnnl Town, Ixts 1, 2, 3, 4. r, Hlock r. En-nnna Helghta, l.oln A, 7, K. Hlock 4 Orlglnnl Town. I.H 1. 2. 3 Hlock 4 Ewauna Heights. Lot 3 snrt 4 Hlock 3. Original Town Lots 1 nnd 2 Hlock 3, Ewauna Heights. Lots 4. B, 6, Hlock 2 Orlglnnl Town Lots 1. 2, 3, Hlock 1. Ewnitna IMqMs Lots 1 and 2 tllock 2 Orlglnnl Town Lots 1 and 2 In Hlock 3 Orlglnnl Town; nnd that snld property nbovo listed nnd described bo nnd hereby Is do enred to bo ojwssd for tho oxponse of snld Improvement. AND nF IT FIMlTHKtl TtF.oOTA'. I !. Thnt Monday the 23 dnv of May. izi, ai tne nonr or ociock r .m n Mio Council Cbnmboni at tho CUv Ihill be fixed as thn tlmo nnd plnm for thn hivirlng of otilctlons nnd ro monMrnneos against thn sold propos ed Improvement nnd tho Police Judge Is hereby directed to citusn notice of said hearing tin bo published as by Charter provided STATE OF otlEOON, ) County of Klamath. )st. City or Klnmnlb Kails.) I, A. L. Ivtrttt, Pollen Judge of tho Olty or Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, do hereby certify that tho fomgolng Is a duly enrolled copy of n Itowilu tlon adopted by tjio Common Coun cil on tho 2r.th day of April. 1021 declaring Its Intention to Improve HIbTi stroot rrm Third Nreet to Dm westerly lino of Coder street and C dnr street front High streot to Plnn street. Including Intersections, nnd nnnrorlng thn plana, sneelflrattons nnd estlmnten of costn submitted tiv City Englneor -9 A. L, LDAVITT Pnllrn Tiidro Sixty' ccuTS iCC f3iaHT. -I'LL TAKCB FOUR, POUMps AMO P 1 Ht-LO.r Yes, M M. . Hom fTlI?' OH, eS X HAVS TKSM im Ihti t T6M ANiO FIFTSCir4 CSMT MKJ5Jr , - l(-u TAKe THE .. s-'. tOU. POUNDS SNir HESOLUTION Tho City Engloor pursuant to thn Hosolutlon of Uio Common Council hnretoforo ndoptoil, having under dntn of tho 2nd day of April, 1921, fllod plans, specifications and esti mates of tho cost of Improving High St. from 3d st to fith St. nnd Fourth stroot from Pine fttroot to Jefferson street, Including Intersections; nnd tho Common Council having taken tho snmo under ndvlsomont and find Ing snld plans, specifications nnd es timates satisfactory, IT IS IIE11EHY RESOLVED, That said plnns, spo rlflcntlons and estlmntes for tho Im provement of High tr.rect from Third atroot to Sixth streot and Fourth streot from Pine street to Jefferson streot. Including Intersections, bo and itho snmo aro hereby appreved: AND HE IT FlMtTIIEIl HESOLV ED, That the Common Council here by declares Its Intention to Improve snld portions of High street and Fourth street In nccordnnco with slid plans, specifications nnd estimates; snld Improvement to consist of lm proving said portions of High strocft nnd Fourth street with bltulltlils. concroto or wllllte. Tho ostlma;cd cost of tho Improvement of sold por tions of said streotfl by placing thoro on olthor bltultihlc, concrete or wll llto to bo I30.301.3S, said cost In cluding grndlng, rolling, curbing and cement sldo-wnlk. AND HE IT FURTHER HESOLV ED HY THE COMMON COUNCIL. That tho following doscrlbod proporty bo nnd Is boroby doclnrod benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlf Lots 5, C, 7, 8, Hlock 7, Orlglnnl Town, 1.0 Ls C, 7, 8, 0, 10 Hlock 49. First Addi tion, Lota C, C, 7, 8, 9, Illock 8, Orl glnnl Town, Lots C, 7, 8, 9, 10, Hlock GO, First Addition, Lots B, C. 7. 8, Hlock 9, Original Town nnd High School proporty; also Lots 1, 2, 7, 8, Hlock 7. 3, 4, fi, 6, Hlock 8, Orlglnnl Town. Lots 4. B. 6, 7 and Ivtostnrly half of Lot 3 nnd WMtorly naif or ixt k m mock co, nrst Ad dition. !-ols 4, 6, C, 7 nnd westerly bnir or Lot 3 nnd westerly half of I-ot 8, Hlock 47, and Lots 1. 2, 9, 10, and cnsterlr bnlf of Lot 3 and east erly hair or Lot 8 In Hlock 48, ond LoU 0, 7, 8 in Hlock 42, or Fintt Ad dition to thn City or Klamath Falls, Oregon; and that said property nbovo llstod and described bo and boreby Is declared to bn assessed for tho ox penso of said Improvement. AND n IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, Thnt Monday, tho 23 day or May, 1921, at tho hour or 8 o'clock P. M.. at the Council Chambers or thn City Hall, be filed nn tho tlmo and place for tho hearing or objec tions and remonstrances against tho said proposed Improvement and tho Police Judge In hereby directed to cause notice or said hearing u by Charter provided. STATE OF OIIEOON, ) County or Klamath, ) City or Klamath Falls.) I, A. L. Loavltt. Pollen Judge of tho Ctty of Klamath Falls. Oregon do herohy cortlfy that tho foregoing In a duly enrolled copy of a resolution ndoptod by tho Common Council on tho 2Gth day of April, 1921, declar ing Its Intention to Improvo High street from Third streot to Sixth rf.root nnd Fourth street from Pine street to Jefferson streot. Including Intersections, and approving the ; plans, specifications and estimates of' costs submitted by thn City Engineer A. S LEAVITT. 