The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 23, 1921, Image 1

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Today0 a News
Do It
Member of the Associated Press.
I'lttochlli Ycnr No. moil
s -
v ,S 5"
Opinion of Farmers
Union Cdmmjittee
Says Reserve Bank
ing Law Needs
Declare Farmers Pro
duced 50 Per Cent
Of Resources and Re
ceived Lowest Loan
Pro Rata.
Herald Washington Burraa
WABHINOTON, April 23. In Iho
report of tho commlttoo on compar
ative credits, adopted today by n
mans mootlnic of tho National Farm
or union, It In alleged that farmers
of ttiU country havo sustatnod 7,000,
000, Q00 lo on their product and
received $2,000,000,000 only In
credit In tb federal bank sytem,
whon thoy aro cntltlod to $71000,
"000.000. Chief cause glvon for tho giant
lo are:
UnnvcoMary profiteering of mid
dlemen, arbitrary restriction by tho
Xodorat Reserve Hank of Credit and
un unroaiionablo rUo In railroad
Tho report doclar thai llio total
redli-count of tho Federal Recrvr
Hank wan $14,000,000,000,000, and
of hU total agrlclluro rocolrod 14
per cent, manufacturing 21 per cent.
Of tho primary doposjls of all
bnpks agriculture furnished 60 per
cont, labor 20" pcjrcont, and jther
business 30 por cent. -
Tho contention la advancved upon
thMio facets that agriculture wna on
titled to $7,000,000,000,000 Instead
of only $2,000,000,000,000 and rec
ommendation U mado that tho law
bo amended to roqulro tho resorvo
bank to allot credit In proportion to
resources and deny credit to specula
torn. Tho rino In freight rate an farm
prlcca fall la pronounced by tho re
port to bo flagrant extortion.
Bowline Teams to
Meet In Finals
On Modtord alleya tomorrow
Klamath Fall and Medford Klka
will strlvo In six final games for
tho bowling championship. Follow
ing last Salurday'a and Sunday'
litnoi hero Klamath Fall leads
with 600 pins .
Uurgo Mason, Dr, Paul Noel. F.
M. Upi and T. II. Walter loft for
Modtord thla morning and L. 0.
Van Ilollon, Austin Haydon and
aionn Jester will go tomorrow to
tako part In tho tournament.
Mandamus Plea
Set For Wednesday
' SALBM, Or., April 33. Noxt
Wednesday has boon aot,for hearing
argumonf boforo tho supremo court
In tho mandamus proceedings fllod
by J. M. Dougnn of Portland to on
forco payment of approximately
$20,000 alleged to bo duo for tho
fe-cctlon of a courthouso In Kla
tnath county.
O. K. Van Rlpor. Klamath county
treasurer Is named as dofondant
lh tho action.
Tho rocords boforo tho supremo
court Indlcato that tho Klamath
ounty clork Issued warranta for
tho paymont of tho money allogod
to be duo Mr. Dougnn, but that tho
treasurer rofusod to honor them.
Son ton co upon Clinton Charles,
convlctod ,by a Justlco court Jury
lata yesterday for assault on Olenn
Kutchlns, 14 year do boy, baa been
deferred by -Justice Qaghagon, pend
ing Investigation of other circum
stances In the care. Charles, a Chll
oquln resident bacarao Intoxicated
hero and, meeting tho boy on Sixth
street, nlapped him u the fnca
(eitlmony showed,
Revolt Against the
Soviet Is Flaring
Anew In Ukraine
STOCKHOLM, April 23. Organlz
ml rebellion acalnst Urn Russian
Bovlot ROYarnmont In growing with
ronowcd forca In llio Ukraine), saya
Potrograd telegram. Revolting pom
arjts havo takon many town botwoon
llio Inolpor nnil Dnolstor rlvor. Tho
Ilolnhnvlkl havo nngagnd In a cam
palitn of terrorism northwout of
Moscow, executing 2000 person
within tho pant fow day.
