University Library kuuuni:, one, qggj mt iwnhw iteratf A Class Ad Will Do It Today's News Today m Member of the Associated Press. Flflwntli Ywir No. ftlOO KLAMATH FALLH, OHKOON, VI:I)NI;HI)AY, APRIL 20, J 1(2 1 PRICE FIVH CENTS .! I A --r U . .il. FRAME-UP CRY OF SUSPENDED POLICEDFFICER Patrolman Charles Wynii wan to day nuaponded by Mnyor Wlloy, pend ing Investigation of chnrgos thnl fol lowed tho nrreiit nf Wyun last night by Conntnblo Morley nnd tho alleged dlncovory nf n bottle In his pockut that la Niinperted to contain liquor. Wynn wnn allowed hla liberty after the nonrrh on tlio promlno Hint ho would nppenr If complulnt wna filed nRiilnnt hint. Hay Gun Wit lmvm Conntnblo Morley. District Alton noy Ilrower nnd City Councllmnn Vnllmor nnd IlognrdiiH, nccordlitK to thn ntory told by Wynn, suddenly nnlored tho'offlco of Mm. T II. Jolly collector, between 7 nnd ft o'clock hint evening, while Wynn wnn thoro on n biinlnenN errnnd. Moroly shoved n rovolver tiKnlnnt hla body, lie told hla auperlora, nnd ordorod him to throw up hli hnndn. Ho obeyed nnd wna nonrchnd. Tho arrottlnR squad took a small bottle, containing nn Inch or two of whltn liquid. Tho bottlo la In tho nsnmilon of tho dlstrlrt nltornoy, who nald today tho contents had not bean analyzed. Tho bottle wna Inhaled "llorle Acid Holu tlon." Wynn wild ho got It earlier In tho evening from nn Indlnn nt tho Crater Cafo. Tho Indlnn bohayod nn If ho were Intoxicated nnd tho pollcetnon searched hltn. and kept tho bottlo, allowing the Indian to ro On llulnr Errant! Then, Wynn'a ntory Roea, ho went off duty. Hence ho did not turn tho bottlo In nt tho pollco ntatlon but kept It In hl pocket. Ho wus cnllod to Mrs. Jolly's offlco therentter nnd went, bollovlnR that ho wna cnllod to dlacuii tome bill, left over from tho tlmo he ran n pnlnt nbop burn, that had been placed In her hands for col lection. Tho raid and urrent cntno an a total nurprUo. The raid wub conducted from tho ndJolnlnR offlco. whuro tho arrestr InR party concealed tliumwilvtw fdr somo tlmo. Dunbar & Dtinbnr, uo cording to an "Insldo" ntory of tho occurence Patrolman James Hil ton wna one of tlio rnldlnR party, but rcntnlned In tlio other office Whllo It wna nald tho recently organized "Uiw nnd Order 1onguo. wna responsible for RntherlnK tho nvldonco nnd singing tho nrreat W A. Wlost, ntlorney for tho orgnnl xatlon, nald today that tho league hna not boon formnlly complntod. Ho stated, howovor, that tho oxecutlvo rommltteo had been consulted and woro Informed of developments Chief of Pollco Wllnon aald today. that ho recommended tho """I""'"10" of tho patrolman, penning a iru.i. ... thn charges. Mayor Wtloy said that ho would mnko tho fullest Invoatlgn,- tlon. District Attorney Ilrowor declared that until ten mlnutcM boforn tho nrront, ho know nothlnK nt tho mat ter. Ho refused to nnmo tho portion or pornonH who Inld tho Information. Ho aald no names worn montlonod, but ho wan told thnt If ho wont to the collection offlco ho would find a mnn thoro with liquor In his pos session. Didn't Know Who It Wiw Dotectlvo Morloy BayB that at tho tlmo ho cntorod tho room ho did not know whom ho wnn golnR to nrroat. Wynn hna retained William Marx an counaol and wnn nald today thnt a complaint would bo brought aKalnat Morloy for falno Imprlaon- mont and nHBiiult with a doadly weapon. Tho first clinrgo Is techni cal, bused on tho allegation that Wynn wiih nrrostod and dotnlnod AgalnHt his will. Whothor action will bo taken nRnlnut othors of tho raid ing party, or not, wna not lntlmatod. Tho bottlo takou from Wynn was oxhlbltod to tho Inlorvlowor In tho district uttornay'u offlco. It Is a six ounco bottlo, about a quartor full of rathor cloudy, white liquid, bearing a drug ntora label on which tho i words, "Boric 'Acid SoluUon" aro , typo-wrltton. Wynn Turn In Star .,i Wynn turnod hl Btax ovor to CJbief of rollco WJboii tltls rn.orn.luR. following suspension. Tho calef sMd ho hid no knowledge of the c&ee and bad formed no opinion. Ho snld that If Wynn was Innocent und tho victim Allies Will Discuss Penalty If Germany Refuses to Pay I'AIUH, April 20. Tito Ilrltliili it ml French military