The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 28, 1921, Image 1

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Stye landing Itoalii
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's New
Member of the Associated Press.
rilUvnlli Yi'iif No. 01117
I Fleet, Bach From
, Drill Reviewed By
Commander In Chief
-"' l.uil by iMm flagahlp Pnuiinylwi
iilii, llii Atlantic fleet, Jimt bark from ,
Hi' Ni'iitlii'iii drill ;riiiiiiln where two
new (jiiiiiii ry ri'i'iinlH wont made, i
( pim.ed in invluw licfiirn President
Herald ililiiKinii IIiim-iiii Harding nt lliiiiinliiii Ittmds toduv '
WASHINGTON'. Aptll 2 I'rmil-! M"r" tlla" lxi "ar h,iI'h worn In I
limit Hurtling ami all tiihlimt officers tlln '""B ,,"l"mi
Mi mill Hnlrin lliiremi I Tlm Klamalh Kalls-Wopd roulo.
HAUIM. Or, April 28. Klvn n immanent nll-th.l year-round roail
Htutii wide inmiNiiriiH, thriMj of thora , to California, received tlm nrripini
nrn trliii; ilii'lr ln'Ml iMiplnrlzn tlii "lu prupildmil boarded tlm IVnii- (proposed iiiimndmonts to tlio stato iiatiPtion of tin Klatmith County Au-
udiiilnliitrittloii Ciiiigr.wiiiien urn do ' h l-iiiilii. and iutdnfwd thai offlcrrH coiiHlltiitlon. mill four municipal tntnolillo association at tlm closo of
lug the winm thing Tlm Whlto llmitn "' l"" r",,,l ' "" aalKiriwiii clmored measures, Hill go lioforo tlio vo- a lengthy discussion at Inst night's
In mini tniirn npmi lo Dm piibllp mill wl'"ii h said "Tint United K'ntes tors of Oregon for tholr approval meeting of tlio members.
Ilui uxxriitlut iliipiirlini'lilH urn ''""""'l want u thing that Isn't right. r rijinllon nf tliu special ulectlon ' J Moss of Mncdool, nnd Hoy
thronged wlh Multurrt from nil nvnri11 'lousn'l want territory unci It of Tuesday, Junu 7. All wuro ro-! Tabor and T. W. Churchill of Oorrls,
I lm United Htntoi. Morn attention In I lneli't want any trlliutii, hut It doi-i furred by tlio 1921 legislature (representing tholr rospoctlvo chum
belng paid to tlm roiiimoii people by;wa,,t (that which It righteously won1 Tlm li'j:llallvo nit fixing tho dato bo of commerce, presented strong
tlio rank and fllo of government off I- "'"I 'y tlio utornul wo monii to Imvu for tlio .'lertlon provided that only ) arguments In favor of tho road. Mr!
rials iilinu nvur boforii In Him Inst ' tlml." 'Hii-h iinai.uron Nliould bo voted on Tabor ntntPd that 110,000 would put
twenty Mmm In fm t. ui)ry depart-1 t "''' ''" "'y county or I thu road In good condition, and that
Court Announces No
Mandamus Decision
Coming Immediately
HAM-.M, April 28 Tlm supremo'
court today announcod that thero
would bo no decision handed down i
In tho tnandamuH artlon of J M i
Hougan ugalnst O. K. Van Itlpcr, J
Klatnnth county treasurer, until tho'
court return from t'endloton, whero1
!. .. . I
.1 J" ''0n """" "CHH"m volopments regarding German ronar-
wlls aril next week. aUon, hro oxectm, , mxw ,
I lalntlff woks to compel tho trens- Uon, aH accordlng to tho best Infor-
urer to pay a warrant for approxl, mntoa obtainable no further 8tep
matey 120.000. drawn to cover tho will bo taken In thla nltuatlon until
unpaid balance on tho $92,000 judK-jlho nIIIe,, Bllpromo ,,, whIch ,
it recently awarded IJouKan, In 1 10 nlPot ,n ,omIon Saturday ha3 act.
