The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 22, 1921, Image 1

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fflqv luitfttmr iferalll
A Class Ad Will
Today? a News
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth YcnrXo. Bloa j
iXw -m
WASHINGTON, April 32. Tho
.United BtaUw "ntrbngly desires" that
there bo a resumption of negotiations
botwoon Germany and tho allirn re
garding reparations, Secretary
Hughes Knld In n nolo aunt yonttirday
to llcrlln refusing thu German re
quest that President Harding modi
tnlii In tho controvoniy uud fix tho
mini Germany' must pay.
Ilo offorud, howovor, to bring to
tho nltentlon or tho allien any propo
sals Germany might present a n
proper baiilN for discussion.
Wncod by tho alraont certain occu
patlon of moro territory by tho
French, May 1, Germany will lone no
tlmo In accoptlnK tho Amorlcan pro
potal, think representatives of neu
tral and allied governments hero.
Reports from I'nrln and london
failed to Indlcato that uny modlflca'
tlon ot tho nlllod demnndn, will bo
lipoid Washington Uurenu '
WASHINGTON, April 21. Un
clarlng that "wo havo been thought
lessly permitting tho dt-ntrucllon of
our foroaU by flro." and that It
"spells dliaitor uuloss tho rata ot
burning is materially chocked," Bee
rotary or Agriculture Waftn'haa
Juit written Uio governors ot all
states asking their co0eratlon In
tho natlon-wldo obsorvnnco or forest
production .week, May 22 to 28.
Tho period was recently proclaim
ed an forest protoctlon week by Prosl
dent Harding In responso to tho ro
quent of tho forest nrvlco of tho de
partment or agriculture, and tho Sec
retary .'in his letter uri;e tho gover
nors to tot It apart ror "such rduca
tlonal and Instructlvo uxorclnos an
Khali hrlng before tho pooplo tho no
rlou offootn of tho projcnl unnocot
nary waste by forest fires,"
According to data Kuthurod by tho
forest service, forest Urea during tho
five yours ondlng with 1920, dovos
tated nn nrra greater than tho Now
Kngland states, and cuusod a Iom ot
moro than 185,000.000.
Statistics show that human agen
cies woro responsible tor approxi
mately 80 pcr'cont ot tho HO.noO
forest fires occurring during tho f'vo
year porlod, and that they could have
been provontod by tho caro and vigil
ance oil tho part ot tho pcopla,
; In addition to growing timber und
Bottlers' homos dostroyed, there wan
a heavy loss ot lire. In tho great Min
nesota flro of 1918, nearly 1000 poo
plo woro either burned to death or
Tho forest protection week mover
mont originated on tho Pacific Coast
In 1020 when It was proclaimed by
a number ot governors lu Western
tales and generally observed by
their cltlxonB.
This yoar tho Importance of for
est protoctlon was brought to tho at
tention 'or tho socrotary of agricul
ture by tho forest service, and ho In
turn preeontod tho matter to tho
Co-operation In tho obiorvanco
ot tho weok la oxpocted from statu
foresters, commercial and buslnoss
organisations, cducatlonul f lnstllu
tlons, eoclotlos and Individuals In
terested In tho preservation o( tho
national tlmbor resources.
Tho secretary has written, to tho
national presidents ot tbo Klwunls,
Rotary, Amorlcan Automobllo nasocl,
atlott and other'' lurgo commercial
clubs, Boy Scouts ot America and to
the president general ot tho. Daugh
ters of tbo. American Revolution skip-
that they oxert tholr InflUonco to
havo , tholr "brgantzatlona observo tho
week". .". '
.. 5URKET,:fl.EPOKT '
rTOn'nlXVD''xKtm 38.-: cattle
steady! noli , 8K'riti-'lower, prime
light $10 to Hbj'B: sheep steady;
eggs unsottled; butter steady,
Federal Officials
Say Haywood May
Be Hiding In U. S.
CHIOAtlO, April 22. Federal offl
rlnln todity ordored an Investigation
ot radical hoadquarters throughout
tho country In thn Mint that "Big
Hill" Hnywood, reported yontorduy
to huvo fled to Itunnln, wan being
concoalod In thin country In connec
tion with nllcgod plans for a May
Day demonstration, and meanwhile
Ilaywood'n counnol In trying to reach
him, pnrtionnlly In Russia by cablo.
