The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 30, 1921, Image 1

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    '"'rlt , ..
&$$ iEuettttuj JUsrmh
A Class Ad Will
'" Do It
Today's Newt
I'lflixiitli Vi-nr No. MOO
LONDON, April II n. An ultima
turn to (liiriniitiy, giving huvoii ilayH
from Mny I lo mrvpt or rnfusn tlm
reparation! iIi'iiiiiiiiIn, wuh advocated
twliiy hy tlm llrlllih representatives
to tlm allied conference).
French mill llulglau ilnlcgnlrM op
IimioiI Ihlit iin iinmicoiuury.
French ilulcgiilloiin hiiIiI they -had
6 )iard thiil Amorlcnii advisors nt
llorlln worn urging tlm Gorman rob
in tit to accept tlio allied ttinilH agreed
upon at Turin last January.
P. T. A. Meeting At
Summer School
' An unusually Instructive pro
gram wus presented at tlm moot
Ihk ul tlio Hummer school lust
nlRbt. umlor tbo nuBplciiH ot tlm
Parent-Teachers association.
A discussion ot tbo llfo ot lalo
John Hurroughs wan given by Rob
urt Wilcox ot tho Miller hlllVhool,
supplemented by reading of aoloo
tlonN from Hurroughs' poems by
pupil of tho flummar school.
Tho Importonco of Madamo Cur
rlo's discovery of radium In world
progress wan ably discussed by Will
Eznll. Thorn wns a goneral dis
cussion ot recent educational fili
ation, flinging wa sa feature of tho
program, which won followed by re
freshments. Thu Parent Teachers mooting la
this district aro hold on tbo lut
Friday ot each month. Naxt week
marks tho closing of tho prrsont
school term nnd year. Hy tho
limn tho next meeting In held It Is
hoped that plun will hnvo boon
comploted for u discussion ot tlm
advantage of consolidation of ad
joining school districts.
Haywood Cables He
; Will Return to U. S,
CHICAGO. April 30. "Dig Mil"
Ilaywood'n attorney ban rocolvod
u wlrelesn stating that Haywood
Is attondlug a confvre'nco of trado
unions and third International at
Moscow, and would return to tho
United States after It Is flnlsbod
to glvo hlmsolf up to servo tho
laavonworth sontonco. I
Tho Hoy Scouts of tho high school
hnvo organized u Imsuball nlnu which
they claim Is tlm equal of any nmiu
tour organization in tho city uud aro
going to glvo tlm public nn opportu
nity to slzo up their itylo tomorrow
morning In a prnctlco gamo ut Modoc
park with itho Kwnuniv Ilox company
lonin. Tlm muiio starts ut 10 o'clock.
Jlnyny Hrlstow- will 7 bo on tlm
moiirtd'for tho BcoutB nriii'Ted Mont
jkomory wilt hold down tho receiving
Ration. Itack of tho buttery Is n
llno-up 011 nblo players, who ImVo
boon pructlclng coiiBlstontly. Tho
SeotitH aro looking for" admission to
tho city longno and Jit tomorrow
mnrnlnu's gamo oxpoct to show class
Uint ontltlos thoiu to recognition ob
a factor In local bnsoball.
In tho afternoon tho J'lumbnrbB,
an nlllnnco of plumbow n pd harbors
tossing talont, will Cro'ss btitn with
tho Jowols, a plckod aggregation In
auhlcli tlio majority of pluyors nro
culinary workers. ,
Rebekah Delegate
To Grand Lodge
Trosporlty Lodgo, No, 104, Ro
boknhs, has eoloctcd Mra. Itobort
Sloan ns dologato to tho grand
lodgo of Oregon, which convonos
at Albany, May 18, 10 and 20. Mrs.
Blonn has also boon nppolntod ns.
district doputy prosldont and will
bo oloctod to that position by tbo
grand nssombly.
jHoforn returning from tho north
Mm. Sloan wllf visit Portland nnd
other cities nod oxpocta to bo ab
sent for about two wcoka.
The Island of Yap Center
par1 .aawMMtei ' v tSc itMBW BWOWWuHPIfi W t ri
!A scene on the island of Yap an island that grew on the map while Woodrpw was
taking a nap where some fear is' brewing a scrap betwixt Uncle Sam and the Jap,
Tim owning wodgo In Urn cam-mun' 'catlon an a leglsWtlve
palgn for reduction of locnl frulghtJcommlUM ,0 l'rcparo and lay before
niton appcarn to havo boon Insortcd.
M. A. Callaghan, manager of the to
Jcal frolght and iaMngcr agcat of
tlm Houthvrn Pacific, announcing an
1 1 1 cent cut a hundred pounds on liny
shipment from Klanuvth Fulls to
Portland and a cut of 19 coats a hun
dred pounds on Incoming tile ship
ment. I This Is tho first rate cut announced
as the dlrm result of application by
. tlm local traffic bureau.