mil will
i int. 1 1- i nni ill 1 1
y l miu r in 1 1
I'AKIH, April 28. - Tho noxt do-
ment of tlm iroeruiimut In ro-opernt-'
ri.MIH l()lt AKSAUI.T
llli: ii Inn i: Ilui IIiiiim of I'ri'Hlilent liar-1 Hohpoo lliau plenilixl iiullly yiviter- 'l,r mirii on the namu dato an
ritlioi jTiiiiilrltiiitlli In unlitnll ntiv
I Tl ' " "'
election would
I (In
voted on
i nit i- tl,.-
i ir- ,ii i.
lm inl, ru
t . i. Ill i lr,n
im ,i i .! wu
I ii-nil
Con .III li'onnl
iMInt: tin- novum
rinn;iny ilauxo
dim; In iniiklttK IiIh iidinlnlKtralloii a day ntl.etuiion In tho Juiitleo court, to "lUtlo
purnonal mid huiniin one. nxcnpt the the rhiirKe of ntiHnult mid battpry n"v" '
nenntii. i hrounlit iii:nlmt lui by -.iiiul,, ivr- The
Tor Home ntamin, prolubly berntme I'ur. nd vim fined $10 .mil nMt
they fwi that the larco niaJorlt -- -
Khi'ii the llepublli'min till, the lat
election Inmireii I linn from lining dli
tilrbi'il from tlnlr luntrul of tlm m-ii
nto for many yeun, hoiiip of tlm hpii
nto leodnm Imvp udoutod a lonrli ni''
not pollr) Tlm mirl.l r,x m, whlili
la U lurRn mid luxilrloil p.oni hiick
of the nenulii rliniulipr, I.hh from iiiiip
Iminoinoilnl been lh merrn of Iho Twenty nun. ho bat- ui lln It,
roimtltUPliti of nil slum of nil tlm t-r. ..In in Kl.imalh rmintv ol v..l
ooni'..n Here they U.'tp.l the nrHounonl opomtlon.. cntlmroil ut tlm '""'"f0''
that the hiivn i-nl to the i."nute and offi.. ,f n, r-rn... m -... r, IlyBlcnl
muny a polllluil nffetue ha be. n puny lul lvoiiIiib to dUruna iho prti
mcndeil lu the... Infonniil ronfor- p,wa fr n noriatlon of oil omru
ettco bltti-n eonitllnetin and the torn. Thl meiUni; wan entirely pro
aonaluio lllnlnary mid will bo followed br an-
ItiMiin Cut ff I other, probably next week, nt which
Now tho ninrbl- room has been rut , doflnlto action I likely,
off from the public uho. und IiIk , The Konoral mmtlment hint nlKht
ncreeim Imvo lis't put iirroHii the lot. LtroiiKly favored an ntuioclatlon. uayii
by. marklnn tlm marble room and the' j. . K'iley. h.iIih mnnaKer of tho
m-nato thamber. It h roiUpr nJUch , Crater Ol mid rjiia company. jrio, , . Tnv L
eiuiler. to u'o tho prenldont of the MC, iho rail, nnd much entliuxlaim ',!'., ,, ".('..'
United Hlatea than It t iiomu if tho Vor Klnm.ith county oil ohII.IIIU
retlrlnc mill h:i!iful fcnulom w.ui hIiiiwu
jjulmont crcat-
nn' niato aid
t ii
IiIm milt against Klamath county, for
tho bulldlnK of a cotirthouiw at
Klamath Kails.
W. K. Drown, of tho Fort Klamath
Moadowa company, hag purchased a
flvo-paiwongor Ilulck and O. A. Hnll-
a move wns on foot to radio IC.000
by popular HUhscrlntlon for ubo on
ropalra. :vcntunlly, ho said. Siskiyou wo" 'oca' manancr for tho Standard
county proposed to Ishuo bonds to " company, a Uulck roadstor adding
make Ii a permanem highway. two nioro to tho ever-Increasing Ilu-
The part of tho road needlnc work- ,c,c ramlly In Uio county. Thin makes
1 amendment length-1 lag waa cald to lie between llray and ,tl10 cco"'l Hulek for Mr Ilrown.
n .r tlm Btuio leg- Weed, omo windy stretches need
slug tho pay of , gravollng. but gravel depoult are
hnmly to tho tinn-ly jipota nnd It was
.ild tho Weed I.umbor company
would douato mon and teams to aid
th" work.
ed. Franco will Insist that nothing
short of a beginning on tho actual
fulfillment of Oermanr'8 obligations
should arrest tho pressure cf tho al
lies. Application of further penalUca to
Gormany and tho tracing of new
boundary lines between Poland and
Ocrman upper Sllcsa will bo dis
cussed by tho supremo council, and
tho Unltdd States, It Is understood,
will bo Invited to havo a representa
tive present.
tent en
veto tho
and llci nsn hill.