Haywood must surrender Monday or
hi $10,000 bonds will bo forfeited.
Tho grand jury, which has been
In soaslon since Monday, reported
last ovculng to tho circuit court, re
turning night Indictments, one ot
which was plaeod on secret Ulo.
Thrco criminal matters turned over
to tho grand Jury tor examination
woro rejected. Tho grand Jury wan
dismissed, subject to tbo call of tho
district nttornoy. It In understood
that thoro will bo a further session
following thn trial ot cases In tho
circuit court, which begins next
Tho Indictments aro on follews:
Frank Johnson, assault with a dan
gerous weapen: Arthur Starrs, as
sault wlth'a dangorous woapon; Ar
thur BUrni and Fred ICorapko, bur
glary; Cecil Jackson, usnault with u
dangerous weapon; Fred Bwager, In
decent exposure; Harry Brown, bur
glary; Frank Hodriguoi, Issuing a
check without funds.
No charges were brought In tho
foil.!.. M.ta whirl. tatrt till ffir
.examination; n. A. Ynwman, Harry
Fonvlllo. and J, U Bparreton and
John Klmmons. iolnlly.
It is understood that lu the one
secret Indlctmont, tho subject Is lu
custody outaldo tbo statu and extra
dition pspors havo boon Issued for
his return.
Tho grand Jury-consists ot tho fol
lowing cltlxenn:
Jacob Iluock, foreman; Clayton
Cornlsb, Tom Wattors, Honry Hagby,
Paul llogardua, C. W. Iiowln and V.
C. Murkwardt.
m '
John Colemnu purchuscd tho tem
porary tnbornaclo on I'lno street last
night for S625. Bidding started ut
$SC0. It wus announced that tho con
struction ot 4ho building cost ?1200.
Mr. Coleman has a ranch and dairy
two or threo mllcn out toward Swan
Lake and It Is undorntood that ho
will wreck tho building and uso tho
lumbor on his ranch. Tho city's cou
ntrttctlon permit expires May lfj, Tho
salo did not Include heating stoves
and windows.
Tho California Oregon Power com
pany was madu dofendaat In a suit
fllod today by J. W. Siemens, O. W.
M attorn and Jamc Watklns, Jr.,
asking $16,455 for alleged damage
to mint roots, grain crops and land
on tho Uppor Lake through ovortlow.
Tho Inundation "is nllogod to havo
boon causoil br tho raising ot tho
lako lovol by a crib dam Installod by
dotondant In Link rlvor, and defend
ant's negllgonco In falling to dlko
plaintiff's land against 'ovorf low.
National Legion Will
Honor Memory of
Centralia Martyrs
bronxo figure typifying a. Bplrlt of
tho Amorlcan doughboy Is rocom
niondod by tho national memorials
comraittoo ot tho Amorlcan Legion to
bo erected in Contralla, Wash., to tho
memory of tho four loglonnalres
killed during tho Armistice Day pa
rado In 1919. Tho statuo, tho com
mittee ruled, would bo a mora fitting
monument than a $600,000 memorial
building proposed jy' former eervlco
mon of Washington. ''
Oranlto headstones to insure pdr
nanont niarkera, for, the grayes of
'Ajoerican" soldiers, will' be requested
ot tie government to roplaco marbjo
'm'V-w'ra which aro ot oor quality;
T, Bemmea' Walmsley of New; Oreins,
chairman ot the memorial committee
llcralit WiMlUiigton Bureau
WASHINGTON, April 22. Kggs
may net! wlihln u tow wooks for 10
teiitK a dozen. Tho United Statcaja
burled under such an avulnncho of
eggs on has novor boon scon In this
country before and tho prlco Is bound
to break to ovon now lovcls, accord
ing to tho market sharks. ,
Thoro uro now on hand 1, 883,858
cases ot eggs and ovory caro contains
thirty doion. Multiply It for yoursolf
nnd figure thu dimensions of rtho
American omolot, Tho normal supply
Is about ono-tcntli of this amount or,
to bo exact, 207,000 canes.
Many ImxHl
Lust year at this tlmo tho stock
on hand wan only 121,733 cases and
In 1919 there woro avallablo at' this
date only 319,508 cases. Much of this
over-load of eggs comes from tho
Importation ot eggs from China and
othor foreign countries.
