l-Acin roun THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, APRIL 18, Httf Personal Mention J. J. Mlllor, tho local Southern Pacific passenger agont, loft this morning (or Ashland whore ho will attend a mooting qf nil tho agents o( tho Portland and Shasta di visions. Mr. Miller expects to re turn Wednesday evening. Mrs, Harry Raymond returned to Son Frnnclscoi this morning after spending a few days visiting hero. Mr.vand Mrs. II.' V. Orlffln of Pine Rldgo nro" registered at tho Whlto Pelican hotol.' Mrs. 0. Quackonbush returned to hnr homo at Dorrli. thin morning attor spending sovoral days visiting with Miss Potorstolno. D. F. Collins who spent tho week end hero returned to "hl homo at Weed this morning. Rd. Mnr.tln left Sunday morning for Portland where" ho will spond sovoral days attending to business mnttors. a. II. Mooro, train master of tho Shasta division has been spending sovoral days here. Mrs. Qeorgo Noblo who has been visiting at tho homo of C. ft. Do Lap returned to Ashland this morning via automobllo stage F. A. Ferguson ot Independence Is In tho city for a few days. J. J, .Stigor of Chlloqutn Is reg Isteredat'tbo Hall hotel. 8. 8, Mttcholl or Ashland is In town for a few days. Mr. Mitchell Is atu old tlmo Klamath County stockman. ' Qeorgo Know of .Merrill is In town today. ' Frank Ottoman and Miss Mario Rajamus ot Malln woro married Saturday by Judgo Gaghagan. Mr. and Mrs., Ottoman will resldo at 660 Conger avenue. Mrs. George I). Moservo who has been visiting with ,ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schubert, left today for her homo, in La Orande. Mlss Florence Porter went to Weed this morning to meet hor mother, Mrs. J. T. Porter, who will spend somo tlmo visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dlough of Medford, who have been spending several days hero on business, re turned to her homo this morning. F. A. Smith -went to Dray this rhornlng on business. Mr. Smith ox pacts to 'return this, evening. WV H. Melrose loft for Seattle this morning to bo gono a few days on business. George Watt left this morning for a 'short business trlji to Son Fran cisco. O. E. Dixon roturnod to his homo at Marysvillo, California, this morn ing. Miss Elizabeth Ramiby bos gono to Weed to visit at the home of Fred Bmlth. r , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hampton returned Saturday night from Port land whero thoy havo been for tho past three weolcs on a visit with Mr.- Hampton's , sister. Dr. S. P. Allen. Dr. Allen and her little grand son returned for an extended visit with the Hamptons. Mr. T. H. Jolly who has been ill for the past week with rheumatism is again at her work tn the Mer chants' Collection bureau office Tho Rebekah degree stat rill not meet tonight according to Mrs Carey Ramshy, degree captain, on uerount of tho Chamber of Commerce ban ft GREATEST I DISTRESSING MALADY IS .MOST PREVALENT OF ALL PRESENT- DAY DISEASES THOUSANDS ARE RELIEVED JJV TANLAU. Ot all the conditions that afflict humanity, chronic dyspepsia, or what is moro commonly known as in digestion, is probably tho most prev alent. This most universal malady has baffled the medical profession for years, and tho most skilled special ists have been unable to cope with It successfully. Hours might bo consumed In de scribing the sufferings, nlontal and physical, ot tho sufferers from chron ic dyspepsia and their falluro hereto fore to get relief. A morbid, unreal, whimsical and molancholy condition of tho mind, aside from the nervous ness and physical sufforlng, Is tho usual condition of tho average- dys poptlc. Dyspopsla, or Indigestion, as tho caso may bo, usually caused, by tho oatlng ot too much or unsuitable food, and tho mucous menibranes of the, stomach becomes Irritated, and there Is set up an acuto or sub-acuto gastric catarrhal condition which provents the proper digestion ot the food. This food Is apt to ferment and decompose, and as a result the fa miliar distressing