On hay ami straw tho prtoent rate
Is f)5 cents from Klamath Falls to
Portland; ,The new rate, effective)
MnV 2A, 'Will Imi 44 cents, on. carload
I lotn. Tho tivorngo airload Is about
I 30 tons, moaning a (rolght saving ot
approximately $45 on each car.
Dozens of earn of hollow building
, tlio worn used In local conntructlon
last year. It all Is manufactured at
tho Oregon ntato fnir groundn. Tho
tixlmlug ruto Is 85 ountn a hundred.
Tho now rato U CS centn a hundred,
effectlvo Juno 4 Tho saving on each
car will amount to about tilS, n big
Item to all local contractors.
I m -
'Reduction of IS Per
Cent, Marine Wages
Announced, Portland
PORTLAND, April 30. James
Crlchton, tho shipping hoard's rep-
resctitntlvo hero, announced this af
ternoon that ho had recolroil Inutruo
tlotiB to put Into otfect a IS per cent
reduction of wagon tomorrow nnd
ollmlnato all ovortlmo pay.
Ho nald It thorn won need ot It, ho
would try to oWuiln non-union crows,
or. falling in this, tlo up all vessoU.
S7m MmtmmmMm A6SmJa
lu' "" s
Woolworth Opening
Klamath Falls was treated to n
roal metropolitan largaln rush when
tho Woolworth storo oponod this
morning, Bargain huntoni woro on
tho ground nt C o'clock to got first
place In tho rush wlion Itho otoro
oponed at 8 o'clock. Thoro was tho
UBiial Jam, tho usual minor casual
ties, and aftor It wan all ovor tho us
ual satisfaction In tho brearitB of tho
YAKIMA, Wash., April 30. Su
perior Judgo Allon Ss Davis, oloctod
last fall, commit tod sutcldo by cutt
ing his throat with a razor. Ho Is be-
llovod to havo bocomo tomporarlly
Insano on account ot tho pressure of
wtirk on tho b'onch.
8KATTLK, April 30. Roport
from Nosh Hay this morning stated
tluit flvo members ot tho Uintvtlllu
root llphtahli), missing Blnco Thuruday
night when thoy went adriOt In nn
opon boat, had roturucd to tho llght
Ishlp today. .
Member of the Associated Press,
Sportsmen Appoint
Men to Seek State
Board's Co-operation
Churle Hall, J. W Siemens, A. C.
Ynden. W. C. Dnlton. O. D. Durko.
C. F. Stone, nnd tho new prosldenf
ot tho chamber ot commerce, chosen
ut tho coming election, wore named
last night by the Klamath Sports-
the state fish and gamo commission,
at Its meeting hem In Juno, muttora
relating to sportsmen's problems in
Klamath county and tho general
volopmcnt ot tho fiah and gamo re
sources of this region.
Knlltfmont of tho Hoy ScouU' or
ganization In fish and game protec
tion, nnd tho oducatlon of tho boys
to tho Importance ot conservation,
was discussed and favored.
Thore ha boon a heavy take of
j trout eggs In tho oounty this season.
It was reported. The meeting wca
wolt utltondod and thore woa much
Interesting discussion ot sportsmen's
Lodge Argues For
Peace Resolution
treaty with Cornvany will probably
follow tlio enactment of tho Knox
poaco resolution, Senator Lodge to
day said In tho no 11 ate supporting tho
poaco measure. Sonator Lodge declar
ed tho president and state depart
mout had mado It clear that tho
United States did not Intend to
"abandon" tho allies.
WASHINOTON, April 30. Rep
resentatives of tho Marino workers
woro told today at tho White House
that tho prosldont would tako up
with cabinet offlcom tho matter of
mediation In their wago dlsputo, with
n view to preventing tho threatonod
strlko tomorrow on American ships.
l,abor loadors indicated willing
ness to accept tho decision of three
"fair mlndod" mon to bo named by
tho president.
Under nn ngroomont with the
mnrlno workors roprosontntlves, soc
rotary ot labor Davis urgod Pres
ident Harding to appoint a commit
too of throo to modlnto tho wage
dlsputo. Tho commlttoo, under tho
plan approvod by tho union mon,
would roport within 15 days, and
moantlmo wages would remain as at
Motion plcturo .producora aro plan
ning to mako pictures In tho fu
ture at an nvorago cost ot $50,
000, according to a statomont
Issued horo today by tho San Fran-
cUco fbdoral; rcsorvo ban. A yoar
ago tho avorago cost was 1100,000.