So creat Is tho depression that n
dologatlou of poultry pooplo tropj
Iowa are bore to bn heard before tho
senate finance committee on tho no
comity ot Including tgga in tho emer
gency tarltr. I'otaluma, Cal., the
placo where eggs were invented, and
tho Poultry Ualsors1 association of
Oregon also havo protested against
tho turtbor Importation ot Cblnoso
eggs and want a stiff tarltr on all Im
ported oggs. '
Hcftan Aa Kxportnvnt
Tho Importation ot eggs from the
Orient began m an experiment by
speculators to attorn pt to break tho
market when at Us high point, and
tho habit has grown until there It a
regular trndo that) appears to bo
growing out of nil proportion tojthe
One of Aim astonishing things
about the eggs from tho Orient i
that thoy are aq. carefully pocked
Is almost unhosrd of, nmof luxoll
that tbo breakage la ncgllblo nnd loss
Is almost unheard of wbllo the loss
to tho Amorlcau ogg producers duo to
breakago aggregated last yoar more
than J1.2C0.000.
Poultry raUcra of tbo West say
that unless u stiff tariff Is Imposed
on foreign eggs their business will
bo rulnod and ono ot tbo great In-dustrlos-of
tho Pucltlo Coast will bo
Modoc Irrigation
Control Is Let
ALTUJIAB. Cal., April 22. Tho
directors of tho Crooks Canyon Irri
gation District mot to consider final
action on applications fori the con
struction of tho dam and canals and
ulao to tnko final action on tho bids
for tho purchase ot tho district's
Tho bonds were sold to Frank M.
Barney for 82 conta or 18 cents bo-
low par.
Tho contract wns also let to Frank
M. Barney on tho cost, plus a 10 por
cent basis. Barney Is now in San
Francisco making nocossary purchas
es ot equipment to bogln work.
It Is oxpected tho dam will bo com
pleted In nbout six months.
Tho project inoana sovoral thou
sand acres ot land now practically
worthless will bo madu productive
$235,000 Jobbery
Alleged By Jeweler
CHICAGO. April 22. J. J. Roln
gold, proprietor ot(the Jowolry store
on tho fifteenth floor or tho down
town building today reported to tho
poltco that two bandits robbod him
and Leroy Prcsont, a Rocheator, N.
Y salesman, ofjowoln valued at
$35,000. Shortly after tho report
pollco arrested Loo. llelngold, bra
thor of tho proprietor, but refused to
discuss his connection with tho caso.
Members ot the clubs composing
tbo city baseball loaguo and supeprt-
ors will meet-tonight at tho chamber
of oonunercco rooms at 8 o'clock to
discuss plans for the season.
Mass -w!lir be celebrated n the
Catholic churcch in 'Merrill 'at'10:30
o'clock next Sunday morning.
DOItltIS, Cal., April 22. Offlcorn
for tbo nowly organized chamber ot
commerce hora as a branch ot tho
county hoily atYreku were eloctod
by tho exccutlvo commlltco at a
meutliiK held last evening. All offi
cers were chonen from tho committee
and are nn follewn: J. D, Wultz, pres
ident; II. W. Mitchell, vlcd-prcnldent;
William tl. Hagolntoln, secretary; A.
I). McDonald, treasurer.
Mr. Waltz, tho president, In hcud
ot tho Butto Valloy Stato Bank, nnd
Mr ICngelatcIn, Uio aocrotary, In
cashier of tho samo Institution. Mr.
Mltcboll and Mr. McDonald, vlco
prenldcnt and treasurer, nrp both
prominent stockmen ot tho Oklaho
ma district,
A commltlco ot two, acting as dot-(T,i-.i-,
from thin branch, will go to
ri'ku Monday where a general
county, ossombly will bo hold by tho
1 county chamber of commorco with
laprcsontatlvcs from ovory branch,
' m
I at
r. Mitchell and Mr. Hagolntoln will
attend from Dorrls.
A commlltco -was appointed to
prepare and submit byylaws before
tho next meeting ot tho oxocutlvo
committee. A regular program will
bo put Into offoct whereby publicity
and membership wilt bo given special
Prepare to End
Old Litigation
Over Lake Land
Paving tho way for a settlement ot
litigation over ownorshlp ot land In
eluded In tho beds of tho Little
Klamath and Ooaio Lakes In Slskl
you county, tho California Assombly
has pasted n resolution or Senator
Walter Kden ot Santa Ana, ompow
orlng "the uttornoy general to proso
cuto to final Judgement nil angles In
volved In 'tho muchly Unfiled affair.
