PAm THREE THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON VKNK8IAV, APRIL SO, 11)21 Underwood's One Cent Sale WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Poroxldo Touth .Pasto, Rogular 30c, 2 Tubca U. H. Shaving Criiani, Hogular, 3Gc, 2 TuIioh Nyalu Kaco Oruuni, Regular 30c, 2 Jam TootU llruaunn, Regular, 35c, 2 iirushca Liquid Shampoo, Regular 40c, Itottlo Shaving I.otlou, Hegulur 40o, 2 Ilottlca Chap Lotion, Regular COc, 2 Ilottlca ..:.... Nyals Catarrli Ilalm, Regular 35c, 2 TuIioh ....... Nyals Corn Remedy, noicuUr, 36c, 2 Ilottlca Eft Phosphntn Soda, Rogular 8Cc, 2 Ilottlca Load Pencils. Itcgulnr Cc, 2 for ............. Fountain Pen Ink, Hcgular 25c, 2 for .. , Compound Cathartic Plllit. IlcKUlar 30c, 2 for ... High Grade Linen Stationery 21 shoots llnnn finish papor, 31 onvolopoa, Rogular Cf prlcn per box COc 3 boxoa ........ ............... O A C Huhhor Moves, I l'alr 76c, 2 l'alra Writing Talilnta, Hrgular 30c, (Jrmlo, 2 for ... Springs Haraaparllla, Regular . $1.25, 2 'tor -. Tooth yclio Drops, Regular 30, 2 for ................... Eczema Olntmont, Hcgular 60r, 2 for ...... Muatard Olntmont, Hcgular 3Cc, 2 for ........... Nyala Headachn Talilnta, Regular 30c, 2 for Rice Powder, Flesh or While, Regular 25c. 2 Nyalu Liver Salla, Itogular 3Cc, 2 for Nylotla Hand Lotion, Regular 40c, 2 for Vlnlot Ammonia, Regular 40c, 2 for Krocklo Cream, Hcgular 60c, 2 for ................... for UNDERWOOD'S "Ono Cent Hnlo" in designed to Klvo to our customer noma rcuinrluililn bar Knlna on dorcna of different Items Hint wo bundle. In brief tlm plan I this: Wo aril, you iui artlclo at ttio rejrular prlco and lro you tlio opportunity of buying iinolbur one at tlio prlco of ONE CKNT. Thu wo offer )ou n two quart hot water ba for 91.75 but If you ulah to add ONE CKNT more wo will acll you two of those bag. Tli Id aalo la held partly at an ad vertising affair a dcslro to get ac quainted with new cuatoineni, and partly to reduce our largo stock. Wo offer nothing but high grado good .and you Ret Uio aamo qual Ity aa alwaya, hue at a remark ablo saving. took orcr tha llcnu. Tlicro nro probably a dtiurn that )ou aru ualng every ilny In the year. It will pay J on In nritlrlpatn mr nnntN, for the tin.iig six month. yaa S A two quart high grado wator hottlo which notla regularly for 31.7B. at Under wood'a ONI! t'KXT .HALE you can buy a tcrond nno for OXIJ CKXT. It V 'tZZt! illi TWO FOK $1.76 A two quart fountain lyrlngo which soils regularly at $2.oo it Undcrwood'a ONE t'KXT KALi: ynti can suy a Rccond ono for O.NK CKXT. rWO I'Olt $2.01 SPECIAL Water Hottlo Fountain Syrlngo i Ono of each for .$1.76. $2.00 $1.99 PRICKS IK) XtT INCLUDE WAR TAX Aaplrln TablotH, Hcgular 1 Dozon 20, 2 Dozen ZlC Laxatlvo Cold Tablets, Jlcgular 30c, 2 Packages ....-..-' olC Carbolic Halve, Hcgular 2Gc, 2 Dozes ....... ..........!T. ...... aOC Syrup Hypophospbltcs, Hcgular SI. CO, 2 Ilottlca ................' AOl Powdered Iloraz, Hcgular 10c, 2 Packages ...j................. .i.J. Fig Syrup, Hogular COc, 2 Dottles ...... ...... 5lC Wild Chorry Cough Syrup, Regular 3Cc, 2 Dottles ........ -OOC Nyals Llrer Pills, Regular 30o 2 Dottles ... -........... JlC Nylotla Talcum, Regular 3Cc, 2 Dozen ....-.......... ..... ODC Hand Scrubs, Regular 20c, 2 Druabcs . ............ 2lC Powder Puffs, Regular lCc, 2 for -............ IOC Dcauty Dalm, Regular 60c, 2 Dottles .... -........" - OIC Daby Talcum, Hcgular 35c, 2 for ..................................... OOC Quinine and Sage Hair Tonic A roinody for dandruff and falling hair, regular prlco TJ 7Gc, per bottlo, 2 bottlca ... Whlto Mineral Oil, 1 Pint $1.00, 2 Plnta Linen Finish Paper, 1 X'ound SOc, 2 for Envelope, IGo Per Packago, 2 Packages Nydenta Tooth, Pasto, Regular COc, 2 for Whlto Pine Cough 8yrup, Regular 3Cc, 2 for ..... Aromatic Castor Oil, Regular COc, 2 Dottles ... Nyals Porous Plasters, Regular 25c,' 2 for ..... Liquid Tar Shampoo, Regular COc, 2 Dottles .. Electric Llrilment, Regular COc, 2 Dottles Perfumed Bath Salts, Regular COc, 2 Cans ... Sugar Of Milk, Regular 8Cc, 2 for ... bronchial Tablets, Regular 2Cc, 2 for -... Sale Ends Saturday, April 23rd at, 10 P. M. One Cent Sale Saves You Money Underwood Phan jfv W v KLAMATH FALLS OREGON