The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 28, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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vMiu ixjuk
The Evening Herald
B J. MURRAY ...... Editor
VRK1) SOUIiK City Editor
JJtLI' ,.,r -1 r-iW- ft-YrT-TTTT t-T-l-t-l l-rrl I i' i..:..
Published jally oxcopt Sunday, by
The Horald Publishing Company of
Klamath Palls, at 119 Eighth Street.
Enturod at tho poitofflcp at Kla
math Falls, Ore, tor transmission
through tho malls as second-class
Prices and Terms
Tho Associated Projs Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso tor republication
of all nows dispatches credited to It,
or not otherwise credited In this
papor, and nlso tho local nows pub
lisher Ik) In
Tell the Story
Thursday, aimuij uft, inat
Wednesday, april m, urn
Klamath Oil Field
Attracts Attention
Tho Herald recclvo3 almost dally
Inquiries from outsldo points, asking
tor all avnllablo Information on the
progresfl of tho Stomous oil well and
tho nctlvo work now going on, and
holng planned by other companies
Some Inquiries ask nbout Uio local
Btocks being offered for sale These
loiters aro turned over to Mr Kolloy
of tho Crater Oil and Gas company,
which so far as known, la tho only
company now offorlng any tock for
Tho wholo country seems (o bo
full of pfcoplo hungry for oil nows
from Klamath, and anxious to como
horo ns soon as tho Justifies
tho bollot thut tho next big oil ex
citement will be In Klamath Palls.
afeHIHi 17. '
mikj i :
j Personal Mention
Women of Covington. Ky . have
tho milkman's goat They have
formed the "Milch (loal Club
and havo taken tho hlgn cist out
of milk.. A goat like of Mrs
W O. McNay. shown uhovu pro
duces from two to mvo:i iii'"1- '
iv'lV a day and costs viirv !!
u i-cd.
Price $125
Mrs. J. D. Dankero, wlfo of Dr.
liankcro, Is roported to bo regain-1
lng her health, after a long and
painful Illness, brought on by an j
attack of Influenza. Sho Is stay-i Mr. and Mrs. Italph Hurn will
lng with relatives In Chlco, Call-jleavo by automobllo for tholr,
fornla, but hopes to visit Klamath j onto at Eugcno today. Mr. and
Falls next month If her Improve-1 TTrs. Hurn wcro called hero by tho;
ment continues, (Illness of Mr. Hurn'o mother who
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McCullom now much Improved.
who havo been hero visiting with I Mr- and Mrs. George Strlxner'
their daughter, Mrs. Kathcrlno are visitors from Redmond.
Wright, returned to their homo at A. It. Senbrook Is down from
Dorrls this morning. .Chlloquln attending to business
Mrs. S. Ellis who has been horn'maUcr8
several' davs on business returned I Uenr? Anderson from Illy Is In
to Seattlo this morning. lown for n few daJr on business.
Iss Artlo Nichols who has been) 'Mr- ana -Mrs- " "lllnsky aro
-rl.ttlnr with hnr nnrontu nt Iln. .nmonB tho OUt Of town Visitors
nanra, returned to Seattlo thlsrrom Dorrls- '
morning. w' " 1,unlaP was a passenger,
Mr. and Mrs. Cotton returned to'on tno automobllo stago for Mcd-
thrir homo at Macdoel this morn-.,or tn,s morn'iK-
"mibST i1il. '. .
Price $150
Price $250
During the last winter
we have taken in exchange
on Baby Grand and Player
Pianos many good Upright
Instruments and in order
to make room for higher
priced new pianos we must
sacrifice these at once.
As we allow two years
0n any of these instru
ments wise buyers will not
fail to look them over.
See them today whether
ycu are ready to purchase
or not.
tHS(fy rJHP fly
Price $225
Price $315 jj
Price $225
Mr. Cotton Is a prominent
lumberman In that district.
P. S. Cunningham, Southern Pa
Paclflc inspector, was a passenger
for Weed this morning.
OofXO R. Pheneger who has
been here several days on busi
ness returned to his homy at
Dray this morqlng.
A. Miller left for San Pran
fcslco this morning for a two
weeks venation.
Tho high quality of success that
follows advertising In tho classified
column of Tho Herald is dne to the
Intelligence of its readers.
The Cfcy Engineer pursuant to tho
Rcoolutlon of the Common Council
heretofore adoptod, having under
data of tho 10th day of April, 1921,
filed plans, specifications and esti
mates of tho cost of Improving El
widMu wiw iruui rapiauauu 10
M .l-.l A rh..l cj. ;' wr' "" """ '"'""" TCH
..... .r .... v.uulra, "" -irrom EIDorado to Pacific Terrace.
well spent yesterday In Malln. ' .including intersections; and tho Com-
Italph Uallenbough arrived hero mn Council having taken tho same
yesterday from Ilosebury by au- u,nu"or advlecmont and finding said
tnmnhiio Plans, specifications and estimates
tomobllo. satisfactory.
