vxl. tfi i, IV HATCRDAY, APRIL 80, 1M1 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. Oi -'""-r Society On or ubout Why 12th, Mrs. Mamla Doyd-Wagnor, coloniturn uaprano, -Kill glvo a concert In tho Prosbyttorlan church, tho best Audi torium now available In Itown. She will bo assisted by Mm. Fred Cofor, pianist and accompanist-. Mrs. Was nor Is to glvo a recital at tho Y. M. C. A. Auditorium In San Francisco this week. Hor instructor, Mr. Paa moro, fools that she has tho ability to glvo a most successful concert In that largo hall, and wrttc- In glow ing terms of tho beautiful program ho ltns propared. Mrs. Cofer's nbll ity as i pianist Is bo well known as to need no commendation, and Kla math Kails may confidently expect a Bplondld treat In this concert Tho program will appear later. Tho following Is from tho Spokes man Rcvlow, of 8pokane, Washing ton, datod November 10, 1916; "Tho "Woman's Club mntlnco muslejlo ye tonlay introduced to Spokane, Mrs. William Wagnor, soprano. Mrs. Wng per has a comloy stago prosenco and posnesscs a strong natural voice of pleasant timbre, round and truo In quality, and of considerable flexibil ity. Hor runs, arpcgRl, trills and stac cato passages aro good and sbo shows n genuino pleasure in her work and will bo an acquisition to tho matlnoo muslcalo. Tho florid "Echo Song," by Eckhnrt, served as an introduction, wlxllo Doll Acqua's "Chanson Pro Toncal" proved hor powers of vocali sation. Mrs. Wagner was much ap plauded." This was before Mrs. Wagner's period of study In San Francisco with Shakcspcoro and Pasmorc. Mrs. Don. J. Zumwalt entertained tho Biidgo club on Thursday after noon at hor homo on South River si do street. The hostess sorved dafnty refreshments during tho afternoon. Tho guests were Meedamos Sblvo, Roberts, Krause, Smith, Stono, Un dorwood and Miss Maudo Baldwin. Mrs. Rex Renncr and Mrs. Hurry Richardson were hostesses to tho Happy Hour Needlework club on Tuesday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Renncr on North Eleventh St. A very pleasant social afternoon was spent after which dainty refresh ments wero served by tho hostesses. Mrs. Jack Slater entertained a few friends at Five Hundred on Fri day of last week. A very pleasant af ternoon was spent after which the hostess 'served dainty refreshments. The Kuests wcro Mesdames Brook Ins, Dunbar, Terwilligor, Pa'trick, Henderson, Stewart, Whitman, Car - ter and tho hostess. 9 Mrs. W. H. Robertson entetralned at an afternoon tea and "500" party on .Friday afternoon at her home on Eldorado street. Mrs. T. C. Campbell poured tea. The house was prottily decorated with spring blossoms. Mrs. C. F. Stone was awarded the prito for highest score and Miss Twy la Head tho consolation prize. Tho guests were Mesdames Scballock, Luddon, Drockenbrough, Daker, Ga nong, Sab'o, Wright. Stono, W&tt, Eb orlcin, Peel, Stewart, Robertson, Martin, Krause, Campbell, and the Mlssos McCourt and Head. Mrs. B, n. Hall was hostess to the Leisure Hour club on Tuesday after noon In the sun room of tho Hotel Hall Aflnox. The afternoon was spent playing bridge and Mrs. Fred Dunbar won the prize for the hlghost score. Dainty refreshments woro served. Tho guests woro Mesdames West, Elliott, Dunbar, Campbell, Van III por, Moo, Broofrlns, Lester, Meaning, Oanong, Slater. Stevenson, Enders, Cartor, Baker, Melhaso and tho hos tess. Mrs. Lester Terwllllger entertain ed at a card party at her homo on Sixth btreoti Thursday afternoon. Tho afternoon was spent playing Five Hundred, after which dainty rofresh mentjj wero served. , Thoeo prosont wero Mesdames Whitman, Slater, Henderson. Brookings, Patrick, Car ter, Dunbar and the hostess. A moonlight picnic was greatly en Joyed by Mr. and Mrs. George