Herald Washington Ilurenu
WABHINOTON, April 23. May 2
haa bocn fixed by tho reclamation
commlttoo of thn sunato, of which
Sonator McNary la chairman, ns tbo
dato for tbo beginning of tho hear
ings on tho reclamation bill Introduc
es! by thn sonator from Oregon. Rep
resentatives of tho Amorlcan Legion
and Bocrotary of tho InUirlor Fall
will bo present to discuss tbo moaa
uro and tho policy of this dopant
mont. Director Dnvl of tbo reclamation
aonico, will also bo hoard and many
cltlzons Intoroatod In reclamation
program will alao giro testimony.
Senator McN'ary said thin morning
that bo nxpoeta to comploto tho hearing-
In a wook, and feola rortaln that
tho bill will bo favorably roportod by
tho coiiymltteo.
Sonator McNary la gratified by tho
aggrernlva Indorsement of tho bill by
Jlho Star and Stripe, tho offlclnl or
gan OI llio American i.tkiui. muui
In It U:il lasuo comes out In favor
of tho plan In a I6ng article. "
Congressman Smith of Idaho, who
will havo chargo of tho .bill In tho
hotiso. believe that It will bo apecd
lly acted on In commlttoo thcro nnd
expect to secure Its passage at an
early dato.
West Coast Mills
Cut Improving
Woat Coast Lumbermen's Associ
ation Bays lumber production at
110 mills In western Orogon and
westorn Washington, wook ending
April 16th, waa C3.900.930 feet
Production waa 30 por cent below
Now business amounted to 71.
129,167 foot, including comparative
ly heavy coastwtso and Inter-coastal
cargo buying- '
Shlpmonta totaled C9.374.339
toot. Including 4,172,116 for locul
construction, 8,322,223 foot domes
tic cargoes ,and 3,260,000 fool In
oxport cargoes.
Now business for dollvory by
rail amountod to 1604 car. Itall
shlpmonta of old business totaled
14G4 car . Tho unshipped balanco
t)693 cars. In all dopartmentaVrall
business Is far bolow norrualt
In tho domestic cargo tra'do, utn
shipped buslnoss totals 0il,910.
114 fcot. In oxport, 21,211,000 foot.
Dorris Wants Game
With Local Tossers
DORRIS, Cal., April 23. Tomor
row attornoon Holnlo Qott'a llox
Stiff will battlo.Tflth Roy Tabcr'a
Pill Rollers on tho local grounds
In tho first gamo of basoball of tha
aeason. Tho nlno undor Managor
Ooff come from tho Assoclatod
Lumber and Dox company's factory,
while "tho Pill Rollorft will bo ro-
crultod from all othor walks of life.
In town. Iloth managora aro con
fident of tholr ground and aro will
ing to wagor anything from a cakn
of soap to n balo of hay on tholr
trtiotlos. i
Suit and other paraphernalia
havobooh ordorod for tho Dorrla
basoball .club, of which tho two op-
poatagT teams montlonod aro mora-
UUID . IU ..M.VMV.V... v. uu
club to coloct a nlno from' tomor
row's showing, for a gamo In tho
noar fuluro 'with Klamaih Falls or
e'eni other neighboring aggrega
tion. Orounds will bo pu( Into
condition and a grandstand built
for tbo coming icnign,
Cat in Hail Wales Before
May 1; Reduction in Rates
Will Follow Immediately
IforaUl Washington noaa
WABHINOTON, April 23 Low-
or wage on all railroad of tho
country followed by lower frolght
rntON, aro In sight. According to
cml-offlclal Information wago re
ductions will bo announced bo
twoon now and May 1 by tho United
Btatcs railroad labor board, now
hearing argumont, on tho subjoct.
Tho cut will not be loss' than 10.
per cont nnd may bo IS por cent,
but not moro. Following tho cut
It In oxpocted tho railroad will
voluntarily ask for reductions on
certain clause of freight, expecting
to bo compensated for tho loworcd
rovenuo by tho additional traffic
that will result. Although labor
Oorris and Weed
Strongly Back the
New Valley Road
DORRIS, Cal April '23. With a
comploto organization perfected and
a good start toward obtaining
membership attained tho "Chambor
of Commorco rocontlr organized
aa a branch of tho county chambor
at Yroka ia making rapid strides
toward realization of tho purposes
It set out to accomplish. A commlt
too appolqtod Jot that purpose haa
drafted a constitution and by-law.