Mnasure 'iniillf)ini; wc.mOB, sit
as Jurors.
The mcoHiiro lengthening tho
duration Cf thu state legislaturo
amcndH pcctlou 29 of nrtlclo of tho
It Increases tho length of tho
session from 40 to CO days; In
creases tho pay of members from
for roguES"
hi tut utiiiplnl uniilnnvi itnnd it tl wt It
ifiiii nj'wv RiTfliuiin t piiivva t tiuiik
"Inn tho period within which
(uhor mnttors discusned by the
in 'I. nit wuru a. cltt- mito enrnn I
I ground, moro road signs nnd momuor-'
i th4;' Committers wcro appointed to
! '( I tlm l.fvatlnr rtf clrv.itf .m. I t.i
LONDON. April 2S. Premier
Lloyd Rcorgo. speaking In tho houso
I of commons on tlm German repara
tions proponls today said: "I vory
;".uch regret to say that they aro
thoroughly unsatisfactory, and I wish
It had been posslblo for mo to aay
thoy alter the situation."
COItK, Ireland. April
Four men convicted of
war against tho British
ero cxtMutcd by a firing squad sacccstlnc thot tho fierm'an covorn-
. . fit flirt TTlllltnPU innUn UnA ...
r.nii.itor muiomB nm oxpoctud to bo r: ' uu,,Hln "U1U lu ment is wtiiinj; to niod'fr lta ro-
pUni for a mrnb'TjiUi) campnlnn In
ilmiil I l.mnA rdit. . ..,k... l. ...... '
'M b btj r vonl, v JJUU lilt) IMJW
making, BERLIN. April 2S, A scmlof
forces vjcial statement has beon issued
h n Tho slgna conunlvce consists of da5f" Thcy wcro Palr,cl O'SullI- paratlons proposal It asked by
Mi-hsm U'e. Arons and St.iKg; the van' s,aurlc Meoro, Patrick non-, Washington to do so. and that by
membership commute- of Ilrownell. ."'" auu luoraa MUicany. ,BUch an nctloa n baals ot aeroo.
Thin In In great roinraat to tho1 Tho purpoioof tho asM.PlnrJiin that
poriod preiviillng tlm i Inellnn. Then . being planned Is to strengtheu the
may bo Introduced, with
tho ox-
ceptlcn of appropriation and do-
tntii ttinniiifiia inltAnd inn nrnL
he.p'rnKtUiipms r.vprvwnJ ," K:,"",nl "' lntrMt """'" .'""" "' " " """ " "P"""
tholr constituents In every way pis-, operators and to conduct n puhtl ' . f . ,..., - tho sam ' nay
iilbl... and Inviatlons wvre dlstrlbut-' cly rampalrn. It In no w-ay rontem-, ., . ,, , .? .?
. ,., . ..... . i . '""""'" " '" no way lonum .ua otiltr members, cl minuting tho
rd broadcast to voters to co mo to plate a noo lm? of nn.4i.Li but U itiv . , . ! .. ..
ti .i... i i ii , l'" puwwh m lissom, nui is uo- jjf,,;,,,, tnal luoy. "ghall
Wanhlngton and by all means to visit Blgned to bo mi organization for ' '
This makes 11 executions lioro ment could bo reached.
during tho past tow months. i . . - -
Annual Meeting of
. t Red Cross Tonight,
II..,.-.. Ht ll. .... !. . . - . . .. """'" "" """- '""!'"