Reduction of admission chargos
to motion plcturo theatres,' wtch
Is anticipated by tho producora, has
boon glvon aa tho reason tor the
reduction in tho coat ot tho plo-
Tho bank's statomont said the
principal producora aro Increasing
production .
of U. S.-Jap Controversy
NEW YORK, April 30. Now
York's ontlro pollco forco of 11,
000 men were today ordorod to to
main on duty continuously until
Monday morning as a precaution
do-'against possible May day violence.
The police declared tho arrest,
ot Abraham Jaklra and Jacob' Am-
lor last night, charged with crim
inal anarchy, had broken tho spirit
of communist workers who plan
ned a demonstration tomorrow.
These men, who are accused ot
having had soreral wagon loads ot
radical ..Ut era turc in tholr posses
sion? wero tarn to nave oocn out-
ctrs ot tho third International and,
in constant communication with
SACRAMENTO, Cnl.. .May 2. On'
May 3 tho voters ot tho city of Sao-I
ramonto will mako their choice of
nine councllmcn who will $e tho
first to Bono under the proportional
representation system adopted Inst
fall to replace tho present
slon form of government.
Sacramento Is said to ha tho larg
est city In tho United States to adopt
tho proportional representation sys-i
tern, which Is held by Its proponents'
.to glvo ovary voter a volco In tho
municipal government, Tho now gov-
ornniont will consist of nine council-
men. each to bo paid at tho rote .of
$5 n meeting and not to exceed $300 ;
u your, ino councnumn ... ..- Tho plan Is t0 get local banks to
od for two-year terms, which will ! ho dell uoncr a8 , ovcr.
limit tho annual municipal election draft t tne turn.over 0f taxes
of past years. , , , 'now being collected. When the tax
Tho council will bo purely loglsla- fund8 arQ ftValub,0 and jellnquency
tlvo In Its functions. Adm InlstiuMon, wI bo m(Jt tomporarlly trom tho 8po.
of tho city's affairs will bo n , thoj dn, fum,a yoted f(jr now Hnj appar.
hands of a city manager who will an-, Btug anQ ,ho ropa,r or suth ,treet
point U department heads and u- ,n rooanUme tho cfty wlu use
bordlnaies. attend meet nn of ""ienorgetle effort to enforce collection
council, whore ha will sit In an nd-,of tfco n danQUoney, VroveTty
vlsory capacity; nnd prepare tho , Qvmm wh(j an fap ,n arn)ars w,u bo
uudROt' . A. proceodod ngnlnst and tho city's liens
Tho city school board, undor tho, foroclosoj
pew government, vlll cpnslst of per- Councllmfm Weat an,i nogordua
sons.. appointed, by, the; council ndworo nppolntod a commlttoo to call
two ortthm members .must bo wo-, on tho ban)ien and B0Cure lno Ma
mon.'Tno irusRoes win servo ior uvu
yoarB The'.pnrk'.BUperlntendont nnd
rocortlon!auporlntendent,wlll bo ap
polnte4!'by,"tlie .cltjrmanager.
The nijyf cWrtor jirovldes that tho
council shall hold, its meeting In
tho ovenltyjs jtn .order vto mako nt
tondanco more cpnvenlont for tho
gonoral publlo and Tor tho councll
mon. '
Tho, nevr 'govornment' bocomes ef
fective atjiijiIojBlght, June 30,.
MtL .nnnnnll .t nt.l l.A IS1 will tin
chosen froBxl'thoJfolld'wInB' 2C cnndl-.
datoa. pf whftm.uirofl'Snro woraen:
Chnrloa,V,vS,Atdorsoh;'C;.'H. 8. Hid-
woll, .Jlftint" 'tllacl:',. Edward S,
Nyhart Case Dropped;
Others Are Set For
September, Session
On motion of District Attornoy
Drawer tho case of tho stato against
Noah Nyhart was dismissed by Judge
Kuykcndall In tho circuit court last
nlgbt nwl all case growing out ot
alleged conditions at the O'Connor
ranch, which resulted In Indictments
against John O'Connor, Dick Wil
liams nnd Mlko Dnly, were set for tho
September torm ot court.
Testimony In all tho cases. It la
understood, would havo been similar
to tbo evidence Introduced at the
trial of O'Connor, Williams and
Daly Ian week, which ended In a
verdict ot not guilty- With the ver
dict in favor of the defendants in the
first caso, it Is Bald in courthouse cir
cles that the state's chances for con
viction In any ot the cases have been
badly cripjHed and doubt Is expressed
as to ithelr ever coming to trial.
The iiuick Sales and Service com
pany today sold a "21 Bulck Roadr
ster" to C. S. Harder.
