The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 21, 1921, Image 1

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    """SKbPK -mil
fE&p lEueriltttt BmtliJt
A Class Ad Wil(
Do It
Today a News
Member of the Associated Press.
BIG H: 111
CHICAGO, April 21. Vhsfei
amounting to u billion dollars unnu
ally wnru Inlil to managerial Ineffi
ciency on America railroads In n do
tailed exhibit plucod boforo tho Hull
Toad Labor Hoard toduy an part of
union labor's fight against a roduo
tlon of wages, Hutovcrablo waste
woro estimated by thu employes at
$fi7K, 500,000 u your uud Othor
wastes , Impossible of estimation,
would oquul that amount, it was do
clared. Thu ovldonco submitted In tho fiBi
000 word document Is aimed at tho
railroads' contention that tho prev
ent national agreements mako for
labor conditions "not In tho Intorcst
of bonrat, efficient und economical
oporntlon," Tho employes point out
alleged wnnton In tho p recent rail
rood administrations ( and maintain
that It thpso eflclrncles mid dofaultii
In management woro redressed and
repaired, there would remain no rea
son for attempting to roduco wagos.
Aa n mstbod of correcting wasteful
.method and Increasing tho efficiency
of oniployooa, tho exhibit advocated
cooperative effort between manage
meut and workers and, added that
tbla cooperation could best bo obr
talncd through tho medium uniform
agreements ronched by collective, bar
Itocovrrablo und easily estimated
wastes woro dlvldod by tho exhibit
under nine hoods having to do large
lx with construction and caru of loj
comotlvrs and shop machinery1, coat
accounting and labor turnover. "
' Tho wastes which thu unions said
' could not bo estimated In tonus of
Boney Included' a varloty of sub
Jocts ranging from dsfcctlv'o train
equipment and tracks through allega
tion of Incompetent und extravagant
In tbo last class emphasis was laid
upon publicity and advertising nnd
,on what tho unions thought woro
', unnecessary legal oxnes. Such
expenditures, it wan claimed, htivo
orved to Incroaso and havo been
''charged wrongfully to operating
It wan also charged that much
of tho defective equipment which tho
jnausgomonts of tho road aro using
its an argument tor the neod of do
creasod wngo costs, could havo boon
avoided If tho roads had declared less
Ibural dividends and used a proper
proportion of their earnings to es
tablish replncomonts funds.
According' to tho exhibit railway
managers In many cuses havo njsto
matlcally fought scientific cost find
newer methods of porsonnol hand
ling; Htandardlxatlon In equipment
and similar Innovations. In respect
to cost accounting thu oxblblt argues
that railway equipment dotcrorlutlon
ofton Iiuh occurred be can ho tho man
agement has declared dividends with
out regard to tho mnlntenunco of ad
equate reserves to cover deprecia
tion. Hegardlng porsonnol efficiency
Norman Collyer of th6 Houthern Pa
clflc Is quoted as saying "that flvo
times a minute, 300 tlraoa an hour,
7,200 tlmos a day or 2,51)2,000 times
a year, an omptoyo Is lost and ro
placod. In othor words tho labor turn
over of tho railroads, uccordlng to
his estimate is over 140 per cont."
Tho exhibit spoclflos In considera
ble detail many of tho particular eco
nomics which tho omployca think
should bo adoptod but thoy say aro
not in Konornt uso upon tho railways,
and ulloged inofflclonclos complained
of bolng based upon comparisons
with tbo standards of actual experi
ence and tho practices in uuo upon
well managod roads.
Tho data In tbo exhibit wero dorlv
od mainly from studios and reports
of consulting engineers, mechanical
engineers and othor techntcluus In
tho rallwnjr Industry, from tho all
mates. and Judgomqnta qtth'o execu
tive officer "oYraanyUrgn roll
roada and from exports in matters of
r railway eauiimoui,. avtuiuiub vu
i 'unon jpfflclafstt Mutter is Included
' aUbJi rom tbo 'prececdlug of Import'
J .aatVallvav ascoclatlcma'and club and
.frorfr railway ' fielrlodlcali, govern
'menial Investigations and the reports
of officials of tho Unltod Statos
nollway Administration.