Hil ton and Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Ward on Wednosday evening, when tho party drove out about five miles on the Fore Klamlath road and cooked their sapper by moonlight. Tho ladies of the St. Paul Episco pal Guild gave a delightful card party Wednesday night at the White Pelican hotel. GOO was tbo game of the evening. The party 'was given under the auspicea of tie April com mittee consisting of Mesdames Rams by, Kuykendall, Wright, Kimball, Gets, Martin and Campbell. The re oeption committee was composed of Mesdames Eborlein, Baldwin, Burke, Oarrett, Gowan, Martin, Cozad, Brockenbrough and Carrier. Punch was served by tho Misses Thelniti Brown, Clara Cornish, Mario Duvon- MU Mabel Gardner and MUt Nlta llurannon with it portion of tho AI. J. Barnes "BO Toni of Klephnnta" tti bo mxti In Klamath Falls whoa tho big circus comes on Mondn y, May 2nd. W. 1. Parker! general superintend- out of tho Klamath Development Oo. of this city, was a passongor for 8nn Francisco whom hi oxpofits to spend two wookn fooklng over business In terests. A. J. Jaenlcke. government beetle control export, arrived InHt ' night from Lnkovlow. Mr. Jaenlcke Is hern In regard to tho beetle Urlvo In tho takevlow nnd llonanza country. HI headquarters am at Portland. Mr. oud Mrs. 11. Hlggs 'd ilnURhtor Mldrod nro going to l.oi tSatos, CjiI., to mnko their homo. Mr. Rlggi will lrlvo down while Mrs. lllggs and daughter will go n fur an Wood on llioj train where I hoy will meet Mr lUggs. Mosdamo.i Hamilton and Fisher have routed ho Rlggs lii-nio at 1028 Jefferson street A Carson who has been lsltlitg with old frlondi horn, returned to hli homo at Yrekn this iiuirnlng. Mrs, C J. Qulgley was a pawon Ker for San Francisco this morning whoro sho oxpocts to bo some tlmo visiting friends. Have )o won Keller today? nfftsif srrrsrrr" PAGH TJIVO port, and Elizabeth Ramsby. Vocal solos wcro given by Mesdames Albert son nnd Cochran and Mrs. Percy Burko accompanied by Mrs. Ebcrleln. Mr. Marshall played a selection on the mandolin accompanied by Miss Alice McCourt. Mrs. John Taylor and Mrs. Will Janetto aro in from Merrill for tho dny. , Henry Voss is a visitor from Whlto I.ako. Davis Goodman who has-been w 1th tho Jolty Dick Lonsdale company, has cancelled hlsenjtngeracnt and return ed to San Francisco this morning on Tho country fair given by tho Moose Heart Legion last evening was ntcount of Ul0 , of hla wlfe. a great success, i noro was me usuai fun making that goes with such an :9-1921 itelllng, nnd dancing. Dr. Uoncaro was crowned "King" of thoMay Music was furnished by Louise Stein's orchestra. Cash wero given for tho best cotrtumc In old 'fashioned clothes. Tho prizes for Khe ladies wore awarded as follews: Mrs. R. Sowcll, first; and Mrs. M. Ohrtstenson second, and tho men's prlze wero awarded to Clydo Thornr son first, and A. Luscomb second. Klamath Falls, Ore., 4 To Milk Censumers: Owing to tho dcclluo In othor arti cles of food, wo wish to do our pan. V. will mhltfl fhn fnllnwlnr nrlriM of prlzr'! milk nnd cream till further notlce: Personal Mention J. L. Colvlg loft for San Francisco this morning whore ho expects to un dergo an operation at tho Southern Pacific hospital. J. C. Pratt is going to eako Mr. Colvlg'a position as brako man. I. G. Mann and H. Irvine 'both or Lodl, California, who have been here looking over business and home loca tions, returned to their homo this morning. M. L. Babcock also of Lodl, Is remaining bore for a fow days to further Investigate tho farming con ditions for himself and othor resi dents of Lodl. William Kohlbaker wns a pass enger for Rosevllle, California, this morning, whvo he Is going to mako his honvi. Chas. Shuck Is up from Merrill for the