rAan Tiuticn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY. AI'llHi -JB, loai UNDERWOOD'S ONE-CENT SALE ' Peroxide Tooth Paste, Reg. 30c, 2 Tubes - - -31c U. S. Shaving Cream, Reg. 35c, 2 Tubes 36c Nyals Face Cream, Reg. 30c, 2 Jars -31c Tooth Brushes, Reg. 35c, 2 Brushes . . 36c Liquid Shampoo, Reg. 40c, 2 Bottles. 41 C Shaving Lotion, Reg. 40c, 2 Bottles 41 C Chap Lotion, Reg. 50c, 2 Bottles . 51c Nyals Catarrh alm,, Reg. 35c, 2 Tubes 36c Nyals Corn Remedy, Reg. 35c, 2 Bot tles 36c Eff Phosphate Soda, Reg. 85c, 2 Bot tles - 86c Lead Pencils, Reg. 5c, 2 for . 6c Fountain Pen Ink, Reg. 25c, 2 for 26c Compound Cathartic Pills, Reg. 30c, 2 for 31c Hig Grade 24 sheets linen finish paper, 24 Lined envelopes, Reg. price per box Stationery 50c 2 ,boxe 5 1 C Rubber. Gloves, 1 Pair 75c, 2 Pairs . -76c Writing Tablets, Reg. 20c Grade, 2 formic Springs Sarsaparilla, Reg. $1.25, 2 for $1.26 Tooth Ache Drops, Reg. 30c, 2 for ... 31 C Eczema Ointment, Reg. 60c, 2 for .61 C Mustard Ointment, Reg. 35c, 2 for .. -36c Nyals Headache Tablets, Reg. 30c, 2 for 31c Rice Powder, Flesh or White, Reg. 25c, 2 for 26c Nyals Liver Salts, Reg. 35c, 2 for -36c Nylotis Hand Lotion, Reg. 40c, 2 for . 41 C Violet Ammonia, Reg. 40c, 2 for -41 C Freckle Cream, Reg. 60c, 2 for 61 C WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! UNDERWOOD'S "One Cent Sale" is designed to give to our customers some re markable bargains on dozens of different items that we handle. In brief the plan is this: We sell you an article at the regular price and give you the opportunity of buying another one at the price of ONE CENT. Thus we offer you a two quart hot wa ter bag for $1.75 but if you wish to add ONE CENT more we will sell you two of these bags. This sale is held partly as an advertising affair a desire to get acquainted with new customers, and partly to reduce our large stock. We offer nothing but high grade goods and you get the same quality as always, but at a remarkable saving. Look over the items. There are prob ably a dozen that you are using every day in the year. It will pay you to anticipate your wants, for the coming six months. A !-W XS7 A tun quart hlgh-gradi- uiiler lxf lln which 'IU if-guliirly for91.7ff, nl UiiilortwHMl't ONE CENT HALE )ou ijiii buy a Mvtiml n for ONI! Two for $1.76 A to-(imrt fountiiln s)rlni;o uhlrli m'IIh regularly , KU.UO. lit UmlmuMxlV ONi; CI..NT SALE you rim buy n second oni for ONE Two for $2.01 SALE STARTS TUESDAY, APRIL 19TH. And Will Continue Until 10 P. M. SATURDAY APRIL 23RD. Prices do not include war tax. HMM Aspirin Tablets, Reg. 1 doz. 20, 2 doz. 2 1 C Laxative Cold I ablets, Keg. dUc, Z Pkgs 3 1 c Carbolic Salve, Reg. 25c, 2 Boxes 26c Syrup Hypophosphites, Reg. $1.50, 2 Bottles $1 .51 Powdered Borax, Reg. 10c, 2 Pkgs. -21c Fig Syrup, Reg. 50c, 2 Bottles 51 C Wild Cherry Cough Syrup, Reg. 35c 2 Bottles 36c Nyals Liver Pills, Reg. 30c, 2 Bottles 31 c Nylotis Talcum, Reg. 35c, 2 Boxes -36c Hand Scrubs, Reg. 20c, 2 Brushes 40 C Powder Puffs, Reg. 15c,' 2 for 16c Beauty Balm, Reg. 60c, 2 Bottles ....61c Baby Talcum, Reg. 35c, 2 for 36c Quinine A remedy for dandruff and and Sage falling hair, reg. price 75c per Hair Tonic bottle, 2 bottles 7gc White Mineral Oil, 1 Pint $1.00, 2 Pints ?. $1 .01 Linen Finish Paper, 1 Pound 50c, 2 Pounds 51c Envelopes, 15c Per Pkg. 2 Pkgs 16c Nydenta Tooth Paste, Reg. 50c, 2 for 51 c White Pine Cough Syrup, Reg. 35c 2 for 36c Aromatic Castor Oil, Reg. 50c, 2 Bot tles 51c Nyals Porous Plasters, Reg. 25c, 2 for 26c Liquid Tar Shampoo, Reg. 50c, 2 Bot tles 5 1 C Electric Liniment, Reg. 50c, 2 Bottles..51c Perfumed Bath Salts, Reg. 50c, 2 Cans 51 C Sugar Of Milk, Reg. 85c, 2 for 86c Bronchial Tablets, Reg. 25c, 2 for -26c One Cent Sale Saves You Money nnderwoo mm W" KLAMATH FALLS OREGON wM J WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE 1 111 1 PURITY 1 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS jACCURACvt One