iiilltuiMlly l.tbtu,, avaiisv, oiiu, jay r ffl$2 iRxxtnma Htalh A Class Ad Will Do It Todays News Today Member of the Associated Press. l'lftr'lilli Vim Nu. ItniMI, KLAMATH I'ALLH, OIIKGO.V, TUKHDAV, 'AI'ltH ill, Jfnsi MUCK FIVE CENTH N . N T C. OF C. Morn t Is ii 1 1 noil pornoim 310 nc ro rill in; lo organization figure Jolnt'il Innl night fit Hid community dinner ut tlin Whlto I'ollcnn hotel It wiih tlio largest, banquet crowd, mild local speakers, over gathered In 'Klamath Fulls, Chnrlcn Hull. Iminl mnstor , pronldont of tint ntnto rliiim Imr of comniorro, hiiIiI tin did not nx uRgcrntu when lio mild It wax Urn liirxi'Kl liiiiuiiuit irowd with myru la iIIoh present, Hum lio linil nern In all bin chamber of commerce uxjiorlmicn anywrhoro Co-opomtlon In (tin key to com munity success, declared Dr. Harvey Mlllor, of tlio Sacramento elm m Imr of commerce, cliluf speaker "It In not what yon do lint tlio way yon do It." iiald Or Mlllor, and for three quarters of an hour thereafter Im bombarded Bt In audience with rnpld flm epigrammatic phrases, fit which the following arn examples "A commiinlly either 'hniign to gether or hangn separately If wo muni hnlig, lot'n havo company." "It In hard lo nwnketi Ihn average community to IIh collective responnl lilllty." "Tlio chnmher of commerce stands for organized nffort toward commu nity progress Wo nhould slrlvn to npeak well of our community .and not seek to magnify Itn fault " "Tlio only trentmnnl deserved hy thn knockor In to tin knocked down and hauled nwuy " "Don't Im a dead onn Tlio only difference between a grave and a rut In thu length and breadth." "There urn ttfo wayn to nttack a community -onn In to rrltlrlm and abuse It; thu other to lorn and norvn It. I.ovn and imrvfco win " Hpoaklng of thn dlssanslonn In communities. Dr. Mlllor nald that thorn wan no troirlito In gelling op posing ondn of a town together tc engage In a "icrup " lln nald Klamalii I'M In had a wnn dorful asset In Crator l-ako and that wheroyor Klamath Knlln In npoken of on thn outside, tho natural scenic wonder ontem tho convornatlon alnn. lly toam work, ho nald, It nhould hq possible (or Klamath Knlln lo uttract ovnry highway travnlnr who Jour ney from lon Angelon to Portland through Klamnth Kails. Dr Mlllor praised tho womon v. or korn In civic development Womon. ho nald, worn pant miinlors of detail, and In that characteristic luy thn great atronRth they added to tho community team work Ho praised thu dinner norvod tho RalhorliiR by tho ladles of thn t'ltrls tlan. Melhodlnt. Proabytorlan, Him tint and Hncrnd Heart churchon. Klflv ludlen took part unit proved excel lent ratnrorn Tho food wan perfectly prepnrnd mid thn sorvlng wn rapid and without a hltcli. I,. W. Penny, caninalKti innnaRpr, announced that $6,700 had lionn rain ed for tho nervlrn fund tin to Innt evening, and thnt two lending Imnkn had contributed J 500 each. Hn niferred to tho ortlcln In tho Horalil of yesterday afternoon, call IriK attention to tho $3800 deficit, hut panned over It IlKhlly. mvlng thnt (ho flnthiinlnsni or thn g.i'"rlng nml their ovldent nupport of tint ramnalRii twin nufflclont nssurnnco of tho communltv'n wlnhen. Hn prcdlclnd unqualified nuccenn for tho rnmpalRn. Ho wild thn Herald flRuren woro wrnnR In onn Innlanco bocaunn Ihn $17,000 Roal had been Increaned to $20,000 rbmblnod membership and norvlcn fund. Hn prndlcted thn remaining $14,300 would bo rained ,1 In Ihren daya, tfecrotory T. L. Htanlov was greet ed with prnloiiRcd cheerlitR whon ho aronn to nddresn tho gathering. Ho thanked IiIh nudltom feelliiRly, then ntnted thn policy 1hat ho wan on daavnrlng to carry out. Hn nald thnt ho came hero not In curry nut hln own Ideas, hut to lond bin oxporloncn to helping tho momhornhlp do tho thing It wanted to do. Tho mombo'rn by rnfornndum votn hint year oxprenned their dnnlren, hn nnld, and mont of thn work wan well under way. Home projectn, for In nlanco, tho Mnk Itlvor dam matter, had boon nettled. An n ronult, hn nnld, tho reclamation norvlcn would npend a million nnd n quarter hero nnd tho California OreRon rower company