The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 22, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    fbidav, apruj aa, 1021
i4 fAe Theaters
' "A Small Town Idol" which open
ed nt The Star Thoatro last nlRht
"afforded unusual ontortnlnmont for
nit nltondlnK nnd It Is without n
.doubt ono of tho best, perhaps tho
best, tlint Sonnott has mndo to dato.
This picture roleasod to tho theatre
na n 6-rocl production, cnino to The
Star In eight reels, ns tho manage
ment Insisted on having It at such an
oarly dato that tho studio copy was
sent which contained two oxtra reels
which other plnces have not hnd.
Thoro's something doing every min
ute and tho scones nro magnificent
nnd spoctacular.- Thero aro numerous
thrills nnd laughs galoro. Flvo hun
dred girls nro In ono scene alone.
Tho Jolly-Dick Lonsdnlo Co. kept tho
nudlonco In n continuous roar ot
laughter nnd this company of popu
lar playors, of which somo new mem
bers arrived last night , Is going to
pleaso tho peoplo of this city nnd
glvo tho public just what thoy have
wanted. If you miss this program of
Tho Small town Idol and Tho Lons
dale Co., you will have missed ono of
tho best shows of the season.
Saturday Bryant Washburn cornea
In "Burglar Proof," a tlno farco com
edy. No vnudovlllo Saturday nnd
Sunday but starting Monday up until
Saturday of each week TheLonsdalo
Co. will nppoar each week,
r "Tro" up yer hands nnd bo blamed
quick," was tho greeting which
brought Allan Corey, author, and
Esther Holustor, owner of tho Iton
cbo Verde, out ot their hnppy reverie,
In tho Trlanglo play, "Up or Down?"
at Mondnle Thcatro on Friday and"
Four rlflo barrels gleamed a sin
later warning nt them from the road
side. Thoy bad ridden Into an am
bush. Up went Corey' hands In ter
ror and Esther with n look of con
tempt nt her escort, followed suit.
.Thoro was nothing olso to do, for
ho could not, slngla-hnndcd, put up
a fight against four bandits.
Then followed a reign of outlawry
In tho Verdo country unprecedented
in Its wildest history. Tho bank safo
was blown open and tho railway sta
tion robbod. Each tlmo tho posso fol
lowed tho tracks of four horses to tho
desert and thoro lost thorn In tho
sandy wastes.
Ton lessons for beginners by Eddie
T.vnns and Loo Moron, starring 'In
"Onco a Plumber " at tho Liberty
nrhnntrn inAaY. Z
1. If tho heater leaks, don't let
tha kitchen stnk.
2. The beat way to stop a pipe
from leaking Is" to the water.
3. Before crawling under the
bathtub, remove all flowerpots, coal
oil cans, brick, etc., from the Inter
ior. 4. Take your time that's what
you're paid for.
C. It tho house has a cellar, ask
to read tho meter and take a look
around for Treasure.
7. If the coo"k Is protty well,
motor In tho cellar.
8, If you have to go back too the
shop for tools, return In tlmo for
lunch tho cook may Invito you to
ult with her.
p. If you'ro asked to havo somo
thing, accopt.
t 1. It thoy call you to put a
washer on the faucet, lot tho kiddles
play with your monkey wrench and
show them tho nlco soft twisty pipe
under the sink. Next day thoy'll want
you again.
llnvo You Seen Keller today?
A classified ad In The Herald will
find what you bare lost.
i AAXAAJT-riJVJ'tl'U'u-U'U l-U'lf ill"UuVi)irili,iii' ! aaaiasas '
t)H UIINT Now ana modern flvo
room hoitso nt 1923 Mnln street. hoiuto evenings, or sco Chll-
colo & Smith, (13.1 Main St. 21-23
KOK SALV; Forllson tractor with
cxtoiiHton rlius nnd two bottom
14 lit. Oliver plonvs. Choap for cash,
or will jrado for nutomobllo or cani
ty In smalt house. Chllcoto & Smith,
G33 Mnln street. 21-23
I.nwnmnwurs shnrnonod with l'ooiv
loss grinder. Work guaranteed, 017
Pine street. 30J25
Vork shoes from $3.25 up to $12.20
no hlghor, nt Dradloy-Hvans Shoo
Co. 20-33
llnvo you neon Koloy today?
Ford nccessorlofi nnd ropalrlug. Wo
uso nnd soil only gonulno now Ford
parts. Klamath Falls Auto Co., Hoy
Call, proprietor. 20-23
frn.t, ! In J rrtnmN nml vnrtl ftir
chlckona. Address Mrs. 8. DeCoslor,
Bray, Calif. 21-23 1
FOR 11BNT 3-room npartmont B24
High, cornor Ctti. Phono 24-M.