wh I PURITY I WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS lACCUPACVl One Cent Sale Saves You Money ,' The Office Cat mlBr I A follor'a position tn this world I makes n wondorful lot of difference An ox-brlcklayer, whoso social stand ing was nil a fow yoara ago, bo camo u chlropructor, and now ho'a got a placo on tlio top layer of aocl oty In hla tiomo town. UY JUN1UU tho ALL AVIlOXtl Tho follor aoomod dlsmnyod Am ho atood thoro and surveyed Somo bits of brokon bottlo on Walk; From hla oyo ho bruahod n toar, , So wo undertook to choor' Ilia gloomy lioart with cjitlmlstlo talk. "Frlond, thcro Is no uso to cry Ovor split milk wlpo your oyo," Wo told him, but tho poor man only sighed: What you say la very true, It's a foolish thing to do nut Is wasn't milk my dear air," ho ropllod. Who Is tho guy IIorplcldoT nska a render, (lash, wo thought ovorybody know that guy. IIq'b tho Qod of Snv Ing. To Wiiom It May Concern: Although wo dlscovarod an ad In a Yroka papor today stating that "Womnn'a walsta half off,'' ,wo havo doclded to pans It up. Hut, If you boo. an nrtlclo In tho Yroka papora about a crowd of men gathering In front of a cortaln de partment store, you'll undorataud, that'a njl. Choor upl You don't havo to worry about your Incoino tux for an other year. When alio ronchos tho point whoro aha begins to hodfto about hor ago, thon Ha sorlous for any woman. GET AX EYE PULL Some of thoso pious lookjng fel lows don't moan aa much aa thoy pret'end to moan, In their argument about low necka and short skirts. You will always notlco thnt thoy nro clone enough to got nn oyo full. Harry M. Lynch, In tho Kokomo, Ind., Trlbuno, cxulta thus: Motor cara aro coming down, Coming down, coming down; Motor cara aro coming down, My fair lady! Now ho'a got ua doln' It; Wju'll buy a Id and kcop to tho right, Keep to tho right, Kcop to tho fight; Wo'll buy a 4d and keep to tho right, Kcop to tho right, Kcop to tho fight; Wo'll buy n 4d and kcop to the right. Wo'll Join tho fltvvortng army. WEATHEIV RECORD Haroaftor Tho Herald will publish the mean and maximum tcrapora tures and precipitation rocord as tak en by tho U. S. Reclamation servlca tatlon. Publication will cover tho day provlous to tho paper's Isjuo, up to C o'clock of tho day. Precipitation Wo agrco with Tom Wattora that tho greatest need of tho world to day Is humility. Honco, whenever wo feel oursolt growing n hit cocky ovor our colyumlstlo prowess "wo ahoot ono of our genus to a competitor who chucks It Into tho nsh can, thus restoring our equilibrium. Tho avorago mnu fools If thoro la any aldostopplng dono In Iris family ho Is tho ono to do It. Nowadays whon you hoar two mon conferring In stage whlspors, about a caso, It'a a consorvatlvo wager that they don't mean a lawsuit. A box of Headarho tablets one rolnt. VMIERWOOD'S OXE CKXT .SALE. ' " " Apr. 4 Apr. G....... Apr. 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 Apr 14 Apr. 15 April 10 April 19 :.. Max. 43 GO r.i 61 cs 66 66 61 58 53 CO 1G . 57 . 52 Mln. , 23 23 23 19 33 36 42 3G 34 no 17 G2 31 37 Tho monoy that Amorlcan women I Every Saturday afternoon at tho American post in oanioa, iuu um prisoners nro granted parole until six a. ra. Monday, Many of tho prisoners spend tholr wook end visiting relatives. spond on Jewelry, feminine foiblos and boautlflcrs In general during ono year would pay olthor half tho Inter est on tho national dobt or tho entlro appropriation for tho Navy. Includ ing now ship construction. Ono alr rubbon rIovA ono cent. UNDERWOOD'S ONE-CENT HALE. Hhvo you iiocn Kelley today? Hottlo of SliAvhig Lotion ono cent UNDERWOOD'S ONE CENT SALE. 4 21 Swansen's Barber Shop 626 MAIN ST. Will bo opon until 7 p. ni. attor April 18, 1921 ' ' J. E. SWANSEN PAINTING Practical painting, gliding, bronr Ing, ' enarafelnlK, kixlsomlnlng, wall paper cloanlng and general con tracting. II. C. TUT1IILL Phono 183 G2C Oak St. KIRK-KLAMATH FALLS STAGE LINE Stage leaves The Smoke daily at 2 p. m,. and the Central Hotel a few.nfinute .later. We use a large, easy riding, comfortable' automo bile, in thorough repair. Stage leaves Kirk at 8 a. m. daily. Tickets $3 each way; round trip $5.50. Phone your reservations. Central Hotel 155-W, Th,e Smoke 175 4t ,,' A