rAoa mgiix THE EVENII FRIDAY, APRIL IW. Hmi rttsg g'ii t' -gMCSl-' ' ,'l '"' 'i '. ' "'Mli 'hi moK'h T1UJ WOMEN'S MX 1 BABY WEEK i ' MSSPh u f A a n May the Second AT MOE'S Everything for the Baby "Everything But The Baby" is the slogan of of H. N. Moe. A trip of exploration through this department will convince you that our slogan is well chosen. Seemingly everything from dolls to teething rattles are shown for the edification and amusement of his young highness. And as the youngster swearing appaarel the line includes everything. m s r r x j j clomeS to mast Plan a "Baby's Boudoir" Layette for the new baby. 64 pieces alt ready for Baby's wear or use, or with just enough handwork to give the mother touch. Finest baby fabrics. Complete at $33.45 otm uinr shop IB THE PIUDE OF KLAMATH FALLS From the Skin Out- For tho tiny baby thoro's a largor and moro Insistent tloraand for rubber dlpcra. ' For tho toddler of a tow years tho "Patsy Rompon," In all colors. It moots the approval of mother overy- whftro. Tho Jollo Jean Froclc Tho clovorost of tho season's creation. A beautiful garment combining dress bloom or dress and romper, strongly and thoroughly made of tho very best of wasbablo fabrics. An attractive and sensible garment -For the little ones! Nowhere else can one find the love ly selection of dainty appropriate apparel for the wee ones. Stamped goods are shown here in large varieties, and allthe makings. IT IS EAST AND ENJOYABLE TO rLAN AND 8ELECT YOUR BABY'S NEEDS, FOR SUCH PRETTY THINGS AS WE NOW SHOW HAVE NOT BEEN OBTAINABLE SINCE PUB WAR DAYS, AND THE VALUES IN COM"AHION WITH THE PRICES. MAKES THE MOTHER'S HEART REJOICE. NO LONGER NEED ONE THINK FIRST 'OF. ONH'H PURSE AND THEN OF ONE'S NEEDS, FOR PRICES HAVE REACHED A NEW ERA OF REASON ABLENESS WHICH WILL MAKE YOUR SHOPPING MOST .PLEASANT RHINO THE BABY TO OUR BABY SHOP YOUR EVERY NEED IS HERE. W Towel Special For Saturday MILL T 1 G0D A END InWftlS VALUES AT MP FACE "" 25c. NOW BEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Merchandise that stands out by itself, with tho price assuranco of tho lowest. Jf 9 MOE'S minnni REPORT OREOON Tonight and' Saturday, rain In west, rain or snow in east; colder . Livestock warnlnga hav been aent out over Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Nevada. THE WOMEN'S BTORE MOE'S Marriago usually makes a man out of a lovo-elck youth. Ho Mops writ ing poetry after tho knot Is tied. If a girl makes a mlstako In mar rying, It's olther becauso sho Is too young to know bettor or becauso abo Is too old to do bettor. Have Von Boca Kelley today? GreyySuede Strap Pamps in Fall French and Baby Heels with Hose to match SIMPLICITY .Yes. but the kind of simplicity that commands at tention by Its oxqutsfto refinement and Its unquestion ed air of sophistication. This Is the kind of simplicity which the best dressod woman prlzos above all other qualities in her belonglnsg Come In and boo our new styles. Oroya, browns, and blacks, strap pumps and oxfords, at prices you can afford to pay. 1 .urn ! i WPd l4 4flT Mi J. apple ens I IP WITH CITRUS RAISERS 1L L03 AN0ELE3, April 29. A fleet of fast fruit carrying voesols to ply on regular schedulo between Pacific and Atlantic points, bocamu a nostl- j blllty today with tho annouueomont that npplo growora of tho northwoat and tho citrus IndutAry of California will comblno tholr tonnago for future negotiations with steamship compa nies. Co-operation betweou tho two In dustries was effected by C. S. Wh It comb, vice president of tho California Fruit Qrowora oxcliango, who ,liaiJ Just concluded a trip of itwo weeks through tho northwest. Plans for a water schedulo through tho canal on products of Pacific Coaut Industries that liavo boon brought to the vorgo at ruin by oxcosalvo rail frolght ratm, wore developed by Wnitcomb during conferences with growers' organlrct tlons at Yakima, Wonatchee, SeatUe nnd Portland. t