The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 20, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
rnni) boulh
Clir Editor
Published Jail oicopt Sunday, by
Tba Herald Publishing Company of
Klamnth Falls, at 110 Eighth Stroot.
Entered at tho postofflco at Kin
math Falls, Ore., for transmission
through tho malls as second-class
Tho Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho use for republication
of all news dispatcher credited to It,
or not otherwise) credited In this
paper, and also tho local news pub
lisher heroin.
wi:dni:hdav, aphiij so, iai
Wrapped In that fooling ot comfort
and plenty that follows a full atom
nch, oor throe hundred cltlicns
chcorod to tho echo tho quips and
quibbles, facts and fancies regaled
by tho speakers nt tho banquet held
Monday evening In (tho Whlto Poll
can hotel. Tho majority, If not all,
left this luxurious hostelry with
tho feeling that all that remained
was to placo a finger on tho dotted
lino and tho proposed collection of
$20,000 would bo accomplished. Hut
tho cold, gray dawn ot awakonlng
must bo reckoned with and tho solic
itors and sollcltod must faco tho fact
that a decided change In the conduct
of tho Chambor ot Commorco must
ensuo or tho end ot tho next twelvo
months will sco tho organisation
whore It Is today, In debt and nothing
to show for It.
Tho Herald realises that among
classes It's stand on tho Chamber of
Commerco Is not popular. Opposi
tion ot a newspaper to such an orga
nisation Is, to their minds, unthink
able They, In their short-slghtod
vain-glorious opinion of their own
Importance cannot differentiate be
tween our opposition to their meth
ods and a Chamber ot Commerco.
Hoart add soul Tho Herald Is tor a
constructive Chamber of Commorco,
. ono that has for Its purpose tho de
velopment, expansion and unification
of Klamath Kails and Klamath
county, one that Is run for tho wholo
.community and not for a few; one
that Is not used as an Instrument
for tho carrying out ot theories; ono
whero thore aro no. hidden transac
tions or surreptitious suppression ot
facts that belong to tho full mem
Wo want to see a Chamber ot Com
merce that will not hldoltho fact
from anyone that contract has
been entered Into Involving tho ex
penditure ot thousands of dollars;
that a heavy debt has been piled up
that must be liquidated from funds
that the members are to go towards
a bigger and better program. Wo
want to see a Chamber ot Commerco
that will build on fact and not on
theory. Under tho present secretary,
not one single constructive act can
be pointed to. Time and money have
been wasted on non-essentials, such
as tho naming of a city flbwcr. a
houso surrey, a thought survey and
like nonsense.
What was dono for tho reduction
ot freight rates, for reduced passen
ger rates, bettor train service for
tho Btrahorn railroad, for tho Modoc
Northern, the Natron cut-off, to In
duce tho Western Pacific to como In.
Crater Lake and Its development?
"Whero has a single dollar been
added to the payrolls of the county,
or a slnglo farmer placod on a ranch?
We aro told that thesearo mate
rial things, entirely beneath tho se
rious -consideration ot a modern
Chambor ot Commerce. That If wo
havo a civic center, parks, play
grounds, paving, a city flower, end
less survoys, all tlio rest will follow.
That wo will havo a contented com
munity and this will attract the
manufacturer, the railroads, the
tourists and the rancher. This may
all bo true, but wo can't boo It. Give
us tho railroads, tho factories, tho
highways, doveloped tourist attrac
tion, and then you will seo tho others
follow. But that Is not tho program
for the future. Wo must havo tho
frills and fancies first, and wait for
the other. This Is what you are ask
ed to contrlbuto your money for, and
It you can mako this kind of an Ideal
istic dream fit In with your Ideas of
a Chambor ot Commorco, you will
contrlbuto; It you can't, then you
will sco that a chango of program Is
effected and somo practical results
Plan For Rodeo At
Bly July 2, 3 and 4;
Bad Horses Ridden
Try-outs, for tho Bly Rodeo wero
held Sunday afternoon. Tho associa
tion asked all to bring their "best
buckers" and the material furnbihod
speaks well for the success of the
coming round-up.