Bourbon Senator
Flays Critic of
Wilson Regime
WASHINGTON, April 21. Bona,
lor llurrlson, MIssIhsIppI democrat,
charged today In tho senate that
tbo appointment by rrosldont Hard
Ing of Uoorga Harvey, New York
odltor, ns ambassador to Or cat Ilrl
tain, whs tho reward for his of
forts to dlncrodlt tho Wilson ad
ministration. '
Harrison said that "Ilarvoy'a
pursuit of Wilson wom comparablo
only to Milton's noil bounds at tho
gates of tho Infornnl regions."
510.000 IS NOW
Tho Chamber of Commorco wont
past tho original $17,000 goal to
day, tho third day of solicitation,
and woll toward tho $20,000 now
mark sot. Announcement from head
quarters this afternoon placed total
pledges at $18,036.
Thu total membership Is now 436,
of whom 85 woro socurod toduy.
Tho nddltlon to tho sorvlco fund
today was $726, making a total of
$7,286. I
Hearing of $5750
Tule Lake Damage
Claim Is Ordered
Pccrntnry of tho Interior I'nyno
bss oidorrd a bourlng of thu damago
claim of (1, W.'Molcrrf, Tuln I,ako
land owner, to bo hold at tho recla
mation sorvlco offlco horo.
Molrn claims $5,750 damuges for
Jhe drying up of hi a laud through
tho ii'chtnmtlon operations in tho
Tulo liko nrna.JIo presented his
claim hero, according to tho tftate
inont of his attorney, and It was turn
ed down by thu reclamation servlco.
An nppoal wna takon to tho secretary
of tbo Intorior with tho result that
a hoarlng Is ordered.
A baby girl was born this morn
ing to Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Durko
of Ilonanxn. Tho child has been
named I'oarl Aldcno. Dr. 0 cor go
.Kther and daughtci
nro doing well.
Tho employes raise tho point that
"tho guarantee to tho railway compa
nies by tho United Ktutcs govern
ment Is not to bo construed as an un
conditional prlvltego granted to tho
railway oporators to levy fixed char
ges upon shippers, consumers, em
ployes, and tho public In general
without nny accountability on thu
part of thu railway administration
thomsulvos." Tho employes tuko tho
position Hint tho railway Inspectors
must assumo certain responsibilities
and thut umong these responsibili
ties is tbo obligation to give thu pub
lic u rallwuy administration which Is
reasonably efficient in avory respect.
In concluding, tho Exhibit points
out that tho remodlos suggested, "in
many Instances, tho specific methods
whereby thoso wastes can bo obvl
atud largely from tho mouths of
railroad exports nud officials," re
quire closo cooporation botweou tho
managements and tho employes.
"Without tho good will of their
men," tho exhibit said, "without a
high level of morale and enthusiasm
dovotod to a common end, tho Im
provements of sorvlco and tho reduc
tion of cost cannot bo uchloved. If
tho two grout elements of railroad
operation, munagomont und workers,
aro to bo forever at loggorhoads, each
pulling against tho other, onch mis
trusting und condemning tho other,
oacb trying to wring concessions
which tho other Is reluctaut to grant,
tho outlook for ollmlnatiug tho many
wnstoa roveulod In tho foregoing
pages Is dark Indood.
"Tho Inoscapablo condition of
bringing about cooporation lg found
In thu prlnciplo of colloctivo bar gain
ing. Jointly tho two Intoreeta should
agree on wages, hours ond working
conditions, those' agreements should
bo consistently uniform and national
in scopo In order to allay sectjonal
dlsc'pntent. A-wplflt of cboperjUlpn
tajr. efficient service ifciabsojutely de
pendent upon the conviction 'in the
mind of the individual worker tha
his Interests havo boon properly con
sidered and safeguarded,
CHICAGO, April 21. legislation
directing tho secretary of tho treas
ury to turn over 100,000,000 prdflts
of tho Koddral Itcsorvo Hank to tho
Federal Land Hanks to bo loaned on
stock cdttlo tof assist tho cnttlo, pro
ducers, has been rocommondod by
W. I. Q, Harding, governor of the
Fodorul Henorvo Hoard, nnld Everett
C. Drown, president of tho National
Block Growers Exchange
This would enable tho multltudo
of stockmen who might otherwlso bo
forced out of buslnoss to continue
production, said Urown.