Ralph W. Terrell of Medford I IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, That
Is hero for several days attend- 'aid plans, specifications and ottl-
ing to business matters. Ho will ma.les tor Improvement of EIDo-
return homo todav , 8trect from BPlanado to Port"
rtiurn nomo louay. Ian RtTO, ., Moirnn ulrt ,,
Mr. and Mrs. William Tingley ElDorado to Pacific Terrace Includ
aro in from their ranch en Mid- lng Intersections, be and tho samu;
land road. I aro horoby approved; i
Mrs. Ray Morris, of Medford. KDA Th.t lUm'Ji1, R?,V"
.,.. . . . ' ., , ' f'"i That tho Common Council horu-
who has been hero for tho last by doclares its intention to Improve '
fow days left for her homo this said portions of ElDorado street und !
mornihg. Melrose ff.reot. In nccordancn with
Mrs. J I, Colvlc nccomnanlod sald ,,lans' specifications and estl-
i. i. . .. nccompanied mat0!t. j m,,rovement cons,9t
by her two small chlldron left of paving said portions of ElDorado I
this morning for n short visit with Htreot and Melrose street with Illtuli- i
hor parents who resldo at Grants thlc- Concreto, Asphaltlc Concreto or I
jas iiiim?. j no cfnimuicii con or tno
,,' ,. .... ... n ,. . ' improvemjont of said portions of said
Mr. and Mrs. W. Uontley from streots by placing thorcon either l.l
Sacramento nro registered ut tho tulithlc, concrete, asphaltlc concroto
Whlto Polican hotel. r wllllto to bo $1C,C13.CC, said cost
A. E. Rhcdes, representative of innu,'i1"?J;ra,n5 ,J'0,11,1,f' curljln
,,, .,. , ... ,, . ana ccnutnt sluowalk.
tho Missouri Pacific Railroad ; AND HE IT FURTHER RE80L.V
company, with heolquartcrs at ED, Hy tho Common Council tlm the
San Francisco is hero looking over following described property bo and
tho local freight conditions. Mr. !" horo,jy "luclared benefitted by said
Rhodes ,s registered at tho White ftoXsTMA Wi.'ii
-..-.. ...., i. , 10, UIUCK JO, i, , J, 1, I,, ',
Roy Tabor, manager of tho To-l'Hock 27, 1, 2, 3, 4, C, 0, 7, illock '
hi DonUBbusZsPr 0t DOrr'8' oo3Vl'otV'l.108.191o;ll.l2
t " b"slne88- Illock 37, Ixte C, 17. 18. 19. 20, 21.
J. W. Jarlelgb is nn out of 22 Illock 30, Iots 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, C
town visitor from Grants Pass. Illock 29, Lots C ond C Illock 49 and
C. R. nenrdslcy Is up from Ma- J.'01? J and 2 ln nloek iS- a"- In ,lDt
n n.n.n ,n i....i .. Springs i Ad(Utlon to tho C'f.y of Klain-
Thomas W. Churchill from Dor
rls is spending tho day hero.
One Business Music
Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolution
adopted by tho Common Council on
tho SCth day of ApYil, 1921. declar
ing Its Intention to improve ElDorado
street from Esplanade to Portland ;
Mn;t and Melrose street from EIDo-!
ratio Co Pacific Terrace. Including In
tersections, wid approving the Plans, j
specif lcntlon3 and estimates otibmltl
ed by tho City Engineer. i
28-9 ' I'cllro J nil en.
Tho City Council pursuant to tho
Resolution of tho Common Council '
heretofore udopted, having under,
(Into of tho Second day of April,
1921, filed plans, specifications and
estimates of tho cost of Improving '.
South Rtversido street from West
Main street to tho City Limits and .
West MaJn strcot from end of pavo
mont at Conger avenuo to the wJt-:
erly lino of South Rivortildo street,!
Including Intersections; and the I
Common Council huvlng taken samol
under udvlsoment and finding snld !
plans, specifications and estlrnates
said plans, specifications and esti
mate for hho improvement of South
Rlvorsldo Htroot from Went Main
Htreot to tho City Limits and West
Main stroet from und of avement tit
Conger uvcuuu to thu woxterly line
of South Itlvcrsldo Htroot, Including
Inluirsectluns, bo und tho namo aro
hereby approved;
ED, Tlmt tho Common Council horo
by doclann Its Intontion to Improvo
wild ortlo:iH of South Rlvorsltlu anil
Wettt Main street, In accordance with
said plans, specifications and esti
mates; said Improvement to consist
of paving said irtloim of ald stroets
with Concrete Wllllto or Illtullthlc.