Assemblyman II. B. Beam, of Sis
son, -who handled tho resolution In
tho Assembly following lit adoption
by tbo seuato, says that tbo ownor
shlp of approximately 40,000 acres of
land In Siskiyou In Involved In tho
outcomo, nnd ho declares tho land Is
valuod nt from $200 to $250 nn aero.
Legislation adopted by California
moro than slxtoen years ago author
ized tho federal government to lower
tho water lovcU ot tho Klamath,
Gooso, Tuto and Clear lakes In Siski
you and Modoc counties, nnd to uso
tho beds ot tho lakes for storago ot
water In connection with tho Irriga
tion and reclamation operations of
tho federal government.
It Is charged that no action nlong
theso lines oor hus been taken by
tho tederal government, and tho res
olution p.tssod by tho legislature now
ompow'ors tho uttorncy general of
California to lnstltuto procoodlngs to
havo tho land revort to the stato.
Much ot tho land Is clnlmod by prl
vato parties.
It. K. Smith, local real estate man,
desires to correct any Impression that
might bo gained by similarity ot Ini
tials, thnt ho Is plaintiff in tho suit
ot J. A. Gordon and B. K. Smith
against L, Jacobs. Tho Smith who Is
plaintiff was formerly a rosldont
hero and llvod at tho Whlto Pollcnn
hotel. Ills first namo Is Robert und
tho local realty man's namo Is Rich
ABTORIA, April 32. Ono hund
red and fifty longshoremon struck
as tho result ot dlsagrcomont over a
rulo, .which became offectlvo toduy,
thai board, lodging and transporta
tion will not bo puld when workers
are sont to an outsldo point. Tbo
employers announced that thoy
would operato with non-unon help.
'WASHINGTON, April 23., David
H. Blair, ot Wlnston-Salonv North
Carolina, has been nominated by
President, Harding as commissioner
of lnieroatloasl revenue.
PORTLANDAp'rII 22. John L.
Ethoridge v-ns granted a pardon in
Witnesses Fail to
Identify Suspcet In
Wall Street Bombing
BCIIANTON, Pa., April 22.Throe
Now Yorkorn who camo bore at tho
behent of tho department of Justice,
failed today to Identify Tito Llgl,
under arrest hero as tbo driver of tho
"Death wagon" that figured In tho
Wall ntrcet oxptoslon last Beptembor,
whon nhown Llgl's picture lnNow
York they had expressed tho belief
thAt ho wan the drlvor, whom they
said thoy had seen.
saooo now
Campaign headquarters this af
ternoon announced tho total for
Chamber of Commorco membership
and nervlco funds at $21,700. Tho
total membership is now 570. Tbo
sonrlce fund Is oter $8,000,
Six hundred dollars was added to
tbo servlco fund today nnd 139 now
members signed. The combined
funds aro now $4,000 past tho origi
nal $17,000 goal.
Tho divisions finished today In tho
following erder: groen, flrst;Hgold,
second; whlto. third; blue, fourth.
Tomorrow Is tbo final day of tbo
campaign. All team workers will
meet from 12:15 to 1 o'clock for
final roll call and a farewell lunch
According to announcement re
ceived here, tho Kenneth Lucas Fen
ton memorial law library, an addi
tion to tho Oregon University law
school at Eugene, was dedicated yejl-,
terday wltn formal exorcises in wnicn
University faculty member stsfA
rdombere of tho"atato and local bench
and bar took, part. Supremo' Justice
Burnett mado tho presentation ad
dress. Tho library was presented by
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fonton In mem
ory of their son.
Rate Conference
Here April 25
A freight rato conforenco In which
San Francisco, Sacramento, Portland,
Mcdford and Klamath Falls repre
sentatives will tako part will bo held
hero April 25. Members of tho stato
cbambor ot commerce and state pub
lic servlco commission, will also at
Tho purposo ot tbo conference
Is nn attempt to fix a fair freight
rato for Klamath Falls. Data In re
gard to rates Is being prepared by a
committee of the local cbambor ot
commorco for submission to tho
Prospects to Settle
British Coal Strike
LONDON, April 22. By Invito
tlon of Premlor Lloyd George, tho
British mino owners and strike load
ers met with him this afternoon.