symptoms ot dys pepsia may arise. In mild cases there Is nothing more than an uncomfor table feeling In tho stomach, with a certain amount of depression, head ncho, loss of appetite, perhaps belch ing ot gas and occasional vomiting. Thero may bo also accompanvlng in testinal symptoms, such as constipa tion, pains 'In the back, colic, etc. Thero may bo only the familiar, heartburn due to the Inflamatlon .of tho stomach from excessive gases ot fermentation or putrefaction. In tho most severe cases thoso that last over a day or two the symptoms enumerated .may be much moro In tense. The distress may bo marked and tho general conptltiitlonr-,1 symp' toms more evident.' When this gtnge Is reached tbo loss of anpetite, the mental depression, and the gonoral Lawn and Garden Seed quot which Is to l-o hold tit tho Whlto Pelican hotel .Mrs. Alvn Lowls nml chlldron wh t havo bcon visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. Len Lewis, loft this morning for their homo nt Crystal Creel: Mlko Dossier from tho Keno ronil. Is hero on business today Harry Telford Is hero from .Mer rill. James Henley from Henley, Is In town todny nttcndlng to business matters. Z. X. Agoo, representative, of tho Zellorbuch I'npor Company. Is hero attending to matters of business. Mr. I Ageo 1r located at Rn.-inburg. Mrs. Charles Collier has returned from Dly whoro she has been vNlt Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C W. .Warren Mrs. Collier's mother ro- uiracii witn ner ami win npena ine week here. Tom (larrott of Dly Is here on bus iness for n few days. F. II. McKlwee, yard foreman for tho Modoc Lumber Company, and A. It. Reams loft today for Los Ange- iles and San Diego In Mr McElwoo'n 1.11. 1 IIVJ L'1IVV, ,u uu feuuv " month. MIDLAND ITEMS William J. Worden, ChnrloH W Pollen and Tho'mas J. Lyons, of Lower Klamath Lakes, have Invested In n separator They uro going to thresh last fall's crop. Including C It. Pattorson's Immediately. Their grain was left unthreshed an no ma chine could bo secured to do tho work last fall because stormy weath or set In too soon. Tho company which owns tho machine expects n big fun this fall ns they Intend to thresh nil tho Jobs thoy enn secure In this vicinity. Tho now separator Is n Russcl. It will bo run by n Cntnplllar engine. It was shipped hero from Portland Friday. T. D. Young, local merchant, Mr Peterson and T. It. Hansen mado a trip to Appleg.itc, Qregon, by auto mobile Ian Thursday, returning Sat urdny niftit. They report that they traveled through n beautiful country with trees and flowers, Tho distance thero nnd back h 350 mites. J. W. Dcpuy nnd sons. .Homer nnd Alfred, nnd Mr.. Arthur Shrlner. from Spring Lake, made a business trip to Hornbrookc, Calif., last. Friday, re turing Tuesday. They went by auto mobllo and report a splendid trip and good roads. A. W. Ilradshaw and son, William, from FL Klamath, havo leased the largo ranch of James W. Jury'ot thin place. William Dradshnw Is managing a day and night crow with .tractors nnd horses In order to get in shape for planting as soon as possible This ranch consists ot about 1100 acres. The Hill Hunter dredger which had been working on the Watts dyko has gono to Klamath Falls for re pairs, after which It will go to fix the dyko on tho J. D. Hooper ranch. W. D. Walker and family moved to the A. A. Davis placo Friday. Mr. Peterson, of this place, is moving In tho bouse occupied by W. B. Walker and family. Miss Ida Hooper wns tho dinner guest at tho George Furbcr homo Sunday. Miss Knapp wns n house guest tbero from Friday night to Monday morning. Mrs. George Furber entertained In honor ot her guest, Miss Knapp, a number ot friends Sunday ovenlng. As tho best music can bo heard over the wireless on Sunday night, tho guests amused themselves listening . to It. They heard somo that wns bo Ing played In Los Angeles. Calif. At- F uncomfortahlo fooling In the stom ach aro much moro prououueed. This is particularly truo In