londora .Incluil litK Marshall Foch wilt con for In England Sunday with Promlora llrliiiul and Lloyd Ooorgo regard Ini; tlin ponnltlos of Gormnny In enso mIio refuses tlio raparntlmiH payments duo Mny flrnt. l'rnmlur Ilrlnnd will Innlst (lint tlio Ilrltlnh flnK nlinll fly with tlio I'ronch trl-colnr over tlio Hulir ills trlrt, nayit tho Kcho Do I'nrlH. F, T TO LOIR RATES WASHINGTON, April 20 - Fnr morn from nil pnrtit of tlio United State hold a mooting hum t oil ny under ttio nunplcen of tho National rnrmorn Union nnd decided to tnko tliolr fight for reduction of frolRht rutrn direct lo I'ronldont Harding. They reached thin decision nftnr thn farmers' MpokiMini'ii conferred with thu Interstate Coininiirro com mission to unto lower rate Tlio officials of tho Farmers' union mild tho president prolmlily would bo ntkfd to cnll ft ronfnrcnco of tho shippers, federal rnllwny agendo, stool Intnronts and banker to dine tun tho voluntary rnllrond rato readjust ment to rostoro It to tho accuntomod channel, C. OF C. F NOW 119,000 Ti..i chnmbnr of Commerce mom- bnrnhlp wns swelled to a total of 348 by today's campaign. quartofs 'reported ' following tho noon luncheon, n gain of 172 slnco yesterday. Total sorvlco fund subscriptions woro announcou ai o.uuu.uu, u gain of tGGO.GO over yostordoy's total. ' Tho total amount now plodged In memberships nnd sorvlco fund con tributions Is JlC.18G.IiO. Tho goal Is $20,000, with two moro dnya to rnlna tbo npproxlmntcly, $4800 thnt Is lacklnR. WOMAN AUTHOR WIMj VIHIT CIlATKIl liAKK KUCJKNn, Or., Aprtl 20. Mm. Mnry Hoborta Illnohnrt, notod wri ter; her husbund, Dr. D. M. Ill no hart, and their two sons will tako a 30 days' trip In tho Cascade innuntalnB this summer, according to Harry G. Haynos, hunter nnd 'gul,0 of McKonzle IlrldRO. who has been engaged by them. Tho trip will bo started noar Mount Hood nnd will bo contlnuod through to Crator lako. 1 KXAMINKI) FOK Z1AN1TV Jamos Honnossoy, laboror who came boro two or throo weoks ago, wnn examined for sanity boforo tho county court this morning. Tho court took nn nctlon, holding tho mnttor far furthor Investigation. iwrnt MIM AT iu:ni SAI.KM, Or., Apr. 20. A paper mill apparently In contcmplatod nt llend. John Stoldt of Ilnnd, has filed with tho stato cnglnoarlng dopart mon an application covering tho proponed appropriation of 120 sec ond foot of wator from Deschutes rlvor for tho purposo of manufactur ing papor at llend. of a "fruma-up," as ho claims, bo (tho chief) would bo glad to havn tho chargos proved, but If Wynn Is guilty of unbecoming conduct ho would bo glad to havo that fnct un covered. "Thoro Is no plnco lit tho pollco du partmont," said tho chief, "for Inef ficient or dlsboneat m on. nut in this specific caso I am. of an open mind, Tho Investigation will show whothor tbo charges havo basis or not." District Attorney n rower said to ddy that, If tho contonts of tho bot tlo proved on analysis to bo liquor, tojA would be a formal complaint Hied ajaJnet Wynn. Otherwise no further action would be taken through the Initiative of his offlco, ho statodi I M STATE C. OF C. BOARD PLANS MEETING HERE In renponso to tin Invitation by tho locul Chamber of Commerce dellvorod and nupplemonted by Uhnrlos Hall, president of tho Btato Chntnbor of Commorco, tho board nt tho recent Astoria moating, do cldod to hold tho next moating ol tho board In Klnmnlh Falls. Tlio meeting dates of tho board nro approxlmntoly 00 dnya opart, making It llkoly that tho local mooting will tako plnco about tho mlddlo of Juno. ' Definite nrrangomonts dopond upon tho progress of plans for organization of a largo parr of mlddlo western farmern for a tour of Orogon during tho summer. Tho nlan was Indorsod by tho direc tors and William Hanloy, of Har- noy county, will loavo for tho oast shortly to orRanlxo tho touring party. When thoy nrrlvo thoy will bo m.t nt soma point In onstorn Or"- Ron by tho board of directors und a mootlnR will bo hold, mil inia will probably bo subsoquont to tbo Klamath mealing. Tbo board wont on rocord an fa vgrlng a national system of recla mation, bollovlng thai sucn pi will work to tho host Interests of