As tho Initial stop toward effect ' Ing tho plan, tho Yakima valley grow qrs, through tho Yakima commercial I club, have pledgod 2000 carloads of I apples to bo comblnod with tho citrus fruit shipments from California, it ' was announced by tho California Fruit Growers exchange, upon tho return of .Whitcomb, The apple and citrus seasons dovetail perfectly and ujtder 'the ctfmbuied industries plan, a stream of regular fruit cargoes will be afforded tho steamship, lines throughout tho year, Bridegrooms Vanity Displayed By Show Of Big Bank Rolls 8AN FRANCISCO, April 29. Of flclals of tho San Francisco marriago llconso bureau say that bocauso pros pective bridegrooms endoavor to dis play money In largo rolls, tholr office Is railed upon to chnngo more monoy than any other county offlco oxcopt that of the Iroasuror. A small boy lit kept busy by tho bureau gottlng $10, ISO and $50 bills changed. "Thin Is tho groatoot placo In tho world for a man to put up a 'front,' " Grant Munson, doputy county clerk, In cbnrgo of tho bureau, sold recent ly. "Mon, young, mlddlo-agod and old, como here with their proepootlvo brides and take out marriago licen ses. Tbey know tho llconso Is $2, but thoy como with about all tho money thoy eon lay their hands on, done up In a roll. "Thoy change tho monoy beforo they como into the biggest bills they can get and thon como out horo and raaVo a flash beforo tholr brldo'e-to-be. "Of courso-somo mon do not do this. Tho really succcesful buslnosa man usually pays In sllvor. It is not unusual for a wealthy man, particu larly if it Is his second or third marriage, to show no bills at all but taluk tho bride If sho has any change. "Men who hare been marriod be fore generally show tho wisdom of nover showing too much monoy." Kavo you seen Kelley today? m A GROUND HOG CASE -i You've got the money; I've got tho furniture. Let's swap. PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE "Tho Furnislusr of Huppy Homea" ITM Klamath Likes Parades You and I and everybody else will be out to see the CIRCUS PAR ADE next Monday. The circus will be a success and will take a lot of money out of Klamath. Everything seems to succeed that pulls off a parade. So we are going to have an OIL PARADE (Date and final arrangements will be announced later.) CAPTAIN SIEMENS will be in the lead. (He has spent more money in Oil Development than all the the other citizens of Klamath combined.) NIEL CAMPBELL will come next. (He has put in months of the hardest kind of work at actual drilling. He KNOWS and BE LIEVES what the rest of us are only hoping.) DOCK JOHNSON will be officer of the day. (He is neglecting his medical practice and has for gotten his lumber investments and now gives all his time and money to Oil Development.) ASA FORDYCE will be prominent. (He is President of Crater Oil and Gas Co.) BURKE, THE BANKER will be parade treasurer. (He is treasur er of more Corporations than any one else in the world.) LAWYER GROESBECK will be orator of the Day. (His princi ' pal occupation lately is corpor ating oil companies.) Lack of space prevents person al mention at this 'time of all the prominent and successful men who will occupy important places in the parade by virtue of the time, money, energy and nerve they are putting into oil development. Then will follow ever stock holder and every investor in Kla math Oil Stock. You will be sur prised to see how many of your friends and neighbors will take part. . ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN THE PARADE? OR WILL YOU BE CONTENT TO BE A LOOKER-ON? SOME OF THE MEN IN THIS PARADE WILL BE MILLION AIRES AND ALLWILLMAKE IM MENSE PROFITS IF KLAMATH PRODUCES A GUSHER. GET IN THE PARADE SEE KELLEY TODAY Mail all checks and direct all inquiries to Crater Oil & Gas Co. Of fice:-622 Main Street V ' Open Evenings T u . iMiiwmti. mmiAn&itmm-vfcnmBZmi .jWWH'UirieHSS trwarmfrnrVreefetfAUMMr,,