City League Starts ,
With Six Teams
Tho meotlng of ball players and
funs of tho chamber of commerco
rooms last night was woll attended
and as a rosult of tho enthusiastic
support of a city league tho orgnnlt.i
tlon starts with six toams, as follows;
Harbors, Copco, Houthorn Pacific,
I'lumbora'fcwauna Hox Factory and
Culinary Alliance
nort McDonald was acting chair
man of tho meotlng. Tho leasuo does
not oxpect to havo to call for any
financial assistance from business
mon. expenses will not bo heavy and
It In expocted that public support of
tho games will bring In sufficient
gato recolpU to carry tho league
through tbo season.
A sixteen gamo schedule was plan;
nad, tbo first gamo being Mt for
Sunday, May 1. "
A supervising committee of butt-
ness men. with power to settle possl-J
1110 uisiuio niiu who auTinorr w,
era In the buslncuu ulfalrs of 4ho
Inagne, -was decided on and Frod
Houston, Fred Oarlch. Joo Poaplsll,
J. L. Htowart, J. C. Thompson -and J,
K. Rwanson tentatively named as
membors. "
Anotbor meeting will lo held to
morrow night at which tho clubs aro
asked to havo nt least two represen
tatives. Lakeview Priest 'Is
Here to Aid In
Organizing K. C.
Tho Hev. Thomas J. Brady, tho
glftod pastor of tho Catholic church
In Lakeview, has bcon in tho city
for tho past coupto of days on busi
ness conncctod with tho organlta
tlon of tbo Council for tho Knights
of Columbus. Plans had been
mado for n largo class of members
from Lakovlow, but tho roads are
In such a condition as to mako It
Impossible for thoso who had plan
ned on Joining to como over for tho
organization exercises noxt 8unday.
It is understood that tho Lakovlow
membership will bo Initiated with
tbo second class, the coromony tak
ing place some time during tho com
ing summor. Father Brady will
roturn to Lakovlow In tho morn
ing. Personal Mention
O. W. "Englo of Fort Klamath is
bora on business.
Mm. Jotm Noud and daughter
Mrs. -Uen Mitchell loft this morning
for Medford. They will bo follow
ed tomorrow by Mr. Noud who Is
going Into tho grocery business In
that city. Tom Noud and Mr. and
Mrs. Kny L. Lowls havo already'
moved there. Mrs. Lewis la also a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noud.
All havo llvod horo for somo tlmo
and havo many friends who wish
thorn euccosa in their now under
W, T. Oarrott of Uly, today began
suit for $25,000 against Dr. U D,
Johnson of this city, alleging tbat
an operation performed by tho local
surgeon was for an ailment other
than, plaintiff had askod to be ro
llove'd from and tbafas a roeult bo
Is phjralctlly''lttcapacltatedv
'..j:Arqoraqn;nd.R, B. Smltbjaro
suing. L. Jacobs for a'pjjroxlmstely
$l'0.800, alleged io -te due on a
contract for selling options on tule
land at roquest ot tbo defendant.
hood is
CHICAGO. Apr. 21, Kodorul off
icers today rocolvod Information
that William I), Haywood, secretary
of the Industrial Workers of tho
World, who was fchcdulcd to begin
serving sentoncn In tho federal prison
at Kort Leavenworth this week, has
fled from tho United Hiatus nnd Is
either in Moihow or Illgu.
Hnywood'H ntlornay said that thu
I. W. W. sccrotnry sailed from Amer
ica on April 1, and landed In Itlga
April 1C. I To said that ho thought
that Haywood was on a personal
mission and was not fleeing from tho
penitentiary santonco.
Tho Unltod Mates supromo court
recently refused u now trial to
Haywood nnd flftcon other f. W. W.
i.irmbers, convicted under tho cspt
0111130 act.
District Attornoy Cllno said that a
search for tho fugitive had been
NEW YOrtK, April 21. Tho
American Civil Liberties union today
issued a statomont saying It was In
formed Haywood was on his way to
attend an international trado union
conference in Moscow in Juno, but
would roturn ns soon as it ended to
begin his sontonco.
Roseburg Sorry to
See Pastor Leave
Tbo Tloseburg novlcw, in speaking
of thu resignation of tho Hev. J. H.
Dickson from tho Kmmanuol Uaptlst
church thorn to accent tho nastorato
of lho Klamalh Falls church on May
lDtb, wivs:
"It la with regret that tho Itoso
burg church sees Hev. Dickson deavc.
