W u THE iIVEFhW:lH7iCLAMJlTH JrilliiNIGON PAGH V1VI0 KM DAY, A P II II W, 1M1 m i f DIME BARON'S LiD ILL BE SOLD 4 HAN KRANOISCO, Cnl April 20, i-Tho rotnulim of tho vast umplra of tho Into Hour Millar, cnttlo Unr oll, who roso from it liutchor boy to ttio Inrr.i'nt Imllvliliial land own or In tho United Htutos, nro for jialo .according to announcement ly David Ilrown, secretary of Miliar & Lux, 11 lieldlni: corpora tion. I i.VMl Tho IntiitH aro valuod at 110, 000,000, Thoy Incltido ono tract of COO, 000 ncroit with n frontitgo of 70 mlloH alone tho (Inn Joaquin rlvor, nnd Inrito holdings also whoro In California, Oregon and Novada. Decision to noil wnn roachod, Ilrown said, hocauso of prolonged litigation over Inharltanco taxes computed In mllllotiH of doltarH, and hocauso of thn company's dotormln utlon to pay Its dalitn of sovornl mil lion dollars. Difficultly oncounl orod In managing tho Taut ostato, realization that norm of tho Mlltor bolrs will bo abbi to control tho proporty, and public opinion that tho lands should bo divided, also . played a part In tho decision, Hhortly boforo Mlllor'it daath In Octobor, 101 C, exports said that hi land holdings wora no oxtonalvo that oven tho ownor hlnuolf hnd no oxact knowledge of thorn. Figures compllod and nnnouncod during Minor's Ufotlino gavo tho following na his heldings: Knntn Clara county, eight squaro miles. Morcod county, 30 mllon north nnd south by 22 uillon omit and vront. Fresno county, 1,000,000 acres. Oregon, approxlmatoly 70,000 acres, mostly In llarnoy and Mai hour counties. ' Nevada, approximately 3,500,000 acroa. Tho passing or tho Miliar lands to other hnnds will clcao ono of tho romantic chapters In tho history of tho wont. Girl Who Figured In Slaughter Case Released From Home ' BAN FKANCIBCO. April 29. Oorlrudo Lamson, star witness agalnit Madison Slaughtor, former Chtco pastor, now serving a to nn at San Qnenlln prliion for offenses ngalnst tho girl, has boon roloajiod from St. Catherine' ichool for girls horo. Superior Judgo Gregory of Hutte county, who nuthorlxod hor rcleaio from tho school nftor having boon thoro flvo yuan, said that alio had dovolopod Into a romarkablo younc woman, now 20 yean old. Slaughter has been Booking parolo from tho atato prison for aororal taonths and hi application la to bo octod upon by tho stato prison board soon, Tho Madison Slaughtor caso at Cblco croatod a stato-wldo sonsatlon barly In 1010, Whllo tho girl, who wan thon but 16 yoarn of ago. In slatontly charged that sho had boon wronged by thn mlnlstor, her par ents maintained tholr .belief In tba pastor'n Innoconco throughout tho trial. Slaughtor wan sontoncod to Imprisonment May 17, 1910. Short ly nftorwdrd tho superior court of Duttn county, sitting as n juvonllo coufl, doclarod tho girl a dollnquont and romnndod hor to tho custody of n Juvonllo protcctlvo organiza tion. DOIlltlH IlKHIDK.Vr DII-S DUHINa HOUTIIKItN Tltll DOH1U8, Cal April 20 Word was rocolved by telegram yesterday by Mrs. K. II. Tuft of this city, of Uio doath of hor brother, J. 10. Lowory, In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, tallow ing an oporatlon for appondlcltls. Mr. bowery wnn wldoly known locally, having conducted n barbor shop horo for Bomo tlmo. With his family, Mr. Lowory loft rocontly ror n trip through tho southorn states ror tho bonoflt of his hoallh. f TAX OX UACIIKIX)IIS HONOI,UI,U, T. II., Mnr. 5. (Uy mall) Dacholora nnd bachelor uinld-j or Hawtill will bo taxod mora hoavlly, If a bill Introduced In tho territorial 'houso by Itoprosontatlvo Jarrott bocomos u law, Tho moasuro proposos to cut tbo tax oxomptlon for slnglo porsons from I'ICOO to 11000. Exemption for mnrrlbd porsons would bo up to $'2000. Lawn and Garden Seed i if , VrHiStHrxufirxHvi