would npend a million dol lam, Hy followlHR tho chamber of commerce lend, h nnld, Klamath Kalln could bo mado tho "bent city In thn'woHt," Krod. A. llaker, W. H. Heohorn, W, A. DoUoll and A. M. Colllbr. ma Jorn of tho nollcltallon rampalKn, which boRnn nt 0 o'clock this morn InP. worn other Bpnnknrn. Thn nollrltlnR ouonel thin morn Inc with n blR rnllv of tho tnama at chnmbn'r of oommmw hendqtiartem nnd a ntreet pnradn In which novornl hndr,od nehool cMlrtron and cam pnlgn workors took part. ;fout datk set - NEW YORK. April ' 19 Tox Rlckarrt, today anpqunccd tho Hemp novCnrponttnr bout, la to to foiRlt nt Jorsoy City, Saturday, July 2, u I T T IN DINNER Start Northern Cal. Derrick; Crater Co. Directors' Meeting Material for thn Northern Callfor n In Oil (omliany'n derrkk, elr.hl inlli'H Houth of Merrill, In holm; I hauled by truck lo the well nlto t . day from thn noiirenl railway npur, a dlntunci) of noiuo IK mllen The rlR billldern nrn on the Rroiind nnd the! rlR will hn built before the mid of thn week. The work In helm: done by thu crew who built the Crater Oil compnny'n derrick north of Merrill Lumber for both rlR wim furnished by tho LukoHldn 1. Umber company At ii mvotliiK of thu directum of thu Crator Oil company lant nkht V (.' Loliman, maniiRnr, wan In ntriiclod to ro to California and iieek to traco the car of mnchlnery, I nhlpped from Taft r ntly Teln- r.rnuiH have failed lo locale the rar and thn company In nuxloiin to net It hern and Ret to work I'urchano of n truck wan the only other biinlnonn, oulnldo payment of roullrio bills. Klamath Kalln renldeiitn went on record ybntnrdny afternoon In favor j of adeqiiatn school facilities, when they ratified thn Innuauco of tCO.000 bonds for school purposes by a vote of lflfi to 27 I Tho total voto cunt, 193, Ih an un usually larRn number for a nehool 'bond election, especially In vlnw of ithe fact that no largu umount of pub licity was Riven to thn subject Ap parently, unmovod by propnRnndn of I any sort, tho voters mado up their minds that tho city needed morn school room and cant their ballots ac icordliiRly Mom than half tho Innuo, $33,000. I wilt Imi lined to buy a site for a new 'school midway between Pelican liny and ShlpplnRton, and build and equip a reboot tborcou Of thn balance M lln Addition and Kalrrlow nchooU will draw $12,000 each for additions to the present hullillni;n. I . m West Coast Lumber Men Meet April '29 Industrial problems of consequence. uvcesaltnto an early and rep resent a-1 live mvctltiR of thu lumber mnnufnc-i turora of Western WnshliiRlon nnd , Wostorn Oregon, nuys thu Went Count Lumbermen's Association, which an nouiicen nuch n meeting to ho held nt I Mullnomah Hotel, Portland, OreRon, Friday and Saturday, April 29th, and April 30th. Ilunlnesn sessions will bcRln promptly nt 1 .30 each afternoon. Tho first day's session will bo do voted almost exclusively to consider ation of proposed chntiRtm In Stand ard Classification (Undine and Dress ing Rules for DoiirIiis Kir, Sltkn flprucu, Wostorn Hcd Cedar, Western Hemlock nnd Port Orford Cedar. Thn Association's RrndlnR rules committee has recently completed an extounlvo revision of present rules covering tho RrudliiR of Western for est products, and thu commltton'H ' rules will como up at tho Portlnnd meeting for fliml adoption, amend ment, or rejection. At tho first day's mectlnR thorn also will bo considered ii report on uniform ordar blank, and terms of salu as recommended nt a recent con ference In Chicago of manufactur ers, wholesalers and rotallors. Oonernl Industrial probloms nnd Association policy will fouturo thu program of tho second day's session. Local Bowlers Lead Medford 600 Pins Thn Medford Klkn bowling team left for homo this morning, riofoat od In all six gnmos rolled with locnl KlkH. Klamath Kails now leads tho championship contest by COO pins. Tho six romnliilnK games will bo howled at Medford next Sunday evening, In tho six locnl games Tom Wattors scored tho highest avorngo. Toam matos lny It to 11 fluke of fate but Tom sayu It Is scientific train ing nnd lack of stugn fright, duo to many prior public appearanrun: Last night's nceres: Medford Smith M 175 147 4(10 Wold 137 147 1B9 443 Hoborts 122 133 165420 nowman 181 120 151 452 Diamond 149 108 169,510 733 773 791 2297 Klamath Falls Haydon 144 223 201568 Jostor 176 130 155461 L&vonlk 230 18.2 103 60C Van Bollen ... .1S 177 177517 YJatters ....... 