Tho conforenco adjournod about 6
o'clock, but it waa stated that suffi
cient progress had been made to
justify a furthor mooting, probably
FOR $1,230,000 RECEIVED
PORTLAND, April 22. Tho high
way commission today opened bids
for 76 miles ot road work Involving
ROME, April 23, Disorders In
which tho oxtromo Nationalists and
Communists havo been engaged in
northern and central Italy havo
spread to tho southern provinces,
says Epoca.
WASHINGTON, April 22. Tho
Immigration restriction bill today
passed the houso, which rejected tho
amendment undor which political
refugees from, foreign countries
would be permitted to enter
,M i m00mm fwy
New Jersey-last week for otfensos
in thaC state in.ua05.ndl90T, .tor
.which ho" served prison terms; nis
attorney announced today
Loaders of oil development In
Klamath county have called a gen
eral moetlng ot all persons now ac
tively engaged in tho promotion of
oil activity In tbo county at tho office
of tho Crater Oil company, 622 Main
street, next Wednesday ovonlng at 7
o'clock. ,
Tbo purposo of tho meeting la to
form an organization for tho purpose
of spreading publicity In regard to
tho oil resources of Klamath county
bnd to generally support any move
ment that will bo for tho bcnoflt or
tho oil Industry.
Tho men who are organising oil
companies hero aro putting their
money and efforts Into tho develop
ment ot what they expect wilt become
n great Industry and they feel that
they will strengthen tbelr Individual
Intercuts by an association.
J. It. Kclloy, sales manager of the
Crater Oil company, said today that
bo had consultod a number of men
In other companies and tho associa
tion plan seemed to meet with
general approval.
At such short notice It will be Im
possible to extend a personal or
mailed Invitation to everyone who
might bo interested in the organisa
tion, but all persons who read this
article and are actively engaged In
the promotion ot tho oil Industry
hero aro asked to attend tho meet
tag. Salvation Army Is
Asking $89,000 for
Coming Year's Work,
Tha RAlVBtlnn Aml m ASKtaff Ihn
' . .1 ... . 7. .
peopio ot uregou, ouisue pi -oruano
for the sam ot46.000.00wiUi which
to maintain, and operato their -various
actlvitles"for-'the coning' twelve
months. The dates for ihe 1921
Homo-Servleo appeal are May 1st to
In many localities tho Elks aro as
sisting In tho management ot local
campaigns as are the members ot
tho American Legion. Tho 'order ot
Elks has become known as a "Big
Brother" to tbo Salvation Army for
reason ot Its assistance rendered dur
ing tho period ot tho war. and tho
Elks aro proud ot tholr new relation
ship. Tho demands upon the Salvation
Army during tho past year have tax
ed Its Institutions and resources to
tbo limit. In tbo Rescuo Home at tho
present time there are 62 girls and
33 babies. Twenty-eight counties In
Oregon are represented by this num
Tho Reed Auto' Supply company,
capitalized at $30,000, haa tiled arti
cles of Incorporation with the county
clerk. The purpose of the incorpora
tion la tbo conduct ot a general auto
mobile buslnoss. Stock Is divided
into 3,000 shares, with a par value
ot ton dollars each. Tho Incorpora
tors are: Ray II. Reed, W. T. Lee,
A. E. Whitman, B. D, Johnson, A. J.
Vbye, J. A. Coe. J. E. Swansen, O.
W. Robertson, J. C. Jarvs. Paul
Lambert, Henry A. Nltscheln, and H.
S. Dunn.
The arrangements comraittoo of
tho chamber of commerce will give a
celebration dance at the Bcandlnar
vlan hall Tuesday ovenlng, April 26,
opon to the entire community.
PORTLAND, April t23.Joo Gor
man was awardod a ton?round decis
ion ovor Young Sam Langtord at
Milwaukee last night. .
Tho Cyclo-Btormagraph at Un
dorwdod's Pharmacy has register
ed a falling-barometer since mid
night and for several hoUra the
"descent haVMen quite rapid.
Should this' continue it is quite
HkoV that there Will be a change
lu our weather conditions toaior
row. Such indications are (favora
ble for raibS If preceded bysofcth
." erir wind. '
" Forecast fojvnetJ4 houra ,
CloUdyah4 warmer, followed by
unsettled VfofttheV,'