Another commlttoo ,wlH go to Yreka
Monday to meet with dologatcs
from ovory other branch In tbo
county for a general cooperation
tncotlng. J ' .'
Kvery ntfort wllllbo appliod
toward aecarlng Uw road from
Weed to ' Klamath. A superficial
canraaa of sentlmgnt shows a pre
ponderance In favor of the bow
proposed route through this valloy.
over tho old route via Topiy. it Is
practically certain that boforo 'win
tor a fairly good road will bo com
ploto from Wood to Klamaih Falls
making a saving of 30 mile ovor
tho old road.
Tho road will bo plentifully ad
vertised for tourist trarol and tho
bulk of traffic that now follow tho
pacific highway northward will bo
dlvcrtod through this vklnlt and
tbo Klamath country enrouto to
Crator Lake and other scenic spots
In Orogon.
blaklyou county towns aro all
backing tho proposed valloy road
Wcod'ii support Is shown In tho fol
lowing report from tbo Blsklyou
County News:
Aftor a full investigation by a
commlttoo appointed by tbo
Weed chamber of commerce a
greatly, Improved auto routo haa
been planned from Weed,
through Uutto Valloy, to Klam
ath Falla and south and central
Oregon. Tho proposed nuto routo
effects a saving of sovoral miles
and passes through a beautiful
country to Crator Lake, ono of
thn world's wondora.
Starting at Wood, tho propos
ed routo passes through Gray,
aomo of tho Weed ramp. JU.
Hebron. Macdool, Dorris, Klam
ath Falls, Crater Lake, and on
through eastorn Oregon to tho
Citizens along tho proposed
routo are enthusiastic, and, with
the aid alroa'dy granted, tbo
completion of tho routo for trav
el -within a very short tlmo Is
assured, according to tho Wood
Rooatara. -
Twonty-thron thousand and flvo
hundred dollars Is tho sum total' of
subscriptions to tho Chambor of
Commorco expansion campaign. Was
tho announcement this attornoon
from headquarters following tho fi
nal report and faro well luncheon
of- campaign' workora.
Tho total membership secured- ia
030, Tbo total aervlco fund la
$8000. L. W. Depuy, campaign
manager, said that ho estimated
that $2500 more would be added
to tho, service fund when card now jot pn Offlco system and ot a ays-'cation for n wnoa'rfBg' of the Co
Jn tho mpl wera received, mh. tint Item fit commute contrpj,- lluratjla rlyer rata caao,
loaders are objoctlng, thoy expect
and aro ready to accept tho reduc
tions In wage. j
It Is Intimated In official circle
should tho railroad not voluntar
ily apply for ruto reductions tbo
Interstate commerce commission
will roduco both ircjgbt and pas-
icngor rates or u own volition. '
It was also learned today that
iho govornraont will soon create a
division of transportation to spur
railroad and government agencies
to nctlon for tho relief of business
and stimulation of normal condi
tions of transportation.
Such a division ha bocn agrood
upon by President Harding and
Bocrotary of Commorco Hoover and
ill soon bo announced.
Advance Guard of
Summer Travel Is
Appearing Here
An early summer crop Is spring
ing up horoabouta that should rollero
tbo tlrod bualnosa man of aomo anx
lotloa, and will at least put enough
Immodlato cash in tbo register to
moot tho light and water bill.
Glancing ovor tho Uconso plates
on tho car now using tho streets
and highways, or parked at the
curbs, tho observant aro impressed
with the numbor of California and
Washington, ercn Montana and No
Tada machines, that aro threading
through tha warp and woof of traf
fic. "XJio Hot Springs nu'to campground
i tho temporary homo of a dozen or
so tourist parties at present, with a
dally shifting population aa newcom
er arrlvo and yvstcrday'a travelers
Four Clubs Ready
To Open Season
City loaguo membership waa re
duced to (our clubs at last night's
jncotlng of team representatives and
tans. Tho gathorlng waa largo and
enthusiastic. Tho clubs aro tho
Copcos. Ewa.unas. Culinary Work
ora and Plumbarb. tho last an al
liance of tossing talont among
plumbers and barbers.