19S 204 160566 906 916 895 2717 Mason for Huydon In Second, Noll for Haydon in third, 960.000 SCHOOL BOND CARRIES COST 59.450 TO RUN C. OF C. An wan to he expected, the Herald announced that thn Chamber of Com merce Ih nearly $4,000 In debt, wan u decided surprise to those who have u deslro for n vlrllo organization, one whose work is to hn constructive In stead of altruistic and Utopian. Today many nrn asking the question, What lias been done with all of thn money? If the verbal statement of the secre tary Is correct, there are flOD paid momburn now Thin would reprenunt tr.Or.O. Add to thin the deficit of $3X00, the amount admitted by thn secretary that the Chamber owen, It would Indicate that It linn cont $1HI0 to run thn Chamber of Commerco for nlnn months, or slightly over $1,000 a month. It Is stated by somo who claim to know authorltntlvoly thnt thero Is a considerable sum In unpaid salaries not Included In tho $3800 deficit, but no official Information Is available. It would seem Hint the wlso thing for tho officers to do nl thin time would bo to make a flnnn rial statement, no thnt those who are asked to pay their money would hav i somo Idea of the use to which It 1 , to ho put. , Home strong criticism of Tho II aid wan to bo henrd Innl ovenlnK niu' today becaiiRo nf lln publication of tho fact that a deficit nxlnts. It comes mainly from those who are directly Interested In tho liquidation of tho Indebtedness. Their supromo Intorost seo mn to rest morn In tho payment of tho ilobt than It dots In tho success of tho Chamber, nnd If tho drlvn for funds succeeds to thn point whom their liability reason, nil will bo well Hut If expressions heard today Indi cate tho drift nf tho sentiment, some one In going to receive a surprise Many of those who feel, for business reasons, that they must Join, havn signified their Intention to pay the first Installment nf 2fi per cent and then If tho present porsonnel Is rn turnod they will refuse furthor to contribute towards keeping a water logged hulk nflnnt An one bilslncs man expressed It "I would sooner put mr money. Into Crator Oil stock than this, uuder present manage ment. In tlio eaim of tbr oil company I would get n run Tor my money and Im contributing to doiclop what wo hure got to have to savu most of us from bankruptcy this year; while on tho other hand, I got what tho of ficers choose Hi glvo me, nnd It de velops nothing " NKW VOItlv, April 10 Itenewed bonds of friendship among American republics, with roconsocrntlon to peace and liberty as an example to tho war-wonry world, woro plight ed hy Pronldont Harding today at tho unveiling here of tho Statuo to Simon Ilollvar. South American patriot. President Harding said tho old world might find Inspiration for re construction In thn example of tho prosperous family of states living to gether In peace In thn western hcml phem. Ho exhorted tho American ropubllcs to Rlvo tholr strength nnd resources to tho aid of tholr strick en sister nations across tho sea In reconstruction. Mass Meeting of Labor Tonight at C. of C. A mass mooting of union and non union men and women has boon call ed to bo hold nt tha Cto iiiihnr or Com merco this ovonlnc nt ' o'clock .: hear nddrosson by tho Nov. t K. Trimble and Campaign Manager !.. W. Dopuy on (ho scope and plan or tho expansion of tho Chainhar ot Commerce This mooting was decided an by thn Control Labor Council at Its ses sion hold Krlday, April 15, at which time tho question ot whether or not orgunltod labor should cooperate with tho Chambor of Commorco. Af ter cnnsldorablo discussion It was de cided to act favorably on tho propo sition for tho general good of tho community, and to show that tho la boring forcos stand roady at all times to assist in nil things that' will tond toward