day. Walter Zotzman and family nro In town from Miller Hill attending to business matters. Miss Ruby Schrelnor of Spring Lake, has gone to Portland to vlilt with her sister, Mrs, acorgo. Kolloy. Jai. H. Beckley of Fort Klamath, has been railed to Rosaburg by tho lllncsi of his mother. (Seorgo H. Llnsley Jr., reprevnta tlvo of tho Taylor Instrument Manu facturing company, of Rochester, New York, Is hero vjsl.!ng tho vari ous sawmills with regard to Install ing temperature Instruments. Miss Besslo Walker who has boon teaching at Round Lake, Is hero on ber way to Ashland where sho In tends to spend tho summer with her parents. Have You Keen Keller today? ; FRESH BUTTER BUTTER MILK ICE CRAM J JERSEY MILK EVERY DAY PALArE DAIRY STORE 524 Main St.. .).4...t... .(. '(--(- i qt. dally" for 30 days $ 3.90 2 qts dully for 30 days .. 7.60 3 qts. dally for 30 days . 10.80 4 qts. dally for 30 days . . . 13.80 (In bottle i qts. dally for 30 days 12.00 (In cans) 1 pt. dally for 30 days 2.25 , Oram Iriert K pt. T. C. dally for 30 days $3.00 4 pt. T. C. dally for 30 days 5.00 tt pt. Wt C, dally for 30 days COO Combination Price 1 pt. milk and U pt. T. C. dally for 30 days . $5.25 1 pc milk and Vi pt. T. C. dallyfor 30 days 7.25 1 qt. milk and. H Pt. T. C. dally for 30 days.... 6.90 1 qt. milk and Vi pt. T. C. dally for 30 days 8.90 2 qts. milk and V, pt. T. C. dally for 30 days. 12.50 Butter milk lCc per gal. at plant; 20c dollvcred on route. Let ub convince you we furnish tbo best. HAWKIN'S DAIRY 30 May 3 TurHOMrriox Tho CVty Engineer pursuant to the Resolution of tho Common Council heretofore adopted, having under date of tho 10th dny ot April, 1921, filed plans, specifications and esti mates of tho cost or Improving Kl Dorado Btroet from Esplanade to IVirtlanil Btroet nnd Melrose street rrom EIDorado to Pacific Terrace. Including intersections; nnd tho Com mon Council having taken tho namo under advisement and finding said plans, speclficiitlonB and estimates satisfactory, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED. That said plans, Bpocltlcntlotis nnd esti mates for tho Improvement of EIDo rodo Btrcet from Hplnnndo to Port land street nnd Molroio stroot from EIDorado to Pacific Tcrrnco. Includ ing Intersections, lie nnd tho name, are horonr npproveii: AND 11B IT FURTHER RFflOI V ED, That the Common Council here by declares Its Intention to Improve said portions of EIDorado Btreet nnd Melrose ff.reet, in nceonlanco with nl,l nlnnit. unwlf Inillniia nnd rstl mntps; said Improvement to conMst ! of paving snld portions of EIDorado street nnd Melrose stroot with llltull-i thlc. Concrete Asphnltlc Concrete or Wllllto. Tho estimated ror of the' Improvement of said portion of said streets by. nlnclnc thorron either hi-' tullthlc. concrete, nntihalt'r concrete or wllllto to bo $1G;13 5.1, said roit Including grading, rolling, curbing and cement sidewalk AND BE IT FURTHER RKflOLV ED. Ily tho Common Council thai tho following described property bo and Is horohy declared benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlt:" Ixts 1.2 3. Block 26. Block 39 A. Lots S. 9 10. 11, 12, 13, Block 38. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, C, Block 27. 1. 2 3. 4 B. fi. 7 TUneV 28, Lot 13, 14, IB, 16, 17. 18, 19 Block 37, 1-ots 1. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Block 37, Lotn fl. 17, 18, 10, 20. 21. 