FOB SALE OB BENT 2 ono-room
cabins closo to pavement. Ask Mr.
Bell, "tho tuxl man," or phono 370
or 515M. 21-23
FOB BENT Furnished cabin for
bachelor, housekeeping. 21 IB Cth St.
' 21-23
WANTED Partner In tailoring and
cleaning business. S05 Main St.
rent my ranch In Poo Vallor. Good
place to ralso potatoes, hay or grain,
turkoys nnd chlckons. Bunnlng wa
tor In house No crop. No rent. I
will furnish seed to right party. W.
B. Patterson, B9 Washington. 21-23
WANTED Garmonts to clean and
press. Bcllntng and alterations. C.
E. Sparks, 80S Main Phono BB2W.
WANTED Woman to do cooking
for smalt family. Address Frank
Schlmdt, Beatty, Ore. 21-21
F.OR 8ALE Sowing machlno, dres
ser, rocking chair and washing
machine. Inquire Reclamation Sor
vlco Offlco. 21-22
FOR SALE Houso and lot by own
er. Six rooms and bath. Will soil
on payment plan, partly furnished.
Must sell soon. It will pay you to In
vestigate. 737 N. 3th st. 21-27
FOB SALE Br owner, B-room
house, modern, on pavement. Box
U. 11., Itornld. 18-23
Wo rcmovo Fronch hools and put
on Cuban or military heols, which
makes somo shoes moro comfortablo.
Brndloy-Evans Shoo Co. 20-33
FOB SALE 0 bond ot good work
horses and ono 3 yr. old colt. D.
W. Qcorgo on tho old ,Ky Taylor
plnco, Keno road. 18-30
ITnvo You 8n KelTcy today?
Shoo ropalrlng Is a rent sorvlce to
tho public. Wo repair on an average
of 30 pairs a day. Look your own
over, don't thoy need now soles? It
so wo will put thorn on whllo you
wnlt. Uradley-'Kvans Shoo Co. 20.23
Want HSO for C months. Will
glvo excellent security and Interost.
Address box C. D Horald. 20-22
It you havo missed any horses or
cattle, you had bettor visit tha
pound, as I hnvo about 25 hoad of
hones nnd cattlo now In corral.
20-22 Poundmastor.
ITsod Standard Phonographs, lib.
oral reductions, lower terms. Earl
Shtfphord Co. G07 Main St. 12tt
llnvo You Hoon Kclley today?
Used Pianos, reasonable prices nnd
lowest of terms. Earl Shaphord Co.
llnvo You Seen Kellcy todny?
. Ono Chandler Chummlo Roadster,
1918 Model, guaranteed condition.
Ono Ford Toifrlng car, now top.l
upholstering and paint. Mechanically
porfect. Bulck Sales & Service. Tol
eDhono 176W. 2 lit
2-horses for sale, one 6 ypars old.
wt. 1450; one 2 yr. old colt, good,
size for ago; both for salo cheap If
taken soon. 6 ml. south of Klamath
Falls, on Miller Hill. Walter Zotzmnn
. 21-22
TOB SALE Timber, choap It takon
soon Address "Timber" Herald..
Chlloquln Ltimbor Company and tho
Dorrls Lumbar nnd Box Company.
Mrs. Louisa E. Blchnrdson nnd
hor dnughtor, Mrs. It. LUtlo, loft
this morning for YreUn whoro thqy
will spend a few rin)n with friends
nnd relatives. Thoy will innko the
trip by nutomobllo,
James J. IHuirdorff, an oxlonslvo
farmer from tho Mncdool district,
was a business visitor In town yes
terday. AUhounh several months havo
passed slum applicants for tho local
postmnstorshlp underwent examina
tion nt Yrokn, no decision has boon
received In nettle tho situation nnd
rollovu Dorrla patrons of tho uncer
tainly of who will hold tho offlco anil
whoro tho offlco will bo located.
Thoso who worn examined fortho po
rtion nro John M, Tliackara', Mjs,
Margaret Korwln nnd Frank Mullan.
Dorrls has boon without a postmnstor
slnco last fall when flro destroyed
thn building nnd n temporary pout
master was designated.
llnvo You Hi Kclloy todajf?
Pure Linseed oil, raw or boiled,
1.50 per gal. W. E. and J. E. Patt
erson, 133 4th St. 21-23
FOR SALE Oood paying laundry
business. Will stand Investigation.
Inquire Herald office, Box F. F.
Wo carry only tho best grades of
matc'rlul In our Bhoo repair depart
ment. Bradley-Evans Shoo Co. 20-23
Carpets nnd rugs cleanod to your
satisfaction. Win, Lush, phono 190W.