Cent Sale Saves You Money i - -- i The Office Cat oil that wti wore t lit wrltor thereof, sho hosltntod n momont. Tlion alio Bald, "Woll. of nil tlilngsl" What should a follow do In n en mi llko that? Hob. Dowooso says that womon nro llko murkot iiuotutloiiH nlwayH changing. local i.eiti: Judging from npponrnnros. thn two-ploco hiilrcut In hem to stay. Wo seem to bo gutting back to tho old times whon our mothnrs cut our linlr by putting a crock on our heuds nml trimming nround thn edge. Win ring I'nlm Bench biiIIm will noon bo tho order of tho ilny. Thoro Is 8omo complnlnt about thu woathor, but wo supposu that condi tions will nlwayii oxlst. At the Theaters ItV JUN1UH WOMEN Thoy'ro saucy nnd thoy'ro (Icklo, nnd Thoy'ro mighty hard to plonso. Wo liava to cator to thorn nil Upon our bundod knees; . Thoy'ru flighty and IikiuIhIIIvo Kxasporatlu', too; And ovory man iiiiihI find It out Somehow hofnro Iio'h through. Thoy reason witi u HUddonnoss Tlint mnkos a follor jump: And thoy don't find It hnrd nt alt To mako him look a chump, Thoy can not glvo a reason for A slnglo thing thoy do. Thoy Jump at u conclusion with No vnlld cniiso In vlow. Thoy'ro fussy and thny'ro frivolous; SomotlmoH It sooiuh that way, Thoy'ro tendor und thoy'ro hoartloss and Thoy'ro mournful und thoy'ro gay, Thoy'ro prudish and thoy'ro reckless nnd In faults thoy nil abound. Thoy cost a lot of mnnoy, hut Thoy'ro nlco to hnvo around. iiuir: Vestordny wo mat a lady who de clared Tho Uorald Is tho greatest pa per In tho state. Without knowing us. sho doclarod sho groitly enjoyed this hon. col. and addod that sho nevor failed to rend It. When wo thanlcod lior nnd ndnjltt- Nntlco Is horoby given that if n Mills Addition mnn who Is known to bo making a fnlr grmlo nt homo brow doesn't gat neighborly pretty soon wo will not bo rosponslblo for what may happon. Mora anon. Tho world Is growing hotter, wo don't caro a hand what tho reform ors say. Durlosqun romodlnus no lon ger oat tho pool of n bunnnn and throw tha Inside away; fowor men chew tobacco, nnd that donaturod cut of William J, Ilryan hasn't appeared for at lonnt a fortn't. Till: I.IIIKIITY Toward tha sunset of llfo. to have his homo broken up, to soo his wlfo whom ho had loved and to whom ho had boon loyal since ho was practi cally a boy, forcod to ontor an old ladlus' homo that was what Abo faced. Ho could do nothing to help her, yet ho could no more do without her than without air to broatho. How tho old sea captain solvod this hu-1 man dlloma Is told In pictures nt tho Llborty Thoatro today. Tho name i of tho production Is "Old Lady 31," and Km m a Dunn, as Anglo, tho wife, I plays for the screen tho part sho Im-'J niorlullzod on tho now York stage CONFESSION Our old heart Jumps nnd Palpitates Whon n movlo vamp'ro Osculatos. WHY IT 18 CIIOOKED (Ladles Home JournM Tho world's most crsolcol rlvor Is thn Jordnn. It -wqiirinr nenrly 330 miles In ordor to cover slxtymllos. Whon wo recall that It usod to bo tho custom for all of the bad mer of tho old days to wash their sins away 1n tho Jordan. Wo nood no bo surpris ed that It In tho world's most crnoVc-4 rlvor. , ITnvo Yon Spoil Kplloy today? Tho masterful portrayal of tho un rogonoruto clorgyman In "Tho Steal ers," which shows at tho Llborty Thoatro tomorrow, Is tho work of William II, Tookor, an uctor of dis tinction. Till') KT.IK Tho Jolly Dick Lonsdale Co., a nowly organized company of artists of unusual ability, will open tholri ougngement at tho Star Thoatro to night. Thoy hnvo boon ongngod to play throughout tho suptmor with threo comploto chnnges of program weokly. In connection with thn usual Btandurd photoplays. "Not Oullty," a gro.it story of 2'Tho Knr Kust," will , L.k thn (ltMiirn nttriiMfnn Inlifi-ht mill ' It Is ono that you will enjoy. To morrow night Tho Lonsdalo Co. pro sonts "I'rovnrlcatlon," a comody brim full of laughs. Tho plcturo attraction Is Ilalph Inco's groat production "Tho