tho ontlro western country. Iloturnlng from tho Astoria meet ing Mr. Hall drovo from Portland In his car, which has boon In Portland slnco tbo closo of tho log- Mslatlvo sosslon. Ho was met ai Ilosoburg by Mrs. Hall nnd tnotr son. Thoy droro from Medford Monday, by wny of Ager. ns tho Oreen Springs rontl is roporwu iu bo still obstructed by fnllon trees. hmid.'tnil urrtvcil in iinio mr to proslda al tho Chamber of Cftt- morco dinner Monday. Seeking Man For Portland Shooting I'OnTLAND, April 20. Officers today aro Booking Josso IJoydston. n Vnncouvor, Washington, barber, whom they accuso of shooting Mrs. Mabla linker nnd husbnnd, Thomas Ilakor. horo yestorday. Mrs. Ua ker Is In a hospital In critical con dition, shot through ,tho boad. llor husband Is shot In tho arm. Tho pollco say that Hoydson fired at tho couplo as tho result of Jeal ousy, his attentions to Mrs. Dakor having boon rojeclod. Thoy woro unablo to find any Indication that ho committed sulctdo as a noto In bis harbor shop Indicated. HTAKT IiAYINO IIIUCK ON KWAUNA MOTOIIH , HUIIiDLNO Hrlck work on tho now sales building for tho Kwauna Motors company at tho corner of Seventh and Klamath wna started this morning by Contractor It. W. Smith. It Is oxpoctod that tho building will bo complotod within 30 days. John Thomson will do tho carpontor work. Tho plans for thn building waro furnished by Goo. It. Wright. OLU1I WOIUC IiKADKH WIMj HI'KAK AT MT. IjAKI FltlDAV MUs Holon Cowglll, assistant stato club loader, will bo tbo prin cipal spoakor at n big mooting to bo hold Friday ovonlng at tbo Mt. Lnkl church, dealing with tho noodH and bonotlts of club work. Tbo Mt. Lakl pooplo Issuo a gonoral Invitation to all Interested porsons. nofreshmonts will bo provided and a warm wolcomo is assurod. IJANEUIALIj MKRTINU CA1.LKI) TONIGHT Uasoball enthusiasts will moot at tho Chambor of Commorco rooms at 8 o'clock tonight to discuss tho prospocts of a city loaguo. Three or four teams are tentatively lined up.' The wholo matter will bo gono Into this evening and any rganira tlon or Individual Interested is In vited to bo on hand. WEATHER REPORT OREGON Tonight and Thurs day rain. ! EXPECT SENATE OFFNW TO RATIFr TREITy Hi:ttAM WASHINGTON IH'ItKAU WA8IIINOTON, April 20. VIr oroua opposition to tho ratification of tho Colombian treaty wob voic ed In tho ncnato today by Konator herrls, republican, of Nebraska. Ho rcforrod to republican supportorn of tho pact as 'irulilior stnmpa" of tho whlto house. WASHINGTON, April 20 With out question of doubt, tho Colombi an treaty, which Is now tho speclnl ordor of buslncns of tho senate will bo ratified whon tho vote Is taken to day. Hut for tho promptness of tho ndmlnlstratlon In urging tho senato to tako Immodlato nctlon, tho results might not bo so satisfactory to tho ( friends of tbo treaty. An It Is, thoro will not bo ninny votes to spnro , nhovo thn roqulslto two-thirds of tho I "naiors proscnt nnd voting. Moat of tho enemies of tho treaty lildo behind tho memory of former Prent- dont Iloosovolt in tholr opposition, but tho fight for tho treaty Is led by Chairman I.odgo of tho foreign rela tions committee, perhaps tho closost political friend tho formor president enjoyod. President Harding has only boon In offlco six wooks nnd no matter how much somo of tho Itopubllcan loadors would profor not to havo tho Columbian treaty ratified, thoy nro even moro dotormincd to have hnr mony and co-oporatlon botwocn tbo legislative and exocuttva departments of tho govornment. Thoroforo, tho first roqulslto of Prosldont Harding In connection with a foreign troaty will bo approved by tho senato. Woro his request toxomo a year later, af ter disagreement nnd difficulties, it Is lmprobablo that i tho administra tion could muster a twcMhlrda voto nocessnry to ratify this troaty, -which has boon tbo subject of blttor arRU mom for a numbor of years. Ovprromo Objection Somo of tho objectlonablo langu age In tho original draft of tho treaty has boon eliminated, thus enabling somo of tho formor opponents of tho treaty to now voto for it. Also thoro Is now tho quostlon of commercial rights and prlvlcgcs or tho Amorlcan cltlion. of