Tho estlmnted cost of tho Improvte
mont of Hald portions of said streets
by placing thereon olthor Concrete,
Wllllto or Illtullthlc to ho $37,618.10,
said Including grading, rolling,
curbing and cement sidewalk.
ED, Dy tho Common Council that the
following described property ho und
it Is horoby declared lienufittod by
wild Improvement, to-wlt:
Lots 1 and 2 III ck 26 Original
Town, Lots 3 and 4 In tllocl. 27, Ori
ginal Town, Lot 2, lllk 2, Weil Klam
ath Fulls Addii. IxiLi 1, 2, 3, I, fi, C,
7. 8, 9, 10, II. 12, 13. 14. 15, 16, 17.
18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, Addition and
Ixits 1, 2, 3, 4, fi, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, IT., 16, 17, IN, 19. 20, 21,
22, 23 In Illock 4 'e. KJnmuUi
Falls, ndiltlon to the city of Klamath
Falls, Oregon; and thut certain acriv
ngu property In Ixit 2, Section 32,
Township 38 South, Rmtgo 9 East,
WJIIIamotto Meridian, lying south
erly of Lot 23 in Illock 3 and Lot 23
In Illock 4 Wxt Kluunith Falls Addl.
Hon und that pail of Lot 11, Serllon
32 lying HOtltherly of U)t 23, Illock
3 Went Kluimith IiIIh Addition to
tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
anil extending to the City Limits; and
thut mild propeitiy above listed iiml
doKcribed bo und horoby is declared
to ho nsscKieil for tho expense of said
ED. Thut Monday tho 23 tlay of May.
1921, tit. tho hour of 8 o'clock . m. ut
Council Oil a mho m ut thu City Hall,
bo fixed iih tho time und pluco for tho
hourlng of objections and remon
Htruncoit iigulnttl the mild propoiuMl
Impnivemeut and the Police Judge Ih
hereby directed to railHii ntitlro of
said 'hearing to ho published us by
Charter provided.
County of Klamath, ).
City of Klamath Falls,)
I, A. L. Leavltt, Police .ludge of
thu 4Jlty of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do hereby cxtrtlfy that thu foregoliiK
is u duly unrolled copy of a ronolu
tlon adopted by tho Common Council
on tho 2Ti day of April. 1921, declar
ing Hh Intention to Improvo South
Ulvornlilo iitreet from V-t Main
Htreot to tho City Limits und West
Main Htrcifc. from end of pavement at
Conger iivenuo to tho westerly linn
of South Rlvorsldo street, including
28-9 I 'oil co Judge.
This Is Engineering!
H, J. Lawrenco Is among tho
visitors from Merrill today,
Mr. nad Mrs. Louis Hcagland
roturncd from San Francisco yes
torday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland
atlo tho trip by automobllo.
M r. and Mrs. Dallas Glvan nro
horo from Illy and expect to stay
until Tuesday attending to busi
ness nmttora and visiting with
"Eurono Robertson, omployoj by
tho county surveyor's offlco, Is
ponding tho day in Honanza on
bus esn.
nth Falls, Oregon; and that said
proporty above listed ond described
bo and hereby Is declared to bo as
sossod for tho expenso of said im
ED, That Mondav tho 23 day of Mnv
1921, at tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M
ot the Council Chambers nt tho CUy
Hall, ho flved a rho tlmo n"d plnrr
for tho hearing of objection nnd ro
monytranrei pgnlBt tho r" ron.
od 'mnrovement and tho P' ''" lud-"
Is horohv directed t" c.-vr -'U'-' "
said Imarlni; o bo "ubllafi i' . ' "
ChnHT nrovldd
r-lv of T?i ,i rsll
f f - . '
tin PI r "lntntVi TiV II. n- -.
do liernliv . f
.- .-
il Reed Au' Supply Co.
. i -i j.o ti ntxwtfL tin tifltlirilit InlimHinllnn innflls
Tho now Wells street "iack-kn fo" iiriugo in unirahu uu (, m n.,.uu ,..,. u.ub u.w.
..oh iK oid brltlw. on the i same spot! Opening loft In in new bridge construction permits trolns
ij uj3j throuith
Makes of Auto
,v y
u, 'aim-nii'-i. iiri.,liPHTf(mriinl