Amoni the horses ridden were:
"Rainbow" and "Square Deal," rid'
den by Luke Chester; "Black Dla
mond," ridden by Selby Lawnor;
"Hoadncho," rlddon by Itoland Jack
son; "Urownlo," rlddon by Hoy Wil
son, and "Whirl-Wind," "Kntsor
lllll," and tho "Wood-rivor Black,"
rlddon by Lester ltlckson. Alt tho
hoys put up go'od rldos, but spoclnl
mention should bo glvou to Lostor
lllckson for his splendid rldo mi tho
Wooil-rlvor Ulack. This horso can
buck ns hard as somo ot tho "out
laws'' now belonging to tho associa
tion. Immodlately after tho bucking,
thero wns an Important mooting of
tho. big rodeo association hold for
tho purposo of elating last year's
business, oloctlng now officers ami
making plans tor tho rodeo to bo
given July 2, 3 and 4.
Tho following officers wore elect
ed: President, James Glvan; Vlco
president, Wntor Campbell; Direc
tors, "Ern (llvan, Jnmes Hell and
Lawronco Griffin: Socrotnry, Joannn
(Itvnn; Stonographor, Inez Gltnn;
Treasurer, Marvin Cross.
Arrangoments for tho rodeo wero
discussed nt length mul according to
tho plans outlined tho rodeo will bo
ono ot tho biggest affairs over given
In this section or tho country.
Tom Gnrrott Is spending n few
days In Klamnth Kails attending to
mattors of business.
Mrs. Charles Colljor, of Klamath
Kails, spent tho past week visiting
her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. War
ren. Mr. Colllor spent Saturdny and
Sunday nt tho Warren ranch nnd
wag accompanied homo by Mrs. Col
lier nnd Mrs. Warren.
Earl Walker enmo to Dly last week
for tho rodeo meeting, held Sunday,
April 17.
Earl Hamakor has been In illy dur
ing tho past week. Ho has been busy
putting tho local men's cars In run
ning order.
Miss Mndgo Dixon, who has spent
tho last few weeks visiting her par
ents nnd brother, Jos. Dixon, and
family, 'loft for Klamnth Kails Sun
day to accept a position In tho Her
ad office.
Eldon Dennis has returned to his
ranch on Spraguo rlvor.
Hvo You Seen Keller today?
Personal Mention
Joo Allnutt. of tho Pastlmo bill
iard parlor, and family left this mor
ning by auto for Ashland.
Harold Gray and Ftyd Payno
havo returned from Medford whero
thoy motored In Mr. Gray's automo
bile. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kear from lin
ker, aro visiting at the homo ot Mrs.
E. S. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Kear
aro on their way homo from Califor
nia, whero thoy havo spent tho win
ter. Among tho 'out of town visitors
yesterday wero Jack Sullivan. J. L.
Sparretorn and J. O. Hnmakcr, all
ot Bonanza.
J, I. Heard of the Klamath State
Bank, Is confined to his homo with
illness. Frank Moroland, also of tho
Klamath Stato Bank, who has been
qulto 111, Is much Improved.
Mrs. J. H. Monroe and mothor,
Mrs. H. D. Stout, will leavo Friday
for Oakland. Thoy nro leaving for
tho health of Mrs. Monroe's small
son, Itobcrt.
Mrs. I. A. Thrashor, who has been
visiting friends hero', loft this morn
ing tor Sacramento.
Mrs. "J. H. Foster left for Ashland
to visit with her daughter. Mrs.
Harry Borrol loft for San Francis
co this morning to bo gone a fow
days on business.
O. L. Champlo left this morning
for Chlco, California, to bo gono a
couplo of weeks on business.
II, B. Crane went to Redding to
bo gone about two wcoks attending
to business mattors.
Mrs. William . Hagolstoln loft
for hor homo fn Dorrls this morning
aftor spending sovoral days horo vis1
Itlng friends.
Mrs. L. L. Westmoreland left this
morning for a short visit with
friends In Dunsmulr, California.'
.Mrs. Claud Klrkpatrlck, who has
boon visiting horo with Mrs. Fred.
Stearns, loft for hor home at DorrlB
C. O. Bunnoll, district commercial
manager for tho Western Union Tol
egraph Company, loft this morning
for Medford. Mr. Bunnell has been
hob looking Into tho matter of In
creasing tho help In tho local tolo
graph office
.Among tho Interesting visitors In
town yesterday wero P. L. Sinclair,
of Ilwnco, Washington, Thad Swook
nnd Victor II. Elfondahl, both of
Seattlo. Thoy aro returning from a
motor trli through California und
loft this morning for Ashland on
their way to Seattle. Mr. Elfondahl
Is a brother of H, W. Elfendahl of
this city.