tf: Wlllliini H. Hart, niwlnled by TonV l.nnntarlil, whom you nil romomher lis tho lawyer In "Tho Hpollom," will bo lit tho tltur thnutni lmili;ht and to morrow, In "Tho Crndlo of Courngo." Hurt's recent rolonno, arid proclaim ed by (ha press m tho boot picture to dnto. Von will see lots of real notion between Hurt nnd HiuiIhcIiI, Ho who onco ono of tho worst crooks of tho continent until ho wont to Franco and returned n ronl man nnd then boenmo "Kelly tho Cop," You must not miss thin plcturo, Tonight tho Jolly Dick IOiiKilulo Co, will put on their clover fnrca comedy entitled, "Swede Justice," Saturdny nnd Hun dny pictured only will bo shown. m ' A classified ad In Tho llorald will find what you havo lost. ItlvHOLUTION Tho City Iftiglncor pursuant to tho Itesolutlon of tho Comuuon Council herotoforo ndoiud, having undor dnto of tho 9th dny or April, 1921, rilod plnnn, specifications nnd oll mntes of tho cost or Improving Wash Ingtou etrool from tho easterly lino of Third stnot to tho easterly lino of Fifth nlroiA, Including tho Fourth strool nnd Fifth stroet Intersections! and tho Common Council hnvlng tnken tho same under advisement nnd finding nald plans, siKiclflcutlons and 1'ntlimiton satisfactory, IT IH HKItEIlY HKHOLVKD, That snld plans, specifications and oatl tnntfls for tho Improvomont of Wash ington otroot rrom Third stroot to Firtli strrot, Including Intersections, bo nnd tho namo nro hereby approv apprev ed: AND III. IT FUKTIIim HRSOLV KD, That tho Common Oounell horo by declnnw Its Intention to Improve mild portions of Washington stretit In nccordanco with said plnns. speci fications nnd estimates; snld (im provement to consist of paving snld portions of Washington stroot with concrete bltullthle or wllllto. Tho estimated cost of tho Improvement of snld portion of said ptroots by plac ing thereon cither concreto, bltull thle or wllllto to bo $10,990. 7C, snld rout Including grading, rolling, curb ing and co men t nldowtilk. AND II B IT FUllTIIKIt KKHOLV 101), Hy tho Common Council that tho following described proporty bo nnd Is heroby doclnred benefitted by said Improvement, to-wlt? Lot fi. Illock 1. Ixits 0 nnd 7, Illock 7 K .uinn ItclghUt Addition, Its 7, 8, 9. 10, Illock 48 and I.ols 1 nnd 2 Illock 19 In First Addition to tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Iotn 1, 2, 3, I, G, Illock CO, and Lots 6, 7. 8,' 9, 10, Illock 47 In First Addition to hn City or Klnmiith Falls, Oregon, nil thn High School propotity; nnd that snld property nbovo listed nnd losrrlbod bo nnd hereby Is declared to bo asressed for tho oxpcnso.of said mprovemont. AND IIK IT FIIIITIIKII lU'SOI.V ED. That Mondny tho 23 dny or Mny, 1031. at tho hour or 8 o'clock 1'. M , nt tho Council Chambc-rs nt tho City Unit, bo rixed nn tho tlmo and plnra for thn honting or objootlnns nnd remonstrances ngnlnst tho nald pro posed Improvement nnd tho I'ollco ludgo Is hornby dlrocted to cntiso no- tiro or snld iiennng to lo publlsiiod as hy tho Chnrtnr urovldcd. BTATB OF OltKOON, ) County or Klamath, )m. City or Klomnth Falls.) I, A. I,. Invllt, Toll Judgo or tho City or Klamath Fnlls. Oregon, ilo hereby certlly that tho foregoing Is n duly enmllNl ropy of a reioln t on adopted by tho Common rouncn n thn 2r,th dny of April. 