Whllo it was originally expected
to havo six toama in tho loaguo.
tho sentiment at tho meeting waa
for less (oams nnd moro talent.
Tho season will open May 1, with
16 games achodulod. Bort McDon
ald, who prosldod at tho mooting,
was dologatcd to draw up a sched
ule. I
Mr and Mrs. O. S.' Thompson of
Spring Lake aro tho parents of a
baby daughter, born this morning
in this city. Tho young lady weigh
od ton and ono-halt pounds upon
arrival. Sho has bcon named Edna
CHICAGO, April 23. Fodoral of
ficers aald today that thoy had ro
colrod Information that "Dig Dill"
Haywood, former I. W. W. chlof,
who la bollorcd to bo In Russia,
had gono thoro to bocomo hoad of
tho propaganda bureau of tho so
viet government. '
aftor tho final cloan-up tho total
of membership and sorvlco funds
would oxceod, $25,QQg. .
Josso H. Dlackmoro, field socro
tary and organization specialist of
tho American City buroau will ar
rrle Monday from San Francisco
to give, tho cocond month of sor
vlco under tbo ; bureau' contract
with the, local organization.' Fea
tures of hi service aro tho lay
ing out of ia pVognhn of work tor
the year; arrangements for tho
election of directers: Installation
Reischstag Resents
Ministry's Action;
Crisis Is Forecast
BERLIN, April 23 A cabinet
crisis appears Imminent a tho result
of discontent aroused by tho govern
ment's falturo to consult tho rclchr-
atag boforo asking President Hard
ing of tbo United State to modltato
between Germany and thn allies on
reparations. Tho position of Tr. WaP ,
ter Blmon. foreign minister, is l
particularly Imperiled.
J. II. Pcaro, stato deputy of tho
Knights of Columbus, -Mlth a degree
team of 21 members, will arrlvo this,1
ovonlng In a special car. In his party borg of tno Oregon delegation In
will bo. Frank Lonorgan, national dl- congress, expressing the hope that
rector, and P. J. Henley, district dop- engross will take action along
uty. both of Portland; J. W. Cham- nne8 ,nat wm rjgidr oxcludo Jap
borlaln, of Corvallts, district dopnty, nncso Immigration,
and othor leading Knights cf Oregon. tj,0 Oregon governor aald that
Rt. Ror. Dlahop McGrath, chaplain jI0 Wroto, In responso to a roquoot
for tho Knight of Colmbus of Oro- from aovornof , Stephens of Call
gon, arrived last ovonlng. Ifornla. that. 6rogon .congressmen
Tho institution of tho local coun-coporat0 wth the congressional
ell ia to bo made, ono of tho memor- delegation from California in an of
ablo ovents In tho Catholic history of fort to socure tho absolute ex
tbo city. Tbo ovonts of tho day will elusion of tbo Japancso under con
start at nlno o'clock, whon a mon' ditlon that will savo Japan from
mass will bo celobratod by Bishop any real humiliation and will mako
McGrath. At this sorvlco tho bishop
will preach. Following breakfast,
which will bo Borved to tho candi
dates and visiting Knights Immedi
ately after tho mas, tho preliminary
Initiation ceremonies 'will begin.
Thcao will contlnuo throughout the
day. Owlns to tbo largo class i ol can
didates thoro will bo little',' Tf'anr.
Intermission until tho work Is finish
ed, which Jt J expected will bo In
tlmo for tbo big banquet which Is to
bo sorrod at tho White Pol I can hotel
to tho Knights and their friends. Tho
serving of tho banquet win be under
tho direction of Rosa Nlckerson, of
Tho Rex Cafe.
Program for Sunday
Services, Sacred Heart
Because of tbo establishment of
Knights of Columbus In Klamath
Falls noxt Sunday,' tho followjng
ordor will bo observed on that day:
8:00 a. m. Children's tnaas. An
nual Eaater duty for entire parish.