"""' ' '' ' "" promoiion in imorosm or oil men. , ,,nuni . tAo-tliiril- of tuoir liui
Tho constituent, are coming now in IM ,,, Iuml)ormoIl.rt or ucUanU' Xn alLau membersT
.roTPs. iney .re, uie.r r,a .n,ere-i MB(,clatl,.n aro organizations to, No chnI1K0 , propOBOd ln tno lag.
n tho government sine., tho into , promote the lnt.irti.tH of all engaged lnltt ot uraon paccd cn ipocta, Tho
I lous., has been restored to tho peo- , u.oso enterprise. MC8Illon(1 or . tho mllcaE0 allow tlon ol
pin. They aro hopeful of better tlmea. Practically all tho local companlw hnco ot niCmbew mont
and hotter government, and thoy nrn Wt,ru represented at tlio preliminary
anxious to we nnd talk witu tno men ' meeting
thoy have sent to tho senate, bull
that Is becoming mor nnd moro diff
Shoes CJIo Cleiv
A constituent now bonds lu his card
to his favorite senator nnd, like as
Says Spirits Reveal
Lost Emerald Mine
itni-8o In not lu. Ho may bo or ho
inuy not bo. Unless tho rnitHtltilout
(mother day and to try again to seo
thu until who weaiH the toga by li Its
Underneath Ihn screens thero Is a
IIoiium Plan Up
Tho purpose of tho world war
veterans' ytnto aid fund amend
ment Is, to quoto tho title, "To
tsbito bonds not to exceed 3 por
cent of tho assessed valuation of
" all proporty in tho state to ralso
fUNTlAOO, Chllo. March 20. (Hyi money to bo loaned ln amounts of
not. tlm word will conm back from. Mull). A lost emerald mlno near not moro than $4000 or paid as a
behind tho screens that Senator Ho-, this city him boon rovealed "through biinnii of sir, for e.-irh month nf
spirit control" lo Mrs. i:. II. Pattor- nctlvo service .hut not oxceedlng
son, of Cumberland (lap, Tenncsseo.tnoo. to each Itinorably discharged
can Identify Ills senator'a footwear ho j according lo a letter received at tho resident of Oregon who served In
li. m no iiiiorntmw, null to wnit over , Hiatus liinnassy Hero from ihu United Smiiw nrmv nnw nr
.Mm. Patlorson In which she asks mnrlnu corps between April 6,
whether cmernlds aro commonly ion, and Novombor 11, 1918; to
found lu this republic. (Vy an additional annual lax of 2
8ho wrltea tho "mine wiih conceal-! mills to pay principal and intorcst
two-Inch opening, lly stooping low, ed ninny years ago and that It hns'of such bonds; and ratifying cor
tho constituents can sou a procexulon been so photograplusPon her mind's 'relative legislative cnactmonts."
or mnscuiiiio looi, nioviiig nncii ami oyo" sno wouiii rocognizo tno spoil Tho "correlative enactments"
Immediately. Tho rich doposItH, she (mentioned refers to an act passed
adds, may now bo found In stratas by tho 1921 legislaturo providing
bolow tho earth's surfuro neir Snntl- that each qualified votoran of tho
"B"- world war may borrow from tho
Ho fur as known, emeralds havo. state up to $3000. or mny recolvo
Howie and McWIlliams.
Itfrogard to tho camp ground it
npixiared to tho association that tho
park slto, recently purchased by the
park board oa tho wet Bldo of tho!
river, was itlio best plaeu avallablo
llila Inflp Thfl nn-lp l.ftnrtl ilAlAfm. I
lions from tho chamber of commerce I , ", r V 0t,CCT't t,ho
and city council, and J. C. Thomp- ?' "Cd CrM8 chapt" ,w"
son. division manager of tho Callfor " "l" ??""?, ,.0?,f.hl..l!' th
nln Oregon Power company, will , -.', i b 1 h . I WASHINGTON. April 28. Th
meet at tho city hall next Monday af- "J oittnnMl'b T rOPOrt8 emergency tariff bill was ordered
erncon at 2 o'clock to discuss tho n r-i Lri!VC.t' , , ,. favorably reported by tho senate fi
matter. Mr. Thompson la called In I ' P' '.Lr' .ctor ' ''" " nanco commlttco today. As ay
ctusiiltatlon regarding tho feaslbill
ty cf wiring tho camp ground for ,,. ,. . .
llrM. .. P1.-.HP P,,r,n. f ,!,. Cr0M fr 'th0 C0lnB Ca"-'
I Ian relief work for tho northwest.