acuto gustrills. It frequently occurs from continu ed errors In dlot that this condition becomes chronic, and tho symptoms porslst for an indoflnlto period. The appetlto Is very apt to bo varied, but at times very good. Heartburn Is frcquont. If not constant. Tho stom ach Is painful on pressure, tho tongue Is coatod, thero is a bad tasto In tho mouth, and thoro aro changes In tho amount of salivary secrotlon. Constipation is also usually present, although dlarrhooa may alternato, Most cases of dyspopsla can ho cured if tho diet Is properly looked after and with tho proper troatmont Proper entlng, tho propoV amount of food and hygenlc living aro tho most 'Important features of tbo troatmont. Most peoplo eat too fast and eat too much. Ono notod authority has said that tbo stomach Is tho fountain head of health or disease as tho caro may bo. Tanlac wns designed primarily i for tbo regulation of tho stomach, liver and dowoIb, but It Is no uncom mon thing, for persons who havo used It to find "that thoy havo nlso been relieved of rhoumatlsm and othor ailments not generally recog nized as having tholr origin In stom ach trouble Thero Is probably not n single por. Itlon ot tbo body that Is not benefit I tod by tho helpful action of Tnnlac, I which begins ltswork by stimulating tho digestive organs, thereby enrich1 Ing tho blood, and Invigorating tho whole system. Next it enables the weak, wornout stomach to thorough ly digest tho food, permitting tho assimilation of thp nourishing olo monts. Millions of peoplo havo not only been relieved of tho most obstlnato forms of dyspopsla and indigestion' by the Tanlac treatment after othor remedies had fallod, but many of them havo reported a remarkable and rapid Incroaso In wolgbt and a return to normal health and strength by Its uso. n IN VWWMWWMWWMMlfc (USflEDADVEMENH WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Now LMson Phono- grnph senrcely used with G records. Price S5.00. Phono 444. 1Gv20 Woman wants hotisocloantng, of flco work nnd laundry work. 343 N 3th St. 16-31 RUILDER -With splendid lot In Hit ena Vista Add. GO x K0 would build to suit Intending purchaser tcrmi. Inquire evenings. A. C. Hatch, Duonn Vista Add. 10-18 FOR SALE 160 aero ranch, 4 miles from Merrill oil well being drill- o.l within 1 1-2 miles from nlacn In- ! qu'ro 738 California Ave. 16-19 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment. Phono 273J. 1(1-17 SITUATION WANTED As band itnw filer's helper In or nround Kla math Falls, Address II. P. M. Hcrnld office. 16-19 FOR SALE Nearly completed six1 room house and two largo lots will tnko Ford truck or touring car as part payment. 195S Oregon Ave. 16-20 j A four room furnished housu with I n Inrge garden spot for rent. Phono i 223M. 1G-19 Respectable young man wants I board and room In private family, close In nnd reasonable. J. Demuth, rentral Hotol. 16-1 9 FANCY ONIONS Mild and sweet; Klnmath fflendsl eat them, health ful, nutritious 300 sacks mlsshliv pcd.. At sacrifice: $1-40 big sack. Small quantities Come, send, phone, write Jns. Rrntton, 12" N 4th St. Phono 196W. 16-22 FOR RENT SleenlnK room for gentleman. 022 Walnut St. Phono 361W. 15-17 WANTED Garment to clean nnd press. Rol'nlnp and alterations. C. E. Sparks. 805 Main. Phono 562W. 15-21 FOR SAL" Rulldlng containing bo twoen 7000 nnd 3000 feet of lum ber could bo remodeled Into a five room house Call John Thorson, 250.1 for particulars. 15-18 i FOR SALE Dodge car, Shasta Auto Top Co. 15-20 . . FOR SALE 1 1917 Rulrkslx. $900. Ewauna Motors Co. 123 4tb St. 14-20 WANTED To buy, modern house. Not less than four bed rooms. 80 ncrcs to rent uncor ditch. Dcst buy on Main St. 28 x 120 ft. good brick building, flno location. $18,000 terms. J. F. MAOUIRE 715 Main St. 15. 10 LOST Dotween Henley flumo and Klamath Falls, a set ot tools In real lcathor kit. Liberal reward If roturnod to Herald oftlco. 