tho uplift of all concerned. Tha public. Ia Invited to nttond this meeting. Nil INT PIN-niCIN , UNITY PLEDGED 1ST DAY RUSES $1 1,000 nosults of the first half day's nctlvo campaign for Chambor ot Commorco memberships, compiled at tho,. noon luncheon ot campaign workors, showed 174 'Biemborshlns socurod, representing $4,360, and $1,65.5 for tho sorvlce fund. Today's subscriptions aro thoro foro $6,005. Adding subscriptions T WILL LIKELY BE The fulled Hlnli'H reclamation fund apparently ban not est aped be ing effected to some extent by thn general financial condition Congress does not impropriate money from thn general treasury for reclamation work but from a special fund known as the reclamation fund, madn up from the sales of public lands, frcm nil land leases and from repayments by I ho wator users. Whon congrenn made provision for thin year's reclamation work It was estimated that about $20,040,000 wan available, or on average of op proxlmntely $000,000 for each pro ject For the Klamnth project, the allotment was $1,213,000 onn of tha largest Items In thn bill. It has nlnco dnvolopod thnt. for various reasons, tho fund would bo far nhort of tho appropriation, per hnps much lens than half tho early entlmnlo upon which congress bused i reclamation appropriations. Tho u.ii for each project must tbereforo be reduced In proportion Thu reclamation sorvlce must limit tn program of expenditures to the total monoy certain to bo available and thn known proportion for this nrojoct may not exceod half n million dollnm for thin year. Howovor. a much larger sum may lator be found to be nvnllabto. Similarly, tho amount of money for each feature of tbo several projects must bn reduced except one. Thn impropriations hy congress nro based upon estimates for tho several feat ures. For Instance, the- estlmatei for thn Klamath project Included certain amounts, respectively, for rnnnls, laterals nnd structures for thn Irrl ntlon of Tuln Lnko lands: for n main canal, etc , to Irrlgato lands in Lnlr soil valloy; for drainage works, nnd for operation nnd maintenance nf tho existing nyntom, etc Tho opera tion and malntonnnco Item In, of course, unreducible, but tho other amounts must Im scaled. Even thn amount thnt In now known ran lie expended on tho sev eral features of tho Klamath project will onablo tho reclamation service to adopt n lsrro construction program for tho Klamnth project. lunula) WASHINGTON IU'ltllAC WA8IUNGTON, April 19. Itall road companies will lose, tha guaran tee of C.4 per cent now provided for In tho Ksch-Cummlus hill If Senator Cnpor can accomplish It. Ho bcllovos that this feature of thn transportation act Is responsible for much of tho difficulties of tho country and particularly tho reason for tho lack of freight moving ut tho present tlmo. Ho bellocs that tho law which pro vides that tho Interstate commorco commission shall fix a rate for trans portation which will produce earn ings amounting to 5 Mi per cent I.i en pablo of working both ways. In a spocch ho'wlll mako when ho Intro duces tho now bill ho will state that ho believes tho commission should now on its own motion reduce tho ratos which hnvo paralyzed business. Ho argues that until tha provision for this guaranty Is removed It should ba mado to adapt Itsolf to business conditions and tint commission should not wait for shippers or rnll road owners to ask for n change In tho rntos, but should proceed to a re vision downward without furthor no tlco. Not only would bo wlpo out tho guarantee feature, but Sonntor Cap por proposes to urgo onothor bill to strengthen tho power of stnto govern monts over lntra-stato ratos and tho conduct of transportation tn gcnoral. SON IN COHNISH FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cornish nro tho parents of a baby boy, born ostor day morning. Tho now corner has boon nnmod Van Allen Cornish. taken for tho sorvlco fund boforo tho drlvo oponed tho campaign com mlttco'roports a total of $11,400 to date. Tho goal la sot at $20,000. The division sbowlns today was: Members Serv'. Fund Whlto -.55 $150 Grocn 36 975 niuo ...., .....38 