"'will talk on tho plans of tho Rod
proved by tho senato committee It
differs radically from tho moasur
tho houso passed In the anti-
I mjutllllt la nnnn fln ll n1n a a .n.A
L.;,. dumping and tho curroncy valua-
iestcd In lied Cross work. All mem- .. , , , u... L
association adopted a resold bonj of tho ,.. chan. aro urM t on provisions. The bill has beoa.
f anpreciatloa of tho Improve-,, h snarpiy rovisea although tno tarut
holng mado on country roads
through dragging, scraping and re
moval of rocks under diroctlon ot tho
county court.
Fighting Beetle
Tonight Is initiation night at tho
Klka lodgo and C. A. Hayden, exalted .
rulor, requests all membors to bo
present for tho ceremony.
.previsions aro unchanged.
Tho houso rojoctcd by an over
(whelming majority an amendmont
to tho naval appropriation bill pro
vldlnc that uo funds aro to bo used
.lor continuing warship construction
! until President Harding has called
Vho international conference, to
consider disarmament.
In Southern Pine Ship Owners Will
r Wnrrm, Mm, 1 Tho "rst a"acl ' t" sonato oa
t,ur wages may i tho ,Cnox pcaco rosoIutIon camo t0.
trol of tho Southern plnn beetle Is
entirely practicable, thu Department j
forth across tho floor, hut It Is diffi
cult oven for an Intelligent nnd oh
sorvant constituent to Identify his
senator hy tho allocs he may wear on
that particular day.
May Ho In Office
If tho constituent Is perslsten,ti nnd
Is willing lo stny over a day or two,
ho mny, by good luck, find tho sena
tor in his offices In tho whlto mnrblo
building erectod nt u cost of $-1,000,-000
from tho taxpnyors' hard-earned
money. If tho sonntor has boon hero
a long tlmo nnd Is popular with tho
tendon of tho senato, ho mny have
two office, ono In tho senato offlco
building mid ono In tho capltol Itsolf,
Suoh au arrangomont mnkea mora
leg work for tlio constituent if ho In
alula on snolng his oonntor. Persist
ency on 1ils part may develop his
tlmo In Washington Kn a merry-go-round,
from ono otfico to nnothor
and thou back to tho sonato chauibor.
If tho constituent Is successful, ho
gets a warm welcome and n graci
ous reception, which ho has certainly
oarnod for all tho efforts ho haa
mado to aoo.hla representative In the
upper houso-of. congress..
Isolation Wuote.1
Senatora claim they need tho Iso
UUon in ordor to do their work. They
nover been found in nny quantity In
tills section of Chile.
a cash bonus ot $15 a month for
iho tlmo ho wns In service, but not
to oxcoed $G00. This act would
also claim thoy need tho ventilation uo Inoffoctlvo for lack of funds
that will como from throwing tho should tho proposed constlutlonal
sonato chumbor and tho mnrblo room nmondmont tall to pass. While tho
togothor. Sonio hard-sholled critics constitutional amondmont author
say that (the movo Is to muko tho bon
uto mora luxurious and moro Uko tin
oxcluslvo club. Tho now nrrangomont
is not popular with tho men and wo
men who muko tho majorities back
homo. Old tlmors lu Washington say
that tho reactionary and oxcluslvo at
titude adopted hy tho now sonato
will nofti last, und that if groat oaro
(a not tnkon speedily to discontlnuo
such an autocratic attltudo, reprisals
Izcs loans ln amounts up to $1000,
tho act passod by tho legislature
fixes tho maximum loan at $3000,
thoroforo $3000 would bo tho larg
est amount a veteran could bor
row. Votorans taking loans pay tho
stato 4 por cent Interest.
day from tho republican stdo when
NEW YOIUC. April 28. Tho .Senator Nelson. of Minnesota.
of Agriculture says lu u htatomont American Steamship Owners asso- chairman of tho sonato Judiciary
calling nttontion that moro morch- Nation announced itself roady to committee, characterized It as "halt
nntablo timber was killed In tho comply with tho wishes of tho inB nnd piecemeal." His opposition
Southern plim belt as a result ot Us 8,IPP'nK board and will cut wages, shattored tho hopos of tho ropub
operations In the lust thirty years 5,a' 1B Pr ccnt Instead of 25 Can leaders for a solid ropubllcan
than died from all other causes com- Pr cent as was rlrst Proposed. .llnoup for adoption. Tho final vote.