9:00 a. m. Tho men's mass. Rt.
Ror. Bishop McGrath officiating.
10:30 a. m. Adulta' mass and
benediction. Thoro will bo no ovon
lng services. A banquot will bo served
In tho White Pollcan hotol at 7:00
p. rn., to which, ovory ono Is Invited.
o ."
Roy. G. L. Hall, stato missionary,
announces that thero will bo no ser
vices at tho Emmanuel Baptist
church noxt Sunday, outaldo tho Sun
day School sorvlco, which will bo hold
at 10 a. m. After thla. all will go to
tho tabornaclo mooting.
Yonso Haasolberg ot this city and
Miss Estolla Pitt Klmmol, recently
from Cotfoyvillo, Kansas, woro mar
ried this morning, by Judgo Gagha
gon. '
NEW YORK, April 23. Com-
mandor Evangollno Booth ot tho
Salvation Army, announced today
that a cablo message roportod 35
Salvation Army prlsonora In Rus
sia had been reloasod by tho soviet
authorities .arrostod last Fobruary
In retaliation -for tho otforta ot
nonry Mapp, Salvation Army 'com
missioner, to oniist uriusn in con
nection with difficulties Salvation
Army workcra woro having with tho
bolshovlk government. Tho prison
ora were natlro Russians,
PORTLAND, April 33. The Cham-)
Bar ot Com mere ia advised that
'tbo' intersate.'comree commission
'hna denied tho Pnaret SonniT annll
ffllFiNIA TO
Governor Olcott In Let
ter to Congressional
Delegation Appeals
For Firm Stand. '
Wants Firm Exclusion
Law to Protect Pa
cific Coast Without
Humiliation to Jap
anese. HALEM, April 23. Governor Ol
cott todar acnt a letter to mem
.for permanent peace botwoon that
national and the United State. '
Governor Olcott said, that he felt
very strongly upon tho Japancso
question and hoped. that tho federal
government would tako a firm posi
tion In tho matter.
TOKIO, April 23. Leading
morning' newspaper!, following of
ficial deliberation Friday oa the
question of'iao Yap mandate, ay
they bcllevo there ,1a .renewed hope
of settlement through direct nego
tiations between, Japan .and the
United States.
Germans Suggest
Gold Alternative
PARIS, April 23. Germany. In
stead of agreeing or refusing to
transfer tho gold reserve of the
Rlechsbank" to occupied territory In
the Rhino land, aa tho allied repar
ations commission demanded, ha
offered to agree not to permit tho ex
portation' ot German gold before Oc
tober i.
Tho noto said this would protect
the allies, who made tho demand, be
cause a provision In, tho Versailles
treaty prohibiting exportation of
gold, waa otfectlvo only until May 1.
Local - Moonshiner
Finishes His Term
"Old Jim" 'Howard, well known
character ot Klamath Fall, waa up
at tho federal building Thursday to
aay good bye to hi friend among
tho government attache preparatory
to returning to hta homo haunts fol
lowfng a thlrirrday Incarceration In
tho local county baatllo, , say the
Portland Telogram,
,, Howard, vho. learned the art ot
making liquor back in 1892 when he
operated a licensed distillery down
in Tennessee for many yoara, recently
bocamo entangled In tho moshoa ot
the national prohibition not and was
found guilty by a federal Jury.
Ho waa fined $200, and being un
able to. pay, served It out for a month
In jail. "Old JlmV friendliest hand
shako waa for Thomaa Magulre, as
sistant United States' attornoy, whose
prosocullon put him behind tbo bars.
Weather Probabilities
Tbo CyclcStonnagraph at Un-
dor,woed'a Pharmacy showed a
slightly rising pressure this morn
ing, but about noon tbe tendency
waa downward.- Indications are
J th,at.proseot conditions wt prevail
tomorrow olthoufb. rt will. prob
ably .bo allghily warmex.
e Forecast for next 34 hour!
Upaettte "wjtk brisk
. wjnd.'..tfhlca will diminish.
-,,' '
OREOON Tonllht and, Sunday,
rjIn In wwti rate orinow In'onst,