230 Gold 45 300 OIF MILLION CAPPER WITS NO GUARANTEE Germany Has Until Apr. 18 to Transfer Cold for May Payt. PAltlH, April 19 - -Tho allied rop- arntlons commission but given Oor mnny until April twenty-second to transfer tho gold holdings of tho , llolchbnnk to Coblcnz and Cologne branches of tho bank If Germany re fuses to comply with this ultimatum I tho commission wilt roqulro Immedl- urn imivt-r ui lliu Kvm iu im uum mission Itself ' notlHsTebn figure pisses I Colonel William It. llolablrd, Cal i Ifornla pioneer nnd railway builder, 1 died recently nt his homo at Sierra 1 Madre, California, Colonel llolablrd I will bo romombered In Klamath j Kails as tho confidential representa tive of tho lato K. H Hnrrlman, bo- fo ro and during tho construction of tho Weed to Klnmath Kails branch. . It was Colonel llolablrd who nut into ! execution tho plans of Harrlman for building tho branch and who first, j with his chlof, saw tho Importance of tho Modoc Northern lino and tho Na tron cut-off, both projects that worn I adopted by tho Southern Pacific while It won in tho fluid. Colonel llolablrd was In and out of Klamath Kalis for about flvo years, up until ten years ago. Ho became known to many residents and was highly respected. In 1917 Colonel HolaiiLrd was ap pointed rccolvor of tho Oallfornla De velopment company, at a tlmo when bankruptcy threatened thu wboto Im perial Valley project In southorn California, and his sound business Judgment averted tbo crash and put the company on Its foot ngaln. Ho was a natlvo of Vermont, a Civil War veteran, nnd ono of tho really great figures In tho develop ment of tho West. Ho had traveled extensively In tbo Far East and else where and his remarkable carreer was most notoworthy. THEFT OF CARS Jack Lacoy, former omployo of tho Central Auto Service, Is la Jail at Chlco, and Roy Patch, who came horo to work fo,. tho Star theatre. Is In Jail at Fortuna, Cat, charg cd with soparato auto thefts anil awaiting) extradition. Constable Fred Morley, through whoso ef forts tho men wero arrested, ex poets to loavo about Friday to bring them back. Lacy loft hero with two pas songors for Alturas, according to Dctcctlvo Morley, discharged his orrand, and Instead ot returning started on, presumably for his for mer homo In San Bernardino. Ho was intercepted at Chlco by of ficers who had been posted by a telegram from Morloy. Tho automo bllo was rocovorod and brought back horo. Patch purchased an nutomobllo from Marquardt & Wood, local dealers, on contact, moling ono payment. Ho started south In tho machlno and disposed of It In Dorris for $350 roprcsonttng that ho owned It. Through a violin, which bo had ropalred and shipped by express to Kdgowood, Cal., then ro-sblppcd to Fortuna, Do toctlvo Morloy traced tho fugltlvo to tho Humboldt county town. Ho was arrested by tho shorlff and lodged In tho Eureka Jail. Tho car was rccovored. jcceptTeir bond offer Tho bid of th Durfeo, Nlles com pany of Toledo, Ohio, for tho $52 735 Mills addition sower bond Issue wns accoptod by tho city council last night. Tho bidders offor par valuo, less $3,650, approximately, that tho city agrees to pay for attorney's In vestigation, printing tha bonds and lncldontal oxpenses. Charlos do Cuman replaces Fred. Gronnon as city garbago man under nn order ot tho council. An amendment to tho garaga or dinance, requiring construction of tiro proof material and concreto floors for garages attor November 1, 192.2, was passod. Pormlts woro granted as follows; Ropalr ot old bath houso; flvo room Iioubo, Hot Springs addition, Don Holding, $4,800; four room houso. J. C. Reckard; signs, F. M. Upp, 832 Main streot and Central Labor Con ell, Firth streot. Restaurant men petitioned for perralsr aton to sell their, garbage to private bidders. Tbo spatter was laid Qver.,a yeek. Minor- matters came up. Including Installation' of moro lights on tho oastorn end ot Main streot and tho sanitary condition of M FDR MF'G. ! CO. TO START IN FEW DAYS Machinery ropal,. at tbo Kla math Manufacturing company's mill at Shlpplngton will bo comploted in a day or two and