22 Blook 36, 1-ots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, II Block 29, 1Hs 5 and 6 Block 49 nnd Lotn 1 and 3 In Block 48, nil, In Hot Bprlngu Addition to tho City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon! mid Unit said property above listed and described bo nnd hereby Is doclnrod to bo ns senrM'd for tho expnnso of wild Im provement. AND 1117 IT FURTHER REHOI.V ED. Thnl Monday thu 23 dy of May. 192t, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., nt the Council Chain bora nt tho City Hall, ho fixed as Alio tlmo and place for tho hearing of object Ions nnd ro monstranct ngnlnst tho snld propos ed liiiiirovement nnd tho Police Judge Is hereby directed to cause noUrn of nuiil hearing to bo imimiiioii as oy Charter provided STATE OF OUEOON, ) County of Klamath. )i rilv of Klamath Fnlltt.l I, A. I,. Lrnvllt. rolico JUiiro ni tho City of Klamath FalK Oregon, do horohy certify that itho foregoing Is u duly enrolled cony of n nolntlon ndoptod by tho Common Council on the 25th dny of April. 1921. declar ing Its Intention to Improve EIDormlo street from Esplnnndo to Portland street nnd Melrose street from EIDo rado in Pacific Ternico. Including In torwoctlom, nnd npprovlng tho plnns specifications nnd estimates submltt el by tho City Englnoor. A. L. LEAV1TT. 28-9 Polloe Jildro Every Pair Of Eyci iho groat lii eye x tho limit Is di'Hiirvliig of est euro nnd skill nmlnntlon nnd quality in glasses, Our en tire (lino, effort nnd equip ment In our examination rooms mid factory It alined inwards (ho goal nf Quality Glasses finality glasses do not ncc imnnrlly mean oxpenslvo glasses, but they do lliunil best quality of material, no curnloly ground and do slued for your Individual, oyo necdH. " H. J. WINTERS (IKAIHMTi: OITIOIAN 7CX1 MAIN HTIU5KT BLOCK WOOD $6 A LOAD PROMPT DKI.1VKIUF34 KUEU II. HKlIJIRONNFUl Bos Co. Phone 10.VJ or Kwannn Make The OREGON Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND W 1 POPULAR SPACIOUS LOBBY At the Center of Everything BROADWAY at STARK. ST. Wo suggest yo write, phone or wlro for reservations Arthur H. Meyers, Mannger - m'Jmfk tC- -jreal CoTee .served piptn 6 hoi with pure crt&m Weteke rer prkfe CofFe& n& serve frl TdkeHomedPcpen Doogfwuh JO? A classified ad In The Herald wilt find what you bare lost. iHHHak fc!L2EmtPMWV".il L t( ""T-8K0J0 L-jv-rJ I1' "SmI 4EDVICE !' !; B' New Records Arrived Ahead ot Time The now' May Records aro hero so come right In and let ub piny tbcm for you. You havo boon threatening to get Home new rocords for sometime why not do It now? Earl Shepherd Co. One lluilnof.N MuhIc 007 Mnlit Kt. Phono iiHS-l MMNMVMSMMMMMMWVMMM'V The Rex Cafe SUNDAY SPECIAL $1.25 DINNER Citrus Fruit Cocktail Chow Chow Itlpo Ollros Combination Salad French Drcssln Cream ot Chicken With Rice Soup Choice f Baked Sugar Cured Ham With Candled Swsets. Fillet Mignon De Beef, Bearnalso Sauce. Chicken Fricassee, Egg Dumplings. Mashed Potatoes Stuned Mm Strawberry Pnch Choice ot Vanilla Ice Cream Assorted Tltm French Strawberry Situdao. Tea. Ico Tea Coffee Milk - Chocolate mwwwwmwwwW)Ww...iwm. ...N. -. A" In a hurry ? You cannot make us mad by being in a hurry for your printing job. We believe in giving our customers what they want, when they want it, if it is physically possi ble to dp so. We keep one man and a press available for RUSH WORK. We insist, however, on sufficient time to enable us to give thpt careful attention which is necessary to produce a high stand ard of work. Every job must be right before it is per mitted to leave the shop. W. 0. SMITH PRINTING CO. Phone 93. 119 S. Fourth. Street. MAMAAAAMMAAMMMAAAAAAAWMAMWVWMWWWWMkMWVMWWWMMVWWMWWVWVWMl' White Pelican Hotel ELECTRIC GRILL SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER $1.50 Olives i Chicken Noodle Soup Jlelteh ' Salad Lettuce Thousand Island 1 Bked Chicken Pie, Sirloin Bteak-Onlons. New Asparagus on Toast I Creamod Potatoes Ico Croam Lemon Pie Cake CoKee - J-LfLfl I- -tl" Table D'Hote Dinners Week Ddyg $1.25 SERVICE AND COOKINO UNHXCBLLHD NVVVVVWWWr(WWWWVWVWWWVWVWWVWVM ' i evaBxsfsmrKZSVSSSZS&X