blued. Ono romedy suggested Is that lis to bo Saturday,
all troes that die during lato summer MUimXG TONIGHT TO PiaN j Aftor defeating all tho amond-
and fall, ho cut and utilized for tlm-1 HAND 011GAXI7.ATION IIKIlK monts deslgnod to registor sontl-
bor or fuel, care being exercised that Plans for a band will bo discussed j mont towards disarmament, tho
tho bark of tho mnln trunk is burned i tonight nt tho chamber of commerco house passed tho $39,000,000 naval
to Insure control of tho bootlo. rooms by local musicians, A dlnnor appropriation bill, of which $90,-
Tho Insect la described as a small I will bo served beginning at 6:30 JO0O.00O Is for continuing naval
brownish or black beetle, somewhat j o'clock. No cliargo will bo made, the. construction. '
smaller than a grain or rice. It flies j only condition holng thnt each guest c
from March to December In tho moro j ahull prove his right to bo classed Mcxt JurV Trial Is
antttUnwn ....tin... nm. w. fiu o ll 111 HhIpI I1TI hi" tirllll-lTlIT UimA Tlllialpflli 4 MO
southern sections and from May to
Novombor In Its norihorn rnngo. It
attacks tho middle nnd upper por
tions, ot tho trunks of healthy pino
treos, causing tholr death by excavat
ing long, winding burrows, or ogg
gullorlos, which oxtend through tho
Innor layorsi of tho living bark nnd
mark tho surface ot tho wood.
Tho Moosohoart Legion will glvo a
program and danco at tho Mooso hall
tomorrow ovonlng, April 29. The en-
POIITLAND, April 28. Cattlo
Htnmlv! hnim nnd .k. ...., i,. - tertalnnient Is Btvlod tho "Country
will bo mado whon a now sot ot 80na-'BtoadJ,. buUoj. W()ak , J Kftlr Tho flrBt part ot q 0VOnlng
a musician by bringing some musical
Instrument and playing a tuno at tho
Set For Tuesday
I Following tho return of a vor-
diet of "Not Oullty" In the trial
Weather Probabilities of O'Connor, nick wuiiami
O Q,onJ M,ke Da'y ,n tho circuit court
yosteraay arternopn, court dismiss
ed tho Jury until noxt Tuesday when
tho caso ot tho state against Noah
Nyhart will bo tried. This caso la
volvcs the same situation u
tors and a now congress aro to bo
oloctod a yoar from noxt Novombor.
Tho senators, hardonod by Innum-
orablo campaigns and calloused by
long, years ' of service boneath Che
dome .ot' tno. national capltol,, wheaJ
uocuaed ot biding from' the common
people, raoroly shrugged their shoul
ders and passed on,
will bo dovotod to a general amuse-
SOCIAI TTMB AT BAPTIST mont program. Tho eocond halt will
CIIUHCn TOUOIUIOW KVK bo givon to dancing and several old
Tomorrow nlghti will bo social fashioned Bauaro dancesiwlll be re-
night and all are cordially Invited vlved to the tunes ot an old tlnvs
to tho Emmanuel DaptUtc church,' nddlof-Bleha'a orchestrar. wilt fura
11 ring a friend, aUo a bancs - of Ish muslo forthe modern-dancea.' The
sandwiches. A good time and a pro-ldanoe In opon to all and a prizowtll
gram will be enjoyed. , bo offorod for tho beet rural coetume.
The barometric "high" that
has prevailed during tho past
thrco days, and which baa giv
on us our pleasant weather,
during that poriod, commenc
ed to tall last night, and
since midnight tho Cyclo
StormagTaph at Underwood's
Pharmacy, has recordod a
steady decreaso In atmospher
lo 'pressure.
While wo aro yet safely
above the storm area, thla fall
may mean tho approach of an
other disturbance, or it may, be
but the-Teoord ot a dlstnrbaaoo'
pmasincto tho north.
Forecut for next 24 heurs:
Storm brewing la northwest.
was alleged to exist In the preced
ing trial. Two otner cases egalnat
O'Connor and Daly, one based on
a chargo ot conducting a house of
evil resort, and tho other a charge
tot contributing to the delinquency
of a minor girl will follow,
Judgo Calkins of Medford will
preside at the Nyhart trial, as
Judgo Kuykendall is called to Bu
genu by bla mother's lllneai.,' i
onEGON Tonight and Frider.
fair and warmer.