The first meeting of tho Knights ot
Columbus, the now council ot which
was organized here last, Sunday, will
be held In Sacred Heart hall on High
street tomorrow afternoon at 2
OREOON Tonight and Sunday,
rain; warmer tonight.
With a dollnnuoncy of somo $17,
000 on tho first, second and third
paving units, tho city council at a
ntn,lnl DM.Inn fni- rvtnatrinmtlnn nt
moaM Qt payment last
n,ght acccptea tho only plan that np.
pears to oftor a way out.
support. v
Tho total bond Issues, approxi
mately $47,000, will bo duo Monday.
Drown, John H. Cummins, James H
Dovlno. Albort Elkus, H. W. Funko,
JiimOH F. Oaffnoy, T. Allon Harvey,
Ed. L. Headi V, A. Hicks, Harold 8.
Klornan, Mary D. Lludloy, William
K. Lindsay, P. J. O'Drlon, Agnea W.
Pumoll, Mlchaol J. 8llvn, Mary B.
Smith, D, 1). Sulllvnn, W. E. Trues
dalo, E. C. Turnnr, Martin I. Wolsh,
Jay WJieolor, Horbort E. W'hito, E:
. M. Wlldor. tinder tho systom of
counting tho votos, tho count of bal
lota la exported to bo Blow.
110 DWG
Suit for $1,000 damages, based on
Bcparatj chargen of falso Imprison
ment and assault, was filed In tho
circuit court today by Chorion Wrnn,
suspended city patrolman, agalnnt J:
F. Morley, constable, and Rufus
Mooro and Charles Loomls, his
Tho suit Is tho outgrowth ot tho
raid upon Itho offlco of Mrs. C. M.
Jolly, In which Constablo Morley in
alleged to have played a loading
part, recently, where tho Imprison
mont 4nd assault claimed by plaintiff
Is alleged to have occurred. The
roason for tho raid, In which District
Attorney Drawer, Patrolman James
Hilton and Councilman Dogardus and
Vollmer, were at the tlmo said to
have participated, was given at thn
tlmo as belief that Patrolman Wbrnn
had liquor In his 'pcaicsslon.
Wynn, at the last council meeting,
failed to gain consideration for his
request that the council hold a pab
He Investigation. No prosecution han
been brought against him on the
charge and so, In order Ito clear his
reputation and obtain redress for tho
wrongs ho alleges ho has sustained,
he has Initiated the damage action
For tho first causo he alleges that
J. F. Morley, acting In his capacity as
constablo, did "maliciously and with
force and without an order, warrant,
process or writ" of any court, arrest
and falsely Imprison him and re
strain him of his liberty for half aa
hour. In consequence plaintiff as
sorts his good name has been Injured,
he has suffered humiliation and dis
grace, and has been discharged from
his position as police officer. He
asks $500 damages for these alleg
ed injuries.
On the assault charge "plaintiff as
serts that Constable Morley did "mac
lldously, wilfully and purposely point
and aim what Is commonly, known, as
on automatic revolver" at plaintiff's
body, causing him to be in .danger ot
his life and in" great angntsh of mind,
preventing him from asserting hia
lawful rights and othcrwtso intimi
dating him. For this offense plain
tiff claims another $S00 damages.
NcWl. Credit Men
Meet, S, F, June 14
8AN FRANCISCO, April 38.
Group conferences for tho discussion
ot vital matters ot bustness and
finance Is applied to specific groups
ot business represented In tho 33,000
members ot the Nntlonal Association
of Credit Men, wore announced hero
today by F. S. Jefferles, mnnager ot
tho San Francisco Association ot
I n..JI irAn ,'hl,li n.111 nafltat tifvit tlr
tho nntlonal association at Its twenty
sixth nnnual convention In this city
June 14th to 17th.
The coming convention will bring
to this city about 2,000 leadors ot
business nnd finance of America nnd
Is regarded In business circles
throughout the nation as Bocond
only In Importanco to the annual
conventions ot the National Foreign
Trade Council.
Thomas F. .Heney, advance man
for tho Al O. Dames circus, whtch
shows horo Monday, nrrlved last
night to make final arrangements
for tho show, leaving this morn
CORK. prlV 30. Sean Mac
Swlney, brother of th,o lato Lord
Mayor, with twoi other Sinn Fein
ore escaped from the Internment
camps after overpowering the
guard and seizing a motor boat.
Weather Probabilities
o o
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at
Undorwood'a Pharmacy shows
i that tho barometric pressure
has been falling slowly, but
atoadlly, since yoatorday noon.
It la now In the storm area
and conditions' are favorable
for a change, with possible
Forecast for next 24 hours;
probably ''cooler.
Cloudy unsettled weather,
probably cooler.
1 if ? .'