16-18 FOR SALE Oakland six roadster, also small Westlnghouso Electric rango, wator heater, etc. Phono 294W. 8.00 a. m. 5 p. m. 1G-22 tor soveral pieces woro beard, dainty rofreshmonts wero sorvod by tho ablo and charming hostess. Thoso present were: Mrs. Targent, Miss Ida Hooper Miss Lillian Knapp, Mr. Targont, T. D. Young, Mr. A. M. Miller and John Hooper. Tho wator which was running ovor tbo dyko Is going down. Tho dyko is above water in most placos. Mrs. Targent, Miss Ida Hooper and Miss Lillian Knapp spent tho week end In Klamath Falls shopping. Mrs. W. R. Wnlker and daughter Ione woro Medford school visitors Monday. Allen Pattorson and Ora Merlin Dopuy woro nbsent from school for sovoral days on account of Illness. Word was rocelvod by friends and relatives ot this vicinity sovoral days ago that Mrs. Milton Worden dlod in Puoblo, Colorado. Mrs. Wcrdon leaves a husband and six chlldron. 8ho Is n daughtor-ln-law of Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson Worden, ot Shipping ton, and n sister-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. WJlllom Worden of this vicinity. She formerly resided In Midland. Mr. Worden was In tho hotel business hero soveral yoars ago. Mrs. Edgar Furbor roturnod homo Monday. Shq had been HI In a prlvato hospital In Klamath Falls for a month. Her many frlonds are glad to soo hor restored to health again. John Cablor of this vicinity, mot with a serious accident Saturday ovo nlng, whllo trying to stop his runa way horses. Mr. Cabler was openlug tho gate when his team started tn run. When ho nttompted to ston thn frightened animals they knocked him down. Tho wagon ran ovor ono log, breaking It, and smashing tho knee of tho other, also dragging him for a short distance, seriously Injuring his skull. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Rovco woro Klamnth Falls visitors Monday. J. W. Jury was a Klamath Falls visitor Thursday. Tho rabbit drlvn that was to bo held on Mlllor Island Sunday, was called oft on account of the stormy woather. A drlvo will bo hold tho first Sunday tho woather permits. Everyone Is Invited to como. Knrmoll Surprise Party A numbor of friends and neighbors Pnrlinla ntlil lltlirn (liMinml In vmir satisfaction. Wm. Lush, Phono 190W. 15-18 Sleeping rooms, furnished, tor rent In Swanson Dulldlng. Slonm heat, hot and cold water. Sunnscn'n, 625 Main St. 14-17 FOR SALE 6 room Iioubo with 2 screened In porches, hot and cold water, furniture. 2 lots each GO x 182, garage, woodhouso, chicken house, barn, chickens nnd cow. Place fenced woven wire. Price $3700. 1805 Johnson Avo. 13-19 FOR SALE Good paying laundry business. Will stand Investigation Inquire Herald office, Dux F. F. 13-19 FOR SALE Hero In town, 100 tons baled hay In any quantity. Soo us ut 112G Main. Phoro 402J. 13-18 Used Stnudnrd Phonographs, lib era! reductions, lowor terms. Earl Shepherd Co. G07 Main St. 12tf I" Hnvo You Soon Keller today'.' Mlddlo aged lady, first-class cook wishes position In enmp. Call 421 Michigan uvo. 12-18 Used Pianos, roasonahlo prices and lowest ot torms. Earl Shephord Co. 12tt Slcoplng rooms for root. 920 Klnr math Avo. Home Rooming House. 12-18 Havo You Seen Kclloy today'.' Ono Seven Pnssengor Hudson, guar anteed A-l mechanical condition, 4 now tires. Ono 1920 Chandler Dispatch looks llko now, guaranteed. 1IUICK HALES .V .SERVICE Phono 170W l-f FOR 8ALE Timber, cheap If takon soon Address "Tlmbor" Herald. 31 DRE8SMAKLNO First-class work guaranteed. Mrs Jefferson, No. 2, Main St. U-23 Have You Seen Kcllejr today'.' Mr. Fisherman Fishing rods mndo to order, old rods repaired. Satlsricil customors all ovor tho U. 3. all work absolutely guaranteed. If you fish or over expect to fish write for prices on repair work nnd built o order rods. Harry D. Hobson, Lyons. Oro gon. " T-18 8pring Is coming on and you havo tho house clearing bug. Well, I havo got It. toot lot's got together. ' PERKINS FUIUMTURK HOCHK "Tbo Furnisher of Ilnppy Homes" 17tf CITY OARBAOE WIim yon want garbage removed call 10F-J8 Tell your troubles In the Furnlturo lino to PERKINS "THE FURNISH ER OF HAPPY HOMES." 