IIo has served tho church nnd tho
community woll and hni won tho con
fidence of tho pcoplo of thu city. As
a piistor, ha has handled tho affairs
of tho church in u very efficient man
ner and as a teacher has proven him
self to bo nblo and conscientious. Mr.
Dickson und his family bavo a great
many frionds outsldo tho local church
whoso host wishes go with tho mto
tholr now location. Ills successor has
not yet been chosen."
Merrill Residents
Organize Oil Co.
Tho Merrill Oil comparfy was org
anized last night at a mooting at
Merrill. About 20 Merrill pcoplo
signed tho agreement to Incorpor
ate and loaso tholr land holdings
to tho company In return for stock.
Officers of tho company havo not
yet been olectod.
Smashed Car Is
Mystery to Officers
Mystery surrounds tho smash of a
Chovrolot automobile at Third and
Pine strcots ,somo tlmo during last
night. Tho car was found this morn
ing, against tho curb wltlr-two wheels
smashed. A bottlo of Wlno ot Popsln
was In tho vohlclo. Apparently no
one was hurt. Neither tho pollco nor
Bliorlff's ottlco could throw light on
tho mystory this morning. Thq II-
conso number, 83,852, will eventual
ly 'establish tho ownership, but tho
membors in tho lists ot local officers
do not run abovo tho 80,000 they
Ropalr men woro working on tho
car this uftornoon but rofused to
give nny Information regarding tho
ownors. Thoy Bald that a party of
pooplo worn In tho car when It
smashed. Neighbors fixed tho tlmo
of tho accldont at about 1 o'clock
this morning.
Photographs Taken
Of Window Displays
Thq chamber ot commorco last
ntght'.had photographs taken ot tho
window displays at Moo's, Sugar
man's, Brandenburg's, Tho Sunset
Orocery and tho Style-Shop, each of
which, had attract'lyo displays in the
Interest of tUo .expansion campaigns
Mode's -window bad on appeal to the
sporting blood. in a replica of a race
course, with four thoroughbreds, rep
resenting the four divisions ot cam-
Pershing Heads
War Urgantzatton
Under New Plan
WASHINGTON, April 21. Orga
nisation of a war staff, headed by
Ooneral I'ersblng, to tako chargo of
Hold operations In tlmo of war, was
nnnouncod by Secretary Weeks.
Pershing's organization will bo sep-
aralo from tho offlco of chief of1 Whilo on tho surfaco tho drive
staff, which will direct tho military 'for memberships In tho Chamber
establishment In tlmo of peace. 'of Commerco will likely reach tho
1'orshlng's staff will concorn Itself goal of four hundred or over, un
entlroly with problems of strategy, -dcrncath tboro is a sentiment that
tactics und war organization. .spells disaster for tho organization
.Indebtedness that has piled up un
After over two years of ncgotla- Uor hlg. managClnenti naa openod
tlons. orgonlzatlon and effort, tho th0 eyes of tho members to a situ
first council of tho Knights of nlion t0 Borjous that thoy rocognlxo
Knights of Columbus will be in- tho necessity for a radical ehanr.
In this city next Sunday.
Tho event Is to bo mado a momor
ablo one in tho history of Sacred
Heart parish and olabornto cere
monies will bo part of tho pro
gram. Rt. Ror. Bishop McOrath
will bo hero from Baker City and
will dollvor tho sermon at tho spe
cial 9 o'clock mass, of which ho
will also bo the colobrant. Follow
ing tho mass breakfast will bo
served to candidates.
Exemplification of tbo threo de
grees will tako placo In tho after
noon, begnlnlng at 1 o'clock and
will bo followed by a banquet to
ho now members .their friends and
tho visiting Knights.
Tho work ot Instituting tho Coun
cil and exemplification of tho do
greos will bo in chargo of J. H.
Poaro ot I.aGrande, who Ma state
deputy, assisted by tlogroo tMmsj
mado up of members from Port
land, Albany, Salem and Medfo'rd.
Tho first class will consist of 46,
Tho Institution of tho Council
Sunday is tbo culmination ot tho
efforts of local Catholics extending
over a period ot moro than two
yoars. About six months ago final
consent waa socurod from tho stato
deputy nnd since that tlmo active
preparations have been carried on In
anticipation of tho' event that will
inko placo Sunday.