28-9 Pollen Judxo ,ru FOR CASH ONLY ANNOUNCEMENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS! Our pay rolls have to bo met with spot cash. Wholosalo credit have been tightened and curtailed and In many Instances entirely withdrawn. A largo portion or oar purchase are now spot cash. Our creditors rigidly require Immediate payment of accounts as they fall duo. ' Our ei coUsttlons nave eeom aore aad mot difficult from month to Month nntll our bills receivable bow amaant te btso tlcally to much Dead Capital, In order to continue boslneas anything Ilk sound baela It baa become necessary to 0EIX, FOB SPOT CASH ON DELIVERY ONLY, DECUNNINO MAT 1BT. Contractors and others requiring frequent deliveries may avoid the inconvenience of dally cash settlements by making credit de posits In advance. t Wo greatly regret oar Inability to longer continue credit accom odations to our customers and trust the public win appreciate tho conditions which bare made this cbango In policy necessary. BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. LAKESIDE'tOiERcSr1" i:iuity No. ism NOTICE OF FOItnOIiOSUTtH OF CHATTEL MORTGAGi: . IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. Louis Roeieh. rintntirf. vs. T. W. Pheneger nnd J. S. Dnllcy, partners doing business nsPhnncgor & Ilalloy, W. T. Estop nnd A. W. Walker Auto Company, Defendants. Notlco Is heroby given that tho un dorslgned will on Tuesday, tho 28th day or April, 1921, at 2:00 o'clock P, M. of said day at the Howlo flora go. Esplanade and Tina streets. In Klamath Falls, Oregon, offor for sale at public auction, and will soil to tho highest blddor for cash In hand, the following deicrlbod person al property, to-wlt: One Model 8-E B-Ton Attorbury truck. Scril No. B0111 Motor No, IJ100S74; also One Model 3-E BTon Attorbury truck, Sorll No. C0014, Motor No, 1H00910. This sale la for the purposo of fore closing a certain Chattel Mortgnge on the nbovo described personal pro porty given by W. T. Estep on tho 2Sth day of Sotpomber, 1920, to A. W. Walker Auto Company and as signed to Louis Koosch. (Signed) LOUIS ROESCII. Hy Stono and Wlest His Attorneys lu x KIRK-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE LINE Stage leaves The Smoke daily at 2 p. m. and the Central Hotel a few minutes later. We use a -large, easy riding, comfortable automo bile, in thorough repair. Stage leaves Kirk at 8 a. m. daily. Tickets $3 each way; round trip $5.50. Phone your reservations. I Central Hotel 155-W, The Smoke 175 Xxaa ststssjjssiA a&6A&A&&mi&mk&&Aa&&mAAA a - TTTTT wywwTwws-y-yww-iwT-rwsrww-wW fFTl W f tfl wmsm (MAIJUtWJ AAsAAssaVrfMWWWWWyV) WOOD Wo aro making qalck de liveries) ob dry SLAB and BLOCK WOOD PRICES niGOX h O. Peyton & Co. O. PEYTON W. PEYTON 410 .Main Phone 585 'mHiW str 40 nassBsnBWi McrsuM HU. ACT SVSJV ANBUL AM ACTS i KL G. lARrW $51,000 CHAIifNGE GROUP qa M UONS IN ONE BIG ACT OX) im 0M.V MM. Wl ANBtAL CMS CM lUmf hknliTnUawfe, IW mkm, SSkmkm, &Uy J N lwsWkCwkMUuMi.rhI4MCMU,t)ii.Ma AATklUIUUMltdUiAA SEE LOTUS 1TOW WratHHI HIPPOSOTAMUS TIOM.t OKAPI sicArtwrm AN EQUESTRIAN-ACT SUntDsTlft DANCING IIOWEJ-DAKCKGCKLS'l-V SEE mSAVUTSMUgN SAMSOM m. SAWCJ OfTUtS AS AH ADOtD ATTSACIVM fOS TW suwNAMotTiovu.inirtM)ov and currtsMLV qeassoui sxAtats or auicoocai. SACCMnav THE DUND FANTASY "SsfibiLu IAU-JIJNGinAM) I DoosionN lairaM mraatmxttmitr.H, mustTrAiiACt ismamm f V v I 1 Tfl- V '"sF M AND IDEAL -Areola Radiator - Boiler ideal heat for small hom$l Give even warmth in whole house and at small coat This hot-water heating plant gives - healthful jvarmth to all rooms and requires no cellar or water pressure. . Boiler serves as radiator for room In which It standi. Its surplus heat warms three or Tour other rooms through water circulating through inconspicuous pipes to radiators. Outfit of Indestructible cait- Iron requires little attention and coal. No danger of Grc. Estlmal gladly made for you without obligation, G. C. LORENZ B The Phone 216-W lit North Sixth AAAsAs,VWVWVMv ) J " 1 t 1 The Show That You Know One Day Only J ', WVWVWWWWV MONDAY MAY "Let George Do It" PUT THE TICKS IN YOUR WATCH Watch Repairing Specialist GEO. L. METZ JEWELER 622 Main St. j, yWftftMWftftftrW J 'T-,-W