17tf Spring Is coming on and you have tho bouso cloarlng bug. Well, I havo got It too- Let's get togothcr. I'KIIKINH FURNITURE MOUSE "Tho FuroNher of Happy Homes" aurprlsod Mrs. Emma Royco of this vicinity Baturday ovenlng. Tho party was In tho naturo ot a farewell, as Mrs. Royco expects to lcavn Midland for Medford, Oregon, Wednesday to visit hor daughter, Mr. J. D. Hooker for an Indoflnlto period, then go on to Portland to visit hor son. Tho party took tho lady by complete sur prise Sho camo to tho door to meet thorn, oxpectlng to go to tho show with Mr. and Mrs. Hanson. Aftor n number of selections ormuslc, dainty rofreshmonts woro sorved by tho charming hostoss, Mrs. Henry E. Royco, nsslstud by Miss Knnpp, Tho following woro presonf'Mr. und Mrs. John Depuy, Mr- nnd Mrs, Homer Dopuy, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Royco, Mrs. J. W. Jury, Mr. nnd Mrs. Han son, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrvoy Dopuy, Elra Dopuy, Ora Morlln Dopuy, nnd Lillian Knapp. m ANTI-TURERCULOSIH ORGANIZER COMINO PORTLAND. April 18. Approxi mately $38,700 Is tho sum Oregon contributed for tho prevention of tuberculosis In tho stato through the 1920 Christmas seal snlo, which pro vides tho support for tho Orogon Tu borculosls association, This amount Is an Incroaso of $7000 over last year. Tho association's 1021 program has been hroadonod to Inrludo moro pub lic health nurses, fro3 cllnh's. edit catlonnl cnmoalgns. legislation, child welfare work and Mrveyi. Twelvo counties nqwr havo public health organization nnd Mrs. Pnldlo Orr-Dunbar, oxoctitlvii secretary, haH been personally dlrectjng organiza tion work for Marlon and will go to Klamath and Lake countlos In May for the same purpose A OROUNl'lIOO CASK You'vo got tho monoy; I'vo got the furnlturo. Let's swap. PERKINS FUIINITURK IIOUflK "The Furnisher of Happy Homes" 17tf Ui-L. -J.ST Swansen's Barber Shop 625 MAIN ST. Will bo open until 7 p. ra. after April 18, 1921 ' . J. B. 8WANSEN Murphey's t Send Away For your piano It you can't find what you want nw'ar homo hut .FIRST DM SURE your homo doul or does not carry It. As a special vulito In a rollnblo standard price piano wo urn offer ing tho Gulbronson stylo 360 at $360 cash or on tcrnm lit ronHon. Wo ask your Inspocllon of this Instrument and ulheru consisting of lecoml-hnnd onus priced $115 '""I up. Again wo nay, If your local mer chant Isn't progrosslvo enough to carry what you want at tho prlco you want to pay 8HNI) AWAY. EARL SHEPHERD CO. , One lltiNlnm MuMrnMnstrument Kliimnth !J.Kt4444444 PAINTING Practical painting, gliding, bronx Ing, onnmollng, knlsomlnlng, wall paper cleaning nnd gonornl con tracting. II. C. TUTIIILIi Phono 183 G25 Oak St Equity N. I-H NOTICE OP roHECMWt'HK CHATTEL .MORTtlACli: OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Till! STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. Louis Roench. Plaintiff, vs. T. W Phonogor and J. 8. Halley, partnors doing buslnoss an Pheneger & llnlley, W. T. Estop and A. W. Walker Auto Company, Defendants. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will on Tuesday, the 2Clh dny ot April. 1921. nt 2 00 nVliu-V l M nt anlil ilnv nt tho Howlo , u ......... . . .-.-... -.- -- - I Garage, Ksplanailo anil i'llio sircms, ,ln Klnmath Falls. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, and will sell )tn the highest bidder for cash In hand, tbo following iicscrioen persou 1 nl properly, to-wlt Ono Model 8-E 5-Ton Alterbtiry truck Sirll No 50111 Motor No D100"'7I, nlieOno Model S-K 5Ton Attnrtmry tru k Serll No, 50014. Motor .NO. Illoi'Mlu Thli nnlo Is for tlie purpose or lore 1r1np i ntrliiln Clinttel MortcnKO on tho nbovo derrrlbed iiersonal pro perty given by W T Ksiep en me 2fith day or Setpombnr. 