groator Importance than heretofore, Involving oil and plati num concessions of great vnluo. In fact, citizens of tho United Statos havo Just rocontly secured conces sions for platinum In Colombia, which glvo them practically a world monopoly of this metal, now that tho Russian mines aro In no position to competo in tho production of plati num or Its distribution. This plati num concession Jias been socurod by tho Lowlsohn Kxploratlon company, Now York, through Its control of tho South Amorlcan gold and platinum company, which Is tho formal holder of tho' title and concession. Tho Unltod Statos government undor tho tornvs of tho concession. Is to have first call on all tho platinum neoded, nftor which tho Ilrltlsu Rovorumcnt la to bo supplied boforo tho gonoral public can purchase any platinum. Tho Columbian government, of courso, has prior rights ovor to thosq of tho Unltod States und (irotut Britain. Tltlos to all lands ami riverbeds taken ovor havo boon passed on by tho highest courts of Colombia, so that thoro is no possible quostlon us to tho validity of tho transactions. Tho revolution In Russia has forc ed all tho largo operators of that country to Busponil"workf! loavlng Colombia the only dopendablo pro- ducor. Tho normal annual conuump tlon of platinum by tho Unltod Statos alono Is double tho present produc tion of tho ontlro world. Colombia Is oxpoctod to recover about 60,000 ounces this year. Asldo from Colom bia and Russia, tho wholo world has novor producod moro than 1S0O ouncos any yoar, and most of that has boon Incidental to tho production of othor metals. Colombia and Rus sia have tho only Important doposlt thus tar proven, Adolpn Lewlsohn of New York, Is president of the South American Gold and Platinum company. Other Interests in addition to the Lewlsohn Exploration company, of which Fred oriel: Lowlsohn Is prosldont, aro Japan Refuses to Change Attitude On Yap Question TOKIO, April 20. Tbo cabinet yesterday decided thoro was no rea son to alter Japan's policy on tho Yap mnndato question becauso of tbo recant Amorlcan nota, accord ing to tho Nlcbl Nlchl. A decision will bo rcportod Friday to an ex traordinary meeting of tho diplo matic advisory council, tho nows papor adds. Tho foreign offlco would neith er confirm nor dony tho roport. 1ST COMBINES A6AINST ALIENS WASHINGTON, April 20 Sena- tors and roprosentatlves from oleven of tho for wostom states perfectod an organization today with a vlow lo finding a common ground upon which thoy can work to solvo tho question of Japanese Immigration. United efforts by tho states dealing with tho Japancso ImmiRratlon problem, was urged by Senator John son, of California, who was mado chairman of tho organization and dlroctcd to appoint an oxecutlvo commlttoo composed of ono senator and ono representative for each of tho oloven states, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Novada, Arizona, Now Moxlco, Texas, Oklaho ma and Colorado. V. 8. McClatchy of Sacramonto, said unless tho Japanoso woro exclud ed thoy ultimately would swamp tho whlto raco. CHICAGO, April 20. Charges that a "capital combine," hcadod by 12 Now York financial Institutions Inaugurated a policy of nation wide shut downs, was mado boro yestorday boforo tho Unltod States railroad la bor board by W. Jett Lauck, econo mist for tho unions which aro argu ing for porpotuatlon of their nation al ngreoments with tho railroads. Mr. Lauck named about 100 men who through Interlocking director ships, bo claimed, centered In these dozen Institutions control of tho ma jority of tho country's Important rail roads, and of basic raw materials. Ho charged that: 'This Intor-related capital group deliberately doflatod tho farmers and then undortook by precipitating In dustrial stagnation, to doflato la1 bor." Tho railroads, bo assorted, woro tho chosen vohlcle for this labor drlvo. Layoffs of repair men on rail roads In recent months ho chargod, woro dollborato, whllo much of tho ropalr work was lot to outsldo com panies who charged tho roads about twlco what the tamo repairs would have cost In tholr own shops. Ono purposo, ho said, waa to got this por tion of