The Knight ot Columbus needs
no Introduction to tho peoplo ot
this city. It's record for phllan
troplo achlovemonta is world-wldo,
whilo tho high mark attained dur
ing tho lato war has won for tho
organization tho affoctlon ot tho
soldier boys tbat will last as long
as roomory.
fVeu Lumber Railway
Soon In Operation
DORRIS. Calif., April 21. Tho
flftcon mllo spur track undor con
struction by tho Poppers-Cotton
Lumber Company from tbo Southern
Pacific lino at Macdoel to their mill
west ot thnt placo, is fast nearing
completion and will soon bo convoy
ing lumbor. Tho track, which Is stan
dard gauge, la bolng built on contract
by P. L. Durr.
Heretofore Poppers-Cotton has
trucked lumber to tho shipping point
by auto trucku. This method boa
proen not only exponslve but labor
ious and comparatively slow. Tho
railroad will put this lumber plant
on a strictly modern basis and great
ly Incroaso tho yearly capacity ship
ment. Tho Pppporn-Cotton plant Is driven
entlroly by eloctric power with a
yearly cut ot betwoen flfteon and
tw-onty-flvo million foot.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Durbln aro JLho
parents ot a boy uuru yesterday af
ternoon. Tho infant wolgbod eight
and throo-quartera pounds on ar
rival and both ba and his mother
aro reported to ho doing well.
palgn workers, racing for tho $'20,000
fKL .- - v - ,
Sugarman's wiadow prominently
plays' up an aged sleeper and adjures
the, passer-by not to b'e, a Rip Van
Winkle but to 'Wake up to bis civic
responsibility and Join, the chamber
sKBiifiifrt.', , i '- " '-
Each of tbe'tbraVotfr'tdret have
attractive displays!, with la chamber
ot commerce significance?
unless thcro Is a thorough over
hauling nnd house-cleaning Immed
iately following. 'Tho clear lack
of frankness on tho part of tho
secretary In suppressing tbo facta
surrounding tho contract with tho
American City bureau, togethor with
tho plainly evident attemnt on his
nnrf In IfMH 9 Im m-1IIa a
lg a chango Is not brought about,
then tho money that will bo due
for tho second quarter and remain
ing periods will not be paid, and
tho chamber must die from financial
It Is further realized that 'the
thcorotlcal nonsenso that baa gain
ed such a strangle-hold on the org
anization must bo dropped and tho
energies of tho chamber directed
towards tho practical things tbat
must precede the fol-do-rol that has
been so glowingly pictured .during
tbo past tow months. Tho need
of n Chamber of Commerco Is ad
mitted by all, but tho placing of
tho membership at $25 Is felt by
many to bo a mistake, since It baa
shut out many who would nako
Ideal mombers. At this tirao It, la
Impossible tor them to pay any part
of $25. If tho Xeos) bad, been iotd
at $15, payable qaarterly. It would
have resnltM in inalntalag the
present .membership.) u let UerMa-
Ing it. ' ' " - ..
BERLIN, April 21. Tho Oerman
government has formally asked tho
president ot the United States to
medlato in tho reparations question.
Tho appoal pledges, Germany to ac
cept mediation without reservations
und to fullfll absolutely any award
President Harding may mako after
investigation. Tho nolo embodying
tho request was forwarded Wednes
day by Lorlng Dresel, American
commissioner in Berlin.
WABHINaTON, April 21.
President Harding and -Secretary
Hughes discussed tho Gorman re
parations noto today ,
PARIS, April 21. Tbo Qd.'man
government has refused to tramfor
tho gold reserves of the Relchs
bank to tho Coblenz and Cologne
branches of bank, as demanded by
tho reparations commission, It waa
announced horo today.
Clinton Charles, an Indian, will bo
tried In the Justice court tomorrow
morning on a charge of aasault and
battory, .brought by James Hutchlns.
At tho preliminary hearing last night
tho name of the assaulted person, or
bis relationship to Hutchlns, was
not disclosed, but ba Is said to be a
14-year-old boy, Charles pleaded not
guilty and gave $100 ball to Appear
for trial.
Weather Probabilities
The barometric pressure has
boon rising slowly tor the last
24 hours but slnco noon today,
the Cyclo-Stormagraph., at Un
derwood's Pharmacy 'has regis-'
tored a slight fall. The do-'
cltne has. not 'been marked' and
-so great changOn the weath
er is anticipated, for tna pre
sent. Fc-recist . for-, next' 26 hours;
Continuation of present- weath-,
er condition!.,
cerwn m