1920. tn A UV u'nlkur Auto Company and as signed lo Louis Howch. (Slgnod) LOUIH RUEHCII. Uy Stono and Wlcst Ills Attorneys A25 NOTICE TO DIDDERS Soalod proposals will bo recolvod up to noon Monday, April 25, 1921 for furnishing school district No. 53, F. O. II. enra Klamath Falls, Oro 40, 000 moro or loss selected common brick nnd 50.000 moro or less lorn mon brick for delivery ns doslred. Dlds must bo accompanied by two (2) selected common brick samples showing tho rango of bricks to be furnished and ono (1) nvorngo com mon brick sample and br n certified chock to tho amount of 5 par cent of tho bid for tho totnl ot above made payablo to William Skeon, clerk of said district to bo returned to bidder If unsuccessful and to M forfeited If blddor In nwardod contract and falls to tako same In uccordnncn with his bid. School board reserves the right to nccopt or rojoct any or all bids. Dated at Chlloqutn this 15th day of April. AI), 1921. Slgnod William Skeon, School clork. 16-18 NOTICE OF SALE OF REt, PROP. ERTY FOR RELINOUI N'T IM PHOVEMENT ASSESSMENT Dy vlrtuo of u wnrrant Issued by tho Pollco Judgo of tho '''.y if Klam ath Falls, Orogon, dated thn 18th day of April. A. I). H'Sl, nnd to me dlroctod, Notlco is hereby given thut I havo levied upon ins allowing .le scrlbod real prop-iriy, to-wlt: Deglnnlng nt a pem: In tho loath orly lino of Klimiih stroot or ave nue In tho .! of Klamath Falls, Or ogon, 1G1 loot I'.-uiorly of Iho euit orly lino of Puyno nllny. oxtonilod; thenco nt right 'inglm with Mnninlh strcot or avonuo, muthenst'irlv, 200 feet; thnncn nor'hoirteilv pnrallel with Klamnth street or nventio M foet: thenco northwosteily nt right anglos with Klamnth stren' or nventio 200 foot to tho southerly 'Ina of unK stroot or avonuo; thenco wo.torly following said southerly Una 54 foot to tho placo of hoglnnlng. Ahovo described eronnrty abutting on Klamath strcot 54 foot. Taken und levied upon ns tho prop erty of D, St. Ooorgo DIshop, In sat isfaction of a certain lion created nnd docketed by tho city of Klamath Falls, Orogon. for n proportlnnnto sliar of the cost of Improving Phone 531-R W. E. and J. E. PATTERSON CONTRACTING PAINTERS Wo givo all our work porsonal attontlon. Uso nothing but first class material. Lot us givo you figures on your painting. 133 N. 4th St. R. Phone 531-R Seed Store $ i Falls, Ore. HAVE YOU TRIED The Doughnut Shop LATELY FOR YOUR BREAKFAST LUNCH SUPPER f 7th and Main Klamnth avonuo or street between Center street and Paynu alloy, which said lien In docketed In Volume (1) ot tho llonil Lien Docket of said city nt pagu 43 thereof on tho data of October 10th, 1910, In thn num ot $192.78. Notice In uUo hereby given that tho underslgnod will on tho 20th day of May, A. D 1921, at tho hour ot 2 o'clock P. M , of said day. nt tho front door ot tho City Hull In said rlty, sell at public miction to thn highest blddor for cash In baud, thn aforementioned and described real property or so much thereof an Is necessary to satisfy tho num ot $192.78, togothor with Interest there on nt tbo rnto of 6 por rent por an num from tho 10th day of October, 19)0, and torothor with tho costs nnd disbursements of salo hornundor. II. H. WILSON, Chief of Police ot tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION Not Coul mi U. 8. Land Oftlca at Lakovlow, Oro., April 13, 1921 Notlco la hornby given that Will G. Wilson, of Donnnzu, Orogon, who on Juno 3, 1915, mado homestead entry No. 08690, for NoH, HoVJ WV4 8E'i. Sec. 35, T 37 8 II. 13 B and Lot 2, Section 2, Township 38 8, Range 13 E, Wlllnmotto Meridian, has filed notlco nt Intention to make flnnl throo-yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo doscrluod, I boforo C. R. DoLnp, Clork of tho ogon, on tho 28th day of May, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: a. C. Harrison, of Ilnnnnza, Oro Ore Oro eon: Horace Dunlnp,, Frank Ward, J, H. Wilson, all of Klnmath Falls, Orogon. Notlco Isstiod nnd will bn published for tlvo consecutive weeks In tho Klnmath Herald, JA8. F. RURGK88. Roglrtor. 18-25-23-16-23 PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St. 4