railroad labor out of govern ment Jurisdiction by forcing It to work for outsldo concerns. Theso concerns, ho said, were largoly undor this sanio financial control as tho roads. Tho document that Mr. Lauck pro Bontod mado about 125,000 words. It waa prepared by tbo Amorlcan Fodoratlon of Labor Dureau of Ro- search, Railway Employoo's Depart' mont, and entitled, "Human Stand ards and Railroad Policy." JobiiBon Mattboy & Co., of London, asBayorti to tho British govornmont, and tho Consolidated aoldflolds company ot London. Sovoral Impor tant Amorlcan capitalists aro Inter ested as Individuals, Rich In Gold Thoso platinum deposits are also rich In gold, and from- them thoro has boon taken more than' $200,00, 000 of gold slnco the Spanish discov ered thorn. Tho natives had been working them for centuries, for gold, but threw tho platinum back as they considered It- worthless.' Platinum has boon precious only In the last gonoratlon. LAOCK CHARGES COMBINATION AGIST LABOR T FOR FUTURE OF Tho announcement from Wash ington of tho application to tho In terstate Commorco Commission by Robert E. Strahorn for pormlsslon to Issuo bonds of tho Oregon, Cali fornia and Eastern railway company would Indicate that tho first stop towards financing this undertaking has been mado. Mr. Strahorn's state ment that ho had "found a wicket through which ho can market theso bonds," may bo taken to mean that ho has not boon ldlo In his efforts to properly flnanco his road. Tbo local officers of tho railroad has bcon requested by tho Interstate Commorco commission to furnish a largo amount of tech nical Information and Superintend ent Bend has had a forco of clerks at work preparing tho data, nil of which Is now boforo tbo commis sion. If tho Issuo Is approved and tho bonds marketed, sufficient monoy should bo avnllablo to completo tho lino to 8prnguo rlvor and work on an extonslvo scalo should soon bo undorway. The roadbed of tho lino with stood the ravages of a trying win ter and Is In splendid condition. Tho grndo for nlno mllos north of Dairy Is complotod and all of tho ties nro on tho ground and part of tho steel. Tbo end of this grado la about seven mllos from Spraguo rlvor. Work on tho grado for tho branch to Bonanza Is proceeding and it Is reasonablo to cxpoct this part of the railroad will bo la op eration this year. Tho first car of logs to. tho now Sbaw-Dertrant mill came la over tho Vofhbj week. Ono mill on tho lino is nlroady operating and others aro getting ready. lor ina season's run. Logs and lumber aro being delivered at loading sta tions. It Is estlmatod that ton million fcot of lumbor alono will bo at loading stations tor shipment this spring nnd this .added to tho summer cuts and othor freight. In dicates largo tonnago for this year. LAIJOR UNIONS JOIN THE CHAMBER OF COStMERCK Tlmborworkcr8, culinary alliance and carpenters' locals have tnkon momborahlps In tho Chamber of Commerce James Slovens, presi dent of tho central labor council, told those present at tho mooting !at the Chamber of Commerce rooms last night. The labor leader advis ed Individual mombors of tho unions to tako memberships. Tho Rov. C F- Trlmblo. Secretary T. L. Stanley, L. W. Dopuy and Dr. Harvoy Mlllor nddresaod tho gath ering, urging tho coordination ot In terests. . ' YEGGS BLOW BANK, FLEE EMPTY HANDED PORTLAND, April 20. The Troutdale stato bank building, near horo, this morning was wreckod by an explosion which blew off tho outor doors ot tho vault. Tho In ner door waa loft Intact. Tho rob bers worn frightened and oscapod In an automobllo without tho loot. GRAND JURY MAY END INVESTIGATION TOMORROW Tho grand Jury, which has boon In sosslon slnco Monday, may bo rciidy to roport upon tho cases sub mitted to tholr examination by to morrow night, said District Attor ney Brower today. Weather Probabilities Tho barometric prosauro, as rocordod by tho Cyclo-Storra-agraph at .Undorwpod's Phar macy, Is slightly hlghor. today and prospects aro favorable for "mora sunshine tomorrow than has, been In cvldonco tho Isst few dayei , Forecast for. next 24 heurs: Probably clear: Increasing windsiStorm brewing In north woat, ' H T Mill