E. J, Jones, an automobile dealer
frdm Medford, Is registered at the
White Pelican Hotel. Mr. Jones
dreve over from Medford yesterday
in three hours and SO minutes.
J. W. Fitzgerald, superintendent
ot tho Shasta division, arrived hero
last night. Mr. Fitzgerald -went to
Kirk today In his prlvnto car and ex
pects to leavo tomorrow.
Tod Cornelius left yostorday for
Sacramento whero ho expects to re
side. ' ,
Mrs. M. 1. Hnnna Is here from
Portland visiting with hor pnronts.
' Mrs. llannn wng formerly Miss Karl
Montgomery, ot this city.
Jack McAullff ot Fort Klamnth,
left yesterday for Medford by auto
mobile I Carry Thrasher, catcher tor tho
local barbers team, who was Injured
! In a rocont game Is again able to bo
' at his business.
Hev. Danford, division superin
tendent of tho Methodist church,
who has been npondlug sovoral days
hero, loft this morning for Eugene.
W. M. Skeon from Chlloquln, Is
spending n fow days horo attending
to Iiuslnoss mattors.
V. O. Grumwnldt from Wnunn,
Oregon, Is horo on business tor u few
Mr. Edsoll from Illy, was a past
j engcr on tho auto stage tor Medford
this morning.
At n meeting ot tho American l.o
glon hold yesterday It wns decided
not to organlzo a ball tonm owing to
the fact thnt thero are so tnnny other
ball teams at tho present time
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mltcholt from
Illy, nro hero for a fow days on bus
iness. J. L. Q riff In from Dly, Is horo nt
tending to business mattors.
1). Ollson Is hero from Hcnd At
tending to business mattors.
Mrs. Hcnrlotta Molhnso nnd Mrs.
Edna Dlctz returned last night from
San Kranclsco whero they havo been
visiting for tho past three wcoks.
James Stevenson nnd family who
resldo on tho Mcrrltl road aro In
town todny on business
Mrs. J. M. Hobbs from Merrill was
a business visitor yestordny.
MALIN. April 20. Tho marrlago
ot James Ottoman to Mario Hajnus
on Saturday, camo as a surprlso to
their many frlonds In and around
Malln. Tho brldo and bridegroom aro
both ory well known horo, as thoy
havo resided hero for twelve years
Tho bridegroom recently complet
ed a course In creamery nnddalrylng
Ho Is now employed by tho Hawkins
Dairy of Klamath Falls. Tho nowly.
wods will mako tholr homo on Con'
gor avenuo In Klamath Falls.
Tonight tho Jolly Dick Lonsdale
Co. offers "Olo's Mistake" a real
comody scroam, with musical num-
bors Interpolated.
A cast of exceptional worth sup
ports Enid Bennott In "Her Hus
band's Friend," -which. Is to bo bo
picture attraction at tho Star Thea
tre tonight only.
Tho story was adapted to. tho
screen from Marjorio Benton Cooke's
famous novol, "Tho Incumbus." Miss
Bennett s role Is that ot a young
wife who, when sho becomes a widow,
Is unaware that hor husband's host
friend had promised to caro for her.
Nolthor havo met and wbllo tho
young widow believes that tho money
sho receives regularly comes from
hor husband's estate, tho frlond soon
begins to squirm undor tho hurdon
Imposed on him. Thoy moot In queer
circumstances and presto! Cupid gets
busy. How they travel tho road of
lovo makos a highly entertaining
7th and Main
' 327 ma,n st'
' must bo nuulo for tho wearer ludlvldually. Let inn mako jour new
'' n-ltii Mill anit nnlnv tflrlmr rnnllv ,1ImI Inrlitfn rliltllllllf fnlloflMl
to fit you perfectly mul to retain
' constant wear.
Merchant Tailor
01H Multt St.
M - -
Don't fail to read the
Here's some style news tor Spring
Coats are looser; shoulders are more square; coat
openings are lower; the lines are simple
Here's som money-saving news
We've priced our Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes very
low; we're offering tfre greatest values in town at
these two figures
$40 and $50
'7 Ain't Mad At Nobody"
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Its extra-stunt Uio diiiing long
M"MH44" - t"f - '4 - '
Herald Classified Ads.
Copyright 1921 Hart SckifTncr & Mars
YV 'i"T ft
tpu ff
Makes of Auto
Generators 1
Reed Auto Supply Co.
Phono SJIW-J.
lltlt. St.. Near Main
Tho nlcklo cigar hss nindo Its ri
appearance In tho loop district ot
f !