1921, dn cnlrlne Its Intention to Imnrovn Washington street rrom tho easterly lino or Third ntiwt to thn casterir lino of Fifth street. Inrludlnn tho Fourth Htrrot and Fifth afreet Inter sections, and approving tho plans, specifications and itlmntes of costs submlttod oy tno city iincineer. A. Iv. IJIAVITT. Iff. 9 Pollen Judge ItlWOMITlON ' Tho CKty Knglnoor nursunnt to thn Itesolutlon or tho Common Counrll herotoforo ndontcd, having under dnto or tho 10th dnv or April, 1931, rilod plnns, specifications nnd esti mates or tho post or Improving El Dorndo street rrom Fsnlnnndo to Portlnnd street and Molrosn street rrom FIDorndo to Pnrllln Torrnro. Including fntomectlonn: nnd tho Com mon Council having tnken tho snmn under advisement nnd rinding ssld plnns. specifications nnd estlmntos satisfactory, IT IS HKllF.nY nKSnt.VF.D Tbnt snld plnns, specifications nnd ptl mntoB ror tho Improvement or KltVi. rndo ntroet rrom F-snlnnndo to Port lnnd street and Melrose stroot rrom. FIDorada lo Pacific Torrnco. Includ ing Intorsertlons, bo nnd tho eamo aro horoby npnroved: and nn it FUitTiiRn nrsoi,v- RD, That tho Common Council horo by doelnres Its Intention to Improve snld portions ot ElDorndo street nnd Melrose mroot, m neconinnro witn snld plnns, specifications nnd estl mntos; snld Improvomont to consist of paving snld portions of FIDorndo streot nnd Melrose street with llltull- thin. Conrroto, Annhnltlc Concreto or Wllllto. Tho estimated cofi'r or thn Improvement or said portions or said streets by plnclng thnnnn either hi tiillthln, concreto. nsnholttc coneretn or wllllto to no iio.fli.i nn, snirt rest Including grndlng. rolling, curbing and commnt rkiowsik. - and nw it FimTiiRn ufsolv- KD. Hv tjie Common Council tbnlt tbo following dosorlbed nronertv bo nnd Is horoby declared benefitted bv snld Improvement, to-wlt; Lots 1. 2 3. 4 ninck 2fi. Illock 30 A. Lots 8. 9. 10, 11. 12, 13, Ulnclc 38. 1. 2. 3. 4, B. 0. niock 37, 1, 2. 3. 4, fi. 6. 7. "lock 38. Txits 13. 14, IK. 16, 17, 18, 10 Block 37, Lots 1, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12 ttl'wlc a7,.Lofj( 6, ill 113,6. M. lit Dlock 30, UtU, I, 2, 3, A, 6, ',0 wmtrvvi inn tvnne: iiiook twnmi Lots 1 and 2 In Illock 48. nil. In Hot Springs Addition to tbo City of Klnm ntli Falls, Oregon; and that said proporty nnovo llstod and doxcrltiod bo and hereby Is doclnred to bo ns nosHod for tho oxponso of said Im provement. AND IIK IT FUnTIII.lt IlKHOI,V ICD, That Mondny tho 23 dny or May, 1921, at tho hour or 8 o'clock I'. M., at tho Council Chambors nt tbo City Hall, bo rixed ns Itho tlmo and placo for tho hearing of objections and ro monntrnnces against tho nald propos ed improvomont nnd tho l'ojlco Judge Is horoby directed to cnuso notlco or nald hearing to- bo p'ublUhod as by Clmrtor provided. STATU OF OltKOON, ) County or KJnmath, )ss. City or Klamath Falls,) I, A. h. Leavltt. I'ollco Judgo or tho City or Klamnth Fnlls, Oregon, do horoby cortirr thnt itlio foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolution adopted hy tho Common Council on tho 26th dny or April. 1921. nocinr Ing 1U Intention to Improve, FlDorndo stroot rrom Hsplnnado to Portlnnd streot nnil Mnlronn street from KlIJo- rado Ho Paciric Torrnro. Including In- tomnctlonH. nnd nnnrovlng tho plnns niHicirirntlonn nnd estlmntcn submltt od by tho City Knglncor, A. D. M1AVITT, 28-9 I'ollco Judge hi:hoi,ution Tho City Council pursuant to the Itesolutlon of tho Common Council heretofore ndoptod, liavlng, undor data ot tho Socond day or April. 1921. rilod plans, snociricatlons and entlmaton of tho cost or Improving South Illvorslrto streot rrom West Main stroot to tho City Limits nnd West Mnln street rrom ond or pavo mont nt Conger avenuo to thn west erly lino or Bouth Itlrorsldo stroot Including IntnniccMons; and the Common Council having taken name under ndvlsemont nnd rinding snld plan., specifications and estimates satisfactory. IT IS IIEnEIIY nESOLVED. Thai said plnns, spcciricnllons and ostl mate for Itho Improvomont or Soul!' Illrersldo ntroet rrom West Mnln streot to tho City Limits nnd ' West Mnln stroot rrom ond or pavement nt Conger avenuo to tho westorly line or South Illvcrsldo ntreot, Including In'torsectlons, bo nnd tho sumo arc horoby npprovod; AND IIK IT FUUTHEIl nESOLV ED, That tho Common Council horo by declares Its Intention to Improve said portions of South Illvarsldo and West Main streot. In nccordanco with told plans, specifications and esti mates; said Improvomont to consist ot paving snld portions or said streets wlUi Concrete. Wllllto or Hltullthlc Tho cetlmntod cost or tho Improvo mont ot said portions of said streets by placing thereon olthor Concreto, Wllllto or Hltullthlc to bo $37,018.10. said cost Including grading, rolling, curbing and ccmont sldowalk. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED, Iy tho Common Council that tho following described proporty bo nnd It Is heroby declarod benefitted by said Improvomont, to-wlt: Ixts 1 nnd 2 Illock 2G Orlglnnl Town. Lotn 3 and 4 In Illock 27. Orl glnnl Town. Lot 2. 111k 2, West Klam nth Falls Addn. Lots l, 3, 3, 4, ft, 0, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13, 14, IS, 10, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Addition and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. ft, C. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 1ft, 1G, 17, 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 In Illock 4 West KlamnUi Fulls, odittlon to tho city or Klamnth Fnlls, Oregon; nnd thnt certain ncro ngo proporty In Lot 2, Section 32 Township 38 South, Han go 9 East. Wltllnmotto Merldlnn, lying south erly of Lot 23 In niock 3 and Lot 23 In Illock 4 West Klamnth Falls Ainu., Uon nnd that part of Lot 11. Section 33 lying southorly or Lot 23. Hlock 3 West Klamnth Fnlls Addition to, tho City of Klamath Fnlls, Oregon, nnd extending to tho City Limits; nnd inni smn property nnovo mwu mm descrlbod bo and horoby is declared to bo nssessed for tho oxponso of snld Improvement, AND nil IT FURTHER RESOLV ED. Thnt Monday tho 23 day or Mny. 1021, at tho hour or 8 o'clock p. m. nt Council Chambers at tho Citv Ifall, bo rixod-ns tho tlmo nnd placo ror the hnnrlnc or obloctlons and remon strance! ngntnri!) tho said proposed Improvement and tho Police Judgo Is. heroby directed to.causo notlco of snld hearing to bo published as by I Chnrtor provided. RTATE OF OREOON, ) Countv of Klnmath. )ss. City of Klnmnth Fnlls.) I, A. It. Lonvltt. Pollen Judgo of tho City of Klamnth Fnlls. Oregon do horoby cortUy thnt tho rorogolng Is a duly enrolled cony or n resolu tion adopted by tlio Common Council on tho 2B dav or April. 1921. doclnr Ing Its Intention to Improvo South Rlversldo stroot trom Wcot Mnln ntreot to tho City Limits and West Main ntrewt trom ond or pavement nt Conger nvcnuo to tho wostorh line ot South Rlvorsldo street, Including intcreoctlons. A. L. LEAVITT. 28-9 Pollen .Tudcre. RESOLUTION Tho Cty Englnoor pursuant to tho nosolutlon ot tbo Common Council herotoforo adopted, having undor dato of tho lift day of April, 1921, filed plans, snociricatlons and ostl- Inatcs or tno cost ot Improving High etreot from Third stroet to tho west orly lino of Cedar stroot and Codnr streot from High street to Pine stioot. Including Intersections; nnd tho Common Council having tak'on tho samo under advlsoment nnd find ing said plnns, specifications and es timates satisfactory. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED. That said plans, specifications and esti mates for tho improvement ot High stroot trom Third street to tho word orly line ot Cedar stroot and Cedar street from High streot to Pine stroot, . f. .,-.,. I.. ... .,,.,11 i , Includlug lUdbaiMiiaMt-bpr uul tho nam urn hnrnliv'nniirnr('tf'it vANl HE-IT FUHTHHIt RESOLV ED, That tho Com'nwm Council horo by declared JtH ItnU'nllon to Improvo said portions of High streot and Co der stroot in nccordanco with snld plans, specifications and ostlmntos; said Improvomont to consist ot pav ng said portlono or High stroot and Codnr streot with Hltullthlc, Con- croto or Wllllto, Tho cntlamtcd cost ot tho Imnrovoment or snld portions of snld stroot by plnclng thoroon olth or Hltullthlc, ConcrcAo or Wllllto lo bo $20,120,10, o'lld cost Including grading, rolling, curbing ami cemoni sldowalk. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV- ED UY THE COMMON COUNCIL, Thnt tho following described propor ty bo and Is horoby declared benefit ed by nald Improvomont, tq-Tvlf Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Illock 0 Ewnuna HelghiM. LoUt ft, 0, 7, 8 Illock 0, Orlglnnl Town, Lots ft, C, 7, 8, niock B, Orl glnnl Town. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, ft Hlock fi. Ewnuna Height, Lotn 0, 7, 8,. Hlock 4 Orlglnnl Town, Lots 1, 2, 3. Hlock 4 Ewnuna Holghts, Lot 3 and 4 Hlock 3, Orlglnnl Town, T.oIh 1 nnd 2 Illock 3, Bwnunn Holghtfl, Lota 4, C, C, Hlock 2 Orlglnnl Town. Lots 1, 2, 3, Hlock 1. Ewauna I frights, Lots 1 and 2 Hlock 2 Original Town. Lots 1 and 2 in Hlock 3 Original Town! nnd thnt said proporty nbovo listed and described bo and horoby it do cared to bo nssessod tor tho oxponso of snld Improvement. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED. That Monday tho 23,day or Mny. 1921, nt tho hour ot 8 'oclock P. M.. at tho Council Chambers at tho City Hall, bo rixed an tho tlmo nnd placo tor tho hearing or objections and re monstrances against tho said propos ed Improvomont and tho Pollen Judge Is hereby directed to causo notico or said honrlng Ho bo published as by Chnrtor provided STATE OF OREOON, ) County ot Klnmath, )ta. City or Klamnth Falls,) I. A. L, Lonvltt, Police Judgo or the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. '3 horoby cortiry that tho foregoing 's n duly cnrollod copy of a Rosolu Hon ndopted by tho Common Conn- I on tho 2Cth dny of April. 1921 declaring Its Intention to Improvo High stroot from Third tf.roct to tho westerly lino ot Codnr streot nnd Co dnr street trom High ntroot to Pine ntreot. Including Intersections, nnd npproving tho plnns, spoclflcntlons ond estimates of costs submlttod by tho City Englnoor. 28-9 A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judgo HAVE YOU TRIED The Doughnut Shop LATELY FOR YOUR BREAKFAST LUNCH SUPPER f 7th and Main LUTHY We Repair Recharge Rebuild All Makes of Auto Batteries Magnetoes Generators Starting Motors Reed Auto Supply Co. Phone SD8-J. 11 th. St. Near Muln Murphey Y ryrjHrryHrA: COUNTRY FAIR Unique Entertainment and Dance Cash Prize for Bet Representative Costume Music by Both Biehn's Orchestra and a Country Fiddler Everyone Will Enjoy it. Everyone Is Invited Auspices of Ladies of Moose hart Legion Friday Evening at 7:30 at Moose Hall Gentlemen's Dance Ribbons 55c GENERAL ADMISSION 25c Wk1rkirkiriiitkiirkiri,1ntAkAkAkAAt,MhAhMA 4Mi4 Mr. Auto - ifcSST im444;44 "Let George Do It" PUT THE TICKS IN YOUR WATCH Watch Repairing Specialist GEO. L. METZ JEWELER 622 Main St. ! ll 1 : i JIB; ML : ,yjpilm ILjlii T I I ' "Bl rifi'l?iinrn 1 9 lMi-LL-l I Conservative Administration THE practical operation of a banking Institution is not alono a matter of legislative enactment, but one ot per sonal administration as woll. Though a National bank, and enjoying such ad vantages, yot nono the less ?s tno conscientious Inter est and effort ot evory director and officer behind the oporatlon ot tho First National Bank. Sfo First National Bank KLAMATH FAU.5 STTTiyjpw Seed Store Kno Says You don't hare to be u wlso as a socond Solomon to soo tho reason why Philadelphia Batteries ro gottlng to bo in such do mand. Porfonnanca and that two-year gnarantoa ia a winning combination. The Electric Shop CHAH. D. OAJICKLON, Prop. 123 So. Sixth St. Phone 127 4-M'M . it " .,-r OREGON PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St.