FOB SALE A good lot on Orchard
street at Mills addition, lot 343,
block 112. Write owner, Mrs. A.
Wellman, 146 Brooklyn,nvonue, San
Joso, California. 20-22
in iji i pB
L ref reshinq J
1920 Columbia Sport Model.
Also ,
1920 Dodge at a bargain. Honllno
Photo Shop, 327 Main. 20-2G
Pumpernlkel and fresh ryo broad
every day In tho woek from now on.
Whlto Grocery Dollcateson, 1018
Main. 20-22
Mlddlo agod lady wishes position
as housokeeper. Good cook and No. 1
housekeeper. Call at 42G Michigan
avenue after 5 o'clock. 20-22
Wo have ono or tho nicest small
houses In tho city for salo. This prop
erty Is located In tho Hot Springs Ad
dition'. 5 rooms and basoment. Small
garage, lawn. ,
If any ono Is looking for a rcul
homo In desirable locality at a reas
onable figure, some terms, call on,
Wlshard & Wood, noxt door to Hor
ald Bldg. 21-23
Opium disguised as sausages was
recently soiled on a steamship at
Brooklyn during a narcotic raid by
Intornal revenue agonts and police
Tho searchers were unrewarded until
ono of thom cut opon a frankfurter
and discovered opium Instoad of
ground moat.
DRESSMAKING First-class work ,
guaranteed. Mrs. Joftorson, No. 2,
Main St.- 11-23 ,
Ilaro You Seen KcBey today?
Spring Is coming on and you hava
tho house clearing bug. Well, I have
got It. too! let's get together. I
"Tho Furnisher of Happy Homes'
CITY GARBAGE When you want
garbage removed cU IffF-JJ.
Tell your troubles In the Furniture
FANCY ONIONS Mild and sweet;
Klamath friends! eat them, health
ful, nutritious! 300 sacks mlsahlp
pod.. At sacrlflco; $1.40 big sack.
Small quantities. Come, send, phono,
wrlto. Jas. Bratton, 127 N. 4th St.
Phone 196W. 16-22
Itnyo you tn Kcney today?
A Jar of Freckle Cream ono cent,
2- room Iioubo and ono lot,
$1000. 1344 Oregon Ave.. 19-23
A good writing tablet ono cent.
tun baue.1 unevroiei in ai run-j
uius uruur, joov. inquire in
Malnstroot. 19-23
Ono M)und sugar of milk -ono cent.
DORRI8, April 22. R. J. Sheets
of tho Link Rlvor Electric Company
at Klamath Falls, drovo through
Dorrls yestorday on bis way to Mac
dool on business.
Airs. O. IE.' Martin lu visiting hero
with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Barr.
H. IE. Cranston, representing tho
Gorrard Wlro Tying Machlno Com
pany ot San Francisco, Is In town
looking aftor business Interests of
bis house,
Cbarlos G, Twohy Is hero from San
Francisco for a few days business
visit. Mr. Twohy Is Interested In tho
Palace Market
In More than Name Only
We feel that we would not be justified m using the
name, "Palace Market," if we did not conduct our
market in accordance with all the demand s of sanita
tion, and service. We place great stress upon sanita
tion, or cleanliness, if you prefer to term it that way,
and we feel that our efforts to preserve this cleanliness
is thoroughly appreciated by our patrons, the list ot
whom grows larger every day. The item of service
should not be overlooked we insist-that our represen
tatives shall be courteous all the time, and that prompt
ness in giving this service shall be an ever-present shop
- 'I
.; 1 . ?- "
Palace Market
sssflHssssflssssssssI ItM
JTVXVVVAVvV sssssssssssssssss
LM ' V W-lLJ Let. buy Oregon ProducUl
jiMjisBslllla- r
-aiiiisisisiK i
To the Workers
of Oregon
By Otto R.Hrtwig
President, Oregon State Federatioa
of Labor
TUR1NG these days of icconitruction and
uncertainties, it becomes more than ever
necessary for the citizens of Oregon to patronize
the industries of Oregon by buying such prod
ucts ns are made in thia state.
Industries of Oregon cannot be expected to
grow and furnish continuous satisfactory em
ployment to the workers of Oregon if we spend
our money for products manufactured else
where. Itis a well known fact that on the whole, Ore
gon workers are receiving better wagea and
working under more satisfactory condition
than is true of the workers in many of the
eastern centcra where a good deal of the prod
ucts that the careless purchaser buys cornea
from. It is the height of stupidity and selfish
ness to demand decent working cpnditiont
from the Oregon employer and then turn
around and use the money earned in Oregon
to buy products made under" sweat-shop condi
tions that exist in many of tho eastern and mid
dle states.
and Garden Seed Murphey's Seed Store
124 So. Sixth St,