tho mill will start cutting Thursday or Friday, said O. A. Krauso, manager, this morning'. Mr. Krauso loft for Ya kima, whoro tbo Earl Fruit com pany has another plant. ' Tho local mill will bo oporatod at full capacity employing two shifts. Tho lumber market la still dull, but tbo "plant has a big log supply that mast bo cut, said Mr. Krauso and It Js hoped that by tho tlmo operations nro woll started that tho brightening market will have gained more strength, which It Is feared will roduce the Frost conditions nl California, fruit crop, aro atfoctlng the big shook market temporarily, ho Mid, curtailing tbo demand. Biff Iakes Haktofc IKly At tho Dig Lake mill on Lake Ewnuna a 160 horso power boiler Is now bolng installed, preparatory t otho soasons run. Tho boiler will furnish additional steam and Increaso tbo dally cutting capacity from 10,000 to 15,000 foot. Tho now Installation will cost approxi mately $78,000. Tho work la bo Ing dono by tho plant fore. Operation of tho Big Lakes all! depends somowhat on tho comple tion of tho boiler Job. It was sta ted at tho ottlco of tho company Ibis morning that tho mill would bo running by May 16. Personal Mention j n'ay Crawford has returned homo after a two weeks visit In San Fran cisco, . Mj' F. Wight of Seattle, la hero looking after business Interests and also renewing old acquaintances. Wm. O. Hagelsteln, a banker from Doris, who has been spending several days here attending to business mat ters, returned to his home today. ' ' C.'V. R. Scbylor left for bis homo 'at Dorris this morning attor spending several days hero attending" to busi ness matters. . Mrs. A. B. Murray left for Sacra mento today to Join her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Murray havo been liv ing hero but expect to mako their homo In Sacramento. Mrs. G. Hlttreln and small son left this morning for Sacramento where they expect to make thelt homo. J. F. Nash, a lumber man ot Verdi, Nevada, who has been looking oVor tbo lumber situation horo, roturned to his hefmo this morning. C. F. Klynn, formerly ot the Chll oquln Lumber company, who has been spending a tow days here, left for San Francisco this morning. C. A. Krauso left this morning for Yakima, Washington, where tho Carl Fruit Company has a branch. Ho wns accompanlod as far as Port land by W. II. Tralncn. also of the Karl Fruit Company, who has been hero on business. U O. Hoagland of tho Uulck Sales and Service Company, left this morn ing for San Francisco to be gone a week. Mr. Hoagland has gono to re colvo a car load.' of Dulcks and ex pects to drlvo oWovhome. Mr, and Mrs. Guy Merrill from Merrill, aro In tho city on business. R. 8. Sutton ot Dairy, Is here on business, A. G." Green was a passenger on tbo Medford stago this morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Minnlck loft for Medford this mornlnR by auto stage. S. B. Iccnblcce of Pine Grove, Is horo on business. Among those registered nt tho Whlto PoIIcan Hotel nre: C. W. Che ney and wife from Eau pialre, Wis consin, nnd F. T. Smith from Seattle, Among out of town visitors today Is Wm, Chalmers from Wce.d. J. A. Hownrth from Klnmath Agency, Is In town on business. Marfan Daley, a sheepman from Bly, Is In town buying suppllos for hln ranch. Dan Colwoll nnd family from Mer rill, aro In town for tho day. Mr. and Mrs. Gono Hammond from Merrill, nro horo today attend ing to bunlnoss matters. Mrs. Jonnio Hum. who Is qulto 111 with Influonxa, was takon to the hos pital yentordny. Fred. Nltncholm returnod yester day from! Now York nnd Chicago whoro ho bas boon visiting for somo tlmo. Weather Probabilities Tho Cyclo-Stormograph at Underwood's Pharmacy, Is re cording a sllRhtly lowor presa uro today, but not enough to Indicate any marked change In present weather conditions. Our cloudy weathor is undoubtedly caused by sn extreme "high" wind to the north ot us. Forecast for next 24 heurs: Continuation ot present weath er conditions. in Q. K.. barn- It was decided tp provide tbo lights. -Tho barn matter was re. forred to1 a committee 'nnd tbo city health officer for Investigation, MM