Highest Law," In which Mr. Inco plays tho part of Abraham Lincoln, u rolo'of which ho Is famous. m Hnvo You Seen Kelloy today? NOTICH OK BALK OK HEAL PUOP. KUTY FOll DELINQUENT IM- PKOVEMENT ASSESSMENTS Hy vlrtuo of a warrant Issued by tho Pollco Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, datod thn ISth day of Aprn, A. D. 1931, and to me directed. Notice Is hereby elve'i that I havo Icrvlod upon the following doscrlbod real property, to-'wlti Poglnnlng at a point In tho south- lorly lino of Klamath street or ave nue, In tho city of Klamath Kails, I Oregon, 330 foot easterly or tho oast-, orly lino of Pnyno alloy, extended; thonco at right angles with Klamath i street or avenue, southeasterly, 300 ( foot; thonco northeasterly and par allel with Klamath street or avonuo 30 foot; thonco northwesterly at, right anglos with Klamath street or avenuo 300 feet to tho southerly lino of said streot or nvenuo; thonco I westerly following said southerly! lino 30 foot to tho place of beginning. Abovo doscrlbod proporty abutting on Klamath avonuo or streot 30 fcot. Takon and levied upon as tho proporty of I). St. Oeorgo Ulshop, In satisfaction of n certain Hon created b9 tho city of Klamath Kails. Oregon. for a proportionate sliaro of tho cost of Improving Klamath streot or nvo-1 nuo botweon Center street nnd.j I'ayna alloy dockotod In VoHimo (1) i Dond Lion Docket of said city at pago 43 thoreof, on tho 10th day of Octobor, 19.10, In tho sum of $107.10. Notice Is horoby given that tho un-' derslgued will on the 30th day of I 1931, at tho hour of 2 o'cloeV P. M. of said day, at tho front door of tho City Hnll In said city, soil at public auction to tho highest bidder; for cash In hand tho aforementioned , nnd doscrlbod rool proporty to snt-, Isfy tho sum of $107. 10. togotborj with lntorost thereon from tho 10th i dny of October, A. D. 1910, nt tho rato of C por cont por nnnum, to got,h6r with tho costs and dlsburso monts of salo hereunder. H g WILS0N - Chief of Pollco of tho City of Klamath Kails. Oregon. Datod nt Klamath Kails, Oregon, April 18th. 1921. contingent upon the salo of $52, 735.00 Mills Addition Sowor bonds, nnd nlso upon tho approval of tho plans and specifications thorcfor by tho Stato Hoard of lieaitn. All proposals must bo accompa-i nled by certlfiod check payablo to tho City of Klamath Kails, for G por cent of tho amount of tho proposal. Tho right to reject any or all bids and proposals received undor this , notlco Is hereby reserved in tne com mon Council. A. L. LKAVITT. Police Judge lly order of tho Common Council, Dated April 11. 1921. 16--2R . NOTICE TO KIDDEItS Tho School Board of District No. 28, Merrill Oro. will receive bids for tho completion of the present un completed School Building in said District. Tho work Includes that on tho upper floor and stairways of tho building. Plans and spoctflcatlons may be had .from tbo clerk of tho Dlst. Bids close April 30, 1921. Tho Board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. J. II. Hobbs. Clerk of School, Dlst. No. 1. 15-20 Hnvo You Scon Kelley today? 8KWEH CONSTKUfTlON Sealed proposals will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City of Klamath Kalis, Oregon, at tho offlro of tho Pollco Judgo up to and Including Monday tho 25th day of Anrll 1021. at tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M. of said day. at which said tlmo( all proposals will bo opened and con sidered, for tho construction of tho sewet system deslgnod for Mills Ad dtt!ra In aceordjhco with tho plans and specifications on tile with tho. City Englnoor of said city. Tho award of tho contract to tho aucccssful blddor Is hereby made I H Men BBV JB The New Electric Range ' 'A compact, practical combination electric and wood or coal range. The coal or wood. section heats wa ter, heats the kitchen, and serves as &n auxiliary to the electric cooking top. See this range at THE ELECTRIC SHOP 123 So. Sixth St.